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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73792784 No.73792784 [Reply] [Original]

not an anti thread i swear *wink* *wink*

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1776686894996205666

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>73760446

>> No.73792870

any indication when this bitch (endearing) is coming back?

>> No.73792876
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>> No.73792887
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>> No.73793041
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The last time she felt anything for (You).

>> No.73793053

>lies and brainworm farming

>> No.73793089 [DELETED] 

doxfags are the part of this thread

>> No.73793090

I don't have to farm brainworms using lies, I can just use the truth. A simple logical deduction.

>> No.73793168

Translation: shit I made up but believe unironically

>> No.73793211
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can’t wait to get mine in 2036

>> No.73793213

The last time she felt any need for physical affection from (You) was August 2023, before that it was June-July 2023 on rrk. It's not rocket science.

>> No.73793243


>> No.73793247

Yt shondo is so cringe, god damn

>> No.73793313

>groomers like Pixel DMing her all throughout 2023 and possibly the first couple of months of 2024 caused this
I will never forgive them until I die.

>> No.73793314
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Chibi Shondo offers you a happy meal! Do you accept?

>> No.73793359
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Yes but I trip and the following is the result

>> No.73793362

why’d pixel ask her to reopen dm’s if he already had access?

of course, i would. I’m not a monster

>> No.73793397

I don't think that's what he was asking, but her immediately associating him and dms speaks volumes about his actions

>> No.73793420

Of course. I share the nuggies with her though because I don't want her to starve herself.

>> No.73793431

>why’d pixel ask her to reopen dm’s if he already had access?
Retard. Everyone she follows on fallenshadow_yt has DM access, he probably DMd her brainworms about how this doesn't feel real unless she replies to us yada yada groomer shit.

>> No.73793477

She’s a vegetarian

>> No.73793509

she doesn't follow him on twitter though

>> No.73793518

Still thinking about her soapy toes

>> No.73793520

McDonalds nuggies are just pink goop, not real chiggins

>> No.73793521

It makes me happy when I see my memes being used. Goodnight Shogga <3

>> No.73793574

Good night to you shogga, good meme

>> No.73793603 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 828x828, IMG_5774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard i know how dm’s work and didnt say i didn’t believe you. chill out shogga

he deleted his post so unless someone screenshot it, no clue what he ask but her reply was “im sorry but im not opening dms”. so yeah thats sus if she just auto-defaults to that

>> No.73793658

There are ways to DM her, like tipping on chama and her business email. Again there's a reason why her mind automatically jumped to DM access at Pixel's tweet and he deleted it instantly, thankfully I've screenshotted and posted it here.

>> No.73793668

In the thread at the time a ss was posted

>> No.73793689

all said was "off stream communication, you were better at this at some point" her reaction genuinely hurt me that's why I deleted all replies to this tweet

>> No.73793694

found it >>/vt/thread/70918556#p70946791

>> No.73793748

yeah just found it. i agree with his sentiment though, even if shoggers abused the privilege.

>> No.73793793

Do I have a dm pass if she follows me on twitter? She only complained about dewd and pixel and she doesn't follow them.

>> No.73793807

I'm sorry pixel, but i doubt anyone is feeling sorry for you about her reply hurting your feelings, you reap what you sow
If you don't like the fruit of your actions then seap and grow something else, something better

>> No.73793852

Of course you'd be pro something that caused Shondo the second worst mental breakdown since this one, it's crucial for you to have the ability to DM her cat pics and what you've had for breakfast this morning while other shoggers DM her how she's a lazy whore that hurt them personally by saying X & Y last stream.

>> No.73793870

i don’t think she wants to talk to any of us off stream if its not in her tweet replies, sadly.
although without seeing leaked dm’s, i can’t judge if thats true or not. she might have no problem chatting with the favourites or maybe she ignores them. its something us poor shoggasay never know :-(

>> No.73793875

stop making shit up

>> No.73793881

>>73793807 (me)
* = unless it's entirely business related and even then it's best to either email her or ask for permission to dm in a public tweet

>> No.73793891

>i agree with his sentiment though
Make that make sense. You agree with the fucking groomer.

>> No.73793928

>stop making shit up
NTA but she talked multiple times about getting multiple dms from shoggers calling her out for something she said on stream

>> No.73793933

there won't actually be a release of the shumo, only the few lucky subathon shoggas and her friends will have them

>> No.73793935

I don't want any shogga getting private time with her, not even me, any and all interactions should be in the open or on stream

>> No.73793946

thank you for your bad faith, cringe reading of my post.
>i would like a little more interaction out of stream
I’ve never DM’d her but you act like its different from any other person with open dms. yeah big whoop i want to have convos with someone i care about. if she said i was being a bit annoying, id knock it off.

she can always just block people who abuse it. she wouldnt, but she could

>> No.73793983
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Shon Wick kicking anti ass while avenging the death of Otis.

>> No.73794015
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i prefer this one cause her funni Smile

>> No.73794032


>> No.73794065

>DM her how she's a lazy whore that hurt them personally by saying X & Y last stream
yeah like they couldn’t already do that in twitch chat or twitter or the discord or email. Why does her DMs suddenly become some sacred, holy place where you can’t be anti, but everywhere else is fine? No reason for everyone to be punished just because she can’t block people that hate her.

>> No.73794109

Looking back, her warping her face more and more the last few weeks were a warning sign

>> No.73794114

Because people can shit on you and attack you for your opinion(constructive or destructive) in public, but in dms it's just shondo
I reckon

>> No.73794147

Everything is a warning sign when you're dealing with someone that has mental issues.

>> No.73794165

>>i would like a little more interaction out of stream
What does a little more even mean? Fuck off attention whore groomer, you wouldn't have been happy with anything less than personal one on one DMs. Bet if she would've had a 40 minutes long back and forth with some random shogger about a movie you'd come /here/ to call it NTR.

>> No.73794168

Sure, but problem is she thinks you shouldn’t shit on shoggas for their opinions and to be nise. At least, that’s half of what I hear from /here/. And mods don’t do their job as we learned during DoA. I don’t want her to be stressed and start cracking, but I think she needs to learn how to just cut some people out instead of trying to make every single person happy, but if you’re not happy don’t express that.

