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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 562 KB, 1079x1337, Screenshot_20240423_105308_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74275339 No.74275339 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.74275428

No, my shitposts aren't supposed to become real. What's next, IRyS having a piss fetish is real?

>> No.74275462

Its weird and sad that it's not a stupid shitpost.

>> No.74275499

The saddest thing is that it was always, real, anon. It's dehumanizing.

>> No.74275525

Why is there shimapan in the reflection

>> No.74275538

Be nice.

>> No.74275570

>it's not a white table
guys... i think, i think it might be r-real

>> No.74275572

That's the office lights.

>> No.74275589

Tell me more anon. So I can avoid it, of course.

>> No.74275607
File: 140 KB, 512x512, 1708505943158457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just happy she finally got it

>> No.74275611

oh no no no

>> No.74275620

Who's being disrespected?

>> No.74275678

omg i know this is a bait thread

>> No.74275742 [DELETED] 

uhhh sisters this goes against our narrative that pomu left on good terms..
quick lets report this tweet for racism and hate messages!

>> No.74275798 [DELETED] 

>No white table

>> No.74275833

She knows

>> No.74275910 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 587x825, 1713844883437385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74275942

its shitpost because you could always just ASK for the play button

>> No.74275945 [DELETED] 


>> No.74276022
File: 556 KB, 1080x1080, 1702701155034500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74276031
File: 157 KB, 390x381, 1691720571327282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine her showing just a tiny peek of her Pomu button and completely burning this place to the ground

>> No.74276032

Would they give it to you with no ill feelings?

>> No.74276549

Why bother imagining things that can't happen?

>> No.74276692

Did she get one? If she did I would allow that maybe (MAYBE, mind you) you can just ask

>> No.74276850

Why wouldn't they? It doesn't really make sense for a company to be this strict for something this banal. I don't know much about what's happening in Nijisanji but that's not really believable, come on.

>> No.74276907

I don't get this, can somebody catch me up on the entire niji youtube play button thing?

>> No.74276973

That's why this shitpost has legs. It defies all logic, but seemingly, that's exactly what's happening

>> No.74277033

I don't know, why didn't they?

>> No.74277163

Anycolor normally keeps the talent's subscriber milestones at their office. There's allegations that the talents have no say in the matter. The allegations are not without credibility, as far as I know

>> No.74277175

That isn't towa baby...

>> No.74277184
File: 2.92 MB, 3978x1684, 1684166699246404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji doesn't give play buttons to their talents, and goes to great lengths to pretend they do
Nijisisters spent years denying it until Mysta and Selen confirmed it
Now they cope and seethe every time they are reminded of it

>> No.74277251

thats her ass
dont ruin my immersion anon

>> No.74277266

This doesn't inspire confidence but I don't know, it still seems like a stretch. Or maybe I missed something

>> No.74277268


>> No.74277274

who cares?

>> No.74277295

Watch her get blacklisted by niji and the sisters now kek. They still considered her as one of “the good ones” up until now

>> No.74277305 [DELETED] 


>> No.74277309

why is she flashing her shimapan in the reflection

>> No.74277350

I can also imagine Aphrodite falling in love with me, another fictitious event that is impossible.

>> No.74277353

Niji organs apparently
Imagine not being able to get something you worked for lmfao

>> No.74277370

they were already coping after she referenced an old running joke between her and selen

>> No.74277477

Nijisanji doesn't give their talents their play buttons
Even worse, they know this makes them look bad so until recently all their talents did their best to maintain the facade that they actually do recieve their play buttons and aren't just laying in a dusty corner in the office somewhere.
Nijisisters, being the good little doggies they are, lapped this up and went through great efforts to deny and smear all proofs that indicate otherwise
Anyway Mysta and Mika confirmed that they don't get play buttons and now they dropped the facade entirely, so most of these threads are just mocking nijisisters who refused to acknowledge reality when it was staring them in the face.

>> No.74277478
File: 1.12 MB, 960x720, 1686402362102.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, it's too late to stop him

>> No.74277498
File: 336 KB, 587x825, emotionalsupporttable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, sisters! I fixed it!

