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74126970 No.74126970 [Reply] [Original]

will she bend the knee? she has no allies, no army to come to her aid. the war was over before it truly began

>> No.74127112

Honestly she has more followers than the round 1 and it ended with Kenji remaining a 2view dramafaggot. I don’t think the moron will win.

>> No.74128599 [DELETED] 

even with
>my roommate
and holobronies on her side, both disgusting, I would side with her a billion times over a literal fucking nigger, vshitjo, and fucking kyo

>> No.74129045

Why would she?

>> No.74129166
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>> No.74129168
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She'll be fine. She's dealt with far, far worse than one mindbroken incel and his teenage fanbase.

>> No.74129195

>It's over
She won by amount seething you sister generate

>> No.74129333

watch out, false flagging here boys since kenji yelling race card at her now

>> No.74129364

She really messed with your head Kenji.

>> No.74129455
File: 74 KB, 640x631, they-deserve-better-duo-v0-fl1qtltrw7hc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she'd win

>> No.74129712

Isn't he the racist though? His vtuber model is white. Comes off as "I'm ashamed of my skin color"

>> No.74129783

If you need to pull out the race card you already lost. As soon as Kenji said that I would just back off and continue to let him make an idiot out of himself.

>> No.74129830

>no army to come to her aid
Don't worry, the tranny with a female avatar will save her and expose Kenji as the real kiddie diddler. Just two more weeks.

>> No.74129982

>Niji and its entire defense force couldn't take Sayu down
>She survived even after all her "friends" abandoned her because it wasn't acceptable at the time to go against Niji
She'll be fine
Then she lost. The race card, especially if its the black race card, guarantees a win. Sayu is asian and kenji is black. We all know what happened during the black on asian hate crimes. Even enna had to bow down to the black race card.

>> No.74130013

Are you that mad that even he can get a gf but you can't?

>> No.74130030

Who are you even talking about? Zen? Porcellain Maid? U-san? What?

>> No.74130094

>Stalker mindset will attempt to defend Sayu by trying to claim someone saying she likes little boys is defaming her after she says she likes little boys

Can't wait to see other lawyerfags tear him apart

>> No.74130155

Hello nigger

>> No.74130165

>"your community is fucking with me"
wrong, that is me on a separate discord server and my 4 friends

>> No.74130175

His avatar isn't his girlfriend.
I think it's name's Rev. It's some literal who Sayu's cucklings keep shilling

>> No.74130238

Kenji's only half black, Sayu has Lacari, a certified nigga, backing her up. He's got no chance playing the race card.

>> No.74130245
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>Kiev will fall in 2 days

>the war was over before it truly began
Indeed it is. Your generallisimo shot himself in the foot by overextended his hand. Never stick it out the window of a moving car in busy traffic.

>> No.74130262


>> No.74130332

You mean like how that Canadian lawyer did over the contract? Oh wait, he actually agreed with Legal Mindset about pretty much everything. LM has even been taken on as a consultant by Idol Corp - sisters' attempts to discredit him have failed massively.

>> No.74130373


>> No.74130383

>She has no allies
Rev. Parrot. Khyo. Falseeyed, Any vtuber fans who hate cancel culture normiefags pulling out the "loli/shota = pedo" bullshit
>No army to come to her aid
Even holofans who either don't know her or actively hate her hate dramafaggots and western cancel culture shitters more, And anybody who see's kenji as a stupid bitch ass hypocrite will be dunking on him too
>The war was over before it truly began
Kenji is the one who is gonna lose and lose HARD from this. Rev alone will fuck him up

>> No.74130385

He already did and Lacari didn't do shit. He doesn't want his black card revoked

>> No.74130432
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just like they did before, sister.
Two more weeks and they'll all come out and deny everything he's ever said instead of corroborating it and adding more damning details to his conclusions.

>> No.74130507

The fuck is going on here? Sorry, I don't use the bird app so I don't have the faintest idea what the drama is about. Is this a "shota = pedophiles" thing again?

>> No.74130571

i just want you, her and all the dramafaggots to shut fuck up about this shit... Man, everytthing is about this miserable woman.

>> No.74130611

Isn't that dude happily married and never claimed to be a woman? Hell he even married a vtuber.
Hilarious. The projection here is unreal.

>> No.74130617


>> No.74130636
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Except she has THE Depressed Nousagi on her side. All you Sayu antis don't know what you're dealing with here.

>> No.74130672

>Black guy is going to throw away his black race card to defend an asian
Oh you sweet innocent child. I'm sure there were blacks all around the nation marching and protesting saying the black on asian crimes were bad too.

>> No.74130686
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>> No.74130700

It will not end until one side completely wins, unfortunately.

>> No.74130703

>Oh wait, he actually agreed with Legal Mindset about pretty much everything
Fucking cope, he literally ran through all his points, said they were horse shit, said Nijisanji and Doki could both sue each other depending on the story and that no one will but if they did Doki would lose. That's the exact opposite of what Stalker Mindset said

>> No.74130708

Trying to abuse the takedown system is gonna have consequences sister.

>> No.74130785

Same. Hopefully it won't last too much longer after NijiEN folds in June and the sisters lose their footing to actually attack her anymore.

>> No.74130832

You can keep denying the truth sister, but it won't actually change reality.

>> No.74130835

No clue if that's the shemale. All I know is it uses a female avatar and have a dude's voice. Presenting yourself as a women when you aren't is still troon behavior.

>> No.74130865

It wasn't, but this natural path of this drama is clearly going to reignite that conversation.
>Kenji called Sayu a Pedo while his chat spread dox info 1 year ago
>Kenji "Get's doxed"
>Sayu giggles a little louder then she should have
>Kenji lashed out
>Sayu called him a big baby bottom boi
>Kenji now running a slander campaign of the "Shota is pedo" angle while claiming 4chan posts are "Sayu's racist fans"

>You are here

>> No.74130889

Sister that's his fucking twitter. That's the lawyer you're quoting. That's HIS TL;DR that HE made. Are you telling me he's lying on twitter about his stream? Holy fucking shit what kind of delusion is this.

>> No.74130914

I don’t understand, why did she start this shit again when everyone moved on? Even if she was 100% in the right she should know by know that twitterfags are illogical and won’t care about her points.

>> No.74130930


Ah, the usual retardation then. Cheers.

>> No.74131031

Yeah, the catalog will be unusable for a few days until Enna's 3D debut. Then it'll continue to be unusable but nobody will give a shit about Kenji and Sayu because we'll all be laughing at how Enna ended up with the 3rd worst 3D debut in NijiEN, likely being between petra and rosemi.

>> No.74131057

Because the retard and his wigger friend Kyo launched a new attack against her. Can't exactly move on when there's a knife pointed at your throat, gotta remove that knife first.

>> No.74131060
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she wont bend the knee. however, he already bent his knee to niji back in 2021, not surprised.

>> No.74131099

Start shit get hit. Kenji can just delete his socials and shut up if he doesn't like the consequences of his actions.

>> No.74131117

Holy beggar faggot lmao

>> No.74131134

nobody actually likes Kenji right, it's just people looking for an excuse to anti post sayu? Just a couple of minutes looking at this guys content and history is enough to know he is a complete piece of shit, not really a big surprise all his "friends" talk behind his back.

>> No.74131135

Would she be as forgiving if it was her dox though? It's not really sayu's place to forgive him if he wasn't her dox he was putting a price on.

>> No.74131144

just kill yourself already

>> No.74131197

Yeah it has nothing to do with him and everything with taking another swing at sayu

>> No.74131297
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I'm sure he could've guilt tripped her into giving him a "fun night" even if it was hers.

>> No.74131311

It wasn't even a hard dox it was just a picture of him which he put online in the first place and his friends connecting the dots on his old accounts. It's incomparable to what was done to her.

>> No.74131348

Judging by the way they post and their complete newfaggotry to the internet in general which you can see in the screenshots he probably has a small audience of literal fetuses.

>> No.74131380
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Because, and don't get me wrong, I love Sayu, she is physically incapable of just shutting the fuck up. There is not a single cell in that woman's body or brain that will tell her "Hey you probably shouldn't say that boss".

>> No.74131406

When the fuck did his tweet ever say "Stalker Mindset is right about everything"? You want me to pull up his stream?

>> No.74131477

>Male roommate

>> No.74131479

Pretty sure he meant if Sayu would forgive DN if he was selling her dox like he did others.

>> No.74131523

>The girl found his legal name, face and his family's accounts on Instagram which she spread in a hate group

Complete nothingburger!

>> No.74131528

she has already won, retard. no, you won't understand why, you don't even know how you'd feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning.
>stalker mindset
least obvious nijisister
hooooly newfag
PL isn't doxx you retard.
pretty much. a small contingent of self-admitted underage twatteratis, nijisisters and this crowd: https://archive.vn/iro2V
watch streams. who gives a fuck that a divorced woman who never sold herself as a pure maiden isn't one?

>> No.74131533

Did she collab with him? Or did she actually fuck this dude? lmao.

>> No.74131555

She's not gonna have holofans on her side if rev and parrot keep trying to bring the Hologirls into this shit.

>> No.74131577

Why are you a cuck?