>> No.73794211

youre very upset with me when all i said was “i agree with the sentiment” and that sentiment was “you used to be better about interacting off of streams”.
feels like youre projecting or need to take your meds, shogga, and i say that kindly.

>> No.73794473

>she thinks you shouldn’t shit on shoggas for their opinions and to be nise
Which is right and optimal, but shoggas are always looking to put others down
They act like children despite being at times decades older than her
They almost never act appropriately and respectfully, which results in everyone walking on eggshells around everyone, which results in people being fake or forced positive ir acting out of character when around people of the community or shondo
There's no trust or truth in shogga-shogga interaction because everyone is afraid to say something that might be disliked
Best thing for everyone is to start or to try being more honest and casual with each other while she's away and isn't able to say anything because she's resting

>> No.73794523

If being not nise is you being in character then change your character and better yourself

>> No.73794671

She isn't always nise too

>> No.73794712

You should be glad, now Pixel has his excuse to email her about how the big bad hacker known as 4chan is bullying him uuuuuu :( maybe Shondo will feel bad and reply with a supportive message. Isn't that what you people are all about? Pressuring her into doing shit she doesn't want to do? Now's your chance to do more of that.

>> No.73794720

>well X is okay because Y is doing it too
Good one

>> No.73794750

Jesse what the flip are you yapping about

>> No.73794753

I'm saying that some people deserve to be called out

>> No.73794785

nono he has a point

>> No.73794823

I agree, but as seen with somnium(it's an example, don't you "obsessed :)" me), there are bad ways to go about it, he was too aggressive and not respectful enough

>> No.73794849

Quote it for me please and thank you, unironically

>> No.73794854

He's retarded most of the time, but when he called out dewd for being a dmnigger he was cooking. There should be more of that in the community

>> No.73794860

You specifically.

>> No.73794869

I don't give a shit what you say, why should I bother her with your brainworms and rrats?

>> No.73794881

no wonder she loves the USA boyz so much much more, europoors are literally satan CHRIST IS KING

>> No.73794896

Remember the renpc situation?

>> No.73794916

I don't know, why should you? Why did you groomers drove her into this hiatus? You people pressuring her on top of Soya leaving caused this mental breakdown.

>> No.73794946
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>> No.73794950

Yes it's time looped a lot>>73794916
>You people pressuring her on top of Soya leaving caused this mental breakdown.
Caused is a strong word, they definitely influenced it some, but caused is definitely not correct to say, her illness is at direct fault

>> No.73794970

nobody drove her into the hiatus pls don't make shit up

>> No.73794997

>nobody drove her into the hiatus
You're coping hard. Two of you groomers confessed to playing mind games to make her feel worthless.

>> No.73795038

Be nise, don't know how? Ask and learn

>> No.73795071

proof doko?

>> No.73795104

The second one tried to defend the first.

>> No.73795201

shogga... where is the proof that this is a specific person? this is an anonymous post. people flase flag all time to shit up the thread

>> No.73795207

when this was talked about D was in offline chat and namefagging in the threads

>> No.73795278

Song 13 is the oingo boingo song, right? Wish I was there, i can only imagine her singing it now

>> No.73795687

i miss shondo even though i cant make it to her streams most days anymore...
i hope she's doing well...

>> No.73795904


>> No.73796171

Speaking of, what are the odds she has an account

>> No.73796697

May 9 after she returns from Japanese holiday with Nina Ninin

>> No.73796699

3 to 50

>> No.73796917

an OF account? 100%

>> No.73796947 [DELETED] 

On blacked.com? 1, just like everyone else /here/ and all western vtubers. They all struggle not to make bbc jokes 24/7.

>> No.73797179
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no longer human

>> No.73797368

shondo would read it and just come away jealous of yozo not feeling hunger

>> No.73797595

I find sho to be way harder to draw than shondo, his dumb hoodie especially

>> No.73797678

Haven't done this in a while

>> No.73797722

ip molester

>> No.73797777

my ip cringed at that

>> No.73797818
File: 607 KB, 1080x1494, ah-yes-my-anti-umm-ummmm-v0-x99lxapz80hc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, my ip molesting technique, haven't used that since last year

>> No.73797835

love me wife. I hope me wife is getting healthy. I will wait for me wife and I’m looking forward to see her again :)

>> No.73797961

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.73798304

Saying this like you wouldn't give shondo your ip

>> No.73798449

shondo would try to stalk me and maybe send some funny things if i ever piss her off
you'd just be a gay faggot and doxx me

>> No.73798546

you are very retarded

>> No.73798591

Jokes on you, I'm not tech literate enough to know how to do any of that

>> No.73798696 [DELETED] 

>bbc molester

>> No.73798703

Had dreams about her last night. Not necessarily good ones. She mentioned how much she loved her girlfriend and that they’re planning on moving in together.

>> No.73798983

That girlfriend? Me in nina's skin

>> No.73799148

>not respectful enough
and where did they earn that respect? if you’ve done something bad enough for it to be worth being called out publicly respect goes out the window. it’s getting called out for what it is idgaf. especially in a community as passive as this where the majority of people that *are* willing to call stuff out choose the most inane shit possible like targeting shondo cause an opinion she said doesn’t line up with something she said 4 years ago

>> No.73799299

I’m not gonna derek anyone. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want that, whether or not it is right. She has the power to remove toxic people from the community and so do the mods, but if they don’t want to use that power or, worse, they abuse it, then that’s on them. Literally nothing a shogga can do about it matters or would make a difference. She’s stubborn, and I love her for it, but she can take things to all-or-nothing extremes without realizing it. That makes it hard to actually help her when she really needs it and why happyNodding is effective.
I just want my wife to feel better. If arguing with any of you might have the slightest chance to make her feel worse by any amount, it’s not worth it.

>> No.73799553

If shadow won't do anything and mods wont do anything then maybe you should. Just my two cents though.

