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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 111 KB, 720x1280, GJVGeVqW0AA9IN_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73807709 No.73807709 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/? (embed)
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
/asp/ discord server: https://discord.gg/7cyeKBpkGS
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>73745819

>> No.73807746

First for gumping my jorts!

>> No.73807749

hey /asp/ im at starbucks you want anything

>> No.73807770

First for you will never become a male corpo, give up now

>> No.73807772

Renata is a fake bitch

>> No.73807805
File: 35 KB, 162x172, concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im considering a simple style! but i can't help but wonder "ah.. how do i translate the simple style into something cute?"
ive been sitting on this design i doodled awhile ago..
i honestly prefer 2d models than 3d..

>> No.73807834
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyPromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for I believe in you anon!
Reach for the stars!

>> No.73807840

Wrong previous thread linked

>> No.73807891

You appear

>> No.73807917

>Your favorite /asp/ie
>What you think they need to work on
>Favorite part of their design
>What you would change about their design if you were making it for yourself
>The activity/game they're the best at?
>Least favorite stream game/activity they do semi-regulary
>Game you would recommend that you think they would love (doesn't have to be streamed, playing offline is also fine)

>> No.73807939
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, MilkingDigbys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Digby milk perhaps?

>> No.73807973

Is it wrong to become a vtuber to become friends with other vtubers?

>> No.73807989

Digby's Digbies...

>> No.73807996

sex with ojisan chuuba

>> No.73808002

I still have the generic vroid face, I just don't know how to change it so it doesn't look generic/to make it look good.
Hair is too hard to figure it out. I can't do anything with the hair.
The clevage is too hard to make, I think I am going to give up.
Can't figure it out how to make clothes look like the character isn't a child playing dress up. I was going to make my character go with skin tight clothes because I couldn't figure out how to make normal clothes "look", in general. Not "look good", just "look".
Skin is still the generic one and I think it looks kinda bad but I suck at drawing so I can't fix it.
And I still have half the outfit unfinished because I lack the art skills requiered to finish the remaininig parts of it.

Vroid is just too hard, man...

>> No.73808008

Yes just get real life friends

>> No.73808033

>Streaming vidya
>Everything <3
>I'd make him a handsome bishonen boy~~
>Science shit
>Interacting with women
>Literally any video game

>> No.73808045

pink drink

>> No.73808060

Name him, sis!

>> No.73808059

Why are real life friends different from vtuber friends? I want to find people who have shared interests and people in real life are only into drinking and sports

>> No.73808095

I'm going to bounce her on my cock and rupture her cervix

>> No.73808099

I got an offer from AFK Journey, isn't it big
i see their ads everywhere

>> No.73808117


>> No.73808121

whichever ones have the biggest, most calloused hands

>> No.73808135

Any old caffeinated tea would be nice :] thanks.

>> No.73808141

>tfw im a rotten ojisan enjoyer
>trying to think of a gimmick to my character
>my brain thinks of "NEET fudanshi who's rotten"
this isnt a good gimmick is it
the ads are everywhere and the one song that plays from it is actually catchy

>> No.73808164

Name her, bro!

>> No.73808165

>NEET fudanshi who's rotten

Literally me

>> No.73808195

if you're talking about through stream elements everyone gets those
if you're talking outside of stream elements everyone gets those
mobage are willing to get thousands of 2views to do their advert work for them because only 1 in 10000 of the accepted sponsorships clear the payout bars, and if they do it's the first one for 50 bucks for getting 50 people to buy shit in the game

>> No.73808236

do you wanna be rotten fudanshi's together and rant about BL storylines on stream...
im not one of those people who will read koreanshit manhwas cause they all look the same and i hate it

>> No.73808249

It could be a decent gimmick as long as it's not annoying, I guess? Like how is this gimmick going to manifest, wearing a shirt that says "i love oji" and having your model hold a daki of your favourite ojisan? that might be pushing it.
...But it also sounds kinda based. Okay, don't do this idea, anon, I want to do it.

>> No.73808270

you dont need a gimmick
just b urself

>> No.73808282

>"i love oji" shirt
tfw i run a neocities website where it's all about fictional ojisans that i adore

>> No.73808288

just stream whatever lol

>> No.73808323

this but entirely unironically

>> No.73808331

So is this game the new Raid: Shadow Legendseses?

>> No.73808348


>> No.73808519

I'm saying they're all like that. You aren't catching a unique wave or being singled out, they shotgun these sponsorships out to tons of people. The only question is whether you have enough viewers to clear whatever bars have been set, AND whether those viewers like you enough to sink a few hours into a trash mobage they'll never touch again for your benefit

>> No.73808564

Well now I have to see a collage of all your faves
And if you go with that idea you have GOT to go all out. Have a redeem that activates fudanshi mode and adds in all the assets of the "i <3 oji" shirt, a fan headband, daki in one arm, glowstick in the other

>> No.73808613

oh my god
i actually found a gimmick to this design
thanks bros, the ojisan sexpest vchuuba will exist someday
>And if you go with that idea you have GOT to go all out
HAHA dont worry i will go all out!!! i have to put us fudanshis on the map!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.73808665

Lets gooooo, objectify old men I support you!

