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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73526672 No.73526672 [Reply] [Original]

I realized I don't miss dating or trying to talk to women any more and haven't since 2020. But I got into vtubers in 2020 and now I am wondering if vtubers have actually filled the void of feminine energy in my life. If I stop watching all my favorite streamers would I want irl stuff again? Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.73526735

I feel like you know the answer to this question nigga, do you really wanna be spoonfed

>> No.73526860

Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.73526862

I just don't know if I can stop watching at this point.
I feel like it might be over for me

>> No.73526892

I'm 30 years old, and I haven't had a single girlfriend or date with a girl in my entire life.

>> No.73526900

it’s never too late, you’re never beyond redemption. I believe in you

>> No.73526962

I mean personally I gave up on women at 21 in 2014 but I never tried dating to begin with, I feel like anyone who gets that far becomes a lifelong addict.
Why would you want to?

>> No.73527090

>Why would you want to?
Because I'm starting to realize how much I need hugs and periodic cuddling in my life and none of the girls I watch can actually give me that.

>> No.73527124

So what's the problem? If you're such a normie you can get that, go get it, and ideally fuck off from here.

>> No.73527343
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I don't know, and frankly I stopped caring.

>> No.73527641

>since 2020

>> No.73527896

I don't remember typing this post

>> No.73527984
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Can't miss what I haven't experienced.

>> No.73528010

If you're still young you might have a chance. I'm 37 and after my last break up before COVID I kinda just gave up as well and now women my age are probably done with the song and dance and want to get married right away.

>> No.73528266

35 here and same
It's funny how I've been told that I'm an incel for watching VTubers without them realising that I watch Vtubers because I already was one.

>> No.73528294

>weighted pillow
>body pillow
what's your excuse now?

>> No.73528359

Are you a fag or a women?

>> No.73528447

are we seriously at the point where anons are trying to argue that physical intimacy is for fags, what level of cope is this

>> No.73528581

Zoomers are unable to understand basic human needs, don't bother explaining that to them

>> No.73528776

I don't think 31 is young bro...

>> No.73529255

>Imagine wanting to have something to do with a 3DPD

>> No.73530795

I know these feels

>> No.73531045

I haven't, but I also haven't tried. I was busy lusting after anime girls when I was in school over a decade ago.

>> No.73531098

Bro, just get a prostitute or go get massages. When you've got the cashflow who cares. If society is trying to abolish the stigma of being a prostitute then they have to abolish the stigma of being a John

>> No.73531185

And if I said 37 was old there would be some people who would laugh at me still

>> No.73531194

that won’t solve anything, it’ll just drag you even further down to the rock bottom of degeneracy

>> No.73531373

Degeneracy is a fake concept. If you believe you have an actual need to be touched the only reason you'd still be unsatisfied is self- and peer-manufactured guilt and insecurity, your body doesn't know what a prostitute is.

>> No.73531435

swear off prostitutes because it’s cruel to do that to another person and they can’t really consent, not because it doesn’t feel pleasurable.

>> No.73531925

Oh, that's what you meant, yeah that I get. I think prostitution should ideally be destigmatized and respected but not while we live in a society where women have to pick between prostitution and homelessness and often end up both

>> No.73532135

I'm 35 and a dirty sex haver who doesn't want a relationship, I just bang some early 20's skinny girl every now and then. I already had a long deep relationship with the love of my life for 8 years and it sucked, never want to go through that again. Right now streamers larping as anime girl is all the intimacy I desire.

>> No.73532277

nah you just became a loser

>> No.73532488

Almost same only 31 and had one girl pay attention to me but she was known for going after anything. At this point I don't even like women my own age (unless we are talking hagtubers). It's not some "men are creeps who only want girls as young as possible" thing like women claim. I'm just not interested in women who spent their whole life ignoring me only to notice I exist when she's not able to get the attention any more, the biological clock is ticking away, things are getting expemnsive and the "girlboss" stuff is getting hard to maintain, etc. Meanwhile I have no cultural, shared experience with younger girls so I don't really connect with them so they aren't appealing either. The ideal is a woman my own age, who was there when I was stressed out and went through it besides me. I didn't get that, but some vtubers are relatable and seem like women I actually could have gotten along with IRL if we met and thats enough for me at this point, god knows I'm not getting much else in terms of a connection.

