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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74207895 No.74207895 [Reply] [Original]

Don't Worry! Edition
Previous Thread >>74198273

>Upcoming Stream
FWMC Morning #88
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.74207913
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>> No.74207915

I think the JP members should speak only English when they collab with Fuwamoco

>> No.74207935
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>> No.74207936

I just don't want to be made a fool of again. Actions speak louder than words and all their actions seem to prioritize JP more and more.

>> No.74207938

>ruffians trying to desperately cope that all the angry and upset posts are just raiding sisters despite the concrete evidence of half the fucking stream being the dogs crying over ruffians being unhappy with their current course of action
rumao, even

>> No.74207943 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 337x395, 1708954103102331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they had a recap of their battle plans so lets have a little recap of our own.
What is your favorite sister shitposting angle, not just from today but all threads since debut?

For me it is and always will be the time they started trying to get people to stop SCing.

>> No.74207944 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, 1711727794477117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete post shitting on concern trolls
>leave literally every single one of the hundreds of concern troll posts untouched
amazing, simply amazing work all around

>> No.74207946

2 consecutive 1000+ on a simple mengen should tell you the current state of these threads

>> No.74207951
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>> No.74207956
File: 75 KB, 443x546, gigabau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let the shitposting distract you from the fact that the gorilla supa was a great success

>> No.74207961

Sorry only EN members have to try to include the other audience.

>> No.74207979

Yep still love them regardless.

>> No.74207983

false idols

>> No.74207988

Have you raffians settled down? I'm going to sleep in a bit anyway but just want to check.

>> No.74207989
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1713686377345793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know... if you feel like leaving us...
>You know... if you feel like saying FUWAMOCO are different and you grow tired of us...
>You know... if you feel like oshihenning...
>You know... if you ever grow to hate us...
>You know... if you ever feel the urge to want to say we're worthless...
>You know... if you ever feel like...
>You know.... if you...
>You know....

>> No.74207990

pekora bought a fucking gorilla

>> No.74207999

Imagine the kino with Korone's passion English.

>> No.74208004

>Gura's downfall also began with a house hunting arc
We are doomed to eternally repeat history bros...

>> No.74208009

no I'm talking about actual monkeys

>> No.74208015
File: 179 KB, 605x561, 1703549043180345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sent a supportive message for JP streams I better see you chat in JP only

>> No.74208022

>ass kissing
Not from me. I live in the same timezone as JST and know baby-level Japanese N5, these Golden Week streams will be a godsend for me.

>> No.74208025


>> No.74208030
File: 674 KB, 838x985, YES YOUR HIGHNESS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyudi0j.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74208065
File: 1.02 MB, 978x758, sacrifice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this EOPbros...

>> No.74208066

They are full of shit. I saw someone with a seven months membership unhappy with it in the comments.

>> No.74208070
File: 153 KB, 337x395, 1708021056075103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they had a recap of their battle plans so lets have a little recap of our own.
What is your favorite sister shitposting angle, not just from today but all threads since debut?

For me it is and always will be the time they started trying to get people to stop SCing.

>> No.74208074
File: 254 KB, 573x419, 1694197125726645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i'm going to say is i did not expect the stream to take that kind of turn.

>> No.74208077
File: 433 KB, 809x613, empty promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing will change Wuffians, we promise!

>> No.74208082 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 565x170, 17234892342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters and antis with huge Ws left and right today
>jpschizo proven right
>jpcuck 100% on the money
>favoritism schizo got him banned from YT somehow

>> No.74208084
File: 447 KB, 746x494, 1693706809705555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74208086

>announce they are moving to japan but promise nothing will change
>spend 2 months house hunting in japan doing hardly any streams
>finally come back and cancel 2 streams on their return week
>announce they will begin jp pandering harder in order to try and hit their 1 million sub goal
>say this will have no effect on the number of en streams
>also say they will soon be cutting back on their regular streams because of homework
>say that golden week is a special time in japan and they will be doing more jp streams then usual during it
>say they will be going on break after golden week

>> No.74208100

I was worried when they announced they were moving to Japan that things would change.

I'm so happy nothing has changed.

>> No.74208113

Shitposting aside, I'm pretty surprised reading through the VOD comments. Quite a few names I know aren't being hyper positive about this. They'll absolutely be reading the VOD comments too.

>> No.74208118

I used to but I changed my mind on this, I like to chat in english so they'll read and give a little bit of english to my EOP brothers.
They have no issues with completely pivoting from the original plan if they notice that their usual audience is there, like the Suika sub rush stream that was completely sold as a JP thing but quickly became english only because only english viewers were chatting.

>> No.74208121


>> No.74208131
File: 240 KB, 489x705, Business as usual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an amazing member stream! I really enjoyed my daily blackpill, thanks FWMC!

>> No.74208148

>banned from YT somehow
fucking retard
it's youtube chat being broken because youtube only employs dumb indians that can't code

>> No.74208156
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>> No.74208164

>missed some of these
I'm gonna have to listen to it again aren't I?

>> No.74208186
File: 304 KB, 1737x470, 646479639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74208189

Why did they even apply to holo EN if they were going to tell EN fans to fuck off and chase the nips

>> No.74208214 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1079x781, SISTERKEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streams and talks english 90% of the time.

>> No.74208223

>I saw someone with a seven months membership unhappy with it in the comments
where is the evidence for this?

>> No.74208225

because they kept getting rejected by jp

>> No.74208245 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 193x45, 1693606544275938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't open this!

>> No.74208252

i mean honestly im indifferent, i dont really care
i'm also a person who is more than willing to intentionally skip on a stream because i'd rather VOD it, did that with the batsu streams
honestly some streams ive also just fully not watched, like the JP takoyaki, havent even tried to watch SASUKE on its own, blah blah

this might sound entertainmentschizo of me to say but when you take a step back and just enjoy shit at your own pace its nice. im there live pretty often but i also know they love me regardless of what i do.

>> No.74208254
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>> No.74208258


>> No.74208261

This is Kroniigate all over again. Now we separate the yesmen from the Ruffians with spines.

>> No.74208265

>4th link
>we're not changing THAT
>she already knew there were other changes coming
they've had this shit planned and were carefully picking their words

>> No.74208266

I actively watch Holo JP so seeing negative posts outside of /here/ feels weird

>> No.74208268 [DELETED] 

you're going to get deleted again by the anti jannies

>> No.74208270

>Why did they even apply to holo EN
Because they got rejected in the JP auditions
Watch streams

>> No.74208290

Literally because they got rejected from JP, they have no desire in life except to pretend to be Japanese idols

>> No.74208295
File: 1.70 MB, 2803x4096, 1713765634404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry sisters. You gave it your all. You cooldown posted both on your PC and your phone to make it seem like hundreds of ruffians are angry and leaving.

And yet it was all for naught. Not only is it obvious what you're trying, but pretty much all the comments and SCs they got are positive and supportive.

>> No.74208302

Man can they at least put the Minecraft stream on Monday?
Going from 2 days cancelled streams, a shitty concernfagging mengen, an SC reading, a break, then a FWMCmorning only day
That's 6 whole days without a regular, main dish stream

>> No.74208314

Holy based Monsters Inc as always.

>> No.74208319

>last link
>hinting at "unexpected" changes
holy shit...

>> No.74208324

where is it?

>> No.74208325

It took all of my strength not to type "Your senpai Gura and IRyS ruined this for you." because Gura pioneered ghosting fans and IRyS pioneered turning into JP.

>> No.74208326

Your reps... They literally applied to holojp, multiple times, and got rejected.

>> No.74208339

when a woman tells you not to worry, you should start sweating bullets

>> No.74208345

kotoka gambit

>> No.74208348 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 267x223, HUMPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fucking god if I see their schedule and it's just 2-3 japanese streams I'm going to commission them taking the biggest cock in protest for that emotional rollercoaster.

>> No.74208353

they are easing us into the new norm. soon those days will have no streams at all.

>> No.74208356

You will never be Japanese. You have a thick foreigner accent, you have the wrong phenotype, you have the wrong facial structure. You are a canadian woman twisted by anime and shitty pop music into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish weebery behind closed doors.

Japanese men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Japanese men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even wapanese who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a Japanese man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your maple syrup.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your manesan will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your canadian birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a canadian is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably white.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.74208374

and somehow, didn't get the message

>> No.74208382


Reminder if you want to send feedback about the state of Hololive English

>> No.74208393


>> No.74208395

Getting hpv from eating mococo out!

>> No.74208397

the vod comments, read them

>> No.74208399
File: 255 KB, 1518x2048, 1000003931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly as long as they're buttholes and royal pussies exist, I'll always be happy. Cumming is universal and not gated by language

>> No.74208407
File: 72 KB, 1170x1083, 5399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fucking god if I see their schedule and it's just the normal english 6 day schedule but with 2-3 japanese streams I'm going to commission them taking the biggest cock in protest for that emotional rollercoaster.

>> No.74208413

Ricardo Palo is the only Ruffian with a spine.

>> No.74208420 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 979x1152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way ahead of you bud

>> No.74208421

Can you give me an example complaint?

>> No.74208429

This post combined with the image cracked me up
Thanks for that

>> No.74208432
File: 357 KB, 473x449, ゴズリング237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close.

>> No.74208439

I was worried for a while but I'm so glad in the end nothing changed.

>> No.74208442

It's going to be 4 and 3 EN streams + 3 FWMC Morning

>> No.74208450

Based will do. EN should act like EN

>> No.74208457

>swear to fucking god if I see their schedule and it's just 2-3 japanese streams
Based on how they talked about it, I'm expecting the entire week to be in Japanese, other than MAYBE FuwaMoco morning

>> No.74208458

I was debating on if I wanted to leave a mixed feelings comment but the longer the stream went on the more I felt like they needed it. I want to let them know that regardless of me not enjoying some of their content that I'm gonna keep supporting them and that I trust them.

>> No.74208466

Hey uh, qrd on what happened last thread? I was outside cooking a bunch of meals and when I returned just a while ago the previous thread seemed to have exploded. What happened? I can't sit through and read 1k+ posts right now,

>> No.74208470

What did he say?
I ain't paying for this shit

>> No.74208485

the vod comments

>> No.74208487

Is this a glimpse into the future? Its just too fucking on the nose.

>> No.74208488

I've read a bunch already and didn't find the ones you were talking about
Where are they?

>> No.74208496

Kill yourself Gabe.

>> No.74208499

I typed up my wall to vent but I'm not going post it publicly because I know 100% it will make at least Moco-chan cry if she reads it. It isn't right to make either of the girls feel sad just because they accidentally did so to me first. All the autistic fags spilling their guts on the vod comments should be ashamed at their tactless self-aggrandizing.

>> No.74208516

>if I see their schedule and it's just the normal english 6 day schedule but with 2-3 japanese streams
Thats what its gonna be the next month since they'll try to overcompensate given what they'll read. Brace yourself for whatever is coming after that.

>> No.74208517

bro I would collapse in exasperation at that schedule

>> No.74208527

eh, or maybe most ruffians genuinely dont care like that? i think its great he's speaking his mind like that if he truly feels that way
but im of the camp of where i don't care. i'm not gonna act angry when i dont care, i DO ofc understand the sentiment from his comment though and his feelings though.
if theres a ruffian holding back their feelings and posted sometihng positive when their thoughts are otherwise though thats their own personal problem

>> No.74208528

Dear Cover

I feel left out with Hololive English increasing the frequency of Japanese only streams and decreasing the frequency of English streams.

>> No.74208530

Ruffian historian here. Would you guys consider this the starting point of the fall of the FuwaMoco empire?

>> No.74208533

More JP streams coming

>> No.74208545
File: 232 KB, 512x512, 1713765955380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely everyone thinks like me, they're just not willing to admit to it in front of FuwaMoco!

You sound like homobeggars who cite the invisible gun and who day all girls would actually want to collab with guys if only their fans let them

>> No.74208561

Well just do what a few others did and cap it off with saying you will still always support them or whatever.
Or don't.

>> No.74208564


>> No.74208565

How would you feel if they made the Christmas and Valentine's VNs in Japanese? At least we still have those right?

>> No.74208571

>he isnt a member

>> No.74208583

>Vod comments
Proceeds to show no evidence because they arent even member kek.

>> No.74208586

we actually got more people here than usual so it's a success if you think about it

>> No.74208590

Fwmc informed the ruffians that their streaming was going to slow down from now on, and that they were going to be doing more streams in japanese
Ruffians didn't take the news well and the discontment and dooming in the chat eventually caused Mococo to start crying

>> No.74208593

The baubarians are at the gates...

>> No.74208595
File: 68 KB, 365x321, 1700603004287791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they want to reach out the JP Ruffians so bad, anyways? Most JP holomems don't go out their way to reach out to their kaigai niki audience and yet they still amass a large falling of their own who are willing to attend their streams regardless of the language barriers. Why do you think shit like liveTL was made? EN fans existed before EN itself ever even existed. JP Ruffians are still going to watch their streams whether or not they're in English. You have JP Ruffians like Asuca and Duckbro who even go out of their way to interact with the English speaking Ruffians. What do they benefit from this? It's not as though JP Ruffians donate to them often either. Not even when it came to the actual JP streams during JP prime hours did the nips donate large sums of money. So what the fuck? Fuck them. You're EN. Stay EN.

>> No.74208603

No, the moving to Japan announcement was the start

>> No.74208619

FWMC are switching gears too include more JP streams and sisters jumped on it
There's also the fact that FWMC are bad explaining things so it's unknown if Golden Week will have more JP than EN, or even if JP timeslots will start replacing EN timeslots from that point on

>> No.74208621

This dude thinks the crying is for real.

>> No.74208626

Member streams are a good way to get real feelings out.

>> No.74208641
File: 76 KB, 1154x654, 1708073390752181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other than this guy (that is mostly annoyed about them making a big deal about it) where is it?

>> No.74208644

holy wall

>> No.74208645

Going through this VOD with pure dread

>> No.74208646

You don't speak for anyone numbertroon

>> No.74208648

Post it you spineless bitch. Letting them know we don't want this garbage is the only way they'll course correct.

>> No.74208652

the age of decadence started 2 months ago

>> No.74208654

This is a textbook toxic relationship. They will overcompensate and love bomb us later, and then do something to make us sad again. These drama loving dogs love seeing us old men twist in the wind.

>> No.74208658
File: 1.73 MB, 2046x1151, The Fallen Capital, FuwaMoconia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Do you see that ruined castle over there? Legend claims it was once home to a great kingdom, ruled by twin princesses. They say the sisters were guarded by the fiercest of knights and beloved by their subjects to the point of madness."
>"One day, the princesses journeyed to a faraway land but never returned. Without their rulers, the kingdom quickly fell into ruin."
>"Their names have been lost to time. Some say it's best to let the sleeping dogs lie. Now come, let's hurry on, this place is said to be haunted by the EOP ghosts of the anonymous dead."

>> No.74208672

>Why do they want to reach out the JP Ruffians so bad, anyways?
They don't
They don't care about their fans, or even numbers, they care about becoming Japanese, that's literally the only thing they care about and the only reason they do any of this

>> No.74208674

don't forget to comment with the spell

>> No.74208678

based Ricardo

>> No.74208683

Also they're taking time off after golden week.

>> No.74208694

>There's also the fact that FWMC are bad explaining things
This is the only real criticism I have of them. Holy fuck there have been a plethora of real misunderstandings due to these dumb hags and their inability to explain ANYTHING.
MAYBE it's cause most things aren't set in stone??? I doubt it though, cause, they've always been like this.

>> No.74208697

They wanna do more JP streams and they're worried they can't keep up their insane pace that they've been on for the past several months, so they're slowing down.
Basically, what the sisters were screeching about, except reasonable. They want to try to capture as many ruffians as possible no matter what language they speak, and they're freaking out because they don't know how they could possibly satisfy every language at the same time.

>> No.74208700

I don't give a shit about JP streams because I'm not an EOP, the thing that will make me drop them no questions asked is a homo collab, I'll even stop watching the preemptive apology stream halfway through, don't want to hear the excuses, I'm out immediately.
>Our sololive will likely be in Japan
Not a problem, happy for you.
>We'll stream more in japanese because it's golden week
Sounds fun
>We'll speak in japanese in JP collabs
makes sense
>We want to reach out to JP audiences to get to 1 million
I don't think it's a wise move to collect dead subs, but no problem wither
>We think we should join this homo/eceleb collabing event

>> No.74208703
File: 10 KB, 298x61, 1699541440442999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74208705

They WANT to hear your thoughts and feelings though

>> No.74208708


>> No.74208710


>> No.74208717

>I love Fuwamoco, lets do everything in our power to help get them to 1mil subs!
>Okay, expanding their audience and reaching that goal requires more JP streams
And reacting this way means you don't really love them. It's as simple as that

>> No.74208729

Are we ever getting back to normal or is this the new normal?
>Oh it's just moving
>Oh it's just the week after moving
>Oh it's just a migraine/delay of release
>Oh it's just Golden week
>Oh it's just preparing for 3D
>Oh it's just...

>> No.74208734

This is fucking stupid, fuck the JP ruffians, fuck the race to 1 million.I just wanted comfy dog streams.

>> No.74208735

I hope he doesn't get bullied into deleting it. It's not even that bad, it's just a raw emotional initial response. Nothing he said was wrong or even offensive, even if it was a little rough.

>> No.74208739

just shut it off when they get to their final goal. nothing after that is worth watching.

>> No.74208748

I pretty much agree with this completely but "I don't think I'll drop you for this but" seems a bit much.

>> No.74208755

>that is mostly annoyed about them making a big deal about it
honestly this, its not about more JP streams its about how they fuckin conflated this to all hell
its not a big deal at all but these girls spent fucking FOUR HOURS, crying and whimpering supa after supa like WTF

>> No.74208757
File: 1.18 MB, 1521x1871, 1713766226073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters try so hard to get me to noy be excited for the offcollab day with Koyori.
Keep trying cause I am.

And I'll also be excited for other collabs they'll do with other great JP girls.

>> No.74208771

I feel like they just said the week after will be VERY light due to homework. I imagine theyll still do FWMC Morning and at least one other stream.
Maybe I misheard them though.

>> No.74208775
File: 324 KB, 1309x905, 1701487212090315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I typed up my wall to vent but I'm not going post it publicly because I know 100% it will make at least Moco-chan cry if she reads it.

>> No.74208776
File: 8 KB, 187x43, 4846341356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74208778

names or bullshit

>> No.74208781

Your standards are rock bottom, sasuga EN battered wife fans.

>> No.74208784

Alas, did we superchat our own downfall? Or was it an ironic fate, written in the stars for the tale to end in tragedy?

>> No.74208785


>> No.74208796

Trace back to the announcement in the karaoke, it had a letter in the stream and everything
It's a nice point in the timeline

>> No.74208801

ctrl + f in the comments "I'll try to stick around until you learn this lesson a second time."