>> No.73808675

Yes just DM me on Discord


>> No.73808708

do i trust this

>> No.73808729

how do i even get started on rigging... how.. how... HOW

>> No.73808753



>> No.73808755
File: 172 KB, 997x549, codester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to sing. Someone teach me how to sing. I'm losing my mind. AHHHHHHHH.

>> No.73808769
File: 1.23 MB, 854x480, 1712541770079926.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh yeah

>> No.73808789

You're already doing great anon, just keep practicing like that

>> No.73808792

Now this is cinema

>> No.73808872

yt tutorial, I did some rigging practice using chupuko's playlist because she does most of the basics. some of her techniques are a bit advanced so there might be better for first timers.
I just kind of bashed my head against it until something decent came out. Never used it, but it was practice.

>> No.73808876

i need to make a new discord for chuuba stuff, hold on!!

>> No.73808976
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Patrician taste

>> No.73809097

>Post cover songs on YouTube
>The glasses
>Add a logo to his shirt
>Crazy inventions
>He is not a gamer, so nothing

>> No.73809237

I wish I could just reciprocate everyone's feelings so I didn't need to hurt anyone. I hate that this keeps happening.

>> No.73809240

Crossed fingers I may have my budget sorted in the coming weeks to get started rigging my model

>> No.73809356
File: 614 KB, 1876x1478, GLS1yw6aAAAcojM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Suraya designing another chuuba?!

>> No.73809435

need a big strong ojisan to manhandle me into taking better care of myself, its already lunch and i forgot to eat breakfast

>> No.73809458

I wish vagueposters wouldn't vaguepost

>> No.73809477


>> No.73809539

I'm sorry. I've been dealing with this all my life and I have no outlet, every time I tell someone they just tell me they're jealous.

>> No.73809559

I'm very disappointed in you.

>> No.73809796
File: 107 KB, 926x749, personality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these will likely have the least people trying it? want to make my chance stronger

>> No.73809803

How strong? Strong enough to lift you with both arms easily or with just one

>> No.73809848

What are we looking at here?

>> No.73809880
File: 9 KB, 240x240, Fb941ZBagAEwzu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73809966

albert you should go for the one that matches you

>> No.73809983

>Dominant and perfectionist
Normal ojisan
>Extroverted and energetic
Femboys and fags
>Mysterious and logical
>Sensual and teasing
Vox wannabes
>Naughty and assertive
This is probably the one to go for, I don't even know what this would entail so you can put your own spin on it

>> No.73809991

The FSP Gen 1 guys leaked that the order of models in the trailer follows the personality types listed here. The last two are VERY SEXO, the last guy literally wears a belly dancer outfit.

I can see most people aiming for 3, with a few 1s.
There's very few people that can hit 2, 4, 5

>> No.73810007

I think you're slightly biased

>> No.73810070

>I don't even know what this would entail so you can put your own spin on it
A Hex kind of guy, horny and not taking a no for an answer.

>> No.73810098

Sometimes I wish I never existed...
I only end up causing pain and discomfort to others

>> No.73810116

The overwhelming majority will definitely go for 3, most male chuubas see themselves as some dark and mysterious (autistic) badass

>> No.73810178

What if I genuinely am an autistic edgelord

>> No.73810205

If your strategy is "I'm gonna do the one that's least tried" you aint gonna make it
Your first thought should be "which of these embodies me the best", not "which can I shittily larp as even if it's nothing like who I am"

>> No.73810211

Extroverted and Energetic is gonna be the most fought for.

>> No.73810272

>I only end up causing pain and discomfort to others
me too, but that is my goal so yeah. go me!!

>> No.73810317

Both arms, I think. Sounds difficult to lift someone with just one arm. Maybe just one arm to hold them down?

>> No.73810331

Sensual & Teasing will very likely be the least tried for

>> No.73810360

That's tough cuz none of these other ones describe me

>> No.73810388

I wish I could decapitate everyone. I hate that this keeps happening.

>> No.73810403

Probably mysterious and logical. Most male chuuba are daddy wannabe sexpests or fags who want to be groomed, so they clear up the other options pretty evenly.

>> No.73810428

Ganba kankuro!

>> No.73810440

Did chatgpt write this?

>> No.73810451

Tier list of which of our males fall into which category when?

>> No.73810477

It's you. It's always you. Do I actually need to seek you out, sit you down and stare you down to make sure that you take care of yourself even marginaly better? 'Cause I'll do it, don't fucking test me

>> No.73810486

anti-male thread is this way >>73768409

>> No.73810508

Sorry for calling you out, maybe get help.

>> No.73810519

If it is like that I would happily lift you up and then pin you against the nearest wall as I berate you with a disappointed tone until you recognize your mistakes
But only if you weight less than 75kg

>> No.73810539

Idk but my fuckin ass mysterious will be the least auditioned
It'll be the one that all the guys who "don't wanna do bfe" will do because it's the least explicitly about sex appeal and they think it's just a way to collect a paycheck

>> No.73810552

that's actually the free woman bashing thread, good try tho

>> No.73810583

what kind of fashion did you guys go for with your design?

