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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73874555 No.73874555 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up

Previous: >> 73768409

>> No.73874742

>page 3
>no posts

>> No.73874765

Sorry the last thread died so I made a new one since no one else was and messed up the link

>> No.73875995


>> No.73876319

Most of those aren’t wasps don’t post your hit list here schizo

>> No.73877082
File: 65 KB, 533x104, 1713240136673657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real /wasp/ies

>> No.73877797

What if I streamed baby making with a male

>> No.73877855

not real /wasp/ies they are whores that lied

>> No.73879099


>> No.73879100

be the change

>> No.73879278

Should I brand myself as a mentally ill dangerous bpd menhera or being so direct is not marketable?

>> No.73879853

That you Mel?

>> No.73880419

Two males can't make a baby, you silly.

>> No.73880510 [DELETED] 

ria johan baby making collab

>> No.73881241

How much time until you devaluate and dump me?

>> No.73884144


>> No.73887654
File: 397 KB, 593x704, 1695897327831234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some good laughs today

>> No.73887878

I thought you were done with Vtubing, Mel?

>> No.73887925

You can show it subtly with aesthetics but please stream soon! There is never too many chuubas to use and abuse me! It feels so good until they get tired of me...

>> No.73889956


>> No.73891122

Which one offers the GFE?

>> No.73893044

I love cute bpd girls! If only there were more of them...

>> No.73893821

They can if one is an omega

>> No.73893885


>> No.73895105


>> No.73896128

i don't have twitter but i want to see some of the results out of curiosity

>> No.73897467

Aleda vods doko

>> No.73898280


>> No.73899009

I forgot about him. What is he planning for today?

>> No.73901149

buzz b uzz

>> No.73904253


>> No.73906177


>> No.73909455

whats the problem with collabing with males, again?

>> No.73912913


>> No.73913851

>33 posts in 12 hours
did the schizos left for asp already?

>> No.73914021

don't collab with guys

>> No.73914472

the last one...

>> No.73915763


>> No.73918074


>> No.73919437

They will graduate first before this thread dies

>> No.73921330


>> No.73922420


>> No.73922675

This is just pathetic at this point.

>> No.73922680


>> No.73924197

The only way I'll activate participate in the thread is if someone starts making porn of all the girls.

>> No.73924396

Good thread bros

>> No.73924624


>> No.73925498

It's unironically healing

>> No.73925611

In your dreams tranny

>> No.73925699

Shut up boytuber

>> No.73925972

She's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.73926491

She absolutely is but not that way

>> No.73927539


>> No.73928537

yea but he will

>> No.73928702

Reminder that I'll pay any waspie except mel to brap on stream, just post when you'll be doing it

>> No.73929599

the main schizo graduated years ago
probably tried again since but failed and realized despite his self grandiose delusions he is a boring person

>> No.73930348


>> No.73932595

good morning

>> No.73933602

good morning

>> No.73934005

Gorg morglin bros
is the thread finally usable again?
Can we go back to talking about cute girls?

>> No.73934892

Kill yourself vtuber sexpest
No one here will follow you, no one will raid you, no one will collab with you. You should just kill yourself now to skip to the end of your sad man vtuber story.

>> No.73934948

what a weird thing to be mindbroken about

>> No.73935207

Holofags are raiding the thread because they want to groom their own girl for future holobegging.

>> No.73935348

Pittiecord and Elliotcord will eventually tire out

>> No.73935820


>> No.73935869


>> No.73936038

Viewer that dropped the thread and chuubas after the Dicksword fiasco, did everyone actually leave?

>> No.73936152

nobody who watches streams stopped watching streams
most people just left while the phase connect fans have their little melty all day every day

>> No.73936209

i havent seen links being posted apart from aleda

>> No.73936571

the girls are streaming and getting subs and the groomers moved to each chuuba discord so there's nothing going right now

>> No.73937156

Why so you want to ruin the thread?

>> No.73937364

Dumb whores got groomed by their groomers and left the thread. The thread calls out groomers which is why they dont use it anymore.

>> No.73937976

There are somethings that are need to happen before wasp can properly function as a thread:

1- There are a couple of newfriends schizos who didnt come from /wvt/ and cant really handle their excitement at a prospect of a /here/ chuuba.
These people need to get used to the idea that women actually use this site and calm the fuck down, maybe by debuting as vtubers themselves, and for that they have to start going to /asp/, and realize they can be schizos there too, or just by returning to their own threads. This might happen in the next couple of months. For this, the thread has to remain slow so they start migrating either back home or to other places.