>> No.74131641

Sadly, no. He apparently has an actual child audience. The same ones he feels okay enough to make rape jokes in front of. The sisters using him as a beating stick for Sayu are just opportunists.
Yeah. Please, Sayu, just put the phone down and enjoy the birds.
Go for it, sister. Show your proof. It should be easy to find.

>> No.74131703

>the holofans won't be on her side if the person attacking her is slandering holomems

>> No.74131726

Not said or implied as such. Just give me the link

>> No.74131843

Anon she's literally trying to claim following someone on twitter makes you friends with them. She's out of arguments. It was never a war, only her being slaughtered

>> No.74131869

Holofans that do know about her aren't going to like her because she's friends with doxxsagi.

>> No.74131885

A lot of people treating this like a "war" are forgetting that kenji has a lot more to lose than sayu and they are forgetting how this all plays to the bystanders.
Bystanders like senior indies are going to see kenji spilling his spaghetti and having a massive meltdown over a nobody and stay well clear of him in future.
Even the indies that dislike sayu are not necessarily going to side with kenji here because he's proving to be a loose canon and they're in the business of avoiding bad publicity and chaining their image and brand to toxic individuals. They'll just toss kenji onto the same "avoid like the plague" list they've stuck sayu on.
There are no friends in entertainment. Only alliances of convenience. Kenji is about to learn exactly what that means by being a menhera moron.

The only thing about all this that surprises me is quinn sticking his nose in. He has a looot of skeletons in his closet so you'd have thought he'd keep a low profile.
Then again if he had the intellect to play the e-celeb game he wouldn't be a 3view shitter right now so I guess his decision to jump back into the lion's pit to retrieve his hat is to be expected.

>> No.74131968

NTA but what, the link of him existing? He gets brought up occasionally. It'd be hard to find anything concrete since it's so sporadic. He generally stays away on his side of the house I think. I'm pretty sure she has some female housemates too, but it's been a while since I bothered to care about it.

>> No.74131977
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will OP bend the knee? he has no brain, only pagpag to come to his stomach. the thread was over before it truly began

>> No.74131982
File: 92 KB, 475x897, 1686928618866141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74132028


Already Stalker Mindset's first point of unjust termination was shit on

>> No.74132052

You don't think throwing that out there where everyone can see it to try and get an own on this retard is probably not a great thing? One day someone who can actually do damage with that is gonna play that card at the right time and they actually will be fucked. All it takes is cover to make one mistake and then a third party can go "Oh by the way did you know a lot of their talents do this?"
Just as an example no one gave a shit about uki seethng about whitey until nijisanji shat itself and it was a convenient point to add on the growing trashfire.

>> No.74132077

All of this was before any of the recent drama with Sayu happened, so it doesn't disprove any of what the anon you're replying to said...

>> No.74132093

give you the link to what?
>The only thing about all this that surprises me is quinn sticking his nose in.
he never got over the roast she gave him in a golf collab, and went as so far as to leak her doxx to the sisters' favorite site himself. dyrb he can stop now?
>screenshot from before the drama
yawn indeed.
>stalker mindset
not clicking your link, sister. also no steam gift card for you.

>> No.74132119

Sure but they HATE the loli/shota virtuefags a lot too, They won't defend sayu but they WILL shit on kenji for the pandora's box he opened, and all his fans who are saying hololive talents are "literally whos" and "don't represent OUR vtubing community"

>> No.74132163

He got away with the sayu doxing of course he's poking his head in. sayu has been living rent free in his head pegging him every second of every day since he nonconsensually bullied her only to get violently raped on stream when she refused to put up with his wigger shit. Most people would have taken it as a learning moment, grown from it, and moved on but Kyo's just that much of a fucking wigger.

>> No.74132181
File: 190 KB, 268x411, homeboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu kno' that she can't win against my 'dawg Kenji, that is why she is playin' the safe game by invitin' my 'G to a personal chat one v one between 'em. Wel', bein' a Kenji fan i jus' gotta hop' my homeboy come out of 'tis drama unscratched but knowin' ya 'gurl Sayu's attitude in bringin' people down tha' mud with her, im fearin' for kenji's reps after tis' dum' drama y'all feel me ? Fuk i jus' wish both ya 'gurl and my 'dawg would just get alon' together and stop 'tis stupi'd fightin'.

>> No.74132188

>they WILL shit on kenji for the pandora's box he opened
Let's be real here, he's not the first retard complaining about le pedo anime and he won't be the last, and he doesn't even have much clout so it means nothing.

>> No.74132272

Link to her calling the roommate a he

>> No.74132278

Same with the vox rape.

>> No.74132285

Collab. Not even an offcollab.

>> No.74132313

I know it's part of his brand but I hope he deals with his depression.

>> No.74132317

Kek. Most based falseflagger on this site

>> No.74132360

NTA but go digging through her twitter if you want. I'm not digging through 500 hours of streams to find a random quote about her roommates.

>> No.74132365

As much as I want this clusterfuck to end, when it does I'm gonna miss these masterwork shitposts.

>> No.74132367

Also Kenji
>tries to leech off Vox during the peak of his popularity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oCEmvmwoUI
>gets to collab with him, calls himself a simp https://www.youtube.com/live/0SVjt7GU8eg?si=_3ceOJb7OcK-59RA&t=4800
>calls him a friend
https://youtu.be/AtQ3vOuPrrc?si=flBmBZAe6kTZyRao&t=199 (in that same video he outs himself as a tourist and doesn't recognize a single name outside of the nijimales he tried to leech from and gura https://youtu.be/AtQ3vOuPrrc?si=DGA-ZI33eWONTYFz&t=406))
>finally, when it was the trendy thing to do he shat on Vox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtxSLHihYHY

also Kenji:
>makes a fucking face reveal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jd53x5u9y4
>has his chat doxx sayu while he calls her a pedophile https://streamable.com/emht79

>> No.74132420

collab. They're on opposite sides of the planet. They played ultimate chicken horse for like an hour during her subathon.

>> No.74132464

Post that on twitter
Remove the meme arrows though

>> No.74132476

If a rat shits in your house you don't stop at cleaning the shit.

>> No.74132554
File: 72 KB, 850x513, Prophecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a face reveal in the modern era is stupid most people can dox you with that alone so if your worried about getting dox'ed don't do a face reveal

>> No.74132558

Oh wait, the femcel is here, there's a femcel eternally seething about Sayu, make sure to rape correct her anons!

>> No.74132583

Kenji is such a subhuman

>> No.74132594

Oh, I thought it was a won ton moment, not a generally known thing. Nvm then.

>> No.74132598

Cool. I'd rather deal with a few schizo fans than a fucker in the community actively trying to harm her.

>> No.74132629

>>has his chat doxx sayu
Kek Sayufags can't stop lying through their teeth

>> No.74132654

So false equivalences? Got it. Also he did a face reveal because he was doxxed, retard. And he never told his chat to doxx Sayu and his chat didn't even doxx sayu because she doesn't even have kids.

You faggots are the king of mental gymnastics

>> No.74132676

*kiss you* i will make you mine femcel

>> No.74132695
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Why is it that every time I hear about Sayu she's inserting herself in drama?

>> No.74132724
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No, the person on Sayu's side (parrot) is the one goading him to attack holomems. This makes her side look bad. Honestly everyone involved is cancer.

>> No.74132730


>> No.74132740

Yeah, no. She's divorced and her whole community knows it. If she was fucking someone or found a new boyfriend or whatever, she wouldn't be shy about it. The dude shares basically no interests with her and is up at completely opposite hours of the day. (He's a normie with a normal sleep schedule and works outside, she's almost never awake while he is.) If I remember right there's another girl in the house too, but she's just as forgettable as the guy. They're just sharing a flat because California housing prices are fucking bananas.

>> No.74132845


>> No.74132860

Lying and leeching are the only ways she can be "relevant."

>> No.74132924

But enough about your mom OF

>> No.74132945

He's a retard.

>> No.74132946

with... what?
She's not GFE. She's a comedian on twitch. Her fans don't give a shit who she fucks.
Sisters love finding any angle they can to beat her over the head for exposing their beloved company. Please undastando.

>> No.74132948
File: 140 KB, 640x822, they-deserve-better-duo-v0-3ttoa1ogv6hc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice projection

>> No.74132975

>even the obsessed HEposter is siding with Sayu
Damn, Kenji and Quinn truly are irredeemable faggots.

>> No.74132996

There are literally no holofans getting annoyed about this - there are however quite a lot getting angry at the reaction from Kenji fans to this pic.

>> No.74132998

>Also he did a face reveal because he was doxxed, retard.
a "dox" only 4 people, I guess 5 if you include kenji knew about? what is doxxing again?

>> No.74133007

The point of that tweet is he will never do it and would be ostracized if he did, None of those "famous indie vtubers" backing him want to be on the bad side of hololive mainly because it would likely split their audience,

>> No.74133015

Sayus dox was getting put up in chats all over the place.

>> No.74133025
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>> No.74133043
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>why is the drama grifter drama grifting?
Does the pope shit in the woods? The writing was on the wall since her debut in kurosanji. And this is without mentioning that she's jealous of Doki for being much more successful.

