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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73797576 No.73797576 [Reply] [Original]

She's officially on break or?

>> No.73797617

She realized she torpedoed her carer and is currently applying to Starbucks

>> No.73797618


>> No.73797743

that didn't take long. Welp, women gonna women. Maybe she'll come back lovebombing when she's broke and single

>> No.73797766

She's providing services to her pl groomers in return for gifts

>> No.73797800


>> No.73797822

yeah i'll have a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.73797914
File: 179 KB, 1080x598, 1708706274492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she streamed on her old account
17 days ago.
Yeah, she's graduating soon

>> No.73798039


>> No.73798045

You guys realize you are running her life right?

>> No.73798156

>all she has left is ESL SEA-men

>> No.73798474

Who the fuck thought doing gfe was such a great idea? Playing and exploiting men's lives just to insult and make fun of them afterwards. Only to cry when the money stops coming in.
Did she have the talent to be a entertaining streamer to transition from that type of content? What was her specialty? why should people watch her? Why should someone continue supporting one who has a track record of insulting the very audience they attract with the content they make

>> No.73798623

>Playing and exploiting men's lives just to insult and make fun of them afterwards. Only to cry when the money stops coming in
Sounds like a GF to me. Maybe this was always part of the plan.

>> No.73798705

>i am ruining her life
>she is ruining her life

>> No.73798713

She seems to be running her life, anon. If she just wants to make camping vlogs as Yuko then that's her choice and she needs to live with the results of her choice.

>> No.73798788

Fansly when?

>> No.73798969

Is this the girl that said you should educate yourself?

>> No.73799020

Ruin. R. U. I. N. Please learn to spell.

>> No.73799423
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>> No.73799454

Nigga, I'm not her fan. I gave her a chance around her debiut, but I soon found out that she is pandering to sexual deviants that like piss and other retarded stuff. I got weirded out.
Yuko had a chance to establish herself as regular CGDCT, because she is actually entertaining, but she decided to get short term gains from coomers.
Now, when it is established that she is perverted cunny, she backs down and loses rest of the audience.
With ruined reputation, lack of passion due to burn out and groomers harrasing her fanbase there is no chance for her to be anything more than barista at Starbucks.
She did it herself. Literally everything is consequences of Yuko's own actions

>> No.73799480

It will be a silent graduation. Actually graduating her would be too funny and twitterfags would scream black corpo accuse idol of graduating her for not wanting to do gfe

>> No.73799490

No her groomers already did that. Funny part is they could have easily made things better for her yet they don't. How about not attacking her fanbase? If they just shut the fuck up her career would have been fine.

>> No.73799531

Starbucks soon

>> No.73799548

A whole lot of womans nowodays don't understand the concept that once you have eaten the cake you don't have it anymore. Choice are important and you have to deal with the concequences of it.

>> No.73799570

She made her bed, she gotta sleep in it

>> No.73799658

Yeah I feel like Idol might be worried about that too especially with their "talent first image". Tourists and twitter troons don't know the full context and will shit on idol. If they put out of full explanation like Riro in might have the same effect too so idk man.

>> No.73799672

I'm more concerned about her being allowed to completely abandon all of her donation promises without repercussions, but certain other girls get harpooned like tuna for doing the same.

>> No.73799671

Biggest fumble ever. Why did she have to go GFE...

>> No.73799744

It's okay as long as she doesn't try to bail out with the donation money, like the doggo did.

>> No.73799764

Certain other girls didn't face any repercussion. Unless you consider not giving you money you haven't actually earned because you haven't done your donothon goal a repercussion, which is likely what's happened to Yuko if that's the case.

>> No.73799816

she's already been paid. What the hell are they gonna do lol? If they terminate her, she still gets the money and it's more bad pr for idol. How can she be disciplined when all actions lead to more damage to idol?

>> No.73799832

Nope, she's just that knd of streamer. Like Gura, Mozzu and many others. Pop up, get cash, bail.
Not everyone has to like streaming every single day. Nothing wrong with it other than the endless bait threads like this one, shitting up the board.

