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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73654945 No.73654945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.73655100


>> No.73655180 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 1200x675, chitose_ujinomiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already graduated. Can't save her anymore.

>> No.73655227

Saviorfags are dead. Long live the whores.

>> No.73655317

Was going to say this was a nijiflop deflection thread, but I'm not sure why they're throwing one of their own under the bus.
I'm confused

>> No.73655510

VCR rust

>> No.73655580

She graduated, retard.

>> No.73656450

Stop playing fucking yakuslop. Or at least play one of the good ones instead.

>> No.73656542

You don't, she's beyond saving. If hanging with deplorable pieces of excrement like Elira Enna and Millie didn't tell you anything then I don't know what else will. She's a niji in hololive clothing, she needs to graduate and apply for Nijisanji and become their gura.

>> No.73656682

>long rpg part 7
That's normal

>> No.73656698

>Or at least play one of the good ones instead.
Only game in the series that is better is Y5 and I agree, kiara should play it.

>> No.73656805

And then she'll ruin yakuza 5 with her nonstop incessant yapping.

>> No.73656947
File: 389 KB, 967x586, KFP Likes to Listen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to hear her yap about Haruka's section

>> No.73656949

What if I told that (you) don't have to watch Kiara. Jesus you fags are retarded.

>> No.73657053

I don't watch her though. I'm just saying she'll ruin it for everyone else trying go focus on the story with her incessant yapping, do you have problems with the truth?

>> No.73657323

Kinda telling that Gura can be disrespectful to her fans, lazy, and at any point come back and have tens of thousands of people waiting.
It actually pisses me off that Kiara isn't more popular. There's no justice in this shit industry.

>> No.73657589
File: 314 KB, 1136x639, 69254598484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't watch her though.
So your opinion is literally worth less than shit.

>> No.73658077

quality > quantity

>> No.73658100

Sorry OP but I'm hijacking your shit thread to talk about yakuza
They absolutely fucked up haruka's character in 5

>> No.73658241
File: 713 KB, 2360x1640, 1626445647617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this the exact moment Kiara is going live
thanks, i would have missed it otherwise
you big ol tsundere

>> No.73658721

Perhaps, but my favorite part of her yakuza streams is her expanding/explaining/elaborating on japanese things and I wanna hear her thoughts on the idol stuff

>> No.73659098

Yeah, she could have a lot of insight about idol's lifestyle: choreography practice, meets and greets, dancing battles against dojo masters, etc
Also the Light and Dark substory...

>> No.73659140

who is the girl on the left?

>> No.73659294

by watching her streams obviously


>> No.73659721

people like kiara will never change for the better. she's too arrogant to realize she has faults, and blames her misfortune on others except herself.

>> No.73659760

even her supposed millions of fans dont watch her streams, why would antis?

>> No.73659811

Eggs still think this thread is about Kiara

>> No.73659935

they pay $5 a month to watch extra

>> No.73659993
File: 203 KB, 397x334, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73660119

eggs won

>> No.73660304

how many finanas is that? shall we start counting in wawas soon?

>> No.73660909

it's funny because Kiara line used to be 4.5k
but now she's at 4.5 finanas

>> No.73661044

what the actual fuck, thats worse than phase
did she piss off her fans or something? did i miss a yab?

>> No.73661114

VCR overlap
Also, that's old. I thought numberfags at least understood numbers

>> No.73661445

No thanks. Rot in hell, sympathizing nijicunt(kiara)

>> No.73661774 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 52ceaaf1efbf1483a82caa3f74228fe887c544ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the Mori VCR threads deleted
>All the Gura bait stayed up yesterday
>This stays up
Fuck this board.

>> No.73662105


>> No.73663891

>make threads/posts shitting on mori
>cry when someone else does it to kiara (your oshi)

>> No.73664018

I took a shit on Kiara's face and she loved it she does have a scat fetish like you kfp told me.

>> No.73664060


>> No.73664185

the kiara split and hlgg is fucking dead. fuck yakuza

>> No.73664244

>become niji
>get niji numbers
oh no, who could have forseen this?

>> No.73664426 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 710x565, destroyhololive_052704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori deflection thread

>> No.73664509

She should collab with Flayon and Octavio.

>> No.73664541


>> No.73664676 [DELETED] 

why do you throw mori under the bus instead of the obvious niji deflection?
jesus christ, kiarasanji is real isnt it?

>> No.73664731

nice try nijisis, you outed yourself

>> No.73664767

that doesnt even make sense retard, get caught though i guess kek

>> No.73664794

Mori did nothing wrong worth of deflecting sorry but Kiara is just a boring bitch. The only reason you put up with it is because unironically you're living your social interaction life with women through her.

>> No.73664847

Nta but where do you think you are

>> No.73664985

I'm in 4chan. What does has to do with Kiara being a snoozefest of a streamer and her flaws being deflected towards mori who has done nothing worth of any seethe.

>> No.73664993

Last line gave it away

>> No.73664997
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Fake news

>> No.73665106

anon...she lost 1000 people from that raid in the time it took you to cope
NOT a good look

>> No.73665138

Fucking Luca sister outing themselves by supporting E-celeb collabs. No holofan wants this shit.

