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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73876645 No.73876645 [Reply] [Original]

So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent? Why does everyone just believe her and assume people were bullying her to death in Nijisanji? Have you never encountered a person with a victim complex in your lives? Have you never had an experience with someone who thought they were getting bullied just because multiple people disagreed with them? I don't know, it just seems really weird to me in a situation this opaque and ambiguous that you would agree with every narrative that makes the people you like look good and the people you dislike look bad.
>Dramafags? bad unless they're making shit up about Nijisanji
>Dunking on dramafags? Good unless it harms the narrative

Are you that eager to swallow propaganda?

>> No.73876703

I follow vtubers to masturbate, she has a lot more porn of her than the people saying she's wrong, so that makes her right.

>> No.73876728 [DELETED] 

fuck nijisanji
fuck doki bird
fuck OP
I only watch hololive

>> No.73876756

just move the fuck on and stop making this thread everyday
do you have a humiliation fetish or something?

>> No.73876766


>> No.73876809

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?

Because they're retarded and afraid to be wrong so they avoid genuine arguments. You know, like Twitter. Next

>> No.73876897

don't let this NDF thread distract from the fact the emergency 'concert' didn't fool anyone

>> No.73876940
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>> No.73876954

She's fighting against Nijisanji who is evil. That makes her the good guy of this story.

>> No.73876995

She wasn't. It's just that this kind of yab from her is completely overshadowed by Niji's complete lack of management skills, social media training and ultimately respect for their talent.
If the management were any good, this wouldn't have happened. Their response was so cartoonishly evil, so full of personal malice, that it sent 4chan into such delirium that they came up with the Great Unifying Rrat. If anyone wrote a fanfic based on these events, they would get called out for it being unrealistic.

>> No.73877030


>> No.73877035

because Niji's turnover and the way ex-livers talk about the company are far more believable than a bunch of chinks and homos on 4chan

>> No.73877051


>> No.73877090

Sister... I require stronger bait...

>> No.73877093

I am a /vt/ drone and I can explain it for you truthfully.
If it is good for hololive or bad for nijisanji, I like it.
If it is bad for hololive or good for nijisanji, I hate it.
Selen having a melty has caused an incredible amount of trouble for nijisanji's vtubers, so I like it. It's that simple.

>> No.73877100

Go back to your doxxsite sis

>> No.73877107
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>> No.73877135

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson doxxsis?

>> No.73877141

>Dramafags are evil
>Dramabaits everyday on topics that are done and dusted thinking we give a fuck about her existance
Nijisis are the biggest dramafag and are angry the hobby is not dying with Kurosanji. Fuck off back in K-pop sis, no one will miss your dementia forgetting everyday how much you get clowned.

>> No.73877243

But wnough about you falseflagging trying to give OP points, let’s talk about how you are all dramafaggots, Nijisis, and are angry people want to move over and you are insignificant losers. Go back to the doxxsite and stop being maso and come here to be humiliated with the truth everyday, your company is shit and deserves to die but Japan is too barbaric to do so.

>> No.73877266
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>> No.73877322

No matter how in the wrong she may or may not have been here, Niji handled the whole thing so badly that I am genuinely in awe. All they would have had to do is write "Hey we terminated this one because we couldn't really work with her" and leave it at that. Instead, they made themselves look bad with another three page notice and then completely lost any chance at sympathy with the black screen thing. Nothing else will ever matter as much as public perception, and they did almost everything wrong where they could.

>> No.73877345

>Ignores the amount of time she’s been proven wrong.
Dementia is a bad disease sis, get help. We all discussed it and it’s all well archieved,but you hope today is the day you are not the biggsst dramafag loser.
Try again, your company is evil and they self-reported, no matter how much you cry over it like a loser.

>> No.73877354

B-but Nijisanji told me that Selen was a bpd menhera that didnt pay artists?

>> No.73877462

Thanks for posting proof these dramafaggots will forget tomorrow because thry are too stupid to actually accept everyone moved over except their diseased brain.
Are you still getting paycard, sis? Are you spending them in used tampon that have more value then you?

>> No.73877464
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These daily ChatGPT threads sure are convincing me that Dooki is a BPD lying BPD whore who needs to be BPD stoned to BPD death.

>> No.73877643

selen was always a big head whenever she is in a collab with another liver, i remember her mocking vox's pp size and said that hers was bigger. she sounds like the type of person who loves dishing out banters but cant take it back when she got bantered back. i remember that awkward apex collab with elira where she keeps on dying because skill issues and just sulks in the background while elira was trying to cheer her up. selen was always a crybaby save me girl type, now she has evolved into a dooki turd crybaby messiah type.

>> No.73877738

Because your retarded organs decided to self report and no amount of astroturfing and shitposting will ever change this you daft retard
You negroes earn your ranks of lolcows, from organs to staff to fans


>> No.73877755
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I was still on the fence when I saw yesterday's Dokilen thread, but this one finally convinced me. I'm cancelling my Dokibird membership immediately and will now only consume Nijisanji-approved propaganda. Thanks for showing me the way.

>> No.73877862

I don't know how to tell you this. But she isn't on the list of people who worked on the MV. Multiple members also proved that management pay for their own projects so why would they be paying for Selen's shit now? They also never hired new management for commissions because everyone still has the same manager they had before

You faggots fell for a grift

>> No.73877873

I am a dramafaggot, sure, but I am not a Sister. She did go against protocol because she felt that following it would just result in her getting stonewalled and losing hard-earned money and time. Everything else was NijiEN being spiteful. Who was spiteful - the talent, the management or both, remains to be fully discovered.

>> No.73878274

you retard
yes she wasn't on the mv
no this was about niji not paying what they had to pay for another project
keep up with the sad misinformation attempts sister, nobody care about you fags pass the laughing stock potential

>> No.73878355

Holy fan fiction, Batman.

>> No.73878396

so she lied to the artist that anycolor would cover it, then finally paid up after a few months?

>> No.73878458

She's the Amber Heard, but this time people are on her side.

>> No.73878496


>> No.73878594

kyurem was always a big head whenever she is in a collab with another legendary, i remember it mocking groudon's pp size and said that its was bigger. it sounds like the type of pokemon who loves dishing out banters but cant take it back when it got bantered back. i remember that awkward vgc collab with zekrom where it keeps on dying because skill issues and just sulks in the background while zekrom was trying to cheer it up. kyurem was always a crybaby save me girl type, now it has evolved into a kyooturd-w crybaby messiah type.

>> No.73878671

Never said she wasn't. The only work she did for Selen was in 2022. No one got new managers in 2022. They don't have managers in charge of commissions, they only have managers in charge of them. Multiple members talk about paying out of pocket for covers, nothing to do with management. Luca paid Raziel for his commissions out of his own PayPal. There is no proof management was ever supposed to pay for projects. The people responsible for hiring commissioners is the member which falls under the subcontractor part of the contract

Either she's lying or she's retarded

>> No.73878674

Holy truth bomb, Robin

>> No.73878701
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>> No.73879057
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>> No.73879195

>Everyone is lying except Doki. I'm going to say Doki said something she never said and call you a retard if you don't believe me

>> No.73879470

>every single person whose paycheck does not explicitly rely on Riku Tazumi currently is lying.

>> No.73879552

I don't care about what you sisters think. I've already made up my mind and left that toxic shit heap of a company and community behind.

>> No.73879621

How many times are you going to make this thread?

>> No.73879627

honest answer: Because Nijisanji, if they were all clean, could have sued her for defamation, win and everybody would think Selen was the biggest menhera in vtubing since Mikeneko, their reputation would have been saved while she rots alone like the crazy one.
But that wasn't the case so.... yeah you can put 2 and 2 together
>B-but they don't want more drama!!!
Then riku and his inverstors must be saints because the decline is fucking real.

>> No.73881032

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
Selen was terminated due to arbitrary and differential enforcement of company rules. Her innocence was never the issue. Kurosanji's cliquish and toxic workplace environment was the issue.

>Why does everyone just believe her and assume people were bullying her to death in Nijisanji?
Because they were bullying Selen. Kurosanji admitted such in its termination notice. The blackscreen video was further confirmation.

>Have you never encountered a person with a victim complex in your lives? Have you never had an experience with someone who thought they were getting bullied just because multiple people disagreed with them?
Of course.
SJW activists fit your description.
Kurosanji EN's current employees fit your description.
Kurosanji JP's current CEO fits your description.
NDF Sisters fit your description.
People with cluster B disorders (NPD) fit your description.

>I don't know, it just seems really weird to me in a situation this opaque and ambiguous that you would agree with every narrative that makes the people you like look good and the people you dislike look bad.
Narcissistic people do it all the time. They leave paths of destruction everywhere they go, which is why it's enjoyable watching them wreck themselves.

>> No.73881135

I just want Nijisanji and all Nijishitters to die

>> No.73881319

No, that's why we believe her. Because artists and people came out saying that was a lot of bs but your selective dementia memory will forget this again thinking you will be right tomorrow.
Nijisis are the biggest dramafaggots, never forget. They will die rather than letting this go or admit they can't win with their doxxsite pagpag behaviour.

>> No.73881420

>t. my dementia mind who prefers to selectively remember history like I want
Nijisis, just go die with your company and leave people alone. Multiple artists have come out and now you are even using Raziel as proof? You are even more retarded that I though, if Raziel says the truth then management is shit and the livers are scammers.
But you are so stupid and incompetent at being human that losing means winning in your demented mind. The rope will never come fast enough to elevate mankind with your disappearance.

