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74101335 No.74101335 [Reply] [Original]

Doki just added another 1k USD to the pool, and now up to 22 winners will be chosen to receive money.

Remember the deadline for entries is May 18! Time's running out if you're still deciding to start making something pretty.

There's a lot of good designs so far, but this is a great time to get your art reps in or your name out there with the tag. On top of this, knowing Doki, there's a very large chance she'll do her best to showcase as many of them as possible even if they don't win in a gallery or video or something.

>There will be a $8000 prize pool divided amongst 22 designs but only the first place winner will have their design on a Waifu cup.

>1st $2500 + becomes official waifu cup design
>2nd $1000 (three will be picked for 2nd place and recieve 1k each)
>3rd $500
>4th - 5th $250
>6th - 20th $100

Submission form and rules: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebZ4glMMrJ8y_qGeK8__PTDUWQRQkuac_QE2hk3q89dCoilg/viewform

On top of this, GamerSupps is now funding the full 8k, so thanks to them for helping out.

>> No.74101493

i don't actually care about her unless it's useful to shit on nijisanji.

>> No.74101536 [DELETED] 

Buy an ad

>> No.74101616
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>> No.74101642

I have to say I’m still surprised by the amount of seiso art knowing what usually goes on these cups. Good to see but you know it’s not gonna get chosen as 1st.

>> No.74101777

>4 times what millie got for her 3D debut

>> No.74104696
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People are actually getting super creative with the tomato concept.

>> No.74105421

>Imagine that is chosen.
Technically isn't really seiso so...

>> No.74106158

Based trips. That's just the power of Doki.

>> No.74107966
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Reminder too that you can enter up to 3 times!

>> No.74112152

Is this the art contest that she wanted to do but couldn't?

>> No.74112667

No you're thinking of the art contest was for a fan to design her next outfit while she was in Niji.

>> No.74114936

No, that was to design an outfit. Her next two outfits were one voted by chat, and one that won the charity auction. (other than the new redesign)

>> No.74116786


>> No.74119295

How does she just keep winning?

>> No.74120671


>> No.74120833

Remember the costume contest? Yeah.

>> No.74122754

Nice one, good luck goon!

>> No.74124417

are you forget about selen costume contest..?

>> No.74127559


>> No.74127730


>> No.74129653
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>> No.74129793

As long as it isn't a loli they don't give a fuck, which is fine by me.

>> No.74132208

It kinda still is. Last time she tried to have an art contest Niji destroyed her for it.

>> No.74132902


>> No.74135538

Which one was that?

>> No.74135682

Anon, just scroll a bit up.

>> No.74139162


>> No.74141095
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>> No.74143460

Dokibird art contest: Winners get prizes!
Nijisanji art contest: This is our art now.

>> No.74144860

I do not watch dokibird. Niji drama aside I found her a wee bit annoying. But there is just something about her model that just hit me. Especially her doing that "whoooa" expression. I am overcome with feelings to protect her at all costs. At the same time I am scared of her model change. She is also just too big for me to check out her streams

Oh god what do I do

>> No.74144915

Trust her tastes. She knows what the dragoons want.
I wholeheartedly expect that the new design will somehow make both the selen dragoons and the doki dragoons completely satisfied. She hasn't missed yet.

>> No.74144964

I hope her incoming new model is good, even her is afraid.

>> No.74146863


>> No.74149773


>> No.74149825

where the fuck does she get all this money to give away, was niji that big of a leech on her earnings before?

>> No.74150788
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Yes. She's always invested heavily in her community - even as Selen she managed to spend $200k in a year on projects, and Niji was taking a big chunk of her earnings and also shooting down projects left and right (or just letting emails sit unanswered, then throwing fits when she goes ahead and does it anyway).
Niji was unironically a huge limiter.

>> No.74151498

Everyone who knows her knows she's a workaholic who wanted to do thousand of projects. Niji would shut them down periodically because Management was only focused on coasting Luxiem success and sell merch.
She has so many loyal fans because she would constantly cultivate them despite all problems.

>> No.74152021
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Yacht fuel costs, ya know

>> No.74153003

my dude most content creators of her size host their own events and are known to dump money into random expensive shit, nijis of this size get crumbs from what niji pays them, see how holos are able to pay their own events and travel all the time, niji literally keeps all the money, mori mention an event she hosted costing 100k of her own money lmao

>> No.74153081


>> No.74153972
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>> No.74156122

I see why she made 0 profits from $200k. She also dropped 5k to be on Chilla’s. Kind of worried for her since her numbers have dropped down to 5kish already and those who membered are gonna slowly drop her. She should be saving more to spread events around if she wants to keep doing these …

>> No.74156194

She didn't drop 5k for Chilla, a fan of hers did.