>> No.73799721

It doesn't matter if they are worthy of respect or not, if you come at them from a place of anger and aggression you'll just be doing yourself a disservice. Conducting yourself properly and respectfully is the best way to go about it, if you had done that you might not have been seen as infighting, hell, you might have even gotten people to publicly agree with you.
Being on the offensive and still being nise is possible, so work on that
It's what your wife wants anyways

>> No.73799865
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this song is so about us

>> No.73799938

sorry shondo but i'm not staying quiet when i see people hiding their true colors and how much of a snake they are. that is the real cancer in communities, especially this one where you have so much going on outside of public view. what she chooses to do after that is up to her but i won't stand for keeping it in the dark
>don't notice things

>> No.73799988


>> No.73800125

i agree for the most part but some stuff shouldn’t simply be ignored, it just lets problems fester and get worse. she insists on “be nise” to a fault because she herself avoids confrontation at all costs until she’s forced to do something and even then her way of addressing things is usually just “please stop it makes me sad :(“ followed by it carrying on. i know it’s ultimately on her to deal with this stuff and i don’t want to make her feel worse but at the same time the stuff getting called out already has more than enough mileage on making her feel bad and we all know some of that stuff is 100% ongoing to this day so worrying about her feeling bad is kinda redundant since she already gets upset about the shit that caused it to begin with. i don’t want to give her anything else to be upset about but i also love her too much to not speak up when something isn’t right

>> No.73800262

caused is the right word, do you think mentally stable people could keep up GFE with mentally ill people for this long?

>> No.73800523

So stubborn... Just do it in a niser tone
She hates infighting, so if you're nise while doing it it's not a fight, thus it's not infighting
Simple as

>> No.73800749

my rrat is Shondo is the timelooper and wants those involved to do the right thing and leave but doesn’t want to have her hand forced in banning them
>inb4 take meds
I’m allowed whatever headcannon I want

>> No.73800913

I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again. Mods need to do their job or she needs to get better mods. She doesn't personally have to deal with this, someone else should for her. If she wants to reverse it later then fine, but let someone else pull the trigger for her because she clearly won't

>> No.73801015

i didn't see anything relevant

>> No.73801302

>If she wants to reverse it later then fine
This is the wrong way to go about it. Clearly 1-2 week long bans work more than their baby dick strategy of telling people to stop privately as a "warning"
You don't see T or S doing the same shit anymore, it works.

>> No.73801510

Well she did reverse the ban on S, but that was only when she found out it was perma
But there's cases where it doesn't work out like baru. He was banned for a week and still did the same shit until he killed himself

>> No.73802031

yes you do lmao, nobody who got a suspension changed shit

>> No.73802213
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it will be worth it
lies, fibber

>> No.73802278

Terrible thread, I can see certain shoggers were very bored today.

>> No.73802469

the warnings into a ban are fine. if someone posts cringe out of ignorance and quit when told then a ban is uncalled for
now if you're typing nigger in chat or telling someone to kill themself or repeatedly needing warnings yeah but it was more grey than that
T and S both toned down the things they were banned for, unless you mean mods should be policing personality with permabans which is crazy

>> No.73802624
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all me

>> No.73802723

I love my wife! I want to kiss her and hug her! She’s gonna come back reinvigorated and ready to get after it! If she’s gone a month I’ll be here! If she’s gone 3 months I’ll be here! If she’s gone 6 months I’ll be here! If she’s gone a year I’ll still love her! I will wait for you Shondo! I love Shondo! I will always love Shondo!

>> No.73802896

You should stop being so pathetic and do something like that Aussie, a true Shogger.

>> No.73803036

she's liking tweets, we're so back

>> No.73803081

Fibber :(

>> No.73803088

i'm glad you were fibbing, it's too early to cave in

>> No.73803166

She wanted to do a Mc server, and then right after she goes on hiatus a vtuber Mc server starts with many of the girls she wants to get sllser to...

She could have had her minecraft arc

>> No.73803182

its on the new alt

>> No.73803187 [DELETED] 

I love Shondo she's so lovely

>> No.73803256

>they don't know
You will never make it

>> No.73803333

There's so much one can do, but finding the time is the challenge, especially when one has to constantly monitor a gazillion chats for new information, seek out Shondo alts, and do reps. It takes up the entire day.

>> No.73803340 [DELETED] 

haha good one buttboy. i hope she gets plenty of bbc in paris now

>> No.73803443

So she came back from the Paris trip yesterday or the day before that and now she's going to Japan with Nina, correct?

>> No.73803462

weird way to cope but everybody grieves different

>> No.73803856
File: 16 KB, 2000x2000, .Shondo Feel Better Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting together a simple card to show Shondo that, despite her struggles causing her to go on hiatus, she is still in our hearts and minds. Submissions still need to be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but they do not need to be as involved as the submissions people usually make for the birthday cards. They can be simple doodles, a short scrawled message telling her that you love her or to get well soon, anything you want to do to show Shondo that you're thinking about her and you're rooting for her. Just don't submit any huge paragraphs of text. The deadline for this card will be April 26th, I'll decide on a time as that date gets closer

>> No.73803909

>one has to constantly monitor a gazillion chats
Or don't, the baseg option is to rely on shoggas here.
>seek out Shondo alts
Believe in your wife and go nuclear if she doesn't keep her word. That's my game plan.
>do reps
Reps are a 1 week thing tops, once you do them you're set. You don't have to watch every vod out there, the point is to figure out if you believe in Shondo or not. If you're not convinced after a week just leave, don't waste more time becoming emotionally invested.

>> No.73803944
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>> No.73803972


>> No.73804362
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it's probably the truth, as an outside observer I find the entire community pathetic and want you out of Hololive's space. if I can find a way to get this whore and her pathetic faggots dumped into the sea I will take it, you're a blight on the board. There's fewer groomers in fucking /pyon/ even.

you guys are ship B, you're the telephone sanitizers of this culture

>> No.73804428

hey alright

>> No.73804431

Guys this seems like trolling to me, remember to report such posts.