>> No.73881479

okay millie

>> No.73881858

Please understand, they a poor billion dolar company, paying in time to artist is hard
This just show how much Selen cared about all this
n the end it was for naught
Total Nijinigger death

>> No.73881919

It's simple, anon, and enjoy the (you)s
it doesn't actually matter what her dealing with perms and shit was.
The way Niji dealt with it in a completely unprofessional level is the problem.
The pages of the termination "note". The stream aimed and timed to try to fuck her over when she was streaming Neopets.
Also the "negligible" statement from Niji.
All of these actions unmask the entire branch as a bunch of unprofessional petty vindictive cunts and that's enough for me.

>> No.73881955

Even if she wasn't innocent, Anycolor shat the bed so violently you can't even blame her for everything bad that's happened to them.

>> No.73882103

another one of these threads. has it been 5 minutes already

>> No.73882227

You see it's funny because Niji pissed off the fans (read: paying customers) and the investors at the same time with how poorly they handled Selen's termination, and are now running a warehouse clearance sale of Selen merch in a desperate attempt to prevent quarterly revenue from dropping down to Challenger Deep levels.

>> No.73882268
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Why do these fucking threads keep getting posted lmao this isn't /pol/, Selen isn't running for president against Elira of the blue party. Why the fuck are you unironically concern shilling here to change public opinion like it's some monumental thing, just go watch your fucking vtubers and shut up. Damn.

>> No.73882313

Haven't heard of VOMS in a while. Have they really become completely irrelevant ever since Pikamee left?

>> No.73882368

Because Anycolor essentially ran a smear campaign on her to the point of openly lying that things like commissioned artists not being paid on time and the backlash they got over the song cover fiasco were all her fault. Regardless of how innocent Selen was, Riku and whatever skeleton crew he has running the EN branch collectively pulled the mask off in that moment and exposed themselves as unreliable narrators

>> No.73882473

Nijisis don't watch talents idiot. They suck tampons and hang on the doxxsite, but they have been BTFO the entirety of internet. The board gives Anonimity so they can't be traced and clowned into oblivion, so they are permanently /here/ making this worse than /pol/.
Only the end of the Niji will set the hobby free at this point, they are too mentally ill to understand they only feed dramatubers and make the drama continue while everyone and everything moved on.

>> No.73882725

why are you slandering on riku's names ? nijisanji fired zaion, selen and gundou because they was constantly breaking rules and destroying the corpo's reputation with their social media comments. riku has every right to get rid of livers that are rebellious in nature and destructive if let be. what does that say to hololive then when fagoo fired a veteran and loyal talent like yozora mel over nda leaks ? are you going to say cover is a black company now ?

>> No.73882792

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
I was notified by the CCP that she is indeed completely innocent

>> No.73882971

Less obvious Nijisis who ha no argument but being a cocksucker. Thanks for coming clowning for us like everyday, doxxsite on the left, you can go back and hang yourself, waste of life.

>> No.73883211

I'm tired of seeing the same thread grandpa

>> No.73883244

People would be 50/50 if Nijisanji didn't have track record of being bad behind the scenes, confirmed by multiple talents.
...and that's only if they only terminated her and didn't release the black stream.
by that point it seemed personal to niji.

>> No.73884659

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
I'm not. And I don't have to.
>Why does everyone just believe her and assume people were bullying her to death in Nijisanji?
The bullying was used to substantiate her claim of a hostile workplace environment. Based on the available evidence and her statements, the hostile workplace was what led to her attempt, and the bullying and harassment were contributing, provable factors to that environment. Heck, she never even said the bulk of the bullying was perpetrated by other livers. Further, she claims all these mitigating factors were motivated by mismanagement, a claim which Nijisanji kindly supported with evidence, rather than ever repudiating [No official programming for EN, ever (per riku tazumi himself); Managers realizing there's a perm issue only at the last minute with a near-finished product being delivered (per black stream screen); Not to mention the whole slew of claims by livers and ex-livers to this effect since 2022]
At the end of the day, the only thing that would change things is if Nijisanji management provided a response... not whatever the fuck stupid shit they let Elira, Vox and Ike do. And the statement is really simple: explain that you have reporting structures and a process in place. If you didn't receive any claims before public statements, that's all you say. EZCLAP, as the kids say. If you did receive them, investigate, and find no or insufficient evidence, say it, that both a) shows you taking on the responsibility for the incident and b) Provides you enough plausible deniability that you can recover your public image in days or weeks with some milquetoast promises to improve reporting and so on. Instead we got the three stooges, pushed out to deflect from the real meat of the scenario.
If she didn't commit suicide or the attempt was facetious, they have her medical records, you can't publish them, but they could definitely confirm or deny (without illegally disclosing), whether her claims match the information they received.
And that's all without getting into the implications of public statements, the differences in those public statements, applying a knowledge of Japanese corporations vs western working rights, the fact that doki didn't make a single public statement a minute before nijisanji did (and appears to be well functioning and reasoning in the way she conducted her negotiations, e.g with a lawyer in private)
At the end of the day, if the poor management of her working conditions led to a suicide attempt, that's enough of a reason for her to negotiate a separation of her contract under almost all western labor laws I'm aware of (contractor or not), and the way Nijisanji went about things was ethically, if not legally, wrong.

>> No.73884808

>>73884659 (me)
t. a friendly dragoon

>> No.73885304

Selens claim, diectly according to nijien who selfreported it, was that she was in a toxic workplace and was 'harassed by livers due to mismanagement.'

We all know nijien is a toxic work enviorment thanks to the wide collaboration on this part from every other ex-niji as well as their termination smear document.

Niji themselves then sending their talents to do the black screen stream directly against her first gaming stream back despite the clear desire to move on and refusal to name names and point fingers effectively perfectly proves the second point.
Mismanagement happens, livers go to harass her.

>> No.73886445

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
I'm not.
That's the thing, sister, even in a vacuum ignoring theory based on years of past behavior, even playing devil's advocate, even assuming Selen is a complete menhera and ignoring possible suicide attempts as things I can't verify, Anycolor put their own incompetence and vitriol on full display at every step, the likes of which should never be seen in a Vtuber agency ever again.
Selen did not disclose anything about workplace problems and start a global game of catch-the-bully, Anycolor did. Selen did not drag the conflict back into the public sphere a week after first incident, self-incriminating herself and her associates, Anycolor did. Selen didn't leak documents, Selen didn't stumble over herself and make two separate PR streams with conflicting tones, Selen did not publicly jab at anyone in particular. In fact, Selen did nothing after February but tie up the loose ends she could in good faith, move the fuck on, and get back to work.
There is rarely ever an objectively correct side to take when it comes to legal/business/workplace conflicts. But Anycolor has made it really, really difficult to not assign one, and it's ENTIRELY their fault.

>> No.73886806

at least half of these threads have to be astroturfed. someone please, Please tell me that these are paid trolls and not people who are brain-broken enough to unironically and without pay spend all of this time defending a pump and dump scheme.

>> No.73887127


>> No.73887185

some of them get paid in steam gift cards, if that helps
i'd bet most do it for free though

>> No.73887295

It's not even good astroturfing since they stick around and reveal the same repeated arguments. Sisters start screaming "you're a sister! Nijisanji BANZAI!" without understanding why they're being called a nijisister.

>> No.73887372

Don't let this retarded thread distract you from the fact that another ex-Niji member is making a debut in VShojo soon.

>> No.73887502

You could get free pass for being a schizo if it wasnt for Niji management proving in the past year(s) beyond shadow of doubt how shitty they are.

>> No.73887513


>> No.73887603

Anon, it’s been 3 months, the retard giving cards would have spent enough to fix Q4 by now for the amount of mental retardness this board has seen. I almost wish it was true but it’s more likely the board is giving them more attention that their fujo ever did. They are masochistic bitches who need correction.

>> No.73889719

Yeah, even if Selen/Doki is lying or otherwise in the wrong on everything she could be conceivably lying or otherwise in the wrong about Nijisanji still comes out of this looking worse, which in turn means that the logical thing to do is err on the side of taking Selen/Doki's word over Niji's.

>> No.73889792

Try again but in english and taking your meds.

>> No.73890779

Sis, if you had arguments, you'd be using them. Instead of doing anything and everything to avoid using actual arguments.

>but what if the situation was reversed and it was everyone else that tried to kill themselves
>but Vox said that in his opinion it wasn't bullying
>but what if the artists lied about giving perms despite them giving perms
>but what if Lily Pichu lied about giving perms despite giving perms two fucking years ago
>but what if it's completely normal and natural for Elira to get 3 times the merch than her two genmates combined and take frequent unpaid trips to Japan for "meetings with staff"

At some point it becomes a humiliation fetish.

>> No.73893217

Pattern recognition

>> No.73894138
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>Is gone for over a month
>Concerning signs from roommate accounts looking muzzled
>Is fired in parody levels of bad
>Reveals she was battling mental health and suicide attempts
>Tells her community to move on and she just wants to put the past behind her
>Ex worlplace collegaues start throwing shade, telling fans to not look for the truth and happy they'd be supported even if they murdered someone
>Create a recorded stream smearing selen/doki and release it live to overlap her first shceduled stream since returning
>Offer nothing but immediately provable lies in that stream as evidence
>Doki reiterates to not harass and move on
>Rumors circulate that nijisanji members plan on using background connections to run a grass roots smear campaign
>Various events immediately line up with what was rumored and the fanbases continue to smear doki to this day
>Such as OP
Gee I wonder which of these two sides is more trustworthy. Is it the side filled with blatant narcissists and sociopaths that have gone out of their way to destroy people before or the side that keeps telling people to cool off and move on despite having every reason on the planet to want to destroy them for what they did?

>> No.73895019

All these posts and the answer is quite obvious, she's a hoe who milks her fans and pretends to care about them but really she only cares about their money

>> No.73895699

I, for one, am excited for the next BPD meltdown. I'm wondering if the target will be Snuffy, or her parents again.