>> No.74133046


>> No.74133100

but having your cunt dicked is more important femcel-chan!

>> No.74133102

but enough about you, sister.

>> No.74133104

Tailored 4u btw

>> No.74133108

So he didn't have his chat doxx her. So that was a lie.

>> No.74133124
File: 39 KB, 656x656, 1693166064757666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74133132

>Sisters love finding any angle they can to beat her over the head for exposing their beloved company. Please undastando.
Oh so sisters took control of her twitter to start drama with another dramatranny?
Why can't sayufags let sayu be held accountable for her mistakes? You're never going to groom her

>> No.74133145
File: 65 KB, 1080x689, 1634382264342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg she did a rape joke
>but HE also did a rape joke infront of dem kids
A reminder to all tourists that Sakura Miko raped Pekora in the sweltering summer of 2020 and
we love rape jokes here please go back

>> No.74133148

>14k posts

>> No.74133149

Even if you're a big dramafag why watch false? His keemstar impression is very annoying to listen to.

>> No.74133156

I'm a holofan and I'm annoyed by it.

>> No.74133159

Thank you, anon

>> No.74133183

>no u

>> No.74133199

No that's actually what happened

>> No.74133222

your legbeard is showing, sister.

>> No.74133237

people arguing over rape jokes are retarded

>> No.74133244

Well yes, that's the point of goading him into attacking them. That faggot is still goading him using hololive, praying that he'll do it and therefore Sayu's side will receive reinforcements. It's selfish and scummy behavior.

>> No.74133259

Maybe he shouldn't been such a guilty cunt and he would've been fine with someone vaguely tweeting out "doxxing is bad. mmkay?"
Remember that's all she said to start all this. He got offended because she said doxxing was bad. After he got "doxxed" to a private group chat of 5 "friends" that he willingly gave his information to.

>> No.74133260

No seriouslywhy would she follow hasan AND false while in niji? This type of shit really speaks about the kind of person she is and its not a good look. Literally shit tier optics.

>> No.74133264

>has no allies
but she has pretty much every dramatuber on her side which honestly is alot

>> No.74133267

I mean, yes your cunt can't be dicked, crazy cat lady

>> No.74133270

fucking kek

>> No.74133300


>> No.74133302

>Guy that threw hands got fucked then cried about it when did it to her before when it was popular then privated it when it was set to backfire and drag him.
>Threaten to unprivate a slandering vod in the midst of his meltdown after finding out that everyone, everyone!, in his "friend" circle though he was a joke and shit on him behind his back
He reaped what he sowed for being a dramatuber and he's too much of a filipino nigger to learn to knock it off so he's sperging at Sayu like a teenager instead of growing up.

>> No.74133303

Aww, she likes us!

>> No.74133316

Based CHADnonymous dabbing on redditnites

>> No.74133324

And if he does, it'll all be his fault, just like everything else that's happened over the past few days. kek
"Doxxed" to a discord of 5 people my ass.

>> No.74133358
File: 116 KB, 1079x1082, canadian healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is friends with the phase connect girls.

>> No.74133363

Reposting Kyo's dox of her to 500k people that didn't have it is in fact doxing her.

>> No.74133367 [DELETED] 

Holy seethe KEK
Sayu's still a pedo and likely abuses her kids btw

>> No.74133389

>Thinks Kenji was in the group
Not even the most basic of reps.
>Dox: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
Did this remind you?

>> No.74133393

>unironically trying to justify it
You people are all the same.

>> No.74133405

>but she has pretty much every dramatuber on her side which honestly is alot
Isn't that what started gamergate? Whoring around with the press to control the mainstream narrative kek are we witnessing the beginning of vtubergate?

>> No.74133406

Any of those posts blow up and cause even the slighest bit of a headache for one of the girls and the normal fans that don't spend all day on twitter arguing about dumb shit are gonna be pissed at dramaleeches for forcing the girls into this shitflinging.

>> No.74133407

Your wording of it is. Do you speak english as a first language? Who said that? I don't think anyone claimed Kenji asked his audience to collect sayu's dox. They were however on their gathering shit they believed were her dox and he was freely reading it to a wider audience,

>> No.74133435
File: 17 KB, 188x250, party-parrot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh darn it parrot. I like you and I know you're trying to defend the person you saved (with others) from graduating from life, pero por favor no metas tu pico en la olla del drama...

>> No.74133436

It's worse cause the dumb fuck just put his info out there while also crossing IRL and Online.

>> No.74133452

What do you mean by "her kids"?

>> No.74133457

>femcel seething about her lack of dicks in her cunt

>> No.74133468

Why would she though? I legit never herd of Kenji before this. He is a literal who.

>> No.74133476

MexicANO de mierda dramaprieto

>> No.74133483

No their are just pointing out that he disingenuous and he doesn't actually give a fuck.

>> No.74133519

Show memberships.

>> No.74133528

kek the sister got banned

>> No.74133538

Anon you can't just lie like that... >>74132367

>> No.74133543

Those 128k sincroknights? All abused

>> No.74133595

I'm wondering how long it's going to take until kenji just gets bombarded with clips of his own rape jokes.

>> No.74133600

Oh so what you claimed to be "doxxing" her wasn't true? Which would be she was never doxxed by him or his chat? Thank you for agreeing

>> No.74133606

Her kid? Me. Also, Kenji plays Roblox and makes rape jokes with children. The DM drop of him being a groomer pedo is not a matter of if, but when.

>> No.74133608
File: 246 KB, 586x558, 1708212025353383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You overestimate how much twitch niggers know about the JP scene

>> No.74133613
File: 28 KB, 731x186, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, these are the people posting against Sayu here
yeah me

>> No.74133624

They're going to be a lot more pissed at the Kenji fans calling that pedos and "literal whos"

>> No.74133656

I’ve been pretty entertained through this whole thing can’t lie. Good show

>> No.74133662

Continuing to harass someone for an out of context joke clip by claiming that it was not a joke and ackshually a definitive statement about their sexual preferences is defamation and if the world were a better place, he'd already be sued for every penny he has. False accusers get the rope.

>> No.74133664

And the sum total of his proof of her fans' supposed "racism" is.... /us/, the assholes /here/ spamming racial slurs as a matter of course, and suffixing slurs to words to use those slurs as honorifics which can contextually mean "people" or "person" or "fan of (thing)".
Anyone who knows about 4chan also knows that we're equal opportunity bigots, and anyone who tries to use 4chan's bigotry as proof of anything other than 4chan's bigotry is a liar and/or an imbecile.
inb4 someone calls me a nigger, a faggot, or... um... whatever ethnic slur Kurds use for Tibetans. Human nature being what it is, such a slur probably exists.

>> No.74133672

Proof? 2mw?

>> No.74133686

seriously these retarded faggots only know how to yap and virtue signal on social media but do nothing against real child abusers

>> No.74133716

Proof? Because no one ever showed that this happened

>> No.74133735

No, what did you mean by "her kids"?

>> No.74133751


>> No.74133763

>if doxx information turns out to not be true, it means the person trying to doxx or supporting doxx is innocent
You have an incredible thought process. It should be studied.

>> No.74133789

Two more weeks

>> No.74133816

Is that someone I'm supposed to know?

>> No.74133859
File: 130 KB, 112x112, SayuPanic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is her goal? Unless she's clinically retarded she should've realized that this will result in:
- Causing anxiety to her real supporters
- Becoming so toxic that nobody relatively big will collab with you
- Making enemies of a bunch of twatterfags, some of them possibly being deranged schizos and dangerous
- Previous allegations against her resurfacing and a good chunk of people going along with it

All for what? Over a beef with a random dramatuber piece of shit 2 years ago? I don't know if I can support her behaviour this time.

>> No.74133863

How is it doxx when his chat said it? And so many of them said it that it looked like public knowledge.

>> No.74133893

What kind of bots are those? 100 comments and 1 million likes.

>> No.74133906

should of had henya prominently
featured in the pic. i want to see how vshojo react to it

>> No.74133915

Your side claimed Kenji doxxed that she had kids, only to admit it was a rrat.
This means she was never doxxed by him to begin with and the SDF has been fighting shadows this whole time lol

>> No.74133917

It's one of Kenji's fans, most of the quote tweets are similar. None of them know who the holos are - and even Gura is in that pic.

>> No.74133920

Quinn do you seriously think it is wise to keep jumping into the lions pit just because you escaped without having your metaphorical face mauled off the first time?

>> No.74133966

Re-read >>74133763

>> No.74133969

>>Thinks Kenji was in the group
>Not even the most basic of reps.
I never said he was in the group

>>Dox: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.
>Did this remind you?
now go ahead and define the word publish

>> No.74133978

How was it out of context? She was asked a question on the genshin meta and said she wouldn't use the meta character because she wasn't attracted to them and preferred little boys. It's not defamation to say someone likes little boys when they say "I'm into little boys"

>> No.74133980

No, it's a typical twitchfag who doesn't know shit about the JP scene, reflective of how they don't know or care about them in general (like how twitch vtuber awards go to literal whos instead of the literal biggest names in vtubing which are JP). So it's less likely that Kenji purposely doesn't sperg at them instead of Sayu, and more likely he didn't even know about it. Of course if he has any brains left he'd have looked them up and refrain from sperging at them anyway.

