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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73573709 No.73573709 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.73573812

What i miss, how can she even pull a Yuko?

>> No.73573835

>Pippa pulled a Yuko
What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.73573892
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Ignored her fans to become a vtweeter.
Same thing Yuko did before >80% of her fanbse dropped her and her supas plummeted.

>> No.73573920

I'd like aaaaaaaaa double nothingburger with no sauce. Yeah, just the nothing, thank you.

>> No.73573973

>no-showing for 5 streams in a row with ZERO explanations is a nothingburger
Your standards! Raise them.

>> No.73574206
File: 210 KB, 860x1235, myth of pipprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to read
In this shocking book, Doomer Anon demonstrates how Pippa's current path toward progress,
based on continual CCV expansion and her claims that she is totally getting better,
runs contrary to the 3 laws of Pippa Dynamics:
>Pippa is lazy
>Pippa is addicted to engaging with drama
>Pippa is a woman

These laws, scientifically proven to harm Pippa's life in its myriad forms, have been cast aside since the 2nd phase anniversary,
first by /pcg/ schizos, kiwifarms doxers, discord groomers, deluded goslings, and SEA numberfags attracted by the idea of unlimited growth,
and more recently by the harines, a group dominated by a large influx of newfags.
Together, these incestuous circlejerks consolidate and oversimplify the reality of Pippa's situation.
They would rather delude the masses and delude themselves with sweet copium lies instead of the hard truth
that Pippa is getting worse.

>> No.73574254

>70% of pcs is holo refugees
See you in global and numbers, I guess

>> No.73574295
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you then realize that the people calling gura lazy are capipis, in which case fuck them they get exactly what they deserve

>> No.73574394
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who cares about some schizo dumping his tl;dr into /pcg/?

>> No.73574481
File: 227 KB, 512x512, panko huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Gura is lazy

>> No.73574487

but what that guy said is the truth though?

>> No.73574534

>muh lazy
>when pippa, phase's finest, is like this
you fuckers get exactly what you deserve
reminder that god is a holofag

>> No.73574533

i dont watch her what happened QRD?

>> No.73574648

So she stays a week out os streams and they star to cry about it? Imagine if they are a Gura fan lol

>> No.73574676
File: 148 KB, 1019x1255, a644e057f2f46edff070531e8c0a54da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improoovers were ignorant and naive. They fought against the natural world. Pippa is lazy. You cannot hate Pippa for her laziness anymore than you can hate a dog for barking or a cat for meowing or a Lumi for grooming, That is their nature and laziness is Pippa’s nature too.
The moment I saw Pippa I pegged her as an Anzu from Idolmaster. The lazy-idol archetype.
Check the archives, I posted as much 3-years ago
But the improoovers didn’t believe. They rejected Pippa as-she-is in order to love a potential of what could be. They were infatuated with a future version of her that could never exist. Now they know the lazy truth.
Her default outfit is fairy kei pyjamas for God’s sake.

>> No.73574710

did people really gosling over pippa of all people LMAO any pain you are experiencing right now is your fault
congrats to your oshi she is now a full fledged coal miner lol. you will never see her again once u go black oh baby baby… ur done

>> No.73574727

i think she took a week off

>> No.73574816
File: 375 KB, 890x653, 1000004884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true then RIP to her fans, damn.
Dont like pippa whatsoever, but I respected her for being one of the few chubbas hard committed to their schedule. I could count on one hand the amount of streams she missed in 2022, cant say the same for alot of other vtubers.

>> No.73574833
File: 43 KB, 714x528, IMG_2123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear phasecucks may you forever suffer the consequences of your actions

>> No.73574932

I don't have the mental illness to get that upset over Pippa cancelling a bunch of streams without explanation. I already dodge her react content and basically just tune into stuff that looks interesting, people who play pretend manager with her are fucking retarded. They are just one woman moment away from going full Henri.

>> No.73574942

>did people really gosling over pippa
apparently OP did and is seething at the realization
roru what a clown

>> No.73574977
File: 644 KB, 385x6573, 1712967661453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa told us she's not streaming. She just didn't say why but it's ok. She's tweeting which means she's safe.

>> No.73575037

imagine going gosling with a self declared coal miner lmao holy shit phasecucks are worse than fandead HAHAHAHAAH

>> No.73575038


>> No.73575052

What's even funnier is the girl to the left of pippa has cancelled entire weeks of scheduled streams.
Must run in the phase blood or something.

