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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74094316 No.74094316 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who's back to attack Sayu again?

>> No.74094413

This needed a thread, why?

>> No.74094432

Damn he's mad that he's doing worse than Sayu despite getting gigashilled by Matara and Kuro

>> No.74094470
File: 60 KB, 300x300, 1698309214714383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck

>> No.74094483

QRD on this drama? Isn't this a bunch of normie shit?

>> No.74094538

Kenji is self posting and then taking screens to post on Twitter about his swlf postings

>> No.74094545

surprised that wigger is late to the party

>> No.74094611

He wishes he was black

>> No.74094636

>Kyofag still holding a grudge

>> No.74094645

Sad thing is he's getting a lot of sympathy outside of /here/. Yes, I know, people on Twitter don't watch streams. But other streamers take notice of any drama and will start to circle him like vultures. He's going to try and leech some other big indies soon, I promise you that. This was all resolved two years ago, and now he's bringing everything up now because he needs to get more visibility on him.

>> No.74094713

Welp, hope Quinn keeps his mouth shut.

>> No.74094731

This is what wannabe frat boys like him do in his spare time after discovering 4chan?
Hilarious and pathetic

>> No.74094747

Is he unironically an idiot, what the fuck

>> No.74094814

That's what wigger means sonny

>> No.74094817

reminder that's the guy who really doxxed sayu

>> No.74094823

Dude's some sort of bottomfeeding nigger that is trying to not be late on the sayu hate party spreading rrats and calling her a pedo on stream

>> No.74094946

Finna talk like on God no cap jelly skwelly dippy do skibbidy bitch

>> No.74095041 [DELETED] 


>> No.74095042
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You love to see it.

>> No.74095066



>> No.74095077

Fag x2

>> No.74095094

>sayu still getting milked for drama long after people stopped giving a shit about dokibird
sayu has nothing to do with a bunch of homos started bitch slapping each other but still catches strays because one of the homos tried to cancel her over a year ago because she's the most interesting part of all this.

>> No.74095113

Holy fucking shit Quinn, it wasn't enough for you to be a petty, vicious backbiting, doxposting piece of shit, you just had to add being a retard too. You somehow got off scot free for the shit you pulled and still decided to jump back in. Fucking astounding.

>> No.74095193

>uwaaaa le 4chinz is being mean 2 me :(
He's a whiny cunt and an embarrassment to black people worldwide

>> No.74095225

>Cy Yu
how convenient

>> No.74095247
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all of the sides of this shit can summarized by this pic

>> No.74095304

>Well shieeet it didnt take too long fo dem 4crackas to callz me a nigger
You came here to a site known for joggers for what they are, nigger.

>> No.74095310

a nigger and a wigger

>> No.74095312 [DELETED] 



>> No.74095323

As if anybody has any doubts that vshojo is trash.

>> No.74095336

Of course Quinn joined in.

>> No.74095370

why are normies retweeting 4chan racism

>> No.74095395

>noooo it's okay for sayu to attack other people and like comments attacking them but when they push back it's suddenly evil
Sayufags, everyone

>> No.74095412

guy attacked sayu before
guy got doxed
uninvolved people pitied the dox victim
sayu: doxing is bad but I hate this guy, fuck him lmao. it's called "karma", bitch.
guy jumps on this drama distraction like a medal of honor recipient jumping on a grenade to save his buddies, and proceeds to attack sayu at length, first for liking shota and appreciating a girl's figure in a horror game, then for people shitting on him for his poor behavior.

>> No.74095421 [DELETED] 

Fucking this.
It's the perfect opportunity to take down Sayu and she fell for it

>> No.74095422

I like this image. It is very cute. It also really captures the constant state of nervous anxiety I currently feel. Please let this blow over and not ruin Sayu's career.

>> No.74095437

Someone tell Sayu's manager to change her twitter password before it's too late

>> No.74095517 [DELETED] 

Sayu really needs a new manager, jesus christ. All she had to do was be silent about this shit

>> No.74095519

Oh did Cy Yu also get involved?

>> No.74095534
File: 198 KB, 716x537, 58FFE28B-AE32-48CF-9468-B670C0D4DC07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wigger desperately trying to stay relevant
of course

>> No.74095549

I said in an /ss/ thread back when Quinn first came back that he would absolutely try to fuck with her again and here we are. Fucking hell, I hate being right. Poor Sayu just can't catch a break.

>> No.74095582

This guy is literally a 1view

>> No.74095586

What has Cy Yu done? I missed that.

>> No.74095614

Have Sayu defenders considered that maybe she's just unlikeable and that's why no one is taking her side?

>> No.74095629
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My favorite detail is how almost every stream of his peaks early and bleeds viewers

>> No.74095666

Is Sayu done for?

>> No.74095664

Kenji, the only thing you need to do is to reupload the video. Come on, we are waiting. Let's all see what happens.

>> No.74095669

Exactly, for fucks sake Rae get it together.

>> No.74095677

He’s not actually replying to Kenji and the context is unconfirmed btw

>> No.74095727

Please raechit take Sayu's twitter away from her, please, please, please I don't want her to lose all the good will she got recently over Kenji, Quinn and Cy Yu.

>> No.74095751
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Fucking hell, sneaky OP.

>> No.74095761

>post anything on /vt/ and everyone will believe it

>> No.74095777 [DELETED] 

I said this from the first tweet that Sayu made, they are allllllllll waiting for any opportunity to kill off Sayu's career and she basically gave it to them

Everyone is linking up and about to attack

>> No.74095793

I just want it to stop. Fuck. I like watching her but I want things to just calm down.Just stay away from them, just spend time wiith Rennie and Phase and your friends

>> No.74095812

People are not taking her side, because she's likeable or not, but because she was right. Niji is a trash company, sister. The sooner you get it, the easier it will be for you.

>> No.74095854

Is she done for?

>> No.74095865


>> No.74095877

Thankfully this is in the middle of her break so she can't put her foot in her mouth too badly.

>> No.74095901

Your oshi is an attentionwhore

>> No.74095924

1 post a minute. the sisters sure do love drama

>> No.74095931 [DELETED] 

Holy shit this one is worse

>> No.74095950

Nothing really
>I go camping and this shit happens... bro what the actual fuck.

>> No.74095955

If Kyo is right then I'm fine being wrong.

>> No.74095964

You retards got baited. >>74095677
I feel kind of grossed out reading how easily you fell into victimizing yourself

>> No.74096035


>> No.74096128

I hope not, she was doing very well up until Kenji decided to ruin her career out of boredom.

>> No.74096138

What this guy said. OP is a faggot who gets raped by horses daily.

>> No.74096147

He knows it's not gonna give him a dramabuff yeah?

>> No.74096177

She can. Fuck this is such a nightmare

>> No.74096206

Why is a reply from an absolute nobody needed for a thread?