>> No.73799927

It's a great idea if the girl in question doesn't have a BF, and is therefore honest. Unfortunately this opens her open to grooming unless she's a hag(which yuko clearly isn't kek)

>> No.73800066

One of them. They're just fucking retards that don't know their audience and think that vtuber fans AREN'T parasocial fucks, when in fact we are. Some just hide it better than others. The ones that can't hide it will become an anti while the ones that can simply leave the community and find the next girl that will eventually fuck her career up listening to Twitards. I'll only forgive this bitch if she goes full on dogeza and begs for her audience back and admits she was completely in the wrong.

>> No.73800087

"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."

>> No.73800100

wasn't part of her yab because idol wasn't just giving her the money? I don't know why she thought a jew would part with moment that easily

>> No.73800123

Nigga stop larping as anything but a sister.

>> No.73800221

Don't compare gura with that trash, ghostcuck.

>> No.73800381

A lot of people don't realize that her appeal to her whales wasn't GFE, it was coomer shit. People whaled for her to do lewd things like piss or masturbate on stream, not for GFE, it was never about that.

>> No.73800383

She wanted all of the benefits of GFE with none of the negatives.

Yuko Screwed Yuko

>> No.73800427

>chuuba gets fapzoned

>> No.73800497

What if I want a GF that behaves like a whore for me?

>> No.73800572

>get cash
They were talking about taxes this week. Seems the cuts in kawaii were so bad they bad didn't make any money despite all the donothons
A more accurate rrat would be kawaii pressured them to donothons for good girl points since dumbasses lock getting permission to do projects behind a points system

>> No.73800590
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Women exist in a strange quantum where they think men will bankroll their existence. This works pretty well for a while. Then they Wall themselves, in some way shape or form. Then you get the sad "career ladies" complaining their career topped out at 100k and they have a huge amount of debt to pay. Because she thought her husband would pay it, but it turns out no man wants to wife up a hag who spent years getting fat and dicked by random dudes.

In Yuko's case like most women she was too stupid to realize the money is coming from somewhere. She's actually dumber than average, because her new gang is broke and can't support her at all.

>> No.73800598

She is basically G4 (FROSK incident)
This is the result of her throwing away the "selling points" she had built up until now

>> No.73800612

I'll even dare to say she is unofficially graduated

>> No.73800626

Women think consequences are sexist.

>ruining her life by not giving her money for existing
In that case, joe biden is ruining my life.

>> No.73800645

she's apparently d"one touching grass now", so maybe that means she'll come back? who knows, and honestly, who cares

>> No.73800674

What makes him a sister, you retarded loser cuckold?

>> No.73800716

right. streamers taking their supporters for granted or even insulting or making fun of them is literally my biggest pet peeve and i refuse to support a streamer like that. i used to like yuko a lot and i've both been membered to her and donated to her in the past, but the moment all of this went down i dropped her and i'm never going back. i have zero tolerance for streamers that behave this way against the very people that even allow them to have this career to begin with. fuck her and fuck everyone like her.

>> No.73800729

Even if they knew the full context they wouldn't care, trannies are insidious grifters who just hate normal (as far as gfefags can be anyway) men.

>> No.73800746

How was that last members ASMR, chumcuck? Did you coom?

>> No.73800813

you don't think she'll pop up with any more camping vlogs?

>> No.73800859

No, that wasn't the only thing if you had seen her members' content. She did a lot of affirmations and love bombing. The lewd content was there from the start but was a minority of the content. She did like 5 lewd ASMR streams out of the hundreds of videos she put out.

>> No.73800901

no you're thinking of pochi

>> No.73801061

Based. that's what I think too. It completely destroys their image to me and defeats the purpose of being a streamer. Without the interactions and connections to the audience they are just shitty TV.

>> No.73801265

I hate the fact streamers in general (bleeding into vtubers due to people trend hopping) support this kind of behaviour. Like the phrase 'get that bag gurl'.
They scam a lot of people and then they expect the same people to praise them for getting the money such fucking bullshit. The fact they cry all about it on social media to make the online community put all the blame on the fans calling them names or putting themselves in a moral high ground doesn't help.

>> No.73801361

Idol had three bitches grift them in the last 6 months. Riro, Pochi, Yuko. It's no wonder they wanted outside help to update their contracts.