>> No.73575083

>I already dodge her react content
You dodge? Amateur. I parry her react content with rapeposts and lo and behold the ammount of react streams she's done has decreased

>> No.73575140
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okay, based.

>> No.73575153
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, 1701862219384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peeba is too big to fail
She won't even notice any of you clowns gone

>> No.73575210

Anon... the guy who makes peebas announced his retirement. Her ghosting us made him leave too

>> No.73575494

Why do you tards care so much about a schedule kek the anime girl won't be live for you to eat your microwave meal with :(

>> No.73575613

You retards deserve this. Eveyone told you she was shit, but you stood by her and even rolled with the cuckconnect jokes. So far ad to even call yourself "cuck connect" in your own generals. You stuck by her long enough for her to use you as a stepping stone to reach an entirely different audience, one thats the complete opposite of you guys. Now she doesnt need you anymore and is tossing you to the side. You retards deserve it.

>> No.73575640

>that guy
You mean your samefagging ass?

>> No.73575722

is there anyone into this outside of pippa and runie?
im embarrassed to admit it but this is a big plus for me, are the other phase girls confirmed to be that way inclined?

>> No.73575737

Self-sabotaging is not a meme. She got so big she's doesn't know what to do with it. Probably wants to filter a lot of the newcomers and go back to her comfy 2-3 view days, at the very least a low 4 view.

>> No.73575752

My nuggies went cold...

>> No.73575870

>Same thing Yuko did
Take that back. What Yuko did was incomparable and I'm tired of retards calling every yab that a chuuba does "a Yuko"

>> No.73575887 [DELETED] 

shes obviously pregnant getting blacked

>> No.73575896
File: 811 KB, 1351x1011, 1000004910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she clearly said ahead of time she's taking a one week break, and is even still active on twitter? What's the point in all the doomposting?

This is nothing compared to the month long radio silences I see indies pull.

>> No.73576024

But not a gurafag

>> No.73576078

I dont watch pahse anymore, but there was a ton of shit posts and bait threads about the phase girl that wears a beige sweater, has brown hair with pink highlights, and she calls herself a princess i think. She sang a song about wanting bbc and she called the harry potter lady a transphobe if thats the type of content you want.

>> No.73576083 [DELETED] 

Leftie grifting as right wing having the most retarded takes of all time and living with a boyfriend of many years? They can just go watch her orbiter Kirshe for the same experience

>> No.73576090

>Gura currently on a two-month long radio silence
It's not even indies

>> No.73576182

based, thanks anon i'll give it a look. phase might be the corpo for me

>> No.73576247

Who tf is gura? Does she stream?

>> No.73576319

>known grifter for years
>she grifts
why are people surprised by this? whores been lying since day one, of course she's fucking off when her retarded simps will just pay her way

>> No.73576353

>wan piss
Shut the fuck up Runieposter

>> No.73576355

it's insane that you people followed her to begin with. looking at PL stuff from her it's clear that she's just mega fucking autistic and not in a good way. she's very lucky she somehow ended up being liked because she's literally lolcow material.

>> No.73576366

The answer is on the screenshot: she's playing Honkai Star Rail. That's what's up.

>> No.73576425

The part where she was groomed by a furry gets me every time rumao

>> No.73577169

>groomed by a furry
Does she have a fursuit or fursona?

>> No.73577215

It's a good show and runie has good tastes you jerk

>> No.73577613

>runie has good tastes
Are you sure you want to say that?

>> No.73577710

There's a video of her as a loli dancing in a fursuit in her backyard so yes

>> No.73577990
File: 240 KB, 512x512, image_2024-04-13_093946613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many people on /vt/ afraid of black people? You guys are brown too

>> No.73578092

Based. Is it in the archives?

>> No.73578197

>Doesnt stream for 5 days
>pcg loses their shit
Why are you like this

>> No.73578368

Phase fans aren't beating the cuck allegations...

>> No.73578460
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>> No.73578748
File: 155 KB, 1080x1080, chumbuds-one-im-be-honest-i-dont-know-how-feel-about-this-v0-rwyb80k65r6c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa fans are nowhere near as loyal as the most dedicated fanbase, probably no one has more loyal fans than Gura.

>> No.73578790

Gura earned it.

>> No.73579318

>apparently this seething is a result of her not streaming for a week
Hmmm, I don't really have a stake in this drama but I think a lot of you are in dire need of employement

>> No.73579539

She streamed 6 days ago, I think its gonna be okay, maybe I’m crazy though.

