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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73768444 No.73768444 [Reply] [Original]

How over is it?

>> No.73768779

She's busy listening to Shiori's piano playing

>> No.73769005

I’m glad she’s enjoying her week off

>> No.73769260
File: 41 KB, 330x370, 1000005229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about one of the most consistent streamers outside of hololive taking one of her very few breaks
I think Pippa is shit, but this is a pretty stupid thing to complain about

>> No.73769313

Trips of the grifter

>> No.73771680

>one of the most consistent streamers outside of hololive

>> No.73772929

>consistent streamers outside of hololive
>outside of hololive

>> No.73773095

Its okay she'll come back and put on some reactslop and cry a lil bit and all is forgiven

>> No.73773906

Did something happened that led to her taking a break?
Another twittards harassment campaign or something?

>> No.73774181

I think his point was that she's consistent and outside of Hololive, not implying Hololive is consistent. You can parse that sentence in at least two different ways.

>> No.73774618

>when your oshi likes your oshi
pippas just like me fr fr

>> No.73775257

It doesn't make any sense to parse it that way. Her being outside of Hololive would have no bearing on any of the rest of the sentence or the following sentence.

>complaining about one of the most consistent streamers taking one of her very few breaks. She's outside of Hololive.
This retains the same meaning as your second interpretation. It makes it more apparent that mentioning Hololive would just be a thought fragment included for no reason.
The only reasonable interpretation I can see is that he's saying Hololivers stream consistently. Which can make sense if he only follows certain talent.

>> No.73775575 [DELETED] 

Holotrannies are literally vegans they'll just have to tell you they're holotrannies no matter the context

>> No.73775779

>The only reasonable interpretation I can see is that he's saying Hololivers stream consistently.
I agree with the rest of this, but I think it only implies that some strong base of Hololive streams consistently--or, from another view, that most VTubers known for consistent streaming are from Hololive. Also, late.

>> No.73776044

You're overthinking it. To me he's speaking from the perspective of a Hololive fan so he's saying oh, she's one of the most consistent streamers outside the Hololive bubble.

>> No.73776181

How's the weather in Manila?

>> No.73776497

>>73776044 (me)
An equivalent example would an American saying
>"I think Jack Ma is one of the richest people outside the USA"
It doesn't mean that everyone in the USA is rich, or even that most Americans are rich.

>> No.73777187

she's been my favorite for quite some time and does an AMAZING job delivering on what the people want from her, IMHO. And does so consistently, streaming 4-6x every week, most weeks of the year. The yabbit works hard and does a great job. No complaints from me. Oshiing pippa has been a rewarding experience, and I sometimes feel bad for people who oshi talents with less ambition, capability, capacity, etc.

call it a shill post but that's how I really feel! pippas the shit.

>> No.73777646
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IDK why my throwaway post started a whole chain, but yeah >>73776044 is what I was going for, I dont watch alot of people ouside of holo and shes one of the few Ive seen almost always hard stick to a schedule.
probably could have worded that better, sorry

>> No.73777944

they found where she lives, someone slashed her mom's tires, killed her pet bird

>> No.73778126

What? If this was true at the minimum there would be much more than a single week break.

>> No.73780203

You actually want reddit react slop?

>> No.73783386

she appears to know when it will make for good content. like I said no complaints from me

>> No.73783607

biggest grifter in the game. makes sense that her oshi is asmongold

>> No.73783736

>that her oshi is asmongold
do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Watame?

>> No.73783832

The bird's head fell off on its own

>> No.73784153

that's her "Hololive oshi", and part of her grift. she's said her real oshi is assmongler more than once and she wants to collab with him. She knows next to nothing about Hololive lol

>> No.73784216
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, 1000000533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's her "Hololive oshi", and part of her grift. she's said her real oshi is assmongler more than once and she wants to collab with him. She knows next to nothing about Hololive lol

>> No.73784408

Literally just go on YouTube and type in Pippa Asmongold and you can find 20 videos of her gushing about him

>> No.73784413

You literally haven't watched a single Pippa stream, have you?

>> No.73784722

I've watched enough of her streams and seen enough leaked shit about her to know she's a pathological liar who grifts on right-leaning content to farm her audience. I wonder who she learned that from

>> No.73784885
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and this makes you sound *less* obsessed, somehow?

>> No.73785634

Bro she is a grifter wake up. Her real oshi is Artia not watame she said it herself several times. Also she is becoming more and more like assmon its the reason I stopped watching her always playing devils advocate n shit.
Ppl who pander like that are always redflags and end up being lolcow. Hated how she was mixing/bringing weirdos into the vtubing world.

>> No.73785695

Why the fuck does she watch Shiori?

>> No.73785843

why don't you?

>> No.73786089

so who is your oshi now anon?

>> No.73786412

Shiori mentioned her in a recent stream, real respects real.

>> No.73786591


>> No.73787093


>> No.73787126

Not griftin pippa anymore that's for sure.

>> No.73787880

You can be autistic and have reading comprehension. Not implying you do.

>> No.73788268

and who might it be instead of pippa?

>> No.73788422

But Pippa is a pink rabbit, not a white moth

>> No.73788503

They generally turn into zatsus or some random rants anyways, which is more enjoyable than watching her play some game you know she isn't gonna play again. Or ESPECIALLY mahjong. FUCK that game.

>> No.73788901

I see the subhuman Harine's are leaving. Finally.

>> No.73789029

Oh, you’re a THAT kind of person. Listen, you can just not care buddy. Making posts on the internet doesn’t change the world. Touch a little grass?