>> No.73801446

You also have Momo, who went on a 6 month tummy hort break.

>> No.73801560

How was your last member asmr ghostcuck? Oh i remember there isn't because she deleted all of them.

>> No.73802193

>anybody who disagrees with me is a Nijisanji fan

>> No.73802239

Should have followed Phase's example and hired a all female management team instead of having a head talent manager that fucks the talents

>> No.73802678
File: 56 KB, 665x580, 1681781172167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Yuko did a pee stream and actually tasted it "water with salt"
Holy crap, no wonder she wanted to start again/leave
She fucked up, she needs to reincarnate as a new vtuber.
H-Hot tho...

>> No.73802833

The people that praise them for it are the people not donating to them (third worlders for example) and in some cases have a non-viewer relation to them, either through media, discord, or irl social circles. For example DN and Parrot talk about people they know that "scam" money from white man, or viewers in general.
It's all fun and games when it's not your money, but there would be no bigger vtuber scene if no viewers ever donated.

>> No.73803249

I'll have a cappuccino thanks.

>> No.73803299

do you think she'll pee in my starbucks for a bigger tip haha

>> No.73803395

>The fact they cry all about it on social media to make the online community put all the blame on the fans calling them names or putting themselves in a moral high ground doesn't help.
Just take a look at the replies:

>> No.73803467

I didnt piss in a cup

>> No.73803506
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I'm glad I'm not a woman, holy shit, people are crazy...

>> No.73803608

Funnily enough the Loli frog from Prism is making her fans pay her taxes

>> No.73803739
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After reading this thread... am I safe to say she pulled a Finana?

>> No.73803985

No? Finana was exposed for playing favorite with paypigs on discords and gaming with them without giving everyone a chance.

>> No.73804069

thats not why people got butthurt tho

>> No.73804195

>disappears again
She should just quit from being someone in the internet and start her life from 0 with all the money she stole from her fans that always supported her but she didn't give a shit about

>> No.73804307


>> No.73804383

why then? i'm curious i know nothing about niji lore

>> No.73804422

She's too stupid to invest the money in a business, or education she would like to do, so she's stuck as is doing jobs that require low efforts only.

>> No.73804520

Then I don't know, I dropped her after that.

>> No.73804588

Considering she was a pngtuber, makes sense.

>> No.73804644

Well... it was ONE of the reasons most of Finana's fans shit-canned her for, hopefully, greener pastures.

>> No.73804945 [DELETED] 

Sound like seething Unicorn fags that mad she stop making GFE shit for them

>> No.73804952

do you think the stripper actually loves you?

>> No.73804992

yeah she's trying to get through med school, just in a tough spot

>> No.73805015

Jesas christ kys

>> No.73805033


>> No.73805076

She don't stop doing those streams because she didn't like it you brainless unicorn fags

>> No.73805083

here's your (You) yuko groomer

>> No.73805131

Start from 0 means going back to starbucks, because she spent all her money. She wasn't making that much either, she made maybe 100k over the past year and a half accounting for youtube and idol cuts. Maybe 70k accounting for the government's cut. Well, that's respectable I suppose, but you have to account for the fact she was streaming maybe 10 hours a week, and off-stream 'work' is maybe 10 hours of paperwork, so she was making twice as much as she did at starbucks being a vtuber, for half the work from the comfort of her home.

>> No.73805157

I don't care for GFE nor Idol. I just think it's funny that she knowingly sabotaged herself, then cried about going to work in Starbucks.

>> No.73805169
File: 101 KB, 706x674, esl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn English you fucking sub human

>> No.73805170

I am mexican and have had sex. Shut the fuck up, flip retard, you shame of latino people.

>> No.73805217

Learn english before you seethe faggot

>> No.73805220

holy eslchama... calm down

>> No.73805237

This is about coomers, not unicorns. Learn your words.

>> No.73805242

vtubing is healing

>> No.73805293 [DELETED] 

Unicorns was a mistake and shouldn't've ever been allow to watch Vtubers

>> No.73805384

Brown subhumans like you were the real mistake half-caste-chan. Go shit in the street or whatever it is your "people" do

>> No.73805398

well why did she do it in the first place if you claim that she didn't like it?

