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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74002172 No.74002172 [Reply] [Original]

Every single VTuber who is publicly supporting this guy, supports the doxxing and slander of Sayu.

>> No.74002221

is that what the world looks like through retard vision

>> No.74002274

who cares they are all indie scum anyway

>> No.74002303

is there anyone with enough influence to get this nigger lynched

>> No.74002315


>> No.74002325

Pretty much

>> No.74002682
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>> No.74002775

VShojo are indie scum

>> No.74002828


>> No.74002925

I only see Sayuu threads when she’s embroiled with something negative

>> No.74003836

Twitch vtubers once again prove themselves to be cancer

>> No.74003867
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Sisters are working overtime with the bait threads, I see. Ganbare.

>> No.74004995


>> No.74006268

Keep posting bait threads its just a matter of time till Sayu says ME ME ME

>> No.74006356

can't wait for twitch to go under so these subhumans can rot on the street

>> No.74006458

thats pretty much an antiloli list kek.

>> No.74006626

This is why I dropped Nerissa after she starting cuddling up to these faggots, especially Zen, he's the worst of the bunch.

>> No.74006687

none of you listened when i said shit was creeping into hololive

>> No.74006826

I don’t care about twitch, drama or whatever but this guy is a faggot purely just for this. Fag was showing his own personal socials and “censored” pictures online. Virtue signaling and trying to gain as much clout as possible. Fucking scum

>> No.74006884

Ok after seeing that, fuck this cunt, fuckheads that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

>> No.74007338

Let me understand:
>There's a piece of shit with a decorated history of being a piece of shit "exposes" a group of people who came together because of him being a piece of shit.
>He has enough clout and connection in the indie scene to for a bunch of indies to come out on twitter in support of him.
>Because of this group, he gets to get away with all the same shitty behavior he and his community have personally done.
Big takeaway is that the twitch vtuber community is becoming exactly like the twitch flesh community. The same dramas, the same streamers using their clout/connections/communities to dogpile smaller streamers, and the same sycophants drooling over any twitch/twitter clout that they can farm.

>> No.74007452

Pretty sure if Sayu speaks out everyone will reconsider backing him up or at least will distance themselves

>> No.74007598

I never heard of this irrelevant motherfucker before yesterday, does he really need 5 fucking threads just because he got doxxed?!

>> No.74007604

I do not think so. Unfortunately, Sayu is still very small and within the VShojo-adjacent space very much an outsider. I do not think it will go well for her.

>> No.74007678

western vtubing was a mistake, news at 11

>> No.74007777


>> No.74008280

Yeah. If it was the Phase-adjacent space it might be a different matter, but the Vshojo/twitch clique isn't in her favour.

>> No.74008373

theyll dogpile her because twitch is a closed group and any outside intervention causes a immune response just look at when shylily arrived in vtubing vei shat on her and everyone backed her up. then when she got big they all switched sides

>> No.74008584

I hope twitch just fucking dies soon

>> No.74008622

I hate this so much. It really just again and again we see it. As long as you're important enough you get away with doing stuff that you cancel others for. I just hate it so much, it is always the same, everywhere, the exact same pattern of behaviour always develops in every fucking area

>> No.74008680

I dunno but I hope you're right. I'll wait the weekend to see the full repercussions. Hope it isn't too bad, would rather not see all her hard work erased.

>> No.74008747

if twitch dies their all coming to youtube, theyre not gonna stop streaming because twitch goes under
reminds me of the VRchat community when they kicked ladle, fillian and antoher one out for not supporting the cause (they didnt play by the same rules)

>> No.74008753

the hecking twitch clique with 5000 members it rules with an iron fist and vei is the leader

>> No.74009031

They can go to kick or some shit. YT algo is a pain to get around so they will struggle and die off

>> No.74009325
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When did you start creeping into hololive?

>> No.74009637

>some literally who not a SINGLE person on this board ever heard of
>suddenly gets five threads
you really should make these kinds of moves less obvious, this place is autism central, people here are obsessed with patterns

>> No.74009762

There's no reason for this literal who to have like 5 threads, 99% of this board has never heard of this faggot. Stop making these threads.

>> No.74009798

So do Nijisisters love this guy now because he shat on Zaion?

>> No.74010113

They really shouldn't. Based on his past behavior, he's one of those anti-corpo vtubers. There's a reason why the NijiEN stuff blew up as hard as it did. Indie vtubers were looking for ways to discredit corpos too.
Really the pipeline is:
>drama happens
>big creators speak out
>associated creators back big creators ("friendship"clout)
>small creators/clout sharks smell an opportunity and back the popular opinion
>creator communities on all levels come out in support of the "correct" opinion or adjust to have the "correct" opinion
If you want an example of how much sway big creators have on Twitch just look to the whole QTCinderella drama with her second channel.
To fund her awards show, she told her community to have her second channel open on a muted tab. The second channel restreamed her vods and have advertisements enabled. Basically, the idea was to have the stream open with sound on in a muted tab for her to farm ad rev. A small creator pointed out why that's bad for ad revenue and everyone of her associated acts jumped in on him and accused of him of being a snitch. As a result, she basically got away with a light ban and continue with her business.
The reason why the muted tab thing is bad is because it means that advertisers will be seeing less than what they expected for their ROI. Therefore, they'll either want to pay less or stop advertising on Twitch. The people who get fucked the most in these circumstances are the small creators that can't get brand sponsors. Basically, pulling the ladder up once QT made it.

>> No.74010218

I'm curious, sicne he is such a dramatuber, surely he was shitting on Niji just a little while ago too?

>> No.74010342


>> No.74011437

Where kenji dox I wanna see please

>> No.74011594

Let's be honest, nobody watches this idiot, can't expect people to know what he did.

>> No.74011884

If I heard that some literal who got doxxed my first reaction would be to ask if he did anything to deserve it. People don't go after literal whos for no reason, it's not like big corpo vtubers who would get targeted due to schizos with a grudge against the corpo etc.

>> No.74012150

Yeah, I'm with you, but vtubers see doxxing and that's literally nightmare fuel for them. They can't help but feel empathetic to him.

>> No.74012217

Nah they're just reactionary clout chasers. I doubt they give two shits about him beyond the brownie points they get for le thoughts and prayers.

>> No.74012233
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>Zen, he's the worst of the bunch
>has done literally nothing wrong

>> No.74012284

You must understand that the only way these people can survive in the wild is collaborating with everyone under the sun and forming cliques. It's not a surprise that they'll excuse his past transgressions to virtue signal.

>> No.74012285

Except this is doxxing by a friend to a group of 5. Yes it's bad, but the hypocrisy of him signal boosting potential doxx to 500k viewers and encouraging more stochastic doxxing means he clearly did not learn from his experience

>> No.74012290

that's some tranny mindset anon
sounds exactly like the "every vtuber that played hogwarts legacy supports trans genocide" rhetoric

>> No.74012495

Sayu herself supports a guy who sold dox behind a paywall lol. This entire drama is subhumans tearing each other apart.

>> No.74012547

where does sayu come in

>> No.74012634

>/vt/ wants to doxx and harass black vtubers
What a surprise

>> No.74012678

he said sayu's child rape joke was not funny

>> No.74012764

Don't downplay it, he straight up called her a pedophile, doing a great job of watering down the term so it can't be used as effectively against actual child predators

>> No.74012822
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>no less than five threads in half a day, about someone this board has literally never cared about
These threads are not natural

>> No.74012934

that's fair she straight up made a pedo joke.

>> No.74012969

looks like the typical dramaniggers who are desperate to tie everything to sayu

>> No.74013095

yes, she pretty much is anti loli

>> No.74013108

This is what happens when /pol/ exists. There is no possible way to enforce it as a containment board, so it just leaks everywhere.

>> No.74013119

Ok Kenji

>> No.74013195

use normal insults i don't speak catalogfag

>> No.74013199

I remember when Ironmouse was in an AmongUs group collab with xQc, then a month later when she won a streamer award he starts playing that Nora Cat video and make fun of her.
This is what you get for collabing with any retard to get clout.

>> No.74014051

she got involved herself in this shit by twitting about it

>> No.74014206

This. Live by the drama, die by the drama.

