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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 283 KB, 1613x1600, gem girl bibug hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74177213 No.74177213 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw1g0e18VOk
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLy3_9Aftlg
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.74177220
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>> No.74177475
File: 359 KB, 465x532, dark biboo cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark biboo cute!

>> No.74177526

Next week's known collabs:
>sweaty gamers plate up on monday
>shiori/kaela/kronii/biboo on tuesday i think (either plate up or overcooked)
>advent school labyrinth on thursday
>Holo Minecraft cops and robbers practice saturday early morning
>actual event sunday early morning

>> No.74177698
File: 290 KB, 1260x1741, 1000010150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lovely gemwife.

>> No.74177755

Biboo does too many collabs

>> No.74178003

biboo should do more collabs

>> No.74178075

Biboo should collab with me

>> No.74178202

Is biboo done with monster hunter or will she do all the dlc mons too? Currently I've been doing solo AT velkhana runs with Insect Glaive because dumbasses on play station hunt like fucking retards. No mantles and their shit weeb longswords sets and carting on phase 1. Mind you I'm not an insect glaive main and i just learned to use it it makes most of velkhana ice bullshit a joke.

>> No.74178342

>Is biboo done with monster hunter
No, she'll play MH at least once next week and the next next week as well

>> No.74178393


>> No.74178477

She would play more next week but she also wants to play HK, and there are some collabs happening next week too so I'm expecting at least one, maybe two MH days.
MHbros eating good.

>> No.74178506

She said she will not be able to stream much soon, once all the events and collab stuff really kicks in.

>> No.74178553

Maybe it's time to dust off Rise and start playing.

>> No.74178622

That's now anything new, but she also said she want to go the Kaela route and bring a laptop to stream whenever she's traveling. Only time will tell how it will go, huh...

>> No.74178783

Biboo should invest in gaming laptop for when she's out in Japan doing work. Biboo is the only chuuba who caught my attention enough for me to tune in all her streams and days where she doesn't stream I feel sad.

>> No.74178975

She made me start MH so I'm glad she's sticking to it. Dunno why I never gave it a try before she played it but it seems like a case of fun game, awful community. Went over to the general for it over on /vg/ and they just seem to be arguing about nationalities and other pol garbage so I'll probably just continue playing alone and see if I can join one of her rooms.

>> No.74179128

what did you expect?

>> No.74179314

You're playing a game that was released quite a few years ago. The players who are dedicated to providing helpful information while the game is hot are long gone. The only ones left are likely not that helpful.

>> No.74179503

Sadly this. I can usually still catch Japanese players on burger morning time. But any other time of the day is retard westerners that don't know how to hunt so it makes sending sos pointless. Right now all the og are almost gone everything that remains is people who were carried but can't carry for shit.

>> No.74180064

Wife on prechat

>> No.74180168

The 4000 series mobile chips are shockingly powerful for laptop chips. As much shit as Nvidia got over the 4000 series, their energy efficiency is insane relative to prior generations, and in laptops that makes them incredible. We're talking 80-90% as powerful as their desktop versions at a fraction of the power draw, it's crazy.

>> No.74180434

>Biboo watching Ina again

>> No.74180443

Biboo on Ina's stream

>> No.74180510

MH community is a multifaceted whammy of
>High barrier to entry and acquired tastes, and an old playerbase that will vigorously defend those acquired tastes
>Lots of DPS rotation and build optimization autists who don't know how to explain shit concisely (seriously, just tell newbies to hit this part with this move instead of talking to them about MHVs and HZVs and shit)
>Long-ass game so community really values that optimization, so you often end up dealing with either a bunch of actually sweaty tryhards with x00+ hours in the game and a stopwatch in each hunt, or YT guide wiki warriors like her chat
I enjoy the series but it's like one rung below mobas on the "I'm impressed any time a new player successfully gets into it on their own" scale

>> No.74180516

Are there any good laptops that wont break the wallet?

>> No.74180605

If anyone needs help in monhun to get past a roadblock or grind a monster a bunch let me know, I and my hammer are willing to help. Just post a room code.

>> No.74180907

I bought this one last year before a long trip and can recommend it. It'll only play at 1080p, but it can run CP2077 1080p psycho RT at around 100 FPS if you turn on DLSS3. And for anything less heavy it'll push the 144hz refresh rate easy. I was honestly shocked how far the 4060 went, I didn't even buy it for gaming I just wanted 32gb of RAM + a good processor so it wouldn't become obsolete in a year, the GPU was just bonus.