>> No.73896136

It’s correct to like drama. That and tits are all vtubers have to offer anyone who deserves to live.

>> No.73896238

lol you give money to her and she give nothing back

>> No.73896289

>why are you slandering on riku's names ?
It's not slander if it's true.
Kurosanji's reputation and stock price are in the septic tank because of Riku's mismanagement of his own company. His best talents have no artistic freedom and no support, which is why they leave (when allowed to under Kurosanji's draconian contract terms) or get fired. That approach might work in Japan but it angers EN fans. Issuing copy-wright strikes on YouTube and sending out NDF wumao fifty-sent armies to crush dissent isn't viewed favorably, either.

>nijisanji fired zaion, selen and gundou because they was constantly breaking rules and destroying the corpo's reputation with their social media comments.
Again, the firings were due to differential enforcement of those rules you mentioned. Current Kurosanji EN employees are still employees despite doing much more damage to the company, Uki Violetta (fabulous Asian-supremacist) being a perfect example. They break rules with impunity and face no harassment or retaliation.

>riku has every right to get rid of livers that are rebellious in nature and destructive if let be.
Indeed, Riku can fire his talents for any reason whatsoever, particularly if he doesn't care about labor laws in the countries in which KuroEN operates. And it's clear he doesn't care, given what happened to Selen in violation of Canadian / British Columbia laws. Unfortunately for the EN branch, Riku's team fired Selen (one of NijiEN's top earners) for releasing a music video for her fans during the Christmas holiday season. And yet they won't fire Uki for being racist or Luca for (repeatedly) sexually harassing one of his content moderators. Again, this comes down to differential enforcement of policies, which EN audiences take a dim view of.

>what does that say to hololive then when fagoo fired a veteran and loyal talent like yozora mel over nda leaks ?
Yagoo didn't try to personally destroy Yozora Mel, though. Cover's press release was of deep regret, and it's clear that Mel was part of the separation process.
Compare/contrast - Selen didn't find out about her termination until one of her friends contacted here after the fact and showed her the three-page diatribe released by KuroEN "management". KuroEN followed up with the black-screen video. Unnecessary at best, viewed as harassment-related abuse under Canadian labor laws, and (again) it backfired badly. Nijisanji's reputation is now forever tarnished in the EN sphere. Riku has nobody to blame but himself for what happened.

>are you going to say cover is a black company now ?
No, because it's clear that they aren't a black company.
Yagoo appears to have learned from his mistakes with Kiryu Coco / Kson. He allows his talents an enormous amount of artistic freedom (considering his position as a CEO of a JPN-based company, which tend to crush standout talents in favor of conformity). They reward him by using that freedom to make Hololive the most-watched v-tuber agency on the planet.

>> No.73896890

God I hate women.

>> No.73897069

I broke down everything you said to explain why your entire propaganda is wrong and weak:

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
Using "completely" to subtly require absolutism. A strong tactic to open up with to not only get others to doubt them themselves but also request more burden of proof from the other side. It's not about who is completely right but who is more right and less wrong. But this is just a statement to require her to be an absolute saint.

>Why does everyone just believe her and assume people were bullying her to death in Nijisanji?
This is just implying people believe her blindly to fit your narrative.

>Have you never encountered a person with a victim complex in your lives? Have you never had an experience with someone who thought they were getting bullied just because multiple people disagreed with them?
This is implying "something happens in the world so that must be the case for her" to fit your narrative. But there is nothing backing this up.

>I don't know, it just seems really weird to me in a situation this opaque and ambiguous that you would agree with every narrative that makes the people you like look good and the people you dislike look bad.
Another cope that just strawmans everyone you dislike as people who do it just because they like/ dislike someone.

>Dramafags? bad unless they're making shit up about Nijisanji
This is your claim that dramafags are bad. This is basically you complaining people make exceptions to your claim when it only counts as an exception if they break their own rules, not your.

>Dunking on dramafags? Good unless it harms the narrative Are you that eager to swallow propaganda?
Basically more baseless claim like above. Just because you will like / dislike a certain person irregardless on everything they do does not mean people will do the same. There is nothing wrong with liking and disliking different things they say. There is no proof of this hidden narrative and propaganda you claim.

>> No.73897112

Whats more likely, the huge jap corp with no management is filled with work place bullies and is evil or that selen is lying

>> No.73897307

>If anyone wrote a fanfic based on these events, they would get called out for it being unrealistic.
I cannot think of a si!harry fic where a bash character is written to act half as spitefully and as stupidly as niji management did. I can recall a few with dumbledore publicly incriminating himself in front of the public like the first niji note, but nothing like the elira black stream.

>> No.73900412

FPBP, I kneel

>> No.73900489


>> No.73900612
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>Sister attempt #13165464646131 to grasroot a slander bread
Try harder

>> No.73900827

1. The anons on this board don't have a personality besides "nijisanji bad".
2. Believe (anime) women. Female vtubers can do no wrong because the anons on this board think with their dick (or coochie) and not their brains.

>> No.73900904

>seething replies
Yep, this is the answer.

>> No.73900946

>(or coochie)
Go back tranny

>> No.73900958
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>> No.73901986

She's not. Many people say she's just a menhera and I think they're right. The real reason why niji company is bad though is because of how they handled this shitshow and how it affected most of their livers. Imagine if the management handled it correctly.

>> No.73902525
File: 1.15 MB, 815x692, selen_niji_black_response.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you sisters don't get this: IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

Selen could be LITERALY SATAN and have faked everything, and it still wouldn't make Nijisanji look any better.

They put out a three page attack against a popular suicide victim, which was stupid enough in and of itself, but then, even AFTER seeing the results of that, they did it again, only the second time putting their talents on the career ending firing line.

Even if you believe Selen to be purple satan incarnate, that's still an absolutely insane level of irresponsibility completely ignoring the well being of their own talent's careers, if not their very lives - telling several hundred thousand angry folks that their oshi might have been bullied to the point of suicide by these folks we're parading in front of you. It's not something any sane person or company would do, not even the most greed driven of companies would do something like this as there isn't even a profit motive. There's simply a level of spite here that is so overwhelming that the branch has become a danger to its own talents, as well as to its parent company.

...and if you don't believe Selen to be the whore of Babylon Herself, then it isn't simply an insane act, but also an act of pure unadulterated evil.

There's no "propaganda" involved. Nijisanji did this in front of us all, even harassing Doki off the air while claiming there's no harassment going on for everyone to see. Even if you believe she faked her attempt, which is something not even Nijisanji itself has been stupid enough to suggest, the whole incident is still indicative of an organization that has completely lost its mind and has gone from company to cult.

NijiEN really needs to be shut the fuck down before they ruin anyone else's careers or, better yet, actually get someone killed, as when that happens it'll utterly fuck the whole industry, affecting every oshi everywhere. There is literally zero reason to be defending this shit, lest maybe you're among the folks being paid to do so.

>> No.73902713

Man, it's fucking hilarious to see a former shitposting tool used by sisters to attack non-nijiEN vtubers now being their main target to attack instead. Kinda miss seeing the shitty smug threads popping up with Selen's face

>> No.73902808

It really doesn't matter anymore, it was over two months ago and Niji lost hard, not because Doki is some 12th dimensional chess player with telepathy but because she chose her words carefully and worked with a lawyer and Niji acted like unprofessional spiteful retards despite being a multimillion dollar company.

Like the worst thing that could be true about Doki is "She's sometimes hard to work with" or "She's impatient with deadlines" which even if she is guilty of, those are slap on the wrist sins compared to "We're going to fire our best girl, make a public display while raking her over the coals and blacklist her. What? She said something back? GET OUR TALENTS TO CRUCIFY HER ON HER FIRST STREAM BACK"

Niji shit it's own bed, blame management.

>> No.73904489

she's completely full of shit, I dont believe her for a second. She was perfectly happy and a huge part of niji culture until she sperged out over the MV. She had a woman moment and doubled down on it, then when she knew she fucked up she pulled the ultimate woman card and wristed for pity. She disgusts me.

>> No.73904830
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she literally said Niji tried to pay for it but they were too stupid and slow

>> No.73904926

If NijiEN was innocent they wouldn't constantly use smear campaigns.

>> No.73905002

I mean, it could be true that she was an annoying coworker, that she didn’t always follow protocol to a T, and that she is a sensitive glass cannon when it comes to bantz… but none of that makes her a villain, nor does it justify bullying her, marginalizing her within the company, slandering her in the black screen video, and anything else those rats at niji en got up to behind the scenes.

If anything, I’m more skeptical now of the people who haven’t denounced what happened or continue to fraternize with confirmed clique members. Some of the stuff that has been leaked is despicable and downright criminal. Matara, Kuro, and Mint are not in the clear as far as I am concerned.

In comparison, Doki is clean and a hardworking sperg as far as I am concerned. She is a good person deep down. Seethe about it sisters.

>> No.73905170

Or NijisanjiEN management is lying and screwing over people for the 'opportunity' to contribute.

>> No.73905278

Rosemi is stuck in the que I still believe it. Her graduation will exonerate her from the rest of the filth.

>> No.73905487

Pomu bailed on NijiEN that's all you need to know really.

>> No.73905586

among other things from official Anycolor sources, this black stream that will never be deleted from Elira's stream, because apparently that would suggest an admissison of wrongdoing. Completely baffling decision from a PR perspective, and even if Selen is an evil cunt, all it did was further showcase how disconnected the management is from understanding their EN audience. Terrible look for a company that's trying to convince investors that they have serious plans to continue expanding internationally.

>> No.73905703

I and plenty of others will Streisand Effect that shit if she deletes it without a proper apology.

