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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73647767 No.73647767 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't ever join the Hololive Rust server due to imposing a certain limit on killing and stealing which goes against her idea of what Rust is
>joins the new VCR Rust server that is even more restrictive on killing and stealing
What did she mean by this?

>> No.73647831

She saw how many clips there were and realized where the money's at. She probably just wasn't invited the first time since there were people joining on the last day.

>> No.73647903

I didn't realize the Hololive Rust server was invite only.

>> No.73647932

That's my fault for speedreading. Whoopsie.

>> No.73648099
File: 139 KB, 319x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest part is how she's using a "cool" thumbnail when the VCR server makes the HoloRust server look like 2b2t.

>> No.73648169

The Holo RUST server was unironically more brutal than the VCR one where they pussy foot around.

>> No.73648190

A wonderfully made thread with great points. I will totally watch unicorn safe holos from now on... not. Try harder, OP

>> No.73648623

doubt any lawless rust is going to happen. the fandoms are too volatile for that kind of content. any distress to the streamer that was raided or killed will send their fans to the other party for some anti shit.

>> No.73648657

She is not wrong, vcr rust is for vanilla while holorust is more hardcore.

>> No.73648669

Hope it happens so they blacklist vcr entirely

>> No.73648713

>but you can't brutally murder each other over a couple scrap
did vtubingkeks really?

>> No.73648744

Please make a real holo rust server with pvp.
The only rule can be no base raiding until the final day(s).
Half the base upkeep and maybe make it 2x.

>> No.73648746

What's even the point of playing Rust if you can't just randomly kill and raid other players?

>> No.73648758

You can have clan wars in rust just have them organize a fan event where they gather fans into a regicide type situation therefore it's not the holos actually doing anything but still participating.

>> No.73648781

VCR Rust is just not-blocky Minecraft and for some reason retards think it's the best thing in world.

>> No.73648799

I'm pretty sure I watched holos kill and steal from each other all the time in rust. What do you mean by imposed limit?

>> No.73648800

>female writing style
sorry but >we(yes >we) don't allow women to post here, go back

>> No.73648829

Yeah just look at how Hoomans harassed the ID girls during Holo's RUST arc

>> No.73648848

The difference is, on the HoloRust server, you are allowed to actually fight and kill each other, just within the rules(ie: no offline raids, etc)
While VCR in general is more of a community server regardless of the game and the interactions are the main appeal.

Also, if you're talking about hardcore, the Holostars Rust server was a full PVP server and they were competing with each other on the amount of kills and base raids. Offline raids was allowed as well.

>> No.73648871

It's a dating service.

>> No.73648930

>While VCR in general is more of a community server regardless of the game and the interactions are the main appeal.
So a boring slog that might have a few interesting interactions spread around literal hundreds of streamed hours.

>> No.73648954

Offline raids were allowed in Holo server too until some of the fanbase sperged the fuck out over it, I think it was 35p?

>> No.73648983

No one cares about the Holostars server. No one can even tell if you are saying the truth since no one watched. Also 1st season HoloRust has kill on sight too.

>> No.73648997

Unironically an ERP server

>> No.73649133

That's on the streamer. If they make it clear from the start that it's all fun and games and to not raid other chats when an in game raid happens then the chat polices itself.

>> No.73649199

EN chat doesn't

>> No.73649255

Yes they do, if they don't then the streamer has no balls.
Also you will never be Japanese

>> No.73649269

At this point, I fully believe VCRs are just the different companies trying as hard as they can to find a VRChat type of game with minimum combat to justify some "gameplay" and not tick off their fans.
Especially when the intended goal might be to make their talents interact with each in some demented corporate mandated "Playdates" to "increase inter corpo relationship" or some type of bullshit.
Why? For business reasons.

>> No.73649354

It definitely feels like Cover is encouraging this considering how hard they're resisting Miko's idea of a Holo GTA server.

