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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7416616 No.7416616 [Reply] [Original]

>both speak english, chinese and french
>both play FPS games
>both ramble about random shit constantly
>voices sound awfully similar
Selen is actually Artia

>> No.7416639

artia is a stick
selen is a trunk

>> No.7416669

poggers brothers

>> No.7416803


It’s Cantonese, anon

>> No.7416865

I loved Artia so this is great news!

>> No.7416931

Do you relly belieb?

>> No.7416976


>> No.7417009

Does Hecatia not stream on twitch anymore? Has she been fully assimilated into bugdom?

>> No.7417031

it's all bug-speak to them
there are some anons here who can't even tell the difference between gook and mandarin/cantonese

>> No.7417035

Artia talked a 10 year old who was on the spectrum. Selen talks like a 35 year old aunt with a dumbtruck ass who always has a glass of wine in her.

>> No.7417055

She hadn't streamed on twitch in months, but she's been on hiatus for weeks now even from chinese platforms. Might be a permanent hiatus, too.

>> No.7417090

One is actually good at the game she plays.

>> No.7417238

Chink here to weigh in. Mandarin is Bugspeak, and sounds nicer than Cantonese normally. But the Mainland Chinese accent is fucking atrocious and makes it sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Cantonese is spoken a bit more in places like Taiwan and HK, where we're still chinese but not mainlanders. It tends to sound like you're constantly swearing at someone, and every Cantonese speaker has to learn how to say that they'll fuck your mother as one of the first things they pick up. There's other dialects like Teochew and Hokkien, which are closer to Cantonese, but who gives a fuck about those.

>> No.7417244

Except we know who Selen was prior. Just like we know who all the other Niji EN chicks were.

>> No.7417356

From my understanding

Smart enough to escape communism and famine
live and integrated into many countries around the world
are just normal people

people who unfortunately stayed back
got indoctrinated and display qualities that are bug like due to their upbringing

Is this true?

>> No.7417455

both are zoomershitters with no redeeming qualities

>> No.7419153

Cantonese is spoken in mainland too in the Guangdong region

【Selen的强强粤语【NIJISANJI EN/Selen】-哔哩哔哩】https://b23.tv/xd09aM
She has good taste, southern Chinese dish

>> No.7419249

Actually Taiwanese people speak Mandarin too. The difference between their Mandarin Chinese and mainland Mandarin Chinese comes down to the writing ie. traditional vs simplified.

>> No.7419280

About right, Cantonese and it’s variant are the majority of the overseas Chinese community. In a way they are the OG Han Chinese who were not assimilated by the nomads invader. The modern Mandarin was a dialect of the Manchu nomad who invaded the Ming dynasty and subjected the Chinese.

>> No.7419306

Are NijiEN big on bilibili?

>> No.7419310

Artia is shitstain Han with heavy FOB accent
Selen is based Cantobro with very slight accent on her perfect English.

>> No.7419709

Not big but noticeable enough to gather in rl expos

>> No.7419766

They do sound pretty similar but Artia's English wasn't actually that good

>> No.7421078

Imagine getting your lunch eaten by a westernized dudegal cantochad.

>> No.7422940

Holy retardation, Mandarin is the main lingua franca of Taiwan. Increasingly among SEA Chinese too, but that's more of minus against it on this board.

>> No.7425930

Selen speaks Canto. Artia speaks Mandarin.
Also how do there voices sound even remotely similar?

>> No.7425993

Don't compare my gamer tomboy gf to chink judas

>> No.7426474

Wrong. I also don't know where the meme that they are "only written differently" came from.

Cantonese and Mandarin are two radically different languages, with different words and grammatical structures. The only thing that ties them together is that they both use Hanzi and are both Tonal.

Mandarin is spoken in Taiwan and most of Mainland China.

Cantonese is Spoken in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou province. Its also spoken more widely among Chinese immigrant communities since Maoism negatively impacted the South of China harder than it impacted the North.

All of Mainland China, as well as Singapore, uses Simplified Chinese. This is because Mao wanted to raise literacy rates so he made some characters less complicated and easier to write, especially characters that had radicals from words that are no longer used. Singapore also had low literacy rates at the time, so they adopted the reform as well. Hong Kong and Macau were still under British and Portuguese rule at the time, and Taiwan was a completely separate country, so they continued to use the Traditional Characters.