>> No.73907816

I will post this again so hopefully the nijiniggers understand once in for all (they won;t)
Even if she """imagined""" the bullying. Even if she wasn't supposed to post the MV and it was eventually gonna be approved, Even IF nobody in the company actually meant her harm, EVERYTHING that nijisanji and it's organs have publicly shown proves malice and incompetence, There was NO need to write a 3 page smear operation detailing her "flaws" and specific "wrongdoings" that were instantly and immediately fact checked, (BTW you nijiniggers desperately trying to "disprove" the fact checks with nitpicking and lies about the people involved doesn't change any of the actual facts regarding artists needing to be sent NDAs BY the company and nijisanji being the ones WRITING them up in the first place)
There was no need for the black stream, Doki never publicly accused any livers of bullying, She never made any legal threats (Idc what you retards say about "private blackmail REEEEEEEEE" The ONLY things that matter are what the public sees and nijisanji was the ONLY SIDE that mentioned legal threats and the ONLY SIDE that brought up accusations of livers bullying selen, all selen ever said was she experienced workplace harassment and bullying "from within" which very easily could be interpreted as MANAGEMENT's fault because that's the same shit kuro and matara and EVERY ex-niji has said multiple fucking times)
They called her negligible, The most popular and well liked nijisanji vtuber in the wider vtuber audience (luxiem is only liked by chinese fujos who are decidedly NOT part of the overall vtuber community), And they slandered her AFTER she came out that she attempted suicide... something that everyone in the west takes VERY VERY seriously even though the east treats it like a joke or a weakness of character (as evidenced by nijiniggers constantly mocking her and saying she should do a third attempt, they hyperfixate it as a weakness of her character because they treat mental illness in general as a character flaw). All of that combined is why they take selen/doki's side, In addition to the majority of vtuber fans not giving one iota of a FUCK about corporate bureaucracy and perms bullshit, Everyone HATES companies and corporate autism, We have no concept of hexarchies and "respecting your seniors" in the company because we believe respect is EARNED based on actions here, Foreign concepts to the JOP running nijisanji who assumed they could turn public opinion around by saying "BUT SHE DIDN'T GET PERRRRRRMMMMMSS THO" When literally nobody worth a damn gives a shit except seamonkey bugs and chinks

>> No.73907846

Confirmation bias

>> No.73909007

Yeah kinda wild. These "people" take her side either because they're retards and believe her or simply because they wish to harm Niji. These people then turned into bullies themselves. Pretty pathetic behavior and I hate Niji for being the male friendly corpo

>> No.73909109

Your genes are thankfully not going to stay in the pool

>> No.73909328

Here's the thing chucklefucks.. people really don't give a shit even IF she was "in the wrong" for posting the stupid fucking cover (hint, Nobody gives a shit about the cover or the fall guys tournament or the RE4 shit either, And you making up lies about her being the one responsible for making and signing and sending NDAs isn't helping niji's case), The TRUTH is nijisanji sealed their fate when they decided to smear their most popular talent, Call her negligible, A doxxer,, Saying she didn't pay artists, Was terrible to work with etc etc, All of which is disputed by literally her entire fucking career that you timelooping history rewriters can never take away from her (or the multitude of projects she is handling after leaving), You can't smear her, And even IF you could that wouldn't absolve nijisanji of abuse allegations for targeting her after she left

>> No.73909399

Can't exact justice without spilling a few crocodile tears along the way

>> No.73909577

Crazy how 1 woman was able to completely destroy the entire nijiEN branch, and she didn't even do anything besides getting fired.

>> No.73909652

justice would be total nijinigger destruction, You retards think "AGENVING MY CORPO REEEEEE" is justice.. stop timelooping and stop rewriting established facts and history, nobody is buying your shit, in fact NOBODY outside of nijiniggers even CARE about the selen shit anymore, There are a multitude of yabs done in-between then and now, Like the garbage AR Live, Uki's white people shit, Claude's "just fucking ask", Yu Q's "Muh Drama Tuber", KURO'S " Muh Drama Tuber", The Contract Leaks, The 3view-ening of All of NijiEN, The decline in subs and the decline in supas, The utter failure of rosemi and petra's 3Ds, So many things unrelated to selen yet you keep dragging her name around because she lives rent free in your nijinigger brains

>> No.73909808

I'm talking about Nijisanji. As in, Nijisanji's crocodile tears

>> No.73910361

I love how so many genuine answers as to why "people just take selen's side" have been given and nijiniggs just... gave up and left or are ignoring them. The truth hurts too much to look at i guess

>> No.73911179

They're basically a cult at this point, especially if that one rrat about livers being told that they owe all their success to Niji is true

>> No.73914562

The Victor of the All Out War shall be the Hero and the Loser become Villain

>> No.73914599

But come. Let us cast aside titles and pretense. And reveal our true faces to one another

>> No.73914904

I am riku... He who shall awake our stockholders.. from their dark slumber

>> No.73914941

because i am gay

>> No.73915046

I will always believe in elira because I masturbate to her to most.

>> No.73915190

weakling, i think she's a psychotic bully and that just makes me fap harder to her

>> No.73915268

Because niji since creation, i'm talking about niji in general not nijiEN in particular, have a long LONG FUCKING VERY LONG historic of being a piece of shit who never got half the karma they deserved. More than believing she is inocent what most people KNOW is that it's anycolor shitty structure consequences in the first place, so the fault end up on niji no matter how you put it, even if the dooki did some wrong it would STILL be niji fault at the end of the day. So skip the step, stop tbe cope and say it together with me : NIJI BAD.

>> No.73915433

Cause it all adds up everything we know about Niji.
People didnt start saying black company when the Selen Shock happened, its been a thing people went on for a long ass time and this just validated it for people.
People werent surprised about Selen here as much as it was how deep the cesspool goes.

>> No.73916474

i said 40:60 after they post terminated...
10:90 after black video...
0:100 after riku video...

>> No.73916844

>see posts
is the OP a falseflag trying to garner sympathy for Doki? Everyone is masturbating in here but there's no argument against the flow except piss poor bait here and there.

>> No.73916912

Because the only arguments against doki require you to ignore all the context of what niji did publicly and hyperfixate on the things selen specifically did "wrong" which are either dubious or irrelevant to what people actually give a shit about

>> No.73917059

I know, and we don't even see that here.

>> No.73917437

there is no way a woman with bpd is ever innocent

>> No.73917501

Hyte backing Doki so hard and so quickly post-termination is pretty obvious proof that Niji management hated her for no justifiable reason, because it's hard to look at everything that's happened between them and not think that when they went to Niji in the first place they wanted to do a Selen case. What other reason for her not being one of the first wave of cases could there be other than NijiEN management going "no, she can't have nice things before our favorites get them"?

>> No.73917545

and you think the other menhera whores at nijiEN aren't BPD?
when it's woman vs woman you can't use that argument

>> No.73917549

The new pineapple girl is cute but VOMS without pikamee is VOMS without pikamee. They basically gave up on english outside of TMSK, but that is more of a comedy skit than actual communication in the english language.

That anon you replied to is a shitposter who saved and reposted the low quality mobile version of a TMSK image to try to fit in, though.

>> No.73917682

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
OP, at this point it ultimately doesn't matter if she's innocent or not. almost every skeleton began conga lining out of nijisanji's closet the moment they fired selen/doki.

even if she was lying about what happened to her it wouldn't change everything else that's come out about niji since.

>> No.73917699

It might also be that the first gen were generic cases and they always wanted to do a more custom rig for selen's design.

>> No.73917794

She didn't even make that claim sister.

>> No.73917823

I haven't heard of any of the others trying to kill themselves over a slightly-delayed song cover, so no I don't think the others have BPD.

>> No.73917889

So Doki/Selen was simply the stopgap between NijiEN blowing itself up and looking stable?

>> No.73917961

What part of years of rugpulling and systemic abuse and harassment do you not understand?, Fucking with her fall guys tournament, Fucking with her RE4 playthrough, Fucking her out of her voice pack, all the internal harassment and bullying she got, inb4
The proof is selen always had perms for fall guys, She said so herself, THEY said she had perms for an EN only tournament, She wanted perms for international, including nijiJP, And anycolor refused to give her the perms to invite nijiJP
And RE4 was a case of them rugpulling her, giving her the go ahead for WEEKS before cancelling it and making it look like it was her fault when any decent manager would have either taken down the first stream instantly and told her it was wrong, OR prevented her from playing it in the first place
The voice pack shit is super egregious, she missed the deadline by what. half an hour?. because it was pulled ahead of time and she was already swamped with work and not allowed to hire an assistant (Gee if only she knew about raziel being luca's unofficial manager)

>> No.73917971

the last load-bearing cassette at the bottom of the junka tower

>> No.73917983

> the only symptom of BPD is suicide atempt
Anon you probably are a retarded sister based on YOUR symptoms, but that something you should be ashamed to the point of atempting yourself. You are past the point of no return, you should be aware that everyone around you laught at you due to how stupid you are.

>> No.73917995

>Suicide and mental illness makes you an untrustworthy terrible person REEEEEE please ignore vox akuma diagnosing himself with C-PTSD REEEEEEEE
Fuck you third world chinks and seamonkeys, Mock mental illness all you like, all that does is make the civilized world hate your guts

>> No.73918078

Looks like I triggered a nerve kek, guess I was right on the money

>> No.73918083

Considering doki got a MASSIVE outpouring of fan letters and messages from the HYTE staff and a custom printed bonus on top of her new PC, I'd say the only reason HYTE even wanted a collab with niji was to collab with selen, And they were told to go for those three first on the promise they could EVENTUALLY make a selen one.. which uh.. yeah well we saw how that turned out

>> No.73918109

>Hehehehe i admitted to being a worthless little nijinigger troll hehehehehe look how much i triggered people hehehehehe
Kill yourself nijinigger, You are the reason everyone continues to hate nijisanji

>> No.73918168

>The voice pack shit is super egregious, she missed the deadline by what. half an hour?. because it was pulled ahead of time and she was already swamped with work and not allowed to hire an assistant (Gee if only she knew about raziel being luca's unofficial manager)
Meanwhile, as an indie with her own team of managers, she still whines and complains on twitter about missing invites to conventions. Sounds like the problem isn't management, but her paying attention to her emails.

