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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74145480 No.74145480 [Reply] [Original]

>goes to Japan once
>immediately wants to move there
Nice patriot chuuba Ameritards

>> No.74146516

Most introverted people will have the same reaction
Speaking from experience

>> No.74146745

I don’t consider fence-sitting grifters to be my fellow loyal countrymen, thank you very much.

>> No.74147494

We love Japan here

>> No.74150099

Many such cases

>> No.74150942

>goes to Japan once
>immediately wants to move there

>> No.74151167

patriotism is for rubes

>> No.74152126

She will never be Japanese

>> No.74152664

She’s always been a libertarian (what fsecond poster calls “fence-sitter”) and has said she’d love to live in Shanghai or Dubai, but only because of their modern look. She doesn’t give a fuck about your flag waving and never has.

Every tourist from America prefers the place they’re visiting.

>> No.74157841

>I'm such a nerd and introvert and I hate people and going out
>so anyways my number #1 wish is to move to a huge busy metropolis with tens of millions of people in it because it "looks cool"

Careful there, your character is breaking you grifty normie fuck.

>> No.74157999


>> No.74159074

Yeah Japs are known for being friendly and extroverted. If you're walking around in Japan people often walk up to you and try to strike up conversation, especially if you're white.

>> No.74159720

Funny enough people are actually like this outside of Tokyo

>> No.74159758

Tokyo is well known for being the only populous city in Japan

>> No.74160343
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>> No.74161519

I was patriotic too, but eventually you realize that you're living inside a giant corpse, and wanting to leave it is the only sane reaction.
Rather, wanting to leave is the patriotic reaction, because patriotism is wanting to love your locale. The non-patriotic can be happy living in a corpse and complaining about it; the patriotic want to live in a place that they will want to lay their lives down to defend, they want to be angry and offended when it's complained about.

>> No.74163577

America is a lovely country but literally everyone I know has another countryoshi they wish they had dual citizenship for.
Consider it going out and spreading the burger ways of freedom, innovation, liberty, TAX DODGING and etcetc

>> No.74164800

Goto Japan. Everything is neat and convenient. Store workers are exceptionally nice and polite. Can literally go a month without talking to anyone. Can survive off conbini food, home cooked meals, to iPad ordering restaurants. I know Tokyo is crowded but that doesn't mean you have to talk to everyone.

>> No.74165287

Cause it's way more welcoming towards being an introvert woman

>> No.74165827
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nah that's normal, that's just wanting conservative human life back. that's not a good sign if you want her to be a fake, that's the pewdiepie genuine horror at the west type reaction, that's not good. for you. it's fantastic for me, I want to fuck her even more now. get our your Murakami again boys, start reading.

>> No.74166529

It was one of the first times I actually enjoyed being in a city. American cities suck. The traffic sucks, finding parking sucks, having to worry about getting shanked at night sucks, but at the same time, they're some of the few places you can indulge in niche interests around here. Trying to find something non-mainstream to enjoy in a suburb is like trying to find diamonds in a playground sandbox.

>> No.74167712

People just misuse the term patriot to excuse not improving. Like fat people using body positivity as an excuse to not lose weight. True patriots want improvement and anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sabotage us.

>> No.74167819

> nukes a country
> doesn't conquer it
The only true patrios are those in the Okinawa base.

>> No.74167860

>outside of Tokyo
Its also a cointoss on if you get asked to leave a restaurant for "reasons" outside of Tokyo.

>> No.74167862

Why would you want to move to japan? They're all racist homophobes.

>> No.74167891
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It's the same with Americans who go literally anywhere else. Almost as if America was a huge shithole.

>> No.74168187
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What does this have to do with vtubers?

Visiting as a tourist is totally different than living there.

Japan's Government is actually smart and unlike America doesn't automatically let just anyone move there because they like animu.

You'll learn real quick that Japan doesn't want or need you unless you can speak their language AND be a productive member of society. Even then you're not even a full citizen.

>> No.74168626

>Patriot only lives in US and believes it's the best
>Actually goes outside and changes their mind
Many such cases.

>> No.74169675
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>> No.74171949

Funny, going abroad only made me appreciate my country more. Then again, I'm not an Amerimutt lol

>> No.74174561


>> No.74174805
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You’re not very convincing, bumping this from page 10 like that. Hahaha

She’s not a “conservative” or nationalist sort and never has been. We’ve always known she was a libertarian and a weeb. So duh, she love Japan.

>> No.74176512


>> No.74178227

Understandable tho

>> No.74178320

Isn't burgerland basically the only country you still have to pay taxes to even if you live somewhere else?

>> No.74178815

She's literally a mentally stunted autistic malformed freak with physical visible growth problems due to her brain development disorder, Im not sure why a single person here is genuinely pondering why she prefers Japan, next you'll ask why two fetal alcohol white autistic weeb twins recently moved to Japan.

>> No.74179788

oh right i forgot about taxation by citizenship
Although, I'm like 99% sure there are exceptions/treaties for people living in certain places?

>> No.74179887

>anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sabotage us.
or is just retarded and genuinely doesn't see the problem

>> No.74179900

Good food people are considerate to each other who wouldn't want to move from the shithole that is the united states for Japan. I know I would in a heartbeat if i had the means to since is not easy to even visit there.

>> No.74179970
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Japan is awesome tho.

>> No.74180004

That's pretty common, but there's a big difference between being in japan as a tourist and actually living there that balances out the fantasy

>> No.74180031

I can't imagine why anyone would be patriotic over this shithole country, and it's only going to get worse

>> No.74180133

The only flag she waves is the BLM flag as she slurps on bigger cock.