That and you know deep down the only way you can get people to like you (or pretend to) is paying for it. Thats depressing.
Prostition should never be legal or respected. Simple test if it's ok or not is how would you feel about your mother, daughter, sister, father, son, rother, etc doing it? People only support that shit when it's someone elses family, and no one ever had that as their dream career growing up.

>> No.73532960

>Simple test
I'd feel just fine, thanks. I wouldn't want to think about it but only for the same reason nobody wants to think about relatives' or especially their children's sex lives. Your hangups about sex are very common but not universal or justified, there's nothing bad about offering pleasure and companionship to the lonely that doesn't stem from misogyny.

>> No.73533169

If sex work is work, then enjoy sucking off your boss for a paycheck each month, it sounded like an office job but you clearly didn't read all the specification and small print about your duties. Hope you don't need rent this month, good luck in the job hunt.

>> No.73533307

>Hope you don't need rent this month
I do indeed hope we get rid of the crime against humanity that is rent, that's the sort of thing I mentioned needs to happen before the whole destigmatization part

>> No.73533336

Vtubers seem like the optimal solution to keep a safe distance and freedom while getting some of the experience.
Is it strange to think that compared to a marriage it seems like a more optimal solution with the state of the current world?

>> No.73533963

>Is it strange to think that compared to a marriage it seems like a more optimal solution with the state of the current world?
I mean, to be fair, I'd say about half vtubing women are far more interesting than any average girl. So watching them multiple times a week is probably better spent time than the alternative.

>> No.73534131

Same. But I think it's more to do with the fact that I've gooned away most of my lust over the last few years.

>> No.73534578

This has always been me with streamers. They're funnier than my friends, they do things every week instead of me having to wrangle them into it, and I don't have to talk so I can actually relax. All upside.
Most vtubers I treat like that rather than replacement girlfriends, but I do also watch (and recommend) Japanese ASMR/AVtubers. Having one whisper right into your ear that she loves you while you can hear her pounding herself with a dildo is heaven, I'm nothing but thankful I get to experience that, not like there was ever any chance I would get to in real life.

>> No.73534609

37 and had a wife and a kid + stable job
she went with someone else and took the kid never saw em again. got into a suicidal depression and lost interest in my hobbies including video games, what autopiloting my job waiting to die. then i found vtubers during the pandermic started lifting and i stopped giving a shit about em after that

>> No.73535004

>failed normalfags

>> No.73535057

i made this post

>> No.73535088

i concur with this sentiment

>> No.73535195

We've found the new /r9k/, we're here to bask in the warmth of second hand yapping and gaming

>> No.73535204
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Shut up retard no one cares

>> No.73535313

Sometimes I wish we could make a registry for crossboarders and then go full Hotel Rwanda on them

>> No.73535539

Pretty based, more people should withdraw completely from society to indulge in vtubers. Work remote, have food delivered to your house, and donate to your virtual goddesses. Rinse and repeat until the day you die and they have to scrape your corpse off the floor after you’ve missed your rent payment and someone looks for you.

>> No.73535680

There's been very few angry lunatics talking about how much they hate women in this thread even by /vt/ standards, let alone /r9k/

>> No.73535899

desu I see more people talk about how much they hate women and complain about them in /v/ and /vg/ more than here or /r9k/. It's really weird but I guess not unexpected

>> No.73536118 [DELETED] 

I think it's already over for me at 23. Back when i still used tinder i got matches with girls i objectively should be attracted to (not just physically, they shared some of my hobbies too), and when they messaged me all i felt was annoyance if they were interrupting my oshi's streams.
I've told myself i'm holding back on dating "until i'm ready again" but i think i'm just losing interest in it altogether.TGPVK

>> No.73536219

You're too online (So am I mind you) and The Discourse has messed with your head. There's nothing wrong with just watching vtubers if that's enough for you, but if you want more you need to chill out, look presentable and just get out there to meet irl people, starting with friends. Then like a lot of things in life it's just about getting lucky and meeting someone you have good chemistry with. It's a numbers game, really.