>> No.74015560

Nothing is natural in this board

>> No.74016152

Retard still thinks she's a pedo https://twitter.com/CORPSESOLEIL/status/1781167193683882191

>> No.74017291
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So let me see if I got this right.
>literal who gets doxxed 2 years ago. Nobody cares because who the fuck is that.
>later on he doxxes Sayu and goes over everything on stream because he's part of the niji cult, he's so retarded that he doesn't realize how stupid this is until a year later and deletes the vod.
>and now he's still an irrelevant literal who so he decided to bring back up the time he was doxxed in an attempt to clout chase.
Well, okay then? Have fun I guess?

>> No.74017361

Pretty much nailed it. Imagine crying on stream because you got doxxed to 5 people 2 years ago, pussy ass shit lmao

>> No.74017381

ironically yes

>> No.74018256

>gets doxxed 2 years ago
>later on he doxxes Sayu
please don't mix up actual dox with /vt/ retard "dox"

>> No.74019134

Then you clearly aren't looking hard enough faggot

>> No.74019270

i dont know this vtuber but he has the most punchable face

>> No.74019822

Reddit. Go. Right now.
This is why bait is necessary and important to a healthy board ecosystem. Thanks for your service.

>> No.74020561

They lack vital information

>> No.74020741

Nothing's natural on this site. We're pretty much glowing brighter than the sun at this point
Only place with more glowies per capita might be fucking Twitter

>> No.74020804

Nah, they know. They just don't care. Streamers in all forms are retards making ad hoc justifications for their bullshit.

>> No.74021492

Literally who? Never heard of this faggot before, is he trying to be someone by riding the dramanigger shit and sayu is just low hanging fruit?

>> No.74024748

More or less, except the "literal who" apparently makes a habit of harassing and trying to cancel people for sport. Sayu wasn't the first or last, I remember him going after some 3D modeller (who actually was making Sayu's 3D model at the time, curious) by trying to frame him with lies and out of context clips since he made the most lukewarm joke imaginable. Also it sounds like the dox wasn't signal boosted by anyone or as serious as Sayu's so if anything he's the one giving it more eyes. Doxxing is always bad but this guy seems to be a massive faggot in every regard.

>> No.74024778


>> No.74024943

Didn't the 3D modeler you're talking about literally abuse his cat on stream and Sayu dropped him after? You should at least learn what you're talking about anon

>> No.74025388

Yes, that is what "trying to frame him with lies and out of context clips" entails. Video related.
It was blatantly obvious that he was doing it just to target him because the moment he explained cats literally love that shit he immediately dropped it and pivoted to something entirely different, which the fool decided to apologize for despite it literally being a "I think you meant this and that makes you evil" situation. So then everyone thought he was talking about the cat thing and associated him with that. That's what tied Sayu's hands in the scenario, odds are she was also trying to follow the "advice" from people to pick her battles.

>> No.74026792

Zen's a dude???

>> No.74027555

Yes. Why would a woman in the year 2024 NOT speak on stream. Speaking on atream as a woman gets you at least 5 viewers for free. Dumbass. Im going to debut next week as a mute with big tits and say im female. I hope you support me as much as you support zen <3

>> No.74029068

Yeah I guess that makes sense. Also what made you think I was a Zen fan? I only watch Hololive.

>> No.74029266

Orange spray tan man

>> No.74029346

I kneel for providing evidence to support >>74002274 claim

>> No.74029585

>10 fucking threads for a literal who
Who the fuck are making these threads?

>> No.74029993

Check the post times for the threads. It should be obvious.

>> No.74030604

he didn't dox shit, the worst he did was calling her the p word which, by the opinion of many, sitll hold strue till today because not every understand shotas and lolis are a cultural thing between japan and the rest of the world.

>> No.74032502

>actually defending this shit
"It's totally cool if I fucking murder your career with charged language because in some dialects the word might be relevant."

>> No.74032796

Then why isn't he screaming about hololive and only did it to sayu? Because he's a faggot that doesn't actually care about that even a little bit and knows if he tried he'd get fucked for it.. The faggot was dogpiling on what he thought was an easy target.

>> No.74032882

did you see the fucking videos he reacted to? Shit was creep behavior if you didn't understand the context

>> No.74033017

because hololive JP culture is totally different from hololive EN you retard.
Normal people that don't watch anime or are not japanese will assume you are p word if you say you like "Little boys" without proper context.

>> No.74033118

i clicked on the twitter to block kenji, but realize i already had him blocked from who knows when, guess hes always been an annoying little faggot because i only block annoying little faggots that only cry and start drama

>> No.74033243

Being a P is not an opinion, is a criminal offense and liable to slander if not true, he reacted to shit out of context clipped by nijisisters, jokes are not actions nor statements to acuse anyone of suh heinous actions.

>> No.74033869

>it isn't illegal! it's out of context! it was a joke!
First, the joke is a generic "being thirsty" for shota joke, second, its only understood by people familiar with the japan culture and not everyone agrees with it. third, it still a bad joke, if it required "specific" context i would agree with you but not everyone will try to search for a very specific context for someone saying she likes "little boys".
Like it or not, public figures are subject to the "court of public opinion" and it doesn't take a genius to know that jokes of that degree, outside of the culture, is not well received.

>> No.74034099

Kenji, latest example of someone thats been babies by the internet and cant take responsibility for their own actions. the doxxers got what they wanted, they got everyone to see what a piece of shit kenji is.

>> No.74034194

Who the fuck cares if you find her jokes creepy. Mind your business.

>> No.74034334

The dude is a clout-chasing coward who was piling on her fresh off her termination. The little bitch privated the video after the Doki situation caused a lot of people to reexamine the Zaion termination. He has no spine, but he can certainly read the room.

>> No.74034371

Lol the clown doubled down https://twitter.com/SunKenjiVT/status/1781443616537547214

>> No.74034377

I don't even know who that is nor do I wish to find out.

>> No.74034554

The only people surprised zen is a man are zen fans coping that a mute woman exists. I assume most people that dont automatically think "voice changer? Must be a man." are newfags because people love any accent or tone of voice on a woman

>> No.74034585

look at all the yea men in the relplies, shows how many people hea blocked like the coward he is

>> No.74034716

Nijisisters are on his side so I hope his puny career and online presence dies. Faggot.

>> No.74034718

This guy literally tweeted a rape joke less than a week ago.

>> No.74035197

A diddy joke too, amazing

>> No.74035255

And under 69K great. Fucking humiliating, right as she made a milestone post, right as she relaxed a cover, just dropping. Kenji’s doubled down it’ll only get worse now, expect more big Vtubers to join in denouncing her, snowballing it. Fuck. Hope that tweet was worth it. Fucking over.

>> No.74035431

Yeah, it is obvious now that he was doing it for free clout and now he weaponizes it, i really don't understand people that watch this dude, who are they? Maybe i'm way too comfortable watching smallcorpos/holo that i don't understand indie vtuber audience? Gatekeeping is necessary against grifters like these

>> No.74035542

If your friends run a hate discord on you, that should be a moment for self-reflection.

>> No.74035564

Who cares she'll get it back in no time lmao

>> No.74035588

i still see 69k

>> No.74036495

What a faggot. Sick of seeing him on my timeline. Hypocrisy makes me mad.

>> No.74036555


>> No.74036599

Virtue signallers are some really funny people. Not haha funny, "genuinely don't understand your fucking mindset here" funny.

>> No.74036646

I just subbed to her 30 minutes ago (I actually thought I already was).

>> No.74038522

Just when I was starting to respect Vshojo, them shit "talents" start with this shit. Actually impressive.

>> No.74038901

> the p word
>Being a P
Sweet Mother of Christ, do zoomers fucking really?

>> No.74039236

she ironically pivoted from "obvious loli" to "dumb gremlin" just so she could keep this narrative.

>> No.74040254

Her name isn't Lolidoki so obviously yes

>> No.74040521

It pays to bootlick a literal token dramatuber. Black card is too strong

>> No.74041921

kill yourself
you're either a falseflagging sister or the worst type of fan imaginable

>> No.74042112

Look again. She's back at 69k. You know what that means? Nobody who's actually a fan is leaving, because she didn't do anything wrong. The people who are "clapping back" are the same subhumans who tried to cancel her a year ago and have been a lost cause since everything started

>> No.74042214

wtf does vshojo have to do with this? or are you just flinging shit

>> No.74042548

How long before he deletes it and pretends he never said it

>> No.74042665

Bunch of them said their condolences for Kenji being doxxed

>> No.74042916

oh no... how horrible... but what does this have to do with sayu?