>> No.74180980

I love this gem girl, she's too cute

>> No.74181163
File: 201 KB, 648x566, running rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here:

>> No.74181231
File: 1.37 MB, 540x800, Baby Biboo Breakdance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe8ao8d.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181282


>> No.74181323

Not the anon you replied to but this looks interesting. I was saving money to buy a ps5 but I think I rather save and buy this instead.

>> No.74181341

Does Momseki still watch her?

>> No.74181365

>youtube is still beeped

>> No.74181370

My daughter rock wife on the telly.

>> No.74181386
File: 580 KB, 2105x1765, ascended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see you guys aren't broken today.
>let's see for how long that will last

>> No.74181395
File: 167 KB, 348x474, 1693243206986403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she switched to shiori

>> No.74181433

She sounds extra cute today.

>> No.74181449

she sounds extra eepy

>> No.74181568
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>> No.74181589


>> No.74181606

Monster hunter looks weird today...

>> No.74181645

Even the chat on screen is laggy as heck

>> No.74181725

understandable, that girl needs fixing.

>> No.74181782 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 498x457, Pebble_transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering...

>> No.74181786

>tab into the stream
>out of memory
What the fuck? I've never had this happen on any website, let alone Youtube.

>> No.74181789

I am living on my imoutowife's walls.

>> No.74181807

This is how many children me and biboo will have.

>> No.74181917


>> No.74181954

>no mind to think
just like me

>> No.74181994

holy moly this OST

>> No.74182019
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>> No.74182031


>> No.74182054


>> No.74182087

I will seal my bug goo inside Biboo's vessel, if you catch my drift.

>> No.74182153
File: 963 KB, 156x128, write that down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Biboo's lore dumps. I want her fist ASMR to be ER lore readings

>> No.74182164

download hyperchat

>> No.74182200

why would someone give her a troll red superchat like that

>> No.74182202

honestly i still don't understand the hollow knight story even though i've finished it

>> No.74182313

light bad
darkness good

>> No.74182381

Oh beep that did fix it
I figured it wasnt just chat since even the bitrate for me has been fucked since the update, but after adding hyperchat even thats fixed.
Thanks pebble.

>> No.74182395

It's actually super simple and strighfoward, just piecing the loe together that is kinda hard since it's so scattered

>> No.74182402


>> No.74182450

there was a plague caused by a mystical being that causes you to lose your mind and become kind of like a zombie (the orange stuff and enemies with orange eyes) King of bug kingdom tries to fight it but can't so they try to contain it with bug majeek and he uses his offspring to create a "hollow" knight that can contain all of the radiance and then seal it inside the E G G. but it didn't go so well and there aren't many bugs anymore.

>> No.74182503

the pleasure house? my house

>> No.74182519

Biboo paid for me

>> No.74182544

This was surprisingly informative, thank you anon.

>> No.74182572


>> No.74182578

The pleasure house? My room only biboo is allowed

>> No.74182613
File: 234 KB, 338x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of cute expressions today

>> No.74182677

yeah biboo, just like she started Relink

>> No.74182724

I'm still sad that the Relink collab never happened because Zeta stopped playing

>> No.74182752

Oh man... I really wanted to see more Relink, sadly it will never happen

>> No.74182801

Id like to give biboo my tower of love, if youre picking up what im putting down

>> No.74182853


>> No.74182864

Biboo's feet is no more

>> No.74182886

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.74182902

>so small she can sit crosslegged in her gamer chair

>> No.74182948

I'm going to yeet you

>> No.74182964

wow rude

>> No.74183005

>she read some random gray nig that can't even spell
Biboo why...

>> No.74183009

dang it biboo don't acknowledge random gray nonsense

>> No.74183031

I can't believe the famous streamer Koseki Bijou would throw like that just for content...

>> No.74183088

she missed sooo many grubs

>> No.74183109


>> No.74183126
File: 240 KB, 502x534, Biboo_jar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74183138


>> No.74183144


>> No.74183160

Zeta is easily filtered by games especially when it involves sea backseating. Biboo might not mind it and ignore it for the most time but biboo is built different.

>> No.74183169

>she died to the collector
Biboo what the beep?