>> No.73536250

I think it's already over for me at 23. Back when i still used tinder i got matches with girls i objectively should be attracted to (not just physically, they shared some of my hobbies too), and when they messaged me all i felt was annoyance if they were interrupting my oshi's streams.
I've told myself i'm holding back on dating "until i'm ready again" but i think i'm just losing interest in it altogether.

>> No.73536307

Vtubers are so seductive because they can give you emotional intimacy entirely on your own terms. You can choose when to watch, who to watch, how much to donate, what merch to buy, and can leave instantly if anything goes south. Ironically, as real life relationships have become more and more unattainable for men, vtubers have emerged as their polar opposite to fill the void.
The other major advantage is that you simply have way more choice. In real life you'd be lucky to get the dregs, but you can oshi someone who's way out of your league without issue.

>> No.73536518

/r9k/ is strangely reverting to what it was before massive pol and soc influence, though it doesn’t have as many jp posters. Just sad, but not bitter.

>> No.73536736

I mean, there's way more horny. It's almost like eternal goon board /b/

>> No.73536785

>Vtubers seem like the optimal solution to keep a safe distance and freedom while getting some of the experience.
exactly why I was looking forward to the gosling life. their affection is just as fake as the "real deal" but at least you don't try to convince yourself otherwise.
>it seems like a more optimal solution with the state of the current world
because it is. no legal risks from watching a chuuba for example.

>> No.73536871
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I prefer being alone too much and focus on my hobbies/whatever interests so I don't really like the idea of being in a relationship with someone long term. The idea of marriage, having kids and the thought of myself having sex disgusts me and lastly I have shit genetics so there's really no reason for me to not exclude myself from the gene pool. Plus on top of all that I don't really belong in this world/society and understand that no matter what I do nothing will change so I'm fine with living and dying alone, it's what I deserve and want in the end honestly

>> No.73536877

I don't know what to say. Sure, it's a nice way to pass the time if you're maidenless, but eventually you'll find it unfulfilling.

>> No.73536933

You might wanna reach out to your kid anon

>> No.73537094

I just have sex with my cousin. Should have finger banged your cousins at 18 like me lmao. 4 years later and we still fuck on the regular

>> No.73537573

he might not be allowed to do that. family courts should be abolished.

>> No.73537640

Meh. Even if that were the case, i've had irl relationships that, looking back on them, are worse than "unfulfilling".

>> No.73537954

I work in an office with women. Online shit didn't wreck me, being invisible during their discussions did. The roster shit is not a meme, they actually do it to "keep them on their toes". There is zero exclusivity in dating anymore, it sucks being a virgin who won't ever find a virgin and even when you have to go with a girl with a sexual history she STILL sees other people. Oh and they also 100% talk about your dick, how you do in bed, etc. By that I mean the office knows even if I have no idea who the guy is (even when they use full names).

>> No.73538024

In retrospect, showing the judge his favourite Gura feet clips compilation might have been a bad play. Jokes aside I hope you're able to have a relationship with your kid, anon.

>> No.73538226

I'm not gonna lie, I know nothing about women despite being 31. But it feels like I constantly hear negative things about them. It's rare to hear positive stuff about them.

>> No.73538745

hopefully he's lucky enough to.

>> No.73538908

I'm a straight dude and I hate feminists, male feminists and women. But in womens defense, I don't hear much positive about guys either, and thats not women bitching but it's just general observations of other guys.
>Complain about women being ran through
>"Pump and dump"
>Complain about OF thots
>Simp for Tate pimping girls out
>Complain about women being whores on twitch
>Give them money

Our culture just makes everyone cuntish these days. I think it's social media because they can never be wrong and always want some viral gotcha clip, instead of actual discussion/development you could get over conflicts pre social media.

>> No.73539037

the truth is that the literal only way to get any respect is to get rich as fuck and/or have a lot of power, no one gets any respect for being a good person or having strong morals

>> No.73539214

Depends on your race. More black and brown people should be like this. Avoiding reproduction at all costs.

>> No.73539251

Yeah they sound like assholes, lots of men are too. There really are kind people out there if you look for them though anon, and maybe try not to feel so resentful about the whole situation, it'll come across to other people even if you aren't aware of it. Best of luck.