>> No.73805409

Holy ESL

>> No.73805520

Does he even know what that means or is he just spouting buzzwords?

>> No.73805525

You're not even shitposting well when you're wrong about who you're talking to.

>> No.73805546

Kek why are these braindead faggots always so ESL?

>> No.73805572

Take some english lessons before posting and maybe then you'll be able to understand what people are saying you illiterate fuck

>> No.73805599 [DELETED] 

Ping Pong Ding Gone fuck off Seaniggers

>> No.73805605




>> No.73805624

There's nothing better to do in the shithole they live in

>> No.73805687

Did your brain shut down? Does your kind wven have a brain?

>> No.73805706

It like you're living in one and eating recooked rotten food

>> No.73805732

>HOLY. thank you all for your continued support! and i'm soso excited to start this new chapter of content creation!! i was a little nervous at first, but it made me so happi happi to see the response about my change in direction.
This chapter of content creation is a long and empty one

>> No.73805750

I feel sorry for her but she cucked me and hurt me real bad

>> No.73805837

Was she just coping in that response? Or did she really think Twitter tourists would be a good supportive audience? They love to talk about how much they care but when push comes to shove they will drop her as soon as they get bored.

>> No.73806048

Didn’t she crash her car recently or was /jidf/ just trolling with that?

>> No.73806098

>she did it for the immersion
Yuko i kneeel

>> No.73806161

Yeah she did. It’s on her locked PL account. I know it’s a meme but karma really is a bitch lol. Glad she’s ok though. I wonder if her repairs are gonna cost the amount that she scammed her supporters out of kek.

>> No.73806229

That lawyer fag mentioned that he already finished up his end of the deal so it’s up to jewcorp if they want to take his recommendations

>> No.73806265

Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not a unicorn and I've never really watched Finana either, the extent of my knowledge is her fuck ups that cratered her popularity. Also I can't tell if you're a REALLY big fan of Finana or Finana herself shoeing up here yet again to defend herself in the third person.

>> No.73806348


>> No.73806678
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What do her actual fan mean by this? What were her past fanbase names?

>> No.73806749

the last thing she did before becoming yuko was a "car fund" stream
in the yuko movie (PISSED AWAY) the last shot will be her photographing the smashed car and posting it
"sweating bullets" plays over the credits

>> No.73806940

What did she do to you

>> No.73807074

watch streams

>> No.73807134

someone pull up the list. i cant be bothered to

>> No.73807182


>> No.73807212

Oh Seething that she stop doing ASMR

>> No.73807218

she left in december, never came back
probably dead or something, time to move on

>> No.73807284
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>>73807182 (me)
My bad, meant to reply to this

>> No.73807531

Do her parents know the weird degenerate pedo pandering shit she does?

>> No.73807883

lol no. do your reps tourist

>> No.73807955

>research about it
>it's brand new

>> No.73808130

yeah they know she's a psycho, her mom is even more degenerate.

>> No.73808166

I just wanna say, I like watching her non fetish content. Still do, but she filterd all non piss dudes pretty early. Nevertheless I wish she would stream again, since shes very entertaining and has an insane model

>> No.73808267

Should've supported her when she came back, but instead she got 7$ in a stream.

>> No.73808291

I donated around 10 a week

>> No.73808500

Ah, it always starts at home.

>> No.73808654

See on one hand I don’t want her to necessarily lose her career or anything but on the other hand people who prey on a certain group only to pull a 180 out of nowhere and basically tell those people to fuck off deserve all the bad shit that happens to them. Why would anyone support you when they see how you disavow your fanbase on a whim? If you can do that once then you can do it twice and nobody, schizos or not, wants to support someone who does that kind of thing.

And the worst part is this was easily avoidable. Make the announcement, give everybody a week to archive their favorite member stuff, let people express their disappointment (the respectful ones at least) and I guarantee she’d still have at least half her paypigs. But no. She just had to fucking nuke everything and silence anyone who didn’t go “yaaaas kweeen u go gurllll slaaaayyyyyy”. And all for what? Fucking nature vlogs? What happened to visiting a haunted house and doing Ouija with Pippa? it’s been over a year ffs

>> No.73808776

for some reason they always think they're the one twitter will actually support

>> No.73808843

She wanted to do more degenerate steams but management forced her to tone it down so she maliciously complied. Once she graduates she will return to GFE and piss drinking content. Trust the plan. Drug sampling off collab with not!Riro.