>> No.73665151

i watched yesterday and i'm watching now, what the FUCK is this game?

>> No.73665272

>egg status: scrambled
nice try egguardo

>> No.73665279

You know you seething when you spend time mass quoting makes you look desperate. And it does not embode the message your trying to convert. It does the opposite.

>> No.73665535

No raid has 100% retention but more stayed than left so it's not a bad look either

>> No.73666056

Bae is live >>73653600

>> No.73666255

>No raid has 100% retention

>> No.73668670


>> No.73671191

oh no...

>> No.73673594


>> No.73674120

>pg10 bump
>pg10 bump
>pg10 bump
these anon(s) need saving

>> No.73674198

they're really mad that Holos overlapped their 3D live huh. lmao

>> No.73675856

Literally this

>> No.73676047

you think you're cute huh

>> No.73677134

It's literally one guy. I even figured out his sleep schedule due to when he stops page 10 bumping his schizo threads.

>> No.73677364

Based, when is it? When can we expect this menace to stop?!

>> No.73677616

Jp vtuber you wouldnt know her since your a filthy eop

>> No.73677737

I give no fucks about the game.
I cooled off a bit on Kiara with Advent, but I still like to tune in. Her long gameplay streams are her personal bread and butter because she prides herself on doing long streams to clear games pretty quickly, but now as a semi-casual fan, I've all but stopped watching them with any consistancy because I will always be lost.

>> No.73679963

>page 10
Next post is schizo bump

>> No.73680124

Thanks for the reminder I wasn't looking, good assist bro

>> No.73681436 [DELETED] 

KFP deflection to bae, its too funny at this point

>> No.73682243 [DELETED] 

gotta drag the next nearest runt down so Kiara isn't an embarrassment

>> No.73682735

They're not doing a good job, bae pulled a good show today even doing e celeb shit in rust
Mogged in gaming, mogged in dancing, mogged in singing. No wonder Kiara gets so insecure around her

>> No.73682877

Idk what's more embarassing, replying to yourself or being wrong

>> No.73683038

Bae will never be anything but a homo accessory brat, fuck off
Even her own gen hate her kek

>> No.73683050
File: 746 KB, 1200x600, takalouette2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a collab with enna would bring big ccv and vod views for kiara, it wont anger unicorns and gachis too because enna is a girl. do it kiara, birds love.

>> No.73683315 [DELETED] 

She already met up with vox, Luca etc. KFP aren't faggot unikeks so Kiara could really start inclining by making a name for herself with some unhinged niji collabs.
Her current audience clearly don't watch her so it just makes sense

>> No.73683537

Nijisis stop trying, focus on your AR live PR

>> No.73683669

good idea, her viewerbase has no interest in her, branching out would work
do it wawa, get rewarded for your hard work

>> No.73683776

They feel no shame samefagging huh

>> No.73683859

She's finanished...

>> No.73684056

Honorary nijiEN

>> No.73684226

She has? Based. She's so based giving a fuck you to the schizo unicorns

>> No.73684285

She hasn't, stop samefagging

>> No.73684435 [DELETED] 

Huge L for unikeks
Huge W for unity

>> No.73684624 [DELETED] 

She has, ignore the schizo anti. Was confirmed when she met up with enna

>> No.73684726

Wrong, funny that even you don't even watch Enna

>> No.73685473

Based chimkin

>> No.73685714

She should join niji, she already spends more time with them than hololive

>> No.73685922

nijifag cope

>> No.73686055
File: 25 KB, 275x300, 1712805219851449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps samefagging
>thread keeps dying
>keeps bumping it from page 10

>> No.73686832

As she should, the holo girls constantly mistreat and disrespect her. Why not go to girls that don't hate you?

>> No.73687535

Seethe more Luca sister

>> No.73687701

makes sense honestly, glad she's already putting stuff in motion with them

>> No.73689631

Homo collabs unironically, she would get huge tourist appeal that she needs to grow

>> No.73692246

Page 10 bump incoming

>> No.73693023

makes sense

>> No.73694022


>> No.73694267

literal indies beat this lmao what a waste of a hololive slot

>> No.73694696


>> No.73694960

Kiarasanji reaping what she's sowed, love to see it

>> No.73695455



>> No.73695700

Of course they don't know her anon, otherwise they wouldn't be asking, you stupid screwdriver-IQ'd retard.

>> No.73695775

why doesn't she just kill the series? at that point even her most fanatic followers gave up

>> No.73695893

>it's real
Why is she leeching a vtuber who graduated 3 years ago?

>> No.73696107


>> No.73697039 [DELETED] 

just graduate already holy shit it's obvious nobody wants to watch you

>> No.73697268

Exactly. He wouldnt know her because hes a filthy eop

>> No.73697351

you know how much this hurts a number fag like Kiara too, this is gonna cause another melty kek

>> No.73697633

Have you guys ever considered that Maybe Kiara just likes playing the Yakuza games?

>> No.73697905

>Befriends niji organs
>starts getting niji EN tier numbers
So niji organ failures can kill channels from other corpos now KEK

>> No.73698007

samefagging an outdated screenshot won't make your mother love you

>> No.73698018

>Befriends niji organs
How new?

>> No.73698180

This thread only has 1 IP and it’s all me

>> No.73698246