>> No.73918197

>heheh BPD.. heheh
Her having BPD doesn't change the fact nijisanji dug their own grave with endless PR nightmares sister... mocking doki's mental illness just makes you rejects look even worse

>> No.73918237

Maybe she should stop trying to kill herself if she wants to be taken seriously. It's not that hard.

>> No.73918249


>> No.73918264

>Her own team of managers
She has exactly 3, one handles her shoplifty store, One handles her youtube shorts and stream audio, And her "Main" Manager is only parttime, She is doing the vast majority of the work herself
>she still whines and complains on twitter about missing invites to conventions
She kicked herself over missing ONE convention, And then on stream hinted at a "Dokibird World Tour" coming soon because she secured invites to a LOT of upcoming conventions
You nijiniggers love to lie and spread half-truths because the ACTUAL truth always paints you shit eating mongoloids as invalids. Maybe before you spread bullshit you can understand that EVERYTHING WE'RE TALKING ABOUT IS PUBLIC AND CAN BE FACT CHECKED INSTANTLY

>> No.73918314

You shit eating SeaMonkeys truly are the dregs of humanity, Below even pitiable range you should be exterminated, Please keep mocking her for something she only ever brought up twice.. something VOX AKUMA HIMSELF told you to NEVER take lightly... if you insects won't even listen to your lord who will you listen to i wonder?

>> No.73918322

>is the OP a falseflag trying to garner sympathy for Doki?
garner sympathy for Doki? idk, the way the first question was phrased by OP, it's either a nijisis falseflag or a genuine question.
So let's assume it's genuine, if Selen's situation was false, Niji would explain the hospitalization, the other livers would explain why they kept talking/harassing/whatever you want to call it to her. And it's fucking hilarious Vox said "I don't consider it harassment". Should've said "I'm sorry if it came across that way, it wasn't my intention to do so". Not whatever that narrative he was trying to make that really made him sound like a backstabbing snake.
The only "real proof" of Selen did anything wrong was in the termination notice and black video. The termination notice was a bunch of nothingburger and the lack of incriminating evidence shown in the black video doesn't back up anything they claimed. Why is there only 6 screenshots of single messages? If it's as damning as they made it, there would've been more than a single frame of screenshots. The fact that a whole corpo could only scrounge up that much as evidence just doesn't make sense.

>> No.73918335

Because drama

>> No.73918361

>If we keep mocking her suicide then people will HAVE to take us seriously!
You retards are worse at PR than niggersanji is and that is saying a lot, You retards have no idea that in the civilized world people take that shit seriously and don't see it as a sign of weakness

>> No.73918373

Whining and complaining about missing one convention invite is an indication of a larger problem going on mentally. One that I haven't seen any of the other NijiEN girls exhibit, despite supposedly all of them being "menhera BPD whores" according to >>73917545

>> No.73918388

She did stop trying to kill herself after she left Nijisanji. Funny how that works, huh sis?

>> No.73918408

Prove she tried to for the third time. Oh wait she didn't. So she's being taken seriously now with all those sponsors. Nice argument, this actually makes sense nijisis.

>> No.73918420

>Whining and complaining
She barely made a big deal out of it. Seriously you seem to care more about it than SHE does considering AFTER she tweeted that she talked about her upcoming world tour and how excited she was for all the projects she's been working on.. seriously we can fact check this shit why are you fucktards lying and exaggerating so blatantly?

>> No.73918442

If Canadian hospitals still discharged her after two attempts, then no it doesn't sound like the civilized worlds takes that shit seriously.
Unless, of course, she's misrepresenting things again, like she has done plenty of times in the past.

>> No.73918445

>Have you never encountered a person with a victim complex in your lives?
i have browsed the webpage formerly known as twitter, yes

>> No.73918484

>kekekekekekeke lemme lie again and again kekekekekekekeke im a fucking sub-human bug kekekekekekekeke
Keep it up pagpag. The more you mock her the more people will side with niji i'm JUST sure of it!

>> No.73918485

>"barely made a big deal out of it"
Meanwhile, in reality, she puts her whining out on twitter for all to see.

>> No.73918525

So all the whining and complaining about the cancellation of AR Live last year is an indication of a larger problem going on mentally on all NijiEN members who participated in it. That checks out. Guess Mysta and Nina made the right call to jump ship.

>> No.73918528

Why are Nijinigs like this?.

>> No.73918564

>If Canadian hospitals still discharged her after two attempts,
You have no idea how the medical system works in canada cause you're an inbred brown from jakarta
>then no it doesn't sound like the civilized worlds takes that shit seriously.
World not worlds. Also i was talking about the general vtuber audience and all the normies who heard about it, Basically everyone except you mongoloids who keep mocking her and making jokes out of it
>Unless, of course, she's misrepresenting things again, like she has done plenty of times in the past.
She has never lied once in the past as selen, you shit eating fucktard, and we KNOW she went to the fucking hospital, You can't lie about that shit, again if even VOX is saying to not take her attempts lightly, And you still are, You've fucked up

>> No.73918567

Calm down there anon, we don't want you to start smashing you head against the keyboard now

>> No.73918599

>Meanwhile, in reality, she puts her whining out on twitter for all to see.
MEANWHILE, In reality, She talked about how excited she was for all the OTHER cons she was invited to
Jesus fucking christ just the fuck up nobody is buying your worthless mongoloid BULLSHIT

>> No.73918660

I don't recall any members whining or complaining about it being cancelled. Just Luxiem calling out management's bullshit "covid" excuse, while others tried to alleviate the situation by telling others it'll come back eventually (including Selen herself!)

>> No.73918698

If the only thing nijiniggers have on selen/doki is
>She tried to kill herself
>She may or may not have this mental illness according to this old twitter screenshot that may or may not be real
than DAMN they truly have nothing to smear her with.. cause pushing that line is literally the worst possible thing you can do if discrediting her is your goal.. you're just making nijisanji look WORSE for not accommodating her properly

>> No.73918722

>Suddenly Luxiem being upset on twitter about AR live got canceled
>This isn't complaining
what timeline is this?

>> No.73918727

So you admit other members had problems with management, hmm

>> No.73918733

Newfag or weak baiting, either way, you are a retard.

>> No.73918741

Luxiem literally went on strike and stopped streaming (apart from luca), But other members whine and complain about shit all the time, Especially enna who has some new shit to bitch about every week

>> No.73918756

The funny thing is that if management had split the difference and said "you can do a Selen case but you also have to do some cases for some of our favorites" it would have been a much harder decision for HYTE to cancel the collab in the first place.

>> No.73918787

Anyone trying to kill themselves over a slightly-delayed song cover does indeed have mental health issues.

>> No.73918821

pretty much. if it wasn't selen it would've been something else that inevitably lead to where we are now.

>> No.73918832

>Pretends the song cover was the ONLY thing that went wrong and not the final straw of years of mistreatment
We've been over this nijinigger, She's been CONSTANTLY screwed over. Stop trying to rewrite history, and AGAIN, Her having or not having mental health issues DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT NIJISANJI FUCKED THEMSELVES OVER PR WISE

>> No.73918864

>If we keep repeating that it was the MV was what caused it enough times people will believe us
Have you heard the definition of insanity?

>> No.73918900

>Mental health issues means unreliable and unbelievable
Oh okayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsSCzs3Sa7k

>> No.73918908

Okay be honest. If Selen getting terminated didn't happen who's fuck ups would have caused NijiEN to shit the bed as hard as they are now?

>> No.73918916

>keeps only use the argument of slightly-delayed cover
Yeah, if only that was the actual case. But you have Vox and Elira who went and self-report harassing her while outing Millie and Enna.
It's like you fucking hypnotized yourself into believing the cover was the only reason.

>> No.73918942

It happened literally hours after the MV was taken down, so yeah it is the reason she made an attempt.

>> No.73918971

Yes, Vox is unreliable and unbelievable, what's your point?

>> No.73918987
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>this many (You)s

>> No.73918989

Ah my mistake
>If we keep repeating that the MV was the ONLY reason enough times everyone will believe us
There better?

>> No.73919001

>Ignores years upon years of her being screwed over and rugpulled publicly not to mention the abuse behind the scenes
It was the final straw but it wasn't the ONLY reason you stupid nijinigger

>> No.73919029

The point is nijiniggers take vox's word as reliable and factual while trying to say selen's word is unreliable because she has a "mental illness" when vox is also mentally fucking ill

>> No.73919476
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>> No.73919745
File: 66 KB, 833x900, axelconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best part: pretty much ALL of the current drama can be traced back to the fallout from her termination and the subsequent wave of negative sentiment towards NijiEN.
If Selen was still part of the branch,
>None of the chuubas would be bleeding subs/viewers
>Luca's mod wouldn't have had such a golden opportunity to come forward and spill the beans about him
>Most of the recent instances of Nijimembers getting oneguy'd and saying stupid shit wouldn't have happened
>The Mario Kart tourney wouldn't have been delayed
>Obsydia 3Ds probably wouldn't have underperformed so hard
>The AR Live would have been way better received, because they wouldn't have had to cut out half of Pastel Stage just to unperson Selen (people would still mock the technical issues though)
...And so on.
Considering all the stuff they had in the pipeline, by all rights this should've been an incredible year for Nijisanji EN—but then they had to go and carpet bomb their public image over ONE fucking rule infraction, and now all that effort is amounting to jack shit because their western fanbase evaporated overnight. It's honestly kind of astonishing how badly they mishandled the situation.
"Negligible", my ass.