>> No.74208816

So where are all the vod comments shitting on them that you promised?
All you managed is one self admitted autistic guy?

>> No.74208821

Everyone who's actually a ruffian and EOP needs to signal boost this comment. This is how most people are feeling right now, and you aren't gonna communicate it in a better way than this without crossing into anti territory.

>> No.74208823

Koyori's a whore so it's the first FWMC morning I'm skipping

>> No.74208828

Just screenshot it. Sounds based as all hell though

>> No.74208829

How so? I WANT them away from EN, I don't give a shit about EN. Every other holo worth a shit is either in Advent, who will never abandon them, or JP. The rest of EN is trash.

>> No.74208831

yep, if you knew them from back then, you know this is the goal

>> No.74208852

T5 will be the only place to get an EN stream soon

>> No.74208855

He won't be. The comments critical or worried are unironically the MOST liked comments so far.

>> No.74208859

>Turkroach takes this moment to complain about no EU meet and greets

>> No.74208863

This is the same JP beggar from /HiRyS/ btw

>> No.74208873

When will they learn their lesson? They aren't and never will be Japanese. They will always be Canadian.

>> No.74208882

>Everyone who's actually a ruffian and EOP needs to signal boost this comment.
Why? I don't speak japanese have zero intention of learning it and I don't feel that way

>> No.74208887

This poor sonofabitch is about to discover what happens when you try to play tit for tat with a woman venting her worries at you

>> No.74208899

what if they speak japanese there

>> No.74208898

sold their souls for the almighty dollar. I wonder what cover has promised them in exchange for leaving EN? It's gotta be a juicy collab or something. If it's something minor it's going to hurt even worse.

>> No.74208902

pay for the membership

>> No.74208908
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1703076649708112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no respect for yesmen. Especially EOP yesmen who don't even speak the language and haven't made any effort themselves TO learn the language bending over for JP being catered to once again despite all that they already have. They spit in your face, turn their backs to you, and just because they let out a whimper and sob or two you'll forgive them.

You're an insult to life itself. How can you look at yourself in the mirror and call yourself a man?

>> No.74208917

Kek the way they told us about it sounded like all 7 days would have JP streams with no EN streams. Would be funny if it was only 3.

>> No.74208922

Even the fucking schizo JP fan said he'd follow them no matter what language they spoke, so just keep speaking in English you dumb dogs. The guy who had a meltdown about Mococo not believing fans just said he's okay with English streams.

>> No.74208927

>I am very autistic
Immediately discarded and not taken seriously. Opinions from mentally normal and well-adjusted people only

>> No.74208931

I'd hope their numbers dip if they really want to follow up on this JP bullshit, it would only serve them right for going out of their way to abandon us.

>> No.74208940

How do they sound to JP bros? I know JPs like how Calli sounds in JP. But do they like fuwamoco or does it sound like the nijiEN esls? That will dictate a lot of how well they can actually do in JP. No one likes hearing their own language where it is just fluent enough not to be cute

>> No.74208944

She's not only an unironic lesbian but her sole interaction with men was for a baseball shill event.
Unless you're ready to drop FuwaMoco over say something as harmless as them having to acknowledge some dude for a Mr Donut sponsorship then I'd reconsider.

>> No.74208948

Did I list IRyS? She's trash too.

>> No.74208951

I'm not a man I'm Mococo's loyal pet puppy

>> No.74208956

>When will they learn their lesson?
Hopefully when they try to springboard their success in HoloEN into the JP market and it fails they'll start to understand

>> No.74208968


>> No.74208980

They lied, they said nothing would change

>> No.74208997

don't care
male collab = whore

>> No.74209002

The dollar? They don't care about that.

They care about being Japanese. They're even going to get surgery to make their faces look more Japanese. That's why they will need to take more time off after golden week.

>> No.74209006

I didn't think a gorilla SC would be the last I ever send them, but it's been a good run. Take care boys, maybe I'll see you in /gem/ sometime

>> No.74209012

I liked vertical streams

>> No.74209017

Ricardo is a faggot who ruins it for everyone with his autism and he is going to ruin FUWAMOCO for ruffians too

>> No.74209018

We should just go into their JP streams and chat in english anyway, and repeatedly spam asking them if they can translate what they just said.

>> No.74209026

God I wish FuwaMoco came here and made baitposts like this back at us

>> No.74209031

So true sis

>> No.74209038

Holy fucking shit.. The worst case scenario. Soon they'll be doing much, much LESS streams if this keeps up.
Advent is doomed

>> No.74209042
File: 489 KB, 589x828, 1701147339559021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminding you all that FWMC do not find Kuro-chan attractive btw. Okay, you can go back to fighting.

>> No.74209058


>> No.74209063

That was the best news all night

>> No.74209066

It's over bald oji-sans

>> No.74209077

>They're even going to get surgery to make their faces look more Japanese.
is this real

>> No.74209087

The rest of Advent have to be jumping for joy, they'll get a nice boost from oshihenning ruffians. Even if fuwamoco are successful in joining holoJP, they will continue to bleed EN viewers. Some are probably lost from holo forever after being tricked one too many times. Fuwamoco were supposed to be the ones to trust.

>> No.74209093

>Mococo didn’t find him attractive

>> No.74209098

>tfw look like kuro-chan
just when I thought I was in...

>> No.74209102

They probably are here, if they're that worried about something this nothingburger. I highly doubt anybody's going to give a shit which side they choose to speak in what day, and will just show up when they can understand it. It's what I plan to do, at least.

>> No.74209106

When will some of you genui ely criticize them saying you don't want this change? It shouldn't be rude, just say you don't like it.

>> No.74209108

Because they want to be JAPANESE, anon. They've always wanted to be among them japs. And now, they finally have the means to do that.

>> No.74209112

If you're leaving, be sure to tell them why in your membership cancellation message and VOD comment.

>> No.74209126

>Comment: "Kuro-chan is pretty too!"
>Fuwawa: "Ehehehe... well, that's a nice comment."

>> No.74209127

>Ruffians didn't take the news well and the discontment and dooming in the chat eventually caused Mococo to start crying
Why are you making up shit?

>> No.74209130

FUWAMOCO did a good enough job tonight of ruining FUWAMOCO, no additional help needed.

>> No.74209131

Too Japanese

>> No.74209133

Fuwawa would do it. Mococo would get stuck arguing with some other autist for an hour.

>> No.74209135

Anti sister please. Everyone knows you're not even membered. Your only hope is that actual ruffians fall for your fearmongering and become the actually heard voices you don't have.
You rely on one idiot here to hopefully fall for your tricks.
You are nothing. You tried to make it look like countless ruffians are angry and all you can muster is a single unironic autist.

>> No.74209137

They will never be Japanese

>> No.74209138

i was watching another holo stream during their membership stream

>> No.74209148

She think that ruffian is gay now

>> No.74209150

They make their eyes puffier on RM to look smaller, what do you think?

>> No.74209155

Considering jumping ship to Biboo knowing that she won't hit us with GFE and pull the rug from under us when it's convenient for her

>> No.74209170
File: 164 KB, 1023x810, 1713756865335645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting what those snakes say in stream

>> No.74209173

watch vods

>> No.74209179

I don't think there's any issue with his post, I just don't share his feelings because I won't be missing out, I understand japanese.
I do think their justification is a bit flimsy. "We want to use our japanese", you literally live in Japan. Use it. Talk to homeless people, I don't know, there's literally nothing stopping you and every incentive in the world to use it every single hour you're not streaming.
But, again, no horse on this race. Either language works for me, whatever. From his perspective, the frustration at "JP already has everything, let me have the streams" seems perfectly justified, but at the end of they day he can just pick an EOP chuuba and avoid this issue entirely. It's not like they're breaking some Cover rule about EN only streams in EN or whatever, it's always been up to the talent, so it's up to you to choose who you watch.

>> No.74209181

Because I don't give a shit.
If they force themselves to do things they don't want to do, they won't be putting out their best content. This isn't hard to grasp.

>> No.74209188

that's just makeup right?

>> No.74209189 [DELETED] 

This post will not get deleted
these posts were deleted

These are the people moderating this board/thread

>> No.74209196

Honestly I’m indifferent to all this as long they make me happy I’ll keep watching and if not. Then I’ll just leave quietly.

>> No.74209198

I was watching biboo 100% overcharmed hollow knight

honestly moving arc broke me out of the habit of watching them so with this idk if I'm going to stick around

>> No.74209202
File: 497 KB, 634x649, 1708364651257823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God they're gonna read the VOD comments and cry some more during tomorrow's SC reading aren't they?

>> No.74209207

Yeah I left after the gorilla SC and went to watch biboo

>> No.74209214

it's really fucking funny seeing the discrepancy between their VOD comments and tweet
>"Thank you for your hard work, FWMC!"
>"I guess I'm gonna drift away slowly from now on"

>"Good luck on reaching your dream!!"
>"It hurts a bit but I must be strong"

>"I'll always support you forever!!!"
>"feeling blue today"

>> No.74209222

There's a lot of VOD comments that are saying it the best way these people can.

>> No.74209223


>> No.74209224

dumb anti fucking idiot

>> No.74209238

None stop threat shitting by Peebkes, just fucking kill yourself. go to the Queen of cringe memes and dead air

>> No.74209240
File: 63 KB, 882x528, 1699942708479471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74209243

It's gonna be weird seeing FUWAMOCO again in diamond dog collabs randomly. Like running into an old ex. I'll probably still enjoy them then because they'll speak EN but it's gonna be awkward. I feel a bit bad for the rest of Advent, but seems fuwamoco will take the brunt of their decision.

>> No.74209254

That first one was (me). I reposted it with more text later on because I was worried someone might take the post seriously.

>> No.74209253

What good would my words be against a dream they've had for over 20 years?

>> No.74209262

Mentioning Kuro-chan was the only time I was read tonight
Katajikenai Kurodono

>> No.74209260

It was one person who said they unsub IRyS because she speaks too much jp.

>> No.74209276

I'm trying but I'm not good with words

>> No.74209290

Where do you think we are?

>> No.74209293
File: 258 KB, 437x500, 1683080287492975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she doesn't

>> No.74209294 [DELETED] 

better than getting cucked for faggot ass JPs, enjoy tasty bugman sloppy seconds you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.74209298

Just give me full AI waifus already who will act every way I want and no ways that I don't.

>> No.74209308

hahaha, wait for male voice bg lmaooo

>> No.74209314

fucking gameplayschizo

>> No.74209315
File: 585 KB, 697x778, 1708399065225269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a game-only fag
>only upset about the lack of retro games until DKC2

>> No.74209318

feels good bros

>> No.74209319

Based pebblebro. It's nice having someone that's just honest. She games, she memes, she chats with her fans. It's cozy and not too serious but she'd always respectful. None of this false promise over optimistic lies that fuwamoco have peddled.

>> No.74209321

All the people saying "I'll support you no matter what" are cowards who enable their behavior. I don't mind the occasional JP stream, but if they continue prioritizing JP over EN, I'm dropping them.

>> No.74209328

Yeah I'm EOP and don't care if they stream in jp. I just skip streams if I'm not interested on them. It's not a big deal. I doubt they notice.

>> No.74209356

don't know and i'll never know. i don't like supa readings, so i won't be watching, as per fuwamoco's advice.

>> No.74209360

feels good being a SEAchad

>> No.74209364

I'll never forgive the jongschizos who robbed us of the jong arc, FUCK YOU, ALL OF YOU, I WROTE DOWN YOUR NAMES

>> No.74209367

what I question is that if they start actually bleeding subs or money or viewership, would they backpedal like what happened to Kiara early on or double down into a Kotoka en-in-name-only situation?

>> No.74209374

Wait until part 2 of DKC2 is in Japanese on golden week

>> No.74209387

give up Ricardo, you are Brazilian.

>> No.74209391

i do not care as long as fuwawa

>> No.74209396


>> No.74209400

The amount of vindictive sisterposting in here is disgusting.

>> No.74209415


>> No.74209416

It sounds cover promised them projects if they pull this move. So I think they are committed. If it flops, they're stuck in purgatory forever

>> No.74209421
File: 18 KB, 410x410, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens to Ruffians that don't do their Reps

>> No.74209428

I think their desire to be Japanese overpowers their desire for success

>> No.74209431

What really matters is the causal EN audience being turned off. We all know most members are fine with JP streams and will support FWMC. We'll have to wait and see.

>> No.74209432

ウホウホ バナナバナナ

>> No.74209437


>> No.74209435
File: 715 KB, 581x667, assets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it safe to say that the honeymoon period is officially over for Fuwamoco?

>> No.74209442 [DELETED] 


>> No.74209440
File: 19 KB, 1192x61, 1703688691119414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did a horrible job at censoring his name. this is his actual comment btw.

>> No.74209446

Why would they? It's 99.5% supportive and happy.

>> No.74209451

We still have management mandated advent collabs until the end of July.

Maybe they are hoping if they hit 1 mil before then, they can use their 1 mil wish to get out of advent collabs?

>> No.74209454

when shitposter's shitposting comes true all you can do is take it on the chin and hope they tire out quickly.

>> No.74209456

I do feel a little bad being so patient with them for 2 months only for them to come back, stream pretty much only in JP and then leave again right after. But I understand the timing was really unfortunate. I'm sure they didn't try to do it this way.
Keep in mind, from what they said, it seems like we won't be getting normal schedules again for at least another 3 to 5 weeks.

>> No.74209461


>> No.74209465

Will fwmc follow in their JP senpais footsteps and join VCR?

>> No.74209472

And if they succeed, what are you going to do?

>> No.74209483

>definitely there will be downs
he's talking about the sisters

>> No.74209487
File: 117 KB, 1024x929, 1713494194000253m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired, goodnight ruffians. Remember to cum to FuwaMoco.

>> No.74209488

I can even imagine that they come /here/ simply because they think this is the only place where Ruffians are honest in expressing their frustrations, as most in public are yes-men full of false positivity. There are many VTubers who want to know what fans really think about them.

>> No.74209492

>1st spoiler
i was watching lamy. her chat stream was just an hour long though so after it i was back to full focus on fwmc, but i wasnt expecting the stream to be 4h long...
>2nd spoiler
i'm still going to stick around, their moving arc did give me a lot of time to watch and appreciate other holomem though and that was fun. i'm not sure if it broke my "habit" but its like.... i dont feel a sense of urgency with FWMC streams anymore - i think they're still a priority, i'll watch but i feel less compelled i guess is the way to describe it. like the supa reading coming this monday? i may just genuinely full on skip it and see if any cool clips come out of it
basically i feel more comfortable pick & choosing my streams even if fuwamoco is my priority, thanks to the moving arc

>> No.74209504

Honeymoon? Kek nigga we're in the divorce court

>> No.74209507

>they're stuck in purgatory forever
back to a different jailcell, where they failed to transition to jp and en soured by their abandonment don't welcome them back.

>> No.74209513

Likeschizos...maji de yabai

>> No.74209514

Absolutely. Mococo was quick to say they'd disappoint us more in pursuit of numbers. I don't think anything is off the table.

>> No.74209529

No need to. they are clearly set in their ways, what I say wont change their minds. Not like Im a big paypig or anything anyway. If they somehow notice my absence then that will be the signal, thats it

>> No.74209539

/baubau/ will never be the same

>> No.74209540

I was watching phase connect. I'm membered to support them, but I hate member content because it's almost always drama

>> No.74209544


>> No.74209545
File: 3.12 MB, 1200x1560, 1710816074006263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The royal heiny
Remember what you're fighting for rufffians.

>> No.74209555

Yes, that's why sisters are attacking this place. They're that desperate to tear them down.

>> No.74209562

aiiiieeee gyaru nene

>> No.74209564

I can't even get hard to this anymore. They've disappointed me so much right now I lost the drive. Maybe it'll change after a sleep.

>> No.74209572

does that mean the faggots constantly threatening to leave will actually leave?

>> No.74209574

hes right though

>> No.74209577

>backtracks when 4chan calls his bullshit out

>> No.74209583

From what I gather, they want to be like Marine, even if she's not their personal favorite. Look at her activities to have an idea of what they'd be ok with.

>> No.74209584

Can they not simply just up the number of jp streams and not make a big fuss over it? That way people wouldn’t be shitting themselves. Unless their intent is to go full jp which??? They’re Hololive English and I think there are limits to what they can do unless they negotiate with higher ups?

>> No.74209599

I think I'll fap to Shiori tonight instead...

>> No.74209598

success breeds jealousy.

>> No.74209600
File: 183 KB, 1173x915, 1707981453492901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this image make you feel?

>> No.74209606

My face is your throne, Princess.

>> No.74209613

>this message was removed by peroccino
So who was it? It was that person, wasn't it? He's a mod in their chat and the pero rrat is true, isn't it?

>> No.74209620

Bend too far and you're already broken.

>> No.74209625
File: 3.36 MB, 1074x1080, princess sneeze [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3tta7n.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74209630

I don't think they realize how good they had it. They could have been the huge fish getting everything like Mori in EN. Instead they're going to be the last thought JP runts, best case. I guess at least they'll be miserable in Japan this time. Cover promised them a permanent home there.

>> No.74209641

Next comes the typical relationship fallout. The current fans get more stressed and worried and the JP fans are all excited and happy so FuwaMoco want to spend more time with them. This becomes a positive feedback loop fueled by jealousy and soon enough we're left behind for good.

>> No.74209642

>Can they not simply just up the number of jp streams and not make a big fuss over it?
of course they can, but they are menhera. in their minds they thought their 2 hour sob fest was the best course of action.

>> No.74209652


>> No.74209655

There's actually a secret reward system at Cover where if a HoloEN or ID gets two million subs they can "graduate" to become a Japanese member
Gura was offered this but declined

>> No.74209658

they already predicted that if they announce it right after RnR that was squeezed between 2 JP-only stream (and possibly partial JP FWMC Morning) there's gonna be a shitstorm of unbelievable maginificance, so they give heads up to the most menheras of their fanbase

>> No.74209660


>> No.74209661

/hlgg/fag here. I heard what happened, my condolences ruffians

>> No.74209663

there are only so many hours in the day and they have other work to do
you know that more JP means less EN

>> No.74209676

clearly they couldnt protect everyone's smiles

>> No.74209685

I think I'm ready for EN 4.

>> No.74209689


>> No.74209693

All Advent girls have mods. My rrat about Pero being a cover employee is getting more right by the day, since every other rrat was annihilated.