>> No.74134031

NDF truly are the most mediocre faggots in this board

>> No.74134041

>Publish: make (content) available online

Yeah so that's a dox

>> No.74134061

Not letting a doxxer and harasser get away with painting himself as the victim, basically. She must have figured she'll never be Doki, and must be very bitter/suicidal over her future. If she were to burn herself out but take down at least one of them with her, she seems to be happy with that. And it seems she succeeded. More was supposedly crying on stream, now going on a full woman rage, savaging her twitter over gotchas. He already doesn't look like a victim anymore, and that's the best she could get out of this.

>> No.74134084

>He doxxed her!
>Well there's no proof the doxx is accurate...
>It also wouldn't even be a doxx if it was real...
>B-but he definitely doxxed her! The voices said so!

>> No.74134109

If I'm gonna go by your logic of what a doxx is then he already doxxed himself

>> No.74134117

I just want to fastforward to a time when Sayu is happy and streaming with friends again..

>> No.74134154

God, I think I had an aneurysm. Just ignore me

>> No.74134155

>What is her goal?
all her enemies keep shooting themselves in the foot over a single statement. have some faith in her, this isn't her first rodeo.

>> No.74134160


>> No.74134162

>All for what? Over a beef with a random dramatuber piece of shit 2 years ago? I don't know if I can support her behaviour this time.
You can get off the sayutrain at any time. At this point it's par for the course, and if there's anything I've noticed, it's unlikely to affect her streams anyways. That said, I still hope shit dies down once Niji goes under and all the bootlickers and sisters scatter like rats

>> No.74134175

She's already happy and enjoying her vacation, the streams will come once she's back.

>> No.74134230

Nigga you can't possibly be this retarded, holy shit. If you spread around info you believe to be doxx info then you are a doxxfag - it doesn't matter whether that info is correct or not. The intent is there.

>> No.74134231
File: 261 KB, 1077x1100, 20240420_222751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the faggot left out Sayu's reply admitting to everything she was "slandered" for

>> No.74134265

Because she won't be happy until she gets what she feels she deserves, which is everyone rallying around her and embracing her, which she won't get because she's rung that bell so much that it doesn't work anymore.

>> No.74134270

So, we know Kenji's audience is too young to use a computer without supervision and couldn't find a 4chan if you typed the url in the browser for them. With that in mind who could it be in this thread defending kenji?

>> No.74134277

with a takedown notice to musk, that's why her PL is there instead.

>> No.74134282

That's his information, you retard. It's not private if he makes it not private

>> No.74134310

Okay then call the police.
If her statement is 100% genuine than she's clearly mentally ill in a nature that should get her banned within 300 meters of a school in all countries.

Oh wait. They'll laugh at you over the phone.

>> No.74134312

sister, you posted this pic in other thread >>74133248
https://archive.palanq.win/vt/search/filename/20240420_222751.jpg/ and you keep going, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.74134344

Because as explained time and again, it was a joke. The context is that she, and many people in the Genshin community, regularly made jokes like that because shotas were the meta. If you remove it from its context and take what she said with absolute 100% seriousness as if she sat down and was listing off her sexual preferences, that is retarded but you're right, that ALONE wouldn't be defamation because you're entitled to an opinion on her sense of humor, but that isn't what this guy is doing. If you make an entire video about how this person is DEFINITELY a pedophile because of these out of context clips for half a million people to see, continue to double down on that factually incorrect point for a whole year, refuse to accept any explanation counter to that narrative you've spun in your head, that is defamation. I guarantee you no law official would back up Kenji in this situation.

>> No.74134361

Nijisisters to shit on Sayu becuase she betryed the Niji cult

>> No.74134365

I've done the math. Sayu attracts birds to enter her room like she's some sort of a Disney princess. Which automatically makes her innocent and Kenji the villain of this story. Quod erat demonstrandum.

>> No.74134368

>If you spread around info you believe to be doxx info then you are a doxxfag
But that isn't doxxing if it isn't true, cuck-anon. You can't doxx someone with fake information.

>> No.74134375

Nijisisters, you can tell by the fact they keep bringing up topics and screenshots from their attacks against her from months ago.
There are probably also the usual dramafags who just like baiting as well.

>> No.74134378

She looks cute in this pic btw I saved it

>> No.74134384

they post the same 4-5 images as "gotchas" along with the avatarfagging. fucking twatter tourists really don't get how this site works

>> No.74134402

Pretty cringe to be honest. it was a joke, no apology needed.

>> No.74134419
File: 43 KB, 316x339, 1700140938347633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74134445

What racist community?

>> No.74134466
File: 205 KB, 2048x947, 20240420_222131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this one then

>> No.74134468


>> No.74134511

why do people care about this drama again?

>> No.74134519

Oh my bad, you're right. I can't believe she admitted to that live on stream, why didn't anyone call the cops on her?
You inbred fucking retard.

>> No.74134525

nijisisters, you can tell by the low IQ of the posts.

>> No.74134526

In one thread, they called Kenji a liver, in other they seethe about Doki, and somehow they try to make it about hololive. It's so easy to spot them, and what amuse me the more is now ok that the nigger did a rape joke about minors, but not sayu, sayu BAD! When it's a joke lmao the hypocrisy is so big.

>> No.74134546

it's the exact same context you retarded cunt.

>> No.74134552

>the intent is there
I'm just going to assume you're a drama tranny hoping for (You)s at this point, because if not the fact that someone can be this retarded makes me lose faith in the human race.

>> No.74134603

Personally I just like fucking with Sayu's viewers because they bite everything, can't keep their stories straight, operation purely from fiction, and are hypocrite to boot. It's fun seeing their melties

>> No.74134610


>> No.74134613

I don't get it. Why if she is cancelled has no-one in Vshojo condemned her yet? Why have her numbers not dropped yet?

>> No.74134621

ESLfriend, it's not saying he had his chat do it, like he made them do it, it's saying his chat did it like, "his chat HAD done it"

>> No.74134641


>> No.74134665

She only told him how it is. Why is kenji having a meltdown that his actions had consequences?
Kenji shouldn't make rape jokes if he wants to go after people for rape jokes either.

>> No.74134715
File: 1.22 MB, 1158x946, 1682329265724390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they want to rope hololive fans into their side in this retarded drama yet put out shit like this. I'm sure holofans are really going to support them now lmao.

>> No.74134717

call the police then using that as evidence. You're so worried about the children, right?

>> No.74134727

>least insane Sayu anti

>> No.74134745

>>the intent is there
There as in in your head? Because you physically cannot doxx someone with fake information, even with imaginary intent. Surely you aren't too retarded to disagree with this simple statement, right?

>> No.74134790 [DELETED] 

How? Did the genshin meta characters materialize into the real world and go outside her door? For her own sake, maybe she should stop talking about little boys so much if she wants to stop being called a pedophile

>> No.74134823

kid, get the fuck off the internet until you've grown up.

>> No.74134834

AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sister don't look! >>74134610

>> No.74134854

Did you know that being a pedophile isn't illegal as you can't arrest someone for thoughts? Crazy, I know. Good thing we don't live in your dystopian broke country

>> No.74134867
File: 183 KB, 900x900, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3j4k0e.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wao, I can't believe all of 4chan stands behind Sayu. She's so powerful.

>> No.74134896

The twitch whores didn't even know Kenji was a dramabaiter.

>> No.74134905

give it to me straight, is he on holiday with her fucking those perfect hag thighs?

>> No.74134911

>butchers basic english
I have literally zero clue how you somehow managed to get "his chat had doxxed sayu" from "has his chat doxx sayu" but I'm not brown so that's probably why

>> No.74134924


>> No.74134929
File: 157 KB, 737x490, 1692749140632082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for clueless retards, yes she is a good friend of parrot's.

>> No.74134980

she didn't say if roomie went with her, but her father did, so I assume family vacation.

>> No.74135000

So in other words, you believe someone else has thoughts that aren't actionable... and you want to act on them definitely having those thoughts you think they have?

...What the fuck are you even doing?

>> No.74135039

How does that disprove anything? She literally ran out the house to try talking to little boys selling popcorn, missed them and said she wanted for them to come back. How does that make her look less like a pedophile when she also has said "I'm into little boys" before?

>> No.74135067

>with a takedown notice to musk
lol what? that'll be retarded, then they will have to throw their hat in the ring.

>> No.74135089


>> No.74135096

Again, call the cops.

>> No.74135101

sister there are no little boys.
She puts that up every time she uses the bathroom unless you think she's being invaded by a little boy infestation 2-4 times a day.

>> No.74135155

Can someone tell these boy scouts to leave her the fuck alone? Why do they continue to send a mass wave of little boys to this woman's house?

>> No.74135166

anon you don't understand what a dox is nor what it means to publish something. if you publish something then it should be available to the public like you and me for example, but we can't access this private discord group so it was never public or a dox.

>> No.74135177

B-but kenji has botted engagement on his tweets!! That means he's winning!!

