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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74115472 No.74115472 [Reply] [Original]

have vtubers finally jumped the shark?
leave it to the jew corp to get kids into smoking

>> No.74115737
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>> No.74115848

Actually disgusting

>> No.74115873

>chocolate cigarette

>> No.74116270

nothing wrong with lighting up a fag every once in a while, stop being a little pussy

>> No.74116744

>smoking is... LE EVIL
hope she enjoys her smoke after the stream

>> No.74116854

based but also why

>> No.74117615
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>> No.74117654

>not blazing it
>smoking ciggies instead

>> No.74118258

Hey joe camel what's up?

>> No.74118397
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Oh my god, and here I am with a smoking fetish.
Guess I'll be watching more of this clown then.

>> No.74121543

Menace is a whore

>> No.74121685

i'm actually more fascinated that their cigarette packages are the full ones, instead of those ones riddled with pictures of guro like most other countries get.

>> No.74121775


>> No.74121991

Megbert should kill herself

>> No.74122268

Imagine doing this disgusting shit in 2024. I mean feel free to do what you want in your own home but please don't do it in public around other people. I like being able to breathe.

>> No.74122674

Thank you phasefriend for alerting us!

>> No.74124696
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>> No.74125174

>i'm okay breathing the fumes from the millions of cars driving around in my city but don't you dare light up a ciggie within 100 meters of me
you people are so irrational it makes me laugh

>> No.74126414

i don't care about the kids but that's still pretty trashy.
leave it to the floridian trailer park camwhore i guess

>> No.74128510


>> No.74129035

are they really allowed to do this on stream? it doesn't seem like it would be ok.

>> No.74130116
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>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

>> No.74130342

yes, my life is a competition to see how many people i can outlive.

>> No.74130714

you haven't explained why anyone would want to smoke tho.
"being cool" isn't a justifiable reason to do something unless you're a fucking NPC.

>> No.74130777

lmao if you don't smoke that means you were bullied? this retarded faggot

>> No.74133973
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wtf didn't know Anko-sensei made art for ENs

>> No.74135288

camwhore, lets not make up lies now

>> No.74135564

She did illustrations for her alerts and also animated her debut cover.


>> No.74135641

Yeah he did, "Were you bullied in school". He was peer pressured into it.

>> No.74138612
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>> No.74140872

Oh lord smoking the horror, how terrible. I don't understand why you faggots browse here instead of /lbgt/. You fucking people are annoying old women who cry about every fucking thing.
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
To be fair sone people just don't want to smoke, or they do other drugs. That's reasonable. I don't smoke or do any other shit I don't derive pleasure from, it would be a waste.

>> No.74140888

So is it fake or not

>> No.74140974

Her smoking is like cheating, she can just change filters on her lung

>> No.74142851

Holy based

>> No.74143695

Its a good thing poor people cant afford to smoke anymore. Smoking should be reserved for people with class and money. Let poorfags smoke weed like the degenerates they are.

>> No.74143838

Ah fuck. Guess this clown isn't worth the clussy.

>> No.74143945

*hits pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than smoking. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are wageslaving for at least 40 years solely so you can pay for your lungs to get ravaged by some jew's product. All the hard work you put into your life - making friends, educating yourself, getting a good job, playing vidya. All of it has one simple result if you smoke: you're poisoning yourself and smelling like shit to everyone around you. Earning 6 figures? Great. Who cares? If you're lucky, some used up crack whore who has lost her sense of smell will marry you. Meanwhile the non-smoker chad gets to fuck fresh tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of being healthy and not addicted to a product from the way he lived his life. As a person who smokes, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 40 years of your life simply to pay someone else to make you sick and smell like shit. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.74144043

>non smoker chad
no such thing exists

>> No.74144408


>> No.74144490

Tell us how many packs (You) buy a day, joe camel-san.

>> No.74145108

Yes, she is a fake whore and always have been

>> No.74145522

Para smoked from a pipe a week or 2 ago

>> No.74145895
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Cute hands

>> No.74146810

>100 meters
I can be waiting for a bus in the middle of a fucking night on the outskirts of a city and there always be at least one cunt standing right in the middle. Sometimes I really want to beat the shit out of them.

>> No.74146816
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frx2yst.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baits the smokecucks in her stream
>proceeds to blueball them and make fun of their vice
>smokecucs seething
>cataloguesisters didn't watch the stream and think she actually smoked on stream
>also seething
bravo, Coni. you love to see it.

>> No.74147278

Don’t care what anyone says, I would FUCK raiden on camera at the Louve

>> No.74147330

Next you’ll say it’s cheating that my cold blooded heart slowly secretes toxins through my skin while in hibernation

>> No.74147689
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Holy shit now that’s based

>> No.74150247


>> No.74152104


>> No.74152268

>first time gunpla building !! G-EXES JACKEDGE [BMS-004]
that's a really fucking weird choice

>> No.74152346

Hi Mozzu

>> No.74152912

What is going on with idol?

>> No.74153759
File: 3.06 MB, 1446x2048, 17394049184718471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kyOresu collab when?

>> No.74155278

>why anyone would want to smoke
They say "it calms the nerves" or some shit.
I tried it once, it was disgusting.

>> No.74158393

para would probably find kyoresu cringe as fuck desu

>> No.74158584

nicotine is probably the best nootropic in the world and smoking is the best way to get it into your system. it's also the easiest way to socialize and form connections with people, especially for introverts or shy people who finds it hard to interact with other people in normal day-to-day life. the ritual of it and the aesthetic are nice added bonuses.

>> No.74158605

You guys ITT underestimate the stupidity and suggestibility of the average weeb

>> No.74158733

>smelling disgusting and being a literal health hazard is the best way to socialize and form connections with people
where the fuck do you live, because it certainly isn't here

>> No.74158978

Dunno what's with all the damage control here and in /jidf/.
I was simply expecting a funny VOD with a spin on the usual taste testing/tier list streams, maybe mixed with some 80's Marlboro aesthetics.
Instead it's just men ass awkwardly fumbling with a cig for 45 minutes.

>> No.74159002

You know what, if this encourages more weebs to start smoking and die that much sooner I'm for it.

>> No.74159088

I personally need more smoking chuubas in my life

>> No.74159346

this is one of the saddest posts i've ever seen on this board, lol. i can tell you've never been to a party or been around any form of social gathering.

>> No.74160070

I like the taste and the effect of nicotine
I roll my owns tho since it's cheaper and tastes better, the paper and shitty filter in the pre-rolled ones makes them taste like chemicals

>> No.74160717

Why does Idol have such a hard time managing its girls?

>> No.74164474

Jews don't really care about morality or public decency. Their style of "management" is just whatever makes the most money. Look at Hollywood for example.

>> No.74164748

>smoking is evil

>> No.74166059

She said management approved it

>> No.74166425


>> No.74168535

Is she for real? That's fucking nasty dude. What happened to Idol, at one it look like they were gonna rival Phase, now its falling apart and having fucking smoking streams. Might as well send her to twitch to smoke weed on stream or something.

>> No.74168636

Where i live people drink at parties, i dont think i ever seem anyone smoke cigarettes at a larty unless they were black

>> No.74168653

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.74169598

>literal clown vtuber does a little funny haha trolling
>people start seething endlessly and begging for her corp to fire her

>> No.74170931

and alcohol is a health hazard and makes people smell bad, correct?

>> No.74172564

>people start seething endlessly and begging for her corp to fire her
can you point to any examples or did you just make it up in your schizo brain?

>> No.74175378