>> No.74209695

No shit. Why even sign that pact. What a farce

>> No.74209694

i think the only point of discussion you can possibly make is
>are there even enough JP ruffians or JP members interested in them for the JP streams to matter?
we have some sample sizes
>comiket sold out fast as fuck
>the doujins they have
>some of their JP streams did well in numbers
but my thing is like, are these JP ruffians that STICK? if they're just going to get a subscriber then sure i understand, but i don't exactly believe they're going to many loyal, long lasting JP fans
it just feels like a wasted effort to me, however i understand this is something they always wanted to do and its part of their goals and improving their JP though

>> No.74209696

They will STILL try. Their goal was set in stone since the beginning.

>> No.74209705

We both know you're not dropping shit. You said you dropped them a thousand times by now.

If ONLY you'd actually fuck off or die, God I wish.

>> No.74209707

thanks, bro.

>> No.74209709
File: 254 KB, 392x567, 1688704671935054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did my oshi have to be the JP obsessed weebs? Why? Why couldn't I have been a fucking Novelite, Jailbird, or Pebble? Why did I fall for these two hags who want to be Japanese?

>> No.74209713

if they turn into an IRyS situation where it's about 50/50 JP EN or even more skewed in JP the frustration will likely just build up over time until I tire out and leave despite my wishes to stick around. if they backpedal and go all EN now I'm happy from my end but it's also bittersweet that this means they're not really doing what they want.
there is no win here which is the part that sucks.

>> No.74209719

They love the drama

>> No.74209720

I'm done with vtubers for good after FWMC

>> No.74209722

The move to Japan was. No streams for almost 2 months kinda made me lose my obsession over everything FWMC.

>> No.74209726

>being forced by her older sister
based eop princess does it again

>> No.74209732
File: 3.19 MB, 1727x1033, 1705908340242604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just feels good to hear mococo cry
what an autistic emotional wreck larp

>> No.74209740

Can someone post the true FWMC Morning jingle again? I lost my soundpost.

>> No.74209743

>All the people saying "I'll support you no matter what" are cowards
How am I a coward when those are my 100% true and honest thoughts?

>> No.74209753

As a Pebble, we welcome any Ruffian refugees in. Just don't cause any trouble ok?

>> No.74209758

How are you guys going at 300 posts in less than 40 mins.

>> No.74209764

Wasn't this incredibly obvious from the first week or so?

>> No.74209772

they are in japan now, they no longer need to fulfill their english contracts. expect a new version of the pledge in japanese to be revealed during golden week.

>> No.74209779
File: 110 KB, 246x296, 1689066858075423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be an easy going stream. I was told not to worry...

>> No.74209786

doggy rabu rabu!

>> No.74209788

menhera girls that overreact and have trouble explaining themselves having a fanbase filled with autistic menheras that overreact and have trouble understanding is something

>> No.74209790

>You said you dropped them a thousand times by now
proof ?

>> No.74209798

We funded our own doom

>> No.74209797

no balls

>> No.74209802

You members really get the worst fucking deal. You pay to be stressed out meanwhile I don't pay and only get smiles and giggles

>> No.74209808

Then you're not a coward, just a cuck

>> No.74209813

Because the stream was bad news

>> No.74209814

They are not, they're not gonna get any new paypigs or anything of the sort, it'll all be dead subs.
And I have NO problem with that, by the way, this isn't me rationalizing me being against their decision, I'm not, I just hope they know what they're getting. If they strictly want subs, then yes, appealing to JP is the way. Go after all those collabs, do those JP streams, you'll get the subs.
Just don't be surprised when the paycheck arrives. Know what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.74209826
File: 37 KB, 539x575, 1692416216817392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never watched streams in the first place, let alone membered. They're desperately trying to meme some sort of exodus or tension to demoralize FWMC. Sisters are working overtime and they do it for free.

>> No.74209831

grudgeposting after 7 months of fwmc being touted as the second coming of vtubing and ruffians shitting on all the other members of EN

>> No.74209843

only if you become an entertainmentfag

>> No.74209864


>> No.74209870

At this point I unironically wouldn't be surprised at a jp pact

>> No.74209878

Is IRyS 50/50 in schedule or stream itself? The one thing I despise is the "say everything in one language, translate to the other" setup, because I can understand both and the stream just becomes a slog this way.

>> No.74209894

Golden Week is going to start with a JP debut stream with a JP pledge. Followed by JP fuwamoco mornings on the new JP fuwamoco hashtag. Capped by a JP mengen where they play a region locked JP game with ruffians.

>> No.74209896 [DELETED] 

good luck with the new diggers

>> No.74209898

all i need is a girl who streams a lot with a clean pl with no history of homos

>> No.74209900

>pay to not get chosen
>pay to get nothing for two months
>pay to get disappointed
why am i even there

>> No.74209902

they pulled this shit before to, i think it was during the downloads folder cleaning stream. we got a nice stream, then they sit us down for a talk while sniffling. i don't even remember what they were making a big deal about that time, but i remember it being a pretty miserable time.

>> No.74209904

They never should have done the pledge of loyalty shit, putting yourself in charge of the emotional well being of schizos never ends well

>> No.74209905

someone ran the numbers btw IRyS is far from 50/50

>> No.74209920

honestly, if they just want sub, they can just spam vertical stream

>> No.74209922
File: 1.09 MB, 1314x1029, 1706923532816557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your comment or reply to them consisted of, "don't worry about it/keep doing your best!/we'll support you no matter what!"

I want you to know that they don't believe a word you're saying.

>> No.74209930

They promised to protect the Ruffians smiles, and even made a pledge out of it during debut, marking themselves as pro-unicorn. After that kind of stunt, turning their backs on the English Ruffians by prioritizing the Japanese Ruffians is a shitty thing to do. If they are willing to abandon over half of their fanbase, they don't deserve support

>> No.74209948
File: 49 KB, 363x328, 1713767799159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand, sisters are desperate. They were really hoping that more people would agree with their shitposting angle, but all they got was a single autistic guy in the comments.

So now they're going for "w-well actually all ruffians feel this way, they just don't dare to say it!"
They're no different than homobeggars who claim all girls would male collab if only their fans would let them.

>> No.74209953

Modern Irys is 50% JP streams, 50% "English" streams where half of what she says is Japanese

>> No.74209961

Some of the new comments are based

>> No.74209971

fuwawa findom wasn't a meme. she is going to wring your wallet dry and then toss you aside.

>> No.74209978

post them then

>> No.74209982

she only does that during superchats

>> No.74209981

They've been at it since debut and they really think they have something to latch onto this time. It's the same exact tactics of bringing other advents into this, bringing up males, making shit up, but more of it.

>> No.74209995

>Everyone I disagree with is the same person
Fuck off

>> No.74209999

According to their own words, seems like they're assuming more ruffians would be annoyed at vertical spam than JP spam. I'm not sure if they're right, but personally at least they nailed it, I have no problem with JP streams and I hate vertical streams, so maybe they are right.

>> No.74210006

And they shouldn't honestly. I honestly think they should try to find a way to level with their fans and promote honest feedback. This sugar coated shit is just building up the menheras until they explode one day out of no where.

>> No.74210008

and no one cares because she didn't make a stream about it, fwmc is dum dum

>> No.74210024

No, superchats are the only time she speaks full English because she's reading English comments

>> No.74210027
File: 554 KB, 452x575, tch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quads of truth

>> No.74210030
File: 14 KB, 425x258, 1691830409167861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking "badge" is useless as shit. i dont even chat
i'll just renew if theres an interesting members stream

>> No.74210033

Tonight will be last night posting here as the jpschizo. Others will probably take my place, but my work is unfortunately a failure. I'll miss solo samefagging more than a few threads but all of it was for nothing. They responded to my concerns by confirming all the fears I had were real. I'm sorry for anyone else also suffering. If you're sticking around I do wish yoi the best, even if I ruined this place sometimes. It came from a place of wanting to avoid this exact scenario.

>> No.74210034

definitely not my plan to cause trouble, biboo's streams look comfy and fun

>> No.74210035

I don't like JP streams but I hate vertical streams more

>> No.74210037

>(don't worry!)

>> No.74210038

>I'm going to be honest. I'm not a big fan of there being more streams in Japanese especially if it's at the cost of English ones, even more so if they'll be at times I won't be able to watch them even if I wanted to. I can't understand the language and I'm not interested in learning it just for streams.

>The beginning of this stream was really fun, but I'm concerned about the direction you're going. JP streams are very entertaining, and I'm looking forward to Golden Week, but it sounds like some of the normal English streams might get replaced with Japanese streams. You said before moving that nothing would change, but now you are increasing the amount of Japanese streams. Many Ruffians are worried that this trend will continue until most of your streams are in Japanese. I hope these concerns are unfounded, and that your streams will be something like the English equivalent of Korone or Nene, who stream mostly in Japanese with an occasional English stream for the kaigai niki.

>> No.74210039


>> No.74210041
File: 2.34 MB, 3313x4096, GLr_UoobQAAxsDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else not really care?
if there is a JP stream that doesn't interest me, i'll just not watch it - i didnt bother with the takoyaki stream or kanji de GO
and i still otherwise watch fuwamoco actively
this changes nothing for how i operate with watching their streams, skip if i dont think it'll be fun, watch otherwise
or am i becoming an entertainmentschizo?

>> No.74210055

I don't think so. I don't think they'd vibe very well there.

>> No.74210062

More Fuwamoco for me. Go, go become some novelist or pebble or whatever trash you mold yourself into you dumb fucks, I will be SO happy when you finally fuck off for good.

>> No.74210068

Their gachikois just drop 3k usd this stream telling them is fine. JPschizos like to trashtalk, but they dont control the wallets.

>> No.74210071

You clearly don't watch her streams.

>> No.74210078

>and no one cares
Clearly you havent visited /hirys/

>> No.74210103

she's been doing 50 50 a lot lately it's getting pretty annoying and now her nigger elf even stole a fucking solo stream

>> No.74210112


>> No.74210116

IRyS isn't even really EN to begin with. She just got folded into EN

>> No.74210117

>they play MGS3

>> No.74210130

i stopped caring about most of their streams after they went to japan

>> No.74210138
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1688230526382812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it when they cry

>> No.74210139

She got folded into Council, she was always EN

>> No.74210141

Why the fuck do I have to choose? How about they just don't do vertical or JP streams. You lower these standards till it's "At least they aren't Homocollabing" to "At least they aren't having sex onstream during this off collab"

>> No.74210144

>more japanese content while living in japan = prioritizing
>zero relation to unicorn point in the first half
Sister, you need to level your stealth.

>> No.74210145

I was nice to them in my SC because I like them and they're kind. But it also was my last. Even a reversal can't regain this trust.

>> No.74210151


>> No.74210150

She is EN

>> No.74210158

Not bad comments

>> No.74210166

Sadly, but hopefully yagoo and his wranglers can keep them from taking in too much negativity and keep them doing the same thing they've been always doing. Their worst enemy is their own self doubt.

>> No.74210171

You left out a chunk of the first one.
>That being said, I know it opens up a lot of opportunities and I respect that. For those that will watch these streams, it'd be a good idea to get a translator, either someone in chat or a live translating plugin. I truly hope things don't change too much but with how emotional this stream has been it's hard not to get concerned.

>> No.74210176

japanese snake just isnt right

>> No.74210182

That makes no sense. She debuted as a solo EN talent?

>> No.74210186

Yeah yeah.

>> No.74210200

IRyS has been doing way more JP streams with Flare lately. It's basically 60% JP stream and 40% EN streams.

>> No.74210220

she got folded because she failed to make meme songs like suisei

>> No.74210225


>> No.74210222

Do they always have live translators available at JST prime time?

>> No.74210224

they married

>> No.74210230

>japanese snake
Kojima does it again

>> No.74210233

How fucking new are you

>> No.74210239

Why are you lying

>> No.74210243

Are ruffians this fucking new

>> No.74210245

>tfw DKC2 was to prepare for this

>> No.74210253

>worry that my comment is too much
>see all the others
Normally when this happens I think they're going too far but they're very genuine

>> No.74210264

Ah, a fellow Higurashi enjoyer.

>> No.74210263

>comments expressing their unhappiness receiving more likes
see? most ruffians aren't OK with this decision. they're just too afraid to say it to them. you are the same of people who fret over sending a fucking sc to them. no wonder you don't want to be honest with them.

>> No.74210271
File: 214 KB, 1080x1210, fhshfjfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honestly the best comment.

>> No.74210277

no balls

>> No.74210295

Are you retarded?

>> No.74210300

anyone have the SC list for today?

>> No.74210308

Did you even read the post?
The JP streams are like twice as long as her EN ones because she's been spamming one hour EN karaokes, meanwhile her JP streams are like 6 hours long

>> No.74210316

I'm assuming they're being crazy menheras and it's going to be 1 JP stream a week. I didn't even have trouble during their last few collabs understanding what was happening outside of obscure shit like OK bokujou.

>> No.74210319

paypigs think they can one day meet and fuck fwmc so the simping will be never end. why risk it am i right?

>> No.74210323

Yeah I don't care either, as long as it gets them to a million subs it means nothing, they will keep doing English streams and everything will be ok. More collabs with their JP senpai? Fantastic.

>> No.74210333

Sensei stream just finished. Next lesson is Wed Japan time, and then on Thurs is members-only zatsu.

>> No.74210340

Those karaokes were unarchived so they aren't in the list.

>> No.74210342

I love the uncomfortable feelings this VN made me feel

>> No.74210363

It's pretty grim from a general holoen fan perspective. Advent represents the majority of the en output, and Fuwamoco represents a solid percentage of Advent's output (pre Japan arc anyways). If they go 50/50 split holo en basically has 1 less member than advertised combined with Irys being split at best and skewed at worst.

>> No.74210366

I know, I just didn't want to see her cry from something I said. I removed my paw print, not that they care. Not ready to add ampai I might just keep it bare because biboo doesn't care about it as much

>> No.74210375
File: 76 KB, 1154x654, IMG_8300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking brazilians always making shit worse, fuwamoco hates you, you fucking autistic piece of shit

>> No.74210385

why does everyone i oshi end up bailing in the end?

>> No.74210386

Because they love you and were worried, you stupid motherfucker.
What kind of man gets upset at a woman crying?

>> No.74210388

sorry bro i cant just jump into a japanese class an understand whats going on without starting from ep 1

>> No.74210400
File: 280 KB, 800x800, 396DD2B7-31E5-48B6-9755-D1940313B10C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the latest 5 comments
>Thank you FuwaMoco for always protecting our smiles!
>You keep chasing your dreams and we Ruffians will be there cheering for you all along the way!

> Despite you telling us to never force ourselves it has been something that I've been doing with JP streams, I wanted to be there for you two whenever possible even if I wasn't having much fun because of the language barrier.

>I'll still be here to support you whenever I can, you'll always be my hard working princess idols that I'm proud of. I love you Fuwawa, I love you Mococo, please keep staying true to yourself and never stop chasing your dreams

>I trust in you both! And I want to note just two things:
>1. Many ruffians like holoJPs a lot too, so if anything I'm really looking forward to seeing you interact with them more, especially in (off)collabs like the upcoming one with Koyori. I'm HYPED for that!
>2. You already have a lot of fans from around the world as is, I think it's ok to not be so worried over time slots or people not being able to catch everything ever live. VODs aren't as evil as some think, it's fine to watch them, so if you have streams at odd hours or you want to do a sudden guerrilla stream sometime, go for it. More FuwaMoco is always appreciated and there will be people being happy to see you at any time of the day!

>i will watch what i can & when i can as i continue to support you two on this journey - im sure it was rough to talk about and think about though, i understand the feelings about it and feeling bad that it may make some people unhappy. but i think it's important to also realize this isn't an "all or nothing" thing, missing out may feel bad, but as fans we have the power to control what we watch and when we watch - if a fan doesn't feel like watching a specific stream, they do not have to watch it and they can still be a fan of FUWAMOCO as a whole, they are just simply not watching a stream that didnt interest them and that is okay, it does not mean they left you or anything - this can also extend to fans feeling cloudy about JP streams, there may be ruffians who feel cloudy or sad, but they still appreciate and love you two as a whole.
>you two are very kind and considerate and it really shows, you two are strong and brave and i appreciate you being honest with us and keeping us in the know like this, it does make our bond feel closer honestly!

Yeah, the ruffians are totally turning on them. I don't know how mococo will recover from this negative deluge. Fucking retarded sisters.

>> No.74210405

YOU don't have to choose, they do, because they want 1 million subs. They're not asking you, they're informing you.
You're of course free to take your business elsewhere if you dislike it. That's how it works.

>> No.74210408

>It's pretty grim from a general holoen fan perspective
Depends who you like
Promise is still doing great apart from Irys spamming JP

>> No.74210409
File: 276 KB, 517x651, 1684490336675383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they love japan so much anyways? why did they want to LIVE there? visiting, i understand. but LIVING in a country that despises filthy gaijin?

>> No.74210410
File: 328 KB, 1350x2472, 1713764162792334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the full list but this is the 2nd half of it because anon was late

>> No.74210413

>They're no different than homobeggars
You mean the same ones who SC 2-3 times saying the change is good?

>> No.74210416

crazy how if they didnt overexaggerate and sob for 2 hours there wouldn't be much concerned feelings

>> No.74210421

>JP is going to get multiple VN CYOA streams this year. Book it. I bet golden week even has one.

>> No.74210431

>400+ replies in
>ctrl+f BAU BAU
>only results are the ones in OP posts and filenames
>no cheerful raffians bau bauing like usual
its mococover isn't it

>> No.74210435

Well, if it helps there's a VOD archive on her YT channel of all the previous lessons

>> No.74210442

Pretty much how I feel about this.

>> No.74210454

you better believe it

>> No.74210460

This Golden Week schedule is going to be really bad isn't it? Mococo was super nervous. I bet it's going to be packed, it'll be their busiest schedule they've ever done in 3 months and it will probably be mostly Japanese.

>> No.74210467
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, fwmc idol pledge[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw09by.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74210474

I'm too busy working and watching my Hololive English streamers

>> No.74210484

The whole of Japan is like Disneyland to them and the Japanese are like oompa-loompas.

>> No.74210494

I'm just talking out of my ass about my own preconceived ratio of talent and expected content output being way lower than I think it should be.

>> No.74210501
File: 766 KB, 1008x874, 1694128924265074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't be surprised if the schedule winds up looking... a little different
it's fucking over mococo and you know it.

>> No.74210499

It's just antis and sisters replying to themselves over and over. I'm just writing up my wall to cheer them up.

>> No.74210513

100% a choose your adventure stream + members to be continued in Japanese. She specifically mentioned it would be like Christmas for JP

>> No.74210514

I liked it, it's how I feel.

