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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.14 MB, 1127x683, 1701012280584246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73951367 No.73951367 [Reply] [Original]

Step aside, Vox. NijiEN has a new king.

>> No.73951416

>American convention
>black guy sells out
what do americans mean by this?

>> No.73951502

Is Vanta one of the good ones? All these secondary and yabless Nijimales are a blur to me.

>> No.73951601

There are no bad ones, they're all good.

>> No.73951689

There are no good ones, they're all bad.

>> No.73951736

There are no males in nijisanji

>> No.73951821


>> No.73951946

Doppio is the one I keep seeing being brought up when people talk about the 'good ones' but I've never seen anything explicitly bad about this one either.

>> No.73952003

Are you surprised? That event is in Seattle and not in Shenzhen.

>> No.73952031

Every once in a while he'll say something on twitter that'll make some palestine trannies mad, but that's about it

>> No.73952066

He’s a gay black guy

>> No.73952162

I haven't seen much of him, but he seems like an okay dude?
All I know is that his Detroit: Become Human playthrough was kino because of how hard he mocked its lack of subtlety.

>> No.73952232

He's better than the rest at avoiding drama and always on point with his kayfabe. Literally the opposite of Vox

>> No.73952293

>One of us will always tell the truth while the other only lies

>> No.73952315

Who's the least good?
Who's the least bad?

>> No.73952345

He defends Nijisanji so he's bad, unga bunga.

>> No.73952580

Selen defended Nijisanji, up until she disappeared last year.

>> No.73952644

Hasn't done anything specifically bad but at the end of the day he's still a male vtuber and probably should not exist.

>> No.73952710

That's just Twitter though. It's a breeding ground for arguments just for the sake of user engagement.

>> No.73952855

>folded to xitter kids twice over mcdonalds
>one of the good ones

>> No.73952988


>> No.73953122

>right winger trump believer magaist

>> No.73953334
File: 256 KB, 391x459, vanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's the least good?
Hex, the animal abuser.
Plenty of allegations of misdeeds against various others, but his is the only one which has been publicly confirmed (by himself, no less)

>> No.73953433

once you go black, you won't go back

>> No.73953717

Idk someone took Enna's virginity and he's one of the suspects

>> No.73953800
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Vanta had a Mike Myers moment there

>> No.73953857
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Alban, Doppio, Fulgur, Vanta are the "good ones" among guys.

gay vtubers captcha

>> No.73953957


>> No.73954219

>one actually streams
>the other ghosts his mentally ill fans for months

>> No.73954323

>Plays souls games and is pretty good at them
>Doesn't do any kind of bfe shit
>Refuses to flirt with any of his female coworkers no matter how hard they try to force it
>Not afraid to argue with his chat or show emotions at the risk of scaring off females
He's pretty good.

>> No.73954358

He’s the guy who wants to eat Mcdonald but xitter says no and he folds. I will say definitely better than Vox but give him time and he will pander with that mentality.

>> No.73954382

In terms of "Good ones" Doppio and Vanta are basically the ones who haven't done anything to warrant people flipping their shit over. Mostly because Doppio is so far into his chunni boi role that Half the time no one knows if he's playing it up or he's actually dumb. Vanta is just chill all around

>> No.73954401

>>Refuses to flirt with any of his female coworkers no matter how hard they try to force it
Oh yeah doesnt both Reimu and Enna try to flirt with him all the time

>> No.73954448
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>> No.73954477

Yeah and he just totally ignores them its kinda sad how hard it is to be a normal non-sexpest dude in NijiEN because how disgusting some of the women are.

>> No.73954597

The only problem I see is that he acknowledged and apologized to them, which gives them encouragement to go after the other livers for eating mcdonalds and starbucks because they got results with him

>> No.73954751

has bandage done anything wrong besides his pre-debut twitter?

>> No.73954887

You know what, I'm ok with this. Vanta's chill.

>> No.73954918

Hard to blame him for folding to insane fans considering company he's in.

>> No.73954950

I truly believe that Ethryia tanked the reputation of NijiEN way more than Nijimales or anything else.