>> No.73919895

Growth stalled since mid-2023 and Nijimems were getting oneguy'd for years. The release of the AR Live was a last minute moneygrab, without Selen starting a fire it'd probably languish in a file cabinet.

>> No.73920118

>The release of the AR Live was a last minute moneygrab, without Selen starting a fire it'd probably languish in a file cabinet.
You say that, but remember: the version of the AR Live we got was recorded late last year, only a few months before Selen's MV was privated.
I highly doubt a company as lazy and negligent as Nijisanji would have bothered bringing so many people overseas to record a concert unless they had plans to actually release it in the near future.

>> No.73920248

>Shelved until the shitshow happened.
How near in the future would you have given them? All we got were vague affirmation it'll happen in the future, but then they went radio silent about it.

>> No.73920367

>>The AR Live would have been way better received, because they wouldn't have had to cut out half of Pastel Stage just to unperson Selen (people would still mock the technical issues though)
See? That's where you are wrong. Without termination AR live would NEVER happen. It was uncancelled only to damage control the drama. Without it it would stay dead.
Obsydia 3D would also probably be ways away. (if it would even ever happen)

>> No.73920804

No, I'm certain the AR Live would have still happened, because the Q3 financial report was unaffected by the drama and would have been a disaster regardless.
Drama or no drama, Niji would have needed to rush out shit like the AR Live and 3D debuts to try and salvage Q4. From the company's perspective, there's no reason to just sit on a potential moneymaker event when you're THAT far off from meeting your projected revenue for the year.

>> No.73920965

>Q3 financial report was unaffected by the drama and would have been a disaster regardless
Uhhhh, I thought it was due to stagnation. Didn't bother remembering source. I'd say maybe pump out 3D's for Obsydia, but that'd be it to coast by.

>> No.73921094

I dunno man, IIRC the EN branch had something like a -40% YoY revenue. I'd consider that disastrous enough that they'd want to push their big event out the door ASAP to pump the numbers up, especially since all the recording for it would have been finished by then.

>> No.73921115

>From the company's perspective, there's no reason to just sit on a potential moneymaker event when you're THAT far off from meeting your projected revenue for the year
There was no reason to sit on it even before missing projected revenue, yet they did. Or more like it started in the first place because they cancelled it(especially in a way they did). They were (and are) sitting on all the 3D models too.
So like... what the fuck were they doing? There was no indication it would ever be uncancelled.

>> No.73921348
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>> No.73921441

What did niji do this time?

>> No.73921535

The amount of nijiseethe in this thread astounds me just cope a better sis

>> No.73921560

>So why is EVERYONE here so sure she was completely innocent?
Because that's the right thing to do. #BelieveWomen

>> No.73921877

>NijiEN really needs to be shut the fuck down before they ruin anyone else's careers or, better yet, actually get someone killed, as when that happens it'll utterly fuck the whole industry, affecting every oshi everywhere. There is literally zero reason to be defending this shit, lest maybe you're among the folks being paid to do so.
the only one at risk of dying is ex-selen lol
imagine killing yourself over vtuber stuff
that alone tells you how mentally sane she is

>> No.73922030

>Because they were bullying Selen. Kurosanji admitted such in its termination notice.
There was no admission. The notice says Selen *claimed* she was harassed and that the company denies having treated her unjustly.
I swear, the sheer amount of retards out there who cannot read.

>> No.73923658


>> No.73923659

Can anyone give me a TLDR of what happened? I don't give a shit about vtuber drama normally and firmly believe all vtubers should go indie to avoid such situations, but here I'm curious enough to ask.

>> No.73923781

>I will not argue in response to factual information and proceed to seethe
I accept your concession

>> No.73923824
File: 2.43 MB, 423x362, chrome_efgy80O6pQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based NijiGODS gave a KEKDRAGON too much freedom and leeway and she just monstrously and mercilessly stabbed them in the back despite all their best efforts to work with her. Then when they tried to generously explain the situation SHITBITCHES on the internet turned against them unfairly. Anycolor are true victims here and it's all that little purple bastard's fault

>> No.73923840

I just hate you faggots for raiding my splits during streams so I'll jump on any niji hate train possible. I don't normally care about you faggots but you started this now bear it's consequences.

>> No.73923862

>every ex-employee says bad things about the company. None of them have any good things to say
>a project that has been in production for over a year has been rugpulled at last second by company eventhough all third party permissions have been acquired
>The project in question was made to put the company and its employees in a good light, however it was postponed because of "permissions issues" from first party
>somehow these issues have not been resolved before the projects end
>pulling a project on its release day puts pressure on the one responsible for it, meaning countless hours of their life and their money might result in nothing (this is bullying specially under the light of the weird reasoning)
>the company tries to reach you about stupid shit while you are in the company (this is also bullying. Stop making your employees work when they just tried to kill themselves. This has been confirmed in nijisanjis termination notice)
>even starts harassing your emergency contact
people can reiterate the many problems as much as they want. As long as you keep being delusional, none of it will change your opinion, even when its clear as day what was happening.
Not to mention the MV was the final straw. We don't know what else happened internally for months or years. Just remember that Pomu lost her passion for nijisanji because of what they are doing. No ex-employees have anything positive to say about the company.

>> No.73923868

>Selen gets dicked over by perms autism for months
>Continues to be big nijishill despite months of fuckery
>Endures shit from management and fellow talents throughout her tenure
>Still tries to promote NijiUnity regardless
>Schedules song cover with video comprising most of nijiEN including the graduated mysta/nina
>Cover was in the works since august of 2022
>Video is scheduled for christmas day
>Gets held up by perms autism again
>Selen posts it anyway
>It gets taken down
>Selen tells her fans to reupload it
>Gets shit on by management and fellow talents behind the scenes
>Fails to solve sudoku
>Gets her accounts skinwalked while she is in hospital
>Gets stealth suspended after she is out
>Hires lawyer to negotiate a graduation
>Radio silence for all of january
>Fails sudoku again (speculative we don't know when it happened)
>Sends HR complaint to Niji
>Niji panics and terminates her with laundry list of sins to smear her name
>Artists and companies who worked with selen stick up for her and clear her name
>Selen moves on, becomes doki
>Nijisanji decides to use talents to smear her AGAIN by claiming the perms autism was actually her fault
>Times said pre-recorded video to coincide with doki's first gaming stream since returning to her indie persona
>Gives doki panic attack live on stream
>Normies throughout all of the internet hear about this
>Niji gets shat on by a multitude of people
>Majority of NijiEN losing 40-60k subcribers a piece
>Still have not recovered
>Nijisanji fans think if they can smear doki and make it her fault then niji's audience will come back
>You are here

>> No.73923907

Shut up Millie

>> No.73923985

Because Niji management never said anything about it, it's just information that other members have said or proof other people have showed. She's either lying or completely retarded

>> No.73924002

>There was no admission.
No, there was. Recall that Selen / Doki had gone to ground after the video was pulled (which, again, occurred after she had already gotten permissions from the content creators; obstruction of someone else's work product can constitute harassment if there is a continued pattern of it - which there was).
KuroEN's termination letter claimed that, prior to the termination Selen had lawyered up and was holding Kuro responsible for the harassment that had happened to her. Their response was to fire her, and they further claimed that the company was irreparably damaged through her actions. Essentially the same thing as firing a whistle-blower.

>The notice says Selen *claimed* she was harassed and that the company denies having treated her unjustly.
That was, indeed, the actual precipitating event for the termination, and it's also illegal under Canada/BC labor laws.

>I swear, the sheer amount of retards out there who cannot read.
It's not a matter of reading, sister, but in comprehension and understanding context. You should learn to do those things before accusing anyone here of mental retardation.

>> No.73924015

you retards keep claiming aia said that all talents have to sign and send NDAs to artists with no oversight from management.. still waiting on the exact clip of her saying that to this day like 200 baitthreads later

>> No.73924022

>The dramafag cries after being called out for being a dramafag
Seethe more

>> No.73924039

Dramabird is trash

>> No.73924052

>Nijiniggers continue posting doki/selen seethe threads 2 months after the drama ended on official channels
>Accuses others of being dramafaggots
kek fucking W

>> No.73924092

Rope Cope and Seethe Nijinigger The only dramabirds here are you faggots obsessing over doki after 2 fucking months of silence

>> No.73924121

>child rapist vox claims "leaving is always an option" in the same broadcast where they talk about selen asking to leave the company in her lawyers correpsondence to nijisanji, basically contradicting himself
>literally who clawman or whatever the fuck his name is claims you can "JUST FUCKING ASK" for the YT button, failing to recognize that all 5 billion organs, past and present, have not received their button and fails to understand that this question has been asked more than once to nijisanji and was met with "fuck you its rikus play button"
many such cases.

>> No.73924210

Did anyone claim management never also had to help with papers? The contract says members have to hold subcontractors which would be the artists under the same restrictions the members would be under in the contract.
Timestamp: 1 hour and 37 minutes

>> No.73924211

never thought she was innocent but as a holofag i just followed the bandwagon of going against nijisanji, it was the right thing to do.

>> No.73924246

More deranged sister projection.
Selen was a top earner for them. She had a devoted fan base and more talent than better connected colleagues, which they no doubt resented, hence the harassment.
Riku, being the "you ain't shit": megalomaniac that he is, likely saw this as an opportunity to kick one of his wayward EN employees back into line, not understanding the potential for blowback. Happens all the time for JP managers that get embarrassed by their more intrepid western counterparts. His company is getting dunked on for good reason, and he continues to be immune to the corrective process, so things will continue to get worse for the EN branch.