>> No.74042948

In his stream when he was basing sayu his chat was spamming sayu doxx, not the vt version.
He didn't do anything about it then essentially supporting the doxxing, not like a doxxsagi defenfer deserves sympathy but in conclusion all of these fags should get the rope.

>> No.74043263

is these the list of people who wants to get blacked?

>> No.74043364


>> No.74043517

It's good to see that at least some of the people are opening their eyes. I saw multiple today, one very big, who initially supported Kenji but changed their mind after learning more about the situation.

>> No.74043552


>> No.74043652

Some vtuber who has tens of thousands of followers.
It's pretty crazy how big these people are yet i never heard about them before.

>> No.74043945

Oh it's this guy, watched a video of him once
He said that holos are the "weird vtubers" and that people should watch "real vtubers " like him. Hope he ropes himself.

>> No.74044410
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>> No.74044514

honestly tho, it might be about time the retards get educated about lolis/shotas. It's been real tiring constantly see people sperging out in holochats about mildest shit.

>> No.74044540

Things are about to become really awkward for this Kenji nigger over the next couple of days. More and more people are waking up to what he did to Sayu (and the fact that he's a hypocrite for making rape jokes himself over irl events). He should have just kept his mouth shut and his head down.

>> No.74044902

Ok, who the fuck is this guy and what’s the deal?

>> No.74044949

He frequently collabed with a lot of the NijiEN males, and he auditioned for Niji back in the day too. He’s 100% a Nijibootlicker

>> No.74045084

Guy who got doxed few years ago.
He was one of main harassers of Zaion (over 500k views video slandering her) when she was terminated.
Now he decided to bring up his old dox and pitybait.
Sayu called him out and said it's karma.
He got mad and attacks her.

>> No.74045141

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.74045152

Its all one giant fucking clique. Also he's black IRL so he's using the race card as well.

>> No.74045233

Zen's chat is the reason he's still big. He would be nothing if not for them. The day his chat gets bored of him is the day he's done.

>> No.74045453

I thought he was pretty popular?

>> No.74045881

Sayu honestly should've left it unsaid but the resulting nigger-sperging was amusing so I see it as a net positive.

>> No.74046018

Black-identifying Filipino dramafag

>> No.74046138

Funny how these people never try to go after anyone in hololive. it's almost like they are cowardly leeches that only go after small indies without enough people to publicly defend them

>> No.74046169

this is the guy indies are bending over to suck cock for? seriously?

>> No.74046227
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Yeah we don't like you either Sambo

>> No.74046260

Deserved, that bitch is a desperate whore for drama

>> No.74046271

What kind of retarded point are you making? Kenji never slandered Sayu, saying she's a pedophile for saying she's a shotacon and her yelling " I love little boys" would mean she's a pedo to most Twitterfags. He also never doxxed or supported her doxxing. She's just a seething, hypocritical bitch mad someone made video on her drama as she is friends with multiple dramafags

>> No.74046368

Yeah, he's going to try to turn it around by playing the race card even though 4chan uses "nigger" as often as the average person says hello.

>> No.74046388

I hope he makes it into the next wave

>> No.74046449

Why did Niji not pick him up? He's perfect for them

>> No.74046469

Its not the first time he did this. I remember a few years ago he went after some Taiwan vtuber because she made a fried chicken joke and he got all offended. That's the reason he originally got doxxed if I remember, cause he started harassing the vtuber and got her doxxed.

>> No.74046533

Damn, did he piss his pants in anger when Enna made the same joke?

>> No.74046685

Or when Elira said nigger on stream

>> No.74046777

guy: a bad thing happened to me
normal people: a bad thing happened? that's too bad!
people wronged by the guy in question: I don't like bad things either, but this guy sucks, I'm not going to cry for him.

The normal people are not supporting the wronging of the wronged people. They are just on twitter, thinking for slightly less than 0.05 seconds before posting to say that they oppose bad things happening to people.

>> No.74046805

just run his real name through a registry, you're guaranteed to find an arrest record and crimes committed against kids. happens every time.

>> No.74046884

wtf kenji lopez is a vtuber now? I love his cooking

>> No.74046922

You know it's bad when the dramafags are unironically holding a SEAtard who made his entire career over being /here/ holding the same retarded opinion as every other dramafag here.

Sure, if you remove the context of her joking about the rape of highschool girls and her going in detail about how much she likes little boys, then she's just like Holomembers! Nice to see that parrot roach indirectly reveal that he thinks going against Hololive is bad publicity so all drama about Holo gets ignored

>> No.74047067

he made rape jokes about Diddy, he's got no room to get offended. Someone should ask what his daddy or his uncle was doing at Freaknik.

>> No.74047155

The joke and the hentai tag are what make her like Hololive. It's literally everything else about her that distances her.

>> No.74047463

the only thing he's offended by is her blocking him. The litany of sins is just stuff that sounds bad when described and not even clipped.

>> No.74047485

KEK I thought this the first time I saw the name too

>> No.74047591

The difference is he was put into the situation by someone else making the joke and the joke has the implication that rape is bad. Meanwhile Sayu made two different jokes about the rape of highschool girls. One essentially saying the girl deserved to be raped for being hot. The other joke being her deliberately trying to get her character raped. They are not the same. False equivalences are all you sayufaggots can do

>> No.74047736

You're right, they are different. One was fiction and one was irl events based on real rape.

>> No.74047842

I mean if you really want to offend him call him the stepin fetchit of vtubers

>> No.74047932

Except Kenji's joke wasn't about Diddy, it was him playing Roblox with his friend and some random came in and terrorized them which they made a joke out of. Lying isn't good for your argument

>> No.74048038

Hi Kenji

>> No.74048408
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Oh he doxxed Sayu? Yeah alright lynch him. She's a bit of a faggot but nog+hypocrite is instant death. There, I'm done.

>> No.74048417

Kenji was literally playing off of the guy who made the Diddy joke, what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.74048448

>picked the most falseflag-looking post to illustrate "4chan bad therefore sayu bad" even
lol what a nigger
I'm curious to see if any actually recognizable name will try and hit sayu in favor of this faggot

>> No.74048568

I mean he does know the majority of vtubers came from 4chan right?

>> No.74048647

No, his friend made a Diddy joke. He didn't. He was playing off the random. Guilt by association is retarded

>> No.74048760

I wonder how many more faggots will say he doxxed Sayu when he only read off chat and called them creepy for knowing so much about her. If you need to lie to defend someone, it doesn't look very good for you

>> No.74048868

Did he instantly ban anyone talking about it and tell his chat to cut that shit out?

>> No.74048893

Lol, you managed to find your way from twitter to defend him, kenjifag? Good for you.

>> No.74049009

I don't think many people are buying into this "It was a joke about rape which implied it was bad so it's not a rape joke" thing. The punchline of the joke is "I'm being raped!" with an added "lol this is just like that time Diddy raped someone", it's not some highbrow witty retort of current events you disingenuous faggot.
>The difference is he was put into the situation by someone else making the joke
Which he played along with, laughed at, clipped and turned into a twitter video. Yeah, sounds like he thought it was hilarious if you ask me. But you know, keep trying sister, you'll figure out a good defense for this hypocritical dramafaggot eventually.

>> No.74049060

he's bottom of the barrel twitch trash, anon

>> No.74049107

>when he only read off chat and called them creepy for knowing so much about her
>used his own channel to promote all this information nonetheless

Did you get this dumb as you grew older or were you born stupid?

>> No.74049125

His friend made a Diddy joke and he played into it by acting as if the random was molesting him you fucking retard. He added to the joke just as much as his friend or the random did.

>> No.74049166

How the fuck would he know it's a doxx if he barely knows anything about her and what she posted online? He told off his chat and now you also want him to mass ban everyone talking about her having kids despite him not even knowing she was doxxed? What a retarded argument. Sayu knew he got doxxed and still said he deserved it

>> No.74049169

They grow up so fast don't they, Anon? Brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.74049279

I don't care about Sayu
I hate this guy because he's an effeminate manbaby

>> No.74049365

Yes. If you start posting dox of any vtuber in any other vtubers chat you will be instantly and permanently banned. The topic and the context were extremely obvious. Unless he's really as dumb as the nigger he's larping as he would know. Fuck off sis.

>> No.74049414

So you are saying he's innocent cause he's fucking dumb? Or because you are pretending he is this dumb just to paint him as innocent?