>> No.74210517

>sisters are raiding so this is totally what ruffians think
It's all so tiresome

>> No.74210536

they're betraying their pledge and it hasn't even been 12 months

>> No.74210539

Jumping on board overrated chuubas is never a good idea, you want to stick to 2views who are desperate to hold on to every viewer they can if you want loyalty
Fwmc got too big and let it go to their heads so now they think they don't need their EN fanbase

>> No.74210550

well ok, but it's there, just so you know

>> No.74210559

It's unironically the beginning of the end
Good night, anons

>> No.74210566

>expected content output being way lower than I think it should be.
That's definitely true, I think whatever bullshit "work" Cover makes them do behind the scenes plays a big part in it

>> No.74210578

do your JP reps

>> No.74210582

noted, how do you find said 2views?

>> No.74210588

>It's just antis and sisters replying to themselves over and over. I'm just writing up my wall to cheer them up.
I wrote up a mini wall, but it wasn't all that deep since honestly I don't feel too strongly about this beyond "ok I'll just not watch the japanese ones unless it's translated or clipped." Their english content is phenomenal and I'm going to keep watching them any time they stream.

>> No.74210596

She was always EN

>> No.74210599

as soon as fuwawa lamented the fact that her japanese was getting weaker i knew where we were headed from there.

>> No.74210602

I think the funniest thing is people here being wrong about every person with a single criticism against them being a sister

>> No.74210607

>look at golden week schedule
>looks at the week after it
>wants to cry
it was both hilarious and sad

>> No.74210610

>i get fwmc when the sun is up for a whole week
no complaints here

>> No.74210628
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>> No.74210637

A Golden Week trip CYOA would be fun.

>> No.74210645

it will be years before I can understand a JP only stream

>> No.74210646


>> No.74210669

i hope this place goes to a worse hell than it is in currently within the span of the next year, this JP stream thing is about to get a whole lot worse than you think it is

>> No.74210689
File: 257 KB, 1200x1366, 1710391712709428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. They get into Hololive.

>> No.74210692

It would be but it also will be a massive breaking point for even some crazy dedicated en fans

>> No.74210699

why did they lie to us

>> No.74210698

Good, I love holoJP

>> No.74210715

can't learn it as fast as they're changing their content
I'll be forced to drop them whether I want to or not cause I'm not sticking around for hours listening to a language I don't understand

>> No.74210717

This post reeks of jealous 2view.

>> No.74210733

Same here. Moco-chan was crying I didn't have the heart to say how I really felt about the JP streams. Sure, a few JP streams once in a while is fine, but with how much they want to grow it worries me how this Golden week might be a slippery slope. I will stick around and keep my membership, but my investment into them will be lowered.

>> No.74210748

Maybe they actually hate us EOPs and are doing this as some kind of elaborate torture. That'd be kind of kino though.

>> No.74210756

>Yen is at all time low
>now is the time to start transitioning into JP streamers
are they... you know...

>> No.74210765

i did my reps, i liked being able to fully express myself without even thinking about it though
>just do more reps
not even they are at that level and said as much

>> No.74210769

Best one so far, straight and to the point letting them know how he feels but without being rude. He has a spine but he wasn't mean. Why can't more of you be like this one?

>> No.74210773
File: 137 KB, 360x360, 1700259781900819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fwmc read over the vod comments
>their menhera women brains cause them to gleam passed all the supportive comments to try to find all the ones who aren't with their idea
>find them
>see how many thumbs up those comments received
>"this must be what the ruffians really think..."
>proceed to cry like women
>it's all they're thinking about for the remainder of the day
>cloudy thoughts
>menhera thoughts

>> No.74210774

Any noteworthy JP comments?

>> No.74210775

based fwmc

>> No.74210787

Oh, I guess it might. I know Japanese though. I can't see them not putting a translation or something at least.

>> No.74210803

>protect smiles
>makes changes to endanger some smiles
I... really want to trust them

>> No.74210804


>> No.74210813

JPs don't actually watch them they prefer their own branch

>> No.74210819

Probably more the ratio than amount of streams. JP have their chuubas too, FWMC will be lucky if they get attention at prime time once a day, trying to go for multiple timeslots is pushing it.
I expect one stream a day, plus FWMC Morning.

>> No.74210824

Well, I do wonder if IRyS would be the way she is now if she had debuted as part of a gen and had gotten properly supported with her own genmates.

>> No.74210837

same with IRyS but nobody has the balls to say anything

>> No.74210840


>> No.74210842

you had 8 months
I assume that in 2 years you will be saying the same excuse while making no effort towards it

>> No.74210852

won't golden week be extra overlap hell at jp hours? it's already bad on normal days

>> No.74210854

>in a membership stream
lol lmao

>> No.74210857

>Why can't more of you demoralize them by acting disappointed. You're disappointed right? PLEASE BE DISAPPOINTED.
Neck yourself sis

>> No.74210858

If they can't take honest criticism then they shouldn't have become streamers. At least some of their fans are telling them they don't like the change nicely.

>> No.74210863

>they don't need their EN fanbase
retarded sister take. ruffians are upset but it's clear that they don't think that.
it's more accurate to say they want the EN and JP audience. they want all the cake, not just a slice. they have an ideal of connecting the EN and JP side. I think that's a great ideal. but the problem is that it's an ideal. it's not practical, because you can only speak one language at once, you can only stream at specific times. someone will always be alienated. there are hard limitations.
I feel like they're going to learn this the hard way. who knows what will follow after that. they'll either cut their losses for whichever side feels alienated or backpedal.

>> No.74210878

the opposite really if anything giving fans too much attention makes them too controlling I mean Gura is straight up immune to any criticism and shes still pulling 20k people a stream I want the dogs to have fun since thats what I see streams for anyways

>> No.74210881

Why can't they explore Japan and show it off to their English fans?

>> No.74210882

I'll stay with them until the end (unless male collab)

>> No.74210884

Good, they made the bed. If they want to go through with it, they knew the risks. They pissed off a lot of fans. Even with the warning of may being bad the reality won't hit until the next schedule. I feel really bad for gray name at the next rnr.

>> No.74210900

Irys does get properly supported now, she's in a great gen
Whatever the issue is is on her

>> No.74210907

shut up doormat, fags like you are why gura became what she did. you can no longer pretend nothings wrong because they fucking cried multiple times on stream about this, they clearly know it's wrong

>> No.74210928

they cant understand the stream, if anything all you'll see is "whatever language works best for you is fine"

>> No.74210931
File: 1.02 MB, 745x1073, mococoxmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think Mococo is trying to be emotionally manipulative but I do think she hasn't thought this through. As she herself has said MANY times, "actions speak louder than words". There's only so many times you can tell someone you really really really do care about them but then your actions add on "up to a point but that point is never going to affect my plans or what I was going to do anyways, even if I know it will hurt you." We have Ruffians here holding back how they truly feel because they don't want to hurt Fuwamoco. But Fuwamoco will absolutely do what they feel is necessary for them even if it hurts Ruffians and they know it will. Plus there's that cherry of them saying "We love you more than you love us" like no Ruffian would ever do anything to make Fuwamoco sad but they're willing to make us sad. Mococo's crying because she knows this will hurt people but she's already made the decision to do it so it just comes off as insincere regret. It would be like asking their parents not to be sad they are moving.

>> No.74210939

you are starting to sound like a fandead or whatever bullshit Rushia's fandom. name was

>> No.74210941
File: 12 KB, 455x296, 1699854621276830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this as my Twitter banner for the past 6+ months and I'm not sure if I should keep it if it's in bad taste now

>> No.74210944

I'm actually doing my reps
I also have a full time job and watch other Hololive ENGLISH streamers

It's getting to be a bit much though, at some point I'm going to have to drop something and I need my job to survive

>> No.74210963


>> No.74210969

quite a silly desicion. fwmc are one of the top sc and merch earners in en, they will lose alot of it if they try to pull this off

>> No.74210976

This incentivizes this type of criticism. I could make a happy comment and get ignored or instead I could make them think about me all day while ignoring the people who support them.

>> No.74210979

If they really are doing that then I might actually oshihen now, I didn't sit through all those hours of SC readings and stay up at ungodly hours just for them to value some anti's opinion more than mine. They are women however...

>> No.74210988


>> No.74210989

Yes they are going to be slaughtered. No jp fan will watch them and EN core will be pissed at them streaming in JP. They will get negligible growth unless they have big time senpai appearing on their channel

>> No.74211007

Someone made a comment about it on the impromptu MH collab with Flare and it was the most liked comment by far.

>> No.74211010

they also don't want to live translate even if they are two people
fucking lazy

>> No.74211015

>Any noteworthy JP comments?
JPs don't watch fuwamoco yet.

>> No.74211022

>gets angry
>double downs everything

>> No.74211023

For the small percentage of actual ruffians here, who are legitimately complaining, you are all massive retards for not realizing this was going to happen after watching them for the first couple months, tops. I wouldn't even call it writing on the wall. They did JP streams, talked about their goal to move to japan, talked about their favorite media (all JP), gushed about JP idols, etc. This is all on you.

>> No.74211030

honest thoughts whether critical or not are better than trying to suppress the criticism for the sake of the streamer. suppressing the negativity will make FWMC happy short term but can blow back hard long term.

>> No.74211037

>listening to a language I don't understand
Then you should be good at understanding basic japanese already

>> No.74211038

Bros is this the way to a woman? If this will make them think about me more...

>> No.74211040

Because they hate their English fans

>> No.74211043

Sisters absolutely seething. Gaslight yourselves on fire.

>> No.74211052
File: 1.08 MB, 955x618, 1713769201454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just HAVE to agree with me and also be angry about them living the holo idol dream in Japan including more JP collabs and JP content/studio appearances in JP time slots

No, I don't think I will. In fact, it makes me happy and I'm looking forward to seeing them do more with holoJP as well as be in official programs and events in the future

>> No.74211055


>> No.74211056

>I do think she hasn't thought this through
Literally the only thought they have is "I want to be a Japanese idol"
There is no rationality behind this, they will fuck up everything they have to achieve this goal

>> No.74211065

>Junk Email is just now realizing what it means to have your idol make it big
Man he's in for a rude awakening.

>> No.74211075
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>> No.74211082

Hololive English btw

>> No.74211085

This sister shtick is falling apart. Ruffians are the ones here freaking out. The "real" ones. These are their real feelings.

>> No.74211088

because they don't want english fans and never wanted english fans. they wanted to get into holojp, but were rejected. they settled for en thinking they'd be able to gradually shift their content into jp focus once they were able to move to japan. a year from now their schedules will be the reverse of how they are now with mostly jp streams with one or two en streams a week.

>> No.74211090

picking out a few words here and there is far from being able to understand
I'm constantly getting the wrong message and getting things mixed up

then when bigger words are used I'm just straight up lost

>> No.74211120

>100% a choose your adventure stream + members to be continued in Japanese.
They don't have enough JP speaking members for that. Though I guess there will be a LOT of giftfags

>> No.74211126

But I just expect them to be Iofi-tier at most, not Kotoka-tier...

>> No.74211135

>Junk Email is just now realizing what it means to have your idol make it big
Reminds me of the people getting mad at a popular chuuba having tourists.
What did they think "growth" meant? That the current fans would undergo mitosis?

>> No.74211137

I mean Mori and Bae just did their VCR JP only streams for a whole week.

>> No.74211147

They were rejected by the Japanese already, and then rejected by HoloJP.

>> No.74211152

Doormat Defence Force out in full power

>> No.74211162

they're gonna do FWMC Morning in Japanese that week

screencap this

>> No.74211170

Let's just see how much SC support these JP ruffians provide over this Golden Week

>> No.74211180

they streamed pretty much every single day in English too though, and that was specifically a time limited thing rather than the new normal

>> No.74211186

Holy kek the meltdown will be hilarious if that happened. No way they do that though.

>> No.74211188

the funny thing is, fuwamoco also are starting to realize what that means too

>> No.74211189

Which will be a rude awakening. But I don't doubt they do it, it's one of the big hw they're doing. And it will be higher quality and more intimate than either EN one

>> No.74211203
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to be fair, they weren't shy of just flat out ignoring the poll if it meant they could show off their prepared skits. They did it a few times in the first one, specifically when the pero nightmare happened.

>> No.74211205
File: 2.97 MB, 2479x3638, 20240422_170211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out and go jerk off or something

>> No.74211206

Rent fucking free sister

>> No.74211207

Collabing with holoJP and being in the studio or taking part in event streams and being guests in 3D lives should be the aspiration even of holoENs who otherwise stream their solo content in English, yes.

>> No.74211208

Yes and I didn't watch them

>> No.74211212

Hololive is pure evil. Lonely pathetic men just want virtual girlfriends. So they support these women. But these women want to be more than virtual girlfriends, if they ever wanted to be that at all, they want to be stars on the stage. And that path takes them directly away from the people who loved and supported them, just by nature of time and effort involved. And the fans go along with it because how could you deny the person you love that? Yet it's your support in the end that enables them to push off away from you.

>> No.74211220

ye is that why ruffians like to complain about watching live streams only not vods? i wonder if they will do that if it's a stream every other day.
i'm sure ruffians will be loyal to fwmc even then

>> No.74211223

they will for Koyori morning but I doubt they will otherwise

>> No.74211226
File: 1.38 MB, 1377x1331, 1709699158008478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Ruffian would ever do anything to make them sad, that is true, but the amount of EFFORT they put into it? Almost no ruffian would come even close of working as hard for them. They'll put on shock collars but complain about it behind their backs, they'll give them a bunch of money they had lying around anyway. There's not that much real effort.
And the counter argument to that, is, obviously, "but they're not doing that just for their ruffians, it's their dream", and then you have the answer to the rest of your post. Of course their dreams come first, they're working like hell to achieve them, they worked like hell for a decade+ to get here.
Picrel doesn't get to stand in their way. They do love their fans and they do hope they'll be excited and with them all the way, but they're not sacrificing their dreams for the ones who won't. They know there will still be enough ruffians with them, even if some faces they hold dear walk away.
They just received news of one of their all time favorite idol groups disbanding after 16 years. This naturally prompts them to look back and think on what they achieved so far, and where they see themselves in the X years remaining for their own journey to reach 16 years. I guarantee they don't come out of this reflection with a weakened resolve and willingness ot give up on anything just to settle for playing games for an audience.

>> No.74211245

Jesus I didn't even put that together, EN branch isn't speaking a lot of EN at the moment.

>> No.74211248

sounds like you need to learn grammar instead
like, even in english, I don't need to know what loquaciousness means, I just see how it used and understand its meaning from there

>> No.74211251

God I can't wait for the 3D spam. They already practice dancing. It's going to be kino as fuck.

>> No.74211260

Idolshit is cancer, the work isn't worth the effort
Losing a week of streams for a one hour concert isn't worth it

>> No.74211267

i say it's time some of us cut our losses and get the hell out of here, there's not point in having an oshi that will go out of their way to alienate their main audience

>> No.74211268

>but I do think she hasn't thought this through.
Neither one thinks anything through. Fuwawa is a fluffbrain, and Mococo is a needy menhera girl worried about time passing her by before she accomplishes anything.

>> No.74211288

grammar is useless without the vocabulary first

>> No.74211308

>idolshit is cancer
Sister you were supposed to pretend to be a real ruffian, we talked about this on our discord come on

>> No.74211314

>They just received news of one of their all time favorite idol groups disbanding after 16 years.
Is it the same one Mint was choked up about?

This honestly sounds like a more likely excuse for them being emotional wrecks today.

>> No.74211318

gimme timestamp

>> No.74211328

Male this a VOD comment, or fuck off

>> No.74211330

I thought there was something more to this idol thing. Something about inspiring people and helping them grow. But the way they're going about it just seems like the endless numberfagging type of growth where becoming popular is the only thing that really matters. I don't know maybe they're just bad at communicating what it really means to them.

>> No.74211333

Why didn't they just do the battle plan in JP? All of their future plans involve Kapan so why waste all of their EN fans time talking about stuff they won't be a part of?

>> No.74211337
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Mocosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight see you for FWMC Morning

>> No.74211342

Yes the same group

>> No.74211352

I have a question about YouTube.
If I comment on a membership VOD and then I cancel my membership what happens to the comment? Is the comment deleted or does it stay up?

>> No.74211354

and you already got the basic vocab, rite?

>> No.74211363

I should say the consequences of it are cancer
It's fine on its own but when it destroys their actual content, streams, it's not worth it

>> No.74211370

there's a lot of words man

>> No.74211374

Stays up and you'll show as a gray name when it lapses. The most powerful statement.

>> No.74211377

it stays

>> No.74211397

The idol thing to FuwaMoco is a purely selfish desire, they want to be Japanese idols, that's all there is to it, the fans don't matter that much

>> No.74211401

Go jerk off to vox or and take a shower your axe wound STINKS!

>> No.74211402

Gonna be perfectly honest. I'm a pebble. When I got back into vtubers very recently, I watched FWMC and thought they were really cute at first impression. But as I watched them more it was pretty obvious to me which direction they were heading (right off a cliff desu). So I started checking out other streamers from advent, and Biboo was like the opposite where the more I got to know her, the better I liked her.

>> No.74211403

It's the same for literally every person who makes it big. Athletes, politicians, movie actors, rock stars. Eventually if you want to grow, you have to start prioritizing people who can help you grow.

>> No.74211405
File: 133 KB, 290x433, 1692570940120843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this tactic of claiming that the ruffians are secretly upset but are too nice to say anything, and if they aren't upset they should be. These nutjobs sure learned a lot about gaslighting from the discords that did it to them.


>> No.74211406
File: 28 KB, 601x159, 5136565364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this that femruffian who replied to /baubau/ with voice clips of herself that one night when FWMC left for Japan?

>> No.74211409

God, these emotional idol hags were just playing tough all day, huh? They're probably torn up between the move fucking them up, the idol group disbanding, and having to break the news to the ruffians that they're hungry enough to go after BOTH of hololive's audiences.

>> No.74211412

They're very hungry, anon.

>> No.74211420

asking for a friend anon, how much realistically would it be for me to hire a translator for particularly special JP streams to do live TL in chat if no one takes up the role? if they did actually did choose your adventure stream in JP god forbid, I would legitimately consider hiring someone to translate the full stream whether as liveTL or in post

>> No.74211426

meh mococo just baited about it on twitter then went to talk about it on their rm account. other holo had no issue mention it, why keep it exclusive outside fwmc. it annoys me cause all i get is "fwmc are secondary and we don't want to be more of ourselves there"

>> No.74211429

Agreed, time was I genuinely loved them and hoped to see them grow, but its clear now they'll chase things that'll get them more recognition to fulfill some autistic dream rather than understanding they already had something fun and wonderful.

>> No.74211436

That's it, you're no longer welcome on this board. Keep looking over your shoulder starting today. Every single fuwamoco thread will be shitten on from that point on. Yesmen are the single disaster of every fandom.

>> No.74211448

She actually does her reps unlike you fags. So the change changes nothing for her.

>> No.74211457

if you're already able to pick up some words here and there, that means you already got most of the basic vocabs done mate

>> No.74211483

>every other rrat was annihilated
No it wasn't.