>> No.74277510


>> No.74277563

>Captcha: JORK

>> No.74277589

>white table

>> No.74277659
File: 190 KB, 850x850, __mint_fantome_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_yam_yamap_mako__sample-fca30affa9921d21e213d24e8d35d0a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for mint it was a long road to 100k and we all pitched in hopefully she can keep climbing :D

>> No.74277719 [DELETED] 

we all do nijisister we care

>> No.74277758

>he doesn't know that one's real too
all in due time, anon

>> No.74277784


>> No.74277803

“for shimapan supremacy” according to her comment on that post

>> No.74277863
File: 26 KB, 250x250, nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations to your silver play button, Mint-sama. We appreciate your efforts of your past life and we wished circumstances did not lead for your exit, but you will always be a part of our history and a dedicated liver of our company. May good fortunes always favour you, be in health and wealth. We wish for you to remain in good terms with us too, so we can discuss future collabs in the future, especially since you are not blacklisted like our other failures and retards, please keep us on your good side and we shall do the same, Mint-sama.

>> No.74277935

>bizarro /vt/

>> No.74278045


>> No.74278047

forced to pretend they have recieved their playbutton and parade it on twitter to show how good nijisanji is

>> No.74278048

It's just a nickel and they didn't work hard for it, they jump from the company but It still thanks to AC because they nurture them

>> No.74278405

It is a shitpost, they could've just fucking ask

>> No.74278467

ooooh that seethe is so good sister now you’re adding copium to it? oh sister stop it you’re too good to me

>> No.74278492

See what happens when you just fucking ask?
Good thing that bitch finally listened to Claude

>> No.74278555

Need an updated version of this showing that Cover sent Fuwawa and Mococo each their own copy of the Fuwamoco one, too.

>> No.74278587

Not anyone can get a 1 million sub plaque
Yet Niji doesn't allow their organs to order a second for themselves lmao

>> No.74278614

im pitching a tent right now and shes gonna climb it

>> No.74278708

interesting it's always people with an axe to grind with the company. Must be coincidence

>> No.74278731

I'm pretty sure there is one but I only have this version on my phone

>> No.74278910

kek just realised I haven't seen niji gold play button >>74277184 despite some of them have already reached 1M

>> No.74278909

I realize this is probably satire, but it’s hilarious how they treat the organs like they’d be fine without them.

>> No.74278979
File: 166 KB, 1024x1536, justfuckingask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74279026

>"Thanks for helping me reach 100k guys! <3"
>She's seething at Niji so much right now her black heart only has hatred in it

>> No.74279064

remember how the cope back then was how the holo play buttons was just cover lending it for pictures but probably needing them to send it back

>> No.74279077

Golds directly go into Tazumi's office. They don't even have an intern take a photo of them

>> No.74279143

That's a crosshatch not stripes retard, it's probably on a tablecloth or something

>> No.74279240

Didnt luxiem post pictures of their golds?

>> No.74279256 [DELETED] 

imagine being as retarded, and eating as much pagpag, as >>74276031

>> No.74279307

Niji's had 8 channels total out of 300+ reach the 1m mark. Nobody at 2m. And one was fucking chased out due to menhera fans and tax debt.

Hololive has... 43(?) channels with over 1m subs. Of which, 10 of them is above 2m. Of which, 2 of them is above 3m, and 1 is 4m. Out of 86ish active talents.

Which company do you think deserves more praise when it comes to developing their vtubers?

>> No.74279321

But you guys said she left on good terms?

>> No.74279331

Pretty sure those are just curtains
Cheap looking ones at that. Probably in her kitchen or something with that kind of lighting.

>> No.74279447

Hell yeah, i'm gonna fap to this later

>> No.74279448

And I can imagine myself getting married but it’s not going to happen in reality.

>> No.74279499

Look in the top-left corner. That's carpet. It's on the floor. So it's reflecting something above.

>> No.74279529

also the recent shit from Elira clique fag Claude saying "THEY COULD JUST FUCKING ASK"

>> No.74279550

>She could have just asked for it...

>> No.74279592

Why did he say anything?

>> No.74279601


>> No.74279629

idiot it's reflecting her underskirt
bitch is teasing as per usual

>> No.74279701

Because he's unironically drunk the nijisanji Kool aid and can't accept that he's getting dicked over

>> No.74279833

Did no one tell him that being boring and quiet is the best way to kill drama?

>> No.74280060

It's not really "dropping the facade entirely" when they switched to coping about how the talents totally don't want them anyway.

>> No.74280080

pretty much all of the hanamori clique defends niji if you haven't noticed or have done some retarded "clap back" at "haters" and it's very possible that elira told them to do it since ya know they've been together before niji and elira nepohired all of them in

>> No.74280114
File: 670 KB, 909x1031, doki psychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about killing the drama, it's about personal pride.