>> No.74183192

I'm stealing this

>> No.74183200

what a meme literal cum jar boss and SFX kek

>> No.74183202


>> No.74183210

She's throwing for content

>> No.74183232

sanest tako fight

>> No.74183242

literally just exists to give you a grub locator

>> No.74183314

Biboo in a jar oh no

>> No.74183347

Biboo is fighting the cumlord

>> No.74183377

I missed the cool rock side of Biboo

>> No.74183397

Man, that Biboo proximity SAN damage is real.

>> No.74183453

He's just like me

>> No.74183489

She missed so many grubs.

>> No.74183547

>Flower quest
>Colosseum 3
>True ending
Anything else she's missing?

>> No.74183599

several mask/soul pieces

>> No.74183623
File: 381 KB, 2300x3180, Vessel4rt hollow knight hot GIh-Vdzb0AAlVDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74183631

Some dream fights too

>> No.74183635

I'm glad she's trying Grimm today the NKG fight is absolute kino.
She's still missing that lifeblood charm too.

>> No.74183660

>Baby must learn to kill
She would be such a great mom.

>> No.74183695

I love the little laughs

>> No.74183716

Is there anything in game that helps you find those? Otherwise I fear she may just leave those out.

Which ones? I thought she did all the dream fights, except for the last Zote versions.

>> No.74183762

1608F my beloved

>> No.74183765

actual DMC3 noclip angel asshole ptsd

>> No.74183772

>Is there anything in game that helps you find those? Otherwise I fear she may just leave those out.
no but chat might be able to help
she needs them for pantheons

>> No.74183819

let me camp this wall for the next thirty minutes

>> No.74183841
File: 20 KB, 360x360, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a job for you, 1608F.

>> No.74183856

why the fuck is she telling us to keep mewing what did I miss

>> No.74183895
File: 105 KB, 1275x718, biboobabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you played in your crib, I studied the blade.
While you sucked your pacifier, I studied the blade.
While you cuddled your blankie, I studied the blade.

>> No.74183901

Trust no one

>> No.74183904

She's teaching you (the baby) how to be sigma

>> No.74183929

it wasn't until my last playthrough that I realized that the grimm minions were showing what kind of attacks Grimm would use

>> No.74183985

>your power level scales off water bottles in your room
That is a personal attack on me.

>> No.74183996

She's so silly today,

>> No.74184020

women can't be Sigma
the ones that hate men are just lesbo feminists

>> No.74184090

Is there a way to make these keepaway ghost dudes less silly with the homing fly baby build or something? Or are they meant to just be this annoying

>> No.74184124

sigma is not about hating the opposite sex tho

>> No.74184147

homing babies is probably the best option
these fuckers love to stay far away

>> No.74184150

They don't have that laugh for nothing

>> No.74184154

>Biboo has a type
Yeah, me.

>> No.74184162

I can't choose between NKG and Pure Vessel as which is the best boss in HK

>> No.74184170


>> No.74184196

Bullying chat

>> No.74184234

Chat rekt

>> No.74184246

>you will never be edgy enough for Biboo

she has terrible taste

>> No.74184305

You have terrible taste

>> No.74184375

Everyone has their Sephiroth/Vergil phase at the start before the tired ojisan options become more relatable

>> No.74184417

Octis bock veo octis

>> No.74184418


>> No.74184419


>> No.74184420


>> No.74184422


>> No.74184454

Zote>>>>>>>>Biboo Knight

>> No.74184470

Zote is so cool, bros... Even his OST is amazing

>> No.74184509

She was ROCKED IN and almost did it

>> No.74184600

Aw man, I wanted more Zote fights

>> No.74184643

How many more times does she need to no-hit fanfiction-kun now?

>> No.74184646

I came and I can smell something

>> No.74184672

Pretty sure 5.

>> No.74184669

I came and biboo is smelling it

>> No.74184710

>what a lovely *hic*

>> No.74184732

Holy shit Biboo those moans....

>> No.74184738

Thanks, Biboo

>> No.74184755


>> No.74184756

lol instant correction again

>> No.74184762

lmao the silence

>> No.74184764
File: 183 KB, 346x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74184830


>> No.74184977

she's never gonna get all the grubs

>> No.74185140

it's a lose/lose situation with the grubs anyway

>> No.74185203

I love my sigma loving daughter-wife

>> No.74185241

She has a map for them now, it won't be that hard to do.

>> No.74185288

The utter disrespect....