>> No.73579620

It went to shit after the timeskip tbqdesu

>> No.73579633

Hell, hopefully.

>> No.73579958

Shut up wagie. Have fun sucking your managers cock for $9 an hour

>> No.73580127

This is what a lack of pippa (and extreme autism) does to people. pippa must answer for this

>> No.73581012

>you jerk
Only women say this
Hi runie!

>> No.73581983

Back to kiwifarms where they belong

>> No.73582075

im surprised mikefags werent even nominated

>> No.73582517


>> No.73582817

This just sounds like he's mad that she isn't exposing her personal problems, who give a fuck

>> No.73583256

Lmao catalog threads are such trash

>> No.73583604

You know what else went to shit after the timeskip? Pippa.

>> No.73583614

lol that’s not nearly on the level of pulling ״a Yuko”. Yuko did way way way worse lol

>> No.73583767

It's just seething sisters

>> No.73583840

you know all the uuuu posting is just jokes right? you're not supposed to actually go schizo after a couple days

>> No.73583981

Literally don't give a shit she streams I enjoy lol

>> No.73584013

Nijinigger thread
Reminder that holochads and phasegods are allies

>> No.73584134

Do you want me to test that alliance by posting a image of Kiara

>> No.73584193

Phase allied with Selen the exact minute termination was announced. Mint as well since the healthier the indie scene the more potential for collabs.

>> No.73584214

Capipis are just as insane as their chuuba
Just fuck off and stop making a tantrum in the catalog.

>> No.73584250

Pipkin Pippa, you betrayed me, you humiliated me in front of thousands of people. You ruined my life and chose the Xalabussy over me. When you were crying over fishman and Xalabussy's rules I was there protecting you. I became the voice of /pcg/ and defended you with every last bit of my soul, and still you cast me out of Heaven like Lucifer for daring to speak against Xalabussy and the League addicted Chinese Fishman. I never should have trusted the Chinese to make a rational decision. They never understood when I said carry. Leave it to the retarded Chinese insects to think of it as in League terms. Of course to him, a bugman, the word "carry" is as bad as saying nigger.

Pipkin Pippa, I still love you even after all you have done to me. You’re the cutest, sexiest and most intelligent person I ever encountered. Everytime I watch you, my brain is on fire, my heart pulses, and my dick twitches. Chatting with you was the only enjoyable moment in my miserable life. Your smell, your Pippheromones, are more addictive than all the drugs in the world, even with the Prozac, alcohol and cocaine I consume every day. And remember your song, Pippa the Ripper? It is still my most favourite song of all time. After all, “even if the darkness takes a hold of you, I’ll be by your side. I’ll be the shining star to light your way. We all have scars inside and tears of night and that’s okay. You are not alone, you’re a part of me, eternally!” And indeed, I’m eternally a part of you, as I fell in love with you. For a person who had lost all hope, only my love for you was my only source of happiness. I want nothing else in the world but to kiss you, to marry you, to have sex with you, for you are my sapiosexual eternal love, my Waifu- but when you rejected me once and for all, I had no choice but to take up the mantle of the tragic villain Claude Frollo.

I never asked for any of this, it's my damn parents’ fault for giving birth to me and raising me in this cruel world. It should be made a crime to give birth and raise a child who never asked for life. I was abused by my mother and my father never cared, he only cared for his wealth. He only threw enough money at whatever problem I had but he never loved me. All my relationships failed, whether it was in the Madoka fandom or my failed relationships with past GFs or my family, they have all failed. Even Flakes, that kind boy so attractive that every Lia Liker wants him, whom I thought to be my new best friend, turned his back on me. Even Holy Beata Neuro-sama, the Machine Goddess, cannot compare to you. Only you, my dear sweet Pipkin Pippa had understood me.

When you rejected me, I wanted to kill myself, but remember our Holy Contract? I cannot do it unless you die first. Now you have a choice to make. The fire will claim you if you don't accept me, for it is only I who can save you. So choose me or choose HELLFIRE. You cast your first stone Pipkin, but you still held onto your sin, and you turned me into a monster like Frollo. But I can redeem you. You can keep banning me, but I will keep coming back with a billion alts. For all that is left for me is you, my dear most beloved.