>> No.74096212

I mean, he probably did it under that context considering it is the second time he posted that. He hasn't really liked any posts of it tho (the Sayu and Kenji shit), only the original dox shit. But this fight it's pretty "bruh", as they say

>> No.74096236

All vubers are attentionwhores. You don't get into the gig unless you want attention

>> No.74096275

I don't like Kyo, but he hasn't really done anything to Sayu since her termination. Just forget about him.

>> No.74096279

Nothings gonna happen retards the only ones defending Kenji are his cocksucker lgbt followers. Sayu is fine

>> No.74096302

Sayu lives in their heads rent free
Nevermind the fact she is desperately trying to move on from her traumatic past but people won't let her

>> No.74096306

So, Sayu is done for, yeah?

>> No.74096312

Please understand Anon, Sincroknights are panicky at the best of times for entirely justifiable reasons. Cut the poor faggots a little slack.

>> No.74096335

>Nevermind the fact she is desperately trying to move on from her traumatic past but people won't let her
Is she tho?

>> No.74096364

...Is this a false flag? I'm probably the biggest Sayufag around her, and she literally doesn't want to move on.

>> No.74096390

As long as you keep posting it

>> No.74096415

This guy is literally a professional VA on huge projects why does he not know how to shut up and stay out of drama if he wants to keep getting Hoyoverse contracts? Like don’t taint your brand with this petty shit.

>> No.74096442

Can the sayufags stop overreacting to every little thing?

>> No.74096448

She is, in spite of repeated attempts to get her to backslide by the sisters.

>> No.74096456

No, she's trying. But people keep reminding her of the past and it makes her feel guilty. The worst part about this all is that none of you will ever acknowledge that and see her as remorseless for everything forever.

>> No.74096481

Is Cy Yu going to take Sayu down now? He did finally unfollow her yesterday. Unlike Kyo he's also responding directly to Kenji, Kyo's just vague posting in general about the situation.

>> No.74096492

Are you a tourist or a sister?
She wants to move on but at the same time knows she can't move on completely and therefore will continue to add her opinions when she feels it's warranted. She expressed this multiple times. Leave her alone and don't hold her up to some schizo fantasies you made up in your head.

>> No.74096501

>She can.
She can't. She can't press the on button and fuck herself over in a 10 minute clip. Thankfully she has her manager and I'm sure the Matara situation has thought her something about speaking irresponsibly.
As long as nothing happens to agitate Kenji's doxx-friendly audience, which is the worst they can do, she's fine.

>> No.74096545 [DELETED] 

Sayu should kill herself

>> No.74096562

Because no one will allow her to

>> No.74096620

What for?

>> No.74096626

How is Sayu not yet losing all her followers and subscribers if the whole english Vtubing scene is on kenji's side against her?!

>> No.74096638
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Is she tho

>> No.74096637

>No, she's trying. But people keep reminding her of the past and it makes her feel guilty.
Trying my ass, she gladly takes every kind of bait imaginable. I love her, but at some point she needs to realize that this community is trash and no one really cares about right or wrong.

>> No.74096643

No. She herself can't forget about it. Even if nobody spoke to her about it, she would still be having intrusive thoughts.
It's clear you either never went through hardships in your life or lack emotional depth to understand the long lasting impact they can cause.

>> No.74096651

Nah, nothing will come of this except Sincroknights and KenjiFags doubling down on their support. Even when we provide evidence he doxxed her the Kenji people redefine what doxxing is even though just talking in a group chat was worthy of a massive outcry yesterday.

>> No.74096661


>> No.74096680

It just reminds me of actual women posting.

>> No.74096704

Nah Sayu can move on, but she's choosing not to. I completely understand her point of view though. Deep down she wants people to be held accountable for their shit.

>> No.74096707

Kenji only has superficial support. Nobody is actually willing to support him earnestly, aside from his teenage pronoun monkey fans.

>> No.74096710

Hey Kenji, you're still a nigger

>> No.74096711

Retards ITT like >>74096481 and >>74096306 think faggots like Cy Yu and Quinn matter. In reality they are negligible

>> No.74096769

Guess who back to keep choking on dramawhore cock. You, anon

>> No.74096771

>at some point she needs to realize that this community is trash and no one really cares about right or wrong
She does realize it. But she doesn't want to accept it. I understand her very well in this regard... Not necessarily in vtubing but in life overall.

>> No.74096838

Actually, I have. I'm in the exact same boat as Sayu right now regarding something entirely my fault. I can't talk about it with anyone because they'll keep reminding me that I have to lie in the bed I've made. It is what it is. I feel bad for Sayu but she really needs to let everything go. When you've done something wrong, sometimes you just have to live with the consequences.

>> No.74096853

Delete this. NOW

>> No.74096887

Don't worry, I understand completely. They need to remember where we are and that OP is always a faggot. They'll probably calm down once this Kenji bullshit is over.

>> No.74096902

You have different mental from her then.

>> No.74096928

She's accountable for everything she's done to put her where she is now. And while I feel for her, the fact that she doesn't respect others' wishes to move on is just self-pity. She again, has to move on entirely. Embrace what she has now, and not worry about the fact that others refuse to see how far she's come. Because to me it seems like they're not worth her time at all.

>> No.74096933

Oh wow.
By the way, holoniggers are tonguing each others anuses.

>> No.74096943

Idk, if it ain't dropping, probably means she has an actual fanbase and unlike Kenji's whose is artificial based on clout.

>> No.74096981

Maybe, just maybe...... She was right

>> No.74096994

I think she is still holding hope that someday everyone will realize that they treated her wrong and she will get back the friends she lost. That's sadly not happening tho, so she needs to just stfu and appreciate the people that are actually there for her.

>> No.74096998
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this is what the face of black vtubing looks like

>> No.74097006

Do you think it's not her fault that she caused problems for others around her? And when she thinks she's qualified to even reach out to them, does she not understand the gravity of the damage she may have caused?

>> No.74097010

The thing is, she can't. She tried but it doesn't work. All we can do in the meantime is support her. Eventually time will heal the wounds.

>> No.74097027

Could still be coming, Cy Yu's response was recent. Imagine how bad thigns will get if like Matara or Ironmouse get involved. Has Ironmouse tweeted out support for Kenji yet?

>> No.74097046

Twitter nigger apologists are not real viewers if you didn't get it in the past 5 years or so

>> No.74097049

Because it's not the whole community against her. The community was just responding to tweet by him crying that he was doxxed. Everyone condemns doxxing. Nobody knew his previous drama with Sayu

Not only is not losing subscribers, she is growing at healthy pace. Sisters can cry as much as they want. As for Quinn, his channel is dead already, I expect him to go nuclear to try to farm some drama any day now

>> No.74097060

>"On the other hand I was also reminded why I don't really watch news or keep up to date with things within the VTuber Industry."