>> No.73955018

Anon he's been around for almost a year. How much more time will it take?

>> No.73955155

As long as 1 of them folds to politics all are forced to follow suit because otherwise it looks like they're clashing with each other and we can't have that in the niji family. So blame whoever kneeled first.

>> No.73955161

Being named Bandage.

>> No.73955274

Has Bandage done anything at all?

>> No.73955301

Males are obviously bad but Ethyria are the ones responsible for shit in the atmosphere of Nijisanji from Hololive sidegrade to the toxic normalfag mess. Luxiem exploded in popularity for sure but many of them were actually quite lost on what to do when they started out. I believe if Ethyria didn't exist and they only had Lazusydia senpai to rely on, they would be a lot less insufferable. Instead Ethyria and males both exacerbated each others worst aspects.

>> No.73955604

Aside from folding to Twittards about eating on McDonald's, he's pretty cool.

>> No.73955655

>Refuses to flirt with any of his female coworkers
Okay I have to admit he's a smart fella
I guess that's one of the main reasons why his meet up got sold out

>> No.73955978

His non-committal "whoops, I forgot, sorry" strat might actually be the best option since they would have had a shitfit if he said nothing.

>> No.73956320
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He fujobaits with the other boys in his gen. He's off limits for brotubers.

>> No.73956601

>Vox tickets went live 3 hours ago
>Vanta's tickets went live days ago
I hate niji but come on this is a stretch

>> No.73956663

Vanta sold out almost instantly

>> No.73956942

Vox used to sell out in 5 minutes, he's unironically washed up. And Vanta is the only one among who has sold out.

>> No.73957172
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>> No.73957222

Vanta sold out within minutes, retard

>> No.73959010

>Altare sold out in 15mins
>Axel sold out in 63mins
>Flayon sold out in 20mins
>Bettel sold out in 2 mins
>Hakka sold out in 3mins
>Shinri sold out in 5mins
>the only NijiEN that sold out was Vanta in 4mins
So is Vanta the only NijiEN with fans in the United States?

>> No.73959108

Fulgur has one timeslot sold out at least

>> No.73959192


>> No.73959581

Yagoo you know which one to save once niji collapses

>> No.73959665

How the mighty have fallen. Milord is getting btfo'd by literal niggers now?

>> No.73959766

>Anime con
Why? Vtubers aren't anime, they're streamers with anime avatars. This has always confused me. Just make a vtuber con.

>> No.73959895

Imagine having to sit and hear one of your genmates just go off on the most insane sociopathic tangents you've ever heard and have to ignore it because your Corpo is already under scrutiny

>> No.73960116

So is this why Reimu switched over to sucking Vanta's dick over Vox

>> No.73960178

>Why? Vtubers aren't scripted anime, they're live anime. I am easily confused. Be more like DashCon.

>> No.73960240

>Homostars tickets are $85 per ticket for 3mins while they have a 1 hour timeslot and you're limited to 1 ticket per person
>NijiHomo tickets are $50 per ticket for 1min while they have a 1.5 hour timeslot but you can buy up to 3 tickets per person
>So Niji lets you buy up to 3 tickets for 3mins with a talent for $150
What the fuck is this?

>> No.73960416

Did you fuck >>73951689's wife?>>73951689
Did>>73951601 fuck your wife?

>> No.73961986

What the fuck is wrong with Vox's face? He looks extra weird now.

>> No.73962607


>> No.73962886

He's squinting so he'll blend in on bilibili

>> No.73962897

He's French.

>> No.73962904

Can anyone do the page inspect thing to find out their initial and remaining stock? Didn't Vanta have 1/4 as many as Luxiem?

>> No.73962944

Reimu's harem

>> No.73963331

Vanta had 1 timeslot to Luxiem and Noctyx's 2 timeslots.

>> No.73963422

I wonder how popular holostars is compared to niji males? Almost as if they have different ticket amounts for different talents.

>> No.73964016

Stars have 2 timeslots for 1hr each and their tickets are for 3min meet and greets. So 20 tickets per timeslot or 40 tickets total.