>> No.7426522

They both speak French? How the fuck. Normies are usually cripped after one asian and one western language.

>> No.7426548
File: 25 KB, 600x400, Trad vs Simp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a comparison between Simplified and Traditional Chinese for any one interested. I forgot to include it on my last post.

Fun fact: Traditional is also used in Japan in the form of Kanji (a Japanification of the word "Hanzi")

>> No.7426606

She has not streamed anywhere for months now, artia as niji EN gen2/wave3 would be sick AF

>> No.7426717

>Fun fact: Traditional is also used in Japan in the form of Kanji (a Japanification of the word "Hanzi")
Not exactly, it also went through some rounds of simplification in Japan, but it's a lot closer and there are a lot more characters in common.
Mandarin has the best kanjis. They're easier, more concise.

>> No.7427002

Most widely spoken form of Chinese spoken is SEA is actually Hokkien, which is used heavily in Malaysia, with significant minority communities in the Philippines and Indonesia. but yes, Mandarin IS on the rise in SEA

>> No.7427016

Weird to see an anon that actually speaking sense instead of schizo ramblings without any basis.

>> No.7427356

Please don't compare Selen to this bug traitor.
As a 100% pure bavarian phenotype white male. I now confer the status of honorary Aryan to Selen.

>> No.7427497

Artia doesn't even come close to the energy Selen emanates. Besides Selen can actually speak english.

>> No.7427558 [DELETED] 

Hjelp oss å hjelpe unge gutter og menn som kjenner seg igjen i det å være incel. Hvis du vil vite mer om prosjektet kan du sende en epost til samtale@reform.no.

Vi i Reform er ute etter å snakke med deg som opplever å være en incel.

Vi jobber nå med et prosjekt hvor vi skal kartlegge situasjonen for norske gutter og menn som er incel, og som sliter med ensomhet og lite intim/ fysisk kontakt med andre.

Dette er et tema som dessverre har fått lite fokus her hjemme i Norge, noe vi mener noen ganger kan føre til at unge, ensomme menn ikke får hjelp. Poenget med prosjektet er å få mer innsikt i hvordan norske incels har det, hva slags støtte man opplever å få på internettfora for ensomme menn, og hva som kan gjøres for å forbedre situasjonen for menn i denne gruppen.

Vi ønsker å intervjue menn mellom 18 og 45 år som kan kjenne seg igjen i denne beskrivelsen.

Intervjuene kan gjøres på telefon, fysisk, på skype/teams/zoom etter eget ønske, og vil vare ca. 1 time.

Alle resultater vil anonymiseres, og det vil ikke være mulig å bli gjenkjent. Deltakelse er konfidensielt.

Hvis du vil vite mer om prosjektet eller melde deg til intervju, kan du sende en epost til samtale@reform.no

>> No.7427629

You have no authority to do that, nazis tried to resettle Norwegian women in Bavaria to whiten it up.

>> No.7427692

Have you actually heard Artia speak english?

>> No.7427716 [DELETED] 

Meant to quote.

Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på leon@ungehoyre.no

>> No.7427782

Meant to quote.

Ta gjerne kontakt med meg på leon@ungehoyre.no

>> No.7428889

For Selen she learned Chinese from her parents and French and English from living in Canada. That trio is probably the most common trio to know if someone knows 3 languages because of the large chinese expat community in canada.

>> No.7429301

Taiwanese also speak Mandarin differently than on the mainland. The current Taiwan Mandarin accent is easy on the ears and can actually sound somewhat pleasant. It's what used to be the Shanghai accent in the mid 1900s. The commies got rid of that by purging all intellectuals and making everyone speak their way (read: uneducated hicks) bc the original Shanghai accent was too "refined and bourgeois".

>> No.7429384

Fun fact: a lot of the Simplified Chinese characters used on the mainland were borrowed from Simplified Japanese Kanji.

>> No.7430637
File: 228 KB, 680x553, tia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artia was my oshi
>selen is my new oshi

you may be on to something anon

>> No.7430670


>> No.7430828

I fucking wish but no

>> No.7431052

They sound nothing alike.
Artia had an obviously ESL accent.
Selen has the world's most annoying valley girl accent.