>> No.74157105
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I thought this girl was 200k down last year and still needs to retain a lawyer and new manager? Where is she getting the money?

>> No.74157291

keep seethingholobrony, and thanks for the free publicity you parasocial fuck.

>> No.74157345

She said she'd spent 200k and made no money. Making no profit =/= being in debt. Outside of superchats which is now only needs to share with YouTube she said she was surprised at the insane amount of money you could get from merch about a week or so after releasing her merch line - and again no need to share the overwhelming majority of profit with a corpo.

>> No.74158994

>Thanks for the worst performing 3D debut in history
Why, you're very welcome!

>> No.74161591

Reminds me of one art contest ironmouse did where she paid like 16k $ because she kept increasing the number of winning designs.

>> No.74165140

Sponsorships. She's been getting a ton since going indie thanks to her new manager. She even did a paid ad for Apex itself.

>> No.74165381
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>parasocial fuck
You are trying way too hard.

>> No.74167076

The only fear the goons have is that she will try to match the 8k. Dragoons are her weak point when it comes to not spend money.

>> No.74170488

Is Apex still a big deal?

>> No.74174304


>> No.74176423


>> No.74177330

Yes, mostly because there is no game to mog it aside Fortnite and that is Twitch cringe.

>> No.74179340

Oh yeah, Doki DEFINITELY sent the artist a detailed commission document, probably with some self-made examples of what she wanted too. Doki knows how important a model is to the audience so she's not gonna let this be a fuck up.

>> No.74180235

To be honest, all submissions have been over the place except for quality, it's being a blast only seeing them, no wonder she felt the need to give more prizes.

>> No.74180265

5k is great for an indie that doesn't give most of their earnings to a corp.
Now she does have to pay her support team, but getting sponsors really reaps the benefits.

>> No.74180402

Honestly as far as I count she has 4 people and one does it as a side gig, so I don't think that is taxing. Then again she should hire more help with the work she's getting in.

>> No.74181850


>> No.74187962

why tho

>> No.74191876


>> No.74196953

I mean she made plenty at Niji, she just burned it as soon as she got it. Niji not letting her pay for art contests herself is incredibly shitty though

>> No.74198703

It also just doesn’t make any sense. She tried to spend her own money, she was literally footing the bill for them and they still found a way to fuck that up. They could have lost zero money if they handled it properly yet they found a way to lose more money.

>> No.74203221


>> No.74203396

small brain

>> No.74203451

didn't she also make her own buttons or some shit? sure that helped considering how simple they looked.

>> No.74206953
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Yeah, she was an artist alley person herself, so she has all the tools to make her own merch (and still does)
She's addicted to supporting artists. Sisters joked about "LOL IS CHARITY HER ONLY PERSONALITY TRAIT" and they're probably not far off. All she ever does is support other people. Hell, even in Apex/Overwatch she mains support.

>> No.74207444

Yeah, it’s funny how one of the only valid negative criticisms for her is “she spends too much supporting artists”. It’s a pretty nice negative trait to have when the comparison points are “touched myself to someone’s voice on call” or “engaging in behavior attacking a suicide attempter after promoting mental health”

>> No.74212629

Honestly, that's probably actually the BPD. I hear it supercharges feelings of worthlessness and makes it much, much harder to acknowledge any accomplishments yourself. So to compensate, she elevates everyone she can to distract from her own lack of self esteem.

>> No.74212960

Japanese bureaucracy is fucked. They have so much legal contracts to sign to even facilitate stuff like contests.

>> No.74214724

Cute merch!

>> No.74215089

I don’t choose to entertain the thought of “she actually has BPD” because it’s not proven in any official capacity, and it’s also likely we will never know if she has it or not. But I understand what you mean. It’s quite possible she does it as a coping mechanism.

But thought processes distorted by a disorder can be difficult to pin down. This reasoning can be applied to a person with ADHD due to the reduced levels of accomplishment they feel as a result of the dopamine wonkiness associated with the disorder.

>> No.74216215

Yeah, that's the EXTRA retarded thing. She was willing to FOOT the fucking bill all of her own volition, disregarding Niji's desire to claim all rights to the outfits themselves, and pay them out of pocket. Niji wouldn't have lost a single fucking cent, not even a singular Yen, from the endeavor.