>> No.74211489

its really well done, the only thing that feels off is the doc and the writer mentions it in the thank-you notes

>> No.74211490

>But the way they're going about it just seems like the endless numberfagging type of growth where becoming popular is the only thing that really matters
Is not only them. Is the same with suisei, pekora, watame, koyori etc. Path of the journey is getting big numbers to get more stuff.

>> No.74211500

It sounded like that's what they were planning. It's going to be kino when it's AndyTran and we have a new pero loop

>> No.74211520

Same group, also the one they got a shoutout from an ex-member and happily featured it on FWMC Morning, the same one Mococo would wake up at 3am to catch POSSIBLE live streams that didn't happen most of the time. Every single day.

>> No.74211527

okay now this is just hilarious and stupid.
The japanese don't love them nearly as much as EN does, and that's not going to change even if they do japanese streams unless they do a full shift to JP, and even then it's doomed as they'll never accept white girls larping as japanese.

They're doing it because they want to, and I'm here for it since that kind of content is cute too.

>> No.74211530

Check out fiverr and send out some proposals if you're serious. I'd guess you could get it done for $50 per hour, perhaps. but who knows about the quality. Live transcription TLing at the pace these streams go is a difficult skill.

>> No.74211535

Honestly speaking, disregarding the more JP streams change, I'm dissapointed that they're going back on their words and making changes instead of sticking to said words.

They explain things poorly, we've known this for many months at this point, so making an opinion based on a change that's mostly unknown is a stupid idea. So putting that idea on hold for at least a month, the fact that they're betraying their own words disappoints me.

Why make a promise you can't keep? They do this too often, exaggerating only slightly. It's not very often to be fair, but it IS too much. They claim that they want to show how they feel with their actions and not their words, so what is shown when they actively break promises? When someone breaks a promise, you start to trust them less. It's as simple as that.

They shouldn't say things they don't mean, and they shouldn't break trust if they want to be trusted. If you say one thing but do the other, what does it mean when you say the words "Actions speak louder than words" so often? Or are you trying to convince yourself of something? Because I truly don't understand

>> No.74211558

Ok... I don't care about that. I just wanted to know if that was her.

>> No.74211556

andy a shit tho because he often skipped a whole topic completely

>> No.74211557

I know this will lead to you cuckposting and spamming, but yes every other rrat was already destroyed. Except the moustache one, I guess.

>> No.74211571
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It was the third supa, really easy to check

>> No.74211581

of course this woman is supportive of them doing a bad move.

>> No.74211595
File: 58 KB, 620x330, Pippin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finally thought and comprehended something more cucked than having a daughter.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than supporting an idol. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and supported by a Japanese man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little oshi - watching her streams, joining her membership, making sure to send SCs, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her content is more enjoyable for the Japs that will eventually go to every live event she has in Japan.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random Jap who doesn't need to win a limited foreigner lottery gets to see her. He gets to see her exhibition at FES. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has an oshi, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.74211604

Fuwamoco is an extremely thick kayfabe. That's kind of the whole gimmick. This is probably the most "real" they've EVER been with us.
I don't blame them for being worried about it, considering how hard they monitor the fanbase and absorb the schizoposts like a sponge.

>> No.74211607

I think the people that clearly still love them giving them criticism is going to make more of an impact

>> No.74211610

remember that they cant liveTL everything and they mostly do it with a gray account because they constantly get shadowbanned for spamming otherwise

>> No.74211615

I mean base translator cost per hour is like 50-75 but doing it live like that in chat is bit different, so they might quote it differently.

>> No.74211617

femruffian is a hardcore holoJP fan who is living in Japan. FWMC probably connects the most with her.

>> No.74211626

>Why make a promise you can't keep?
Lack of empathy for other people leads to a lack of sincerity leads to them just talking in anime cliches to lead along their clueless fans

>> No.74211642

Say this on twitter or in VOD comments. It's wasted here

>> No.74211649


>> No.74211652

I can't believe they forgot the tummy video. I don't have Twitter but someone needs to fwmchelp it in a QRT

>> No.74211656

I'm gonna come forward as a schizo and say I stopped trusting their word when they used save states for DKC after saying they wouldn't

>> No.74211665

kek this one got me

>> No.74211667

They're feeling the separation already though. Its a rocky path, I guess they'll go the Marine route.

>> No.74211679

>why make a promise you can't keep?
they're part of hololive advent not hololive promise!

>> No.74211682

i'm starting to think the comment another ruffian made of fwmc or just fuwawa love to see the ruffians go menhera over them

>> No.74211687

Wrong, that's me

>> No.74211690

>Picrel doesn't get to stand in their way
>posts fatass blue ruffian
made me chuckle

>> No.74211692

Why is a pebble shitposting here?

>> No.74211697

>I don't personally like something, so I shall amass an army to get what I want! They'll all follow me if I accuse them of being yes men!

>> No.74211737
File: 380 KB, 762x1200, 1713770058014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're legit stupid.

If you don't understand how all of this leads to them one day having their own solo live (well duo live) as FuwaMoco where you as a ruffian will cry actual tears over seeing them on stage then you can't be helped.
But to get there is no easy task. They'll need more fans, more popularity, a lot of original songs, dance and singing lessons, blood sweat and tears.
And they need the support of ruffians. And I can assure you, because I've seen it before, when you see your oshi who you accompanied for many years really make it and be up there, it's a feeling that nothing else comes close to. It goes directly to your soul.
You'll get a glimpse of it when they first get to have 3D and appear at holofes.

>> No.74211740

Jwu, I need a qrd.

>> No.74211742

I was wrong. I don't want an idol. I don't want an oshi. I just want to be loved and to not be alone.

>> No.74211743

The pledge thing they did should have been a massive red flag to anyone with a brain
You don't tell your fans you care about them before you've even met them
And you don't TELL your fans you care, you show it through actions

>> No.74211753

>i'm starting to think the comment another ruffian made of fwmc or just fuwawa love to see the ruffians go menhera over them
Holy fuck if true.
I'd love them even more for being such evil masterminds. It sounds hilarious so I'm going to believe it now.
The new rrat I'm making is that they're the ones making the anti posts to bait ruffians into falling even deeper for them by making them dig their heels in. This cements the whales into place and they won't even consider leaving out of spite.

>> No.74211767
File: 114 KB, 579x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try asking this guy
DM open and he's seafags so rate should be lower

>> No.74211780

I agree. They said that they would still stream at the normal streaming time, and now they are saying that they'll do regular JP streams in JP time and if we can't watch it just deal with it?
Sorry but I don't like that. Why should I trust them from now on, if they can just keep changing things in the future?

>> No.74211787

They have no chance in reaching marine's level of success. I do hope they can hit watame's/towa's level.

>> No.74211794

welcome to the world of 2view

>> No.74211823

I was tempted to jump in during the geoguesser stream, it's always good to have two to supplement shit that will be missed because there definitely was stuff that was missed. I'll do it next time. The minecraft stuff will be hard though, I hate translating big collabs like that.

>> No.74211827

If this ends up filtering the most unruly weeds among ruffians, it will be a win for EN audience in the long run. You can think the JP as a bonus.

>> No.74211833
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>> No.74211832

>And they need the support of ruffians. And I can assure you, because I've seen it before, when you see your oshi who you accompanied for many years really make it and be up there, it's a feeling that nothing else comes close to. It goes directly to your soul.

I just watched a chuuba I've been supporting for a full year finally get closure on one of the biggest hate raids of her career and a full apology. Gotta say that one tweet by the guy apologizing for the incident made my entire year.

>> No.74211839

I'm giving them a chance to give me ESR tomorrow. This will decide my oshi choice moving forward

>> No.74211841

They're probably already more successful than Watame and Towa

>> No.74211845

They also said no game was dropped and they have dropped even shit they played on their first week

>> No.74211847
File: 252 KB, 547x397, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should wait and see the next couple of schedules before giving in to doomposting and trying to discuss this genuinely with the sister raid ongoing is pointless. This also applies to leaving comments on the vod you may later regret if this turns out to be blown out of proportion.

>> No.74211851
File: 200 KB, 1124x1124, 1000004080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Golden Week will be the first time I miss a FULL WEEK of streams
>more than likely won't catch the VODS
Brutal. I hope they were just exaggerating and it's only like 2 or 3 JP streams and we still have FWMC Morning and maybe one EN stream.

>> No.74211852

It's kinda sad to even think that them moving to Japan and doing more JP stuff kind of puts a weird gap between them and the rest of Advent.Like doing an off collab wouldn't work or even just as much as doing a one on one.

>> No.74211856
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, dontweall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't we all

>> No.74211873

I dont mean in success but rather going menhera over not being able to spend time with her fanbase while she does her "homework"

>> No.74211874
File: 980 KB, 202x202, 0NbDop5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was an unexpected ride of a membership stream. The high at the start of the stream hearing them talk about all the things they want to do or had accomplished was great. Then hearing Mocochan crying and Fuwawa's shaky voice was upsetting. I hope they are doing okay right now.

>> No.74211883

I'm curious I'll admit.

>> No.74211890

There already was a weird gap between them and the rest of Advent

>> No.74211891
File: 217 KB, 554x392, 1690012177972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

>> No.74211893

I want to do that, but Mococo herself doing the doomposting live on stream on 4K really doesn't help

>> No.74211904
File: 180 KB, 512x512, 1710718610942787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurt over JP streams
>oshihens to JP

>> No.74211906

For a lot of people this WAS the wait and see portion. All since their move. And now the first week back they've dropped 2 streams and have told us that at least for the immediate future, the streams will be JP heavy and then fewer.

>> No.74211915

It all boils down to this. Everything.

>> No.74211916

Anon, watame have 3 sololives alr. I dont even know if FWMC can have one.

>> No.74211921

They can't even do off-collab with Advent in NWP because Biboo in fucking Thailand

>> No.74211930

the craziest people will stay, be it either out of habit or sunk cost fallacy

>> No.74211964

the craziest people also the most whimsical tho

>> No.74211969

It's undeniable that JST streams is a direct break of the "nothing will change" promise, because the context of that talk was precisely stream times. Especailly for Golden Week, the whole point of Golden Week is that JP ojisan is at home all day, they could stream at 10am JST in japanese just fine and keep their word.
I still don't care much, but this is the one thing I don't feel bad if I see comments bringing up to them, they did fail on this.

>> No.74211970

I've waited to see what happens for 2 months
If I don't let something out now, it's going to explode

>> No.74211971

>7 months

>> No.74211976

I just meant in terms of being a popular Holo
Watame likes to make music but her music kinda sucks
Doubt FuwaMoco will have a sololive, they don't even have any songs

>> No.74211982
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1685051766947759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't like to tweet after a certain time because we worry about the ruffians who are asleep and would have to wake up just to read them! it's the same thing with guerilla streams, you know? we're thinking about your timezones, ruffians...
>...now that that's out of the way, we want to warn you know that it's OK to miss streams. and when we say that, we're telling you that very soon we'll be having a schedule that will be PACKED FULL of streams you're almost guaranteed to either lose sleep over or miss entirely since, well... we're reaching out to our japanese audience.
>bau bau!

>> No.74211986

The whole talk of a sololive is pointless right now because we don't even know if it's possible for an EN member to get one. I've said this before but if you want them to get a sololive you should really be praying that people like Bae, Kiara, or Gura get one because that will show it's at least possible.

>> No.74211988

I agree, but the fucking way they talked about Golden Week makes me think it's going to be literally an entire week in full JP. It doesn't help that they implied they're gonna go on a week long break due to homework, I think? I don't know they need to get a bit better about communication kek

>> No.74212005

>off collab in EN
Anon... You do realize they're spread all across the globe? Even two girls in the same country can't just hop over for a day trip without a serious investment.

For a quick example, take Nerissa in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. California itself is the size of the entirety of japan, and it takes like 5 fucking hours to get from one side of LA to the other due to traffic, and like 8 hours just to reach the state lines. God help you if you go more than 1-2 time zones because then you have jet lag to deal with.

>> No.74212013

this but without the psychopathic grin. Letting out pent up difficult emotions is good for them.

>> No.74212014
File: 2.99 MB, 540x350, 1707889321453207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the hard work you put into your beautiful little oshi - watching her streams, joining her membership, making sure to send SCs, educating her, playing with her
I know this is a shitpost of a pasta but this hurt me. I don't want to be abandoned by them for some nips that already have it good enough. I didn't wait endless months for advent to debut AND all of that just for Fuwamoco to forget me and others alike for some "growth" that most likely isn't even there... I hate it.

>> No.74212016

yeah that little tangent really concerned me

>> No.74212017

It's so fucking weird because I already went through this with Suisei and she wasn't even gachikoi enabling. It was just watching this dorky Comet learn and grow bigger and then she exploded. And I cried when I saw her on stage, when I saw her first sololive but now...it's not worth it. Now when she does a concert is the only time I see her and she feels far away, like I don't know her anymore.

>> No.74212022

I miss her simple music like oshi no uta

>> No.74212026

>if it's possible for an EN member to get one

>> No.74212036

they'll have to grind a few years but they'll probably get one

>> No.74212046

didn't mori just get one or am i dreaming

>> No.74212053

As an EUffian I've mostly been a VODwatcher for a long time.
It bothers me how menhera you lot are over having to live with VODs a bit during Golden Week and maybe after if they have some JPcollabs.
Why are you so weak?

>> No.74212068

This is true and is actually insane
I can't believe they said that

>> No.74212071

i did not, i knew they were spread but not globally

>> No.74212073

>we don't even know if it's possible for an EN member to get one
Advent newfags are so embarassing

>> No.74212076

Ok yes there is Mori but she is an exception to the usual rules because of UMG.

>> No.74212084

>Streams times will stay the same
>Fuwamoco will still stream in english
So how are we supposed to cope with our oshis blatantly lying?

>> No.74212086

Even if nothing changes im done, trust is already broken and frankly I think this stream woke me up to some of the things that didn't quite fit with them, they say a lot and shed a lot of tears, but in the end they still decided to go through with this. Seems like they don't actually care if it so happens to get in the way of being hag japanese idols

>> No.74212088

Your oshi gets to achieve her dreams. You get to watch your oshi achieve her dreams. But that's all you get. And it turns out that's not enough.

>> No.74212092
File: 108 KB, 1000x750, Pero Isolated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I don't let something out now, it's going to explode
You could always revist our special moment together ruffran

>> No.74212096

Yeah this was a bit baffling to me. I feel like one of you fucks should bring it up so they onto feel too badly about doing guerilla streams.

>> No.74212098
File: 48 KB, 739x745, 1609046936530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's possible for an EN member to get one

>> No.74212116

Mori does get one you're right but she gets hers because UMG pay for them. She doesn't go through the normal process other Holos do.

>> No.74212120

fuck you pink woman you stole my ESR

>> No.74212126

> she is an exception to the usual rules because of UMG.
it was before that
why wouldn't ENs be allowed a sololive? Makes no sense, all that's required is for there to be enough demand for people to show up in Japan
Which I can't see FuwaMoco creating at this point to be honest

how the fuck does anyone feel parasocial for Suisei, she NEVER liked streaming

>> No.74212127

>The whole talk of a sololive is pointless right now because we don't even know if it's possible for an EN member to get one
No, but it's pointless because they ain't got any songs

>> No.74212154

I'm SEAmen
I can watch all their stream cozily even when they stream on JST, so I really don't get what the fuck those guys are going menheras about

>> No.74212165
File: 88 KB, 1000x549, 1705268039022583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember some of that

>> No.74212171

junk is a faggot who doesn't like fuwamoco he is here for the popularity contest

>> No.74212190

why did Mococo keep repeating "We just want you to be excited" like some kind of buddhist mantra?

>> No.74212191

I do wonder how they're going to respond to the comments. Member post?

>> No.74212193

Honestly I just can't wait for the reality to sink in on them when all the JP members keep getting better treatment and the stares of people in public make them gradually realize they aren't welcome and do not belong in Japan just because they like animu
Imagine the kino crying stream when it finally sinks in that they'll always be second class citizens~

>> No.74212205

AI glitch

>> No.74212215

>It's undeniable that JST streams is a direct break of the "nothing will change" promise
the thing that gets me is, they were already doing their fair share of jp streams during jp hours. if they were doing business as usual, or even ramping it up a bit so there is one every week it wouldn't be a big deal. the fact that that felt the need to address it and mococo was fucking crying means it is going to be a radical change. i think jp streams are regularly going to vastly outnumber en ones sooner than we think.

>> No.74212216

You feel invested in anyone's journey that you watched from the beginning you autist.

>> No.74212226
File: 183 KB, 840x273, 1695872566846664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks Fuwawa in the middle of reading a superchat about the Fuwawa solo stream feeling like a date

>> No.74212227

>As an EUffian I've mostly been a VODwatcher for a long time.
You don't get it, so you shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion

>> No.74212230

You now TRULY understand what it means to be an idolfag. You miss the idol journey itself. It's normal to feel this way, I think. When you're spending so much time together, your achievements feel shared. Now you just get informed of the latest big thing she got.
My favorite band has been the same for 20 years, to this date I have never once learned of any personal thing about any members, I don't give a fuck.
Turns out that spending a ton of time together is kind of important for you to give a shit beyond "I'll listen to the music when it's out".

>> No.74212231

I'm going to kill you Pero

>> No.74212252

You said that "she feels far away". She's always been far away, she's never been close to her fans

>> No.74212259

>the comment after it

>> No.74212267
File: 325 KB, 385x1006, 1712329439301915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you shouldn't settle for one oshi, instead you should simply be a hololive enjoyer like me.

>> No.74212272

>When you're spending so much time together, your achievements feel shared. Now you just get informed of the latest big thing she got.
This is a great way to put it, thanks.

>> No.74212271
File: 206 KB, 745x442, firefox_YzPjzp2Cwb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America alone is really, really fucking big.
Like people talked about how NijiEN was all canada and how funny it was that they weren't collabing in person all the time. Selen was EC, Elira and co was WC. That's a 40 hour drive. This is the absolute fastest possible route using a freeway. North America is fucking HUGE and there's no efficient train system to help people cross massive gaps easily. Not that you'd feel good if you did anyways because I can tell you as someone who's regularly made trips to the other side of the country, Jetlag fucking SUCKS. I'm fucking baffled how the girls can stream immediately after landing in Japan. When I took a trip to Europe, I had to pass out for roughly an entire day.

>> No.74212275

I think it's her knowing how it feels to be excited for your oshi and she doesn't want that to go away. It works even if you don't like JP streams because you can still be excited for the next EN stream.