>> No.73810587

It’s gonna be least tried for but most tough competitive wise,
You’ll probably have to compete against people doing lewd ASMR and maybe even NSFW audio stuff.
You’ll shoot yourself in the foot if you’re not very sexual, might as well go for Mysterious and Logical if you wanna do light BFE.

>> No.73810592

Wrong guy, but it's okay I love kankuro

>> No.73810613

I wish I wasn't like this, I receive a lot of love and care but I always fuck it up.
I want the earth to swallow me and turn me into fertilizer

>> No.73810634

>and they think it's just a way to collect a paycheck
How's that chip on your shoulder treating ya?

>> No.73810713

Naughty and assertive is for a femboy, they said as much on their QnA stream yesterday.

>> No.73810741

we have a little eating disorder as a treat

>> No.73810751
File: 19 KB, 400x1200, V2_Default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open jacket with buttons and straps cool
>Heat in Japanese because I'm a weeb
>Off brand Adidas
>Nice kicks

>> No.73810765

>/asp/ie talking out of his ass without knowing his speculation was already proven wrong
breaking news!

>> No.73810796

So? Apply anyways.
Even if you don’t fit perfectly, you might show a possible character archetype for a future audition and they’ll remember you.

>> No.73810818
File: 37 KB, 757x405, F0_-efvagAEzFNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah. Put a daily timer on for iron pills because I'm anemic and I get dizzy when I stand up!

>> No.73810833

Got a link to that? If it offers insight I'd love to see it, there's 2 I think are actually accurate to me but if I can get additional info that helps me decide...

>> No.73810839

What naughty and assertive femboys do we have? Asking for a friend...

>> No.73810864

i typed this

>> No.73810887

Is that from anemia? I usually almost faint and my head feels like it's going to explode when I stand up. I've passed out a few times and my vision goes completely dark, I get a loud buzzing in my ears and my balance is completely thrown off.

>> No.73810896

Yeah, me

>> No.73810902

Formal and a bit lavish Victorian era base with a coating of innocent and dreamy magic on top.

>> No.73810911

Well nothing is set on stone.
The talents were saying they expected/wanted a femboy to be red/Naughty but at the end of the day, it’s the corpos decision.
Just pointing out that if you’re not sure and not a femboy, don’t pick that one, but if you’re sure you can do naughty and assertive and are not a femboy, you can still try.

>> No.73810914

I'm so fucking bad at fashion, I never know what I'm doing. It's always just normal outfit that I'd actually wear, rarely anything intricate.

>> No.73810972

Im applying for Naughty.

>> No.73810973

I will shit myself live on stream if any /asp/ie makes it into that FSP corpo

>> No.73810987

Could be, yes. You know it's anemia if you also get cold relatively easily. But I think some blood pressure issues can also be linked to that standing vertigo feeling too, especially if its really extreme dizziness.

>> No.73811028

My limbs are always ice cold and anemia runs in my family. I've never really been tested for it I guess.

>> No.73811056

are you a woman? asking cuz women have a much higher chance of developing it in general

>> No.73811058

Better get that spare set ready

Aspies with the best chance
-Ace P Caswell - Pick #3 you doofus
-Albert Morn - I know you're reading this, PICK 1 and sperg about Inazuma

>> No.73811089
File: 82 KB, 1162x112, 1713048820276535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.73811110

I did pick 1 and i did not sperg about Inazuma but i should have

>> No.73811132

Albert 1
Kankuro 2
Ace 3
Haru 4
Idk who'd be 5

>> No.73811136

No, but I do have some hormonal balance issues that might cause it?

>> No.73811177

>Haru 4
That's the last person who'd be sensual and teasing.

>> No.73811199

What? The guy that has a panic attack when something sexual happens?
Haru won’t fit in that corpo at all, the guys like to lewd each other all the time.

>> No.73811201

What constitutes an ojisan vtuber?

>> No.73811226

Don't give them any attention, they're clearly just trying to start another haru hate derailment

>> No.73811230

i had alva spend a few hours brainstorming an outfit for me, and he knocked it out of the park desu, i love it so much, really grunge-core with kurt cobain inspirations and all the music junk that goes into my themeing

i miss him...

>> No.73811234

charleyfolds big as a house......

>> No.73811261

charleyfolds' folds ToT

>> No.73811273

He's been leaning less seiso and a little more sexual slowly over time.

>> No.73811285

charleyfolds' charley...

>> No.73811303

Remove haru
Insert Abigail and Hauntlich because it'd be funny to see asp's reaction

>> No.73811330

being an old fart(30+) and having a cute autistic niche interest that you know way too much about like trains, military or warhammer

>> No.73811353

Hey I fit that description then

>> No.73811373

good choice

>> No.73811379

Yeah that could be a big factor, definitely get a blood test to see if its anemia or high blood pressure.