>> No.73924258

>Character assassination attempt on Vox. Says the broadcast talks about something they never talked about
>Dramanigger seethes over Claude proving him wrong. Ignores Reimu having her play button at her house
Many such cases

>> No.73924388
File: 1.29 MB, 1429x794, Screenshot 2024-04-18 041424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just that they keep the talent's physical playbuttons... during a japanese youtuber award show stream (which both koyori and la+ from hololive partook in as well). Mito.. The DAISENPAI of fucking nijisanji. Was given a fucking playbutton without her name on it to hold up. koyori and la+ both had their gold playbuttons with their names on them https://www.youtube.com/live/63gvcJEEWZE?feature=shared&t=1129

>> No.73924400

>Nijisanji decides to use talents to smear her AGAIN by claiming the perms autism was actually her fault
>Times said pre-recorded video to coincide with doki's first gaming stream since returning to her indie persona

Good summary, but you missed the part where they also accused Selen/Doki of planning to doxx them, as if anyone with half a brain was going to buy that.

The black screen stream is the only Kurosanji video that I'd encourage anyone to watch now. It is breathtaking in its stupidity.

>> No.73924498

>A lot of projects require a lot of time to cook i guess. I don't like rushing artists. I always extend deadlines. The best results come from an artist happy and well paid, There's a lotta paperwork behind the scenes to fill out anyway, you can't rush quality, It's PARTIALLY on the liver to make sure all the paperwork gets done, All the legal stuff gets taken care of behind the scenes that sort of deal, whatever goes on behind the scenes
..that's it....THAT'S WHAT YOU NIJINIGGERS HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT AND HOLDING UP AS "Definitive proof talents handle everything related to artists for their projects"

>> No.73924559

has nothing to do with the Reimu Endou channel you shit eating mouthbreathing mongoloid. Those buttons were for her OTHER channel... the one that twitter account is attached to.. you fucking dipshit do you SERIOUSLY think anyone with half a braincell is buying that????

>> No.73924602

So now you're just strawmanning and seething after being proven wrong? Typical. They obviously don't have the NDA contract drafts, they have to ask the management for it. Some commissioners don't even get NDAs like Raziel and they're still allowed to work on commissions.

>> No.73924646

>Proven wrong
Proven wrong?, That shit was a whole lot of FUCKING NOTHING... You fucking moron.. You stupid fucking idiot, She said NOTHING that disproves the claims that nijisanji were the ones handling NDAs and sending them out. Being "partially responsible" DOESN'T MEAN JACK FUCKING SHIT

>> No.73924650

You didn't move anyone with that statement, sister, not even your lord-and-savior Riku-sama (who is probably laughing at you for being a sock-puppet, free-of-charge). It's just more of the same wumao-style shilling for the billion-dollar company from the sisterhood.

>> No.73924687

Was a secret luca was keeping from management that would have (should have) Gotten him FIRED if nijisanji ever found out. She was NOT ever allowed or given permission to see the shit she saw, or skinwalk his minecraft. his access to company email and company secrets and future project leaks... you copers need to rope yourselves before you overdose

>> No.73924695

So she has two buttons after coming back from Japan and you think she had the foresight to buy a duplicate 300 dollar play button in advance and have it shipped to Columbia in the event Claude said people could have their button if they asked? Seethe

>> No.73924737

For the past several weeks people have been saying SELEN was responsible for the late and typo'd NDAs because "That's what aia said" But nothing aia said gels with that idea. Being "partially responsible" can mean literally anything. And all this talk of "behind the scenes" Almost CERTAINLY involves management. And does not in any way shape or form disprove the fact that artists working with selen were sent NDAs multiple times with typos in them.. including in January months after her project ended or even after she was terminated in February

>> No.73924769

>Makes up entire contrived fanfiction and presents it as the oppositions argument
OR.. And here me out... she ordered 2 playbuttons for her channel weeks/months before and posted the pictures of them AFTER she got back from japan, Nothing to do with claude's statement at all

>> No.73924771

>try to claim "leaving is always an option" was never said, when the fucking VOD is still up.

>> No.73924774

>Was a secret luca was keeping from management that would have (should have) Gotten him FIRED if nijisanji ever found out

You're genuinely retarded. She was credited multiple times on his projects and was allowed to be his mod. Management clearly knew about her and she says she never got any contract from Niji. If she is a commissioner, she is a subcontractor so Luca hiring her made her restricted by contract too.

>> No.73924775

The funniest thing about that is how nonsensical it was as a counter-move. She could dox them at any time and by their own narrative the stream only made it MORE likely, not less.

>> No.73924791

>Nijiniggers so fucking desperate they take vagueposting on PLs as hard facts despite the years of evidence we have of NijiJP members saying they aren't allowed to have their playbuttons
kek fucking w

>> No.73924833

she's completely sneedocent

>> No.73924851

Quick rundown?

>> No.73924855

She was never officially hired by luca you stupid fucking moron. She was literally running his entire fucking channel for him. So what if she got credit for 1 or 2 irrelevant things. or was her mod under a different fucking name. That doesn't change the facts she had NO business writing his signature or skinwalking his minecraft or being leaked private conversations and future projects she had no part of, Luca HIMSELF told her that if niji found out about her he'd get in trouble, Also talents are EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN FROM SUBCONTRACTING YOU STUPID FUCK. That's why selen was complaining about not being allowed an assistant when she was fucked out of her voice pack

>> No.73924861

schizo retard get her cock out of your mouth

>> No.73924884

>Nijiniggers continue to seethe about a terminated liver 2 months after said termination stopped being relevant
>Said termination was a massive self own on nijisanji's part that caused their reputation irrevocable damage (that the sisters blame the terminated talent for even though she herself didn't fire a single shot back at them)

>> No.73924914

Actually Aia saying that members are involved with filling out paperwork including legal shit proves that members are responsible in someway for the papers. It being "behind the scenes" doesn't mean it's management. All the evidence is mounting up for contracts/ NDAs being given to people who were commissioned is filled out by the members since management clearly does not normally contact people who are commissioned but other members do

>> No.73924915

Dispute literally anything i said. None of it is a lie you inbred mongoloid, Rope yourself pagpag

>> No.73924936

>dookishitter is lying again

>> No.73924982

your screenshot is too low res read, tranny.

>> No.73925003

Aia never SAID they were "involved with filling out paperwork", She literally never said those fucking words.. oh my fucking god you ESL sub humans were spreading this lie over THIS
>There's a lotta paperwork behind the scenes to fill out anyway, you can't rush quality, It's PARTIALLY on the liver to make sure all the paperwork gets done
Partially on the liver to MAKE SURE IT GETS DONE... That doesn't mean they are the ones responsible for MAKING THEM.. It means they are "partially responsible" for making sure MANAGEMENT is sending them out to the proper people, But being "partially responsible" means nothing when management is fundamentally incompetent

>> No.73925031

Where is the lie mongoloid?
Click the link then shit eating fucktard

>> No.73925093

You are braindead and delusional
But also why the fuck do you retards think that this
>paperwork including legal shit proves that members are responsible in someway for the papers.
is in any way a good thing? Fucking MANAGEMENT should handle all the legal shit. Why the fuck talents are doing it? It's fucking CRAZY

>> No.73925106

nothing about what aia said implies what you are saying.. it also goes against the facts we know regarding nijisanji sending out NDAs months after the projects were done.. multiple times with mispelled names on them (unless you are implying selen/doki sent them out while being stealth suspended/terminated and ALSO misspelling the names of the artists she worked with multiple times.. in which case kek w give me some of that copium)

>> No.73925118
File: 114 KB, 526x238, Subcontractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was never officially hired by luca you stupid fucking moron
Except she was because she was being paid and credited for her work. Which is called being officially hired. She was hired to help him write scripts and doing his signature for him. He literally showed her the future projects so she could help him write the scripts/ messages associated with it. Luca only said that him giving her his email address to play Minecraft could get him in trouble

I love it when faggots so blatantly lie. I want to see you squirm after this. Pic related

>> No.73925125

Even if she’s in the wrong, she wasn’t the first one to make information like that public. Nijisanji did that. They also released a smear stream while she was just getting back and moving on.

>> No.73925157

Holy based
How do I /become/?

>> No.73925280

>Aia never SAID they were "involved with filling out paperwork
>Immediately quotes Aia saying she fills out a lot of paperwork behind the scenes
Because they're the ones hiring people so it's their job to make sure their contract doesn't get violated. They don't even need to send any NDA if they don't choose to
>it also goes against the facts we know regarding nijisanji sending out NDAs months after the projects were done
Of course after Selen was fired, they have to finish her shit for her and make sure artists wouldn't leak shit after she left. That's how jobs work

>> No.73925319

>Party B shall not subcontract all or part of the VTuber Activities to a third party, or jointly with a third party, except with the PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF PARTY A(
Raziel states nijisanji ignored her existence and never acknowledged her or gave her this written consent
>In the event that Party B subcontracts all or part of the VTuber activities to a third party or jointly conducts these activities with a third party in accordance with the preceding paragraph
Which we know luca didn't do for raziel
>Party B shall impose on such third party the same obligations as those of Party B set forth in this aggreement and shall be JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY LIABLE WITH SUCH THIRD PARTY FOR THE ACTS OF SUCH THIRD PARTY
Acts like... leaking the process of how 3D concerts work.. prototypes of future luxiem merch.. and leaking private conversations in violation of other talent's privacy and a breach of NDA?