>> No.74097074

What problems caused for others are you talking about?

>> No.74097077

She has to realize she's guilty of this herself before others can realize maybe they fucked up with her too. It's a two way street. Sayu is not a saint and she knows this, what she doesn't know is that it can't be helped when the other side refuses to listen.

>> No.74097085

everyone falseflagging with sayu should kill themselves NOW

>> No.74097096

How has Sayu not been cancelled yet? I thought everyone in the Vtubing Community hated her?

>> No.74097145

>support Kenji
Despite having their issues and complaints, I don't think Matara or K9 are happy about being used as beating sticks for Nijisanji. A lot of their friends work there. No chance she bats for a dramafag like Kenji.
If anything Matara is going to stay as far away from this as possible.

>> No.74097153

And that's why with time she will eventually forget about that, or at least I hope, because she has good things going for her right now.

>> No.74097171

That's what Kenji and his tourist mob want you to think

>> No.74097215

Why isn't Sayu talking about her getting doxxed in Kenji's chat and he doing nothing to contain it?
Have I been lied to by the Sayuposse, perhaps

>> No.74097218

Of course, I am pretty sure Ironmouse will have a press conference soon about this matter.

What the fuck are you people smoking? Seriously

>> No.74097223

Because what she did is a nothing burger and this is just high school drama. Fucking Filian can get away with doing racist jokes every fucking stream and no one bats an eye. This place only cares about Sayu because the Niji connection.

>> No.74097231

I also feel that Sayu is suffering from self-pity. However, I think in her case, she won't be able to completely move on without some sort of vengeance. Look at all the things she has written til now. She wants to see the people who wronged her punished somehow. I think she embraces what she has, but she can't find peace still. At least that's how I'm seeing this situation.

>> No.74097253

Kenji fans and Sincroknights have no overlap. A bunch of teenage Zoomers who spend all their days virtue signalling on twitter and TikTok aren't about to watch a 30 year old play Fire Emblem randomizer.

>> No.74097276

If I mention the fact that she still cares about her ex-coworkers at Nijisanji who now think Sayu is dead to them, which by the way, maybe they're not worth amending with given their own inability to change, Sayu will have to live with the consequences of her actions regardless, and she will have to understand that those who have forgiven her are the ones she'll be grateful for onwards.

>> No.74097308

I don't understand. I keep getting told n here that everyone hates Sayu but how come she still has a channel then?

>> No.74097322

>Fire Emblem randomizer
oh shit, sounds based
Is it a good FE at least?

>> No.74097337
File: 230 KB, 421x423, 1682996835264678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this end this is basically Twitchfags (who should not be anywhere near Vtubing and I hesitate to actually call vtubers/vtuber fans) versus a slightly less cancerous twitchfag who actually somewhat respects the culture and people who pioneered it. These fags would not hesitate to criticise and push their cultural norms on some of the biggest, most respectable stars in the business like Marine, Suisei, and Fubuki, and even if Sayu and the "good Nijis" hate each other she is clearly on the right side of history and a flubbed rape joke isn't changing that. She's possibly stage 3 on the "death of a hobby" timeline while the Vshojo crowd are easily stage 6.

Like, fucking look at the timeline of anyone "dragging" Sayu now. It's all literal communist, terrorist propaganda. They share more with Hasan Piker than Hololive.

>> No.74097351

She already has, Zaion was terminated from Nijisanji. And everyone knows who she is now.

>> No.74097378

he is not a dramatuber btw

>> No.74097393

She gained 1k on twitter recently

>> No.74097403

Sacred Stones

>> No.74097412

She recently finished Engage in Lunatic mode. Pretty based

>> No.74097414

But how has Sayu not been cancelled. How does she still have such a large channel and get collabs?

>> No.74097417

Even worse than self-pity. That's no way to be heard at all and quite honestly reeks of the fact that maybe she hasn't learned her lesson at all.

>> No.74097429

Fuck yeah

>> No.74097441

I'm actually very slightly hopeful that Mint might have positive effect on Matara.
I don't expect Matara to suddenly reach out to Sayu but I think that she will be more reluctant to support bad actors from now on. Yes, she shilled Quinn hard when he was debuting but hasn't really engaged with him ever since she focused on Mint.

As for other vshojo, only Zen reached out to Kenji but that was at the very start where it was merely consoling dox victim. Nobody in vshojo has commented on the matter ever since Sayu got involved. They aren't willing to go against her in favor of Kenji.

>> No.74097451

She is a very experienced fan, so far she's only played Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Randomizer and completed her Zaion save file of Engage on the hardest difficulty on stream.

>> No.74097481

The only correct take:
All current and past niji niggers that i don't like(the Elira clique and their defenders) is bad and should kill themselves
All current and past niji niggers that i like should be left alone
I watch neither bee tee double you

>> No.74097483

He is a dramatuber. Even if you like him, dude is obviously a dramatuber. Reacts to scandals and content so he can get views off of it.

>> No.74097500

Not in the realm of the broader Western VTuber community, who primarily know Sayu as formerly Zaion from Nijisanji. You live with the scars of your past if you've been outed.

>> No.74097507

Ain't it always that way?

>> No.74097521

And is inching towards that play button on YouTube. She didn't lose subscribers ( 98.2k now, was 98.1 yesterday)

>> No.74097542

>the context is unconfirmed btw
Sure. Like how Voxtotally wasn't the retard who gave that interview.

>> No.74097561

Everybody goes about things differently. She made her choice.

>> No.74097564
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>Nobody in vshojo has commented on the matter ever since Sayu got involved. They aren't willing to go against her in favor of Kenji.
Why did you have to say this, anon. I'm now fully expecting Matara to make a tweet about it tomorrow giving him her full support.

>> No.74097593

Sure, but she hasn't been cancelled. Cancelled is like what happened to Kage. Sayu is clearly not had that happen to her. If everyone hates her how is that possible?

>> No.74097608

Only twitter schizos hate her. People who watch streams love her.
She's unironically a great streamer. Check her out someday. She streams at weird hours but tends to do marathons so I'm sure you'll be able to catch at least a bit.

>> No.74097610

You know what? I saw her panty line a couple months ago and that was pretty nice. I'll give her a sub finally

>> No.74097647

I live in that fear too. Its stupid but I keep thinking 'don't jinx it' even though that's bullshit

>> No.74097717

Her song was nice. Kinda sad it got overshadowed so much now. She actually did a genuinely good job with it. Hope she does it more going forwards.

>> No.74097725

And I do not respect that choice and strongly advise she reconsider it. Because she should have entered her own white peace a year ago

>> No.74097743

Not happening man. This is the year of healing. FuwaMoco healed Hololive EN and Mint will heal rest of the scene.