>> No.74135244
File: 135 KB, 850x1279, GIBr3WwbMAAm2GL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sad world we live in where people can't seperate fictional character from real life people i worry for this generation their getting dumber and dumber

>> No.74135245
File: 3.73 MB, 320x347, 1687541600831490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu drains gallons of shota cum in exchange for popcorn (and that's a good thing)
Sisters go home
Kenji is a nigger

>> No.74135252

You see, anon, there are zero instances of people saying something as a "joke" only for it to actually be serious.
You know that indie vtuber putting female vtubers on a "breeding list" as a joke? Turns out he was a very respectable guy who totally respected women's boundaries.

>> No.74135264

>unless you think she's being invaded by a little boy infestation 2-4 times a day.
this retarded cunt probably believes that the !shota command in her chat summons IRL children to her house

>> No.74135268

She literally said there were little boys which is why she made the text she put up. Did you even watch what you sent?

>> No.74135271

Someone print this up, holy shit. This is why niggers shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

>> No.74135274

Elon is gotta nuke his ass for that

>> No.74135287

No more (You)s for you drama tranny.

>> No.74135326

>Elon is gonna

>> No.74135335

>runs away

>> No.74135352

answer me this first: how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.74135366

Yes. Believe it or not, she was lying. That's called acting. It's a big part of being a vtuber.
I'm going to blow your mind here, too. Kenji isn't white. And Sayu isn't ACTUALLY an android from the future.

>> No.74135395

The sad truth is the programming is working. It's joever

>> No.74135410

>Equates raping little boys to eating breakfast
Sayufags are going full mask off, huh

>> No.74135422

>Retard thinks lawyers online are tribalfaggots like them.
Most of these people are a community born from the ashes of Deep and also people with a degree suprisingly, so they don’t fuck each other because they would end up ACTUALLY fucking each other in court if so.

>> No.74135448

wtf, why are they dragging Mumei into an idol meeting like 5 times a day??

>> No.74135449

shes literally destroying niji while no one defending her except her fans and you think this will scare her?

>> No.74135455

Lmao it's already over for this whore
Kenji is black
Drill this into your head
Saya will get labeled as a racist pedo and there is nothing she or her cucks can do but kill themselves

>> No.74135462

Don't worry Kenji calling her a pedo was just acting too. The proof is I said so.

>> No.74135464

So when is the kenji fuck going to accidently slip up and reveal he has loli/shota porn on his hard drive because everytime one of these virtue signalers come out they just expose themselves in the end to be the same breed they hate so much.

>> No.74135493

The only retards that do that were failures like Rikieta that couldn't make it

>> No.74135522

>your first post on 4chan and you choose this

>> No.74135531

He's already made rape jokes so whatever. We need a real plot twist like he was the shota bred continuously for three years by a gym teacher

>> No.74135557

Two more weeks. Trust the plan

>> No.74135566

No, if they just have thought and don't do anything then that means nothing.

By this logic you're saying if someone has 'thought' of stealing you should consider them a thief. Or that if someone has 'thought' of killing someone you should consider them homicidal.

Furthermore, you still have no proof beyond 'trust me' that she actually has any desire at all to have sex with kids. You just have no substance to any of your claims and if you are unwilling to actually take any action on it then that just shows you know you don't actually have any grounds to stand on.

>> No.74135598

Anon I'm sorry...

>> No.74135609

Yes, we know.
See, the difference here is that sayu's jokes about fictional characters don't affect anyone else.
However, Kenji's reckless slander of Sayu's career can have REAL ramifications on her job and livelihood. This is a serious fucking deal, not a fucking playground joke.
Probably tomorrow during his next rant thread. Can't wait for him to vaush himself.

>> No.74135612

>She was merely pretending that she was excited to talk to the little boys outside her house selling popcorn. It never actually happened

At least we're at the point where you accept it looks bad

>> No.74135616

That newfag is just being polite

>> No.74135615

This has to be Quinn or Kenji themselves, right? There's one person who goes on tantrums, by themselves, for two days now, against everyone else, just about how much they hate Sayu.

>> No.74135639


>> No.74135646

Rape jokes are funny and there's nothing wrong with being a shotacon.

>> No.74135668

In two days, Kenji will be outed as a Roblox groomer. No one that has been this vocal about mUh PiXeLs didn't get found out later. Add him to the list already

>> No.74135718

That Kenji nigger probably supports Palestine

>> No.74135738

You cannot seriously be suggesting that from that clip Sayu did anything more than be excited to get some popcorn. The idea that in that clip she in anyway actually raped someone is ludicrous.

>> No.74135737

>reckless slander
But it's just a joke therefore everything is okay. It's not his fault she can't take a joke, right? She should just stop being thin skinned

>> No.74135744

Lmao cope and seethe
He's black
There is nothing you can do to him you racist

>> No.74135752

Answer the question. How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.74135755


>> No.74135774

Well yeah. He's hammered home that he's /here/ and he's seething.

>> No.74135776

She has no reason to. VShoujo will keep silent and will not go against her because they know she's the one who opened the gates of the Nijivictim clout. It would be bad for exNiji to go against one another even if they don't like each other. They need the "Niji bad but livers good" image and they probably all have some dirt on one another. Also, they need to let Sayu relatively relevant so she can bash Niji for them and they can get the secondhand clout because VShoujo won't bash Niji themselves. There is no benefit to siding with that Kenji guy.

>> No.74135779


>> No.74135811

nah, you just proved you're subhuman filth with less than 80 IQ. no wonder your shitty doxxsite is in shambles.
>Verification not required.

>> No.74135831

>you still have no proof beyond 'trust me' that she actually has any desire at all to have sex with kids.
I think her saying " She's not my type, I'm into little boys " is proof enough for people to think she likes little boys. And constantly thinking about murdering people does mean you're homicidal. Like how being attracted to little boys makes you a pedophile

>> No.74135833

You're kidding, right? Surely not. After all that?

>> No.74135837

Yep, I'm thinking KWABOTY

>> No.74135850

Abolishing slavery was a mistake. You niggers are inhuman insects.

>> No.74135853


>> No.74135863

>goading him to attack holomems
>This makes her side look bad.
Your interpretation of that picture shows that you are socially retarded.

>> No.74135867


>> No.74135878
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1699511232927408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74135882

yup all the schizoposting and digging through her tweets is gone

>> No.74135913

Okay you're just completely detached from reality, I understand now, you think thinking a thing equates to wanting to do it or liking it, you think what you believe is truth and you actually thinkin when discussing things like this in the context of games it means she really wants to fuck kids. You're an idiot here to bait, got it.

>> No.74135915

He isn't, it's still up

>> No.74135930


>> No.74135933


>> No.74135936

Pussy bitch

>> No.74135949

Why is kenji a pedophile?

>> No.74135950

Omg its anonymous

>> No.74135954

The man crawled the entire history of her account trying to find dirt and dragged unrelated people into it. He was getting lit up and deleted it. He's peak filipino nigger.

>> No.74135957

Bros where's the karma tweet...? Did karma come for her...?

>> No.74135958
File: 172 KB, 564x444, 1710350176279047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blown the fuck out for all eternity

>> No.74135975

>he really did bend the knee
Holy shit what a fucking faggot

>> No.74135986

He finally took the fucking olive branch.

Good ending?

>> No.74135989

sayu is taking down her stuff too, I already gave him a KWAB so she gets one too, KWAB
guess they talked it out

>> No.74135996

Kenji just jojo siwa'd himself. Karma is a bitch indeed

>> No.74136008

anon check again
everything is down after his last tweet made everyone turn against himjx8pj

>> No.74136012

Is this an unironic sayu shill discord raid? All of Kenji's tweets are still up

>> No.74136043

Wait are they both taking the stuff down? Does this mean two people on actual fucking twitter actually fucking talked something over in private and resolved it? That's not possible, is it?

>> No.74136059

>Tries to imply the answer should be obvious
>By comparing it with something likely to be false.
>And then just making shit up.
You're a monkey superficially imitating how smart people talk, but that just makes you look even dumber.

>> No.74136065

He was dragging others into it while acting like a teenager and was getting torn to shreds.

>> No.74136066
File: 151 KB, 920x688, 1710956692754886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74136067

You are a genuine retard.

>> No.74136072

im preparing for the whiny bitch apology tweet
he better kiss sayu's feet

>> No.74136075

It's funny how quick shit gets resolved when people actually talk rather than throwing out accusations. This entire situation is the stupidest shit ever.

>> No.74136077

Sayu's been astroturfing for backup. In the end she still bent the knee to Kenji but her cucks can't accept reality LOL

>> No.74136092

dumb nigger

>> No.74136112

I'm not seeing anything on either of their pages now.

>> No.74136115

It’s mean kenji stopped trying to push shit so Sayu’s replies were deleted too obviously

>> No.74136121
File: 353 KB, 720x1063, Screenshot_2024-04-21-02-04-27-433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74136133

Kenju was necromancing 2 year old tweets trying to shitfling only to get knocked the fuck out. They're gone.

>> No.74136150

>waaaah waaah meanies came to defend her
lmao, you're as much of a little bitch as Kenji.

>> No.74136174

all the ones about sayu are down and vice versa on sayus twitter, no more mention of kenji
I would have preferred he kneeled alone because he and his fans are obnoxious as fuck but it is what it is

>> No.74136177

try refreshing anon
its not in his timeline anymore

>> No.74136187

Your thot lost. Get over it.