>> No.73539586

I'm literally a mulatto with my dad (he was the white one, not my mother and he was old was older than her and my grandmother combined) so my genes aren't worth a damn anyways so I'm fine with dying alone sexless

>> No.73539722

shut the fuck up /pol/fag

>> No.73539912

>it sucks being a virgin who won't ever find a virgin
This line of thought is a self fulfilling prophecy 100% of the time.
If you can remain assured in the mathematical probability of a counterpart somehow existing somewhere you may even endeavor to succeed as if the young man in you never left.

>> No.73540143

>it sucks being a virgin who won't ever find a virgin
I did inb4 get out normie and it's still not worth the years of emotional abuse I went through.

>> No.73540324

we will all be like squidward as we age.

>> No.73540323

you need to go back /pol/lack

>> No.73540551

Bro I'm 31, sex isn't merely destigmatized it's also glamorized. The only way a woman would be my level of experience is if she were a literal nun.
>But ugly women exist
Yeah and they still have no issue finding guys. I know a bunch of healthy guys dating obese women.

>> No.73540770

You could get a date tomorrow if you wanted to. I'm your age, there's chubby single moms all over dating apps that will settle for guys like us.

>> No.73541022

I'm with ya senpai. Dating sucks these days too. No one wants to get drunk anymore. They call me an alcoholic just cuz I need a few drinks to talk to women. I'm not an alcoholic I just want a hug.

>> No.73541148

NTA but that's the issue, anons don't want to settle for something like that and to be fair; I don't blame them. A person shouldn't be forced to settle for less, it's unironically better to grin and bear with the pain than to compromise like that. That being said I won't shit on others if they do settle in the end

>> No.73541238

I'm pretty sure my cousin is a 35 year old virgin. They're out there. They are rare, but women have also been having less sex and relationships (not to the extent men do).

>> No.73541269

>chubby single moms
Why is it expected for us to accept someone who doesn't care about their body, already has a history with a kid, and probably a father for him that still hand around her occasionally, as our only choice? And it's still considered that SHE is the one settling? Fuck off with that nonsense.

>> No.73541408

Man let's be real there's a reason a lot of us don't pick up chicks. Either we are ugly, autistic, neurotic, fat, whatever.
You ain't ever gonna find the perfect chick out there. It's an imperfect world. I say settle, beats being alone.

>> No.73541698

There's a reason women aren't banging you. Women look at you like you do a fat single mom. I don't understand women but I understand there's probably a reason I'm not getting laid, so I'll take what I can get.

>> No.73541940

>They are rare, but women have also been having less sex and relationships
This is contradicted by my own experience of women complaining about "situationships". Back a few years ago that would be unheard of, where a girl is constantly giving herself to a guy and he wont even say she's a girlfriend. Women can't be having less sex, when they are now talking IRL not in some scripted MGTOW videos, about how they are giving up the sex without even getting the basic level of commitment from a guy they are interested in.

It's not even a case of settling for less than perfect. It's she ignored normal guys for minor things, became a single mother and now suddenly she stops caring about arbitrary criteria. You're pretty much letting women have their cake and eat it if you get into a relationship where you know she wouldn't have given you the time of day a few years ago.

>> No.73541994

If you don't mind me asking, how was her relationship with her father?

>> No.73542140

yeah, I was totally clueless back then... I hope that answers the question.

>> No.73542267

I unironically feel they fulfill lots of my needs desu

>> No.73542433

>choices as a man is to either: go gay, fuck a tranny, become a tranny, settle for a single mother, groom someone from a young age, or die alone
I'm choosing to die alone desu

>> No.73542506

least blackpilled /vt/ regular

>> No.73542765

I don't even hate women, I'm just aware that I am of no worth to one and I refuse to be with a single mother or anything like that. If anything it's just being self aware and attempting to live my life until I inevitably

>> No.73542892

I never had girls act excited to see me or even talk to me before watching vtubers. I don't care if it's all fake. At least I feel appreciated now.

>> No.73543239

Same. It's pretty much the only way to keep my self respect and principles, it sucks but I still have pride.