>> No.7437107
File: 184 KB, 789x954, 1621082979238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so fucking much, bros.
Why did she do it?

>> No.7437189

>Chinkia, awful at all FPS
>Selen, top 500

>> No.7437326

>Both chink
maybe another taxi hit her or she's living under a bridge bc she was scammed

>> No.7437364

Not to mention that Artia is a wolf warrior mainlander on a student visa. Selen is part of an immigrant family with HK roots, which according to this very board is independent of China. She only cares about Chinese food and speaks fondly of going to Korea with her Korean friend. Trying to lump them together in their game choices or culturally is stupid.

>> No.7437402

Learning the languages of 3 failed communist states isn't something to brag about.

>> No.7437478


This is a far better comparison

>> No.7438028

Sensible anons are all around us but drowned out by the few loudmouths

>> No.7438152

Their actually are some differences in mainland Mandarin and TW Mandarin, like some minor changes in situational grammar and a slightly different vocabulary set. Much like Bong eigo vs Burger eigo.

>> No.7438380

Dont you dare compare my tomboy wife with Vtuber judas

>> No.7438453

Nah she's Dokibird.

>> No.7438462

Call me when there's a vtuber that speak fluent Hokkien
Just like my cai png stall auntie

>> No.7438512

Is Artia a top 0.1% player?

>> No.7438530

Artia was top 500 in Overwatch
Selene top 500 in Apex

>> No.7439846

Selen speaks cantonese, not chinese, you absolute fucking nigger.

>> No.7439871

they dont sound anything alike

>> No.7440855

The traditional vs simplified debate when foreigners talk about is very weird to me, as originally simplified was a invention of the first republic, further developed by the Communists. Said development was basically just finding what shorthands locals from different regions used, as many simplified characters already existed for a very long time, just unofficially and not being the main writing system that was taught. While I believe that simplified is as stupid as cursive in it's mandatory teaching and that the Mainlanders are retards for not being able to read our proper Hong Kong moonrunes, it is somewhat useful as a quick hand as writing exams in traditional with a pen is a bitch and a half. It was useful for the guys in the north who were dirt poor and had to educate a billion peasants and less useful for us in HK and ROC controlled Taiwan which had a much higher percentage of literate urban class so we stayed with the traditional characters. That said, even our traditional characters have been grossly modernized, as the characters we use to have before weren't pandering to the SJW's back in the 1920's who thought that the Han Chinese shouldn't have the names with the ethnic minorities share the character radicals of beasts like the uncivilized barbarians they were. Also seriously? WTF is 她、牠?literal homoglobal bullshit of first wave feminism, animals and women don't deserve their own particals when they're pronounced the same as the "masculine" 他 anyway. The commies are disgusting but I really don't understand why westerners love inserting themselves in the simplified vs traditional debate when you have people like me who thinks our modern spoken writing style was a mistake and that we should return to Classical Chinese for our written language.

>> No.7442275

Retard alert.

>> No.7443407

They sound nothing alike. Selen's constant cackle is something Artia never did. Also top 500 in Apex is far more impressive than top 500 in Overwatch.

>> No.7444745


>> No.7445599

I love both. Similar vibes, but Artia is still a singular talent.

>> No.7445752

Selen was also t500 Overwatch actually, for 8 seasons before quitting OW.

>> No.7445894

>Cantonese and Mandarin are two radically different languages
Forgive me for the nitpicking. But from my understanding, isn't Cantonese a dialect and Mandarin a language? Of course, I will admit that I'm underinformed on some parts that you've mentioned so thank (you).

>> No.7446067

Cantonese is the premier variety of Yue Chinese and is very very often used to refer to Yue Chinese as a whole. It is both a dialect and a language. Insisting on calling it a dialect is ignoring the way words are actually and accepted to be used so you can have a meaningless nitpick.

>> No.7446340

At least it's worth the ask. and the (you) Though it's nice to know more about the Chinese language.

>> No.7446413

Selen can probably speak chinese as well as a western canadian can speak french (not much), and she probably speaks french just as well.