>> No.74185294


>> No.74185304


>> No.74185321

this brat has no respect for her elders!

>> No.74185399

This fight is so cool, what the heck

>> No.74185429

Wait, you did have to beat him and then got full grown baby? Was that how it went?

>> No.74185444

Just wait until the next one. We're gonna be here for a while.

>> No.74185446

yeah Biboo, this isn't monhun

>> No.74185461

yeah, you fight him now, then get more fire then fight NKG

>> No.74185523

This makes me want to play some castlevania

>> No.74185583

My wife is so cool...

>> No.74185702

Zote is cooler

>> No.74185758

I forgot how long this fight was.

>> No.74185775


>> No.74185784


>> No.74185787

She was ROCKED the fuck in there, but she's gonna need to get more aggressive if she wants to beat NKG. There's no way she's gonna get by going that slowly.

>> No.74185788

Man she gaming.

>> No.74185797

Damn, she got serious and downloaded this Dracula-ass mofo in like 2 runs

>> No.74185821

how the fuck did she beat him that fast what a gamer

>> No.74185824

It's not. She was only taking the tiniest opportunities and playing like a wuss. Her damage output was pitiful.

>> No.74185827

to be fair, she's leaving a lot of damage on the table

>> No.74185841

o-our child?!

>> No.74185966

NKG is going to be a minute

>> No.74186120

Instant correction.

>> No.74186139

eh NKG isn't that much harder in my opinion, the pattern is always the same

>> No.74186157

>n-no zote doesn't count!

>> No.74186232
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>> No.74186263

These guys are cunts lol.

>> No.74186262

I agree, Grimm in general is an incredibly well designed fight
however, DD overcharmed is going to leave absolutely no room for error and he is faster
combine that with all the openings she's ignoring and that leaves a lot of time to get caught

>> No.74186360

interesting sneezes

>> No.74186375

>flame guy sounds like a creepy ojii-san now

>> No.74186379

Mococoe has possessed my wife

>> No.74186405
File: 16 KB, 197x220, whaet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74186422

I wonnder if Biboos love for Hollow Knight contributes to Kronii's love ffor her

>> No.74186481

aieeeee not the bee noises

>> No.74186511
File: 153 KB, 1200x1200, 1712106559774853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74186542

beeboo returns

>> No.74186546

This. She's just gonna take too long to not make mistakes.

>> No.74186571
File: 337 KB, 2893x4092, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74186601

>Not the big one

>> No.74186818

>Raised baby to be an aggressive murderhobo like her
>Baby won't stop fucking aggroing every npc along the way
Consequences of her own actions...

>> No.74186824

>flame in beepnest

>> No.74186857

2 of them

>> No.74186864


>> No.74186888


>> No.74186889

you only need one

>> No.74187022

>I'm sorry, but... he hot...
She's talking about me.

>> No.74187032

I was wondering if that would date me lol

>> No.74187037

I wrote this.

>> No.74187051


>> No.74187099

Biboo's response was literally perfect lmao.

>> No.74187103

Like a pizza cutter, all edge and no point

>> No.74187118

I will take Biboo to my beepnest if you catch my drift

>> No.74187151


>> No.74187154

can you do both options?

>> No.74187177


>> No.74187195


>> No.74187219

taking biboo to my beepnest and making her my queen

>> No.74187238


>> No.74187245

not in the same playthrough

>> No.74187266

I really love these full screen name drops. Really adds to the atmosphere.

>> No.74187269


>> No.74187303

agreed, but I think it's cool that they only used them for two bosses
really adds to the weight

>> No.74187308

Nope, only one choice

>> No.74187318

dude this guy just shits on her in like 0.1 microseconds

>> No.74187322


>> No.74187327

Corrected faster than she's ever been corrected before.

>> No.74187329


>> No.74187360

radiance, grimm
what's the third?

>> No.74187365


>> No.74187378

Doesn't Hollow Knight himself have one?

>> No.74187392

Three if you count absolute radiance.

>> No.74187399


>> No.74187402

There wasnt even time for correction
This guy is straight up not taking any of her shit

>> No.74187422

It took me about two hours to beat this guy and I never got sick of his intro.

