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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7367448 No.7367448 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7367472

gap effect. perfection.

>> No.7367502

Didn't a bunch of vtweeters start a harassment campaign against her? How did that end up?

>> No.7368480

Still on going but it's not really talked about, they just block her the moment they know of her existence rather than start any shit knowing people will eventually find her and like her.

Really she shouldn't even be a talking point and she nearly had a model change if not for a certain twittard spurring her on which did benefit her by giving her thicker skin

>> No.7368491

The cancel crusaders boosted her popularity higher than she could have hoped to go otherwise. The harassment also forced her to come out in public as a CSA survivor. She described her loli succubus model as a coping mechanism that helps her regain some feeling of control about her body and sexuality.

>> No.7368522

Shit I forgot about that and they still hate her.

Goes to show those crusading against her are no better

>> No.7368583

The whole affair did make me realize that a lot if not most of the lewd loli vtubers are prolly also survivors of sexual or other abuse.

>> No.7368639
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Y'all are really begging me to do my job, huh?

>> No.7368795

interesting. wonder if it works the same way for cool/sexy models and high voices

>> No.7369395

>Really she shouldn't even be a talking point
That's the thing. It seems like all the unstable zoomers hang out together and don't perceive the world outside their bubble. It's the only way to explain the sheer hysteria at display here while Celesse and her crowd get crickets.

>> No.7370546

The zoomer anti-loli activists only ever look at surface level and perception instead of real objectionable stuff. Celesse has a non sexual model so she slips under the radar even though her channel is clearly labeled 18+. k-word is an actual loli succubus so she's automatically sexual and an easy target even if her content is seiso.

>> No.7370834


>> No.7371083

Disgusting. Sloppy whores using pedobait for clicks but won't even put in the effort to keep the voice up like Gura does. I don't feel bad for the ones that do this and flop.

>> No.7371345
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Eh. It can be done, but not by the one in OP.
Kyuotto in particular just isn't cute or entertaining. Any time I open her stream she's venting about her co-workers or her boss or something. There's just nothing to uooh about.
I guess there's a small amount of entertainment value that she starts up another wave of twitter drama every couple months, but I'm not into that either.

Personally I'm more fond of Alice Sawyer. Cute, great humor, great tastes, great gimmick, good singer, good artist, great chat interaction, just overall fun streams without dragging her personal life into it.

>> No.7371442
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>> No.7372168

In fact plenty of other small loli vtubers come out and started talking about their stories, with a #smoltuber tag being in use for a while but it died out when fucking Coni and Alice Alucard decided to shit all over with their garbage opinions.
Currently i feel like the loli drama and all the fights died out - there are still people complaining about it here and there but no one is giving a shit. Also biggest haters got assblasted into irrelevalence, like that one trans milf who was making hitlist of loli vtubers.

desu i don't have anything about loli vtubers with deeper voices, i'm fine with them.

>> No.7372387

you can't save them all shirou

>> No.7372615

She has cute feet

>> No.7376574

Somehow it's always the trans radicals that scream the loudest, produce the least content, and end up being guilty of bullying and abuse in private.

>> No.7377507

was is her namen?

>> No.7378583

I mean, from what i heard from other ppl Zetsu was always piece of shit running on pure jealousy. I can't find everything rn but i know for sure (s)he mentioned that she and few others (Raihan, Stormy etc) started anti-loli narrative for clout and because they hate few people there, not for lol fighting against pedos.

Especially Raihan is NOT fighting against pedophilia because (s)he openly was defending creeps and minor abusers in her community, lol.

>> No.7378988
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>wonder if it works the same way for cool/sexy models and high voices
Oh it certainly does.

>> No.7379067

Kill them with fire

>> No.7379128

Only liked by ironic lolicons

>> No.7379321

Her voice filters lolicons...

>> No.7379994


>> No.7380090

Her voice filters me, and I think it would be the same if she had a grown up model
I still follow her on Twitch tho
They tried to cancel her when she revealed her model, but then Holofags and anti-SJWs (Shi**, DimMon and HH being big names) came to her defense
Vtweeters sometimes seethe about her, like when she won a contest about thighs, but every time it backfires giving her attention and following
Now they just make the typical anti-loli tweet and there are individuals that don’t give them the time of the day, that and pretty much everyone watches Hololive or Nijisanji because most ENvtubers suck
If I have learned something from lurking Twitter (aside of it being a shithole that rewards your shitty takes and double standards) is that there are some CSA victims that cope with being molested in their childhood by self-inserting themselves as lolis/shotas, replicating a pleasant sexual fantasy where they’re in control of the situation
That’s normalfags for you, they don’t even know what’s actual pedophilia, CSEM or even lolis. They are also usually: minors looking at NSFW, doxxfags and harassers, shallow virtue signalers, closet loli/shotacons or actual chomos
I hope you’re sticking to drawings

>> No.7380231
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I'll stick to whatever I want mister ironic lolicon

>> No.7380430

I think she would have done better without the controversy because a lot of vtubers avoid interacting with her so they don't get dragged into it as well. Aside from being a loli, her model and rigging are top-tier for an indie, so she would have stood out from that alone.