>> No.73811410

I might apply for naughty but I'm also tempted to apply for mysterious

>> No.73811441
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>> No.73811440

You're still a sex-starved fag if you think he fits that

>> No.73811458

hes live

>> No.73811468
File: 21 KB, 357x500, 6373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in that case i will stalk follow you on twitch dot tv

>> No.73811483

What's his problem?

>> No.73811520


>> No.73811524

is tanned with tanlines cool or people will say "ewww nigger"?

>> No.73811542

I'll say it anyway, if it makes you feel better

>> No.73811544

Not the one who posted that. I just find him cute.

>> No.73811589

Tons of folks like tanlines, I think they're great.
But look at where you are. You could be a slightly tanned shade and people will still say that to you.

>> No.73811609

What does manifest ego mean?
I can't really see the connections here

>> No.73811630

AM the one who posted it
These mfers acting like "mindbreak the innocent, seiso femboy into being a coomer degenerate" isn't a genre in and of itself

>> No.73811671

That's something that only coomers enjoy

>> No.73811685

It's someone larping as if they have a far bigger intellect then they actually do, being all circumspect and shit

>> No.73811688

>didn't include known PM-fags

>> No.73811729

And coomers pay money
I'm glad you're putting two and two together

>> No.73811793

I don't think this is why he found a whale.

>> No.73811797

>Leaks their transphobic discord messages
You're telling me we could cancel them AND remove them from the asp bubble? Hell yeah, hope they definitely apply now unironically

>> No.73811898

>discord mentioned
well it was actually a good thread, hope we have as productive a conversation on the next round bros

>> No.73811944

Is Fuza dating Gumpai?

>> No.73811946

Can you explain this, I see myself and don’t get it

>> No.73811980

Gumpai constantly mentions the fact that he is her boyfriend all the time. So yes?

>> No.73812140

List made by an actual schizo

>> No.73812225

That doesn't make sense, and the people on the list make even less sense.

>> No.73812244
File: 421 KB, 585x532, 1685359148055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ggggghhh One day!!! I'll be called cute without having to tell anyone to!!!

>> No.73812298

Its PM shit. They also forgot the periods. E.G.O. not Ego.

>> No.73812332

>That doesn't make sense
That's the point retard, it's supposed to not make sense. It's like a horoscope, just a bunch of nonsense written down with the intention of trying to get people to assign meaning where there is none

>> No.73812372

Ok so what does it mean? I'm curious now
There's not really a lot of overlap between Franky, Digby, Patchey and Camui

>> No.73812408

So the list creator was just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.73812409
File: 15 KB, 252x224, sticker (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh the irony.

>> No.73812430

someone should do a tierlist of every male

>> No.73812489

>heh... iykyk
really not helping your case on disproving the "pretending you have esoteric knowledge" thing

>> No.73812514

cute /asp/ies in the discord

>> No.73812526

it's literally just a project moon reference.

>> No.73812560
File: 28 KB, 506x506, I_love_this_dog_like_you_wouldnt_believe59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry brother I WILL play more balatro
i'm sorry brother I WILL continue to collab with women
love u guys tho

>> No.73812569


E.G.O. manifests as different objects and clothing based on spooky thought magic in PM games. After certain events in the series happen, people begin to manifest their own. Those who cannot manifest E.G.O. and instead give into their own negative emotions become "distortions". Otherwise the list is just schizo horoscope shit because you guys will make a tier list out of anything and then get really hung up on placements.

>> No.73812582
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x750, 3287r8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the like

five people I've had significant interaction with only one of them isn't on there and the rest are in in manifest ego

>> No.73812584

hi /asp/ bros!!! today i'm playing portal 2!!! come see me ""larp""" and """"manifest EGO"""!!!!


happy tuesday~!

>> No.73812589

She posted on Twitter about visiting Quebec recently so I'm thinking yes

>> No.73812645

Somebody make a tierlist for which aspies go in which categories

>> No.73812659

Do you ever notice anyone who doesn't post here? Can people recommend you other people, or do you only check out /asp/ thread goers exclusively?

>> No.73812684

Now it makes more sense, but
>Ineda, Mond, Camui
>Not distort

>> No.73812695

ahh, i would totally fit in edgelord, but i don't think i'd get placed there..

>> No.73812772

Wait are we saying the actual archetypes, or the quoted retards misinterpretation of those archetypes?

>> No.73812883

The actual ones. I’m dumb and replied to the wrong post.

>> No.73813032

Who should he collab with next? Just listen to his talk!

>> No.73813068

clip url doesn't lie

>> No.73813073

He finally got a trip.
Also we don't hate that you collab with women, but you ONLY collab with women.

>> No.73813115

Name one (1) chuuba and I will draw them. You have to promise to praise my art though. Ok?

>> No.73813126

Unironically asking for once, what's his problem?

>> No.73813130

Did you not watch their valentines day stream?

>> No.73813141

is there a vod?

>> No.73813143


>> No.73813147

Emo (emo_pukki for those who don't know)

>> No.73813162


>> No.73813181

That's not the real uwo that's a post I made as a joke to show you retards how easy it is to fake being uwo and you fell for it. You should be ashamed with how dumb you are.

>> No.73813192

Maybe on her YouTube channel.