>> No.73925321

That's a good summary of the issue, but I'd like to point out that this isn't just about Selen/Doki herself. You can assume she is lying, but then what about the whole drama around Zaion's termination? Was Zaion lying about everything too? If so, then what about, say, Matara's comments about her former workplace? Is she lying too? What about all the artists that came out in support for Doki, telling stories about how horrible Niji was to work with? Are they all lying? What about Raziel? And so on.
At this point, either Niji that is the shitshow that everyone says it is, or there has to be some gigantic conspiracy to make them look bad which countless people, in- and outsiders alike, are involved in for some inexplicable reason. Out of these two possibilities (especially in light of Niji's very own actions, again, see >>73902525 among other things), which one do you think seems more plausible?

>> No.73925353

>Is so braindead retarded ESL that they think "partially responsible for making sure X gets done" means "Personally FULLY responsible for doing X themselves
I am done with you. You are too retarded to speak i wonder how you even breathe

>> No.73925386

>Of course after Selen was fired, they have to finish her shit for her and make sure artists wouldn't leak shit after she left. That's how jobs work
Implying selen was a lazy cunt who wasn't doing her job properly.. KEK FUCKING W, Are you sure you're not talking about luca kaneshiro?. The guy who had his VRChat mommy literally running his entire career for him?

>> No.73925390

>Because they're the ones hiring people so it's their job to make sure their contract doesn't get violated. They don't even need to send any NDA if they don't choose to
It's not their job to hire people. It should not work like this. And also doesn't make any sense ANYWAY.
You literally have no idea what the fuck you are saying. They are not indies

>> No.73925420

>Because they're the ones hiring people so it's their job to make sure their contract doesn't get violated.
It's MANAGEMENTS job to MANAGE the talents and the ACTIVITY of the talents.. if they aren't doing that... why the fuck are there even managers AT ALL?

>> No.73925449

>Raziel states nijisanji ignored her existence and never acknowledged her or gave her this written consent
Are you purposely retarded? Luca is the one that needs written consent from Nijisanji, not Raziel. They never had to speak to her
>Which we know luca didn't do for raziel
Luca literally did because that's what commissions and writing scripts for someone is
>Acts like... leaking the process of how 3D concerts work.. prototypes of future luxiem merch.. and leaking private conversations in violation of other talent's privacy and a breach of NDA?
She was fired and started her leak session after. Not his fault anymore

>> No.73925478

nijisisters have literally no answer to this
fucking idiots
Somehow they still after all this months do not get it (or rather do not want to get it)

>> No.73925523

>It's not their job to hire people
You're right, that's why they don't need to. You are not forced to commission anyone to do things for you in Niji. They allow members to because they choose to do projects involving music and art

>> No.73925569

>It doesn't matter if Selen was a lying witch, Nijisanji tried exposing her for it and that's bad

This is why no one takes that argument seriously

>> No.73925582

If we're ruling against people with mental instability, I have bad news for you, sister

>> No.73925637

And they do that by making sure they're paying commissioners. Managers don't do your job for you, they tell you what to do and to stop fucking up, have you ever had a real job before?

>> No.73925658

I was 100% joking when I wrote that but I guess the parody isn't too far from what Nijis are actually saying. Wonder how I can make it more obvious next time

>> No.73925760

The funniest thing is that you legit have no idea just how deranged you sound

>> No.73925836

you have no idea how inner workings of niji works
and spewing pure fucking BULLSHIT

>> No.73925954

>Because they're (livers) the ones hiring people so it's their job to make sure their contract doesn't get violated.
Right, so KuroEN managers make the decisions but do absolutely none of the heavy lifting - thereby forcing the talents to do the jobs themselves or risk having limited content. Remember, this isn't a black company we're discussing, right sister?

>They don't even need to send any NDA if they don't choose to
The non black-company v-tuber agencies have managers and legal teams ensuring NDA compliance. It shows, because those agencies have intellectual property with value. NijiEN's residuals are in the sewer.

>> No.73925998

>Are you purposely retarded? Luca is the one that needs written consent from Nijisanji, not Raziel. They never had to speak to her
Are YOU purposefully retarded?, Ignoring all the work raziel did for luca BEFORE she insisted on him giving her a contract?. Making all previous work a VIOLATION of his contract?
>Luca literally did because that's what commissions and writing scripts for someone is
Those aren't the only things raziel did for luca. And she did most of those things BEFORE she was contracte
>She was fired and started her leak session after. Not his fault anymore
He is still under contract and responsible for her.. she never signed an NDA.. Which as we established is HIS responsibility right?.. it's the liver's job to make sure right?.. according to >>73925280

>> No.73926030

They do have an argument, but it's ad-hominem and therefore worthless. See >>73925478
>It doesn't matter if Selen was a lying witch, Nijisanji tried exposing her for it and that's bad

>> No.73926040

>Projects music and art are OPTIONAL in nijisanji
You really bought into the "we're not an idol company" bullshit huh..... holy fucking shit this is the most delusional cope i've ever fucking seen

>> No.73926055

then why stop, sue the fk out of her, expose her completely. if they all right and selen all wrong then it easy case for MULTI BILION DOLLAR company to do it no?

>> No.73926140

>forcing the talents to do the jobs themselves
Yes, when you work somewhere and are responsible for your own work, you usually have to do your job yourself. If you want to do some project, you have to ask management if you're allowed to do it and hire certain people for it then if they say yes, you do it.
> "Limited content"
You don't need covers and big projects to get big in Nijisanji. Vox can't sing and rarely does projects. He's the top dog in NijiEN.
>The non black-company v-tuber agencies have managers and legal teams ensuring NDA compliance.
Yeah, from their members. Not the fucking commissioners their members hired

>> No.73926150

>>It doesn't matter if Selen was a lying witch, Nijisanji tried exposing her for it and that's bad

More like "It doesn't matter if selen was a lying witch, Nijisanji lied about 10000 other things and all the things they "exposed" selen for were fact checked by every artist and corporation and sponsor she ever fucking worked with

>> No.73926288

>Ignoring all the work raziel did for luca BEFORE she insisted on him giving her a contract?. Making all previous work a VIOLATION of his contract?
The member's contract never said anything about members having to give subcontractors a contract. It's optional
>He is still under contract and responsible for her
No he isn't. She was fired and started leaking shit. He told her to not share anything with others and she started doing it regardless so it's completely her fault. Your boss isn't responsible for you after you get fired and start giving out company secrets even though your boss said not to

>> No.73926324

If you think that's all managers have to do, then what fucking company do you work for? Is it a black company, by any chance?
Because here in the real world (true in Japan as well - look up the history of Deming and Taguchi if you disbelieve) managers have responsibilities - the most important of which are removing barriers to product quality and ensuring that a toxic workplace environment is not present. The latter is a legal requirement under Canadian laws. Kurosanji fails miserably by those standards.

>> No.73926493

Livers are responsible for screening the people they are to make sure they don't leak.. MANAGERS are responsible for approving said third parties.. atleast according to >>73926140

>> No.73926556

So you have never had an actual job before. The manager is primarily responsible for checking over people's work, scheduling shit and organizing work for people to do. Find me a manager who thinks their most important responsibility is to remove barriers.

>> No.73926583

>your boss said not to
have you ever have a job? that why NDA exist, that why you need contract. you don't just ask employee to not leak shit. does the dox site breed this delusion or you make it yourself, she never get "hire officially" bcs there is no contract and NDA. japan seem to unaware of this bcs no fking sane company would want to work with a place where their liver can leak everything to a unofficial 3rd party and won't get any punishment

>> No.73926629

Yes and if Raziel agreed to not speak about the stuff she was working on in which she did, then that's Luca telling her to not leak anything . A verbal/written agreement is still an agreement even if it isn't a contract

>> No.73926727

You retard. You don't sign an NDA after you quit working for most jobs. Have you ever quit a job before? And you don't need a contract to start officially working for someone either. Do you pass your plumber a contract before he starts draining your pipes?

>> No.73926881

Nice NDF thread OP

>> No.73926965

>You don't sign an NDA after you quit working for most jobs
The silencing contract given to zaion says otherwise... also uh.. you very much ARE forced to sign an NDA after leaving a job when said job involves the handling of company secrets

>> No.73926968

>Recall that...
None of the stuff you list here is relevant to what I said. The notice explicitly says they deny any unjust practices towards Selen. That is the opposite of *admitting* it, which is my entire point. We're both free to believe they're lying, of course.

>it's also illegal under Canada/BC labor laws.
Also not relevant to anything I said.

>It's not a matter of reading, sister, but in comprehension and understanding context.
I am not your sister. The context is the single technically ambiguous sentence which people interpret in the most improbable way because it agrees with their biases.

>> No.73927013

>Your boss isn't responsible for you after you get fired and start giving out company secrets even though your boss said not to
The boss is responsible. The boss' boss is as well, and on up to Riku himself. Corporate policies don't work without accountability. Kurosanji got sloppy and is paying for it from blowback (due to the failure to implement NDAs, which are corporate policy for non-favored employees).

>> No.73927092

Anon if they had anything they would have brought it up during the black screen video

>> No.73927229

I've been a manager before.
It's clear that you haven't. Because you keep repeating your same NDF sister talking points, over and over. But that's really all you've done for two+ months.

>> No.73927318

>you very much ARE forced to sign an NDA after leaving a job when said job involves the handling of company secrets

Don't know how many times I have to say Luca got her to agree to not talk about the work she was doing for him and she chose to broke the agreement after she was fired. Like how anyone can break an NDA
What kind of retarded shit are you babbling about? If you hire someone, they're shit at their job so you fire them so they both down your house, that isn't your fault. Same logic applies here

>> No.73927371

And I'm Saddam Hussein. You clearly haven't worked anywhere before, make sure to study for finals, kid

>> No.73927590


>> No.73928874