>> No.7380455
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Watch the Rat

>> No.7380536

I honestly wish she had a cuter voice, I supported her back when the "controversy" kicked off but ultimately she's just not a very good streamer and there's only so much time I'm willing to sacrifice for idealogical causes

>> No.7380692


>> No.7380701

>CSA survivor so it's okay to be a sex deviant
I don't give a shit what their model looks like or what they like, but either they're lying or that's a lot of mental backflips they're doing.

>> No.7380746
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I like her model and rigging and i follow her because i like to watch retards seethe. But her voice is too deep and don't match her character at all. Plus her strams are just boring.
In reality are very few smoltubers who match her voice and character and don't make cringe (Gura is the only real cunny of all hololive, others i like are Kanna, the gato bebe, and the frog girl)

>> No.7380833
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Okay apex predator, just remember to stay away from 3D loli nudes

>> No.7381041

Loli is a well-known coping mechanism for CSA victims.

>> No.7381164

I think that's a cover. Whether they developed it because of abuse or separately, I think they just get off to it and use that as their excuse.

>> No.7381210

Not that it matters if they get off to it or not, it's harmless.

>> No.7381315

That's not what I'm saying at all. I don't care what they get off too, I just wish they'd be honest about it. But saying "yeah I got introduced to my fetish through abuse but it's alright" is not as acceptable as playing the victim who uses it to "cope." I don't think they're thinking about how much they're coping when they're masturbating to their creations.

>> No.7381546
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I’m no psychologist or expert on the matter, but as far as I know, it reminds them of their abuse but portrayed in a pleasant light. I think it’s like rape victims who felt pleasure during the experience but still feel trauma
Of course, it’s not like they develop a fetish for loli hentai, I would say they spend time consuming it instead of doing something dangerous like self-harming. If therapists are fine with it, it’s because in the end is harmless and will not make them pedophiles

>> No.7381669

I'm no psychologist but I am going for a PhD in neuroscience and took plenty of psych classes in clinical. One thing we learn early on when writing MSEs is that people lie a lot and are bad at explaining how they feel, and at the same time clinicians are not allowed to be direct. It's why I'm not a clinician. But along with what I wrote above, I feel it's being overused to excuse a behavior. Granted, I don't care what they are into or like or do, that's irrelevant to me. But I wish there was more honesty in it. I think they do actually develop a fetish for it. Why? Because this sort of thing is seen in the BDSM community a lot. It's also seen in gay communities a lot. No this isn't a commentary on either of them, this is just matter of fact.

>> No.7382055

Interesting to know desu. I can’t actually comment about what you said so I’ll just give an opinion
Well, who knows what goes through their minds if they relate lolis having sex with their childhood abuse. Even if it’s a wrong assumption on their part believe it makes them feel better about it, as long as it doesn’t make them develop some kind of negative behavior I don’t really care or put too much thought about it

>> No.7382348

As a person that talked with these ppl a lot i can say that you are pretty wrong. Like yeah, most of them use lolicon stuff as coping mechanism to deal with their traumatic experiences. Both to reclaim their sexuality but also lost childhood. It's quite complex, twofold problem - on one side they want to feel happy, pleasant sexual experiences and on the other they want to feel like a children - both of these things were forcefully taken away from them.
Like, in my opinion it's better alternative to self-harming or other actually destructive behaviors. Fapping to lolis and roleplaying on internet as an anime little girl is not hurting anyone.

>> No.7382386

Makes me diamonds easily.

>> No.7383201

It's not that anyone's being dishonest, it's not that hard to understand that people can like the same things for different reasons, even use it as a means to post-traumatic coping. It doesn't matter which way or how they describe it, as long as they arrive to specific set points where conclusive data can be repeated and observed, because that's essentially how diagnosis works. You cannot just simply disregard observable behaviour as human error. If let's say Chicken Tendies /anecdotally/ have therapeutic/calming effects on a certain sample of autistic people, even if it's not scientifically proven, there is a repeatable/observable behaviour in which for that specific instance makes it true. Coping mechanisms and people's interests more or less work the same way. There is no one size fits all. And this is especially because of the way people view the world pertains to the type of mentality they have. Which is why boomers have trouble comprehending violence in video games while zoomers can easily separate that from reality. You can't fit both of them in one box when they clearly think differently.

>> No.7385883

>even if it's not scientifically proven, there is a repeatable/observable behaviour
Demonstrating a predictable, repeatable outcome /is/ science, that's the closest you come to "proving" something in science. Entirely too many people forget that "science" isn't just what people in lab coats tell them, and worryingly, a lot of scientists and medical professionals forget this as well.

>> No.7386016

This is the VTuber board. No one cares about psychology pseudo-science bullshit.

>> No.7387041

>This is the VTuber board. No one cares about psychology pseudo-science bullshit.
isn't that a contradiction? this all part of the vtuber experiment

>> No.7387287

She has potential but it feels like she is afraid of expressing herself

>> No.7392254

It can work, sometimes. This one turned out super boring tho.

>> No.7392355

And a liar

>> No.7397225

It's shit. Also, she's streaming a kusoge right now, so go ahead aand tell her she sucks.
