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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73822921 No.73822921 [Reply] [Original]

If I see one more VCR stream...

>> No.73822986

>you now remember VCR Ark

>> No.73823153

What about laserdisc?

>> No.73823199

VCR Rust introduced me to so many new hags.
I'm really happy.

>> No.73823395

>he still watches holo

>> No.73823464


>> No.73823646

not sure if i should insult you for being an EOP or a fucking nijisister. do make clear if you don't like it because it's JP only or maybe because there's no nijien in it.

>> No.73823697
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I mean you can always watch the AR Live
>"""""""NO REFUNDS"""""""""

>> No.73823708
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So stop watching it, faggot. Problem solved.

>> No.73823709

You don't have to watch.
Or are you so fragile that you get triggered just by seeing thumbnails of streams you don't like?

>> No.73824079


>> No.73824152

I unsubbed to everyone involved in VCR collabs

>> No.73824661

I don't understand what's supposed to be so great about VCR. I haven't seen a single funny clip from any of these events yet more and more Holomem keep joining them. Is it really just to play with men?

>> No.73824733

I'm an EOP and Rust is just a shit and boring game. I'd rather watch chillas slop, or another 14 hour stream of Korone playing Atlantis no Nazo.

>> No.73824866

there are like 200 million hours of vcr clips so that might just be a (You) problem

>> No.73824920

Rust is slop, simple as

>> No.73825166

Rust is a great game. The problem is they aren't playing rust but some boring ass mod.

>> No.73825592

>Rust is a great game.

>> No.73825806

I'd watch if they were allowed to call each other niggers like in a normal rust server

>> No.73825874

This is why I hate Rust.

>> No.73825924

You must be 18 or older to use this website

>> No.73826469

It's just a mega collab server to drive interactions between people who don't normally talk to each other. It's like a cross-culture exchange.
The EN equivalent of this is literally Minecraft SMP. But I suppose in the context of the English-speaking chuuba streaming world, it would be like if holoEN, nijiEN, vshojo, phase, indies, etc. all played some game together with actual flesh streamers from like OfflineTV and OTK.

I can see why people wouldn't like that(especially since the EN streamer sphere is volatile and filled with assholes), but most VCR regulars have much more exposure to vtuber culture and they have the decency to not openly be hostile to them- and they know they will get flamed and harassed if they behave in a certain way. The whole concept is poison to unicorns or walled garden enjoyers though.
Despite this, I think people would probably be open to a girls-only vtuber GTA server or something, but no one so far is stepping up to organize or set up that kind of thing. I don't see holos doing it because they're busy with their own stuff. Niji wouldn't want to exclude their males. Vshojo has no money and would want to involve males and flesh streamers. Phase has no money or clout. etc.

>> No.73826617

This tbqh, I took the Phasepill in December and I've never been happier lads.
JP is pozzed. Hololive should be EN only and fire all male collabing whores

>> No.73826646

Kill yourself for both of these opinions.

>> No.73826884

I only watched the female part of it meanwhile I won't watch a minute of VCRslop
This is a medium that relies on CGDCT, not males.

>> No.73826930

200 million hours of unfunny clips.

>> No.73826936
File: 138 KB, 1080x1522, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Here are the direct consequences of it.

>> No.73826990

Don't reply to me, cuck
VTubers are not for you

>> No.73827033

If I see another VCR thread, I’ll rape OP’s mother

>> No.73827060

200 million hours of clips and not a single second of them is worth watching. Sad!

>> No.73827108

as I said, a (You) problem

>> No.73827121

Then Fagoo should fire everyone who took part in this. It's killing Hololive from within>>73826936

>> No.73827143

>Watches Boyfriend Connect
>calls others cucks

>> No.73827191

No males
Holoslop now is forcing males outside Holostars

>> No.73827230

IRyS expressed interest in it but likely won't because of the guys involved.

>> No.73827267

>Holoslop now is forcing males outside Holostars
I wasn't aware partaking in VCR was mandatory for all Hololive members, guess I somehow missed that

>> No.73827292

it's hilarious to me how many people just hate e-celebs for been celebs and seethe with jealousy

>> No.73827348

>VCR Rust
what the ever living fuck is this even? I'm not going on r*ddit nor tw*tter to find out.