>> No.7446677

She stays in contact with her grandmother (she answered a phone call from her while on stream and explained who called after unmuting) and her mother who don't speak english. It's likely she speaks Chinese pretty well because of those.

>> No.7446810

>Only praise cantonese
Retard westerner chink.
Cantonese is hong kong. Hokkien is taiwan. Just because most western chink migrant descendant are cantonese, doesn't mean every non mainlander are cantonese.

>> No.7446891

>shartia thread devolves into chink language thread
I unironically like her dipshit laugh

>> No.7447121

I unironically hate her dipshit laugh

>> No.7450273

I unironically find both entertaining

>> No.7450959

the whole "dialect" thing is a political maneuver to keep the bugs in line by insisting everyone is the same.

>> No.7451043


Anglo canadians refuse to learn it

>> No.7451546
File: 1.31 MB, 4092x2893, rk32596juml61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like its a bad thing anon. Chink speak discussion was far more interesting than the 200th Judas Time loop, and some anons might have actually learnt something from this. Next Artia thread I'm starting a discussion on the Xia dynasty. At the rate these threads are being made, we'll be at the Yuan by the end of the summer

>> No.7451656

Man, I keep learning some new things here today. I never knew that 'dialect' has a political undertone.

>> No.7451934

Do you think the "traditional" Kangxi cidian form is still best as the writing system for modern Chinese languages?
Well I think the current "tradisitional" characters are actually too pseudo-pedantic since they were almost forged in the era of Tang dynasty with insufficient knowledge of the development of ancient Chinese, relying too much on Shuowen and cutting off not a few ties with the tradition of Kaishu at that time.
Many of the "shorthands" are actually the direct descendants of the "truly" traditional Kaishu forms.
In that sense I appreciate the modern character reforms to some extent.

By the way I am really for restoring Rusheng in the standard Chinese.

>> No.7452213

Historically the south, Canton/Guangdong province in particular, was the source of many uprisings that toppled governments. Language is just one way of dismantling local dissent.

>> No.7452326

You should look up "mutual intelligibility", a linguistics concept referring to the ability to understand one language while knowing another. Various Chinese "dialects" are less mutually intelligible than certain combinations of European "languages" simply because of national borders.

>> No.7452505

all "languages" and "dialects" should be simply called dialects.
Language is only used with a political intent.

>> No.7452540
File: 111 KB, 802x721, main-qimg-09807cd2a21c2df1bfde7acd4cfbdb04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of my favorite images to illustrate the point. Each of these green boxes is a currently spoken "dialect". They are usually, but not always mutually intelligible with eachother. Meaning a Cantonese speaker can understand a Taishanese person, but he'll probably think that guy's a hick because he is. Whereas that same Cantonese person has no idea what a Mandarin speaker of any variety is saying.

>> No.7452812

one is backstabbing bitch, other is not, i think that's a big difference

>> No.7452911

curious about its source?
I thought Wu, Gan, Xiang, and Hakka are derived from the Middle Chinese.
agree with Min separating from the Mandarin branch at the stage of Old Chinese

>> No.7453930

she is of canton descent and hates the bugmen and west taiwan. and unlike artia. selen isnt a backstabbing clout chasing bitch.

>> No.7464310

I've heard non-Mandarin speakers are more likely to favor Classical Chinese since to them both it and Mandarin are foreign written standards but Classical is at least a written standard that doesn't unfairly advantage native Mandarin speakers.

>> No.7464350

>Chinese working for a chinese company.
Makes sense. She should've gone with VShojo if she really wanted to stand a chance.

>> No.7464475

I can't believe you'd post something like this. That's disgusting anon, I think I'm going to be fucking sick.

>> No.7473822

I have nothing but hatred for Artia.

>> No.7478449

do you really belieb?

>> No.7480231

its literally dokibird retard

>> No.7480529

literally all the niji ENs are either chinks or sea niggers
a couple of them speak chinese which outs them as chink, and for example finana speak Hmong which means her family's from vietnam or somewhere around there

>> No.7481342
File: 119 KB, 630x212, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7482313

This is the third time this thread was made today,

>> No.7482788

My oshi (pictured at left) and my current favorite chuuba (pictured right). A beautiful sight to behold.