Niji has 2 timeslots for 1.5hr each (Krisis has only 1 timeslot) and their tickets are for 1min, so 90 tickets per timeslot or 180 tickets total.

That's a ratio of 4.5. So to outsell the fastest Stars (Bettel with 2mins), NijiEN needs to sell out within 9mins. To outsell the slowest Stars (Axel with 63mins), NijiEN needs to sell out within 4 hours and 43mins. Only Vanta has sold out and all but Luca have had their tickets available for longer than 5 hours.

>> No.73964126

>being a kikelover

>> No.73964228

His stupid masculinity race with kyo made vox throwing away his kichiku bishonen looks
It was such a dumb thing to lose fans over...

>> No.73964348

Do you mean trannies, leftists, palestinians or trannies from palestine?

>> No.73964674

Trannies in Palestine are thrown off buildings so he probably means the trannies in the west who for some reason support people who would stone them to death.

>> No.73965135

Many arabs in western countries are inexplicably degens but nationalist for their homelands.

>> No.73966244

Nobody likes the extremely dogmatic subset of their communities except the other extremists.
Christian fundies, islamist extremists and reddit atheists are all hated by the rest of their much more moderate majority

>> No.73967135

trying to milk the maximum amount of money before the next financial report

>> No.73967685

McDonald's is shit food for fatties

>> No.73967821

Axel.... no....

>> No.73968228

People bring up Doppio because he's been around longer, but Vantacrow is pretty clean. Basically on his level but since he was part of Krisis when it was already clear something was wrong with Niji he gets overlooked as one of the good ones.

>> No.73968525

That’s kind of retarded, because NijiEN could’ve gotten the same amount or more that Stars sold out of in minutes but fewer and fewer people will be buying tickets as time goes on so they don’t sell out quick

>> No.73970159


>> No.73970315
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, twoweeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon he's been around for almost a year. How much more time will it take?

>> No.73970335

Looks like someone forgot about the leak

>> No.73970423

Can't forget Vox Acoomer crazy BFE pandering/rape asmr and his rabid fans

>> No.73970494

Probably for the WhereIsScarle thing

>> No.73970710

as long as he keeps pandering to twitter fags he will forever be a fart smella

>> No.73970938


>> No.73971088

selen was also flirting with vox and ike everytime they collabs together but yeah its all ethyria's girls fault. only rosemi, scarle, aia and kotoka is professional with their male collab partners.

>> No.73971180

Hi Millie.

>> No.73971457

You're fucking retarded Holostars slurper for still caring about that leak.

>> No.73971532
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>selen flirting

>> No.73971693
File: 148 KB, 1024x1019, 1702306261393843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sissified insecure white boy lost his audience to Vanta's superior melanated warrior genes. Like pottery.

>> No.73971845

He would sell out if it was in China.

>> No.73971850

Based Nijinig threadwatcher

>> No.73971969


>> No.73972072

Yeah no you're retarded. She's a brotuber. Bros make gay jokes about sucking each other's dicks all the time.

>> No.73972143

This is your evidence of flirting? Lmao, are you autistic?

>> No.73972190

>click bait titles
>not even the whole thing
see >>73971850

>> No.73972212

Are you retarded?, post Ethyria if you want actual flirting lmao.

>> No.73972396
File: 9 KB, 408x87, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73972699


>We've been fucking, Vox!

>> No.73972781

Again, I have to repeat my queation: are you autistic?

>> No.73973025

Lmao this tranny... she was talking about fucking the enemy team since they were getting stomped

>> No.73973100

As autistic as you'd have to be to think Ethryia flirts with Luxiem

>> No.73973174

True, she did it with Kyo

>> No.73973490

The only ones I can think of which seems obvious is Reimu mysteriously showing up in Vox's part of London or whatever, and Mysta/Mika. I stopped watching Enna once Kyo came out so fuck if I know what they did.

>> No.73973748
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Sisters certainly seem to believe it.