>> No.74097774

Post it then

>> No.74097775

>as Zaion
that's a buff, sister of a dying branch

>> No.74097790

You didn't have to edit it to make it look like a reply, it's an obvious vaguepost made by him to be even more of a sneaky prick, you know exactly like he did before. But holy shit this just completes the picture of what actually happened and how horrible these two are, you couldn't paint it any clearer. Imagine jumping into the fray for a guy who harassed and allowed hard dox to spread when you are the NUMBER ONE SUSPECT for that original dox in the first place. The crows are coming home to roost and all she actually needs to do now is remain steadfast, this will work out just fine for her.

>> No.74097830

People don't forget

>> No.74097841

>since Sayu got involved
still find it funny how all she did was say she doesnt feel bad for the asshat and now it's some sort of war that people have to take sides on

>> No.74097855

Matara has a podcast and merch to shill right now. Getting in some C-tier celebrity spat isn't going to help that. Also Vshojo has a debut incoming and Gunrun is hopefully tardwrangling everyone extra hard.

>> No.74097864

OP here, I didn't doctor the screenshot

>> No.74097865

Been disconnected for a while QRD?

>> No.74097889

Oh thanks I should actually have done that. thanks!

>> No.74097925

Anon, this whole drama is a nothing burger. Supporting Kenji means absolutely nothing.

>> No.74097946

Quinn has to get his numbers up somehow

>> No.74097958

I mean. No. Objectively people do forget.

>> No.74097988

>Kenji is a faggot
>Quinn is a faggot
>OP is a faggot
>Sayu did nothing wrong
There you go. Also inb4 Reanposter

>> No.74097992

One of main harassers of Zaion was pitybaiting the other day over very small dox two years ago, Sayu said it was karma, he started attacking her again.

>> No.74098044

Nothingburger then

>> No.74098063

Matara doesn't even follow either of them retard, they are more talkative about their newest member, stop trying to add them up lol

>> No.74098062

>They share more with Hasan Piker than Hololive
ironic you say this when she follows him

>> No.74098079

If Sayu really is as bad as Kenji wants to paint her as, why hasn't anyone come forward with damning evidence? Like screenshots of her discord messages or something similar

>> No.74098101

>>74097925 (me)
>Supporting Kenji means absolutely nothing.
Well, just to clarify, it means absolutely nothing for the community, so no one is "being careful" about it. Sayu will probably cut from her life the ones who show him their support tho.

>> No.74098126

Kenji got doxed. People came out in support of him and against the doxer. Sayu inserted herself into it and implied he had it coming instead of ignoring it. Now /vt/ is acting like it's the biggest thing ever when it's really just Sayu being a retard over something that would have ended in a single day if she didn't say anything at all. The doxer was already identified and their collaborators were ejected from the community as they were also vtubers.

>> No.74098131

If Sayu is a pedophile surely someone by now has found child porn on her discord or something?

>> No.74098132

Yep, unless Sayu chooses Self Destruct again. Otherwise it's just the usual twitter vtuber clique ranting.

>> No.74098171

>muh follows
kill yourself catalogfag

>> No.74098174

>sayu is an attention whore*

>> No.74098175

>Le vengeance
Not really that the case if she put a hit on the fag more like justice to me as holofan fag put a hit on her and she isn't involved in hit on hit just say it Karma that het got hit

>> No.74098312

You have to decide between pancakes or waffles NOW

>> No.74098328

Why would you not follow a raging tankie lolcow? His behaviour is comedy gold, the guy literally fedbaits on main and whines like a toddler about everything, it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.74098368

Honestly this, these retards on twitter keeps screaming she's a pedo, thinks sayu's discord lives /here/ instead of going to the actual discord. You'd think they either have a brain and know twitchchat/discord != twitter/4chan, or they couldn't find shit so they're here to shit up the board.

>> No.74098396

Cuz he was the one who friend with discord groomer

>> No.74098401
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>talking to Sayu on discord
If people were willing to do that she wouldn't be spiraling as often.
Imagine having a clean record because people avoid you like the plague.

>> No.74098433

Why are Sayufags like this? lol

>> No.74098462


>> No.74098477
File: 41 KB, 585x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, Matara is so invested on that drama this is her latest tweet

>> No.74098548

can Doki join the Kenji side already so dramafags and dramatubers heads explode as they try to figure out to side with Doki or Sayu

>> No.74098564

Here's what I don't get. Why the fuck did Sayu randomly choose to engage in drama that did not involve her? None of this would've happened if Sayu didn't go "wow that guy getting doxxed was bad BUT WHAT ABOUT ME"
Why would anyone ever enter a conflict they weren't involved in expecting everyone to jump and defend her

>> No.74098593

Extremely protective tendencies combined with difficulties ignoring bait.

t. Sincroknight

>> No.74098597

Does she call anyone in Vshojo senpai?

>> No.74098604

What the fuck are you on about nigger? Nobody said Matara is invested in the drama. Learn how to read before opening your dumb mouth.

>> No.74098606

I don't think she knows any of this is happening.

>> No.74098638

>Doki side with this fag
Good one sister didn't a sister can make a good joke

>> No.74098656

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.74098661

Because Kenji did her dirty with his Zaion video and she's calling him out on his hypocrisy. How hard was that to understand?

>> No.74098665

She probably does but just doesn't care because why would she?

>> No.74098672

Isn't Doki trying to keep away from drama?

>> No.74098718

>Learn how to read before opening your dumb mouth
No one here is speaking verbally retard-kun, take your meds please.

Post proof.

>> No.74098774

Proof of what?

>> No.74098793

Cause they're dramafag/sister these fuck always willfully blind

>> No.74098865

Because he did a hit job on her just like Niji did with the termination notice, which lead to her getting hard doxxed on public twitter.

>> No.74098876

Balls or GTFO

>> No.74098895

Again, learn how to read. You don't know English.

>> No.74098910

Nta but the fag fan prob want big name to side with cuz their homofag is irrelevant

>> No.74098918

Anon, you gotta remember we have tourists now with SJW mentality from Kenji's side.

>> No.74098926

>willfully blind
Nah, they're outright malicious.

>> No.74098938

I doubt she follows the bottom tier dramafags or browses twitter too much. Although she might have seen the threads /here/.

>> No.74098944

>Quinn's back to farm pity out of this too
fucking KEK. Some things never change.

>> No.74098953

The problem is publicly jumping into the fray. Have some damn maturity and enjoy someone's lament without trying to get a reverse wave going. It's entirely bad optics for no net benefit. This is basic internet personality stuff, never make drama about yourself when there's no benefit to. Kenji needs to delete that fucking video for dragging her through the mud, but she chose the worst time for any of this.
I'm not defending the monkey motherfucker, just criticizing Sayu for reigniting shit for no reason

>> No.74098966

The only person in Vshojo to use senpai unironically is Henya

>> No.74099002

I doubt any big indie is touching this honestly. The dox thing was different then this

>> No.74099033

I mean, I get it somewhat, OP was extremely disingenuous.
I got fooled too for a moment although just commenting "bruh" on a screenshot of some OP calling this Kenji fag a huge nigger wouldn't even be that bad imo.
Let's just hope that this ends fast and Sayu isn't pulled into even more drama

>> No.74099064

Proof that Doki would care about this particular drama, especially after she said she wanted to avoid more controversy.