>> No.73827347

They forced all of Hololive to take part in HLZNTL last year
With Omega now heading the JP branch they're slowly trying to kill it from within

>> No.73827414

>If I see one more VCR stream...
i'll go and watch it

>> No.73827542

>They forced all of Hololive to take part in HLZNTL
do you really fucking believe it

>> No.73827587

This is not even true. Aqua literally declined to join and said she would never participate in it on stream despite being known as the holo fps chuuba.
Do you guys just make shit up and hope it sticks?

>> No.73827696
File: 405 KB, 1200x1200, shrug fubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch VCR because people here keep criying

>Mori cant go 20 seconds without oblivion NPC camera zooming into an indie going OMG KARIOPE SAN KAKKOI and her Indie companion dancing around her. Talks to males from time to time but there's one every 5 indies

>Bae spends most of her time with a literal who indie running in the wild, clams up like a literal retard the second more than 2 people show up and her male interactions is her stealing stuff or talking to people she already interacted with (holostars). Met one new male that doesn't do shit except laugh like a seal

>Anya is running around with different people but is also anya so spends most of the time looking around and very rarely talks to someone unless asked questions

>Botan is a repeat of Mori and all she does is sit and wheeze

>Ayame and aki rose have a lot of males around but all they do is jump in horses and roleplay a mafia. some of them are Stars like aruran or gamma (AKA people they already know)

Im not saying these streams are the peak of content or that they are great...but do we really need you seething on cooldown? nothing fucking happens and the amount of males not sticking to their own groups is minuscule. I doubt you are concerned these streams are boring and the "flirting" is non existant

>> No.73827715

>Do you guys just make shit up and hope it sticks?
That's the entire sister MO at this point, just firehose the bullshit and see what people fall for, then run with it.

>> No.73827794

Already contradicted yourself sis

>> No.73827877

There are a few actual holofans who are getting PTSD flashbacks from Ark, but the vast majority of those seething about it are nijisisters and shitposters.

>> No.73827885
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Neither are beggars trying to convince actual VTuber fans that male VTubers are worth it in a female dominated hobby.

>> No.73828084
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>> No.73828388

I accept your concession, sister

>> No.73828430

If male vtubers were worth it, their viewership numbers would reflect that. And yet...

>> No.73828804
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>> No.73828886

Not those anon, but i fell the same as them, shitty game and fucking e-celeb everywhere, nothing funny it's incredible, why the F does every single person have the FOMO and join hat shit is a mystery to me. I mean it scream "i'm an insecure streamer please watch me" who defnitly no hololive member should have, so FFS i hope they just stop. it's shit.

>> No.73829105

Rust is garbage, always has been, but I am enjoying Ayame's streams regardless.

>> No.73829441

The big appeal for Hololive talents is the out-of-holobox interactions. Easy way to make connections from VCR.

>> No.73829478

>The big appeal for Hololive talents is the out-of-holobox interactions.
What the fuck is this opinion

>> No.73829550

It's easiest to shitpost about something when you don't watch it. In this case the people shitposting about this stuff also never supported the people they are shitposting about in the first place. It's the homobeggars logic all over again
>I don't watch thing but I want x person to do this!

>> No.73829646
File: 46 KB, 640x665, EVSN0Nf0OJotnjX3qpR9emvgy62Nu-nwUJXCSip2M6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I see one more VCR stream...
>Whatever this retarded SEAnig >>73826884 is babbling about

>> No.73829685

>JP is pozzed. Hololive should be EN only and fire all male collabing whores.
This is why YAGOO caters to normies these days. Pandering to fickle unicorns is not a long term investment.

>> No.73829948

Now we know who's behind all the shitposts

>> No.73830094

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.73830129

Someone better inform Okayu, Kanata, Ririka, Noel, Nerissa, Shiori, Fuwamoco, Kiara, IRyS, Fauna, and Mumei* about this then, apparently their choice of path is not sustainable kek
*This list is not exhaustive

>> No.73830162

I hate them as much as anyone would but let's not think they had anything to do with being even remotely related to cause these streams to happen or even being the ones solely responsible for this alongside shitposters. This is entirely on the girls who do these streams and their responsibility and what you are seeing for a good number of threads is the reaction to that given Hololive's audience.

>> No.73830227

Oh they're the funnels. I'm surprised you'd include Kanata after she just told a Heimin that he can be a girl if he believed hard enough.

>> No.73830276

Are you brain dead?

>> No.73830277

Holy cope lmao

>> No.73830580

Friend owes me sex