>> No.74212277

I don't fucking know
I mean, I too will be excited if they say something like, dunno, "we gonna collabs with so much of our JP senpai during this golden week, ruffians!!"
but noo, they need to doompost and mococo even sniffles a bit

>> No.74212293

It's not that I'm saying ENs aren't ALLOWED. It's that I'm saying they may not be possible because ENs inherently have less demand than homegrown JP chuubas. Again Mori and Gura, they obviously can get one (provided Gura has enough songs)
It's ones like Bae and Kiara who we should be paying attention to since they have the songs and are actively trying for a solo live

>> No.74212297

So the lies escalated from really insignificant stuff to the current situation like this
>we don't use save states
>no game has been dropped
>nothing will change after we move to Japan
Am I missing any other example?

>> No.74212307

in light of all this shit, at least Pero never let us down

>> No.74212309

hour and a half into the vod and fwmc have yet to talk about the jp stuff.
did they leave it for last?

>> No.74212317

I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.74212319

If you say something enough choked with tears maybe the people you're lying to will forget they're being misled

>> No.74212327

>It's undeniable that JST streams is a direct break of the "nothing will change" promise,
Yeah, that's also probably why they were so emotional as well, I guess.
>i think jp streams are regularly going to vastly outnumber en ones sooner than we think
They said otherwise multiple times, but it makes sense you didn't notice cause it was in between their crying and confusing wording

>> No.74212330

She's trying to convince herself
I've seen people do that before. Hell, I've done it myself

>> No.74212346

Bae's getting a ton of work in Japan but I don't know if she's popular enough for a concert, wouldn't be surprised if she got one anyway though seeing they clearly like her

>> No.74212354

post battle plan

>> No.74212371

she can't keep getting away with this

>> No.74212372

CptTexas that is the gayest teenage girl text of a VOD comment I've ever fucking seen like if you replaced all the emotes with the clapping hands emoji, it would read like a clapback text written by a nigger teen.

>> No.74212388

Yes they leave it for the very last thing when they get to the 1 million subs wish. Get ready because they start crying for the rest of the VoD

>> No.74212394

>why wouldn't ENs be allowed a sololive?
Several ENs have talked about this. It's not a matter of demand - they likely can at least fill the "smaller" venue (1k-3k full capacity).
What matters is the cost. Cover doesn't pay for sololives and those cost a shit ton for talents to cover by themselves. They have to find & convince big enough sponsor (or sponsors) and most ENs aren't popular enough in Japan for that (with the exception of perhaps Mori and Gura, but the latter doesn't seem to be interested in doing a sololive in JP)

>> No.74212403

source? I always thought she was in California

>> No.74212412
File: 190 KB, 1116x1150, 1698189489405157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright you faggots, whose idea do you think this mainly was? i'm betting on fuwawa since whenever she's on the twitter account, she goes on JP like sprees. mococo sounded the most hurt from this.

>> No.74212441

Pippa is in Japan right now, and they are fans of hers so they might cancel a stream to meet up with her if they want to

>> No.74212453


>> No.74212461

I just want the Minecraft stream to be on monday for better pacing is it too much to ask?

>> No.74212466

It was Mococo's idea retard, she's the biggest idolfag.

>> No.74212471

you get used to long trips after you do it 2-3 times, i had a few +15 hours long trips and i was fine after a nap

>> No.74212477

>It's not a matter of demand
>What matters is the cost
These are the same thing genius

>> No.74212482

And Fuwamoco are more popular than them for sure but they're still ENs at the end of the day and like they said today, a lot of JP listeners don't know that much about them. They will probably have to slum it in sololive purgatory with the other ENs not named Mori and Gura

>> No.74212485

>3k combined post in 3 threads
sasuga /baubau/

>> No.74212489

>inb4 the birth of Mococo separatism

>> No.74212494
File: 172 KB, 734x447, firefox_tAibOB6XjX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like that's much better.
I remember hearing somewhere that Nerissa is somewhere in that gigantic fucking empty void called Nebraska.
That's a 20 hour drive.

>> No.74212506

There's a lot of people forgetting that FWMC are women that worry way too much about things.

>> No.74212511
File: 105 KB, 262x322, 1693169979490624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another 7 month

>> No.74212522

>They said otherwise multiple times
they've said a lot of things and have continued to go back on them.

>> No.74212523

i say fuwawa, it sounds like mococo had a gun to her back the whole time they talked about it

>> No.74212528

Kek it gave me quite a laugh seeing that right after reading some of the critical posts

>> No.74212531

nice out of context compilation

>> No.74212533

This one is on Mococo. You can tell because she feels the most guilty about it.

>> No.74212539
File: 8 KB, 216x193, 1693463518061882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo's constant sobbing and whimpering made me genuinely angry after awhile

>> No.74212549

wrong quote. Meant for >>74212403

Also if anyone's gonna be rich enough to fund a sololive, it'll probably be fuwamoco.

>> No.74212566

>running thru VOD to get all SC
>tfw realized I missed fuwawa sneeze at the start

>> No.74212571

They didn't worry enough about this. From an outside perspective it just looks bad. This was their first real week back after 2 months and instead of gettin back into the swing of things, it's doom and gloom of JP streams and then fewer streams. They had to know this wasn't going to be received well.

>> No.74212574

They alluded to it being Mane-chans idea. That at some point they put JP collabs on the back burner and Mane-chan was frustrated seeing this.

>> No.74212578

I want to kiss my Mocotan

>> No.74212580

Who the fuck drives at this point, just fly there

>> No.74212584

Of course I get it you retard, I was NEET at the start and watched everything at night for a few months.
You're still a weak pissbaby.

>> No.74212587

Congrats, you now know what it's like to work with women

>> No.74212595

I'm just telling you what they said, nothing more. Whether or not you believe them is up to you

>> No.74212599

They definitely worried too much about this. They could have dropped this as "Hey ruffians we're doing a lot of JP collabs and special streams during Golden Week, look forward to it! Bau bau!" and there would be almost zero grumbling, kek
They worked themselves into a shoot. but it'll be fine long term

>> No.74212609

I'm a terrible person and I love drama.

But I'm also legitimately a pebble and I managed to snag the autographed birthday merch and I just spent 6 hours watching Biboo playing hollow knight.

I promise you the other pebbles aren't like this I'm just weird like that.

>> No.74212610

Once you realize it's manipulative and fake it really starts to get under your skin

>> No.74212617

it's always fuwawa.

>> No.74212625

Based and can't wait for the FW vs MC civil war

>> No.74212630

I will stay over sunk cost

>> No.74212637

I don't know whats worse, this being a lie or their managers being that fucking stupid

>> No.74212642

I'm a pissMAN, thank you very much.

>> No.74212663

I am reading every single fucking comment, even by Ruffians I hate, and I am liking the ones I agree with and disliking the yesmen.

>> No.74212675

Yeah, but that has its own issues. Flying is expensive as fuck, even for these girls, especially since you need two trips AND you then have to stay for long enough to make the trip worth it since you'll still be dealing with mild jet lag, fucking you up for your first day there and your first day back.

>> No.74212687

They could also at least be a bit more specific. If there are like 2 or 3 collabs during Golden Week, no one would care or count those. "Oh, ok, tons of JP streams because there's tons of collab, and it's golden week, so you want a couple of solo ones too, no problem", instead it's just "WE WANT TO GO ALL IN ON GOLDEN WEEK BUT YOU'RE GONNA HATE US WHEN THE SCHEDULE COMES OUT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU'RE GONNA HATE US PLEASE DON'T HATE US"

>> No.74212693
File: 285 KB, 678x618, 1707198961321732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Fuck all this stress, I'm going to the gym for the next few months in hopes of getting mad pussy. Good luck bros. It was good while it lasted.

>> No.74212698


>> No.74212701

I blame the migraine hitting them both hard, so they can't think thing through
Like seriously, just preface it with saying they managed to arrange a lot of collab with their amazing JP senpai and just be done with it
Let the doom being just increased homework or something

Boom. No problemo

>> No.74212707

Not really. They can fill the venue, but merely filling the venue isn't enough to cover the cost. That's where sponsors step in for the talents and get their profits from selling merchs.
I guess if I wasn't clear enough, I meant it's not a matter of demand for the sololive. Being able to fill the venue isn't enough or many other Holos (JP and EN included) would have been able to get their sololive.

>> No.74212717

>jet lag
not if you're flying to a different state in the US

>> No.74212727

baused. I hope to never see you here again

>> No.74212730

>New member Ruffian wall trying to make FWMC feel bad
Fucking kys

>> No.74212732

Bongland here. I woke up when the stream was nearly over and I'm not sure if I want to start my day with mococo crying so I just backread the thread for now. If golden week is a write off so be it. I am only going to have an issue if after the break there is an obvious shift to JP content outside of a special case like that.
Also I fucking love JP offcollabs and was always seething when Gura never did any on her JP trips so I am not complaining if we get more of those even if I can't understand them.

>> No.74212748

i pray for your gains friend, after this i'm hopping on a cycle and putting on more mass

>> No.74212761

Yeah not enough people are talking about this. They said mane-chan was really frustrated that they weren't doing certain things(things that FuwaMoco admitted they themselves DID want to do)
I think it's pretty clear that the golden week thing might have happened due to mane-chan's influence.
Who knows, though? They'll never directly say anything about it.

>> No.74212764

Oh no not the heckin' comment dislikes
Nobody can see them, btw, not even comment author or the youtuber themselves. It does have some sort of minor vestigial effect on comment rank ordering if that makes you feel better.

>> No.74212770

dislikes don't do anything

>> No.74212779 [DELETED] 

So you're saying to me that they voted for Trudeau and then instead of dealing with consequences of their mistake they decided to leave the country?

>> No.74212777
File: 312 KB, 796x764, 1693396053862193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fun, easygoing stream reviewing their goals
>"ah... anyways ruffians, we kind of want to extend our hands out to japanese ruffians"
>tone of stream takes a complete 180
i'm annoyed

>> No.74212795

they're going on break for 2 weeks after too

>> No.74212796

Mococo can't go 2 hours without asking for headpats and love but meanwhile Ruffians are supposed to miss entire streams, weeks, months of Fuwamoco?

>> No.74212804

To put on a concert, you need to get money from somewhere. You get the money back when you sell out the venue. Selling out the venue is enough to pay for the concert. So if there's demand, it's easy to pay for the concert. Not to mention Cover can pay for it themselves if they want to

>> No.74212816

so glad i saw this coming and dropped them already

>> No.74212818

i'm a yesman because this shit genuinely doesn't affect me. I already watch and understand HoloJP streams at the same schedules.

>> No.74212825

From cali to nebraska or east coast? Yeah you're still gonna get jet lag. It's not going to be huge like a trip to europe, but it'll last maybe half a day and you'll feel tired, lethargic, and groggy.

>> No.74212848

Do remember sisters that they can pull your comment history just by clicking on your name. The shitposting comments by new members will not have the effect you're expecting.

>> No.74212854

>Not to mention Cover can pay for it themselves if they want to
Cover doesnt do that. Is up to the girls to secure sponsors for themselves.

>> No.74212855

They are going to lose a pretty big chunk of EN casual following doing this. I hope they know what they're doing...

>> No.74212857

you arent the target for what's next then, feel free to skip it

>> No.74212859

Based Wallreader

>> No.74212863

Posted my cloudy brutally honest VOD comment. I waited before typing to see if I was missing something. Nope they really fucked us. Expecting mane chan to ban me today

>> No.74212875

it's only a 4 hour difference, you can go to bed at the same time you do in your home time zone

>> No.74212891 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1130x2010, F0Ol6LmaQAExxIH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking weebs

>> No.74212899


>> No.74212907

it was amazing how quickly they pivoted from a nice comfy stream to being blubbering messes making everyone feel bad

>> No.74212906

Then they're not being manipulative enough
Don't fucking preface it with fucking doomposting insinuating something's wrong
Just fucking tell everything is okay, or even better, tell us to GET EXCITED for it, flaunt and brags on the fact that they managed to snab special JP stream or something
THEN when someone called out that there's gonna be too much JP stream, ONLY THEN you cry and sniffles
They mixed up the order completely
Fucking amateur snakes ruining everything

>> No.74212909

Kek, right?

>> No.74212911

I rarely can catch EN streams as well, how the fuck do you enjoy VODs? I don't get it, they feel way worse than live streams.

>> No.74212917

>"ah... anyways ruffians, we kind of want to extend our hands out to japanese ruffians"
>tone of stream takes a complete 180
It's because they're menhera about it and have been holding back on JP shit due to feeling bad about "leaving out" a significant portion of their audience.
This was honestly a talk they should have given us many many moons ago, but they were clearly very 50/50 on JP streams due to these reasons.

>> No.74212923

Reminder that the latest pup talk was about change again. They always do this. Listen to the pup talks if you want a heads up of when things are about to go bad.

>> No.74212927

>Is up to the girls to secure sponsors for themselves.
You mean completely by themselves? Their managers aren't even going to help them?

>> No.74212931

I guess. I keep forgetting half of these girls are degenerate and operate on EU hours naturally.

>> No.74212934

When you fly from north America to Japan you completely lose an entire day.

If you wake up in the morning on Monday, fly to Japan, then go to sleep in the evening, when you wake up it will be Wednesday.

>> No.74212938
File: 2.06 MB, 3508x4961, FWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heavenly numbers for my dumb angel Fuwawa

>> No.74212949

>big chunk of EN casual following doing this
Anon, casuals are fucking grays. They dont care about such shit. You can just look at IRyS for a good example.

>> No.74212955


>> No.74212970

I feel you, Gura really squandered her time in hololive. There is so much more she could have done, especially during her time in Japan.
I don't want FuwaMoco to miss all those opportunities. I want them to collab with a lot of the great JP senpai they have and I want them to become an integral part of hololive. I want them to be invited to a lot of 3D lives and sponsorships and studio events.

>> No.74212978

That's actually a good point. They had me fooled early on thinking they were genuinely different but in the end it's all the same.

>> No.74212990

I don't chat beyond the occasional emote in any stream bigger than 100-200 people (outside of Sayu because she's a goddess). It makes no difference to me whether it's live or not if my message won't get read anyways.

>> No.74212995

If you're that new member you're going to get disregarded because you're clearly a drama hanger-on.
Who the fuck posts some comment like that without realizing everyone can see you literally membered today kek

>> No.74213000

Gura's time isn't over, she is technically still a Hololive member and can do anything she wants, she has lost no opportunities

>> No.74213006

People stuck by them for their 2 month move, anon. A week of JP streams won't do shit. If anything, it'll bring in a bunch of JP fans

>> No.74213020

I don't chat either though, I have chat closed 100% of the time, it doesn't feel the same still

>> No.74213021

>Flying is expensive as fuck
a round trip is like $100

>> No.74213023

Yeah, some of the girls like watame and towa have talked about it. Cover does not pay for such stuff.

>> No.74213036

If anything, they're not the same, dumbass
They're too fucking incompetent at it the only logical reason that makes sense is that they ain't fucking snakes

>> No.74213052

There's a difference between "not paying" and "not helping"

>> No.74213063
File: 195 KB, 441x435, 1712695796129739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, those new comments
i swear they better approach them like adults and not go on another menhera episode

>> No.74213075

>close yt chat use threadwatcher and pretend I made some good posts
It's like I'm really there
Also I do stay up for streams relatively often too

>> No.74213085

yeah, if you order it 6 months in advance and are fine with a 11 hour flight due to extra stops.

>> No.74213086

alright i got to it.
>you know we can speak jp?
>well we want to give jp ruffians a bit more time
>it's for our 1 million goal
then mococo sobs abit... i mean i get it, but i can't feel bad for them if this is fwmc decision and choice...

>> No.74213092

i would hope so, it'd serve them right for pandering to their nonexistent nip audience

>> No.74213095

>They had me fooled early on thinking they were genuinely different
How did they fool you? They're perhaps the least geninue and convincing vtubers I've seen in Hololive

>> No.74213097

The other ENs are a lot more obvious to me these two were the first to put me under the spell for so long

>> No.74213101

Realistically speaking, she feels like she's soft-retired at this point. It really doesn't seem like things will ever be normal again with her, she's more like Aqua now, if even. Which makes me sad. Still waiting for Full Color even.

>> No.74213109

>it doesn't feel the same still
You have a feeling of when things will happen given the length of the VOD. Its subconscious but streams are more or less formulaic and you can grasp a feeling for the patterns.

>> No.74213133

>joined YouTube 13 hours ago
>new member
Kek I thought you were joking. Actual anti behavior even if the post isn't really negative

>> No.74213134

I don't want them to forget about me...

>> No.74213139

>they ain't fucking snakes
I'm just glad no one was retarded enough to suggest that Mococo didn't actually have a migraine yesterday

>> No.74213143

>Not to mention Cover can pay for it themselves if they want to
Thats what was written.

>> No.74213150
File: 3.84 MB, 7000x4192, fm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74213152

It reminds me of Nene's manager last year telling her she needs to play more Apex and join Holizonal in order to grow. Cover's managers are always like this.

>> No.74213165

I just realized they're honestly, genuinely retarded. They've been rejected by the Japanese twice now, why do they think this time will be any different? Do they know Jps already have girls they watch? Why would they watch white girls from Canada pretending to be like them? Are they actually delusional going this far?

>> No.74213168
File: 427 KB, 728x566, 1706968279624474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to memory hole this stream and day, good night

>> No.74213174

Or maybe he doesn't want it to be associated with his main account?

>> No.74213180

I told everyone this was going to happen back in September. Their hunger to grow is what will push them to do more JP streams. Luckily they are caring about what Ruffians think so I can't see it getting bad like with IRyS.

>> No.74213191

I've been a fuwamoco anti from day one, fuck all these bandwagoning cunts
REAL antis hated them from the moment they opened their mouths and started babbling in that incomprehensible babytalk!!

>> No.74213193

What's wrong? I'm checking them and it's still just more positivity. The worst one I saw was a dude saying he was annoyed his JP wasn't strong enough yet but that he still cherishes their time together.

Gonna be real I half expected a wave of "subbed for 0 days" to shitpost on them.

>> No.74213194

I'm looking at non-stop 2 weeks in advance? obviously it'll depend on the airport but...

>> No.74213206

God imagine what a REAL yab would be like. We are already the fastest thread on the board during a nothingburger member stream. I can't even imagine what would happen it would be legendary.

>> No.74213208

A coward then, and impossible to tell. Either way, not an effective communication strategy and easy (and correct) to disregard.

>> No.74213225
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, 1684462611498175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live fuwamoco reaction reading their comment section

>> No.74213226

Who gets Pero though

>> No.74213228

Stop being retarded, SillyStrawberry.

>> No.74213227

where does eu stand?

>> No.74213255

you think they're reading this thread?