>Learn how to read before opening your dumb mouth
I'm not that guy, retard-kun, but you probably should know there's a difference between speaking and typing.

>> No.74099071

Right tourists as bad as nijisis if you ask me should have gate kept when homos came in

>> No.74099138

I literally said she didn't care you fucking retard learn how to read

>> No.74099157

She wasn't the one that made it about herself. You and many like you did that and continue to do that for obvious reasons. She commented on the situation by seeing it for what it is.

>> No.74099194

NTA, anon you literally said learn how to read before opening your mouth. No one here's opening their mouth to speak. KEK

>> No.74099205

Yes but they are all pro Doki and pro Sayu so it would be really entertaining if a dramafag dramatuber Civil War started

>> No.74099216

You talk like absolute retard, I don't differentiate between you bugmen.

>> No.74099278

Learn English.

>> No.74099294

>anon you literally said learn how to read before opening your mouth.
I'm not even the one who said that

>> No.74099335

Kenji instigated the whole thing at first. Now I don't believe Sayu's response to Kenji's actions were the right to his wrong but she may have felt like she had no choice to get involved, even when I think it's counterproductive.

>> No.74099362

>ESL can't differentiate between speaking and typing
quite ironic

>> No.74099377

It's Just same bugmen try to samefagging

>> No.74099449

I would love to see a dramafag slapfight but not if it comes at the expense of Doki and Sayu. They've been through enough as is.

>> No.74099510

woops, my bad

>> No.74099523

Ye. Wish the fuckers would just self destruct without it harming Doki and Sayu.

>> No.74099531

It's kinda like if you heard a mean girl that used to bully you get bullied and cry about it

>> No.74099544

Good for Sayu. Maybe she'll stay relevant for longer than 5 minutes this time. Until the next drama she inserts herself into.

>> No.74099660

Wiggers stand together

>> No.74099663

Tbh I would say a lot worse than this and probably go back to sleep happy

>> No.74099696

That's exactly correct. She should have laid low and let Sincroknights take care of business for her

>> No.74099809

Isn't not!Kyo the only pretender?

>> No.74099894
File: 43 KB, 611x487, firefox_0LUsbkuKYF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kenji gets doxxed
>Sayu subtweet about it: "karma's a bitch huh"
>Later clarifies in a longer post that this is about Kenji and what he did to her
>starts replying to other people repeatedly about how it's strange that that other people also don't know about what he did to her
I just don't want her to have entered the fray and tarnish her goodwill for no net gain. What happened to her was wrong and Anycolor needs to burn for it, but there was no reason to go about this

>> No.74100030

Quinn please don't get into a stupid drama bro, it's not worth it to get drawn into a drama with a crazy vengeful girl like Sayu. Don't let her bring you down to her level, you are better than this dawg.

>> No.74100114

Kenji is a literal nigger so I hope he ropes, but I honestly don't understand why this board is so obsessed with Sayu, either. Sure, black corpo bad, but she doesn't really do anything interesting to justify her getting this much attention. Is it literally just because she was the anti-niji scapegoat before Selen got shafted? I don't get it.

>> No.74100198

>no reason
>he doxxes her and hates on her because she made a tame rape joke about a video game character
Hey nijisister.

>> No.74100205

>I honestly don't understand why this board is so obsessed with Sayu
She's a saviorfag magnet. They're not as loyal as unicorns, but when they're engaged, they're engaged.

>> No.74100244

Good I hope engaging on drama and actively going out of his way to shit on someone loses him that initial support he had. God knows Matara isn't a stranger to being thrown under the bus by people like Kyofaggot

>> No.74100274

Yes and it make me want to seee these fags drag eachother and their part of community out off vtubing

>> No.74100332

He is bottom of the abyss tier, Sayu could literally pull a Kyoresu and prostitute herself and he'd still be lower than her.

>> No.74100393

It's a combination of people hating Niji, the sisters hounding her constantly, Sincroknights being susceptible to bait and shitposters seeing free real estate.

>> No.74100428

Ah, that makes sense and it explains why I keep seeing her name come up in drama. Her fans constantly get to save her as long as she's embroiled in controversy. Smart for business but I'd be exhausted personally.

>> No.74100458

>See his actual number
>It's true
Kek harder

>> No.74100494

Post the Sayu feet webm

>> No.74100548

I mean, if Sayu is catching heat for involving herself with drama that had nothing to do other than being someone who screwed her over in the past, surely Kyo can get backlash too right

>> No.74100626

That's only because Riro did nothing wrong.

>> No.74100630

They're condemning Sayu for getting involved in drama that doesn't concern her while defending Kenji for initially doing it to Sayu when he called her a pedophile

>> No.74100687

These people effectively do not exist. They're like the dead rappers that spawn into existence every year around late Autumn, they did not exist before and will not exist after this. They've crossed into our world from another world entirely and will vanish just as quickly if you don't hold them here.

>> No.74100768

As always with these Twitterfags

>> No.74100841

Just say tourists and grifter anon

>> No.74100853

the dramafag cries out as it strikes you

>> No.74101002

Can't believe Chris Thorndyke is denouncing Sayunic the Hedgehoe

>> No.74101006

personally i hope everyone involved in this shitshow including sayu dies

>> No.74101086
File: 92 KB, 233x264, quinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu is good' and 'al as an indie currently, but she ain't as good as my 'G Quinn. Who y'all are forgetting that he ain't blacklisted by any big corpos like ya 'gurl Sayu. And Quinn's has more subs and almost the same vod views with Sayu, but y'all keep forgetting that too just to put my 'dog down because he got screenshotted playing fuckin' heavy rain with low views, a debuff story focused game in 2024. Y'all need to see the bigger picture here, ya 'gurl Sayu did not need to get into 'tis drama in the first place, why she be bothering her ass to get into it in the first place if it wasn't for her bein' a clout chaser in the first place y'all.

>> No.74101147
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>> No.74101295

>The nigga speak
Anon I ... Good on you to write all that and not try to neck yourself

>> No.74101480

I thought Sayu shouldn't have touched this Kenji idiot, but if it made Quinn show his colours clearly, it's a big win.