>> No.74187461

she's getting beeping obliterated

>> No.74187466

It's pure kino

>> No.74187480

I'm not a hollow knight player but I can take a good guess the devs didn't intend or want you to do this guy while overcharmed

>> No.74187492

Most sane people download without the 2x damage modifier on

>> No.74187502

I laugh at their faces

>> No.74187521

I don't believe so

>> No.74187530

it's off topic but did you guys see Bae beat Lies of P? Proud of the rat

>> No.74187532

It'll take her less than 2 hours. His pattern is pretty consistent. It's not like pure vessel where you get stuck without shade cloak and need to learn to parry. Or absolute radiance with all the spammy bullshit.

>> No.74187544


>> No.74187547

Not exactly true. The hall of the gods has Radiant mode where you die in one hit, so all the bosses were intended to be beatable cleanly. But it definitely makes learning this boss tough when you die in two fuckin hits.

>> No.74187553

fuck off

>> No.74187571

go back

>> No.74187575

>it's off topic
then why did you post it`

>> No.74187576

not here, no
you can fight all the bosses in godhome with limiters that makes the fight one hit kills
at that point, there's no reason not to be overcharmed

>> No.74187582

She's missing 2 masks but if she didn't she would be able to take an extra hit

>> No.74187583

I hope she does the note hit every attempt

>> No.74187605

Oh that's good, I saw she was on Manus. I thought she'd dropped it forever but now Biboo can pressure her into playing Souls games.

>> No.74187614

How many more hp and soul things are there for her to get because getting 2 shot is rough

>> No.74187615

My wife is getting in her cool mode and you're posting off-topic. Wow, no shame at all.

>> No.74187644

I'm a pebble but I don't see the need to be rude here. I'm happy seeing other holos enjoying the games Biboo has played.

>> No.74187683

>I'm a pebble but
no you're not, fuck off

>> No.74187698

it's easily the hypest thing in this game

>> No.74187703

>posts off topic
>admits to it
>gets defensive when called out
Learn basic etiquette you retard

>> No.74187717

I dunno, Pure Vessel into AbsRad is fucking METAL.

>> No.74187751

>troll says its offtopic
>everyone replies anyway

Honest question, are you all braindamaged?

>> No.74187757

yea biboo was cheering her on, she's starting sekiro this or next week on biboo's suggestion

>> No.74187781

That guy wasn't me

>> No.74187792

true, but for me it's only second

>> No.74187799

the BAHs are getting more intense

>> No.74187825

fuck off

>> No.74187832

Someone is going to compile them all together

>> No.74187868


>> No.74187879


>> No.74187883


>> No.74187898


>> No.74187939

any news about next week's solo streams?

>> No.74187945

Stop false flagging.

Sorry rrats most pebbles are more respectful of other holos except Gura she needs to be spanked hard.

>> No.74187967

Downloading the fight on her dial-up connection
Please be patient

>> No.74187966


>> No.74187969

so much damage to do during the fire pillars

>> No.74187981

>Biboo BAH and Ina WAH
today is a good day

>> No.74187995

Wait for her SC reading, but lots of collabs so probably 2-3 solo streams

>> No.74188003

biboo a cool

>> No.74188013
File: 1.06 MB, 800x800, capn-crunch-oops-all-berries-326g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops all monster hunter!

>> No.74188032

The trick to this fight is BAHing more than you BWEH

>> No.74188031

I don't dislike Bae. I dislike retards posting off-topic while wife is streaming.

>> No.74188037

i'm avoiding the hk streams since i'm unfortunately so behind on those

>> No.74188053

Watching her gameplay for the past months makes me think that she'd benefit from playing shmups. Some skills like grazing, kiting and hitbox management are skills that can translate to basically every genre.

>> No.74188062


>> No.74188066

Oh, she's got basically everything figured out the bullet hell now

>> No.74188089

Only MH and HK were mentioned. She'll probably talk about it after this stream.

>> No.74188125

I wouldn't even be mad
She got me into MH and I've been having a blast with it

>> No.74188140
File: 488 KB, 951x961, 1702864375804124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74188178

If she's actually gonna play rabi ribi like some of you faggots wanted to, it might help to play actual touhou before she does.

>> No.74188185

Damn she's gaming
She's not dying in nanoseconds anymore

>> No.74188188

I just hope she finishes DD2 after her MH addictions subsides

>> No.74188189

She started grazing the fire pillars after a few runs, she has the gaming sense

>> No.74188238

she convinced me to switch to world
unfortunately, I have to get through the whole game so I probably won't get to play with her

>> No.74188264

She has surprisingly decent intuition for grazing and weaving in and out during the bullet hell parts for a non-shmup player
2hu is on the "want to play eventually" list but you know what they say about backlogs

>> No.74188278
File: 242 KB, 512x512, 1700007974698050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll probably do this faster than me and I wasn't overcharmed.