>> No.73804460

I was just prescribed antipsychotics by my doctor, without him telling me what they were, just that they might help "depression."
I remembered Shondo telling me to never take the antipsychotics, and how they were turning her brain into swiss cheese. Thanks Shondo for saving me from (((Big Pharma)))

>> No.73804541

It sounds like you don't even believe you're mentally ill so why the fuck did you go to a doctor? Dumbass.

>> No.73804543

never shoulda admitted to ever hearing voices lmao
literally normal to hear those waking up

>> No.73804587
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cute babby

my babby wife is cuter though

>> No.73804603
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>literally normal to hear those waking up

>> No.73804667

funny troll. it hasnt even happened to me that much

>> No.73804676

My voices tell me I'm goated and play music that makes me feel unbeatable

>> No.73804712

The only voice you should hear in your head is your own, sorry to say this anon but you'll become a homeless bum when you're an old man.

>> No.73804719

omg hi forest tree

>> No.73804741

anti-psychotics are used off-label to treat other things too and it depends what kind and it's not normal to hear voices except very rarely in some contexts but it doesn't mean it's schizo related either

>> No.73804783

I'm so fucking in

>> No.73804832

yeah that should make it even worse, since theyre brain rotting poison. trust your wife

>> No.73804873

If theyre hypnopompic hallucinations, thats not necessarily caused by any mental disorder

>> No.73804990

my wife doesn't have any authority to be trusted blindly on a topic like this
yes but those should be rare, maybe there's some physical ailments like breathing problems that could cause it but idk

>> No.73805017

ayo dis nigga eatin prozac

>> No.73805224

she has authority as a literal genius whose gift was destroyed over time by massive doses of antipsychotics

>> No.73805262

if you say so schizochama

>> No.73805306

Its depressing to think that if she had a doctor who could have found her a safer course of treatment, she could be be a phd student at a top university by now

>> No.73805428

I wish Dr India was forced to give his house to the Fambly as reparashuns and burn his medical loicense on a bonfire
and that her new doctor is a sexy lady with big boobies and they get married

>> No.73805443

Nah, that's too much work. She would've tried to become a horror book author.

>> No.73805498

Is it? I guess it makes sense why the syadouSob

>> No.73805513

Bit hyperbolic but you're right about her needing a new doctor instead of just bitching about how terrible her current one is.

>> No.73805772

That doctor? Me. No, you don't get to watch.

>> No.73805873

you should post the rrk one instead. that kind of pissed me off since she all of a sudden directed affection only to a select few

>> No.73805907

tits or gtfo

>> No.73806050

do you think Shondo looked at the story posts and laughed at the 8th grade writing level

>> No.73806103

>t. shondo

>> No.73806107

as much as she laughs at bad fan art i imagine

>> No.73806181

she tweeted that my stories made her flustered so probably not often, she could be lying so we would write more she could laugh at though

>> No.73806401

Soapy shontoes... It's been on my mind all day

>> No.73806426

she and the barbie girls get together and mock the worst shogger creations every friday night

>> No.73806608

>8th grade writing level
On par with her stories.

>> No.73806662

so its been confirmed that shondo is gay, but how many of the barbie girls are gay too?

>> No.73806708

heh you got her, anon. very epic own.

>> No.73806789

Ironically all of them are straight, Shondo's the gay best friend.

>> No.73807153
File: 2.24 MB, 374x352, stop it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not showing your tits to shondo

>> No.73807222

You guys know I hate the sex pests as much as anyone else, but there is something to be said about her choosing to respond to the hymen question. She could have just not described it to the internet if she didn't want to.

>> No.73807367

>literal genius

>> No.73807412

especially considering she literally wrote them in the 8th grade

>> No.73807472

Shondo really is the Ted Kaczynski of vtubers

>> No.73807504

she literally lives innawoods

>> No.73807548

Shogga she was very mentally ill then and got curious from that one maro
Speaking of, who the fuck just asks that

>> No.73807571

>no offstream collab with oliva

>> No.73807580

the problem is the way they were acting, not shondo

>> No.73807636

When she's feeling intimate she's not opposed to having certain uncomfortable conversations and doing things if shoggers don't uoh like retards or make a big deal out of it, basically take the topic a little seriously if you want her to open up. If you treat it with the seriosity of a giggling teenage boy then she'll just yabai.
She talked with us about party time on GGS (if we do it, how much we do it...etc). The questions kept coming heh.

>> No.73807670
File: 1.04 MB, 423x498, notlikethis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo at the end of every barbie collab (it didn't end in a steamy lesbian orgy)

>> No.73807928

also me

>> No.73807967

post tits already

>> No.73807997

You already saw them.

>> No.73808148


>> No.73808188

>She talked with us about party time on GGS
I remember something like this, but not on ggs and instead during a 3d stream, what tweet are you talking about?

>> No.73808250

the last time she talked about party time like that was during a normal zatsu

>> No.73808271

>she talked with us about party time
her having a genuinely innocent curiosity about that is different to grown men, some of which are in their 30s targeting her with sexual shit on an account for when her mental illness was acting up.

>> No.73808332

you are more naive than her

>> No.73808344 [DELETED] 

Do you think E's autobiography will contain the hymen story

>> No.73808415

she would need a separate book for the number of times people have tried to groom her

>> No.73808573

shondo wants to be perceived as sexy but she also wants to be perceived as sexually innocent
she knows exactly what effect talking about her hymen or masturbation is going to have on her audience
no one is being groomed here except (You) but that's fine because (You) want it

>> No.73808662

i hate to break it to you, but shondo is a grown woman. maybe stop infantilizing your own wife? sounds more like you're just projecting your own fetishistic idea of what this relationship is.

>> No.73808667

do tell me how

>> No.73808716
File: 67 KB, 300x250, 1709874873318571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 3

>> No.73808798

Over the garden wall would be imo a great show to binge watch together, thoughts?

>> No.73808820

oh nevermind it’s just groomers going on the defence again. i don’t care to loop this for a 3rd time already this hiatus considering you didn’t just finish digging the hole but also buried yourselves after the last 2 times this was all argued about

>> No.73808846

i like when you loop it though

>> No.73808932

baby wife

>> No.73809002

I love my baby wife and baby time is kino

>> No.73809013
File: 18 KB, 112x112, syadouBrainless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wait a minute...