>> No.74049496

The joke was made because the random started to act like he was molesting Kenji. Not the other way around , you retarded ape. If you faggots can't tell the difference between a joke about murder and a "That boy deserved to get murdered" joke, you're a lost cause

>> No.74049543

Not it Libel because is is in text unless he talk about it on stream making it Slander

>> No.74049627

And if it was an ACTUAL scummy joke that offended his morals he would have reacted that way instead of continuing it, you inbred monkey.

>> No.74049636

Wow doxxing someone's kids is something very low

>> No.74049715

He didn't post a doxx, you retard. He read out a comment talking about her having kids and told off his chat for being creepy. He didn't even know she was doxxed, faggot. The world doesn't revolve around your spiteful whore , stop twisting stories so your menhera always did no wrong

>> No.74049722

It was slander. He made a full ass video on it and it got over 500k views over 10 months. He only took it down because he was terrified of Selen's drama blowing back on him.

>> No.74049817

You’re right, they are different. Kenji was making light of and making fun of real sexual assault whereas Zaion joked about a character and situation that isn’t real. I wonder what Diddy’s victims would think of Kenji’s joke.

>> No.74049848

>oh it was just my chat it's not MY fault I read it out fucking loud, praised them for it, and then made a FUCKING VIDEO ABOUT IT AND COLLECTED MONEY FROM IT FOR A FULL YEAR.

The man is fucking scum and needs to be removed from the internet permanently.

>> No.74049851

But it wasn't a scummy joke. It was a reference to a celebrity being a rapist and not someone joking about how rape is justified. Can you read?

>> No.74049943

Yes it was a joke about real people with real victims! That makes it better than an even more tame joke about a fucking fictional character! See? He's better! Because his victims are real fucking people! That makes it not as bad!

>> No.74049999

You know all it would take is someone suing him for everyone to run away

>> No.74050006
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1691373938705771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being intentionally retarded? His chat was posting the dox, how did you not understand that from my post? Just as retarded as he is, you fucking faggot. Maybe he really couldn't figure out what they were talking about if he's half as stupid as his fans.

>> No.74050020

Except Kenji never talked about Diddy. His friend did and it was only a reference to Diddy being a rapist, not someone justifying Diddy being a rapist. Unlike Zaion's joke

>> No.74050100
File: 384 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240419-202429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh he's got like every major & minor indie chuba in his mentions. We gonna cancel all of them?

>> No.74050149

It feel like bot replies

>> No.74050173 [DELETED] 

I want this nigger and Sayu to do a battle to the death.
Hopefully they kill each other and stop spreading cancer in an already cancerous hobby.

>> No.74050219

not surprised, all of those people are scum

>> No.74050260

His chat wasn't posting a doxx either, you brain rotted baboon. They only talked about her having children, they didn't link the doxx in his chat. He called them creepy for knowing and that's that. Why the fuck would he assume they know about that because she was doxxed and not because she said it?

>> No.74050263

If fate has decided that it's time for the purge, then the purge must happen.

>> No.74050364

I at least used to like Shylily. I'll be actually sad if we gotta cancel her ass too.

>> No.74050478

Ive been meaning to ask since I saw a clip of him acting like a schizo but what is his appeal other than loud = funny?
Is it just twitch nigger being wacky?
How does he know nothing about anime shit yet he is a vtuber, who the fuck is his audience

>> No.74050548
File: 42 KB, 909x556, Kenjiplus Youtube Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timeline of Event with some source

Around 2 Years ago : Kenji Doxx by friends (Twitter/SunKenjiVT) https://x.com/SunKenjiVT/status/1780612290590765506
Mar 10, 2023 : Termination of Zaion LanZa (Nijisanji_World) https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1634147534795841536
Mar 11, 2023 : This Vtuber Likes Little Boys… (Kenji+) https://web.archive.org/web/20230818195024/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NWea8WHo1g

Unknown Timeframe: Doxx and Harrashment of Sayu Sincronisity/Former Zaion LanZa

Jan 29 - Feb 5, 2023 : Video takedown, views 500k+ (Socialblade/Kenji+) https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/kenjivods/monthly
Feb 5, 2023 : Termination of Selen Tatsuki https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1754459182412222481

Correct or add more context to this if there's more info

>> No.74050553

Well how about the fact that it's entirely fucking wrong, and yet he STILL felt the need to make an entire video pointing his retarded monkey fanbase to harass her, refusing to take it down until he actually felt threatened?
He's a psychopathic subhuman who's only bringing his own bullshit up to farm pity clout 2 fucking years later, and a full year after doing it to somebody else.

>> No.74050557

Shut up nigger, I'm not canceling anybody. I'm just calling out the trash like I see it.

>> No.74050607

>Tame joke
>The joke: "Damn, no wonder you got raped. I'm gonna head over here so I can get raped too
>The actual offensive joke that Kenji didn't even make
>The joke: "This reminds me of what Diddy did "

Yup. The victims sure are offended and traumatized by someone referencing that a famous rapist is a rapist. You gonna go after people for bill Cosby jokes too? Cause all the jokes are about him being a shit person and not how it was justified that he raped attractive women

>> No.74050765

It kinda sounds like he became a Niji orbiter & decided to suck some clout off of Vox's rancid cock. Only thing that makes sense with what we know. It'd also explain why he randomly decided to go hard on Zaion Lanza after her termination.

>> No.74050872

Woah, it's almost like hypocrites are fine with being hypocrites as long as they're not in the firing line of harassment.

Thanks for going mask off, you disgusting ape.

>> No.74050907

He thought the joke was funny enough to post it on his twitter
Also, why does he not call out the friend who made the joke? Is it okay to make rape jokes if you are Kenkin's friend?

>> No.74050939

So you're arguing he doxxed her but also that he didn't because the comment he was reading was wrong? KEK
The video never encouraged anyone to harass her and was only talking about her drama. If you feel like that points retards to harass people, why don't you go after Sayu for doing the same shit to Niji members, ex members or for collaborating with dramafags who do that for a living?

>> No.74050971

>Zen is on the side of a doxxer
>he has done nothing wrong

>> No.74050992

>deletes after the selen shock

>> No.74051016 [DELETED] 

Worse than that, they're supporting niggers.

>> No.74051025

>___'s fans are the reason ___ is still big. ___ would be nothing if not for their fans. the day ___'s fans gets bored of them is the day that they're done
very nice generic statement you got there.

>> No.74051070

Twitter seems to be turning against him a bit, I am seeing a LOT of different threads pointing out the p diddy clip and calling him a massive hypocrite. Dumbass literally just had it all blow up in his face. and only his fans are defending him now. When falseeyed, khyo, Rev, and the gator lawyer cover this guy he is gonna be smoked. God help him if asmongold or mutahar cover him

>> No.74051118

Zaion never justified being a rapist, she didn’t even finish her joke you tard

>> No.74051117

I know your working memory only lasts for about 12 seconds, but it still doesn't erase all of the clips and the video itself, nor does it change reality. Especially since as soon as he got called out, he threatened to do it again.

I'd absofucking LOVE to see him try.

>> No.74051121

It's almost like the joke wasn't an attempt to justify rape and was only a reference to a celebrity getting exposed. Is saying "This is like slavery" the same as saying "Slavery wasn't that bad"?

>> No.74051259

The retard slowly gets closer and closer to self awareness.
Just a few more steps.

>> No.74051269

>Least delusional Kenjicuck
The mental gymnastics you're pulling are actually insane. you'd give nijiniggers a run for their money

>> No.74051300
File: 81 KB, 720x460, Screenshot_20240419_225115_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc his fans are all tourists they dont know huge hololive vtubers KEK

>> No.74051397

Are you seriously defending that subhuman? He knew what he's doing, the clips were out of context, he didn't ban anybody for posting RM info or didn't take down a video until it became dangerous to be openly nijisister. Fuck him and his every dicksucker, he deserves everything he gets.

>> No.74051415

Unironically yes, anon. Comparing something which likely is not as bad as slavery to slavery is indeed downplaying how bad slavery was and is.