2- Older men in /asp/ need to graduate and leave the site in favor of a discord, and be replaced by new people, ones that would take gender split as a given and wont see the thread as enemy that needs to be destroyed for the sake of their own careers. This will probably take about a year. For this, the only thing needed is for it to stay alive, even shit ops and a thread full of bumps will do, the only important part is that the idea survives long and newcomers see it as a thing that was always there.

3- New girls need to arrive who don't already have a network of contacts and need this particular thread for answers. /asp/ follows a boom and bust cycle depending or not on them having an active, easy to enter public or semi public discord. Logic demands this thread also follows the same rules: the current girls dont need us for answers if they can just ask each other. We need new girls to arrive now that we are back to square one. It is unknown how long this process will take and might not happen again, this depends if the streamer bubble finally burst or not.

So as it stands the thread needs to hibernate for a bit. If you have better things to do I would recommend just going to other places right now and check in every few months until conditions 1 and 2 are fulfilled, and then try again. If not, you can accelerate the process by just posting normally and ignoring the schizos.

>> No.73938044

try again in another month

>> No.73938112

i left after the /fasp/ to /wasp/ rebranding
it was obvious that things were gonna get hostile just by knowing what wasps do to beehives

>> No.73938239

tl;dr schizo

>> No.73938295

Schizo ramblings

>> No.73938351

>i left
and yet you are still here
what other lies have you been telling

>> No.73938455

Streams still happening. People just kinda fucked off because Mel Nekomata keeps shitting up small spaces trying to scam people. She's debuting a new reincarnation so she's currently shilling herself in wasp, the discords.

>> No.73938521

>discords GOOD
This is advanced trolling. Are you trying to kill the thread or just gather girls up in one place so you can get them to raid and crab before you leak it again?

>> No.73938559

It's Mel Nekomata making "advice" after destroying it.

>> No.73938583

I haven’t seen Mel around in a few days so maybe she learned her lesson

>> No.73938624

Never mind what I said then

>> No.73938646

Can't let your guard down.

>> No.73938684

Elfinpsyop is Mel Nekomata and she's still streaming.

>> No.73938741

She's just been focusing in the discords and other threads since this thread is dead. This is why you'll occasionally see her off "advice" like this:

>> No.73938759

The thread tells the truth and calls them out for being dumb whores. They are all failing and flopping after using discord, they wont listen to this thread because we're too honest.

>> No.73938988

I pretty much dropped everyone involved and /asp/ies who seem to be influenced by /asp/cord

I will still give the tourists a chance

>> No.73939071

>discord good
thats not what the post said at all. Did you read it?

>> No.73939343

More girls for me *evil laughter*

>> No.73939397

Dumb whores need wasp and they hate it

>> No.73940487


>> No.73940972

she posted the other day about getting a job at target so if thats true shell likely be reincarnating after getting money from her new job since she lost her previous job that she started in october after "graduating" as a chuuba but mel is a known liar so she likely put on a red shirt and made a fake name tag to pretend she has a job at target and is just mooching off her parents https://twitter.com/Fuwa_kyo/status/1781011058628391360

>> No.73941077

Schizoposter is back posting about Mel's personal account I see

>> No.73941085

>tweet posted 4 minutes ago

Jesus christ you are in love with her. Just get out of this thread and make your own general.

>> No.73941091

Open twitchtracker and check by yourself, people who want to see their oshis grow will never tell you if they are declining.

>> No.73941147

i am not in love with her im keeping tabs on her because she has hurt so many people and i want to make sure people arent hurt again

>> No.73941219

You are an obsessive stalker that wants to hurt and harass a girl that wants nothing to do with you.
Kill yourself.

>> No.73941226

That anon is likely the SEAnigger who made the YouTube video with all of Mel's and her parents info so don't give him the time of day. Mel is a shitty person but I don't know if she's done anything worth doxxing over, feel free to provide me with anything she's done worthy of that but I haven't seen anything.

>> No.73941301

oh so you think its fine to just leave her be so she can keep scamming and hurting others? why dont you message her and give her your money then since you want to simp for a roastie hag then. youre acting like shes some innocent girl but shes a manipulative cunt who has broken the law multiple times now and acively goes out of her way to hurt others like elfin by claiming shes elfin and damanging elfins brand and business.