>> No.73809051


>> No.73809304

Would you drop babyshon on its head

>> No.73809646

no but i would poke the soft spot on her head until it made a permanent dent

>> No.73809961

shes a grown woman with no life experience, a less than highschool level education, suffered physical and emotional abuse, has been a shut in for over a decade and is also mentally ill multiple times over. she should be infantilized

>> No.73809968

No, I would kiss her melon a lot and sit with her in an old school rocking chair to help her babynap.

>> No.73810052

>she should be infantilized
No she shouldn't, unless you're of the opinion that her rights should be taken away from her or something. Take it with the UK government.

>> No.73810069
File: 3.00 MB, 400x400, 1707249069701688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows what you did

>> No.73810095

IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.73810114

>i get my morals from the law

>> No.73810127

and i'll do it again

>> No.73810207

Don't take narcissistic armchair psychologists seriously. It reminds me of when she made fun of the people claiming she got forced to post her feet.

>> No.73810246

she posted this gif on twitter after it was posted here

>> No.73810278


>> No.73810336

First of all you probably have no morals since you're a shitposter /here/, religion doesn't have much to say about mental illness besides maybe it's demonic possession.

>> No.73810368

all i did was list off factual things. if you don't agree that she should be treated with kid gloves that's fine. i've been proven right time and time again though

>> No.73810386

kek https://www.siliconera.com/vtuber-fallenshadow-break-is-a-hiatus-for-her-health/

>> No.73810437


>> No.73810474

There's nothing of importance in here, I'll just assume you molested my ip some way or another

>> No.73810480

we are too big

>> No.73810487


>> No.73810534

that's a troon

>> No.73810540

Dewd is too big

>> No.73810633

made me lol irl

>> No.73810641

Dewd makes up 80% of the community

>> No.73810669

be nise
he a good guy now

>> No.73810733

when you interact with mentally ill people, especially people who have it as bad as shondo, you interact with them to accommodate those illnesses, unless you're a scumbag. that includes people who still have their legal autonomy.
the way you're painting this is extremely naive, a girl with her problems is easily taken advantage of, just because you can convince her to do something doesn't mean it's okay. the law is irrelevant to this
there's a reason people were asking "genuine questions" instead of making it overtly sexual

>> No.73810744

I saw the opportunity and couldn't pass it on, I'm fine with dewd

>> No.73810803

tl;dr yawn

>> No.73810879

the leopard doesnt change its spots

>> No.73810885

stinky femcel

>> No.73810905

waaa baby angy grrr notice me waaa waaa *sips milk*

>> No.73810918

So your wife is a manhating feminist?

>> No.73810936

It could lose some weight for one

>> No.73810960

lmao holy shit

>> No.73811068
File: 109 KB, 652x837, 1708466195118666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry
Nade nade nade
Don't be angy

>> No.73811129


>> No.73811167

you guys are very funny, hilarious even

>> No.73811211
File: 79 KB, 597x1024, 1712097762158809m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just me, nothing out of the ordinary

>> No.73811237

Just some genuine questions for you, Shondo.

>> No.73811265

it's possible for people to change and learn from their mistakes.
dewd's two faces, recurring "mistakes", and lack of regret means he's not one of those people, he still could be sometime in the distant future but i doubt it.

>> No.73811326

>lack of regret
>recurring "mistakes"
He hasn't baited or cuckposted outside of /here/ in quite a while.

>> No.73811422

That's actually so fucking gross, holy shit dude

>> No.73811467

all me

>> No.73811488

clearly they knew what they were doing was okay and what shondo wanted

>> No.73811495

This reminds me of when she made fun of that one guy who came crying to her because he saw posts here talking about raping her lmao

>> No.73811570

they all love her very very much btw

>> No.73811663

I think I wrote every single one of those posts within the first 3 months of finding Shondo

>> No.73811677
File: 63 KB, 300x300, 1712378852721276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad none of those posts were mine, lets see if I can find one.

>> No.73811692

they are very gullible because they actually believe they are grooming her and not just giving her the excuse to be lewd (but not slutty) that women crave

>> No.73811708

SyadouInspect report back truthfully

>> No.73811775


>> No.73811781

Sometimes I end up having so much fun I forget some of you are really disgusting
Doesn't change anything, but i keep forgetting that fact

>> No.73811802

I was working when this happened, these posts grossed me out but the fallout of renpc completely miss understanding them is so fucking funny I cant say I hate them

>> No.73811865

the outcome doesn't change how bad they were

>> No.73811889

>waaa Im angy waa waaa *burbs milk*

>> No.73811923

>>waaa Im angy waa waaa *burbs milk*
>waaa Im angy waa waaa *burbs milk*

>> No.73811942

It does, if they were any worse the really funny thing wouldn't have happened, also alt accounts being gone is a good thing anyways so its a win/win

>> No.73812183

My memory is shit, these sound like something a repless 3-4 months newfag me might've said.

>> No.73812226
File: 9 KB, 576x113, 1712340736266682145434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73812285

Why did you remove the tweet that says she is talking about the people lying about her?

>> No.73812336

because she clearly hates EVERYONE that followed rrk grrrr

>> No.73812369

most of you are

>> No.73812422

>she only meant the liars

>> No.73812473

where is the groomer defence force now? i thought none of this happened? :)

>> No.73812482

Post it on main shondo. Call em disgusting, they might hear you this time

>> No.73812497

they're in offline chat on their alts

>> No.73812522

Whomst the fuck?

>> No.73812541

you've been stalking her for years, she has good reason to hate all of you

>> No.73812606

Manhater? yes. Feminist? no. She's just a dyke.

>> No.73812641

used to be a feminist*

>> No.73812646

I wasn't even around back then but watching all the old vods it's pretty obvious she doesn't give a fuck anymore and would make fun of you seething this hard

>> No.73812681

is that true or are you projecting?