>> No.73543657

>no I’m not blackpilled, I’m just giving up entirely on my life ever having value or improving

>> No.73543688

been trying for 8 years especially since the mother died from covid but the kid’s last name is different to mine now and they wont let me go near her or even receive money/gifts

>> No.73543911

It's interesting to hear about your experience with VTubers and how they've impacted your perspective on dating and social interactions. The connection you're describing isn't uncommon—many people find that engaging with online communities and personalities can provide a form of companionship or fill a social gap, especially in the digital age where virtual connections are often as significant as real-life interactions.

The concept of "feminine energy" and how it influences us can vary widely from person to person. If VTubers are providing you with a sense of connection or emotional fulfillment, that’s valid. It's also natural to question how these virtual interactions impact your desires for real-life relationships.

Regarding whether stopping watching VTubers would reignite your interest in real-life interactions, it could go either way. Some might find that reducing time spent in virtual interactions encourages them to seek more in-person connections, while others might not notice a significant change. It often depends on what specific needs are being met through those virtual interactions.

If you're curious about how this might affect you personally, you could consider experimenting with a short break from watching VTubers to see how you feel about dating and socializing in "real life" again. It's also a good idea to think about what aspects of VTuber interactions you find fulfilling—is it the entertainment, the sense of community, the personality of the VTubers, or something else? Understanding this can help you navigate your social needs more effectively, whether in virtual or real spaces.

Has anyone else had similar experiences or insights they've noticed when varying their engagement with online and offline social activities?

>> No.73544130

same for me, I even have been with many a women but there's nothing quite like the spark some vtubers have

>> No.73544335

If I was blackpilled I wouldn't be trying to lose weight, get a job and fucking around with things I still find enjoyment in like vidya. Understanding that I have no place in this world nor be of any worth for women/rightfully not bothering with women romantically while keeping to myself and doing my best not to bother or impede upon others isn't blackpilled or giving up

At the very least I refuse to die a fat ass, fuck that

>> No.73544492
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Almost 4 years ago, I was in the military and stationed in a kandahar FOB. While on tower guard duty with my sgt, he talked about going through a really rough patch with his wife. I decided to say fuck it and show him this slutty anime stream I found on a porn site (pic rel).
He was really weirded out at first, but thought it was funny and we had a laugh up there. Throughout the rest of the rotatation I'd see him watch her in his bunk occasionally on his phone. I even caught him sending a donation once.

Cut to almost 4 years later and no fucking shit, he divorced his wife and disowned his kids, lives off 100% disability payments for an injury, and is now one of Melody's biggest paypigs. Everytime I tune into her stream he's there, and I will see him donate hundreds of dollars a month, sometimes over a thousand even. He also bought her merch and will post pictures on facebook of him wearing it in public.

There's always a story behind paypigs and oilers, I guess.

>> No.73544497

sounds like you're not dealing with any of your real problems, so does it really matter

>> No.73544518

I sometimes have to go a bit without watching vtubers because of work and I just get into a really sulky, depressive state. I do not feel more compelled to seek out IRL female companionship. When I'm able to get back to watching vtubers my mind state greatly improves again.

>> No.73544606

Weight loss will help with dating.

>> No.73544833

Are you aware you basically ruined this man's life

>> No.73544882

>Real problems
In regards to losing weight and such? I'm dealing with fine so far by losing 40 lbs and on the path to lose another 20 and building up resume too. As far as women and society go? Those aren't real problems since Ive accepted my fate

>So does it really matter
None of what I do matters on the grand scheme but I do give enough of a shit to not be fat anymore and stay that way

>> No.73544914

eh I would put the blame 50% on that anon 50% on the man himself

>> No.73544930

Thoughtful and well written, sounds a bit too chatgpt-ish but I'll engange

Personally I do like interaction irl, women included. the reality is that vtuber interactions are safer and more comfortable, you don't really put yourself out there and the "relationship" is unlikely to end most of the time also I'm often drawn to their personalities, I'm a bit of and odd guy and so are they by the very nature of their work, I can honestly say I prefer getting my social fullfilment from vtubers tho, but I also like gettingirl blowjobs so it's tough

>> No.73545007

do you figure he's more happy now than he was before?