>> No.73973941

oh man I might go to this now to see the possible chaos lmao

>> No.73974025
File: 406 KB, 542x641, kingofen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggoons will never have the intimate and friendly conversations like milord and selen had with each other kek. unlike we kindreds, our liege did asmr videos for us. also he regularly mogs vanta's ccv when he was streaming early this year and you can beat your ass milord is going to smash vanta again when he returns with his new outfit reveal stream, you will be in complete awe as milord showcases to you faggoons and dramafaggots why he is still relevant and comparing him to vanta is nothing but a cute joke.

>> No.73974254

Needs to be even more ESL to properly imitate sisters and work as bait.

>> No.73974264

hey man my little brother died earlier today can you please delete this post

>> No.73974272

lmao, he got mogged by both Selen and Pomu (even Elira sometimes) after sperging about the Reimu situation

>> No.73974400
File: 270 KB, 1434x1775, I enjoy your company Dragoon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvpwba4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73975472

>only vanta sold out
what happened in niji land?
why sisters didnt support the boys?

>> No.73976888

sisters only care about anycolor and its stock, not the organs
it's a culture driven from the very top of management

>> No.73978268

The best nijiEN guys are the amazing 500 lb man and faked his own death kun, that's the best you get

>> No.73979863

Vox only ever appealed to Chinks and SEA sisters. Turns out being EN and cultivating a western audience has people in the west actually care about you.

>> No.73980620
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Nijisanji EN is healing...

>> No.73982589

>once you go black
>no one wants you back
FTFY, as demonstrated by whores that do interracial taking financial hits and huge paycuts after.

>> No.73983317

There was no purpose in posting the whole thing as the only person who sold out is still the only one

>> No.73983823

well he did essentially tell them to fuck off

>> No.73984604


>> No.73988949

Bussiness with chinks comes at a price

>> No.73989103

i mean he's better than Vox i guess

>> No.73990111

Why are Kindred like this?

>> No.73993711

Vox is falling off hard.

>> No.73995200

I'm generally not a fan of male vtuber designs, but what the fuck happened to Vox and Fungus? Like usually its just the general issue of overly complex gacha ass design. These are another level of weird.

>> No.73995226

its fun to see that unicorns are the ones buying shit on either side of vtubing
can everyone just stop being retarded and gender segregate everything

>> No.73995250

vox wanted to become a real demon and nijisanji doesnt have a branding department that says no to retarded ideas (and they dont say no to great ideas too COVER GIVE ME 4 SEASONS FAUNA)

>> No.73995311

The virgin contrarian opinion-havers.

The chad reality denier.

>> No.73996523

Vanta, keep up the good work. we need more people like you in the branch.

>> No.73996575

I wonder will Vox's new outfit bring back the sisters..

>> No.73996964

his expression was so priceless, despite the bad rigging.

>> No.73997431

>vtuber con
Yeah, it's called Offkai

>> No.73997493
File: 4 KB, 78x140, shit is fucked up[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fd792ao.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73997656

the jock (jester cock) is strong

>> No.73997709

retarded idea of a western-looking demon
LAM can’t draw ojisans.

>> No.73997802

It shows that even Luca got mogged.

>> No.73997853

There's just something about these designs that look really fucking shitty and I can't explain it

>> No.73997920

Why are they emerging from the grass like prairie dogs

>> No.73998403

They are designed to appeal to femcels

>> No.73998405

>Fulgur got so mindbroken with being a holostar reject that he is pretending to be Vesper
Why is this so funny

>> No.73998480

Get A Job VT

>> No.73998613


>> No.73998783

he's more entertaining than vox, at least. carrying his whole gen.

>> No.73998816

the only thing bad about vanta is his rigging. he's stiffer than a jpeg

>> No.73999104
File: 113 KB, 1200x748, crunchyhowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. pretending this type of entertainment isn't sexual isn't even a childish 90's business model, it's hopeless "activism" again from people who use phrases like "erasing language" and "birthing people"

>names and characters westernized as fuck compared to the girls
y'all still want white PP even after everything. LIFE FINDS A WAY.

>> No.73999175

Vox looks like he is about to rape a child ngl

>> No.73999246

Kek good one.