>> No.73812901

i don't know what that other anon is talking about but she would say that because some of her biggest paypigs are included in that group

>> No.73812903

>it doesn't matter anymore and she would laugh at you i'm definitely new here by the way :^)

>> No.73812941
File: 3.81 MB, 359x424, chibi-shompy [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fehazgs.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didnt read the chat retard, ctrl f 'club' in the watchalong channel, none of it is from that day. klubbers stay winning. https://vocaroo.com/13MvRig781SD

>> No.73812944

idk as far as I can tell she doesn't seem to be a person who cares about what people here say and normally makes fun of people who take it seriously. The difference was that some people lied and that big fan artist believed it. But she talked positively about /here/ a couple of times since then

>> No.73813001

Is she still hurting over this or is an anon still upset over this

>> No.73813057

Anti groomers looping, they're desperate to pin this hiatus on ririkons.

>> No.73813101

here they come

>> No.73813112
File: 41 KB, 576x496, 1710736266682145434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey idiot, you realize that the other tweets are all worse if you want to be a pedantic faggot when it comes to the text?
>[all of you]
>[you all]
>[can't trust any of you]

>> No.73813151

it was fucked up and she can't do anything about her retarded stalkers so she'll try to forget it

>> No.73813180

This has to be projection. Yea everybody who doesn't agree with your narrative is the evil groomer gang sure anon

>> No.73813184

>you all disgust me what the fuck are you people saying about me in places
this is a seperate tweet to the one talking about the other people lying

>> No.73813204

anon still upset over a year later for something she stopped caring about. Funny how the 30+ year old men here act more like women then the actual woman.

>> No.73813232

I fell in love with my schizo punching bag first and shon second.

>> No.73813253

Considering she talked positive about /here/ in the birthday vod she doesn't seem to care that much anymore

>> No.73813302

you're a delusional groomer desperately trying to justify your fucked up behavior

>> No.73813372

groomers trying the gaslighting strategy now

>> No.73813420

you're forgetting to mention the reason she spoke positively was because she was thanking everyone for the birthday art canvas. also why the fuck would she ever acknowledge what happened back then publicly? this cope that she's okay with it just because time passed is embarassing. you're really running out of ways to justify it now huh?

>> No.73813495

I'm sorry but from my perspective, you are the one coping desperately trying to keep this relevant.

>> No.73813516

"she didn't mean all the people on her private twitter she meant other people!"

"she may have once vaguely mentioned something positive about /here/ so she doesn't hate us!"

>> No.73813526

I don't care if she specifically absolved everyone involved in a series of forgiveness tweets. It was disgusting to me then and it is still disgusting now.

>> No.73813626

Its going to stay relevant as long as the people involved are still part of the community as part of the Shogger Offenses Register.

>> No.73813631

All the rrk discussion is jut a red herring, IMO. If you're actually trying to do something productive (and distraction is not he goal), it makes more sense to talk about recent behavior.

>> No.73813678

when the people that were doing that stuff are still around employing their grooming tactics to this day and still affecting her i don't need to try for it to be relevant.

>> No.73813683
File: 271 KB, 953x2498, 1713110394119684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The card was primarily made by fans from /lig/ not /shon/. I think she's aware enough to understand the difference.

>> No.73813691
File: 102 KB, 700x1400, 1697013437811060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine minimizing the Rushia situation, the effect of Soya leaving and pretending her mental illness isn't cyclical all so you can cope with your jealousy of 3 white ribbons. How do I know it's just jealousy? Because the rrk situation didn't used to get looped prior to the hiatus.

>> No.73813736

>Because the rrk situation didn't used to get looped prior to the hiatus.

>> No.73813754

I think It was posted here too

>> No.73813803

Keeping these threads going during her break was a huge mistake. It's just antis with axes to grind obsessing over shit from years ago because there's nothing new to discuss. Don't bother making a new thread. Just let it die until she actually comes back.

>> No.73813806

>those 3 white ribbons have been snaking for years but you're talking about it because you're jealous
gaslighting groomer, im not surprised

>> No.73813811

That was a different card retard

>> No.73813849

ACKSHUALLY she WASNT embarrassed about it and DIDNT immediately delete it after realizing her mistake. If you disagree you think schizo people don't have rights.

>> No.73813868

So what now? Do you know who posted what? How do you determine whether or not they’ve been adequately removed from the community? Ban them? Or just keep looping it forever?

>> No.73813904

both cards are from /lig/ retard

>> No.73813915

>Ban them? Or just keep looping it forever?

>> No.73813942

Yea, it's mainly a couple of seething newfags. It's the kind of ramblings she would respond with 'ok' to if it got brought up in the Maros

>> No.73813989

you should be removed from to community :)

>> No.73813997

Thread update, banned topics:
>shondo is bi
>shondo is gay
>internal chat beef
>husband meme was a mistake
>she doesn't like us
Permitted topics:
>ryonaposting (lovingly)
>all forms of "I love my wife/shondo" posts

>> No.73814020


>> No.73814078

>White ribbon newfags calling other people newfags

>> No.73814115
File: 3.82 MB, 1848x2156, 1712642220870538t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baseg option is to rely on shoggas here
i rely on chan for everything and rarely go to other sites unless its to verify information. shoggers /here/ are mostly newfags who have only been on 4chan for a few years (average probably being 2 to 3 years). any time not spent /here/ is spent obsessing and stalking shondo by doing "le ebin reps xister". i highly doubt they browse other boards. shoggers dont understand chan etiquette

>> No.73814116

that's what she might say, but what would she think? ;)

>> No.73814118

Good luck getting people to follow this

>> No.73814185

'Not another wall of text'

>> No.73814192
File: 290 KB, 583x710, 1712794270839228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a choice

>> No.73814208

we managed to have a mostly good thread yesterday so we're due for some shit threads now, especially while groomers shit themselves because they are incapable of not responding when people bring up what they did before so it just causes a spiral of dereking and infighting

>> No.73814234

>newfags not only to shondo but also to 4chan are shitting up the thread for months
>"thihihi actually all oldfags should get banned because they are bad for community"

>> No.73814242

blissful ignorance or intentional gaslighting?