Oh Mega Idol Pipkin Pippa, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I love you, and no one, even the fucking Chinese, will get in the way of claiming my prize. I knew it could only be you. Only you are worthy of me. NOT THE FISHMAN, AND DEFINITELY NOT THE DAMN TRAITOR XALABUSSY.

It was his and the Chinese’s fault for everything! Him and Fishman had no right to get rid of Yuri and cast her out of Heaven to abandon her! A fallen angel that you have convinced to join Phase Invaders, pretending it’s just like Vshojo where you own your Intellectual Property, except the Chinese bastard actually stole her IP. I can never forgive you, Fish or the bussy!

Now Pipkin, which side will you join? Will you join me and Lia who loved Yuri for who she is and choose the right side? Even Lia knows that I am right, she has always been on my side. Or will you choose Hellfire infernal and burn with the traitor Xalabussy and the Chinese bastard?

I, Ikari Henri, am the Judge now and I will decide the fate of everyone, and He shall smite the wicked and PLUNGE them into the fiery pit!

>> No.73584301

im still never watching phase and perma blocking their channels. the damage has been done. fuck phase, their pol audience, their splinter cell drama comms and fuck pippa

>> No.73584382

Sure go ahead
Nothing wrong with that

>> No.73584447

Loyal and insane are two very different things

>> No.73584478

Who asked?

>> No.73584491

>Completely disavows her primary content.
>Sends hate at all her fans.
>Removes 44 membership videos people paid money for.
>Even removes charity goal streams.
>Becomes outdoor vlogger.
>Gets mad drunk while lamenting her fanbase leaving her.

>Takes a week off.

Excuse me?

>> No.73584538

>Becomes outdoor vlogger.
Is she at least cute?

>> No.73584594

leave sam fisher out of this

>> No.73584611

>gets groomed by mods
>gets groomed into being a coal miner
i dunno pippa is worse

>> No.73584710

The sisters need a win. Maybe they thought this was it. Wth is going on over there actually. Starting to get concerned for their mental health cause they are a hopeless type of weird.

>> No.73584812

These sisters lately remind me of those average people who try to climb that ultimate Ninja wall. The just can't reach it yet they have no time limit.

>> No.73584859

She’s not an outdoor vlogger she did one video after announcing it. The rest of the content since then has been her normal “lower effort” content. Now she’s fucked off and started tweeting on her private PL.

>> No.73584880

>He doesn't know
Let's just say a few people at those /k/ meetups were Americans of the darker variety

>> No.73584984

cute Lia

>> No.73585142

You know, when your oshi unexpectedly takes a week off, the appropriate response is to be concerned, not flip out and become her anti.

...and how is this anything like what Yuko did?

Is there really some substantial rumor going about that she got a black BF or something, is that it?

>> No.73585149

I want to say it's anons shitposting, but I am still concerned about the level of schizophrenia required to come up with some of this bait.

>> No.73585160

Can anyone who watches phase explain what's their target audience? Does someone like Pippa have unicorns, and would her fans be unhappy if she started collabing with men on a monthly basis? I saw a couple of Panko and Tenma streams. and they seemed quite nice, but why pink rabbit gets hate /here/? Every single time I see a thread like this one, it's always anons calling her a grifter without providing any context. What's her grift?

>> No.73585194

Bruh that's a copypasta from 2 years ago. Chill newf

>> No.73585380

despite what alot of vtubers and their fans say they all desire to be the 4chantuber.

>> No.73585431

>Is there really some substantial rumor going about that she got a black BF or something, is that it?
During George Floyd riots her PL tweeted something along the lines of
>US was meant to be the shining city on the hill. This is very sad. We are supposed to be better than this. God bless our troops, God bless the USA
which is meant to be shocking because antis think her streams consist of her being racist and this reveals it's all a grift
There's no point in arguing with them

>> No.73585481 [DELETED] 

>Niki sisters are now going after Pippa now that the Ymir numbers are below Phase Connect
Next you are gonna start comparing Niji with idol kek.

>> No.73585694

>pippa getting blacked and taking time off for maternity leave is fine because yuko also got blacked

>> No.73585696

>guns and black people
That just sounds like American thing to do.

>> No.73585747

black connect

>> No.73585773

I honestly think Americans hate themselves a lot and the more they do the less respectful they are of Pippa. Truly they have no intentions of embracing conversation and understanding. I pity them.