>> No.74280130

>IRyS having a piss fetish

>> No.74280219

Even Kuzuha's not even at 2 mil? He's literally the best they've got and he's still not there yet?

>> No.74280464
File: 67 KB, 538x202, firefox_chFPZzEbHL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close.

>> No.74280703

By dropping the facade I meant they stopped pretending they gave the talents the play buttons and started admitting it's all at the office

>> No.74281037

oh no no sis close your eyes

>> No.74281067

Why is she making a big deal out of getting one? She could have one back on her previous job, all she had to do was ask.

>> No.74281183
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, Does he know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74281287

pls no. i like irys

>> No.74281820

>all she had to do was ask.
Despite being a weeaboo Pomu did not turn Japanese. Communicating with management was impossible.

>> No.74281887

Well that was fucking fast, good for her

>> No.74282012

You mean IPySS

>> No.74282130

whats this hate with IRys? i only know the EOPs that hate how she keeps doing JP streams

>> No.74282267

Keep up with the conversation, fatso.

>> No.74282360
File: 23 KB, 112x112, sayuwuwater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74282896

Anon, it’s just some funposting

>> No.74283055


>> No.74283190 [DELETED] 

Why are jpcucks retarded?

>> No.74283288

The fucking king can't break 2m

>> No.74283885

Curtains you bakas

>> No.74283907

Shipping something especially overseas costs money
No way they wouldn't cheap out on this

>> No.74283931

>I still haven't sent a dog plaque bro

>> No.74283956

They wouldn't let selen pay 15000 for her unity MV, nor allow her to spend 5000 dollars of her own money on a contest.
For some baffling reason, money doesn't seem to be the issue here.

>> No.74283983
File: 62 KB, 1008x499, rTawtx8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74284028

It's true. The saddest thing is that if you want additional buttons for your staff/co-creators/etc you can just pay Youtube $50 and they'll ship you another one and yet no one has ever seen a play button inside of a liver's room.

>> No.74284071

Congrats Mint.

>> No.74284437

I wonder what went through Claude's mind when he finally realised that Nijisanji won't let you just ask for you play button.

>> No.74284500

you can ask all you want. They'll just say no and suspend you for asking.

>> No.74284503

Fake and gay. Not ESL enough.

>> No.74284515

It would be crimethink and he would be reeducated accordingly.

>> No.74284524

Maybe he didn't expect to get push back on this or he was blinded by frustration wanted to lash out.

>> No.74284655
File: 1.28 MB, 832x1216, 1708717014423467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't show up the boss.

>> No.74284728

Is this the new cope?

>> No.74284810
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1689923318453737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Nijisanji treat these girls so poorly? Wouldn't it make sense to show favoritism to your biggest earners who pull in the biggest numbers?

>> No.74284891

The nerve of her. Doesn't she know that could be on the yacht? How could she be so selfish!

>> No.74284925

Hot. I hope that's true. God I want IRyS to pee in my mouth

>> No.74284990
File: 17 KB, 387x176, 6554645546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. you are so stoopid. Clearly this is all planned so they all can break milestones again and receive another round of plaques! Finana and Rosemi are about to get below 500k subs as part of the plan!

>> No.74284999
File: 316 KB, 1080x1920, 1713752432595037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite her dedication and hard work, Pomu received no support from her managers, who undermined her confidence and competence. They consistently downplayed her accomplishments, gaslighting her into believing she was inadequate and unworthy of her position. By distorting reality and invalidating her experiences, they effectively gaslit Pomu, leaving her feeling confused, isolated, and powerless. This insidious form of psychological manipulation highlights the damaging effects of gaslighting in workplace dynamics, where those in positions of authority exploit their power to diminish and control others.

>> No.74285090

>Finana can't get even 1 Fnn

>> No.74285183

hate? I love IRyS and would drink gallons of her piss directly from the tap

>> No.74286163

>Not even 1 Finana

>> No.74286736

>3rd Pt. 2 Ch. 1
This is Hell

>> No.74286995
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, GKIGtFLXMAIfhd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the gazulight was actually real

>> No.74287106

What Mihoyoshit does to a channel.

>> No.74287141

Hate? JPniki, I assure, this is not hate in the slightest. Arousal, maybe, but certainly not hate.

>> No.74287188

This is actually funny.