>> No.73649771

no pvp is good, she might cry again if someone kills her. imagine the tears of some karaoke chuuba kills hololive's la-lion

>> No.73649910

Posts like this are why people call you a clipnigger

>> No.73650066

>the different companies trying as hard as they can to find a VRChat type of game with minimum combat to justify some "gameplay"

>> No.73650105

Not that anon but they definitely don't, and I would know because I used to be a community admin for NoPixel back when it was popular. That game is not nearly as volatile as RUST is, and Hololive's community is nothing special in regards to self-policing despite being part of such an insular culture.
Trust me, there are always a sizeable amount of retards willing to find any excuse to start shit over make-believe roleplay, and banning creators is not enough. A slight on a streamer becomes a slight to the fan because roleplay puts them in a position where now the viewer can self-impose their own individualism through the actions of the streamer.
You could be the most wholesome streamer in the world, but the people watching you will turn vile in your stead- even if you the streamer forbid or discourage that behavior.
It's really only gotten worse over the years, and I don't believe Hololive's community(especially the English speaking one) can handle it. There's also outside people looking to take advantage of conflict(in the context of roleplay) in that regard to push fake narratives out of proportion as well. Beyond that, chat can barely help themselves from metagaming and telling people the location of other streamers in the server. There's never organic meetups, it's all predicated on what the streamer reads.
>tldr Viewer interaction unironically ruins collaborative spontaneous events like this. They can never let anything happen, and it always devolces into some form of shitflinging between fanbases.

>> No.73650609

Sounds boring. What's the appeal?

>> No.73650838

>they're resisting Miko's idea of a Holo GTA server.
Source? There's barely over 10 people that would play that shit.

>> No.73650930

It's basically dating server

>> No.73650977

She can do what she wants incel don't like it don't watch is that fucking simple

>> No.73651007

I'm pretty sure the whore of EN Mori asked for a Holo GTA server not long ago. It's probably in progress.

>> No.73651012

>schizo voices in my head tells me these things.

>> No.73651055

I don't think you're qualified to call anyone a whore considering you have no experience with women.

>> No.73651157

But why not just use vrchat? What's wrong with it?

>> No.73651178

>joins the new VCR Rust server that is even more restrictive on killing and stealing
It's PvE for the 1st half and PvP for the 2nd half. EOP-chama

>> No.73652767

She just making up reasons to not join the hololive rust server.

>> No.73654379

>Botan joins
>Just by the fact she can move her mouse around means she will win 90% of the fights
>Fanbase spergs out
It's like when Marine destroyed everyone at the Tetris event and a shitshow happened.

>> No.73655062

bold of you to assume the EN viewers will actually obey the rules

>> No.73655216

problem with full-on pvp is fanbase meltdowns and wars will become inevitable, and that is never a good thing. And don't count on the chuubas actually policing their chat because people will NOT obey the rules 95% of the time.
So their only good option to prevent such things is to limit or outright ban pvp. It is what it is.

>> No.73655251

wait wasn't it the opposite? since the ones killed were Moona and kaela, and their fans raided Mumei's stream or something in anger

>> No.73655279

She knew how toxic the game makes people and didn't want to join until it was clear everyone wasn't taking it seriously. She wasn't wasn't wrong.

>> No.73655335

iirc Biboo and Calli were discussing the possibilities of reviving HoloRUST and letting more members like Advent join in.

>> No.73655344

>doubt any lawless rust is going to happen. the fandoms are too volatile for that kind of content. any distress to the streamer that was raided or killed will send their fans to the other party for some anti shit.
>pekora exist
yeah sure sister

>> No.73655581

That's because Marine is a tryhard bitch. Her only accomplishment in life is being an anime girl on the internet and trying way too hard against her own colleagues while they were busy entertaining the audience.

>> No.73655662

The 2 autists were larping as pacifists and after Mumei accidentally killed them the first time they came back to get their stuff but chat egged her on to kill them again thinking they're just pretending being non-harmful to get close and revenge kill her but they weren't, after that the chat sperged out at them for not being mad at Mumei even after being killed twice.