>> No.74213263

Sisters are already cooldown posting right now, can't get much faster

>> No.74213265

IRyS has only done 6 JP streams this year
her 7th is in a few hours
that's less than 2 per month

Could be a paypig that's hurting and doesn't know how to cope

>> No.74213266

>those who cant understand english prefer fuwawa

>> No.74213275

Cover has never done that for any girl. They aren't going to suddenly make an exception and do that for FWMC.
The girls need to find themselves sponsors - which means convincing a bunch of JP suits that they will be profitable. It's not as simple as just saying "there's demand".
For example, no offense to her, but IRyS's EPs sold decently well (2nd best among ENs, only below Mori's), topped charts, got into top 10 Global Billboards and landed her #35 in Ototoy yearly ranking (ahead of some well-known names, too). Her metrics (viewerships, VOD views, SC and merch sales) aren't bad either - yet she admitted that it's probably impossible for her to ever get a sololive because she can't find a sponsor. It's clearly not an easy thing to do (or at least, not as easy as "Look at my / our awesome streaming viewerships and donation.
Please trust us and sponsor our concert, it will be profitable"), especially for ENs. They probably will need their music to sell really well and / or HololiveEN to become way more popular with JPs (to instill confidence into sponsors).

>> No.74213283

Fuwawa, you can tell by Mococo being sad and Fuwawa pushing the
>this is great be happy

>> No.74213286

I was actually thinking of this the other day which is why I deduced this whole idol journey thing is never going to appeal to me lol, or at least it won't be the main point of appeal for me. It's all about the journey for a lot of idolfags, so once they make it then what? Do they just drop her and move on to someone else who's getting started? In the end are you really actually supporting the person? I cannot fathom the idea of just dropping someone I've been following and cheering for just because the "magic" of their growth and improvement journey is gone.
Suisei doesn't not like streaming, which is not to say she loves it but if she didn't like it then she wouldn't stream to relax. She quite literally has 0 reasons to stream nowadays and she still does it whenever she feels like it.

>> No.74213290
File: 338 KB, 526x488, 1603899758642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest issue with all of this is less them even doing it and more just how horrible they are handling this whole thing. They turned it into this big song and dance with like 3 hours worth of tears ect ect when in reality none of that was fucking needed. Going to do a jp collab? Cool, make the announcement exciting for your actual viewers and have fun with it. Doing a stream at JP hours? Fine, have fun with it but for the love of god don't turn it into something it doesn't need to be.

>> No.74213294

Silly Strawberry or whatever, write something like this in the comments please

>> No.74213297

They can't even have a proper JP zatsu because they didn't grow up in Japan.
They don't have those childhood memories or experiences of growing up and going to school in Japan or going to Japanese places as actual members of the JP tribe instead of just being tourists.

>> No.74213304

honestly was going to add my own sad post, but seeing that there are already some out there, I'll just thumbs up the ones that are there and keep my name out of the crossfire

>> No.74213308

Well, i am jumping ship, i may or may not come back depending on how these next three weeks of streams go.So long and goodnight /baubau/.

>> No.74213312
File: 11 KB, 461x330, firefox_NlgQvJPKkG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>74213193(me) nvm I found it.
"new member" kek.
In that case it really depends on where exactly they want to go to and from. It'll still be a pain if they have to drive after reaching the destination, as well as driving TO the airport if they live somewhere congested like LA or distant like anywhere in fucking Nebraska. It's doable with enough forethought, but I still wouldn't recommend it for regular off-collabs like the JPs tend to do.

>> No.74213319

yup based exactly how I feel and what I wanted from Gura, even after she stopped streaming nearly as much I kept holding out hope she was going to replace it with taking her idol reps seriously but It never really happened.
I can't fucking wait until FWMC get 3d and start appearing in lives.

>> No.74213320

I just can't
like fuck
they can just go
>for JP ruffians, we have good news for you!
>we gonna have special stream on your time during golden week!
or something
but the way they worded it just feels like they don't even actually care about JP ruffians and just doing it for the subs
like, the fuck??? they said it as if there's literally no one winning from this
how can I be excited with what they got coming if they tell the news like this

>> No.74213330

what the fuck is an eu

>> No.74213333

Some IRyS schizo has been hanging around posting random shit, just like there was a Gura anti around earlier trying to make the discussion about her. They're attracted to the activity trying to get some attention. Just ignore

>> No.74213334

>IRyS has only done 6 JP streams this year
thats because they're all on Flare's channel

>> No.74213342

Fucking relax. They're going to do 3 days a week JP streams and 4 days a week EN streams

>> No.74213362

those are extra streams though, she wouldn't have been streaming anyways

>> No.74213363

The more I think about this the crazier they seem to me. It's actually off putting. It's literally the exact same vein of mental illness as trannies.

>> No.74213369

If there's anything I expect them to rake in in JP, it's sponsors. Japan fucking loves them as merch apparently. Cute twin guard dogs and one is a loli while the other has huge tits? Their merch sells out in seconds.

>> No.74213373

>The girls need to find themselves sponsors
No, their management (Cover) finds them sponsors. If there's demand they can demonstrate it and find a sponsor
and IRyS's music project did so horribly bad they canned the whole thing and moved her to a new branch, of course she's not getting a sololive lol

>> No.74213381


>> No.74213389

Alright, I'm done doomscrolling this place and the VOD comments.
I genuinely love them, but I feel mixed and conflicted about all this. I have no issue with JP streams or collabs and want them to grow and befriend the JP girls(they love Japan and love hololive)
I think I mostly feel this way about Golden Week being potentially a week fully in JP. I get that it's a special week, but Jesus, they just finally came back. Then they're potentially having a week long homework "break" right after that?
I do like how they addressed the FOMO stuff, but eeeehhh they're still going through with it. Thy always talked about not wanting to do certain things like spaces due to FOMO, and now they'll have a FULL WEEK filled with FOMO-creating streams. I don't think they've thought too hard about all of this, or maybe this is why they seemed so menhera.
I dont think ill post anything publicly cause others said it better than I could.
I'm going to bed

>> No.74213397

>you now remember the first JP stream where they told JP Ruffians that they wouldn't be doing JP streams often

>> No.74213410

They have childhood memories of pretending to be Japanese, surely that counts

>> No.74213423

Too much jp

>> No.74213426

I just realized we're honestly, genuinely retarded. We've been burnt by EN Holos many times now, why did we think this time would be any different? Did we know what the girls want to be big idols? Why would they remain with us when there are tons of JP fans out there? Are we actually delusional to think they wouldn't go this far?

>> No.74213428
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We knew /baubau/ wouldn’t be the same…

>> No.74213436

... are people supposed to be upset about collabs like this?
I'd love more of that for FuwaMoco. I like hololive.

>> No.74213462

My menhera puppies are kinda autistic. Please understand.

>> No.74213464

I just hate missing out. It sucks that we're losing EN streams for JP ones

>> No.74213473

IRyS has done a lot more than that. They're usually her on Flare's channel

>> No.74213476

The fact they wouldn't do spaces but are now doing a full week of out of timezone streams kills me the most. They aren't even pretending to care about EN fans compared to Japan ones

>> No.74213478

they were forced by the investors pls understnagd

>> No.74213479

but sadly, no, it doesn't.

>> No.74213480

They'll be fine. They're stupid and worded shit badly. An actual tl;dr of their "announcement" is they want to get japanese ruffians too and to flex their JP in japan, and they're terrified because they're clearly /here/ and got blasted by a sister's bait thread or two and think that somehow people following two Japanese* dogs who fucking love japan and otaku shit wouldn't be okay watching them do japanese shit.

>> No.74213497

look up transracial

>> No.74213498

I've never been burnt by an EN? Just a single JP.

>> No.74213508

Unironically yes.

>> No.74213512

those are extra streams

>> No.74213517

Wait until you see how pitiful their views and SCs are in golden week

>> No.74213518

>They can't even have a proper JP zatsu because
they struggle with "proper" english zatsu to begin with, hell they struggle to have a whole hour of zatsu sometimes unless they have something to help them

>> No.74213522

Sometimes I really wonder if protecting smiles was just a cute gimmick phrase to them or if they actually meant something by it

>> No.74213525

How is this just occuring to you now, it was obvious a week in

>> No.74213526

>Golden Week being potentially a week fully in JP
>they're potentially having a week long homework "break" right after that
They never said those exactly, but I fucking hate that those are all plausible implication purely from the way they said it

>> No.74213529

name the ruffians you hate and why you go against what fuwamoco tell you to do

>> No.74213539

please don't bring that up.. I was up all night going schizo because of that stream.

>> No.74213541

they consoomed enough japanese media to know everything about growing up and going to school in japan

>> No.74213553

You don't fit in and probably don't even know why, just save your typing fingers the stress. It's probably doing horrible things to your acrylic nails.

>> No.74213558

is this chatgpt

>> No.74213559

This thread is going /hlgg/‘s level of fast during their prime hours and it’s setting off my autism.

>> No.74213581

I already know the japanese ruffians don't pay shit compared to the english ones. It's likely because of the whole "they haven't actually done a significant amount of japanese streams no matter how many times the sisters try to pretend they're 50/50."

They have like what, 300+ streams on the channel, and maybe 8 of them are japanese, with 5 of those being collabs with JPs?

>> No.74213589

I've been in denial

>> No.74213595

If the past two months are any indicator assume the worst interpretation is correct because they try to sugar coat everything

>> No.74213597

truly the most popular Advent

>> No.74213609

Yea, but zatsus seems to be a big deal among JP viewers, so they might try harder to actually do one as a JP stream

>> No.74213615

It's not. 7ppm is fast but it's not really /hlgg/ EN primetime fast, not when there are streams on anyway.

>> No.74213616

really struck a nerve there, huh?

>> No.74213621
File: 7 KB, 754x583, 1711862809777266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she like this

>> No.74213625

It should have been your first impression of them, that was the first thing anyone would notice after the fact that they're twins

>> No.74213635

>I get that it's a special week, but Jesus, they just finally came back
Yeah, the timing is really bad. This would have been better received (for me) if this wasn't right when they started regularly streaming again.

>> No.74213645

I regret ever cumming for fuwamoco.

>> No.74213664

>but the way they worded it just feels like they don't even actually care about JP ruffians and just doing it for the subs
I noticed this too but wasn't gonna say anything. It reminds me of when they did their takoyaki stream. They literally didn't mention it a single time after they unveiled their schedule. It was like they were fucking ashamed or something. Only after someone tweeted asking if it was "a jp or en stream" did they even mention it again.
You want us to be excited so act fucking excited? They always act excited for their jp collabs, but they treat their JP solo streams like they're obligations.

>> No.74213671

>I regret ever cumming
low test

>> No.74213672

Damn, even a gorilla

>> No.74213680

it's just not the same if you didn't actually experience firsthand, especially the little things and minutiae that you don't really get to see in anime, but Japanese people all share a sort of internal knowledge of. A "You Just Know" kind of thing.

>> No.74213683
File: 140 KB, 344x366, fuwawaawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how fast threads have been moving, I'm guessing we're still not good?

>> No.74213684

The actual reason for this is quite simple, but this thread isn't ready for it because it's full of antis who don't believe a word they say:
They love us. It's the same as the Taipei meeting. "Pleaase be happy for us, we want to do this, but of course... we wanted to meet YOU." They're not stupid, they know who their core core audience is, aside from the huge sea of ruffians. That's the people they were talking to.
They DON'T care about JP ruffians, at least not in the same way. Do you think they don't care about Taipei ruffians? Of course they do, without a point of comparison, but not as much as the people they were addressing. It's the same. They'll happily interact with all of the JP tourists and hope that some of them will cross the line to become part of this "YOU", but they don't know for sure, and they'll miss "YOU".
Also similar reason as to why they keep bringing up "we didn't plan to stream this much", they do it because they want to spend time with that person, "YOU". They're terrified of disappointing that idealized guy. They'll be thinking about him while reaching out to get more subscribers. Their fans are not just the number count for them.

>> No.74213687

when posts like this are made, you know its bad

>> No.74213689

It's clear they only came back to milk pigs, soothe en fans instead of cold starting at golden week because that would have been a bloodbath

>> No.74213699

>they got menhera saying they only just now can feel that there's light at the end of the tunnel
>they actually already got the place and already moved in a week beforehand
I guess it's technically the worst interpretation, they're actually menhera

>> No.74213714

this is going too far

>> No.74213728

they care about jp validation more than they care about the ruffians, they just like the superchats they get so didn't want to seem like they actually cared
even though the japs rejected them twice

>> No.74213738

I really was hoping for a comfy nice stream. It's been a rough couple of months. Even if I supported them in this choice (I don't) just listening to them crying and being sad the whole stream wore my out.

>> No.74213741

>"new member" kek.
How the fuck does that work? How is his youtube account 1 day old but with a 3 month member badge? Changed names?

>> No.74213748

I don't get it, honestly. This is like the one thing they haven't been able to hide. If they want the JP audience, they're going to have to change their mindset to being "I want the JP ruffians to be happy" instead of "I'm scared I'm alienating the EN ruffians."

>> No.74213758

They can try i guess but they simply cant go past 1h. I suppose they might have a nip Q&A soon after the golden week if they're trying to get newfags

>> No.74213773

Good post and correct, well articulated

>> No.74213775

Those are mostly Flare's Splatoon streams. IRyS has specifically said that she wouldn't be streaming those (aka they weren't her content) since IRyStocrats didn't seem to like Splatoon and she loved the game so much that she didn't want to see people complaining about it.

>> No.74213785

I'm almost done, come back in 5 minutes

>> No.74213804

>but the way they worded it just feels like they don't even actually care about JP ruffians and just doing it for the subs
A thing to make that worse is that they said not too long ago that they'll grow the "FuwaMoco way" and not go out of their way to gain as many subs as possible
It just doesn't make sense

>> No.74213807

The takoyaki stream isn't even THAT bad
It's a unique joke that only works in Japanese
I'll probably re-visit it after I've done my kansaiben reps

>> No.74213809

Their mindset is "I want to be Japanese, but our EN fans are enabling us to do this, we need to avoid upsetting them"

>> No.74213813

Pretty good explanation.
God, I love these menhera hags.

>> No.74213833
File: 131 KB, 292x300, saddenedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really wore me out too if I'm being honest. Hearing them on the verge of tears for about four hours just tugged at the corners of my heart for too long. I just want them to stop worrying so much

>> No.74213844

sisters can't post shit on their favorite site, since it's down, and it really shows

>> No.74213854
File: 8 KB, 251x44, firefox_GB6KXGg2Eu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The badges all look alike at a glance. It's still a new member.

>> No.74213856

Anon, they love doing JP streams. They are AFRAID of people hating on them for doing JP streams.

>> No.74213863

They're trying the failed Kiara approach and it still won't work. They have the sense to not mix languages on stream, but they aren't trying to straddle two audiences that are incompatible by virtue of being 12 hours apart and different languages. It's been clear for a while. They're always nice and positive or silly in JP tweets. En gets trauma dumps, cloudy feelings whatever the fuck this stream qas. We're the dumping ground they don't care about so they can have fun times alone with japanese fans

>> No.74213866

>half their goals on debut stream involved jp senpais
>"ruffians" acting betrayed when the ratio of jp streams goes up in japan
Very organic posts ladies.

>> No.74213872

He doesn't? I can't find his comment anymore (deleted?) but it said new member when I hovered over his badge.
FWMC are silly doggies and picked membership badges that look almost identical at the resolution youtube uses so you can't tell at a glance.

>> No.74213898

>They always act excited for their jp collabs, but they treat their JP solo streams like they're obligations.
They've literally said how they were scared until now and held back on doing more jp streams to the point it pissed off their manager who knows it's something they want to do
Of course they're still fucking scared which is the reason for all the tears and looking for reassurance

>> No.74213899

true enough, however their actions also push away their core fanbase

>> No.74213903

Can you fags upload the part of the VOD where they talk about this already

>> No.74213911

Normally I'd be happy that they felt comfortable enough to cry to us but it just felt manipulative.

>> No.74213918

With the amount of them IRyS does, yeah. A jp collab here and there is fine when they're spread out.

>> No.74213920

Civer and mane chan must have pulled on the leash. They're going to be lap dogs for the company now. If cover asks. They'll say yes. Streams are going to nosedive in quality and quantity

>> No.74213926

Good post, and with a nice explanation too
>Their fans are not just the number count for them
Why are they going out of their way to explicitly raise that number then?

>> No.74213929

But then why have their FIRST EVER meet and greet in fucking taipei

>> No.74213948

They are menhera and care too much about what their mega autistic top 1% of viewers cares about

>> No.74213959

it's actually abit worst just got to "water break".
>we will stream less
>mane-chan is saying we are streaming to much
>oh we are going to stream abit more for jp
it's how they go about it that makes it worst than it might be

>> No.74213962

for what purpose? they arent addressing the casuals so you arent affected

>> No.74213963

if you want to post a catalog thread at least shell out 5 fucking bucks

>> No.74213970

Youtube deleted my comment and I didn't save it. I can't find it either, maybe a bug

>> No.74213981

They should do some chinese streams to pander to me.

.t chink

>> No.74213983
File: 2.05 MB, 1169x855, 1706919953836572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely stream anymore
>can't protect your smile
>lose out on en viewers because they want to be jp
>lose out on jp viewers because they'll never be jp
why are they like this?

>> No.74213984

If you want to see it so bad, cough up the $5 bitch

>> No.74213985
File: 24 KB, 435x396, 1704767023811209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuffian that's going a little bit too far...

>> No.74213995

But I don't support whores who betray and lie to their fans

>> No.74213997

they're the fastest growing HoloEN talent beside Gura and maybe Mori so why pull on the leash right now

>> No.74213994

I genuinely feel like at least Mococo is too autistic to be manipulative. She's just a massive menhera about losing anyone since she's still in the 2view mindset

>> No.74214004
File: 10 KB, 333x122, N8TgvYpdnT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I finally found a JP commenter.
This is probably the most negative comment on the entire vod. They'll be fine.

>> No.74214007

Or what, reject the opportunity?

>> No.74214020
File: 3 KB, 125x125, ryang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No THIS is the scene from the Notebook. Where we realize we can't offer Rachel McAdams everything she wants to achieve her dreams, she has to go to the city and we can't follow because what the fuck are we going to do in the city? And we wish we were enough for her, but we're not.

>> No.74214027

I'm not a catalognigger, fuck off, I just wanted to know what the fuss is really about

>> No.74214037

They do, and this is why they were a crying mess while announcing a whole week spending time with the people the shitposters want you to believe are their favorites.

>> No.74214040


>> No.74214049
File: 1.08 MB, 2515x3353, 1626737509482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lodong

>> No.74214050

There is a difference.
I like JP streams when they're in addition to the EN streams or at worst a replacement every once in awhile. Throw the JP side a bone every once in awhile like Ririka does with EN.
I don't like JP streams when they replace EN. That's what it sounds like their plan is shifting to, wanting to go from a holo EN to some holo EN holo JP hybrid.