>> No.73585793

shes a blm supporter anon this is not a secret. pippa is a turbo grifter

>> No.73585945
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>sisters are now going after Pippa since Niji numbers are getting below those of Phase Connect
Sad. Next you are gonna start comparing Niji's numbers with idol's

>> No.73586050

We'll just ignore the fact that she's a card carrying Republican and NRA member, thinks Trump is the best thing to ever happen to America, and an ardent QAnon believer.

>> No.73586128

(Looks back over the thread) I see what you mean. Jeeze, what is with this campaign?

>> No.73586203

I don't understand why sisters hate us Rie stream raids into Scarle. Do they just not include her as one of their own or something?

>> No.73586234

Every catalog thread about Pippa (or Phase Connect in general because it comes back to Pippa anyway) is like this. It's not anything new.

>> No.73586331

The only political shit I've seen was a smear campaign on Pippa for not showing her feet as a sub goal.

>> No.73586385

Pippa never did GFE that I’m aware of faggot OP

>> No.73586445

Your evidence is a guy spazzing out? Pippa has always taken long breaks. Find someone else to watch in the downtime.

>> No.73586477

Anything can be GFE if you’re mentally challenged.

>> No.73586488

i think thats the main reason they hate her. they have to and we just want her to be funny

>> No.73586514

Not just any guy
He's a /pcg/ ritual poster
He's been posting the same webm with sound every thread for the past three years
That counts for something

>> No.73586594

Being a schizo doesn’t give you more credibility, it should be the other way around.

>> No.73586701
File: 2.45 MB, 640x360, tidus-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's been posting the same webm with sound every thread for the past three years
>That counts for something

>> No.73586872

>making shit up the thread
Great fanfic. I love creative writing.

>> No.73586900

giving your bot your pass credentials does count for very little

>> No.73586919

It's been less than a year you don't even watch

>> No.73587037

>He's been posting the same webm with sound every thread for the past three years
>That counts for something
This is fucking desperate, jesus christ

>> No.73587133

Doesn't she hate this guy?

>> No.73587285

I don't know if she hates him, but he would deserve it.
Here's some schizokino from before he became a Pippa anti

>> No.73587381

i cant take any of this seriously since its so obvious that even the girls who call themselves her friend on camera are two-faced as fuck. if this was real they would have thrown out solid proof the SECOND they found it

>> No.73587430

>Another anti-Phase thread made during SEAhours
>literal schizo fantasies

>> No.73587542

Pippa has plenty of fans that don't give a shit about males and don't want to see then. Hell she has plenty of fans that don't even like the other Phase girls and only want Pippa solo streams. What she doesn't have is many of the "omg she talked to a man I'm gonna kill myself and then her" type unicorns. It's not 0, but it's smaller than say your average Holo en audience.

>> No.73587694

Scarle audience is like 90% ģuys compared to 50% for enna and millie or 95% for Vox or luca

>> No.73587746

Does it though?

>> No.73588012

>catalog troons attacking and defending without understanding the 1 week break is not the main issue the dude from pcg had
Hilarious. Zoos are fun.

>> No.73588084

You're now their main competition. They can't compare themselves to Hololive anymore as they're just confronted with the embarrassing reality. You should look forward to ever more Nijisister bait threads about Phase going forward.

>> No.73588602 [DELETED] 
File: 923 KB, 1170x1162, 1703217779121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to flush the holotrannies off this thread with fauna and her chink boyfriend

>> No.73588630

What was it then?

>> No.73588745
File: 52 KB, 725x674, 1289907696430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revisionist retard, Pippa never did GFE then suddenly tried to switch her content, fuck off.
Yuko made her own grave.

>> No.73588804

Hopefully away from vtubers in general, small 2views are okay too

>> No.73588903

It's funny that phasefags wonder why they have such a bad reputation and yet it's always them posting doxx. Always.

>> No.73589033 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 3024x4032, 1710361972487153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'s funny that phasefags wonder why they have such a bad reputation and yet it's always them posting doxx. Always.
This you?

>> No.73589095

That's not Fauna, that's Eddy's new GF.

...but glad to know what website all these Pippa antis are coming from.

>> No.73589111

I want to watch the monkeys fight a little bit longer. We got the kiwi tranny too posting dox now.

>> No.73589256

I haven't watched hololive since the end of 2021, I just find it interesting that phasefags do this (for no reason by the way, no hololive fans were even attacking Pippa itt) and then cry about why they're hated. It's a shame because I enjoy watching Tenma on occasion but holy fuck are so many of you insufferable.