>> No.73813245


>> No.73813284

she deleted everything

>> No.73813359

only a guilty person would delete everything

>> No.73813380
File: 195 KB, 546x549, 1712285119006526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she still had some stuff up.

>> No.73813503
File: 310 KB, 2160x1160, FgTWaukagAM9UKu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to throw myself into working on stream improvements so I don't have to feel my feelings!
Which is the easiest to use for onscreen overlay popups for raid and follow messages? I used to use SoundAlerts but it seems like a lot of people use other programs these days.

>> No.73813537

It's not that deep, it's just basic ass market psychology (creating fomo)
The people who saw it make it seem like it was a bigger deal than it was, so next time she streams for any length of time people flock to watch her lest they miss out

>> No.73813556


>> No.73813589

this is exactly what a guilty person woudl say

>> No.73813591


>> No.73813592

It isn't even that deep either, I think she just does it on impulse

>> No.73813659

I will only draw him and banana nigga fucking

>> No.73813697

>Deep manipulative planning
OR.... it's as simple as "she's a bipolar pickme attention whore"

>> No.73813708

>just tuned into his stream right now
>yapping on about Bao's fat ass and her fat boyfriend
top kek

>> No.73813747

>be invalid who's chronically ill
>mfw vtubing is one of the few options for me to get income
its over

>> No.73813815

>be invalid who's chronically ill
Going by the claims from half the vtuber population, you're in a very crowded market
Swear to god all these niggas is dying if you go off what they say

>> No.73813843

Listen you sorry sack of shit
If there's a will there's a way
Aggressive market your menhera ass to the finish line

Also you're not the first person that chose Vtubing due to basically being incapable of work, go look those people up and study.

>> No.73813888

do i get extra points of pity for having a rare cancer that is incurable, but with unironic bloodletting i should be able to live for a good while
>aggressive market
you got it!!

>> No.73813949
File: 2.43 MB, 1080x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an alien (code word for autist) who loves rape jokes, scat and fat asses.

>> No.73813981

Typical babi

>> No.73814024

>tune in
>hes ranting about boomers and kids wonderful engaging content

>> No.73814027

me too
i have a strong list of *markteable* mental illness that i hope to sell to the strongest simps eventually
cheap menhera girl virginity, yep, you hear it properly, cheap menhera girl virginity, just sub to my channel

>> No.73814059

>fat boyfriend
the only based thing she's done, i want a chunky bf too with a soft belly and strong arms to put me in a headlock

>> No.73814143

I know of at least one aspie who claims to be a medically malformed goblin that shouldn't even be alive that makes a nice amount monthly, enough to pay the bills when combined with the monthly government tugboat
I think actual ailments helps, just being a little coocoo doesn't help that much, but if you've got mega cancer or some shit that probably gets you some sympathy bux

>> No.73814235

cancer is cancer, but im not gonna make my entire fucking identity about me being a crippled frog.. thats lame
>menhera marketing
be wary. men dont like BPD

>> No.73814273

>men dont like BPD
Gumpai is right there...

>> No.73814344

You would still tap Bao though.

>> No.73814354

>Marketable mental illnesses

My mental illnesses are not marketable so I don’t bring them up but people know something is wrong with me

>> No.73814392

>im not gonna make my entire fucking identity about me being a crippled frog.. thats lame
this is literally ironmouses entire stick and she's the most rich and successful vtuber who isn't a holo girl in the world, but hey walk away from free money if you want

>> No.73814408

I mean, you have to have mental illnesses of some sort in order to be a chuuba.

>> No.73814458


>> No.73814565

Are you a woman?
If not then go ahead and skip your medical status being mentioned even in passing, nobody will give a shit if you're a guy dying of a terminal illness

>> No.73814567

>walk away from free money
ironmouse is a very different story. yes she makes her illnesses well known but alot of people respect her for being one of the early english vtubers. i do respect her for the hard work she puts into events! but she is a special case

>> No.73814574

Ok ineda

>> No.73814642

If by special you mean boring and unoriginal then yes I agree.

>> No.73814680

>nobody will give a shit if you're a guy dying of a terminal illness
real... real as fuck, sympathy bux will not be distributed to me

>> No.73814779


>> No.73814781

>dying boyfriend confesses to you as his breathing machine hisses in the background ASMR
idk seems like a pretty easy niche to slip into without any additional set up required

>> No.73814844

>dying boyfriend confesses to you as his breathing machine hisses in the background ASMR
i guess i can fill the niche of "dying asmr". maybe ill frame those asmr streams as a storyline

>> No.73814846

but i like men

>> No.73814887

I can't stop crying. I just want to be carried and held while you rub my hair and whisper sweet nothing's into my ear. I want to be gently put down on the bed where you kiss me from the top of my head down to my stomach and make me squirm while I still have tears in my eyes. I want you to take off my pants and make me feel better while I cover my eyes out of embarrassment about everything. I want you to fuck me in missionary while holding my arms up using one hand to stop me from hiding my face. I want you to lose control, flip me over and roughly take me from behind, pulling my hair back and grunting loudly with every thrust. I want you to tell me that you're about to cum and cum inside me filling me up to the brim. I want you to kiss me gently afterwards as the cum slowly spills out of me.