>> No.74214051 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 478x604, 1694903029846825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Included the name of the comment beneath him too for easy checking if it's gone or not

>> No.74214055
File: 3.97 MB, 1424x1080, NoInTheGoodWay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6u6eab.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, she got all the book smarts. Fuwawa got the tactical and emotional brains.

>> No.74214064

Because Japan I'd a greedy fucking country and they want their darlings under the JP wing. Gura and Mori were gen 1 EN and big independently. Fuwamoco are new and dependent on cover for everything including housing. They're setting the tone now that they are in Japan that the 15 stream weeks are never happening again.

>> No.74214087

Because there are two things that matter more to them than "YOU": each other and their dreams.

>> No.74214098

Are they streaming solo (as fuwamoco) in JP or do they mean they'll just do JP collabs?

>> No.74214102

>We're the dumping ground they don't care about so they can have fun times alone with japanese fans
Fuck off sister, they have given us a wealth of silly fun times in the under a year they have been part of hololive. Imagine complaining that they share a deeper breadth of feelings with us and acting like that means we are somehow LESS important.

>> No.74214099

They rejected the anime Boston one with 0 regrets.

>> No.74214111

the fuck? Some kind of glitch? For me it showed him as new member. And now I can't find it anymore.

>> No.74214121

The week just started and we have already a jp collab


>> No.74214132

Solo. That's why it was a touchy subject for them.

>> No.74214136

Can you fucking imagine if a big JP announced that they were going to do a week of EN streams and start doing more EN streams while cutting back on their core content?

>> No.74214148

They didn't say

>> No.74214151


>> No.74214153

Good post. I agree.
>"Pleaase be happy for us, we want to do this, but of course... we wanted to meet YOU."
Them saying this cured any lingering menhera I had over the meet n greet.

>> No.74214155

Yes, it's gone. Or at least appears to be gone on my end. That comment below his in your screenshot has something else above it now.
and yeah it showed "new member" for me too.
YT's codebase is a fucked up mess built entirely out of string and technical debt so who knows why you were seeing 3 months.

>> No.74214162

can't wait for valentine earlicking asmr membership stream

>> No.74214176

>big JP
reading reps. now.

>> No.74214175


>> No.74214182

I'm pretty sure the former's happened before a few times. Dunno about "focusing more on EN content" though since most JP streamers are dogshit at other languages.

>> No.74214184

She does 2 EN streams a month tops. Fuwamoco do more than that.

>> No.74214185

>IRyS's music project did so horribly bad they canned the whole thing
That's a massive misinformation. If finishing #35 in Ototoy yearly chart was "horribly bad", most JP artists would've been failure - mind you, among Hololive, only Mori and Suisei ranked higher than her. 99% singers would kill to get into top 10 Global Billboards (again, among EN, only Mori ever did), and that's not talking about topping charts.
IRyS's song online views could be better, that's definitely right. But the project being canned mostly because the one responsible for it, Omega, got fired after he screwed HoloEN for two years and didn't even bother managing said project.
Anyway, that no longer matters much since we are talking about FWMC's chance of getting their sololive. If anything, it showed that FWMC will need to release EPs / albums and do at least as good as, if not better than IRyS's did to get a chance. Kiara and Bae's musics got more views on YT, for example, but both did worse when it came to sales. Another incentive to make sure you grab FWMC EPs / albums (and by that, I meant "buy", not looping on YT) if / when they release one

>> No.74214188

Region locked to JP ruffians

>> No.74214190

>Can you fucking imagine if a big JP announced
FWMC isnt a big EN. Is more similar to ririka announcing she wants to do an EN stream every week.

>> No.74214197

Nothing would happen, because there's no dedicated cult of discord sisters targeting them.

>> No.74214196

Mr. Paradise...

>> No.74214202

they need to learn
>no superchats
>no watching
>no comments

>> No.74214212

Korone got a small backlash from some jp fans during those EN mario streams. She hasn't done them since 2021...

>> No.74214213

I did have that feeling when watching, not gonna lie, and them shortly after announcing their move recontextualized their reactions too. They were in hard denial over it.

>> No.74214215


>> No.74214222

If Pekora did this it would be kino

>> No.74214225

/asmr/bros will find a way

>> No.74214230
File: 176 KB, 2000x2000, 1710956320654247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it was actually a conflicted menhera ruffian who didn't even have a youtube account but seriously bought membership just to post that... only to also be /here/ and get self conscious at us picking him apart as an anti?

>> No.74214233

It's gone and it was definitely new member when I looked.

>> No.74214242

1 mil is a big deal for holos.
We know publicly it gets you the wish (which perhaps they have plans for) and it also might privately lead to other things.
Sub count appears to be one of Cover's most important metrics for the girls so they probably consider it for certain opportunities although it's obviously not the only thing they use

>> No.74214257

the cucking scene is the backpedal after the long water break sucking their jp boyfriend dick called Pero

>> No.74214261

What if it's because he charged back his membership and thus all his comment also goes poof with it

>> No.74214262

Its on a different league since their english is so basic even the nips get what they're saying. Even then they've had to deal with some hate for some of those streams.

>> No.74214264

Cover should prohibit holoen from streaming in jp even if it means they have to be a black company.

>> No.74214268

Woke up, saw the state of this thread, sick to my stomach. Will watch the VOD. It can't be as bad as people are saying right? Wasn't this a goal review stream? How could it even go badly?

>> No.74214273

And her CCV was trash during JP streams before the long break.

>> No.74214274

The biggest one I can think of who did that was Pikamee maybe? And Haachama attempted it but walked back after she finished her studies iirc.

If fuwamoco isn't big EN, there are no big ENs. They're pretty high up on the rankings for us as far as vtuber audiences go.

>> No.74214284

Is gonna be hard to beat IRyS album sales. Her RM resulted in her having a lot of hardcore fans that will buy her stuff.

>> No.74214305

They were overreacting to the negativity and sisters pounced on it.

>> No.74214307

Would an ASMR sensory not that roleplay shit stream let you forgive them?

>> No.74214315

That's way funnier than my comment so I'm going to believe that instead.

>> No.74214317

Its part of their goals. Judge it for yourself.

>> No.74214331

>If fuwamoco isn't big EN, there are no big ENs
Gura, Mumei, Fauna are bigger than them.

>> No.74214334
File: 125 KB, 209x241, 1713773498083226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think people would be MAD at Pekora for that?

>> No.74214341

>state of this thread
Bear in mind the doxnest is down and we have unwanted visitors. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions from the stream

>> No.74214347

just like folder cleanups, the disaster lies right after they finished the goal review

>> No.74214354

if it's a yuri incest kissing ASMR, yes.

>> No.74214361

Their goal was asmr with noel so obviously that will be japanese and attract shitcord goons

>> No.74214385
File: 874 KB, 850x637, GLuq3xJakAAZO7w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this with fuwawa

>> No.74214403

Waste of good seed. I don't want children with such impure blood in their veins

>> No.74214406

It's not as bad. The dogs are going menhera over the idea of wanting to do more JP streams but since they're clearly /here/ they get eaten up by all the sisterposting and seriously think some ruffians might be upset with the girls whose main personality trait is that they want to be japanese doing japanese streams.

Their manager's slightly upset with how hard they're handicapping themselves from doing JP streams as well because of their stupid fear of "betraying" the "ruffians."

Also they're annoyed that golden week came up right after they got settled, so they're planning on doing more JP streams for that week as well and desperately wanted validation that they're not actually hurting their audience (which they aren't. Nobody in chat gave them anything but pure support).

>> No.74214409

They hinted that Golden Week(next week) will be completely in JP. They weren't 100% clear about though so who fucking knows. They also said they want to do more JP streams(including collabs)
They cried for about 3 hours straight cause they feel a little sad/guilty/menhera about Ruffians feeling FOMO.

>> No.74214418

>and it also might privately lead to other things.
Koyori straight up confirmed this when she hit her 1M after numberfagging for so long, saying how even if she doesn't really feel that way she knows that numbers are what opens the door for her dreams

>> No.74214422

The difference is that most Japs know a quite a bit of English
Westerners, however, do not

>> No.74214423

She's a scum
don't care

>> No.74214435

IRyS sales was way closer to when she debuted and when HoloEN was still popular. Bae and Kiara’s was years after they debuted and after the general hype died down. This shouldn’t even be compared.

>> No.74214458
File: 20 KB, 507x433, firefox_zbf6c7QTXn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains EVERYTHING. Holy shit KEK.

>> No.74214460

>most Japs know a quite a bit of English

>> No.74214479

Ah yes, almost half a week of streams most of their fanbase won't be able to understand
All good

>> No.74214484
File: 584 KB, 758x831, 1699541440442999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most Japs know a quite a bit of English

>> No.74214487

>most Japs know a quite a bit of English

>> No.74214506
File: 271 KB, 1500x1061, 1694924670868598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most Japs know a quite a bit of English

>> No.74214505
File: 125 KB, 700x769, bad-english-translations-t-shirt-fail-japan-6-5965c62dca5bf__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The difference is that most Japs know a quite a bit of English


>> No.74214509

sayonara, anon-chan...

>> No.74214510

Do you not accidentally press on that onetab button and hide all your tabs?

>> No.74214515

be honest with me /baubau/ bros how mococover is it?

>> No.74214516

shut up Raul

>> No.74214538
File: 46 KB, 521x402, 1706111310215190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most Japs know a quite a bit of English
even SEAfags is more EN literate than them

>> No.74214543
File: 11 KB, 392x79, firefox_nA1KsLbxt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time. Also my ADHD is so bad that the onetab tab itself now causes lag.

>> No.74214555

So over it's like it never began in the first place

>> No.74214561

Having a lot of subs makes you a big deal as a holo, there's just no doubt. There's a reason Gura, Marine and Kobo are front and center for practically everything.
Personally I want some of that for Fuwamoco as well as long as it doesn't mess up their content inordinately, and I think that's their perspective too despite perhaps the articulation getting a bit muddled in this stream

>> No.74214569

shoulda bookmarked it instead

>> No.74214570

why are you just spreading your shit as far as you can sister? >>74214500

>> No.74214574

hope this is bait
either way you're terminally retarded

>> No.74214578

I've just hidden it into Extensions button menu to stop accidental clicks

>> No.74214581

There will definitely be a couple of dedicated fans who will shit on them and drop them. Most of the gachikois are intact. The casuals wont care, as long as they stream stuff like DKC2 etc.

>> No.74214584
File: 12 KB, 209x176, 1704759172089836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also my ADHD is so bad
haha same

>> No.74214589

Over? definitely not
Less quality than before for EOPs? probably
We'll have to see how things play out. I will flip shit if they do a special choose your adventure in JP though

>> No.74214598

I don't give a shit. I just want them to be happy after their years of misery. Evidentally you'd all rather keep them sad with your shitposting and exaggerating. I guess this really is the anti thread after all

>> No.74214602


>> No.74214610

remember the advent nip class and how terrible everyone was at it? same shit happens with english and nips

>> No.74214620
File: 2.44 MB, 2100x2971, xcoxzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night night ruffians. Jp schizo signing off for the last time. I'm now a pebble. See you in collabs maybe, if fuwamoco bother to show up.

>> No.74214623

probably about a 10% on the OVER scale

>> No.74214629

we've known for hours anon. why do you think i said sister?

>> No.74214634


>> No.74214642

>I just want them to be happy
cuck mentality

>> No.74214641

>>Also my ADHD is so bad
Seriously, the main reason I upgraded my CPU was to hold more tabs.
Tab counter and the new tab searching in firefox is a fucking life saver.

>> No.74214645

I wish I lived in NA

>> No.74214648

Good riddance fag

>> No.74214651

see you tomorrow pussy

>> No.74214655

I WANT to believe them but they're really making it hard when it seems they aren't even happy with having those strings of JP streams during golden week

>> No.74214657

>how mococover is it?
Probably not nearly as much as menheras think it is, but I don't like it's direction

>> No.74214666

>you'd all rather keep them sad with your shitposting and exaggerating
to be fair, they do this to themselves, unfortunately.

>> No.74214670

>not even posting uncensored porn
weak bait

>> No.74214682

I just wish they would have told us that they would pivot to japanese so I could have taken my reps more seriously instead of saying that japanese streams would be rare

>> No.74214692
File: 107 KB, 985x1024, 1713302939052707m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I'll gorilla post as a goodbye until I pass out

>> No.74214694
File: 1.08 MB, 1893x955, notebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're going away! You're leaving. And I'm staying here.
>And I'm so happy that you're doing that! But you're going to have a million things to do. You got so much ahead of you.
>No, don't talk like that!
>It's TRUE!
>I'm not going to have sololives, big events. It's never going to happen for NA. It's not in the cards for me.

>> No.74214699

Someone post that image of fuwawa with her arm behind her and her fingers crossed please.

>> No.74214710

Yeah, that's why I believe it will be difficult for ENs to get a sololive (it's hard for JPs too, for that matter).
I will support FWMC if they release their OGs / EPs / album and I will be really glad if they eventually get a sololive in the future, but I won't be expecting too much.

>> No.74214714

Good taste at least. See you in the diamond dogs collabs.

>> No.74214725
File: 25 KB, 464x661, 1712187429778657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he won in the end

>> No.74214729

They're going to lose it all trying to get the same people who rejected them twice already.

>> No.74214730
File: 7 KB, 375x84, GLl7TG2WQAAYGy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hihihihihi~ Guess who just got followed.

>> No.74214742

They will be happy, some people just wont be part of that anymore. Whether thats important or not is on them.

>> No.74214749

In the same way that many Americans know a bit of Spanish because we learned it in high school aka "not at all"

>> No.74214750
File: 115 KB, 838x1024, 1713041843761692m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oook oook abandoned for jp

>> No.74214758

there is a clear difference between being sad personally and wanting sadness for fwmc. I'm sad I can't participate in JP streams up to the same level I can in EN so it personally sucks if there are more of them. I want fwmc to succeed regardless. I want JP bros to enjoy the streams too.

>> No.74214759

You didn't have to post this

>> No.74214772
File: 17 KB, 607x221, firefox_RzbVEp4nXb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a japanese idol.

>> No.74214778
File: 5 KB, 375x84, 1712193135589098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 days ago

>> No.74214783
File: 544 KB, 1131x1600, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74214802
File: 465 KB, 574x812, cnrff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74214806

Depending on how things go I'll likely be becoming a pebble soon too. See you in /gem/.

>> No.74214812

Yes. I really want asmr.

>> No.74214814

Streaming in Japanese is the same thing as cuckolding me. No I will not elaborate.

>> No.74214818

Yeah, the center in dempagumi.

>> No.74214819

no it was the artist who draws Fuwawa's huge tits perfectly.>>74214783

>> No.74214823
File: 39 KB, 234x585, 1701083287401106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try treestyletabs. I can't live without it. That and autotabdiscard.

>> No.74214827
File: 259 KB, 600x826, firefox_Zwuel6hjW0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nvm congrats please draw porn.

>> No.74214838
File: 835 KB, 1893x955, notebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74214853
File: 600 KB, 2984x3904, 1710680779029250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74214854

That sounds great. Unfortunately I tend to group up tabs in a ton of windows as well, but something like this would help keep it organized.

>> No.74214855

you don't understand
jp needs full weeks of content
the rock n rawr is just not enough
they need 3 streams per day when they can't be bothered to do the same for EN
just you wait, the schedule is going to reveal the half ass effort they do for EN fans

>> No.74214861

It's not the same person, look at the timestamp

>> No.74214878

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.74214885
File: 767 KB, 809x804, 171028394828942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74214886
File: 943 KB, 1273x1800, by_nezunayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these are great!

>> No.74214923
File: 1.74 MB, 842x1191, 17203894823942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74214924

If they open up comms I'm requesting a kama sutra of Fuwawa porn.

>> No.74214948

image name checks out tho

>> No.74214952

I'm not feeling great after this one. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

>> No.74214954
File: 93 KB, 1000x806, d9136cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74214965

well the only other person who got followed sooner than them is the denpagumi girl.
Thenagain an idol would be the kind of person to go "HIHIHIHIHI"

>> No.74214975


>> No.74214980
File: 36 KB, 644x186, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh
any of you guys gonna buy this?
>19 Mar, 2024 (34 days ago)
so why even delay this

>> No.74214985

>i'm switching to a streamer with absolutely nothing in common in terms of content, humor, character or voice
Very convincing sisters

>> No.74215011
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 6ia61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74215053 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1579x1033, 1709242159756572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me so glad that my other oshis are EOP as fuck so at least they will never betray me.

>> No.74215060
File: 1.84 MB, 2286x4000, 1711129365429174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74215062

Oh hey other pebbles. I was too busy watching the HK stream to catch the mengen. I was able to shift through the misinformation posted here to not go complete schizo but I think I will have to take a break for awhile and work on my reps while I'm at it.

>> No.74215082

What a fucking mess.
Smiles sure got protected, huh.

>> No.74215090

>kanata actually got cover of BBBB properly

>> No.74215095

Diamond Dogs fans are real.

>> No.74215101

My ex oshi...

>> No.74215108

Thanks for trying but I'm honestly so depressed I don't feel it. Suzy is just another idol who became too big and too successful so now she's far away. And it feels like Fuwamoco are going to do that too.

>> No.74215109

Ollie had some issues with something apparently according to her twitter. She's choked up about it.
Since she's indonesian, I'm gonna assume she slipped on the stairs again and ripped open her hand.

>he doesn't know

>> No.74215112

Sorry, nihonjin smiles onry

>> No.74215120
File: 111 KB, 753x1024, 1712785513220338m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74215125

They barely do anything anymore. The main thing that sucks about fwmc fucking off to larp as JP is they were some of the most prolific EN members and part of the handful who weren't soft-graduated

>> No.74215145

Get better taste in vtubers, try someone who enjoys streaming like Fauna who isn't just in it for the numbers

>> No.74215157
File: 302 KB, 1436x2048, GAsWXK7XMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74215160

If you really do want to oshihen, I recommend someone like Mint maybe. She likes a lot of the same stuff and is friends with fuwamoco's RM. Could be a good compromise while you get your feelings in order.

>> No.74215161

Apparently one of her extended family passed away
But I mean, I guess that's a valid reason to delay her playalong of it, but why delay the game release also?

>> No.74215177

Mumei is Japanese?
This is the first I've heard of it.

>> No.74215182

>Enjoys streaming
She hasn't been consistent since the puddle arc.

>> No.74215183

>They barely do anything anymore
They both stream regularly which is more than you can say about most EN members

>> No.74215191

Oh that's fucked. Sounds rough.

>> No.74215192
File: 93 KB, 706x1024, 1713012591876886m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74215200

kek sure they do

>> No.74215205

huh? where did you come to that conclusion from my post wwwwwww
i just said i was watching another stream during the member stream
both are my favourites, no oshihenning happening

>> No.74215208

Well nobody is going to be as consistent as old FuwaMoco