>> No.74136188

Honestly if the two of them have just decided fucking constantly attacking each other does nothing good for either of them and to just disengage and let go I'll be impressed behond words. That's a level of maturity I didn't think any twitter celeb, let alone vtubers, could be capable of

>> No.74136206

> All of Kenji's tweets are still up
then you don't mind linking them, right?

>> No.74136207

Maybe they settled for a hatefuck

>> No.74136214

Then your Internet/twitter is fucked anon, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.74136219

Also deleted, please refresh

>> No.74136220

I was half hoping this would take down Quinn, too. But as long as she can go back to enjoying her vacation, I'm satisfied.

>> No.74136223

Why are black guys like this? They act like women

>> No.74136227

I was hoping he bitched harder and made a public apology but I guess this works too

>> No.74136230

Lmao Kenji won. Sayu lost. Therefore Nijisanji also won. Next is Selen

>> No.74136239

She didn't astroturf shit. She said what goes around comes around. When he cried about it everyone that knew told him how shit he was.

>> No.74136241

He deleted his stuff too, at best this is a draw

>> No.74136249

Sayu's initial two posts are still up

>> No.74136251
File: 24 KB, 589x238, 1684702188311179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74136255

Based. Complete Nijivictory here today. We won.

>> No.74136261

Kenji deleted everything, how is that a loss? Are you going to run and cry like Kenji said he did a few days ago? Hahahahaha

>> No.74136262

Literally in his most recent stream he called her with other retard pedophile, if you have enough IQ you know who's right.

>> No.74136268

i'm full hoping
that fucking snake keeps dodging karma
one of these days

>> No.74136278

its over. sayu won

>> No.74136279

>kiss sayu's feet
no, that'll be me.

>> No.74136308

Nice try Sayu. Your discord raid isn't obvious at all

>> No.74136315

Kenji deleted all his stuff as well. This is no win, and in public perception as the one who was going on a schizo rant he definitely looks like the bigger brat here.

At best for him this is a draw. Sayu fucking went up against someone like 4 times her size and with fuckers like Quinn and Cy Yu backing him and she seems to have got him to come to some sort of mutual arrangmenent. Good for them.

>> No.74136317
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>> No.74136322


>> No.74136324
File: 255 KB, 2474x2474, by_kkkaaa4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen's already dead though.

>> No.74136338

Sayu had less to lose but also more antis than kenji so no matter how you want to spin it this is a win for her

>> No.74136339


>> No.74136344

Half filipino, half black dramatuber

There's no way. Sayu didn't have any skin in this rematch and kenji was just getting his dirty laundry aired with every act of hypocrisy. He's been taking L's constantly so either someone got through to him finally or he got at least one or more delete the tweet or you're banned notices from ol' musky.

>> No.74136361

>nijifags btfo
>kenjifags btfo
>drama tranny tourists btfo

>> No.74136365

>"kenji deleted everything"
>vod is still up
>everything sayu said is gone
Common woman L. Seethe

>> No.74136366

Good ending.
God, this is actually a good ending. I still don't like the guy, but I'm glad it's over.

>> No.74136370


>> No.74136378


>> No.74136401

Lmao cope cope cope
Sayu lost. She has no fans, no viewers, no money, no one wants to associate with her
Kenji won
Nijisanji won
Selen will be next

>> No.74136407

Kek Sayu was BTFO'D after throwing her hat in to say he deserved to get doxxed. She lost

>> No.74136414
File: 1.02 MB, 1363x767, 1693059605629924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's that anyways here's sayuthighs.png

>> No.74136415

How is Niji even involved? Both Sayu and Kenji have shat on them. This is a draw so even then it is a draw between two different people who hate Niji.

>> No.74136419

>Crawl sayu's entire account
>Retweet 2 year old tweets of her existing in the same space as kage
>Deletes everything shortly after

>> No.74136426

AIEEE the teenagers are posting unamused black people and calling him bitch made

>> No.74136435


>> No.74136448
File: 68 KB, 586x335, 1701784585481511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, it's over. Everyone can go home and fuck off.

>> No.74136449

Until the next time he has another melty about sayu possibly subtweeting his antics I guess.

>> No.74136455
File: 282 KB, 393x463, 1708633527059414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h..hey guys
damn she must've raped him into submission

>> No.74136459

Niji is the SDF scapegoat. I guarantee you some of them think Kenji's an organ rumao

>> No.74136464

wheres the make up sex

>> No.74136478

well boys pack it up, drama over. until next time

>> No.74136479

Everyone must now ritualistically fap to Sayu.
Through the power of the astral plane we will bukkake her thighs.

>> No.74136484
File: 1.50 MB, 462x442, Want To Cum [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fayz2e6.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74136492


>> No.74136500

Can't believe we found KWABOTY so soon

>> No.74136501
File: 186 KB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20240421-071147_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijifags can't stop taking Ls

>> No.74136506
File: 278 KB, 600x600, 1707392676395134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag pegged him confirmed.

>> No.74136520

she's wearing those kind of shorts that makes my pepe feel funny

>> No.74136521

What a fucking pathetic scumbag.
What was the point of this shitflinging you pathetic moron, you manchild? Imagine being this immature and attention starved you whore yourself out like that. Clap clap!
Next meme!

>> No.74136522

I’m honestly still impressed Sayu inserted herself in this shit at all and ended up with this resolution

>> No.74136523

>he did not doxx me

>> No.74136529

lost all respect for this fag

>> No.74136530


>> No.74136542

They both settled it so this is a total Niji loss. Niji would never be able to pull something like this off and look immature in comparison.

>> No.74136558

Damn, homeboy got served with notice by a lawyer huh?

>> No.74136563

>Caring for a literal drama whore who
Nice shitflinging retard hope he makes another "MY MOM REACTS TO" and barely get 100k

>> No.74136571

I wouldn't be surprised if she threatened legal action. At least things are now resolved, though I was hoping both he and Quinn were nuked from Vtubing.

>> No.74136573

This is hilarious considering what he just tweeted

>> No.74136577

Told y'all my homeboy Kenji and Sayu would get alon' in a hurri', she is not on my 'G's list of targets, my 'dawg is aiming for that 'bich ass dove and tha' pric'k Sage 'lil bish' ass puss'.

>> No.74136580

>she had respect for him
so sad sister

>> No.74136593

Stream source?

>> No.74136597
File: 114 KB, 442x885, 1688980589110611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, she has said you can do whatever you want to her in your lucid dreams

>> No.74136601
File: 237 KB, 333x284, firefox_CtuD99uI01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they both settled it, I don't care anymore.
I'm just gonna keep supporting my girl. No point fighting a war she herself doesn't want.

>> No.74136620

but her face is hideous

>> No.74136627

I'm thinking he got cold feet reading lawyer guys tweet implying defamation
whether or not legal mindset is right or wrong about it, Kenji is a dumb drama leech so he might get intimidated

>> No.74136634

They both apologized.

I didn't think I'd ever see it on Twitter.

Holy shit, low bar as it is, Sayu and Kenji are now the most mature Vtubers in the English sphere. They literally fucking RESOLVED drama between themselves!

>> No.74136648

NTA, it's not our fault that you're so retarded that you actually believe that monkey got "doxxed" and didn't Streisand-effect the shit that happened 2 years ago while actively engaging in petty shit-tier drama, kys faggot.

>> No.74136654
File: 3.72 MB, 1280x720, censored.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was from one of her subathons. It's the same one that this happened. She later put the censor bar over the bottle.
Also she got raided almost immediately after both of these and freaked out trying to hide everything and go back to looking decent. It was adorable.

>> No.74136657
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>> No.74136668

I need to start shit with Sayu so she will sit on my face to silence me

>> No.74136679

That's just dumb now. They're been multiple discussions on all these drama threads about how strange it is that Niji decides they hate Sayu so much that many big Nijis support him. Everyone knows hes a dramatuber and shat on Niji for clout as well, no-one thinks he actually is a Niji organ

>> No.74136681

>Respected a dramatuber
but why?

The paper bag makes it hotter.

Do you have a hearing disability? The dox was in chat and he wasn't banning it.

>> No.74136701

Wow... she caused more mental damage to his community than if she had won...

>> No.74136709
File: 257 KB, 403x394, 1694887305433029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm lucid dreaming, you think I'm not going to be facefucking Zaion's face?

>> No.74136717

me too bro
i need to become a vtuber just to dramawhore

>> No.74136731

I can genuinely say this was the one outcome I was least expecting of all. I was certain she was just going to get completely run off of twitter.

>> No.74136772

I salute you good sir, I didn't think it was possible for their to be amiable resolutions on twitter

>> No.74136777

go back to your site sister

>> No.74136782
File: 18 KB, 815x153, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The npcs are turning their guns at him

Frog scorpion tale

>> No.74136792

This is nothing compared to what she went through. The only thing getting run on was Kenji's asshole as his hypocrisy kept getting shown.

>> No.74136797

Pussy fuck nigger still got off easy we are watching you

>> No.74136807

Do you have a reading disability? SDF have been claiming he doxxed her. Sayu even claimed he "encouraged" it.