>> No.74051438

>While looking at the rape victim's battered body
>"Damn, no wonder she was raped"
>While being chased by the rapist
>"I feel like I'd be more likely to get raped in here"
Then she proceeds to go in the direction of the rapist. It doesn't matter if she didn't finish her joke because what she was trying to say was obvious. Your friend making a reference to a serial killer isn't the same as you condoning murder

>> No.74051466

>most people don't
my fucking sides
these people

>> No.74051603

giggling about rape is A OK

>> No.74051622

Are you a genuine Twitter addict? Someone usually is comparing something to slavery because slavery is bad. Saying "Slavery wasn't that bad" shows you don't think slavery is bad.

>> No.74051662

>his fans don't know big vtubers
>his fans don't know what shotacon means
>his fans don't know 4chan

Its like trying to argue with a wild animal

>> No.74051686

>most people don't know gura
Which one of you posted this?

>> No.74051778

Are you gonna be ok?

>> No.74051787

yeah? it's called a joke, what is wrong with you bitches

>> No.74051843

If your friend gets offended by one joke about a serial killer and puts out a smearing hit piece on them for it, but then expects you to laugh off HIS joke about a serial killer, he might be a hypocrite you slimy fuck.

>> No.74051844

This will blow over by tomorrow unless he keeps shoveling shit

>> No.74051848
File: 1.11 MB, 1079x1693, Screenshot_20240419-202600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfr still being a bitch to Sayu even a year after doxxing her, tho she's also a clout-chasing dumbass for still tweeting about him.

Twitch was a mistake,

>> No.74051850

>Once Sayu's band of dramafags get their fan base to harass Jenni, it's over for him
Anyone would be able to differentiate someone saying rape was justifiable if someone was hot enough and Kenji being larp molested by a random on Roblox

>> No.74051871

this retard flying a trinidad flag, wonder if he's in one of the child kidnapping gangs that's been the cause of very recent civil war or just some larping nigger that claims to be from the region.

>> No.74051875

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>still trying to convince people that she finished the joke

>> No.74051886

Okay anon riddle me this, we’re going to do a thought exercise. Let’s say theoretically Sayu makes a joke about kidnapping shotas in her basement. Kenji, on the other hand, jokes in response to someone talking about Epstein island with a joke about little girls. Which joke is morally worse off here, the one about anime boys that don’t exist or the one about a real world event with real world consequences and victims? Don’t hurt yourself thinking.

>> No.74051950

Gatekeep your hobby
Kill all nijis
Kill all vshojos
Who is vox
I know nothing about Niji since it's for women
So he is a homo?
Or just normal women fanbase.

>> No.74051972
File: 111 KB, 1080x747, _20240420_032850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the fanbase we're dealing with

>> No.74051981

Twitch whores are scum nothing new.

>> No.74052012

Yeah, and I'm pretty fucking sure being larp molested is far, far worse than a one-off dark joke that she regretted and apologized for later.
Meanwhile, instead of apologizing to the victims, he felt it necessary to tweet it out himself for clout.
What a fucking joke. He deserves far, far worse than he's getting right now. I hope he keeps digging himself deeper until he gets chased off the internet forever.

>> No.74052061

Death to dramafags, this clout-chasing faggot deserves all the bad things that might happen in his life.

>> No.74052128

Those kids, all me. あの子供たちが全て私です

>> No.74052145

Anon if someone compares, say, streaming 9 hours a day to slavery then yes it downplays what the fuck slavery was. I personally don’t care what anyone thinks or says about slavery but you have to be braindead to not realize that your stance is retarded. I know you’re a fan of Kenji thus not actually interested in vtubing but there was indeed a vtuber that compared the job to slavery not all that long ago.

>> No.74052223

>Most people don't
Fubuki and Marine are in that fucking picture for reference

>> No.74052280
File: 39 KB, 720x233, Screenshot_20240419_230424_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt this the faggot voice actor who went on a tirade about persona games being in highschool

>> No.74052303

As is Gura.

>> No.74052307

>If I create a scenario where nothing that actually happened occurred, is he wrong?

A random came into the room and started pretending that he was molesting Kenji. His friend said "This reminds me of Diddy". Which is not a defense of Diddy or a joke about defending Diddy. It is a reference

Zaion said someone deserved to be raped because they were attractive referring to a game. This is an actual belief rapists have . Which joke is morally worse? Someone associating rape with a famous rapist or someone saying that rape should come as no surprise if you're attractive?

>> No.74052376

Lol of course this faggot is there farming clout

>> No.74052392

These people are literal children.. it's just weird man

>> No.74052441
File: 71 KB, 1080x375, _20240420_044032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74052474

>Zaion said someone deserved to be raped because they were attractive referring to a game.
You can keep repeating this lie but it won't make it true.

>> No.74052490

That's pretty funny.
>the realization that most zoomers don't know what 4chan is
It's crazy how much smaller the internet was that most people online had at least heard of 4chan back in the day.

>> No.74052508

Why is everything outside of Hololive so fucking shit? It's all drama, faggots, brown third worlders and Twitter virtue signaling.

>> No.74052524

>Zaion said someone deserved to be raped
No she didn’t.

>> No.74052543

>One off
She made the same joke twice. He didn't make the joke, why should he apologize and why should his friend have to apologize for associating rape with a rapist? Should people also apologize to Jews when they compare someone to Hitler?

>> No.74052616

None, both are trying to make a content out of rape joke. If you think any of it is wrong, then kindly fuck off to twitter. Only thing morally wrong here is him being a hypocrite because he's the one crying about the other.

>> No.74052714

>rape is LE BAD

>> No.74052747

She literally was zooming in on the rape victim's unconscious body and said "damn, no wonder she was rap-" . Doesn't take a genius to know what she was gonna say. She also said "I'd be more likely to get raped in here" then went in the direction of the rapist meaning she wanted to see her character be raped. Now answer the question

>> No.74052793 [DELETED] 

which one

>> No.74052806

thank you. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.74052810

This is the worst defense I've ever heard.
This dense crybully started screaming and pretending he was being raped.

If you were actually raped, would you rather hear someone screaming and pretending to be in your actual fucking position so that people could fucking laugh at your trauma?

Jesus fucking christ. Listen to yourself.

>> No.74052892 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, situation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn thing ate my pic

>> No.74052915

If we were consistent with the faggot ass moral standards you're referencing, yes, potentially they would have to apologize for making light of Hitler wtf are you going on about

>> No.74052983

>Doesn't take a genius to know what she was gonna say.
Apparently, it does if you're getting confused by what she said.

>> No.74053039 [DELETED] 

>the rape tunnel rats are somehow good people
typical tricks, schlomo?

>> No.74053046

KEK Parrot you beautiful fucker. Also stop following me, I'm still hiding from the feds.

>> No.74053052

>unconscious body
this dude doesn’t even know what he’s arguing against

>> No.74053118

>Anti loli grifter
So no one of any quality or importance

>> No.74053126

What a retarded argument. Should there be no rape scenes in movies anymore then? The rape was portrayed as a bad thing in his joke. Zaion's joke presented an actual defense of rape most rapists have. Would you rather someone make a joke where they treat rape as a traumatizing event or would you rather someone look a rape victim's tits in a video game and say she deserved to be raped for having such big tits?

>> No.74053130

Kenjifriends you're wasting your time arguing about the morality of rape jokes on 4chan

It's twitter you're gonna have to try and convince

>> No.74053180

>black guy vtubing as a white guy

>> No.74053207

I genuinely hope both you and that faggot die of cancer.

>> No.74053229

You didn't even see the clip.

>> No.74053265

>zaion's joke is worse because in my fanfiction, she had the mentality of a rapist
>kenji's joke about acting out a fucking rape for the sake of twitter and then posting it on twitter because he was so proud of his "humor" is ok because

>> No.74053282

It's a nigger anon... It literally is a wild animal

>> No.74053292

I did.

>> No.74053293

>Zaion said someone deserved to be raped because they were attractive referring to a game. This is an actual belief rapists have .
it was a video game character, with your logic I wonder how many non offending murderers we have in our society

>> No.74053326

Then stop making stuff up.

>> No.74053358

If you did you would know the character was undressing and not unconscious you tard

>> No.74053386

That's a good thing though

>> No.74053437

The character wasn't naked or unconscious you virtue signaling vermin.

>> No.74053489
File: 48 KB, 640x480, sddefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I heard about this guy he was getting roasted for making fun of that one thai vtuber whose concert was leaked on tiktok, he got a lot of big indies defending him back then too. I don't really get it, he does bottom of the barrel react content for a horde of dribbling normalfags and isn't above mocking other vtubers for it, literally what's the appeal of this kind of guy?