>> No.73655874

>Some dumb faggot on /vt/ pretends he's an expect in writing analysis and can predict gender based on 'style'
Lmao, get your head out of your ass you clown.

>> No.73656485

not sure, but I do remember the clips from that encounter filled with upset Moona/Kaela fans seething at Mooms lol

>> No.73656761

Oh well I guess there was some sperging out from both sides, the point still stands that the fanbase gimped Holo Rust arc after the 1st season

>> No.73656975

Not gonna happen bub. Not after the shitshow that was HoloRust 2

>> No.73657030

I watched a JP indie play some yesterday and it was boring. There seemed to be a lot of people built in the exact same spot just talking and not doing much. She was collecting scrap with this other guy and their conversation wasn't even interesting enough to be called flirting. Anyone participating in this is just doing it for themselves and not for fans.

>> No.73657369

I don't expect an EOP to get it

>> No.73657496

that eceleb server will never top the end of holorust s2 kino with the rabbit soloing the whole server

>> No.73658752

i assumed she wanted to avoid drama with other holos, such as the ame/gura rust shit. but with ecelebs it doesn't matter.

>> No.73658840

Well yeah because you don't watch VCR. HoloRust will never have a 3rd season.

>> No.73659021

This irony in this post is tangible.

>> No.73659154

I must hack into the server and Franz Ferdinand to start the world war between fanbases.

>> No.73659197


>> No.73659877

They were trying to win, too.

>> No.73660689

What a retarded thread. OP deserves to get shot and bleed to death.

>> No.73662994

I will watch Marine now and drop all the bitch ass casual holos.

>> No.73663067

I sure love the "muh Japanese entertainment folded 1000x" excuse you JPfags always use to defend the utter boring slog that is VCR. You fags don't even watch the fucking thing, you only wait for clips of the "interesting" parts because you couldn't be bothered to to go through the dozens of long ass streams of this shit.

>> No.73664885

Apologies, my ESL is too powerful, what is hololive girl problem?

>> No.73666023

Yeah but he does have a mom.

>> No.73668580
File: 44 KB, 400x404, 1693007740361350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they don't then the streamer has no balls.
On EN the only ones who had the balls to "control" their chat were Kiara, Mori, Fauna and Bae, with Ame as bonus because you never know with her, and the shit they got for it wasn't worth the troubles
Can't always have a Suisei that can command on demand

>> No.73670888


>> No.73675146


>> No.73675616

just kinda proves botan right about this kind of game

>> No.73679956

Genuinely, what are you trying to insinuate?

>> No.73680232

Show us your tits or get lost

>> No.73680454

holocucks we're eating good

>> No.73680598

She doesn't want to be a sweaty asshole on the Holo server, but nobody really cares about that on the VCR server, despite the rules.

>> No.73681381

mumei looks like a bitch there, killing two non combatants rust players not once but twice, poor moona and kaela.

>> No.73681529

people are allowed to change their mind

>> No.73681602

moona and kaela were asking for it. they got what they deserved.

>> No.73681680

Is that a bunch of JP streamer ecelebs? YABBA DABBA DOO

>> No.73681761

Why would she play an e-dating game on the Holo server where there aren't any males?

>> No.73683420


>> No.73687471

something something no loyalty or something

>> No.73692254

Faggotry i guess

>> No.73695343

the end of s3 was better, shut up noushit

>> No.73696943

>>doesn't ever join the Hololive Rust server due to imposing a certain limit on killing and stealing
HoloRust never had rules about killing and stealing, it only had a no-offline raid policy, which was only introduced after Pekora raided Matsuri in S1.
Also, S1 didn't have any rule at the start, meaning that's not the reason why Botan didn't join.
End of S3 was shit. It was so bad, it made Kiara uninstall the game and swear off of ever playing it again kek.