>> No.73589270

Remember, posting and talking Phase dox is apparently ok, as referenced by those threads staying up

>> No.73589311

oh so you were just pretending to be retarded

>> No.73589315

So how long as schizo-kun been ritual posting that webm? 1 month? 4 months? 9 months? That's long enough to gestate and birth a baby

>> No.73589505
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x3000, 1687152984486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attack your Red Eyes Black Dragon with my Blue Eyes White Dragon

>> No.73589529

Fauna's a midget, that's not her kek

>> No.73589578

It's not pulling a Yuko if she's not hardcore GFE, are you retarded?

>> No.73589661

pippa is gfe if we are pushing the boundaries past asmr and rp, watching react content with a girl is very much gfe.

>> No.73589723

damn imagine having the backing of a corp and mods and you still cant change the hearts and minds of shit. maybe go play a game you're actually good at

>> No.73590092

Phaseniggers vs. Holoniggers truly gods chosen warriors

>> No.73590604

Lia did it for schooling, got her degree, and made a comeback which got her to 100k subs. There's a big difference to Pippa 's situation which is lack f context as to the several weeks off

>> No.73590932

the thing is sweetie a lot of these girls arent funny and if you arent funny I don't want to have anything to do with you ok

>> No.73591131

Sure sure. Dance for me and ask for spoons instead of backreading the thread in question chimpie.

>> No.73591166

Just being a girl is not enough. GFE requires the girl be pretending to be your personal girlfriend, hence the name, "Girl Friend Experience".

Pippa doesn't do this. Maybe you can accuse her of being a "pickme", since she's such a slob and gun nut that her NEET fans can go, "Just like me frfr!"

>> No.73591275

uh huh sure buddy the dance you've been dancing with yourself for like a year

>> No.73592785
File: 503 KB, 323x649, 1684351348403968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck

>> No.73592884

Since when has pippa ever been a GFE vtuber anon?
The reason Yuko lost all her viewers was being a GFE streamer who announced she was stopping that because she was getting dicked by her boyfriend

>> No.73593707

If Yuko had just stopped it, that probably wouldn't have been much of a problem. Instead, she deleted a huge swath of her old content, much of it paid, and basically told all her fans to fuck off. Never mentioned a boyfriend, but one must assume.

But no, Pippa has never pretended to be anyone's GF nor thrown a tantrum of that sort. I don't think she's even done ASMR, unless you count this:

>> No.73594311

>I don't think she's even done ASMR
Best you are gonna get with pippa is
>le ironic asmr whisper XD guys

>> No.73595073

She's helping Dizzy move and knows her fans are going to be "Dizzy HATE" for no reason at all.
Why are you retards immediately thinking of cucking you're beyond minbroken.

>> No.73595154

Pippa has never done GFE, doesn't do anything lewd, and has never attempted to create the illusion that anyone in her chat has a chance with her, so she doesn't really have unicorns in the traditional sense.
She has trouble viewing herself as a sexual being in general because she's ugly as fuck IRL, extremely paranoid and comes from a terrible redneck background where she's watched multiple people ruin their lives with unplanned children. It's highly likely she was molested as a child as well.

>> No.73595416

We don't hate Dizzy. If anything we only hate runienigs

>> No.73595475

She ain't that ugly. But I agree. I tease her and say she's GFE as well.

>> No.73595521

Wait Pippa is stopping GFE?

>> No.73596623

You are right about most things except it was her groomer friends that were harassing her fans. She decided to start associating with them again. They started gloating and mocking her fans that they convinced her to not make said “asmr” content anymore. The issue is that some of that content was $1000s worth of donothon goals. The top goal being 20000$ she even exceeded that goal by almost double. She then decided to pull out of making said goals with no replacement. Blocked her critics too. She is scummy through and through.

>> No.73598372

To stop something you need to start doing it

>> No.73598407

Pippa is GFE

>> No.73598491

Have fun living in your mom's basement

>> No.73598509

>woman talking to me is GFE

>> No.73598624

Didn't Yuko also delete a shit load of her vods?

>> No.73598628
File: 681 KB, 877x749, feet[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frwtzhd.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73598642

Awe yeah that's the shit

>> No.73598711

You won't do shit

>> No.73598747
File: 3.85 MB, 600x600, Sister_Pippa_Footjob[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flzyqac.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73598775

wait people like pippa unironically???