>> No.73814903

I have to stop falling in love with these vtubers man

>> No.73814929

Name him, sis!
Name him too!

>> No.73814955

I love Sun and his thick sweet sweaty sexy feet

>> No.73814956

I just want my favorite VTuber to make me a sandwich wtf sis

>> No.73814969

Slightly less gay

>> No.73814991

Never name him again!

>> No.73815045

asmr but it's your favorite vtubers in a hospital bed dying

>> No.73815092

>be wary. men dont like BPD

>> No.73815120

what about this except "but it's your least favorite vtubers who you most wish were in the hospital dying"
also skip the roleplay part

>> No.73815291
File: 306 KB, 1170x1471, IMG_4338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy this? I want to be a cute anime girl.

>> No.73815328

asmr but it's BFE and its an ojisan

>> No.73815354

If you're WIPlash, then yes, BUY IT.

>> No.73815437

Too bad, it's skab

>> No.73815480

are there any BFE pandering ojisan vtubers who do BFE asmr
asking for a friend

>> No.73815561
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x674, VC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am LIVE with Valkyria Chronicles!
Today we're ACTUALLY going to be getting into the game in a timely manner, so you won't want to miss it!


>> No.73815569

The sample video sounds so good. There’s no way it actually work this well right?

>> No.73815708

Just make your own model like I did with uwo's voice. Let it train when you sleep and you can have it done in a day with a good gpu

>> No.73815927

>what kind of fashion did you guys go for with your design?
Late but I ended up going with something inspired by Taisho Roman fashion and incorporated a few celestial motifs.

>> No.73815947

>thread for advice from viewers who actually watch vtubers and what they wanna see
>thread is filled with 1 view vtubers giving advice

where did we go wrong bros?

>> No.73815992

I mean... nobody's asking for advice on how to succeed but everything else related to streaming which people here are well equipped to answer.

>> No.73816016

I just send pics of myself in outfits i like to my model artist and say to make something with this feel

>> No.73816028

This thread was never for one minute about advice from viewers

>> No.73816062

Check this out please >>73815291

>> No.73816065

Retard read the first post
Retarded anon

>> No.73816147
File: 16 KB, 112x112, EmotesJam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself

>> No.73816159

the same viewers who give advice but then don't watch the people they give their advice to
the same viewers who give uninformed advice about stuff they have no idea because they never tried streaming
if you want that then go to /wvt/

>> No.73816255

Thanks for the advice kind stranger. Is that the same place I get free art from starving philippinos?

>> No.73816294


>> No.73816295

i’ve seen people ask for help improving content here multiple times. why ask here if it’s not for advice from viewers? tech issues are understandable, but content advice?

>> No.73816408

/wvt/ is literally only linkposting.

>> No.73816412

>the same viewers who give advice but then don't watch the people they give their advice to

Look at this again
Viewers have no clue what they want

>> No.73816450

Beryl should get it for the ultimate femboy model combo

>> No.73816479

It's meant for other vtubers to say what kind of content has worked for them. A chef can ask a diner if they enjoyed the food, but he's not going to ask them how to cook it or what the menu should look like.

>> No.73816661

I’m technologically retarded and I can’t fuck with any of that AI stuff. I was waiting for someone to take the existing stuff and repackage it with a simple UI. Apparently even this is still complex and people were complaining it didn’t have a guide when it first came out. So maybe I’ll wait for someone to make an even more idiot proof version.

>> No.73816807
File: 720 KB, 800x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got electrocuted playing this game once.

Another PS1 classic over at https://twitch.tv/sukadrii

>> No.73816887

this is great in theory except no one here gets more than 6 viewers (except females) so how can they know what works

>> No.73816895

Gobbo mentioned

>> No.73816908

Here’s the blackpill, generally speaking there’s no getting better as a vtuber. You’re either built for entertaining people or you’re not. There’s no practicing, there’s no getting better. You’re not going to build up your charm or wit by grinding the amount of hours streamed. If you’re meant to make it, you’re going to make it. If you’re not meant to make it, then you won’t.

>> No.73817012

true to an extent but you do also change over time.
you can very easily compare many many streamers older content to newer. every single one who's been at this game a while has improved across the board to such an extent it makes me wonder how i ever watched them.

>> No.73817022

There are plenty of /asp/ that get more than 6. Even if they didn't it would still be better than the 0 that a viewer gets.

>> No.73817040

half the males here do way better than the males on twitter
the females here outperform female vtubers that have been streaming a long time and have big twitter reach

>> No.73817122

You gotta move your goal posts guy
We're at 10+ right now, use 30 next time

>> No.73817148

Considering the amount of real life streamers and vtubers that grinded for a few years as a literal 2 view only to explode in popularity without changing their content, you're wrong.