>> No.73941413

hi Mel we can tell you're making these posts

>> No.73941471

She clearly has given up and retired, you are the only one who wants to keep supporting her and to keep her streaming because then you have a boogeyman to go after.
We do not care about this person at all and it has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.73941559

why would i want to support her? ive never given her money ive never subscribed ive never followed and never will. you do care about this person and you should care about this person because shes been shitting up the threads and is even pretending to be a trans woman as marilou who went into elfs and pitties discord servers and then got banned from both those discord servers when they found out it was mel trying to get elfs idol oilers.

>> No.73941624 [DELETED] 

It is morally correct to stalk, harass, attack and doxx Mel Nekomata. If you ever see Mel Nekomata you must attack her and hope you end her life.

>> No.73941789

It's just Mel self-posting.

>> No.73941949

>She clearly has given up and retired
>you have a boogeyman
Literally only you say this, Mel.

>> No.73941959

She's been perma banned for over half a year now and had her friends help her block the site so she can't even see it anymore cause she said it was hurting her mentally. Not supporting her, not believing her just saying what she has told us and shown.

>> No.73942057

all mention of mel nekomata should be banned from 4chan to be honest shes no longer a vtuber or content creator of any kind and even when she was she made nothing of value and did nothing of value yet her infamous legacy continues to shit up this thread and site

>> No.73942163

It's literally just one schizo in love with her and is obsessed about supporting her, which is why he keeps shilling her and calling other people mel.

>> No.73942360

It is mel
I guess this proves
Is Mel too

>> No.73942497

Keep up the good work protecting us anon

>> No.73942516

>She's been perma banned for over half a year now
>Believing a known liar
>Totally not Mel deflecting
>:Literally caught self-posting here
>Got proven as such with the waspie discord leaks

>> No.73942920

name a male chuuba

>> No.73943168


>> No.73943435

Yeah, Mel isn't slick.
Yep, added to the archive since it was obvious she'd self-post then delete within an hour, like always.

>> No.73944756


>> No.73946156

starting soon

>> No.73946445

Is neru nade?

>> No.73946534

She redebuted to take advantage of new simps and pedo /jidf/ oilers that were looking for new targets but brought her biggest groomer simps from nade with her too.

>> No.73946596

She unlolified herself and then reincarnated to a loli? What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.73946650

A fucking downgrade, that's what it is.
She's a grifter.

>> No.73946745

Vtubing is a hobby, its okay to have fun.

>> No.73946780

her mic setup fucking hurts there's no way is a reincarnation

>> No.73947075

I forgot wasp is literally worse than wvt... Nice samefag there...

>> No.73947073

stop listening to thread shiters

>> No.73947438

Should've listened to her voice before asking. It's obviously her.

>> No.73947491

yea he makes it super fucking obvious too

>> No.73947779

I’m only the first one and wandered off to see what you were talking about in the linked thread.

>> No.73947861

You are a talking to local retard, don't mind him.

>> No.73949408


>> No.73951347


>> No.73953620

bzz bzz

>> No.73955902

*stings you*

>> No.73956981

You girls are so fucking retarded, I love you so much.

>> No.73957031

Kill yourself boy vtuber

>> No.73957288

I think UWOSLAB would make a good /wasp/ since they don't do male collabs

>> No.73957639

Well I'm a boy, but not a vtuber.

>> No.73958517

I'm not Mel, but I'm very much into accidentally farting on stream and having chat berate and scold me for it

>> No.73961493


>> No.73961597


>> No.73963935

I'm ready

>> No.73966582

Mama Ubume back at it again. I'm playing Inscryption tonight. Backseat gaming is highly welcome. You can catch the stream @ www.twitch.tv/MamaUbume and I'm starting at 9:30 PM.

>> No.73966854

How long until the NTR switch you were planning?

>> No.73966891

ok finally a good game

>> No.73967494
File: 436 KB, 1832x1114, 1693127493488769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR switch

>> No.73969580


>> No.73972282


>> No.73974436


>> No.73976286


>> No.73977871

goblin hag making potions https://www.twitch.tv/gobbcubus

>> No.73977939

Not a /wasp/ie lumifag.

>> No.73977946

Not wasp faggot