>> No.74053495

didn't he also voice one of the characters????
and wtf imagine if persona was boring adult life shit

>> No.74053518

Holy false equivalence. In a horror game where the villain is a murderer, saying "my character is a whore so she deserves to get killed" is entirely different from you just playing COD.

>> No.74053534
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>> No.74053535

I jsut assume vtubers are dumb and just automatically side with the perceived victim by default

>> No.74053572

He's part black so they must support him or else he will play the race card and his troglodyte fans will call them racist

>> No.74053585

It was an example, you faggots

>> No.74053621

It's twitter. The only thing its good for anymore is radicalizing white boys & watching Leftists devour their own for scraps of clout.

>> No.74053649

are you telling me you never killed an innocent civilian when playing gta?

>> No.74053666

Why's he wearing digital whiteface?

>> No.74053665

He should marry Quinn, they're unironically made for each other and eve hate the same people.

>> No.74053689

>Pedophilia is LE BAD
>Rape is LE BAD
Woe is me

>> No.74053728 [DELETED] 

>niggerIQ and going lower
Every Limbo boy and girl
All around the Limbo world
Gonna do the Limbo rock
All around the Limbo clock

>> No.74053733

Yeah, an example of you trying to twist what actually happened to suit your gay narrative that paints Zaion as an evil rapist

>> No.74053741

Who is this? Buy an add faggot.

>> No.74053747

We don't need examples. We have what fucking happened.
Kenji acted out a fucking rape scene to make fun of and let people laugh at the victims and was so proud of it that he posted it HIMSELF to twitter.
Meanwhile Sayu made a single unfinished line and then apologized profusely for it, never making anything similar again.
While Kenji threatened to REDOX her because she said she wasn't sorry that he got a taste of his own fucking medicine.
How the fuck are you on his side? Are you ACTUALLY 12?

>> No.74053799

What do you mean in my fanfic? Zaion literally said the words "damn, no wonder she was raped". Kenji acted out getting molested because a random put him in the situation and treated it like a traumatic event. He never even implied rape was justifiable. Is making a joke about PTSD the equivalent to saying people who PSTD deserved it?

>> No.74053816

I like loli.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.74053836
File: 157 KB, 720x764, Screenshot_20240419_232235_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ignoring drama and posting clips of her vacation

>> No.74053841

>his fans can barely write coherent english

>> No.74053843

It's a game, not reality. Your fictional scenarios do not represent any real moral values. And if you can't tell reality from fiction, find help.

>> No.74053892

Yes and I did not say "society would be better off with more mass shootings like this" while doing it

>> No.74053925

>I'll just make shit up and claim it's an example if I'm called out
lmao, you're a little bitch

>> No.74053946

>White man larping as a black man
>Black man larping as a white man
A match made in heaven

>> No.74054003

Good for her.

>> No.74054015
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>> No.74054053

Okay, let's go back to reality, then. We have two creators making content using a rape joke. One of them gets offended and cries about the other. Which one is worse?

>> No.74054054

If you hang around "black twitter" or any zogged normie space online you'll see that this is what normies watch normally, they want react slop and someone that's half black making shit up and there purely for the drama dopamine, it's the reason why you can't argue with any of them, they're only there because they want something to fight about
Nothing is sacred because you're talking to brain dead addicts, they want to brun someone at the stake and scroll

>> No.74054061

>Kenji acted out getting molested
There. You can stop right there.
This is inexcusable. He's actively turning somebody else's real trauma into "content" by having people LAUGH at their situation.
Real fucking people you heartless psychopath. If he had half of a human heart in that bug-riddled vacuum he calls a body he would have realized that what he did was wrong and immediately apologized like Zaion did.
But no, instead he fucking laughs about it, YOU defend it, and then he threatens to do WORSE shit in the future.

>> No.74054073

He always pulls the they called me nigger card and run towards black twitter for defense. Same thing happened during the dacapo drama where he found the one person who called him a nigger and tried to make it about being called that instead of him and his fans attacking dacapo.

>> No.74054095

What victims, you autist? He acted out getting molested and treated it like a bad thing. Sayu didn't just make one rape joke. She made two in the same stream where she acts like she's in support of rape and apologized for it once. Kenji never doxxed her in the first place, you retarded fat monkey.

>> No.74054121

Damn, it's a dark day when this drama-obsessed idiot legit looks like the smartest person in the room.

Enjoy the vacation tho Sayu.

>> No.74054134

That's a vtuber and she has content. She doesn't talk that, why does she type like that?

>> No.74054156

Sayu is being so classy about it I can't help but smile

>> No.74054180


>> No.74054241

Laughing at a scene about rape victim, even if fictional, is arguably worse than saying good looking women attract rapists.

>> No.74054264

Because she's a cameleon, and right now she feels the clapback so she starts talking like the retards around to get help from them after being called out for saying hololive isn't relevant in the west

>> No.74054265

So are actors bad for acting out rape scenes? What real person did he mock? Who's trauma was it? When did he justify a reason to rape someone and say he wants to see a rape scene play out? You want me to ignore context or something?

>> No.74054284

>He acted out getting molested
In what world is this okay? Acting out somebody's trauma so that people can laugh at it? Do you not realize how fucking stupid you're being right now?

>> No.74054301

>if he made two jokes apologized and got punished for it he would be the bad guy!!!!!!!
Haven't you got enough (you)s faggot?

>> No.74054366

Laughing at a drop the soap joke doesn't make your worse than someone who thinks people deserve to be raped. Sayu did both btw

>> No.74054370

kenji, you're a nigger

>> No.74054382

You're so, SO close to self awareness. C'mon! Just rub those two braincells together and maybe you'll understand why people hate this slimy fuck!

>> No.74054448

What real person did she mock? If I play your game, he was mocking actual victims' behavior. Isn't that worse?

>> No.74054454

Sayufags are not people. If you don't answer the question, it's assumed you can't answer it at all

>> No.74054467

That faggot is still cancer. One good action doesn't fix him being a dramafag seafag.

>> No.74054489

rape is funny

>> No.74054497

>le funny purposely shitty looking model bros haha such funne joke lol!!!!!

>> No.74054517

i literally do not care if the whole world advocates for eating shit, im not eating shit. the opinion of online content creators, whose income depends on having a positive image is worth less than the shit i just took

>> No.74054554

>ummm actually kenji's rape joke is ok because he treated it as a bad thing!!
>he's laughing the entire time he makes the joke

>> No.74054581

NTA but you are embarrassing yourself with how stupid you're acting lmao

>> No.74054642

He didn't mock anyone is the point, you dumb fuck. He acted out a joke where he gets molested and runs away crying which isn't mocking anyone. Sayu made a joke where the joke is that attractive women deserved to be raped and that she is interested in seeing the potential rape scene of a highschool girl. Pretty different contexts

>> No.74054646

You got it backwards. Her joke was equvalent of "if you drop a soap,... ". He was far closer to mocking victims by exaggerating, clipping and laughing at the scene.

>> No.74054689
File: 824 KB, 1080x1682, sketch-1713578032590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the sort of person you're talking to to be fair

>> No.74054730

You keep acting under the assumption that sayu thinks rape victims deserve it, even though she didn't finish the joke almost as if she's aware it's a really dark joke to make

but needless to say you're the only one operating under said assumption because you're a disingenious faggot

>> No.74054743

Kenji you are black. I would side with a pig before defending you. Stop posting in this thread and go hang yourself already.

>> No.74054751

im sorry to say, but this is the natural state of content creators. hololive is different solely because they are so strict with the talents

>> No.74054763

>he thinks 4chan is full of sayu fans.
Is this like the sisters thinking anybody who hates Nijisanji must watch Doki?

>> No.74054812

the duality of man

>> No.74054827

Walled garden policy is good.

>> No.74054831

>Drop a single comment letting everyone know Kenji is a piece of shit
>He rages and completely flips shit but you're none the wiser because he's blocked
>"I'm having a great time :) <3"
Holy based

>> No.74054855

Kpop fan on twitter KEK

>> No.74054859

>Sayu makes two posts
>one to remind people that the fag crying about doxing was reveling in her dox
>the other to clarify he still didn't deserve, just that he deserved to be called out at the time
>Kenji has five or six tweets crying about it
I don't know kenji fags he seems like the bigger pussy to me.