>> No.73808878

It's funny how retards thinking they'll be the one twitter actually supports is very similar to retarded corpos thinking they'll be the one actually getting something out of china.

>> No.73808962

too bad you won't see any of that unless you're one of those /k/fags she ran back to

>> No.73809246
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>> No.73809300

she still makes piss jokes. she mainly removed gfe shit.

>> No.73809369

its a shame. she was cute, but unicorns ruin everything.

>> No.73809384

>A lot of people don't realize that her appeal to her whales wasn't GFE, it was coomer shit.
She did weekly sappy members posts about she "loves" her boo bros and wants them to think of her as a gf

>> No.73809436

I watched her a little and she was pretty entertaining. Then I started noticing blatant ToT pandering and more or less stopped watching. Then the piss stream happened and I blocked her channel.

Why can't vtubers just be entertaining how fucking hard is it?

>> No.73809442

Maybe not regular people, but it pissed off a lot of her whales that weren't in that discord

>> No.73809754

>Why can't vtubers just be entertaining how fucking hard is it?
The meta is loud screeching, which isn't for everyone

>> No.73809801

I know, thats why I'm hesitant to donate more. But so far she toned it down a lot compared to what it was

>> No.73809837
File: 224 KB, 475x675, 1674159426904719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any realistic way she can salvage her career? Serious question.

>> No.73809851

idol really getting unlucky with the menhera aspect of their hires huh

>> No.73809914

She was loli pandering from day 1 on her debut, what are you talking about?

>> No.73810129

ask members to send in their piss and chug it on stream

>> No.73810219

Honestly, the haters will never Stop hating her. No matter what she does. Sadly

>> No.73810313

Deserved for applying to a jew company

>> No.73810375

tourist-kun she was always a lolicon from day 1 even before yuko.

>> No.73810434

I'll stop hating her when she actually makes an effort to make amends for shitting on her fanbase

>> No.73810568

Haters can't genuinely hurt your career, ever. Threads seething on 4chan about a nobody doesn't affect anything anywhere beyond maybe making the person sad if they read it themselves.
She's not crashing and burning because she made a few incels rage about her on /vt/. She's crashing and burning because she built an audience around a specific niche, then told that audience she wouldn't fulfill that niche anymore. People just stopped watching her, because she stopped making the content they wanted.

She could easily salvage her career by just making good content people want to watch. The problem is that she can't, and leaned on the GFE niche because it's easy and an audience with incredibly low standards and she couldn't really excel at anything else. If there was a poor choice made here it was probably becoming a content creator in the first place when her only marketable skill is possessing two X chromosomes.

>> No.73810631

one iced latte please

>> No.73810692

Whole lotta incels in this thread who are mad she's not gonna pretend to be their gf anymore. Now they have to find someone else who'll pretend to love them

>> No.73810954

i don't want her to be my gf i want her to be a whore that degrades herself for money

>> No.73811095

it's worse than that
she did a unique type of comedic gfe/fetish stuff that was unusually popular considering how odd it was, because it appealed not only to gachi-whale-coomer types but also to fans of CREATIVIDAD
if her claim that she became "uncomfortable" with that kind of material is true, then she *didn't understand what she was doing* and thought she was a cartoon cam whore, when actually she was more like haachama
and she blamed her fans for that misunderstanding, because woman

>> No.73811118

She didn't lose her biggest supporters because of the content switch anon. She still has an audience but she killed her biggest supporters by scamming them out of donothon goals, (she made 34k and decided she didn't wanna do some of them anymore), she supported people who harassed them, she fucked off for 2 months after promising not to do so, she comes back and deletes legitimate criticism, and then deletes all the content and posts that demonstrated her lies.

>> No.73811283

>Literally any Idolcorp girl

>> No.73811362

They're going to kizuna ai gura and yuko is being auditioned to see if she passes so she can take over the gura model.

