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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73951660 No.73951660 [Reply] [Original]

Zako In Space Edition

/999/ - Henya the Genius, from Vshojo

/voms/ - VOMS Project, and former members
- Hikasa Tomoshika (TMSK): https://www.youtube.com/@tomoshikahikasa
- Haneuzu Miuneru: https://www.youtube.com/@Miuneru
- Daimonji Ryugon (DMJ): https://www.youtube.com/@ryugondaimonji
- Zengaku Sanparo: https://www.youtube.com/@Sanparo_Z
- Uemine Noruju: https://www.youtube.com/@UemineNoruju
- Michimata Batoya: https://www.youtube.com/@Batoya_

- Ebosi (Formerly Jitomi Monoe): https://www.youtube.com/@ebosi
- Amano Pikamee Archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCajhBT4nMrg3DLS-bLL2RCg

>> No.73951715
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Oh no

>> No.73952000

Which game is it?

>> No.73952194


>> No.73952350

Henya is my oshi!

>> No.73952559

Stinky loves Mochi chan

>> No.73952841

>sisyphus game again
Suffering dayo

>> No.73952996

What the fuck shintoism

>> No.73953160

the next time you bake put back the
/vsj/ tag in related. my filters are missing this thread.

>> No.73953253
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>> No.73953301

>He doesn't have /999/ automatically on the top of catalog
Skill issue dayo

>> No.73953525

Just add another filter with 999.

>> No.73953531

henya hoping Zen rage quits

>> No.73953561

So cute when she smugly says "good"

>> No.73953585

henya using chat for her evil plans

>> No.73953589

now she's attempting psychological warfare

>> No.73953695

>it's another "revisiting shit game because Zen made it into a competition" episode
I don't hate Zen but I do hate the faggots that keep making these ragebait games.

>> No.73953756

Henya loves them so shit luck

>> No.73953897

Henya and Rumi chan watching 50 shades

>> No.73953907

Watching BDSM porn with Henya

>> No.73954428

>pettan doko?!

>> No.73954720

Henya you retard, you do this to yourself

>> No.73954970

how did she forget how to play the game in 2 days?

>> No.73954987

Cute retard, pls understand

>> No.73955196

just play another game you ducking masochist retard

>> No.73955720

My favorite part is when Henya says "dayo"! It's so cute!

>> No.73956260

>vshojo gave henya a translator for Koe-san's interview just so she understood everything

>> No.73956520
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>> No.73956564

clip she's talking about

>> No.73956616

I really don't know why this particular OP is so autistic about leaving it out. it's a relevant thing to have there to make it show in the catalogue.

>> No.73956686

This OP who bakes is autistic about not wanting it in there.
But you're also equally as autistic for not fucking adding /999/ to your filter

>> No.73956824

it's like everyone in this thread is autistic. yes, I included myself, too.

>> No.73958137

Henya trying to call speedrunners autistic in a friendly way.

>> No.73959336

she ain't wrong...

>> No.73959494


>> No.73959663


>> No.73960320

Haven't heard this level of anger in a while. Something about this game has kept her going since she dropped the climbing game, which is another rage game.
Love every time she starts going NEEEEEE~

>> No.73960712

Henya is so bad at that geyser part.
She probably lost 4 hours there last time.

>> No.73961118

There she goes at the same part again...

>> No.73961378

I'm guessing it's because games like this and Only Up are simple to control, but climbing game is a QWOP-like

>> No.73963007
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>> No.73963954

Henya is going to collab with Mint!

>> No.73964335

Real? I'm not able to watch atm

>> No.73964460

Real, not tonight or anything but she says she's trying to get her an invite to the VShojo minecraft server

>> No.73964468

Not right now, but she said they were talking and she asked Vshojo to invite her to the minecraft server.

>> No.73964675
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>> No.73964700

she must be recording something really special if it got her to go outside

>> No.73964994

I'll watch the vod later but gimme a TL;DW of what happened

>> No.73965205

she didn't say anything else
just that she's been going outside to record

>> No.73966602

>Gets to the geyser
>immediately sent back like 6 stages

>> No.73968924

She just said that she's almost finished with them.

>> No.73969947

>rage quit

>> No.73969986

She uninstalled it... Or so she claims.

>> No.73971967
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>> No.73974789
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See you tomorrow hentais

>> No.73975498
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See ya anon!

>> No.73978814
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Peanut my love

>> No.73980646

I believe her
>she misses it and reinstalls it later

>> No.73981646

post the toot!

>> No.73983113
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>> No.73985001

based tootposter

>> No.73990152


>> No.73991991

There was a thread up the entire time? No idea what the op changed but it doesn't show up anymore the way I set my shit up.
Guess I'll bump so I can atleast post about Henya tomorrow.

>> No.73992608

is the highlight filter I use for this thread (4chanX, subject)

>> No.73994473

Thanks anon.

>> No.73995784
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>> No.73997722


>> No.73998817

bait thread anon, I know you're fucking /here/, bump this thread instead of being a faggot of the highest order

>> No.73999744

the bait threads are still going?

>> No.74000619

It's peak autism at this point. There is a new one every single fucking day.