>> No.74054871
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1699511232927408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half black
>Half SEA

>> No.74054906

How about you rewatch the clip again?
He acted out a victim getting raped and LAUGHED at it continuously. Then he felt so excited that he clipped and uploaded it on the internet so everyone else could laugh at the rape victim too!
And of course he never apologized or even considered that this might not be a good thing to do.

>> No.74054916

Explain how Sayu saying that attractive people deserve to be raped is closer to a drop the soap joke and not Kenji running away to get away from a molester. How is saying"no wonder she was raped" less offensive to rape victims than someone acting out themselves running away from a molester?

>> No.74054949

male vtubers shouldn't exist

>> No.74054964

These retards don't understand most of this place don't care about Sayu they just hate their fucking kind.

>> No.74054980

>He acted out a joke where he gets molested
Sounds like he shouldn't be clutching his pearls about people making rape jokes then? Especially if they apologize while he didn't

>> No.74054995

No she didn't. She never said anything about it being deserved or that she wants to see rape.

Do you remember what scenes used to have "trigger warning" all around on Twitter? Scenes like Kenji did. That should tell you what is considered worse, if anything.

>> No.74055022

doesn't it feel great when your dislike of people is validated hard later

>> No.74055026

Because a 2 minute clip acting out a rape scene is far more likely to trigger PTSD in real rape victims. The fuck are you on? Do you not even know WHY people don't like rape jokes?

>> No.74055070

>makes a funny voice
>that's what you sound like
Can you answer how this isn't mocking to the person you do it to?

>> No.74055071

>most intelligent kenji fan

>> No.74055091


>> No.74055095

Your fanfiction is not reality.

>> No.74055108

Still whiter than your average sayu fan

>> No.74055128

What rape victim, you schizophrenic? He was laughing at the situation, not at rape victims. Like I said, should actors be forced to apologize for acting out rape scenes?

>> No.74055236

The clips prove you wrong

>> No.74055300

you guys are R N followed by F words

>> No.74055324

What's a bigger trigger? The equivalent of a drop the soap joke or someone justifying rape if the victim is attractive enough?

>> No.74055338

>a joke where he gets molested and runs away crying which isn't mocking anyone

>> No.74055339

The same clip where the girl was unconscious? kek

>> No.74055341

Oh wow, more unironic racism from 4chan.
Don't know why you guys try to pretend otherwise.

>> No.74055372

>What rape victim, you schizophrenic?
The actual people raped by P Diddy that he was referencing, and any potential viewers who were ACTUALLY raped who might end up getting fucked emotionally by him making light of their situations for the sake of fucking twitter likes.
Now who was the rape victim in Zaion's joke? You've almost got it. I know you can figure it out.

>> No.74055379

Are rape victims not part of a rape, now? Can they not feel reminded of the incident if they are not threatened directly? Are you fine with people laughing at rape scenes?

You seem pretty confused.

>> No.74055446
File: 132 KB, 1070x501, Screenshot_20240420-033342~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let my nigga knuckles hear about dat fo real

>> No.74055485
File: 3.79 MB, 498x366, 1682422792039665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys try to pretend otherwise
We don't.

>> No.74055497

>Like I said, should actors be forced to apologize for acting out rape scenes?
Do actors normally post clips of rape scenes they acted in with added laughter, indicating that they think it's a joke?

>> No.74055516

Way to avoid the question. What of the two clips would have the warning attached? Don't run away and give us the answer, faggot.

>> No.74055519


>> No.74055521

It's the screaming, running, and crying that's more triggering, retard.
Have you never actually comforted a real victim? No fucking wonder you're acting like such a sociopath.

>> No.74055527

And somehow Sayu saying "Wow, look at that body. No wonder she was raped" isn't extremely offensive to rape victims? Kenji portrayed being molested in his joke as being traumatic and shocking. Zaion portrayed it as justified.

>> No.74055557


>> No.74055566

Are you fags seriously gonna continue to reply to that dude. All of them even if they did manage to type 4chan into their browser would put a dot com after it.

>> No.74055584

Can you dramafags keep hololive out of your little jerk off session? Fuck off and kill yourselves.

>> No.74055641

The clip is still up, moron. "traumatic" my ass. He's laughing the whole fucking time. Not only that, he never even considered apologizing the way Zaion did after her joke. Instead he doubled down and threatened to harass her AGAIN.

>> No.74055669

Should we link his Twitter and see how traumatized and shocked reaction his clip got?

>> No.74055681

It’s probably Kenji himself kek

>> No.74055695

You're a retard, he never talked about P.Diddy. And P.diddy was referenced as a shit person
Then you should also be trying to cancel Family Guy or The Simpsons for making rape jokes

>> No.74055707
File: 78 KB, 340x455, 1708232328909219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing about rape jokes

>> No.74055740


>> No.74055829

The point is that rape jokes are not deserving of being canceled. He deserves to be shat on for being hypocrite, pity farming scum

>> No.74055885

Can you suck it?

>> No.74055899

Because he never said anything close to "people deserve to be raped" and the joke was about someone acting like they were molested on Roblox. Even in the joke, the molestation is portrayed as bad. What's worse?
>This is as bad as 9/11
>America deserved 9/11 lol

>> No.74055951

When did Sayu say anyone deserve to be raped?

>> No.74055962


>> No.74055969

We're not. We're also not trying to cancel Zaion for making a joke that she apologized later.

Some people ARE however fucking pissed that Kenji made a fucking hit piece on an innocent woman and called her a fucking child rapist in a viral video and never fucking apologized or retracted his statements, instead doubling down and threatening to do them AGAIN when called out for his hypocrisy.

>> No.74056027

The second statement is true.

>> No.74056041

>Then you should also be trying to cancel Family Guy or The Simpsons for making rape jokes
Kenji is the one who claimed rape jokes were a problem before he made one. That's why he's a hypocrite.

>> No.74056053

arguing about rape jokes is retarded.
they both made a rape joke, and as the opinion is of twitter drooling monkeys, the offense is determined by the person who finds it. it doesnt matter if the person intended offense or not.
what DOES matter is that only one of these two is a hypocritical nigger who complains about rape jokes while making them. why? because he doesnt actually care about the offense of rape jokes, he just saw a chance to farm clout by going "omg did you see what sayu said?!!!?!?! shes so bad!!!"

>> No.74056097

When she said "no wonder she was raped" meaning she believes the rape was the victim's fault for being attractive

>> No.74056150


>> No.74056155

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.74056214
File: 88 KB, 500x500, 1708186718112907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is good. Rape is based.

>> No.74056269
File: 894 KB, 640x360, rape[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgu9de4.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74056286

>"no wonder she was raped"
>i can see why the offender would choose to rape her, shes very attractive
>this is somehow equal to "the woman deserved to be raped and was literally asking for it"
explain how your brain is making this leap of logic retard

>> No.74056312

He didn't do that. He called her a pedophile and a rape apologist. Both not unfair assumptions to make when she says " I love little boys" and "No wonder she was raped"

>> No.74056393


>> No.74056404

Yes, that's called fucking lying and slander.
Meanwhile, he made fun of actual rape victims and posted it all over twitter himself to make fun of them and you're just defending him?

>> No.74056418

Kek, you really are trying really hard now. Every sane person knows how full of shit you are.

>> No.74056426

>a joke about getting molested
>while playing a game for children
>a game infamous for being a hunting ground for predators
you managed to just make it sound worse kek

>> No.74056431

Why are you arguing with someone who's just baiting you?

>> No.74056482

Because by the same logic, woman should actively try to not be attractive because if someone does think they're attractive, they get raped for it. Giving any amount of blame to the rape victim is obviously bad

>> No.74056518

>He didn't make a hit piece! He just made a hit piece!
Maybe he shouldn't make hit pieces about the sorts of jokes he laughs about casually?

>> No.74056592

>Every sane person forgives the person saying "rape is justified" and harasses the person calling it out because he made a drop the soap joke once

>> No.74056596

Yeah, sure. It was so fair assumption, he even called out chibidoki on her model, enna on her pedo clip and all other vtubers, too.

You're a psychopath twisting reality to defend a subhuman. I hope you're just pretending.

>> No.74056683

but she doesnt blame the victim though

>> No.74056697

You are on 4chan retard go rape your fucking mother for all I care.

>> No.74056729

Yes because having a Loli model makes you a pedophile and showing a photo to your friends no one ever saw also makes you a pedophile. Aren't you faggots the one crying about defamation?