>> No.74136824

I am curious how this will go. Sayu's fandom are older on average and can just now go on and do things, but his fandom have made it a core point that she is a legitimate pedophile who should not be allowed on twitter. How do they reverse on that?

>> No.74136833

He chose to moralfag, now his sins will face the fire.

>> No.74136848

Sayu has been on the internet longer than you. This is childsplay to her.

>> No.74136851
File: 597 KB, 1267x681, 1689340247354618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He did not doxx me
Sayucels...our narrative...

>> No.74136852

watch this pussy bitch quinn
i cant believe he got off unscathed

>> No.74136863

even they can tell she crushed his balls from the tone of that tweet kek

>> No.74136872

>both apologized
>Tweets up at the same time
>Kenji dismissed the pedo allegations
>Sayu dismissed the doxx allegations
Yep, lawyers got involved. But he will lose because his fanbase is already easting him up, because niggers crave violence

>> No.74136876

Well obviously he got a gun put to his head and was forced to bend the knee. They'll just keep saying she's a pedo but in hushed whispers instead.

>> No.74136884

That's what providing a platform for her dox to 500k people instead of banning them is.

>> No.74136885

>"so you support pedos now?"
that's a good reply, wish I had a twitter account

>> No.74136898

Retards realizing the moron they backed was a shit stirring pussy. Here's that delicious karma

>> No.74136902

Not our problem. If she's done, we're done.
t. Sincroknights.

Still gonna make a folder with this shit just in case it ever becomes relevant again, but I'll probably put it somewhere in the back. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.74136904

I honestly cannot believe that Sayu got even one tiny bit of resolution from the shitshow she went through during her termination. One of the biggest cases of slander against her at the time just literally recanted and they made up.

Honestly good for her. Good for her. Maybe there is still hope.

>> No.74136906

>I was half hoping this would take down Quinn, too
He needs an actual pedestal to fall from first

>> No.74136911

He is vaguely aware of it but he had nijisanji more present because he leeched off of the males/vox success, he leeched so hard that he actually somehow managed to get the contact of fleshstreamers (most likely sykkuno) to play with a couple of them; Ludwig, Valkyrae, Sykkuno and other retard I don't know about), on Palworld.

>> No.74136919

Sayu kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet.

>> No.74136956

Don’t know and don’t care who that is. But kenji is on a list

>> No.74136980

It is kinda hilarious to me that right as Quinn was trying to get involed they solved it and Kenji took it all back

Quinn is too late to feed off of anything, serves him right too

>> No.74136996

Really feels like someone lawyered up, most likely Sayu.

>> No.74137003

>providing a platform
>chat spreading rumors
>this means Kenji doxxed her
Sayubro, your discord lost. Get over it. Even your goddess says you're wrong.

>> No.74137012

>kenji hypocrisy shown
>sayu being hurt and inserting herself in a bad situation
>talked it out
>kenji community dont know how to put on the brakes

aight so his community wont 180 and be nice to her, bet. They ALSO dont know fucking basic jp culture and will keep labeling people as pedos. More damning then sayu's side here

they all fucking W and L zoomer speak idiots

>> No.74137021

Sayu bribed him with feet pics

>> No.74137029

Yeah the two of them both called it quits and apologized, but Sayu doesn't have to worry about her fandom now attacking her, whilst his literally think she's a child rapist so apologizing to her and telling people not to attack her is gonna mess with their brains

>> No.74137078

It will. Make sure to clip his rape jokes now since he's been reminded he fucked around.

>> No.74137114

Don't care about his supporters. The fact that he, himself, outright says he apologized and she isn't a pedophile is a huge optics win for her.

She just, in the court of public opinion, got someone to verbally and explicitly recant the pedophile accusation that has been dogging her since Zaion.

This is great for her

>> No.74137174
File: 266 KB, 393x463, 1713679912825884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu said two posts ago all she wanted was an apology, Kenji had nothing on the table, he was just talking shit and making matter of fact statements. She got her apology, but all Kenji's got now is a really confused fanbase who thought they were tearing down a pedo.

>> No.74137180

oh no no no no no SDF our rseponse???

>> No.74137194

dumbass she did a feet stream
i know because i've masturbated to it 4 times

>> No.74137195

I gathered most of it and some good summaries in case it ever comes up again, but him just walking back the pedophile shit and her calming down about the dox stuff is plenty satisfying enough.
She really is healing. It's slow, but it's absolutely there.

>> No.74137248

It'll be difficult to convince most of the 12 year olds now that their opinion is set but it's some kind of a win which is better than how it was so that's good enough for me at least

>> No.74137261

Yeah, good for her indeed.

>> No.74137267

>Matter of fact

>> No.74137303

Except now all the spectators know about her marital and family status. But I guess cucks wouldn't mind and would even be drawn towards that.

>> No.74137330

His cancerous fanbase is going to eat him alive. These kids don't know how to respond to this

>> No.74137336

>are shotacons pedophiles?
>"no because shotas are fictional"
>so by that logic yaoi isn't gay then?
Never seen a good counterargument to this and that will not change today.

>> No.74137372

Don't care what Sayu did, she's pretty based and her streams are long and comfy. And if she's going up against a literal nigger? She's even more based. Nijisisters can seethe all they want lmao

>> No.74137380

You lost, just give it up already sister.

>> No.74137384

sex bot!
pic sauce?
also, do keep your guard up, there'll be aftershocks.
I don't remember writing this...
>Not our problem.
but do keep your guard up.
she's done well
>4 times
have more faith in our oshi, anon.
yes, karma.
>t. mindbroken gay pedo

>> No.74137400

Sayu removed everything and even told her fanbase he never doxxed her, Kenji on the other hand got to keep his stream up as well as even keeping the cover jab up. Sayu walked away with nothing while Kenji walked away with free views

>> No.74137409

We should focus on going after Quinn's ass next. That bitch needs some Rizz Ed.

>> No.74137410

Futa isn’t gay either, and you need to go back

>> No.74137449

>yaoi isn't gay
Unironically yes in many cases, shit is meant for homophobic faghags as shitty smut

>> No.74137460

Literally WHO

>> No.74137465

Aesthetics and sexual preference are apples to oranges. If enjoying CNC doesn't make a you a rapiest, and running over hookers in GTA doesn't make you homicidal, then loli doesn't make you a pedo.

>> No.74137490

brother do you have female friends? i have like 4 who love yuri for some fucking reason but are straighter than an arrow with bfs

>> No.74137493


>> No.74137498
File: 123 KB, 247x282, 1677052742476216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so one discord call later and now that they are besties and take everything back how are we feeling about all these threads arguing about this stupid shit then, time well spent?

>> No.74137525

Even worse, a half filipino half nigger dramatuber that also made rape jokes but it's okay when he does it teehee :p

>> No.74137534

>heh it's not pedophilia because they're just drawings, chudcel
>yaoi? it doesn't matter that they're drawings, that's gay!
They're literal hypocrites. Of course they aren't going to make sense

>> No.74137536

thank you anon, she's beautiful as always.

>> No.74137538

Yeah I'm gonna be watching this wigger

>> No.74137550

Unironically the straightest women I know are fujos

>> No.74137551

I have plenty of faith in her. I don't have faith in the sisters to not beat us over the head with it later.
She's come so freaking far since that sobbing eggdog she was last year. I'm so glad I stuck with her.

>> No.74137589

It was a nice distraction for the day.
Did not expect it to end that way, but glad it did honestly

>> No.74137596

no it was always a fucking waste of time
but that is why we are /here/

>> No.74137598

Sounds neat, was it public? Link? Could use something to watch while I work

>> No.74137602

Read the comments on his tweets, now read the comments on hers. She grew a community of dedicated and very defensive fans, he grew a community of morality bankrupt, blood thirsty apes, and they just got their dinner denied. He's fucking done.

>> No.74137615

He apologised and his fans are already turning against him. Sayu won. Get over it sis.

>> No.74137628

I really, truly don't care anymore. If she doesn't want to do anything about it, it's not my business. I care more about supporting her than I do about tearing down any "enemies."

>> No.74137647

Sayu got her apology and the dude backtracked on his claim

>> No.74137663

Enjoying yaoi does not make you gay. I've fapped to plenty of traps, and I'm not gay.

>> No.74137664

>was just acting too
Sayu's acting is a pass because it means it did not happen and no children were hurt. Saying the retard was just acting changes nothing because his so called acting has the exact same effects as someone doing it seriously.

You are truly, legitimately mentally ill, not just dumb.

>> No.74137672

It's a weird technicality where he didn't dox her but he didn't ban the dox in chat that aired it to 500k people until the selen drama made him realize he was going to get raped if he left it up.

>> No.74137686

Not a complete waste of time, it exposed a lot of shitflinging nijisisters jumping into this drama because Sayu was involved

>> No.74137689

>read the comments
>sayu's fans are turning on her
Nice "win" bros lmao

>> No.74137705

>I don't have faith in the sisters to not beat us over the head with it later.
you can bet your left nut they'll try, and they'll be BTFO'd again.
it was a public stream but the vod isn't available anymore. if you go on twitchtracker you can still find some clips.