>> No.74188297

Isnt there that easymode armor you can use to speed through the early game and get to where she is

>> No.74188302

forgive my ignorance, but what's grazing?

>> No.74188336
File: 2.11 MB, 626x884, flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me mixed up with the rabifags, I'm a touhoufag. Biboo should stop being a secondary and go beat up Flandre already.

>> No.74188366

going near/"grazing" the bullets in bullet hells

>> No.74188396

I thought it was on topic. It was sorta like "wow as a silly rat I'm starting to realize how extremely superior your wife's gaming skill is."

>> No.74188401

it's not a question of ease, it's just a question of time
and sadly, I don't have the time to grind through the whole game fast enough

>> No.74188422

I beat it to flandre frequently

>> No.74188426


>> No.74188455

thank you

>> No.74188482

grazing deez nuts!

>> No.74188488
File: 2.65 MB, 498x498, B).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes B)

>> No.74188491

she picked up the patterns real quick, it's all in the consistency now

>> No.74188495

"Speed" through the early game at half the speed she did and get to where she was 3 streams ago maybe.

She used the armor and she used help from pebbles.

>> No.74188519

Hey man if you want someone to blast you through everything just ask, tho you won't get good over time so you might end up being walled by solo content.

>> No.74188574

>She used the armor and she used help from pebbles.
well you have a bunch of pebbles in this thread and the armor

>> No.74188634


>> No.74188675
File: 438 KB, 1255x875, 1692289548536252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with pebbles

>> No.74188679

Download data corrupted, please download again.

>> No.74188687

She basically has this downloaded already. It's just a matter of endurance now.

>> No.74188716

I'm so jealous. I could never charge my nail while dodging and dashing too many buttons to press. My fingers would cramp up.

>> No.74188731

Unless there's a mechanic she hasn't seen yet

>> No.74188749


>> No.74188746

nope this is the fight

>> No.74188789

This guy left me with a pain under my thumb nail. I'd been pushing the buttons so hard.

>> No.74188798

She's coping

>> No.74188800

Nope this isn't pure vessel where you think you have it downloaded then you get tentacle raped.

>> No.74188819 [SPOILER] 
File: 873 KB, 2195x3517, GLtbh-1a8AAObFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74188862

Mother? Mommy?

>> No.74188886

Things like this will prevent Biboo from bringing on her mother if she sees it.

>> No.74188913

>I'll just win with 1 HP

>> No.74188914

It makes things faster but it's not a literal "melt the boss instantly" speedrun button
With that said it sounds like she has a lot of collabs next week so there should actually still be some time to catch up
In this case, specifically the strat of moving as little as possible when a long-lasting, tracking attack is pursuing you (the fire pillars)
It's pretty common in shmup for the boss to fire a tracking/persistent attack at the player, and if the player panics or doesn't know what to expect and moves around too much, they end up running out of space, boxing themselves in before the next attack, or giving up attack windows
Though if I recall this is technically "streaming" or "herding" the attack instead of "grazing" or whatever the terminology is

>> No.74188921

I said it last thread, and I'll say it again.

>> No.74188927


>> No.74188931

she died

>> No.74188946


>> No.74188976

I think the opposite actually, Rabi-Ribi is a metroidvania with bullet hell so it'd make a decent intermediary before 2hu.
...or maybe it's be better to play 2hu before and then mix it with HK to get RR? Only Biboo knows

>> No.74188989

Her spirit will live on, I'm sure

>> No.74188994
File: 269 KB, 1273x2048, IMG_1896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Momseki design

>> No.74188996


>> No.74188998

>those thighs
>the chub on belly
if she was flat it would be perfect

>> No.74189006

I'll never get tired of her going BAH

>> No.74189018


>> No.74189037

she did all monsters first time alone

>> No.74189057

I want to hear her scream

>> No.74189071

poke and scream

>> No.74189094


>> No.74189143

She's overcharmed, oh no!!

>> No.74189155

That looks rather unladylike.

>> No.74189156

Oh shit, is she overcharmed? How did I miss that?