>> No.73699553

good guess

>> No.73699908

it's for the ecelebs and the people the come out of hibernation to only watch VCR shit and fuck off for everything else

>> No.73702451

>Anyone participating in this is just doing it for themselves and not for fans.
Truest statement about VCR I've ever seen to date

>> No.73707793

holos are lame

>> No.73714389


>> No.73714736

Rewatch the clips. She said she didn't join HoloRust because she could not hold back. This VCR Rust has no killing at all. Basically asking Goku to fight normal people vs Goku joining an eating contest

>> No.73714961

>Wayne's World was directed by a woman, and one of the three writers was a woman

>> No.73715813

Oh yeah, it's not like having this big player with a target on her back wouldn't be a good motivator for the other girls. That definitely didn't happen during HoloRust. Also what's even the point of Rust with no pvp?

>> No.73716358

>VCR has no killing at all
Allow me to educate you >>73651178

>> No.73716591

Source for that?

>> No.73716622

Because it's a modded server and doesn't follow regular Rust rules. Fucking EOP.

>> No.73716726

That's one of the few times where mods make the game more boring.

>> No.73716768

doi (one of the moderators of the server) posted rules in the VCR discord. This applies to all the games they make the servers for with the exception of VCR Ark which is totally PvE and VCR GTA which is totally PvP.

PvP is also limited to accidents or bits.

>> No.73716770

She just wants to stream with men. That's literally all it is.

>> No.73716828

Really? Didn't stop the JP streamers and vtubers from playing it.

>> No.73717150

>This applies to all the games they make the servers for
I don't remember a single pvp heavy instance during the last Rust server and the only screenshot about the rules that I've seen didn't have anything about the second half being focused on pvp.

>> No.73717312

Rules aren't permanent for every VCR. The first one barely had any as well and it lasted for 10 days with minimal impact.

Rust 2 didn't have people destroying based but killing other players wasn't uncommon.

>> No.73717561

Alright, so do you have a screenshot for this server's rules?

>> No.73717706
File: 471 KB, 1740x3368, 1712997490225364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PvP is 'deprecated', they basically cannot attack other players intentionally

>> No.73718499

So that anon was lying about the second week being pvp focused? Why am I not surprised?

>> No.73718841

No idea, maybe he meant that in the second week they're gonna organize some event involving pvp like mentioned in the screen. Unless he posts sauce, I guess we'll never know.

>> No.73720606

no, that happened because Puyo against Tetris is unbalanced.

>> No.73720764

Why are you talking as if Marine was the only person using the "overpowered" pick?

>> No.73721216

Tetris is the stronger one tough. Literally anyone in places that actually play the game will tell you that .

>> No.73721353

>scitzo misunderstands what botan is saying in quote, now confused

i'll demystify it for you, she wasn't saying she doesn't think rust should be carebear. she's saying the rules are too vague. she's afraid she'll kill and steal too much and make her friends upset; because the rules are very specific.

She's ok with the VRC server because the rules are hard and clearly defined.

>> No.73721460

Then why didn't she ask management about rules and what she should do in a situation like you described?

>> No.73723485

Same for Towa and Laplus who both were one of the first to want to play Rust with ecelebs. At least Laplus did play in the Hololive Rust server for a bit but Towa didn't even try to play after her request to join VCR was denied.

>> No.73723672
File: 124 KB, 558x640, 1658879580506973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules weren't a thing when HoloRust started out, and tbdesu they wouldn't have really hindered her way of playing the game even in the later seasons. She was just afraid of being too tryhard and ruin the experience for the more casual and inexperienced memebers, that's it. Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense that she made an exception for VCR since the whole server goes even further against her idea of Rust, but I guess she just changed her mind during the last 1.5 years.

>> No.73724683

Yeah just like how Botan used to say she wouldn't join any tournaments because she doesn't wanna "tryhard" anymore in Hololive, that is until pro males started inviting her.

>> No.73724786
File: 337 KB, 506x334, gdig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are getting paid to be gold diggers anon and there is nothing better to be one than a VCR server of any kind.
i wonder how many clients picrel is ghosting to gold dig the server this time.