>> No.74101600

who? kyo? LMAO his stream already reach 3 view,in fact he actually irrelevant outside of matara shill

>> No.74101627

Alright now even if sayu is a jap but I say they are better than monkey even more so god-damned white that want to a monkey

>> No.74101646

Sayu is a parasitic leech looking for the next drama to insert herself into to capture a fraction of the attention she had in Niji. She constantly says she wants to move on, but she keeps bringing up the drama. She's used goods parading as a clean chuuba. Feel sorry for the cucks who support her, hope you're sending enough to feed her kids lol.

>> No.74101666

what a fucking pussy lol

>> No.74101730

>just get shit on and TAKE IT without saying anything back
She's based for calling him out. Shame so many other vtubers suck his dick.

>> No.74101802

Eh 3/10
>Not racist enough
>Not enough southern account

>> No.74101819

fr fr cuh, no cap

>> No.74101858

I need you to clarify, is Kyo actually collabing with yhe guy or you confused Kenjo for Kyo?

>> No.74101931

He a nigga so you know what type suck his dick

>> No.74101968

Jesus fuck Anon, you nailed his particular brand of wiggertry perfectly.

>> No.74101974

Seethe sister

>> No.74102032

Enjoy paying for the condoms.

>> No.74102138

A shameful attempt at bait, even by sister standards that was poor. (You) denied, step your game up.

>> No.74102205

It's not about being based, twitter and indie retards don't know nor care about the facts and this compromises her growth and general peace.
No matter how much we may try to enlighten these fools they already made up their mind and then only one affected can only be Sayu.
Hope nothing truly gets thrown her way.

>> No.74102231

He still have make more money than gift cards you sister getting(maybe)

>> No.74102263

Twitter is 90% bots.

>> No.74102330

she literally gave him the opportunity to feed on the drama like the retard she is though

>> No.74102365

You forgot 9 more percent anon

>> No.74102404

>Sayufags are ESL boys thinking they have a chance with her now that they've learned she got dumped like hot trash
Maybe you'll get to take care of her mudshark kids too LMAO

>> No.74102509

>seething lucuck in the closet about her cuck fetish projecting it onto others ITT

>> No.74102572

Poorer than literal ESL this is a self owned

>> No.74102629

Happens a lot. Cuckposters need to be studied.

>> No.74102635

He won't. He can't- it's inevitable

>> No.74102722

>black solidarity
what's the problem here exactly?

>> No.74102740

They are still not coming out off the closet yet? I thought sister are progressive

>> No.74102774

These snakes know that shit anons on 4chan say are a nothingburger too and not representative of Sayu’s fanbase but are pretending otherwise so she gets dogpiled.

>> No.74102844

kek 10/10 bait

>> No.74102862

If these 2 are the ones showing solidarity I'd rather go with the racists

>> No.74102957

Well she's already getting destroyed outside of /here/. I don't expect her viewership to change, but this just further isolates her from anyone wanting to collab with her. And before her fans come to jump me and say that's a good thing, I disagree. Having neutral to good relations with folks in the industry is beneficial because you can make easier connections, network with important people, and even get opportunities you otherwise wouldn't. The entire Twitch sphere is likely reconsidering their stance on her as a persona non grata despite her being partially vindicated.

>> No.74102968

So all attacker are normies fucking ew can we use this to gatekeep harder?

>> No.74103018
File: 490 KB, 525x582, the crackhead who ate too much glitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat related since they made a video about this drama but this is the ugliest vtuber model I have ever seen.

>> No.74103066
File: 304 KB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20240420-150452_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're genuinely so retarded

>> No.74103077

Is that a discount brand SEA False

>> No.74103208

NOW the ball is in Dokibird's court, we'll see if she gets involved and whose side she chooses.

>> No.74103282

>Shu Yamino's Chair
All I needed to see to understand why things are like this

>> No.74103286

it's frankly concerning how much it happens on this board

>> No.74103295

I mean BVTM and other /vt/ content creators on Reddit and Twitter do that shit all the time

>> No.74103319

Drama is quite literally the only reason anyone cares about her and if she stops stirring the pot she will sink

>> No.74103418

>sayu talks shit
>sayu gets hit

>> No.74103459

No way. Sayu has an actual fanbase.

>> No.74103461 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 839x1142, pd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femanons add me on discord : powahlin
especially if you are into anime,vidya, lolis, artistic and creative hobbies, castlevania disgaea smt yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou /m/ shows pokemon fate digimon kemono megaman monster hunter FU fire emblem final fantasy bravely default SFM animations DoA the rwby anime and many things.

>> No.74103493

She has a lot of orbiters looking for drama, I wouldn't call that a fanbase.

>> No.74103593

Quinn, no
Alejandro? He does matter in a tangential sense. Any sponsorships with Mihoyo are on the line for Sayu as this fag can just speak to the higher ups and tell them to not give her money again. This (along with my personal rrat about his and Amalee's connections) will make Sayu even more isolated from the Twitch crowd she desperately wants to be a part of. Just come home to YouTube, girl

>> No.74103605

no, you aren't, fucking tourist

>> No.74103702

You better not check /vg/.

>> No.74103737

Do you really think he has that much sway to make a billion dollar company not work with somebody? A Chinese company at that

>> No.74103837

Different philosophy, unfortunately. Sayu wants to move on and focus on what she has now, but unfortunately she's too open about her feelings when it comes to this shit, and too attentive to her chat so she's prone to getting one-guy'd. She seems almost incapable of bottling her emotions or thoughts beyond what is legally required, though that has gotten better over the past several months.

I swear if you're about to go on a tirade about the "problems" she caused for Nijisanji, I'm going to have the heartiest belly laugh I've had all year.

>> No.74103839

>my personal rrat about his and Amalee's connections
That shit ain't personal, EN VAs are a clique.

>> No.74103855

How did Nina end up being the one to incline the most post Nijisanji? You'd think Sayu would be getting more love and support for the amount of pain inflicted on her.

>> No.74103873

>Smart for business
It's mental illness, being good for business is accidental.

>> No.74103911

Because the slander worked

>> No.74103944
File: 173 KB, 494x384, space looks behind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.74103947

Wasn't Nina slandered way more in Nijisanji?

>> No.74103979

Anon, he's an EN voice actor. He doesn't have anywhere near the kind of pull needed to make a Chinese corporation answer to him. If he did then he would have already fucked over Sayu by now.

>> No.74104005

Because she's the biggest normie out of all of them and fit right in with the vshojo/twitch fleshie clique

>> No.74104012

He's certainly closer to Mihoyo than her. And the gaming industry has proven time and time again that it isn't about how good you are, it's about who you know. And Alejandro knows a lot more people than she does. People who actually matter :P

>> No.74104033

Hi twitter tourist, nice to see you regurgitate the things nijisis has been saying for a year now. Now fuck off back to twitter with the moral grandstanding when Kenji's an obvious clout chaser and stay the fuck out of the vtubing community.