>> No.73814249

it's all relevant and connected since it's all the same people.
> Do you know who posted what?
obviously not exact names besides those being manipulative in replies to the tweets. also easy to know who was around at the time and would've seen the tweets to be talking about it in thread since most of the dumb fucks made their alt names extremely obvious who they are on main. and those replies are still visible now to see a good chunk of who was following.
>inb4 a chunk of the accounts mysteriously get deleted

>> No.73814251

point to the walls of text groomer

>> No.73814296

>white ribbons
lol irl

>> No.73814320

If you faggots want more infighting why aren't you doing it instead of just laying low-effort bait in offline chat all day? Too afraid to swing first? It's almost like you know what you're doing is wrong. Hmmmm

>> No.73814363

I will be honest, part of me wants to watch it continue because /shon/ easily holds the title of the most mentally ill thread on this board
But most of me does wish they'd stop baking until she returns

>> No.73814391

Jimmy Saville was great for the community.

>> No.73814404

good deflection but explaining why her community is mostly horrible people will always be relevant

>> No.73814414

I told you people nothing good would come of hiatus threads

>> No.73814429

So true uoh

>> No.73814437

A part of me really wants you to ask shondo about it so she can make fun of you but I don't want to burden her with reading all this bitter brain vomit

>> No.73814464

>bring rrk stuff onto other places besides here or you're a pussy in the wrong
wow you're a smart one aren't you?

>> No.73814492

Reminder that more people voted to stop making new threads. These are all anti threads against that decision and thus noncanon.

>> No.73814506

>ruining the community is when you talk about my grooming and infighting

>> No.73814538

What's the problem? It clearly means a lot to some of you. Yet there's nothing but waffling and yapping.

>> No.73814539

I was always in agreement with that idea.
But at the very least, this is a unique sight. Nowhere else will you find a collection of mentally unstable man children gathered together like this. Its like the solar eclipse that comes around occasionally

>> No.73814568

I'm having fun

>> No.73814581

Yeah it would be a great idea to ask her to publicly address the instance of her talking about her genitals to a bunch of men who are a decade her senior.
Maybe when she comes back off of hiatus someone can ask with a donation message so she can talk about it on stream which she will certainly answer in a truthful manner.

>> No.73814615

excuse after excuse. You know she would ridicule you

>> No.73814647

someone please do this for the lesbian rrat too

>> No.73814651

true, the most 'dedicated' husbands are also the biggest antis

>> No.73814667


>> No.73814707

>Maybe when she comes back off of hiatus we can tank her mood immediately instead of doing something we feel strongly about

>> No.73814709

I like to pretend these threads are just chatgpt bots without a filter arguing at each other

>> No.73814715

this is the dedicated forum for this kind of discussion, the moderators, rightfully so, don't want this involving the wider community

>> No.73814717


>> No.73814720

please dear god learn english holy shit
do the fucking needful sir

>> No.73814749

dm me

>> No.73814765

The last asmr vod has a few good boy's in it. Still heals me...

>> No.73814788

i dont really get the insinuation that people bring it up to make themselves look better in her eyes either. everyone is posting anonymously here and she doesn't read these threads.

>> No.73814796

She unironically responded better to that than white knighting

>> No.73814801

I'm sure shondo thinks about you daily for your efforts defending her on the dedicated forum. Good job, anonymoos.

>> No.73814805

I’m sorry I hurt someone that I love it wasn’t on purpose and I won’t do it again

>> No.73814811

you realize the white ribbons in question are some of the biggest infighters too, right? shondo isn't the only one they want to manipulate, they want everyone else to conform to them too

>> No.73814825

nta bur I think a lot of anons here aren't ESL. Theyre literally manchildren not paying attention as they type.
You can fix ESL with studying, there's no fixing this

>> No.73814830

i cant imagine the culture shock of being a newfag and reading those threads
the vibe with her and the general was different back then

>> No.73814838

it's been a slow decline, she used to interact with this cesspit but since most of you continue to prove you're human garbage she should stay gone

>> No.73814862

you're just trying to be a smug piece of shit because you know that this stuff wouldn't get brought up publicly for the sake of keeping rrk seperate from her main and if it did she wouldn't address it in any meaningful way because it would be too much to explain to anyone that wasn't in the know already and it's not a subject that she would ever discuss on any of her current accounts now or ever because she instantly regretted those posts when she made them

>> No.73814880

This isn't an own like you think it is. Must have sucked not being around for that arc, newfags miss out on a lot of good stuff.

>> No.73814882

she didn't call white knights untrustworthy and disgusting

>> No.73814897

The other communities are fine. It's just this one that sucks. Like everyone just uses this thread as their toilet to shit in

>> No.73814901

its one of the people who always pipes up when people start discussing the rrk fallout. extreme esl responses every time

>> No.73814909

No, that was your delusional interpretation to justify being a cunt

>> No.73814940

>you know that this stuff wouldn't get brought up publicly
That's exactly what I'm saying, yes.

>> No.73814959

>implying the same people asking about her hymen weren't the same ones in the threads wanting more

>> No.73814958

>Good stuff is when you discuss the schizoaffective anime girl LARPers vagina

>> No.73815006

then shut the fuck up thinking you're clever for telling people to do it

>> No.73815018

great example, she distanced herself because of people like you

>> No.73815044

what if the groomers said they were sorry?

>> No.73815051

you're welcome ;)

>> No.73815065

Thats uhhh not what happened, it was renpc reading those gross posts completely wrong and thought she actually showed a picture and started crying newfag chama

>> No.73815090

A whole arsenal of excuses. At least you are self-aware enough to know she wouldn't take your bitter rage seriously

>> No.73815113

it would mean as much as the average shondo apology

>> No.73815124

they've done it multiple times already for other stuff then went right back to doing it after she openly said it's affecting her mentally

>> No.73815155

they already said they aren't and continue to do so by defending what they did in these threads

>> No.73815171

Groomers are only sorry they got pointed out

>> No.73815174

This general is the only place outside of private discords that you can actually talk about it, why is it even a point of contention? Do you think that people should be talking about this on twitter or in her discord? Obviously the people critical of others behavior during that time are not going to start talking about it in spaces where random people and her friends are a thousand times more likely to come across it. Maybe we should talk about it in Saali's comment section, that seems reasonable.