>> No.74287195

One more FROM the wall.
2 more and then we can think of some gold.
Meanwhile at the rate EN is going we should see some “down to 500k again” celebrations.

>> No.74287358
File: 45 KB, 750x498, Screenshot 2024-04-13 054637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that Dokibird seriously only prepared 50 sets of handmade merch for her return, expecting to not need more than that. She was that crushed that she seriously thought she wasn't marketable and that sponsorships or marketing for her was seriously just a dream that'd never happen. Nijisanji absolutely destroyed their top two girls and I can't even imagine what the rest of them must feel like under the hood.
Her dream goals were so fucking minor, too, and yet Niji still felt the need to crush them. She pretty much listed 3 dream goals for sponsorships: a gaming gear sponsorship, a pc sponsorship, and sanrio sponsorship. And of those, all 3 were got by NijiEN, and every single one was passed over her head and instead given to people who made no fucking sense, like Maria for the razer sponsorship, or Enna/Elira for the fucking gamer PC sponsorships.

>> No.74288384

Well, Elira is down to 553k subs so as long as Niji doesn't push her to do Bilibili as her main ahead of YouTube then it might take a while for that to happen. Though Rosemi is at 478k subs, so she's well below the 500k subs mark again.

>> No.74288672

No matter the angle, it really doesn't make sense why they would do things this way.
When the rrat that management hated her is the only explanation that makes sense, I don't think it's a rrat anymore...

>> No.74288915
File: 1.19 MB, 1471x690, dokistealsbackhytecollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute final nail in the coffin for the rrat is the hyte collab.
I cannot conceive of any possible reason for Niji to NOT give Selen that sponsorship other than favoritism or petty spite.
It's absolutely clear by now that they wanted Selen from the start, but were told by Niji for whatever reason that no, they'd have to wait and do the other girls first. Like what the fuck.

>> No.74289026


>> No.74289165

Favoritism or spite, they basically knowingly sabotaged the company by doing this to satisfy their own ego. They probably got off easy because they pinned all the blame on Selen afterwards too lmao. Especially because they got to control the narrative after the termination. This is probably why Niji didn't purge their bad eggs after the fiasco, it only makes sense if you have a morally bankrupt middle given power by an incomptent top. The big bad Selen was the only reason everything went wrong in the first place. We did our best but she was impossible~ to work with. Case closed, move along. Don't question it.

>> No.74289232

Lmao literal ERP roleplaying fanfiction from sisters hahahahah!

>> No.74289292

>Favoritism or spite, they basically knowingly sabotaged the company by doing this to satisfy their own ego.
Congrats, you now understand why NijiEN is a fucking joke and JP isn't much further behind. At least JP had a COO for a couple years who prevented a lot of stupid bullshit, even through his own stupid decisions.

>> No.74289306

I agree with this sister

>> No.74289493

>I cannot conceive of any possible reason for Niji to NOT give Selen that sponsorship other than favoritism or petty spite.
They probably just saw Selen as a "troublemaker" for going against management and didn't want to "reward" that kind of attitude, no matter how much money she made for them.
>but Vox and Luca
Vox wasted no time harassing Selen while she was in the hospital when management asked him to do it. And Luca is a piece of shit, but he loves to suck Anycolor's cock. Both of them are shameless bootlickers. You can break all the rules you want as long as you play ball with management.

>> No.74289667

I tend to assume things have to be more complex than they appear, but when I run out of ideas, I have to accept reality.
It has to be that simple, unless everyone just collectively decided to be illogical for at least months leading up to this. Yeah I'm not cooking a cope for that shit.

>> No.74290187

No, but shitposts about her craving white man's dick are real though.

>> No.74290914

Umm sisters, how do we change the narrative to our advantage??

>> No.74291834


>> No.74291944

Reimu already did that and faggots began coping on how she just spent hundreds of dollars on a PR stunt

>> No.74292886

Never forget to use Occam's razor when trying to explain the actions of any current year company that deals with a heavy online presence or reputation. The best answer is always: Yes, they are just that retarded.

>> No.74292975

Didn't she do it on her pl? What was even the fucking point

>> No.74293494

>Hides the name
>Posts it on her pl
>Literally every other creator is able to post their own play buttons, on their own socials, clearly showing their names

>> No.74293830
File: 607 KB, 832x771, 1703919247669398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, why would she post it on her PL? mmmmmmm... what do you think, sister?