>> No.74104104

She was graced with a graduation instead of a termination with an inflated bullet list

>> No.74104105

There is literally nobody in all of VTubing that has been slandered as much as Sayu. The only ones who come close are Kson and Doki.

>> No.74104108

After the termination, she effectively was. She's still ghosted by several "friends" she had prior to joining Niji, and she had to slowly claw back her reputation through all of the doxxing and harassment. Her career took a massive hit after the niji smears and it's a miracle she was strong enough to come back from it.

>> No.74104111

>He did finally unfollow her yesterday.
or maybe she blocked him?

>> No.74104118

yeah, by the chinese on dox forums and half of the shit they were slandering her with were misunderstandings from people who literally did not speak english, it's entirely separate from Sayu getting on the bad side of the Twitch vtuber community
Nina was able to get an audience ENTIRELY separete from her Niji audience

>> No.74104147

"Hey manager. You know this one person the company sponsored? Well, you know I do that streaming thing on the side and I learned she's a pedo. Might wanna pass that along to the legal department and marketing team

>> No.74104170

Because she didn’t fit the niji clique narrative and became successful anyway. They’re mad

>> No.74104197

No thanks to Sayu drumming up pity for subsequent exNijis btw

>> No.74104205

>Any sponsorships with Mihoyo are on the line for Sayu as this fag can just speak to the higher ups and tell them to not give her money again
Kek you really think he has that much influence? If he could, he would've done it already. Mihoyo doesn't give a shit as long you don't get involved in a REAL scandal like the Tighnari EN VA did. Petty stuff like this is irrelevant to them.

>> No.74104237

The vshobox is male like most places.
Sisters are a minority everywhere being tourists from kpop and all. That's why both Kuro and Quinn fell off a cliff view-wise while Nina went up.

>> No.74104254

Almost near the end of her tenure a big drama blew up. Since she was staying away from the drama a lot of people flocked to her - because they rather watch CGDCT, or a sexy fox mama doing sex fox mama things - than drama. After that her new audience followed her to Vshojo.
For some reason every time something bad happens in Nijisanji people screwed by Nijisanji benefit.

>> No.74104283
File: 86 KB, 322x307, 1712959332501970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterful bait I kneel.

>> No.74104340

>He did finally unfollow her yesterday
Are sure he followed her in the first place? It wouldn't be the first time someone made twitter follows up on here

>> No.74104356

Anon. EN voice actor. Chinese corporation. He has no say in what they do and thinking otherwise is delusional.

>> No.74104377

Cause the only thing it takes to continue a hate train against someone is to just repeatedly say they did something, even without proof. The overwhelming majority of people are brainless sheep who will not extend the smallest amount of effort to finding out the truth, they live solely on QRDs.
This thread is an example of that, it applies to the people this place hates too. >>74095677
Quinn didn't reply to the stupid dramanigger, but OP edited an image to make it look like he did, and the rest is history. That's how easy it is to spread misinformation about someone, just say they did it and people will take your word for it because they're fucking morons.

>> No.74104428

yeah in part she started the whole "Niji bad, someone please save the poor livers" arc that got the others off the ground
Yugo was just a
>Huh, that was weird *shrug*

>> No.74104455

I don’t even know who quinn is. I just know Kenji is a bitch

>> No.74104463

I have seen zero evidence of the contrary and I can guarantee you will be unable to provide any

>> No.74104504

Sure, but she isn't been cancelled. She hasn't literally done the whole private account thing or what Kage was forced to do

>> No.74104506

Least obvious twitter tourist. Vtubing which started in the jp has always had their share of lolicon and shotacon and still do. If you can't understand that, don't join the vtubing scene in the first place idiot. And for you to think any CC can sway Hoyo shows that you're a fucking tourist through and through.

>> No.74104547

>She's used goods parading as a clean chuuba
Just making shit up aren't you

>> No.74104569

I guess then since you seem to know this will happen for sure it will happen. You are clearly very close to Mihoyo

>> No.74104589

>oh no she's fawning over shotas like she's always done for years while being sponsored by us

>> No.74104597

Go back sis

>> No.74104639

No, I had checked. He had been following her till Friday. So, had Ducky. Both of them unfollowed her yesterday. Or were blocked.

>> No.74104682

I'm surprised Ducky the Nijishill followed her lol

>> No.74104693

>Subtle jab at the legitimacy of Kotoka getting Mel fired
I see what you're doing

>> No.74104736

Anyone willing to play that game shouldn’t collab with her anyway. She already collabed with filian who is arguably the biggest en twitch tuber

>> No.74104759

Yeah me too. But, a lot of these people never unfollow. I mean most of VShojo still follows Silver and most of VShojo follows Sayu too. Probably they reckon that people will sperg out and speculate if they unfollow so to avoid drama they just leave it.

>> No.74104762

You first faggot, lying on the internet isn't cool anymore

>> No.74104778

>He doesn't know

>> No.74104782

How much would it take for Filian to be forced to disavow Sayu?

>> No.74104816

What's Fillian stance on Kenji? Far as I remember he doesn't like her

>> No.74104840

Catalog anons are so divorced from reality lol.

>> No.74104841

No I mean I know about the divorce thing but she never tried to hide that to begin with?

>> No.74104861

Every thread with Sayu in the image reaches bump limit. Not sure what that means or who that implicates, but just noticed that.

>> No.74104888

Well Kenji definitely doesn't like her so I don't think she'd do it over him.

>> No.74104967

They literally made the game with the shotas in it what are you talking about

>> No.74104989

Ironic you calling me the faggot, sis

>> No.74105096

It means we not only have nijisis in there, but Kenji's tourists who think her community lives in 4chan and we're all part of her fanbase by association. Fucking braindead idiots.

>> No.74105098

>no rebuttal
That's what I thought. Sayu will never be relevant for anything except drama and shitting on people and you are living proof.

>> No.74105126

And she doesn't even know he exist

>> No.74105128

>Genshin is full of lolis
>Somehow think mihoyo will care about that
They'd rather swap their entire EN voices if they start acting all preachy than to delete some of their biggest money makers.

>> No.74105209

Anon the shitstains is baiting

>> No.74105294

Oh shit, I spoke too much

>> No.74105321

>Saying to a weeb company
Cyno new VA incoming

>> No.74105392

You wish faggot

>> No.74105404

Is Sayu canceled or not? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Half the board seems to say she's already cancelled and the other half that she isn't. Is she somehow existing both cancelled and not cancelled at once?

>> No.74105431

I will give sayu's streams an ironic, good faith chance one year from today and whiteknight her on every platform if she never dramafags about her previous employments with shitty vtuber companies from years ago or leech random indies for content again instead of being a normal entertainer. you can find me somewhere in 2025 and grudgepost me but I guarantee she won't last that long because she has no other interesting qualities to grow her audience by and will fall into obscurity

>> No.74105444

They can't. One gets preachy, the others will stay preachy. Vic showed us this

>> No.74105477

Her follower and subscriber counts have not gone down if that's any indication

>> No.74105535

>If the cancelation fails that means it never happens.
You people won't stop until she kills herself

>> No.74105570

In fact they've gone up

>> No.74105607
File: 27 KB, 909x556, 1713581123000540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally threatened to bring it back up. The only reason it was taken down was due to the Selen situation getting out of hand and him being terrified of being linked to it.