>> No.73817253
File: 483 KB, 1080x1894, Sadstats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 viewers (except females)
Where are my tons of viewers at

>> No.73817384

Mary you prove that the coomers at least have working ear holes
Even all the gooning they do, they can't stand an audio setup that scuff
Stream for like one more hour and please fix your audio, you'll get a gorillion viewers like all the other wamen

>> No.73817388

Nana you stream at irregular random hours, you mention you start stream here minutes before you start and end stream within an hour or two.

This is why people cant catch you over time.

>> No.73817401

You don't count since you are a retard.

>> No.73817428

Congrats. You wrote a blackpill post that maybe you even believe. It doesn't make it true or correct or even accurately represent even your own experience. Thanks for sharing your sadboy opinions with the class.

>> No.73817433

trans debuff on a non trans girl
sad, but it happens, like with Coco

>> No.73817469

coco is currently going through a rebrand which kills ccv

>> No.73817491


>> No.73817502

Wait was coco not trans the entire time

>> No.73817507

>we’re at 10
>sukadrii: 1
>wiplash: 8

going by recent posts, who is we, anon? can you provide examples for your claims?

>> No.73817550

Coco posted pics of his dick before what kind of crack are you on to still think he is a girl

>> No.73817554

Except those vtubers were always going to make it. They always had the right skill set. No one just paid attention to them before. They are different from the vtubers who were never ever going to make it.

>> No.73817569

I don't want to pressure you into doing streams you don't want to do. But I think you just need to do content that appeals more to guys. I just cant get into the types of streams you do. It just doesn't really appeal to me as a guy. Even some kind of casual game would be comparatively nice.

>> No.73817589

I hope this isn't Sun

>> No.73817604

If its all predestined then save us all the trouble of hearing your terrible advice and kill yourself.

>> No.73817605

Coco is not trans, just has a nasal voice.

>> No.73817675

Cope lol. His fake girl voice is one of the worst I have ever heard

>> No.73817718

This is why we say she has the trans debuff despite being female.
Her voice is so bad, no one will believe it.

>> No.73817735

I wish FSP would consider a Rika-style flirty lesbian in a male model. I'd apply if I thought I had a shot but I know they're only looking for men. I want to appeal to bisexual yumes on a mass scale. I want to make other women think erotically about me. Fuck my life.

>> No.73817739

I've known a real girl who could fit a football in her ass.

>> No.73817776


>> No.73817802

You mean like Yugo?
You can apply as a woman if you have a good male-ish voice.
If you want to be a character that is FEMALE, you have other corpos for that. FSP is just for males for now.

>> No.73817817

sadly no, but if there was I would be obsessed with him
i wonder if asmr people trade lewd audio requests instead of money

>> No.73817903

I have an androgynous voice that I've worked on and I don't care what pronouns people end up using. I'm just jealous because the dinosaur guy is a great design and I know the type of women I like will be horny over that, but I sincerely doubt they'd hire me.

>> No.73817906

I want to stream, I really really want to. But the circumstances I'm in right now won't let and I barely can do what I like. I don't feel safe in this world or in my room and slowly even the internet that kept a hold on me is becoming a place where I feel like everyone has a vendetta against me where I can really trust one person, but even they put me in sticky situations where in the end I'll end up being at fault, being more isolated. I still can make calls but what's the point when the only person I talk to is either sleeping, busy, or prefers to hang out with other people that despise you. If I'd stream maybe I'd learn to have more confidence and talk to people, I'm tired of having to rely on talking to myself just to not stay silent all the time and train my vocal cords. Slowly I even start to forget how to speak properly let it be with people or even myself, writing isn't that much of an issue besides some confusing phrases due to the tiredness.I don't know if I can go lower than this community to try and communicate with people, but I envy all of you guys for being able to stream freely, even if it's for yourself or one lurker, I envy all of you creating cliques and getting invited to collabs or being able to talk to other people, not being scared to socialize on the internet. Every time I get a dm from someone other than the one person I love and trust, I get into panic mode.
Streaming would help me slowly overcome these issues and this community is perfect to help each other (without counting the crabs or the ongoing harassments and sabotaging made by a certain group of people trying to completely exclude people from this community) you guys are all. I wish one day some of you will come lurk my stream and after that give me advice on what I could do to make it better and to make me better, but even dreaming of just hitting the Go live button is impossible to me.

>> No.73817936

You can still apply and try instead of moping about it here.

>> No.73817959

Not your personal blog.

>> No.73817984

There are 8 million people on this planet. Stop limiting yourself with your sad sack piece of shit woe is me act. Make new friends, get new hobbies, improve on yourself.

>> No.73817990
File: 54 KB, 235x489, 1580698689470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this weird timeloop again

>> No.73817996

shut the fuck up

>> No.73818010

>woman mad she's gatekept out of something in vtubing for once
98% of the chuubing industry beyond a 1view literal who indie level is dominated by girls. id say go apply to hololive or something but im guessing you're too unappealing for that so instead you want a shortcut
god forbid guys get something of their own for once

>> No.73818017

Just apply 4head
Do you think Nasally sounding Randon thought he'd get in to the Big Corpo?