>> No.73811365

go back tourist-kun

>> No.73811369

better not be talking about my cute rock like that

>> No.73811417

Maybe someone should let them know that if they just stream regularly then they will have a constant revenue stream instead of having to rush to get another burst of money when they're running out, which is probably a bit stressful. I'm no economist though.

>> No.73811433

another week, another yuko thread full of incorrect hearsay. her heart clearly hasn't been into things since she came back. she made an attempt to interact more with chat early on (for the newer fans) but it seems like she completely clocked out mentally near the beginning of march. 2 non-stream related tweets on Yuko compared to 80+ on PL since february. the writing is on the wall

>> No.73811453

There's nothing creatividad about tasting your fucking urine on stream. The truth is you faggots are a bunch of freaks with weird ass disgusting fetishes

>> No.73811503
File: 379 KB, 627x961, Screenshot 2024-04-16 123832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is going to be one of the loli models for this organization to do NSFW ASMR, screenshot this.

>> No.73811595

>comparing irrelevant broke whores who have to work a 2nd job to gawr fucking gura

>> No.73811648

the framing of the event was funny, like a parody of a donothon, and the arc of the stream (heh), ending with her dramatic disgust at having done a real thing for the lulz/bros and getting in trouble for it, was perfect
watch streams (of piss)

>> No.73811667

Would be really dumb to go to a coombait corpo after supposedly wanting to turn over a new leaf on content.

>> No.73811672

She is on a self imposed break ala the pochi strat. Gonna wait out her contract's expy because Le Judeobeast is too much of a pansy to fire her insubordinate ass. Don't worry though phase sisters, once she's back to being fully indie she'll do a tell-all stream where she recounts how awful her fans are/were and how it's their fault she shot herself in the foot.
She's honestly more of a snake than Baked Alaska was and still is.

>> No.73811780

/jidf/ is an underground brothel since everyone there constantly talks about how horny they are about their member's asmr streams. She will get her coomer audience back that she blueballed from no longer doing asmrs.

>> No.73812718

Riifu isnt that retarded. She is willing to throw away money but not all the money

>> No.73812833

Riifu is that retarded, she's going to have kiki in the company. It's DOA.

>> No.73814153

Wasn't he supposed to interview the CEO and review the contract live? What happened to that?

>> No.73814431

I remember that guy getting non stop shilled and it only made me think of this simpsons joke https://youtu.be/uG3uea-Hvy4

>> No.73814477

She went above and beyond Finana, deleted huge swaths of her content, including 40+ membership content vids that people were paying for and charity stream goals, while also, similarly, allowing herself to be groomed by people who were harassing her fans and basically telling her fans to fuck off. ...and unlike Finana, she's also reduced her streams to a drip feed, to the point where folks think she has stealth graduated.

So yeah, she's more or less doomed to graduate and play IRL Closing Shift. Maybe she could redebut elsewhere and try to find another niche, but I don't think there's a profitable one she would want to fill.

>> No.73814732

He saw Le Judeobeast as he truly was. A grifter and a prostitute.

>> No.73815625

Seems like Coni and Yuko are out

>> No.73815700

What happened to that stream where she was bragging about being back and graduation bait?

>> No.73817068
File: 793 KB, 1293x590, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to be fucking retarded to believe that. She is one of the most consistent streamers that idol has.

>> No.73817382

PL is teasing a new live 2D

>> No.73817975

He looked at the idol contract template, made suggestions to aviel's law firm and will schedule an interview with him next month where they go over the idolcorp contract on stream.

>> No.73818183

and that's fine. Idol has no issue with that. Plenty of corpo chuubas maintain other accounts. Now, if Coni stops streaming on her idol acocunt for a month and exclusively is only on her PL then you can start looping her in with Yuko.

>> No.73818324

That nigga ain't christ. Also, immolate yourself nazi scum.

>> No.73818353

You arent allowed to be a vtuber somwhere else its breach of contract

>> No.73818425

this isn't hololive

>> No.73818503

Hololive is allowed to do that (Mel, Kson, Coco) I dont give a shit about them I'm talking about idol corp

>> No.73818678

Anon, everyone in idol E-sekai and Endless except Roca and Rin has streamed on their other account at least one time in the past 6 months. Please stop making yourself look even more stupid since it's obvious that idol does not have that Nijisanji-style clause in their contracts.