Notice that mysterious viewcount drop in early february? I wonder what could've happened back then to have him delete a video.
Here's a full timeline for people who want more info. >>74050548

>starts replying to other people repeatedly about how it's strange that that other people also don't know about what he did to her
Never happened. Going through her entire tweets and it's all about her vacation and fangirling over fanart. Unless you're talking about the usual "we can't have nice things in comedy" tweet she replied to that she typically comments on every few months in an unrelated post? Kenji's the only one constantly seething and crying about Sayu not feeling bad for him. He made like 6 tweets just last night about it, on top of threatening to "bring back" the smear video on stream.

>> No.74105631

Schrodinger's cancellation

>> No.74105641

Her followers did go down a little but she gained some more right after

>> No.74105645

The only people flaming her on twitter is the very same sister crowd that tarred and feathered her during the suspension and termination.

>> No.74105652

Wow, you really hate her. What did she do to you?

>> No.74105668

Shut the fuck up

>> No.74105697

Nijisisters are like chimpanzees. They don't need to hunt, they do it for sport and enjoy ripping apart monkey- I mean Vtubers for the sake of it.

>> No.74105735

no it isn't, she'd've grown far bigger if she stayed indie

>> No.74105802

shut the fuck up kenji

>> No.74105903

>If people were willing to do that
that's a bannable offense actually. I wouldn't love anything more than back&forth with her all day every day about random shit, but we're not allowed to.

>> No.74105928

>previous employments with shitty vtuber companies from years ago
>leech random indies for content again
Twitter tourist still here thinks she was at multiple vtuber companies for multiple years. Only indies seen collabing with her are Rennie and a few other people she knows.
You can't even get your own information correct now.
Are you that one vtweeter I saw sperging out in Kenji's response because feelings=facts?

>> No.74105969

That's needlessly insulting to chimpanzees, comparing them to Nijisisters.

>> No.74105981

I think what's funniest to me is, having now chcked the Sayu discord, they literally are not saying a single thing about Kenji. They immediately banned any discussion og drama at all I went there expecting the normal from fan discords of just people saying the most atrocious stuff but they are not saying a single thing about him. Absolutely hilarious!

>> No.74106017

They're very obviously all tourist niggers. Kenji and his little fanboys can all suck my cock.

>> No.74106031

And they try to say she did but fail

>> No.74106043

If having a policy to not talk about drama is banning any discussion of drama, then you're a retard.

>> No.74106182

Anon they retarded they will bite your dick

>> No.74106245

He is and always will be irrelevant fag

>> No.74106340

go on twitchtracker, there are like 8 clips and her feet are so yummy...

>> No.74106364

This is just the designated shitting on kenji thread because he’s here.

>> No.74106432

why are you still here, millie?

>> No.74106434

There is not much to lose at this point in Quinn's career. He thinks any drama is more exposure. But just reminds the public that he backstabbed another liver in his company. And will do it again. Not to be trusted.
Karma is the perfect word for these two.

>> No.74106478

Filian makes jokes that would get the average vtuber canceled every stream. I doubt she even cares about Sayu, Kenji, or the drama at all.

>> No.74106527

Nah they'll just shove his character offscreen forever and then kill the one guy in HSR he plays to make room for that gigastacy general in the point fleet. They didn't give lion guy turbohealingcancer(implied) for no reason, he is there now for setting up the Hunts Eminator(the gigastacy) or pushing the Li Sushang plotline that has been teased a little

>> No.74106579

She seething about sayu "drama" overshadowed her 3D cause Nijisis are dramawhore

>> No.74106635

There's basically no audience overlap between Kenji and Sayu so it's just two fanbases yelling at each other, and in the end nothing will really change.

>> No.74106666

Nina's effectively a normie streamer with a normie audience. She's a good entertainer, regardless of my personal feelings about her.
Kek. Sounds like an easy way to get a new VA. I'm pretty sure Sayu's pumped more money into the game between herself and her fans than Cy Yu's actual fucking character did.
It's possible. Sayu's always been open about how easy she is to contact directly. I would not be surprised for a second if she left him unblocked just so that he could apologize if he ever turned around, and only gave up on him after he threw his two cents in here.
Just because she was stubborn enough to slowly crawl back over a year doesn't mean they didn't try. She was absolutely cancelled after that horrid termination notice and all of the dramafags like Kenji dumping more gasoline on her.
Dramafags like to follow everybody so they can keep up to date if they find something they can use to bash someone with. Blocking them at least slows them down and saves you some headaches.
Filian's been through plenty of shit herself whenever twitter ties to "cancel" her. I doubt this is even on her radar.

>> No.74106708

Cost conservative good thinking anon

>> No.74106709

But I kept being told every English Vtuber on Twitch is going to come out against Sayu and that Cy Yu is going to get Mihoyo to accuse her of being a pedophile

>> No.74106734

These people using "bruh" sound like retards, more than it already is.

>> No.74106789

Unfortunately, that makes you stupider following stupid.

>> No.74106813

That just sister wishful thinking anon

>> No.74106824

watch streams. She's always open to good faith discussion. Key words being good faith.

>> No.74106872

> but we're not allowed to.
lmao, you know as well as me that's a lie

>> No.74106896

I know, I'm talking about discord dm's specifically.

>> No.74106937
File: 399 KB, 603x566, firefox_ZE9nWavj3N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is just a minor thing she made two tweets about saying "lol karma."
Her being happy on vacation is far more important.
Recently she sperged out over a cute bird stealing some of her muffin.

>> No.74106980

It's probably closed due to the amount of retards who won't leave her alone. You think any other CC's leave their own dm's open to the public in discord?

>> No.74107053

wayu cute
exactly what my point was, anon.

>> No.74107061

Oh, those are closed. She has other avenues to contact her directly, and she responds immediately if you type to her in chat with a good faith question, since she's very, very attentive to both chats and an insane speed reader.

>> No.74107146
File: 894 KB, 818x1080, 1709711917006048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, anon, I know.

>> No.74107280

From what little I've seen of her, she seems cool. Still prefer my own twitch whore.

>> No.74107391

she's very lovely, actually. don't let the dramafags and the nijisisters convince you otherwise

>> No.74107517

He made a video about her a year ago then his doxx starts getting spread again and she says "HAHAHA KARMA". Bitch held onto a year long grudge and only bothered to attack him when he was doxxed

>> No.74107532

post her feet