>> No.73818031

t. someone predestined to never make it

>> No.73818035 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 304x349, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men dont like BPD

>> No.73818113

>10/91 active days over a 3 month period
6.5 hours TOTAL? Thats like 3 streams per month averaging less than an hour per stream. You're not putting in the hours. Honestly you having 8 viewers despite being non-active is just proof the female buff exists.

>> No.73818180

I'm going to save you.

>> No.73818188

Youre cute

>> No.73818278

Reminder men cause no drama. Drama has always been the death if every large corpo that failed and it has always been caused by filthy women

>> No.73818325

Oh she knows
Pretty sure she's invited to the waspcord, they're probably have a giggle at "owning" the trolls
The females understand and exploit the buff all the time, there's no point reaching out to them

>> No.73818385

kill yourself

>> No.73818424

I just yawned cutely but no one was there to hear it...

>> No.73818436
File: 24 KB, 600x780, Gobb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a bit more time on this one.

>> No.73818443

Yeah I've never heard of Luca either

>> No.73818486

you don't even need to get into their discord, they openly and flagrantly brag about how to milk simps
"female buff isn't real" is a few years old now, everyone knows better and it's not a secret. the only people denying it are the ethots who don't at least have the backbone to admit they're virtual sluts
idgaf if you are one but fucking own it sisters, stop pretending anybody (male) likes you for any reason then you're a hole

>> No.73818490

Men don't cause drama, they just go and kill a bunch of people and then themselves because they're all violent psychos.

>> No.73818545
File: 534 KB, 500x500, 1558147377657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless. looks great, thank you.

>> No.73818560

so true oomfie my victims are uncountable

>> No.73818609

inshallah brother, this is the way

>> No.73818625
File: 39 KB, 958x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73818664

>n-no its not about sex at all! I am not a hole!

>> No.73818673
File: 15 KB, 199x231, chuchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey, thanks for this, it's so cute! You're a good boy, Free!

>> No.73818679

whores will deny this

>> No.73818733

i watch streamers for entertainment, such as them being funny.
which is why i do not willingly watch women.

>> No.73818801

>"ehehe come in anon"
>"Get it...cum?"

Typical femoid streamer humor

>> No.73818837

I watch streamers for sexual pleasure, such as making my peepee hard. which is why i only watch women

>> No.73818894

the only reason why a man would ever watch a women

>> No.73818932

their innuendo isn't even good, it's all this forced and predictable
wish they'd just come out and say "hello chat I want you to fantasize as if we're having sex"

>> No.73818959

Not everyone can be Lucy Pyre levels of forward

>> No.73818982

yeah sorry meant
>which is the only reason i watch women

>> No.73819096

Is /wasp/ raiding this place again now that most of the girls have abandoned it?

>> No.73819108

>I have built a treehouse starts playing

>> No.73819126

Are you stupid enough to think that people are limited to posting in one thread at a time?

>> No.73819127

"Chat I don't think you're a disgusting incel creep and I totally don't complain about you to the other girls"

>> No.73819131
File: 134 KB, 1170x1395, IMG_4342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder if you’re a man and you don’t have a deep sexy voice you will never ever make it.

>> No.73819158

>1.8 octav range

>> No.73819187


>> No.73819206

link pl0x

>> No.73819247

i am involuntarily celibate and violent. which /asp/ streamer is for me?

>> No.73819259
File: 12 KB, 465x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No warmups or second takes

>> No.73819268

Last time I checked I’m a baritone. That’s deep enough right guys?

>> No.73819310

i'm a baritwo. get on my FUCKING level.

>> No.73819386

How do you suck this bad

>> No.73819500

t. tenorfags that sound like 8 year old boys
Maybe in another life you’ll be reincarnated as someone who actually sounds like a real man voicelets.

>> No.73819503

Cheen is right up your alley, you can probably get together and plan a school shooting together too!

>> No.73819640
File: 12 KB, 801x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.73819720
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, NiceBoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust everyones keepin up their reps! Gotta get them skills

>> No.73819747

Lots of people think I'm a girl from my voice. Should I just remove any references to being a male and use an androgynous model? How do I handle when people ask my gender?

>> No.73819776
File: 12 KB, 782x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied. I can hit a little further out but it takes a little bit of strain

>> No.73819818

Question for these test, are we allowed to use falsetto to find our highest note? or should it just be chest/head voice?

>> No.73819863
File: 7 KB, 963x199, good times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine

>> No.73819888

Usually they just say "sing your highest and lowest stable note and hold it three seconds". Falsetto obviously ignores that because you're forcing a squeak.

>> No.73819907

Elliot posted this

>> No.73819929
File: 25 KB, 1051x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with falsetto

>> No.73819957

countertenor over here wtf

>> No.73819989
File: 25 KB, 1001x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without falsetto

>> No.73820027

Can you sing this for me mate


>> No.73820052
File: 99 KB, 991x1237, Screenshot_20240417-073350874 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the one everyone else is using

>> No.73820087

curse onahole image

>> No.73820126

The keyboard test is on singingcarrot

>> No.73820366
File: 13 KB, 918x226, range thing lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact if you sing lower then c2 on this it still only counts it as a c2

>> No.73820665

deep enough to get into my womb, anon