>> No.73818881

Anon bot...work on your shitposts at least

>> No.73818910

Thank you for bringing her back

>> No.73818957
File: 82 KB, 390x264, 1685477178600651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumb bitch was the creme of the Idolcorp crop before she committed career suicide.
Good riddance, dumb whore.

>> No.73819179

Absolutely no one cares about vtuber camping vlog shit

>> No.73819183

>1) Unironically using nigga makes you a retarded sister, or a discord fag which might even be worse.
2) Being afraid of piss streams makes them a pussy, like a sister.
3)Blames The Groomers!! for a retarded woman's retarded decisions.
I don't give a single fuck about this girl but stop pretending you aren't anything but a sister shitting on another woman.

>> No.73819383

>1) Unironically using nigga makes you a retarded sister, or a discord fag which might even be worse.
okay nigger
>2) Being afraid of piss streams makes them a pussy, like a sister.
that makes someone not a coomer
>3)Blames The Groomers!! for a retarded woman's retarded decisions.
that is actually well proven that her /k/ groomers are harrasing her paypigs
>I don't give a single fuck about this girl but stop pretending you aren't anything but a sister shitting on another woman.
you are literally Yuko. Go back to wagie-cagie and make lattes for techies when your unpaid toilet break is over

>> No.73819403

I watched one of her VODs once, got bored, then found out about the GFE thing, left the stream and the day after she imploded her career so I can legitimately say I didn't do a thing.
She destroyed her career by herself.
The silver lining is that any other vtuber can learn from this fall from grace. Someone's disgrace is a "What Not to do for dummies" manual for a couple of rising stars.

>> No.73819574




>> No.73820014

Wasn't Riro fired for profiting outside Idol?

>> No.73820143

There's a full page document explaining what the fuck she did wrong
It was not just profiting outside Idol
Not spoonfeeding you today

>> No.73820224

Late to the party, but I noticed Pochi's channel is nuked. Did she officially leave? I remember her long tweet about leaving but I don't remember seeing an official statement from Idol

>> No.73820267

she was quit-fired recently, basically for abandoning her job after her donothon

>> No.73820562

I watched her and like that she was a freak, but then got bored. I really don't care. I watch better vtubers pissing and masturbating.

>> No.73820917

If I was running her life, I don't think I would have let her get into this situation to begin with.

Seems her management isn't running her work life to the degree they should be either.

Unless, of course, you mean "ruining", but I don't think anyone here is responsible for that either. I don't think there's anyone to be blamed save Yuko herself, save perhaps her groomers and maybe her management for not tardwrangling her.

>> No.73820933

>PL drops document accusing "not Starbucks" of not paying her and other vague stuff
>"Not Starbucks" panics and pays for her silence
>she gets officially graduated without a graduation stream
>Channel purged
>PL already coming back
Easiest 40k dollars apparently

>> No.73821073

Idol put out refunds for Pochi's donothon, and apparently the vast majority of her donations, which were from all of three doners, were refunded.

I dunno how well her PL is doing, but I suspect it isn't well enough to compensate for the loss of income, even if she's getting the full cut now.

>> No.73821215

Always hate it when they purge a channel, such a huge "fuck you" to the fans that is. It's not like you can't turn the monetization off or Youtube charges for the drive space.

Though some true scum vtubers will even have their channels wiped voluntarily, and I don't know if that was the case here - thinking her vods might be competition for herself or some shit.

>> No.73821283

Her document said she moved and Idol agreed to forward her a part of the money to finish her move but they refused to pay her several times

>> No.73821436

That seemed to be the point of contention, but the termination announcement said they were giving out refunds for it, and others reported that the bulk of the donations were refunded. So presumably she didn't make off with much, in addition to losing her job.

>> No.73821879

Yuko I know you’re here, you should graduate and apply to Vallure, you would do great over there, we’ll give you another chance after let your horny side out

>> No.73822013

She knew how to hurt them and so does Yuko
How fucking 200iq it was to make sure Idol never gets money again while restarting her PL

>> No.73822930

Even PixelLink nukes the VODs.