>> No.73789506

I tried checking her out a few times but she keeps doing this thing where she will scream / shriek very loud, sometimes at the top of her lungs. I wanted to keep watching but lowering the volume made it so that when she spoke at normal volume I couldn't hear her.
Does it not bother you? I always wonder what type of eardrums people have that can withstand this assault. Makes me remember when girls are playing outside and they keep screaming at the top of their lungs for hours and their moms aren't bothered by it at all.

>> No.73789611


hot, my room is like a sweatshop

>> No.73789859
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She doesn't understand a lick of Japanese, so I doubt she actually watches her. She has also said she really liked Fauna, but made this homobegging comment despite Fauna making it obvious she's a fan of NL multiple times long before Vesper debuted

>> No.73790091

if you want reddit vtubing you want hololive. that place is even more holo tribalist than here, incredibly enough.

>> No.73790157
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Niji deflection thread

>> No.73790170

bot response. kys

>> No.73790212

Pippa has been a hardcore and outspoken homofan since around her debut. The fact that this comment is your first exposure to that is surprising.

>> No.73790285

I can see that happening to people trying her out. idk anon she's pretty clever, shit political takes aside, and often rolls that into good humor. also abnormally fun/funny/interesting in groups/collabs. shes also the combative imouto experience.

to me shes extremely likable. she's a never a dull moment kind of girl and not lying I camp all her streams.

>> No.73791548
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I feel like a year ago she didn't have as harsh a speech as she does now, especially when playing games. Sometime after Deus Ex and High on Life she picked up that loud = more clips and keeps riding it. I dont like react streams, but somehow those have been more tolerable to listen to so I just only tune in once in a while anymore. I liked the tulpa stream, short as it was, for this reason.

>> No.73792678

The moment you guys start treating vtubing the same as watching tv you will enjoy it more, missed a stream? No worries, Don't like current stream? Change channels, favorite channel on break/hiatus? Tune on another one

>> No.73793429

>reee she exists solely for ME, and MY enjoyment, how dare she have a break from the schedule!?
is the usual logic

>> No.73793436

>watching videos without a compressor

>> No.73793997

This is unironically true, Pipkin Pippa exists solely to entertain and extract money from viewers in a symbiose. Stop being weird and parasocial. Sure, she isn't obliged to always follow her schedule, but people should only care about her existence if she does stream. If she doesn't stream she doesn't matter, simple as.

>> No.73794033

Just tape it back on and give it to a blind kid, make someone happy

>> No.73794241

pippa exists solely for me to masturbate to

>> No.73794666

>she exists solely for ME, and MY enjoyment

>> No.73794721

Sir this is a holo board.

>> No.73795400


>> No.73795839

With who you got cucked now?

>> No.73796332

yet you'd bitch when told to work overtime out being unable to take days off for personal reasons

>> No.73796405

>how dares the toy have a need for any reason for a day off!?
>what? my boss wants me to go to work overtime and will not give me even one day off for personal business? HOW DARE HE!? muh rights!!!

>> No.73796979

Oh, I see now. Wagie wagie get in the cagie. I don't have a boss only baboons like you are content with being under someone.

>> No.73797063

That kind of person? The kind of person that finds information out (against his will even) and decides he doesn't like someone anymore?
I'm not trying to change the world, I just feel bad for fans being duped by this grifting whore because they feel like there is a vtuber that validates their opinions.

>> No.73798852

final yab levels.
/pcg/ has seen a mass exodus of capipis, I'd be surprised if pippa can come back from this at all

>> No.73799269

There has differently been a shift in opinion about her these recent months. It seems like her OG fan base is leaving and mostly everyone here don't care for her. But the thing is she has already gathered enough redditor and twitch viewers like asmongold fans ( basically the new naynners) . Personally I don't like her content its to much like a twitch streamer in general and in don't feel like im watching a vtuber kind of like kson.

>> No.73799687

Wrong, she is my onahole, not yours

>> No.73801206

>There has differently been a shift in opinion about her these recent months. It seems like her OG fan base is leaving and mostly everyone here don't care for her. But the thing is she has already gathered enough redditor and twitch viewers like asmongold fans ( basically the new naynners) . Personally I don't like her content its to much like a twitch streamer in general and in don't feel like im watching a vtuber kind of like kson.
holy meds needed

>> No.73802486

Bro your oshi is the new naynners. Don't blame me when she starts shitting on her fans. But then again her fans are idiots who think she is muh "base vtuber".

>> No.73802530

I can’t believe they did that to her, that’s so sad no wonder she is taking a break :(

>> No.73802751
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It's so easy to just say "I don't like Pippa I think she's annoying" but these anti threads always end up so unhinged over rrats and vagueposts that it makes Pippa seem like she's not the schizo one, her haters are.

>> No.73802814

Phase always becomes a frequent deflection target for Nijisisters

>> No.73803475

>But then again her fans are idiots who think she is muh "base vtuber".
>me, her fan, and one of her OG fans at that
>my posts:
yeah. I'm from the Carolinas and she was living in the south when I found her. I think she's cute, funny, responsible, and open minded enough for me to consider her wife material. not your cup of tea? OK then, just fuck right off and have a good day. problem solved.

>> No.73804496

shiori acts like a phase talent

>> No.73806136

to iterate on this:
for clarity, there's not so much about pippa being "muh based" that attracts her fans as you appear to wish there was. she makes people smile and laugh - she's fun and lively and a bit unhinged, bit of a loose cannon. her fans don't really need her to be more than just that.

nice try though, keep up the good work sister

>> No.73807755
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I do watch her but I do watch phase.
What do you mean by this