>> No.74294426

This is an interesting potential counter example

>> No.74294766

To be fair if you know anything about Reimu, it's genuinely completely in-character for her to do

>> No.74294844

Cool. Just show the name then on the reimu endou channel.

>> No.74295012

If (and this is a big if) Reimu received her real play button, what's the explanation for all the Nijis who have claimed over the years that they can't get theirs? Why can't Reimu simply post a picture of hers on her main account? Keep in mind that "they aren't allowed to show it" is not a sufficient explanation because all the ex-Nijis went out of their ways to celebrate that they finally got theirs, implying that they didn't have one before.

Unless absolutely everyone is lying and it turns out that any organ can request their play button, then the easiest explanation is that Reimu is, at best, a special case. At worst, she is simply lying and asked for a copy of her PL play button with a different name. And that would be just sad.

>> No.74295208

Yeah, it's a weird enough case that I'm not sure what to think

>> No.74295227

That's because half of HoloJP's subscribers are from overseas while NijiJP's audience is almost entirely domestic

>> No.74295259

all this finana inflation has been a disaster, they really need to give us a stimulus

>> No.74295339

How much do you wanna bet this is the specific reason NDF is going so hard after FWMC after their doxxsite went down?

>> No.74295375
File: 248 KB, 693x634, 1710743928151245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, it looks like they do care about getting these trophies just like EVERY OTHER VTUBER does and are coping hardcore.

>> No.74295405

Cool, when the actual name on the a tial channel like everyone else but Niji? Why conveniently hiding the names and doing it on the PL?
The only thing that proved is Nijisis would drink bleach if Riku say so. Kool-aid cult confirmed.

>> No.74295507

Let’s not forget this is not just Vtubing. EVERY YOUTUBER cares aboht the buttons, is a mark of being successful.
Only black companies unironically don’t give them to the talents, it’s just like in the 80s when musicians couldn’t get their awards because they should be in the producer main room.
Nowadays do that shit and dveryone calls you a slave driver asshole. If you fit the clothes…

>> No.74295717

On top of what's already been said, Anycolor doesn't let their talents buy their own play buttons. Conversely, Cover not only gives their talents their play buttons for free, the office also pays for their own display duplicate.

>> No.74296103

Even if that does say Reimu on it she could have easily order an extra button from her pl account and put her other name on it. It doesn't make any sense why she would be the only one with a play button, and even if there is some nonsensical rule that livers can't show their button why hasn't anyone just said that they do have one.
It makes no fucking sense why they would have to be so secretive about something so meaningless when they are getting so much flack for it!

>> No.74296104
File: 10 KB, 300x320, Le Happy Manager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more that comes out about how Selen was treated there the more and more blatantly obvious and undeniable it is that someone with influence there specifically hated her guts on a personal level.

>> No.74296241
File: 123 KB, 768x666, 20240419_182848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cult? Why Anon, that's ridiculous!

>> No.74296263

IRyS has an incest fetish.

>> No.74296337

That's pretty normal for women.

>> No.74296376

>Wouldn't it make sense to show favoritism to your biggest earners who pull in the biggest numbers?
But they did show it to Luxiem and Iluna

>> No.74296423

Perhaps the buttons go to anycolor hq by default and their weird "never talk to management, ever" rule meant none of them could ask for the buttons?

>> No.74296467

And it would actually really mean much, but if they just proved they have play buttons that would be an easy little win for management when they've been talking constant Ls all year

>> No.74296516

To different degrees, she is a bit more interested than most.

>> No.74296833


>> No.74297068
File: 315 KB, 623x610, IMG_0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, doki confirmed that you can put whatever name you want on the button, so why hasn’t anyone done it before?
Could there be some restrictions in what names you can use?

>> No.74297193

Not all of them have 100k+ sub Youtube channels to do it on

>> No.74297362

so notmika is streaming right now and someone asks her
>how do we get more 4skins(her fan name) for you
she defenitely goes /here/

>> No.74297523

Why did that colorblind crazy name them 4skins?

>> No.74297635

Organs talk with their managers all the time, what they can't do is to skip the chain of command (what Zaion did)

>> No.74297648

she wanted scambers but chat is rioting

>> No.74297651

She didn't

>> No.74297682

>implying it's /here/knowledge
Claude got blown up for it.

>> No.74298074

I think niji organs have some sort of imposter syndrome drilled into them that makes them think their mere birth on this godforsaken earth is attributable to nijisanji or something. Only when they leave and re-achieve their growth do they seem to comprehend on any level that their achievements are their own.