>> No.74189167

hey biboo did you know you take 2x damage while overcharmed

>> No.74189170

I'm fine with momseki becoming a lightning rod for all the off-model Biboo bust size art I guess

>> No.74189194

someone should inform her of her grievous mistake as it will hinder her from progressing

>> No.74189208

Sorry my daughterwife is too based for you.

>> No.74189218

>Playing almost the whole game accidentally overcharmed
She isn't the brightest is she.

>> No.74189225
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>> No.74189236

someone should tell her

>> No.74189264 [DELETED] 

Is her dad thai too or is he a pervy sex tourist?

>> No.74189296

reps, now

>> No.74189306

He is a moai statue.

>> No.74189346
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>> No.74189362

He's a huge moai golem

>> No.74189361
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>> No.74189393


>> No.74189421


>> No.74189429

>same second submission
Been a while since I've seen that happen

>> No.74189431


>> No.74189447

that was a jab at pebbles, not Biboo

>> No.74189449

She didn't do it but it was cool

>> No.74189506

>pervy sex tourist
who the fuck talks like this?

>> No.74189508

She still loves me even if you think I'm cringe.

>> No.74189524

biboo is the bug of his dreams

>> No.74189522

Ironically? Tourists.

>> No.74189581

wait so Grimm is a homo?

>> No.74189594

does red tearstone ring affect spell damage?

>> No.74189618

No, John Hollowknight is genderless.

>> No.74189621

No just nail.

>> No.74189627

Truly 1hp and a dream

>> No.74189633


>> No.74189713

the toe ho

>> No.74189718

If she master the Touhou part she’ll win this fight

>> No.74189721

What collabs are confirmed for next week?

>> No.74189733

I think it's too late to ask this, but does her dash have limited iframes? Like dashing twice etc

>> No.74189789

This week's schejewel TBC. Confirmed streams:
MON - Plate Up w/ Sweaty Gamers (Biboo, Kaela, Fauna, Bae)
TUE - Plate Up or Overcooked collab w/ Kaela, Shiori, Kronii
WED - ???
THU - School Labyrinth w/ Advent at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - ???
SAT - HoloDoroKei - HoloX Minecraft Event: Cops and Robbers (Practice) at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
SUN - HoloDoroKei - HoloX Minecraft Event: Cops and Robbers at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
Possible streams:
Monster Hunter World
Hollow Knight
I'm still looking up the timeslots for MON and TUE, does anyone know anything about that?

>> No.74189790

Yes, you can see her pulse dark when the iframe recharges.

>> No.74189796

a bunch of shitty ones except maybe the JP one

>> No.74189804

Oh, she's noticed that she can dodge backwards after the uppercut to make it more consistent now, that will help
Seems to mostly just be issues with getting clipped for not jumping high enough after the dive kick attack now

>> No.74189809

Shadow dash has iframes and it has a cooldown

>> No.74189810

The fire dash is a lot easier if you pogo it. She even said "oh i need to pogo" but then she didn't start pogoing it.

>> No.74189855

Naruhodo, thank you.

>> No.74189968

we should cameo the voice actor for Grimm to read biboo a message

>> No.74190003

Biboo is the voice actor for Grimm though

>> No.74190020

No, Biboo voice acted BAH

>> No.74190038

now that's what I call one stop shopping

>> No.74190042

I think she's trying to double jump and then sneak a pogo on him on the way down instead

>> No.74190063

The weekly mandatory Advent collabs aren't my absolute favorite, but I still treasure them knowing that after the 1 year adventversary they'll be a rare find.

>> No.74190084

Good touhou phase, but the RNG was very good to her.

>> No.74190112

Biboo is rocked the fuck in

>> No.74190126

I love advent collabs. The game picks are a hit or miss, but I love seeing the girls together.

>> No.74190133

"BAH!" end message

>> No.74190178

why the fuck is this silly little rock so FUN
She always makes streams enjoyable to watch, no matter what she's doing.

>> No.74190210

Well get them while you can because once they're no longer mandatory we'll be seeing a lot less of them.

>> No.74190221

loves streamin
loves gamin
simple as

>> No.74190227

Not gonna lie, lads. The Monster Hunter streams were getting a little much for me. I'm glad she's playing Hollow Knight today.

>> No.74190262


>> No.74190284

Thank God


>> No.74190293

>It's just Touhou and no-BAH!
Gotta commit to the bit.

