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File: 84 KB, 850x956, subaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73581785 No.73581785 [Reply] [Original]

>is constantly lauging at Kaiji crying
>can't help but let out a guttural "KIMOOOOOOOIIII" in Eren's moment of vulnerability

Why are women like this?

>> No.73581941

showing emotions is womanly behavior and should be ridiculed

>> No.73581944

Women are selfish and self-centered. Never attempt to show vulnerability or they'll drop you like a stone. God forbid you cry and ask for support

>> No.73582038

Man, attack on titan really shit the bed after the timeskip

>> No.73582111

and that's why we end up just horny or angry all the time, nothing else is allowed

>> No.73582184

Kaiji is meant to be laughed at.
>woe is me I can't stop gambling
I spit on people like this.

>> No.73582378
File: 126 KB, 850x478, snkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of the titan lifespan limit narratively?

>> No.73582518

>Women have a problem with addiction
Instant love and support, therapy and rehab.
>Men have a problem with addiction
Toughen up faggot stop being such a bitch, kys

>> No.73582917

Gambling is pathetic no matter the gender, I do not see much sympathy for females who gamble themselves into homelessness because it's such a disgusting and retarded addiction to have. Just don't go to the casino. Everyone laughed at Kaiji for being a major fuck up. Even after he escaped and got a job he went back to gamling, that is pathetic.

>> No.73583159

timeskip in any manga/anime is usually a red flag.
It means a drastic departure of the previous part that made it popular.
And that the author doesn't know how to pull it off naturally through story development

>> No.73583285

As it should be. Any man that tries to display more emotions winds up suicidal. We were not made for that.

>> No.73583323

Alexander wept and he was the ultimate gigachad. You are a hollow ape, jerking your 2 incher to anime girls voiced by whores.

>> No.73583384

Gambling is based if you win.

>> No.73583396
File: 145 KB, 388x272, 1696614446896854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Eren is a fucking retard that deserves to be laughed at

>> No.73583580
File: 395 KB, 560x766, 1704016354740471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn relive seeing Luna laugh her ass off at Loki getting beaten up like a ragdoll in the first avengers movie

>> No.73583640

>tfw all the bluray encodes with subs of kaiji have fucked framepacing
i guess i could transplant the subs from another release to the raws but i am way too lazy
480p it is

>> No.73583817

>Unironically calling another man a gigachad
Anon change your tampon.

>> No.73584215

are you actually comparing the context for Kaiji crying like a little bitch to Alexander the fucking Great?

>> No.73584416

Showing vulnerability is what male friends are for. A wife or girlfriend will tell you to talk to her about your problems, make yourself vulnerable, but it's a biologically programmed shit test. Show weakness and they'll get the ick.
Talk to your brothers, by blood or otherwise, about what makes you despair. Never a woman you care about keeping. Most you should tell a woman is, "I'll deal with it". Any bit of insecurity and you lost.

>> No.73584512

Just be a good little goy and never complain or show emotions like a perfect little robot

>> No.73584612

He doesn't even know who Kaiji is

>> No.73584690

We were, but even though everyone is saying that "men should be more vulnerable", they are also conditioned to reject and despise vulnerable men. Men who do express emotions get fucking stonewalled by the rest of society and even their kin, taking stoicism and machoism to the extreme.
Emotionally stunted husks, that's what we are.

>> No.73584792

Yes welcome to gender roles pussy, God made us this way for a reason

>> No.73584818

Alexander the great is nothing next to kaiji

>> No.73584830

"They" need us to be perfect, uncomplaining worker robots to drive their next quarter profits. Expressing emotion is a threat to their bottom line and might lead to us protesting or attempting to change the system

>> No.73584834

>Eren's moment of vulnerability
oh you mean anything after S3

>> No.73584890

Sure thing rabbi

>> No.73585028

Just send traumadump akasupas to your oshi, she'll support your whiny bitch emotions as long as she's getting paid

>> No.73585081

Have you even watched Kaiji

>> No.73585157

Anyone posting anything other than
>based duck
Is a fucking retard that needs to LURK MOAR

>> No.73585560

Does that even matter retard.

>> No.73585659

I legitthink it's just Subaru, she can't help but play around tragedy after what she's been through

>> No.73585792

Yes it does because you're equating thinking Kaiji is a retard with being uncharitable towards men who have emotions. This is a thread about anime, not about how little your mother hugged you.

>> No.73585928

>OP asks "what are women like this"
>this is a thread about anime

>> No.73586056

deserved desu

>> No.73586206

OP is a salty fucking Jaegerist nigger that's upset that Subaru laughed at his husbando for being a fucking retard.

>> No.73586463

>reply compares Alexander the Great to some jobber like Kaiji
>I call it retarded
>(You) get triggered

>> No.73586473

>OP is a woman
it explains how shit the thread is

>> No.73586519

>his husbando

>> No.73586909

I said what I said, why would I accept someone like that as a fellow man? at least get a better husbando if you are gonna act like a homosexual

>> No.73590820


>> No.73591325

I always use to think Kaiji looked like Waluigi because of the dumb nose for some reason.

>> No.73592346

Eren? Like, the cucked faggot from aot?

>> No.73593898

The very same

>> No.73594102

Kaiji is a dark comedy, SnK is dogshit that should be laughed at.

>> No.73595146

Holy based
You made it seethe

>> No.73599183

Isn't it normal behavior when you watch AOT? the thing is so badly written that any decent adult will j ust laught at how edgy just for the sake of beying edgi the whole show is.

>> No.73603314


>> No.73604143

Men are not expected to be pathetic. Women are.