>> No.74298916

But seriously, why is this a thing though? A lot of the brother/sister thing come from women wanting more than men

>> No.74299098

Easily explained from a variety of factors
>Incest is a simple addition onto an existing fictional relationship without impacting other physical factors.
>Incest is very taboo and forbidden
>Incest is naturally romantic and intense as the existing love of the participants is usually already present and thus heightened further

>> No.74299870

If only she'd collab with Lia from PC. That stream would be legendary.

>> No.74299988

Because women are closet perverts. Same reason why lots of them have legit rape and abusive sex fantasies. If you read women's erotic literature, you'll notice how lots of times their love interest is huge husk with gigantic log between legs that either rapes or roughly fucks them.

>> No.74300009

Then you have livers talking about how they feel like they're nothing without the company. Then you have almost every liver who left the company absolutely shocked at how competent real managers are.

>> No.74300113
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>> No.74300236
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>> No.74301107

"coping hardcore" doesn't even begin to describe whatever the hell is going on over there

>> No.74301533

>women are closet perverts
The 'Taboones' scale is rated by the personal opinion of the person interviewed, I'd like to see this separated by gender too

Regardless, I've been throughly convinced for a while now that women must have some fucked up wiring in their brains to be able to find pleasure out being put in such a vulnerable position. Best thing that's come out of vtubers existing is having so many of them admit their fantasies

>> No.74301576

women just like taboos anon

>> No.74301837

>sex with your own dead body
wtf lmao that's a new one for me

>> No.74302265

Yeah I've never heard of that one either, and to be honest if it was mentioned to me I'd have assumed it was something men would be more into, not overwhelmingly women as the chart shows.

>> No.74302526

I think it had more to do with men not being interested at all. Think about it, why would, I, as a man, would want to fuck my on body? Maybe it's an ego trip from women, I've heard of a lot of women say they get turn on by their own sex appeal. Like I said here>>74301533, the existence of vtubers given women the cover to express their desires a lot more openly. I find it weird as fuck that they look they look through lewds of themselves, but a lot of them love it

>> No.74302857

phasecucks deserve a bullet and nothing else, fuck off

>> No.74302858

Women frighten me. I’d sooner be chaste forever than do half of what’s detailed there.

>> No.74303248

And you'll never get laid anyway, faggot.
Kill yourself.

>> No.74303527

Is this how phasecucks rationalize being cucks?

>> No.74306600

>Did she get one?
No because she didn't JUST FUCKING ASK

>> No.74306835

Ah yes, the clique bitch who made fun of her victim for attempting to commit suicide.

>> No.74306881

Doki has always been a grifter and it shows that she already opened pre-orders of her old merch back in December and opened her "dog's throne" where people bought her "donations" and equipment up to 5k that she doesn't need and has never really used. Why would she say she didn't know she would even sell 50 if she was already getting as much or more support months earlier?

>> No.74307045

>Doki makes a fuck ton of debut merch
"See? She's milking it."

>Doki doesn't make a fuck ton of debut merch
"See? She's milking it."

>> No.74307046

OK sister.

>> No.74307167

I appreciate your hustle, but is this really the time? This shitpost isn't even comedic. At least make me amused at bait.

>> No.74307622

Sounds based as fuck and in line with 4chan. You must be a reddit faggot to think making fun of suicide is bad.

>> No.74307678

Making fun of faggots is one thing, but picking on regular people because you're fucked in the head is just you being fucked in the head.

>> No.74307717

Who the fuck are you quoting reddit retard?

>> No.74307760


>> No.74307821
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>n-no u!
I accept your concession reddit troon

>> No.74308210

This topic is pretty much done.
>Niji hoards buttons
>livers too broken or pussy to ask
>too broken from imposter syndrome to buy one themselves
>only cure is still total niji death

>> No.74308579

Does the concept of irony elude you?

>> No.74312399
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, whereshername.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even that would mean a lot, actually. The mere fact that she's not even allowed to HINT on her main account that she owns a play button to Reimu Endou of Nijisanji English Third Wave Ethyria is pretty fucked and implies that she'd be punished for even the thought of that if she posted it on main.

Remember that they had to specifically request to REMOVE Mito's name on her play button at that award show.