>> No.73815224

You won't hold yourself to the same standards that you hold others to. It's almost like you don't actually care about defending her and want the easiest way to infight and not be held accountable. Lazy.

>> No.73815249

groomers taking advantage of an innocent lesbian girl

>> No.73815278

White knights taking advantage of an innocent lesbian girl

>> No.73815303

>Shondo mental health hiatus
>hey guys do you want to talk about /shon/‘s lowest moment again

>> No.73815314

you act like we haven't or wouldn't say this in public if it made sense to. you wouldn't have a clue who i am if i didn't want to be held accountable like the narrative you keep pushing

>> No.73815323

Wrong, she's a smug kusogaki that needs to be taught a lesson

>> No.73815325

>if you care about defending shondo you will spread information about one of her lowest episodes so far all over the internet so she can become the hymen inspection vtuber

>> No.73815346

i'd do it again

>> No.73815351

It makes sense now but you can continue to squirm and make excuses for why you can't, faggot.

>> No.73815380

>hymen topic
When even was this fucking thing now? How far back are we travelling with this thread

>> No.73815407

just got here?

>> No.73815426

groomers do you think you'll be able to get more out of her or do you think she's done with the hymen encyclopedia for now? She is in a mental breakdown rn

>> No.73815431

be more like >>73814805

>> No.73815434

say this in offline chat

>> No.73815465

I tune in and out of these threads from time to time
I like to preserve my mental health a little

>> No.73815469

that's exactly what this thread is doing there are a ton of tourists lurking here

>> No.73815470

I recently got my one year anniversary notification on my alt, so
about a year

>> No.73815471

>bring this up publicly and hurt her even more or you're a faggot
wow what a convincing argument

>> No.73815474

its been like this for 3 days bro

>> No.73815531

Collate all the information and send it to FT in a DM. She might get put in the crazy bin but it would be for her own good.

>> No.73815562

Oh, so you agree that infighting about issues hurts her? Regardless of the virtue signaling used to justify the means? Glad we're on the same page finally.

>> No.73815608

>I care about things that hurt her as long as we don't talk about what I did

>> No.73815647

people arent bringing it up publicly because it would seriously harm her image you stupid faggot, not because theyre concerned about publicly infighting with your rotund ass

>> No.73815660

twisting my words when it's pretty clear i'm talking about bringing the situation up for twitter and everywhere else to see

>> No.73815661

it only hurts her because she has to be reminded about the kind of person you are

>> No.73815714

>deflection is only okay when I do it!
>t-t-the groomers are the bad ones!

>> No.73815735

this place is public you fucking retard and all eyes are on this thread right now

>> No.73815795

Man why does my wife have so many fucking retards who want to talk about her

>> No.73815801

There's ways you can go about it but I get not wanting to resort to them. It might make you look bad.

>> No.73815809

is the latest tactic? just to try and make people post about it on twitter or discord, or send it to her friends and family? maybe we should send it to the mourning mother and see what she thinks about it all

>> No.73815813

we've been pretty consistent about saying bringing this up publicly would hurt her image you dumb cunt
>here = the entire wider vtuber community and twitter normies

>> No.73815822

I hope they all see what you did groomer

>> No.73815867

>here = the entire wider vtuber community and twitter normies
Do you live under a fucking rock?

>> No.73815870

this isn't as clever as you think "criticizing fucked up things her community did makes her sad so you're as bad as me"

>> No.73815949

i'll just dm her when i notice things about you, oh wait, how convenient there's no place to talk about the bad things you're trying to hide that isn't public
guess we have to let you be a scumbag because she will get upset when she finds out that you're being a scumbag

>> No.73815960

Gonna write an expose for Siliconera on the RRK situation I think.

>> No.73815979
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, 1705077929494051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife (shondo)

>> No.73816013

Unironically, yes. If you understood why, we wouldn't be having this conversation without the obvious and explicit intentions.

>> No.73816029

yes anon we all know this board shows up all over twitter but don't pretend 99% of it ain't from holo generals. if the rrk situation was going to get plastered all over twitter someone would've already done it at the time or with how much it has already been brought up after the fact

>> No.73816044

>he can't DM her

>> No.73816047

She would call all of you cringe and gay

>> No.73816081

who would have thought a discussion about shondo's hymen could be this gay

>> No.73816138

truly a disgusting individual in body and soul. literal baron harkonnen in Lynches Dune ahh mf

>> No.73816175

If this was how they behaved in chat, she would have quit over a year ago minimum

>> No.73816186

except it's not about things they did, it's the things they're doing, even now in this thread. i know well why things from the past shouldn't be brought up

>> No.73816202

If you aren't smart enough to engage with this outside of /here/ without pearl clutching your safety net then you shouldn't be engaging with it at all. Especially when half the retards discussing this are newfags.

>> No.73816261

>i know well why things from the past shouldn't be brought up
Yet here we are time looping. Interesting perspective you have, anon.

>> No.73816268

if it wasn't an unresolved problem you'd be right

>> No.73816298

You weren't around from the patreon days, YOU are a newfag. Stop posturing.

>> No.73816314

guys pleasey weasey donut talk about me grooming my wife. Twitter will find out!

>> No.73816326

stop talking about shondo's tight little unbroken cunny you disgusting perverts

>> No.73816343

when they're in the thread running defense for the things they did it's not time looping

>> No.73816345

How to have sex with fallenshadow

>> No.73816352

the whole thing feels surreal. why did she give a legitimate answer? does she have a literal child’s perspective on sexual stuff and anatomy?

>> No.73816384

If she gets back she should stop the GFE shit, pretending to be affectionate towards people you hate would fuck with anyone

>> No.73816404

It's not unbroken anymore, because of the groomers.

>> No.73816403

>Time looping is calling whoever I don't like a groomer and uhhh I think you did something bad and uhhhh uhhh GROOMERNIGGERDEATH.png