>> No.73822966

Main conspiracy theories say that Idol forced/made her stop the GFE thingy and she wanted to quit back in November but seems like cope back then

>> No.73823039

Check Yoki's channel

>> No.73823059

Not buying it considering everyone else is coomerbaiting as usual. Kattarina last night had some fun with her members involving using her breasts

>> No.73823495 [SPOILER] 
File: 240 KB, 720x1238, Screenshot_20240413_203206_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope starbucks pays her well enough

>> No.73823559

Is she the CEO's favorite wink wink

>> No.73824481

>Literally does a Finana
>Results in Finana views
>"It must be the board's fault"
The absolute retardness of the people posting here proves the 18+ rule is broke on regular basis.

>> No.73824524

The thing is that she always was a 1finana vtuber so nothing changed

>> No.73825219

riro was fired for setting up gangbangs on stream, secretly meeting with one of her paypigs, and fucking a manager in exchange for him covering up her contract violations.

>> No.73825234

I honestly don't care about any of the drama, I just want to know her end goal of she even has one, or if she's just a typical westoid that wants all the benefits of a good and moral life with none of the necessary lifting.

>> No.73825746

I liked Kiwawa's vlogs

>> No.73826447

>I dunno how well her PL is doing, but I suspect it isn't well enough to compensate for the loss of income, even if she's getting the full cut now.
I'd say she makes about the same as before. She's a low 3 view and her cut is a higher (70% vs. about 40%), plus pity and grooming donos. On the other hand, no base salary. But the main thing is that she will never gain exposure now that she's not part of a group. She doesn't collab with anyone and is stuck in her box. Ironically, now she HAS to stream consistently, otherwise her last few viewers will also leave. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. I predict we'll have about half a year of Fen before she vanishes forever and settles for some normie job or marries her boyfriend.

>> No.73826568

Did she crash her car while drunk driving?

>> No.73826636

Actually her old grooming circle is doing that now, so you have them to thank for her current situation

>> No.73826664

Irys streamed on her pl just a few months ago.

>> No.73826733

>marries her bf
Wasn't he a convicted pedo?

>> No.73826934

It literally did not before. She would get GFE donos, she decided to drop those too. Absolute retardness.

>> No.73827221
File: 355 KB, 640x311, d91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now she HAS to stream consistently

>> No.73827377

>lolicon midget
>actual pedophile
it's like a match made in heaven, or well, /k/ meetups

>> No.73827993

Idol opened up refunds for the donothon and is paying Pochi what didn't get refunded. Overall it hurts because her number one whale is keeping all his money for good but at least one of the others decided to just give their refund directly to her.

>> No.73828963

fuck off cunt she ruined her own life

>> No.73830239

Did she use vtuber model? they are allowed to do stuff outside Hololive just not vtubing. I think NotNoel still does ASMR stuff

>> No.73830645

what are you talking about?

>> No.73830660

she and her groomers did

>> No.73830865

She did that to herself.
But keep blaming others sister one day the universe will give you everything you want for free.

>> No.73831326

Canan does indeed do ASMR stuff. She doesn't do R-18 stuff, though; she'll jerk off a dildo and rub it between her tits, but she won't actually masturbate or show her nipples on stream. And Kson was allowed to use the vtuber model she made in V-Katsu (she can't legally use that particular model any more, because Illusion ended the license; nobody can legally use their V-Katsu models any more)

The only two restrictions for Holo roommates seem to be "No R-18 stuff" (but R-17.999 is okay) and "don't be an agency vtuber for another agency while also being a Hololive vtuber"

>> No.73832108

Btw she just announced that she will Stream this week. Life is goos

>> No.73832416

enjoy being cucked cuckbro

>> No.73834038

How? She isnt my gf

>> No.73837371

What is with /k/ and grooming girls anyway.

>> No.73837466

>I don't give a single fuck about this girl but stop pretending you aren't anything but a sister shitting on another woman.
Blow your brains out nigger simp.

>> No.73837497


>> No.73837816


>> No.73838035

oh no! the consequences of her own actions

>> No.73840344

How is it cucking if she doesn't do GFE anymore