>> No.74056738

Nice schizo post

>> No.74056819

Kenjy I'm gonna bust a nut to some loli porn just for you tonight.

>> No.74056824

Woman should be careful what she does as it's objective reality pretty women are more likely to be noticed by rapists. That's still not blaming them, that's just unfortunate fact.

>> No.74056861

>someone makes a dark joke and apologizes
>is forgiven
>someone makes a dark joke and doesn't apologize
>instead pretends to be moral and complains about dark jokes from others
>is called a hypocrite
Perfectly sensible.

>> No.74056878

If your whore goes around dressed like a tramp she deserves to get raped. It's common sense.

>> No.74056923

Laughing at a joke about dementia isn't the same as laughing at a joke where someone suffers because of dementia and the person says "they deserved it"

>> No.74056975

Let me make it simple for you
>Only faggots get offended by rape jokes
>faggots who get offended by rape jokes who themselves make rape jokes are double faggots
>We have someone who started a rape joke but didn't finish it, that makes her a pussy
>And Here we have a faggot who gets offended by rape jokes but makes rape jokes, he is a double faggot

>> No.74056985

>Laughing at a joke about dementia isn't the same as laughing at a joke about dementia

>> No.74057138

>Oh, grandpa forgot where the bucket was. Silly old man
>Grandpa deserved his dementia cause he's a piece of shit begging for his mind to rot. If he didn't want dementia, why didn't he just kill himself years ago?

Which is worse?

>> No.74057139
File: 320 KB, 596x666, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro this is getting wild, this aint related to the doxxing but got damn are they on EACH OTHERS DICKS

>> No.74057201

Does chibi not like her model? Does Enna not have a picture of unrelated child on her phone? Does she not like the picture? If not anything else, she's breaking the law by sharing private pictures without approval. He's a coward for dogpilling on a girl that got fired and doxxed in the most unfair way. Guess it was easier to shit on her than nijiscum and his Twitter whore friends.

>> No.74057317

The thing that actually happened, not the thing you made up in your head.

>> No.74057339

>doxxes her
>Why you blocked me I dindunuffin wrong.

>> No.74057382

>But muh Niji
It's fucking obvious the parade coming out to defend her are only doing it to push an agenda. We never saw Enna's photo so we can't speak on what it is. Chibi has a Loli model but that doesn't mean she's a pedophile. Getting fired from Niji doesn't make you a saint

>> No.74057445

So you're not answering the question? I accept your concession

>> No.74057460

>push an agenda
Yes. I don't want you retards near my hobbies. I thought it was pretty obvious.

>> No.74057547

The very existence of that photo on your phone would get you fired in most civilized countries. Privacy laws exists, you know. Only one pushing agenda here are Kenjisisters pretending that rape joke is somehow different from rape joke.

>> No.74057561

fking ignoring everything, kenji schizo on every post retweeting about her has her rent free in his head

while sayu just wanted to get her 2 cents in a bad fucking situation of doxxing

both idiots for this
doxxing still shit and kenji or sayu dont need that garbage

>> No.74057600

>Which is worse?
The one made by a hypocrite who never apologized, obviously.

>> No.74057618

See >>74056286

>> No.74057640

So who's the photo of if you know so much about it?

>> No.74057689

Watch the clip.

>> No.74057694

Nothing to do with the question. You said dementia jokes are equally bad because it's a joke about dementia. Now answer the question

>> No.74057724

The first one. Now you try

>durr, where am I? Do have dementia? LMAO
>no wonder he has dem- Sorry, I shouldn't joke about that

Which is worse?

>> No.74057754

I did. Where's the name? Where's the photo? Is it a real person? Was she in it? You don't know? Then shut up

>> No.74057787

Keep avoiding the reality. Maybe one day you will understand.

>> No.74057825

We dont know but the reaction of the others seemed like it was some illegal shit

>> No.74057841

>The first one.
Retarded or stubborn? Which one are you?
The second one because the speaker said someone deserves dementia. She also didn't say "sorry I shouldn't joke about that". Sayufags are delirious

>> No.74057845

/here/ opinion has always been "niji bad, holo good, therefore anyone that supports niji bad", so no kenji does not hold the same opinion as everyone here

>> No.74057850

It literally starts with "child I worked with". You have no clue what I'm talking about, do you?

>> No.74057916

She did. You can read it on Twitter.

>> No.74057957

>The second one because the speaker said someone deserves dementia.
Where does it say that? The word deserves doesn't appear anywhere in that post.
>She also didn't say
She who? I didn't specify the sex of either speaker. Stop avoiding the question anon.

>> No.74057966

And is this child real or a set up to get them to look at a photo for a joke? You don't know? Then shut up

>> No.74058026

She was drunk and said she liked children. There was no joke and nobody laughed.

>> No.74058027

Yes she did. It's still up, you disingenuous, pedophilic rape apologist.

>> No.74058089

>No wonder he got dementia
>No wonder he got assaulted
>No wonder he got fired

Even ESLs know this term means that they deserved what happened to them. You're being deliberately retarded

>> No.74058156

She actually only said "anyways" after that and started talking about something else. She absolutely never apologized in the same clip. Faggot is trying to rewrite reality

>> No.74058234

Lol, lmao. "Deserved" means "deserved" , "no wonder" doesn't mean "deserved". No wonder you're rape apologist if you don't even know what's being said.

>> No.74058248

>Somebody hit him with a brick? No wonder he got dementia
>He was walking through a bad neighborhood? No wonder he got assaulted
>His boss hates him? No wonder he got fired
None of these even remotely imply that somebody deserved what happened. It's merely an observation.

Anything else is your deliberate efforts to assume malicious intent behind an edgy joke. And as long as we're assuming intent, then Kenji is still worse.

>> No.74058261

>She absolutely never apologized in the same clip.


Wow, so you never actually followed up? You didn't see the countless apologies she made after the fact and how she's dedicated to never make such a mistake again?
I fucking hate that man and the shitty community he fostered. Anyone under 18 should be banned from watching on Twitch, as well.

>> No.74058315

More of a blatant rewrite. She asked if they wanted to see photos she had, took an entire minute to find a photo, started laughing and then said "this one". No one knows what the photo is. You can stop pretending

>> No.74058381

Weak. First reply was telling you about Twitter apology. You picked the reply that you could twist to fit your narrative. You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.74058432

>I'm not saying she deserved to get raped. I'm just saying she probably got raped because she dresses like a stripper

Yeah, that's still someone saying it's their fault that it happened, you retard. Who the fuck blames someone for getting assaulted?

>> No.74058441

We can all watch the clip. Nina ran away from there faster than she joined vshojo.

>> No.74058504

English reps, please for the love of god...

>> No.74058518

No it's not, learn English.

>> No.74058519

>Faggot is trying to rewrite reality
Oh, you mean like >>74057138
What part of the Sayu clip had her call someone a piece of shit?
What part of the clips stated that somebody should have killed
What part of the clip explicitly said it was deserved?

You disingenuous faggot

>> No.74058680

>Who the fuck blames someone for getting assaulted?
You're the only one doing that, since apparently you keep interpreting it exactly that way even when people have explained to you otherwise.

>> No.74058700

>You're ESL if you don't take words to the most charitable interpretation
Yeah, someone saying "you wouldn't have gotten robbed and raped if you didn't go alone at night" is blaming you for the event. They don't need to say "That's what you get lol" to get the point across. Like how Sayu didn't need to say "he deserved it" for people to know she thinks he deserves being doxxed

>> No.74058746


>> No.74058801

Nope. Learn English.

>> No.74058819

>>You're ESL if you don't take words to the most charitable interpretation
You don't have any trouble giving a charitable interpretation to the other rape joke being discussed

>> No.74058900


>> No.74059166

Kenjisisters and double standards go hand in hand at this point. Their nigger can get away with murder if it happened right in front of them

>> No.74059172

>God help him if asmongold or mutahar
God I hate that this statement is true. Vtubers getting closer and closer to being mainstream has been the worst thing possible

>> No.74059295
File: 708 KB, 817x484, image_2024-04-20_004931582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Front and center??????

>> No.74059355

sex with loli Ui

>> No.74059522


>> No.74059566

What charitable interpretation? You mean not blaming someone for what someone else said?

>> No.74059595

wheres the doxx then?