>> No.74190308

silly rock my beloved

>> No.74190309

its not mandatory

>> No.74190344

You can stop replying to yourself, shitposter-san.

>> No.74190404

kek again

>> No.74190408


>> No.74190429

>says the shitposter not watching Biboo

>> No.74190502

Good run, we even saw the babies

>> No.74190504

This is the run

>> No.74190530

always jinxing it

>> No.74190544

Has she seen everything?

>> No.74190555

Pebbles. It's very cute that you discovered hololive for the first time with Biboo. And she's truly a precious gemstone and is always happy to collab with her genmates whenever they're willing.

But people who have been watching hololive for longer know there's certain rules.

>> No.74190593

too bad she can't use the HP bar mod
really nice QoL mod

>> No.74190629

You don't need to know their HP, they'll die when they die

>> No.74190660

>shitposter still trying
kek too obvious

>> No.74190666

Damn that was some bad luck

>> No.74190686

it lets you know how much progress you're making

>> No.74190754

there is no RNG in this fight, anon

>> No.74190839

NTA but touhou is RNG, no?

>> No.74190871

You just need to dodge and hit, clear your mind of any unnecessary thoughts

>> No.74190885

As another anon mentioned, I missed comfy ROCKED IN Biboo
Though it's kinda amusing that MH sounds less comfy specifically because it's comparatively much more chiil

>> No.74190892

Very few spellcards are rng.

>> No.74190913

this isn't actually touhou

>> No.74190935

Yeah there's a little bit of RNG in the touhou attack. Some patterns are slightly easier than others.

>> No.74190998

how many phases are there? like how many times ddo the babies show up?

>> No.74191054

she gets hit by that drop kick a lot

>> No.74191063

Like 4ish so she was halfway through.

>> No.74191099

I'm not sure about the babies, but Grimm does the pufferfish attack every 25% lost

>> No.74191139

ooh good metric, ty

>> No.74191142
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pic rel

>> No.74191164

You can get completely fucked and boxed in but what appears to be random pattern movement, but most of the time getting actually trapped in shmups is an issue with not taking evasive action beforehand

>> No.74191165
File: 698 KB, 450x253, 1659853585655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how life works, you can't avoid the footdive forever

>> No.74191198

that happens when he gets staggered I believe. He does the touhou attack after losing 25% HP so after the 3rd time, that's the final stretch.

>> No.74191217

wtf is wrong with youtube? why does opening chat make it buffer? anyone else have that problem?

>> No.74191245

Eat this Vergil s.H you tin can fuck

>> No.74191289

That means you don't have enough RAM.

>> No.74191318

Youtube is being stupid right now, chat is lagging on other streams.

>> No.74191365

Silksong never ever

>> No.74191370

Download hyperchat, it fixed all the issues for me.

>> No.74191408

I thought it was the player forcing a different codec now but just installing hyperchat seems to have fixed it for me

>> No.74191442
File: 23 KB, 211x158, 1694042696837241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, the system requirements state that you need 64gb of RAM to watch the live stream. It is time for a system upgrade.

>> No.74191451

Biboo will make Silksong a reality

>> No.74191471

only if she beats Pantheon 5

>> No.74191508

112% was the deal, dev-sama

>> No.74191524

Biboo will manifest silksong!
Mine and biboos child is going to be named silksong btw

>> No.74191549 [DELETED] 

pantheon 5 is part of 112%

>> No.74191551

Biboo's going to sing when I silk up her insides with my cum.

>> No.74191566

why is his heart beating so fast anyway? dude is supposed to be sleeping

>> No.74191603

he doki dokis when he's thingken of biboo

>> No.74191621

disregard, I'm wrong

>> No.74191636

your heart beats fast when you're having a nightmare

>> No.74191645

he's just like me fr fr...

>> No.74191664

This is the run

>> No.74191672

It's literally not. Only p1 through p4 gives a percentage p5 doesn't.

>> No.74191683


>> No.74191690

much like Biboo he enjoys the pain

>> No.74191818

perfect touhou followed by two hits... bweh

>> No.74191874

whats with the uptick in graynig trolls this stream?

>> No.74192122

good run overall

>> No.74192170

New bread:

>> No.74192176

Seems date for sweater gamer collab isn't locked in yet. It probably won't be Monday.


>> No.74192275

Thanks for the heads up. I'll correct it on the next thread.

>> No.74193783

kys retard

>> No.74193829

the fuck r u doing lol