>> No.74137710
File: 561 KB, 2678x2678, SkyJak214-GKkxTxDW4AAwQ-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been reading people being stupid while I've been catching up on Sayu vods

>> No.74137723

>Dramatuber starts shit, gets hit
>Revealed he also does rape jokes

>> No.74137753

Everything that happens in the vtuber community is like a bunch of children fighting with toy swords. You have no idea what a real takedown looks like.

>> No.74137757

Literally no one cares about her. How would Selen's termination change that?

>> No.74137796
File: 57 KB, 112x112, sayuwuHuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally no one cares about her.
then why are you still here, sister?

>> No.74137803

It only looks bad if you are so socially retarded that the obvious joke flew over your head. Luckily, your kind's thoughts on these things don't matter.

>> No.74137805

getting false flagging on 4chan and laughing at the L zoomers thinking "anonymous" was our usernames was worth it, probably wont forget

>> No.74137806

Proof next thread? Lmao

>> No.74137826

Cope and seethe, Kenjinigger. I thought that your Roblox groomer DMs were gonna leak in a few day, but now that your just torched your entire fanbase, it's gonna be a matter of hours. Better delete everything now and run while you can

>> No.74137835

The biggest losers in this were Kyo/Quinn for showing his claws and CyYu for just unfriending Sayu on the spot

>> No.74137877

To laugh at his fanbase having a melty. How come you can't answer the question?

>> No.74137891

More widespread awareness of how shit niji is and how he participated in bullying and harassing a victim.

>> No.74137911

Really? I'm happy for her actually

>> No.74137917

I don't think he unfriended her. I'm pretty sure it's more likely that she had him muted up until yesterday, and then after that nonsense with his support tweet she finally figured he was never going to apologize and blocked him, which forced the unfollow.

>> No.74137939

Hey man I'm still waiting for proof of half the things you guys have been saying.
>Cope and seethe
>while coping and seething
Just remember: 2mw

>> No.74137943

What'd CyYu do this time?

>> No.74137959

Nah. We're happy for her and absolutely glad that she's able to take a well deserved break again. The only people seething are the people who wanted the drama to continue.

>> No.74137961

Good riddance. They showed their true colors to everyone.

>> No.74137987

>half filipino half nigger dramatuber
What an abhorrent mix. Truly disgusting.
>also made rape jokes
I guess it's in his genes. Sayu will come out on top, and I will keep watching her comfy streams

>> No.74137996
File: 343 KB, 1606x2048, GGuLLSCbIAACVRh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're just a drama tourist? now it's time for you to leave then, we'll keep enjoying our hag.

>> No.74138006

just a generic support tweet in one of the posts kenji made bashing sayu. The timing lines up with his "unfollow."

>> No.74138008

So no proof? I accept your concession. Embarrassing day for you again, the Ls just keep coming.

>> No.74138017

>I think her saying " She's not my type, I'm into little boys " is proof enough for people to think she likes little boys.
You think that way because take things too literally which is very autistic.

>> No.74138047

I'm just relieved it worked out in the end
Also fuck kyo btw

>> No.74138094
File: 191 KB, 300x167, op.. fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74138102

Oh you're serious, grim.
When Zaion was terminated and she tried to air Niji's dirty laundry there was an entire slander campaign run against her that many niji's and their orbiters partook in. When Selen's termination happened it aired more shit out and it brought a wave of "Holy shit Zaion was right" along with it. So he preemptively hid it to avoid any risk of getting dogged for being apart of that.

>> No.74138119

>So no proof?
>while not showing proof
God I love winning. Shame about your crusade though.

>> No.74138155


>> No.74138164
File: 110 KB, 750x750, 1708159253647922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hear your tranny tears through my screen. It's wonderful.

>> No.74138179

That smear video hit half a million views, so having some form of closure on that chapter has to be huge.
God, I half want to believe this was all some 500 IQ trap to make her vacation feel even better.

>> No.74138210

why are 99.9999% of male vtubers so fucking gay and cringe?

>> No.74138225
File: 749 KB, 1155x968, 1682785567081346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd

>> No.74138265

I'm gonna believe it just to give her more credit

>> No.74138277
File: 247 KB, 764x522, 1708530443524821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tranny keeps going

>> No.74138339
File: 357 KB, 991x902, 1688486842491662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cuckold keeps losing

>> No.74138354

This is just blatantly untrue. Just pull up both posts side-by-side and the difference in comments is stark.

Sayu's are near universally praising of her and congratulating her. His are almost all asking if he is serious or being held at gunpoint.

>> No.74138401

>the tranny desperately slams its chubby fingers into its keyboard, desperately trying to convince anons its not upset and that the pagag eater apologising isn't a loss

>> No.74138415

To be honest just seeing that she had a community big enough to fight back and force a stand down is inspiring. She's gotten mogged on twitter so many times now it feels like a real moment that she kinda won this.

>> No.74138478

>seething this hard
>because his cuck queen knelt
"Mature adult audience" btw KWAB

>> No.74138496
File: 22 KB, 112x112, sayuwukek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sister can't even answer how she'd feel if she didn't eat breakfast this morning, do you really expect her to do a side-by-side comparison?
lol. lmao even.

>> No.74138530
File: 58 KB, 600x664, Congrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu's are near universally praising of her and congratulating her
>the praise and congratulations

>> No.74138563

>the tranny is still crying

>> No.74138623

Smartest Sayupaggie

>> No.74138670

>it still cries
This is embarrassing for you, "sister" lmao

>> No.74138694

>all these posters caring about her
What is this supposed to prove?

>> No.74138725
File: 29 KB, 584x196, Brownies in shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74138743

>Post six supportive comments
Chat what did he mean by this?

>> No.74138758

>H...hey g-guys..

>> No.74138774

what did you want them to do retard scroll down and ss everything?

>> No.74138779

>"praise on congratulations"
>seething over her kneeling to him
Nice "praise" lol

>> No.74138786

Our Sayu is truly merciful to this FAGGOT and his misguided fans. Hopefully this is all behind us and never escalates further

>> No.74138809

this but unironically

>> No.74138812
File: 186 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20240421-071147_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"she is not a pedophile"
All your crying for multiple threads, sister...

>> No.74138858

The stream he kept up says otherwise KEK
Another loss for your kind

>> No.74138880

>seething over kneeling to him
>literally two replies saying she shouldn't have to apologise
This is the best you could find? Lmao

>> No.74138912

Yeah, guess that's why his child fans are so confused, and why they're now turning on him. Whereas as Sayu's fans are happy with the win. So sad, sister, so sad.

>> No.74138915

Yeah. Those comments don't attack her, don't ask if she was bribed, has a gun pointed to her head. That's exactly what was said. They are supportive.

>> No.74138921

>actually 5
Of course the third-worlder can't count lmao

>> No.74138924

based Canadian gun lawyer.

>> No.74138928

>implies they aren't actually praising and congratulating her
> posts messages supporting her

>> No.74138953

No, he explicitly says there that she is not a pedophile.

>> No.74138968

lol such a meme. last dr visit only thing i paid for was the meds. went to a dermatologist and a general practictioner. had a blood test. didn't pay a dime.

>> No.74138971

>screenshot says otherwise
Still waiting on proof btw

>> No.74138980

>he backtracked and contradicted himself
>that means his opponents lost
You are too dumb to be human.

>> No.74139007

>actually 5
Okay so you're either ESL or autistic then kek

>> No.74139021

>she's not a pedophile she just likes young boys
>so she's a diddler
Is this the hill you want to die on?

>> No.74139036

>screenshot says otherwise
The screenshot that said it was a W for both of them? Bitch, you can't even read!

>> No.74139047

The screenshot that shows people supporting her? Lmfao, you can't even do one thing right.

>> No.74139059

still waiting for the answer... so how'd you feel?

>> No.74139095

>Too autistic to understand comedy
>Too young to even get the joke
Very sad

>> No.74139098

>can't count to five

>> No.74139127

So ESL then? Fair enough, I accept your concession.

>> No.74139152

I know I'm going to keep waiting. It's impossible for you to take a picture of your imagination

>> No.74139184

>I-I accept your concession

>> No.74139200

> The man who you believe has won explicitly claimed she is not a pedophile
> You interpret it as acknowledging she is a diddler
You are dying on the hill of refusing to read, subhuman.

>> No.74139221

>posts screenshot of people supporting her
>n-n-no guys, they're totally seething

>> No.74139232

I accept your total defeat, sister.

>> No.74139251

>You are dying on the hill of refusing to read
>doesn't read
Was is the pagpag that did this to you?

>> No.74139283

Not sure if only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.74139282

Brownies, you lost. Just give up. It's sad at this point...

>> No.74139284

It's been great seeing sisters get so completely fucking destroyed today. I wonder what bait threads they're going to make later on to deflect?

>> No.74139323

>still no proof of Sayu fans seething

>> No.74139324

Once again, you have demonstrated a failure to comprehend simple messages (both the picture posted and the post you have responded to). Whatever ethnicity you have, you are likely one of its dumbest members.

>> No.74139332

If only Sayufags could accept defeat as gracefully as the cuck queen. So much for being mature...