>> No.74312926

what the fuck

>> No.74313264
File: 268 KB, 510x640, firefox_8725Qooa25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese award show pulls out a giant screen so vtubers could accept awards in person
>hololive girls accept play buttons with their names on it
>Tsukino Mito's name is not on hers.
>They had to specifically request for them to remove the name
>Wouldn't even let the daisenpai accept a virtual play button with her fucking name on it
>You are worthless and don't you ever fucking forget it.
>18:25 is Mito
>24:50 for Koyori
>35:00 for Laplus

>> No.74313339

>too broken from imposter syndrome to buy one themselves
Niji will not let them. Niji is the owner of the youtube account and will not let youtube mail buttons to the livers. They will be mailed to niji HQ and the liver may come to niji HQ and look at the button if they wish.

>> No.74313473
File: 797 KB, 1486x1028, firefox_hj7oeXt0ZP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister... You can SEE what people bought her. It seriously was her dog's throne.

>> No.74313702

This doesn't make any sense, even the original play buttons have the organs' name on them >>74277184
What's anycolor's problem? The talents can't hold even a fucking replica of the play buttons?

>> No.74313711
File: 16 KB, 479x352, 1709199891774470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a fucking play button, why niji need to make it so taboo?

>> No.74314280

If it's just a play button, why do the vtuners need to have it?

>> No.74316917

It means nothing

>> No.74317517

>using the "NIPPON BANZAI" as an argument
>implying nijisanji cannot capitalise overseas' market in any meaningful meassure
This is not the win you might think it is

>> No.74317754

Its gotta be some kind of sick powerplay, like a not so subtle reminder that they everything they are belongs to the company not them.

>> No.74318014

All of this is karmic justice for what nijiniggers did to Aloe.

>> No.74320054

I chuckled at the thought of a normal human using these items. Especially that toothpaste

>> No.74322076

Yo, those weiner dogs in raincoats are cute as fuck.

>> No.74322284

psychological manipulation of their talents. they actively seem to crush their sense of self-worth and self-esteem

>> No.74322488

>they got cucked in the middle of a donothon
Lol lmao

>> No.74322660

Control, destroy their self-esteem and ego. Make them believe that they're worthless outside of Nijisanji.

>> No.74324700

Elira wishes she could touch it

>> No.74324770

I'm sorry anon. She wants you to pee on her.

>> No.74327889

Why do you think we call them nijiniggers?

>> No.74329263

I'm glad she was able to ask for one! Good for her.

>> No.74330875


>> No.74332299

Retarded newfag. Anons were always allies of justice. We like trolling and have deranged fetishes but we aren't evil and won't harm good people.

>> No.74332832

This is exactly what it is, and to a certain degree, it isn't wrong. They went from being 2views to 3/4 views just off the brand. The fact that Riku is that much of a megalomaniac makes me feel bad for the talents though.

>> No.74333036

Fucking newfag

>> No.74335126

ehh, it's like 50/50 depending on who's there that day. There's some real scumbags on 4chan, both before and now.
It is, but at the same time what's important to remember is the role of a company to their performers in this case. The desperate 2views join the company to achieve their goals, and then Niji gives them the absolute bare minimum and then scams them out of everything else, on top of damaging them mentally to fuck over the rest of their life if not corrected.

>> No.74338472

It's completely confirmed though. It's no longer a secret that they keep them all, the official line is that if they want it they can ask. Except both kuro and Selen made a big deal about how great it is that they finally got theirs.

>> No.74340859

kys retard

>> No.74340943

least obvious samefag

>> No.74341260
File: 119 KB, 983x557, justasklul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a meme because it was true, Anon.

>> No.74344501


>> No.74351748

What do you think they do with all of them? Are they welding them together to make like a cool robot or something?

>> No.74351872

Is there any chuuba that has the pre redesign playbutton?

>> No.74351942

Didn't the redesign happen in 2016?

>> No.74352359

Really? I feel like it was more recent, but regardless they could technically still have the old one if they switched to vtubing after already getting it

>> No.74352784

CookieswirlC should have one then.

>> No.74354401

Unironically psyop. Niji doesn't want their organs to think they exist as individuals, just part of the company (or as they put it, the Big Niji Family), and they can't accomplish anything by themselves.
I mean look at Doki >>74287358

>> No.74355197

>she already opened pre-orders of her old merch back in December
Because she saw the writing on the wall, and had already been planning her exit, the MV was supposed to be her swan song. Nijisanji only has themselves to blame for blowing it way the fuck up.

>> No.74358636

It's not.

>> No.74361261

What does your brain tell you and what does your heart tell you?