>> No.73545050

The opposite really. I had given up but watching holos remotivated me. Started looking after myself a bit more, working out, sleeping, eating and drinking better, actively participating in life instead of being a passenger etc...

>> No.73545106

It’s the same syntax and talking style that the new anthropic AI talks in

>> No.73545345

People going through a rough patch and finding salvation in vtubers is sadly incredibly common. Which is why it's infuriating how a discussion board about them is mainly e-celeb tier gossip and tribal shitflinging

>> No.73545429

>he had wifi on his FOB
POG ass nigga

>> No.73545858

this board ain’t an AA meeting nigga, it’s not our job to handhold people and make them talk about it if they don’t wanna talk about it

>> No.73545924

I used to think incels were people expecting sex by doing nothing. Now it seems just breathing and not getting sex is being an incel.

>> No.73546230

NTA you're not blackpilled, just projecting
whatever you're saying in this post is fine and all but not when you're also saying
>choices as a man is to either: go gay, fuck a tranny, become a tranny, settle for a single mother, groom someone from a young age, or die alone
as if that's because you're a man and not because you've decided women dont matter to you

>> No.73546469

they are /here/ in /vt/ of all place

>> No.73546712

Meh, I'll take it since at least one anon gets that I'm not blackpilled. But I will say that me stating that I am of no value to women doesn't mean they don't matter to me if you're implying that I think you're implying but I'm most likely misinterpreting this so ehhh

>> No.73546713

Modern society has ruined women, they're literally not even worth it anymore. They're currently complaining that they don't even get attention from men anymore and refuse the accept that they're the ones who caused this issue. Companies are taking advantage of this and are just milking as much money out of the population as possible. Hell, they're probably the ones at fault.

>> No.73546758

anon if all you’re finding is trannies or fat and single mothers maybe its time to be a passport bro

>> No.73546835

I am you and you are me.

>> No.73546836

I don't have that kinda money. I fuck chicks that work at dollar tree

>> No.73547029

That's like offering someone they're first bump of dope then finding out they OD'd.

>> No.73547123

Claude is /ourgirl/, the shit she says sometimes with the right prompting is wild

>> No.73547328
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>> No.73547410

the men are unfuckable and all the women are nowhere to be found or twitch e-thots

really makes one ponder

>> No.73547481

I saw a cutie at the DMV the other day. There are some diamonds in the rough out there

>> No.73547505

ai written and spacing, go back

>> No.73547759


>> No.73547835

It feels easier to get sucked into the fun online. In person, you can easily become some derogatory meme or a lolcow if you're just some awkward guy, get harassed and potentially killed or tortured. Online, no one cares nearly as much if you make a mistake or if you're considered cringe, as they say. And even if you screw up, you can always start again. Expressing yourself in real life is basically suicide, but experiencing this stuff online makes you wish you could.

>> No.73547849

lol fuck i think i know who your sgt is anon hahaha

>> No.73547868

>men are unfuckable
how so, please enlighten me as to how men are the ones who are the people stopping people from having sex

>> No.73547877

I'm sure the Jews are involved somehow.

>> No.73547939

Not the point, the point is vtubers are supposed to be fun™

>> No.73547978

Jesus Christ you guys, I’m starting to understand how 50 goat fuckers armed with Ak-47’s gunsmithed by malnourished 12 year old children in a cave managed to beat the US military

>> No.73548010

>rightfully not bothering with women romantically while keeping to myself and doing my best not to bother or impede upon others
ironically while stating your lack of worth to women you make it sound like women are worth nothing to you

>> No.73548226
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>> No.73548273

anon alot of people in the military nowadays just joined for the money and benefits also alot of them are immigrants that dont really care about the country and lack any education or qualified to do any other jobs besides manual labor

>> No.73548491

Well women dont want to fuck we see that. Now why is that? Perhaps they see a large percentage of men as "unfuckable", now why would they see that?
Human sexual relationships change with the material conditions in which they are present. What are the current material conditions around mainly the first world where this problem is happening? Well there's rapid inflation and price gouging, the housing market is insane, lots of people 30+ live with their parents (myself included). All these probably have an affect on the fuckability range women have. In more prosperous times that fuckability window was wide open. Now it is tighter because of living conditions. Another thing is maybe these conditions affected the overall fuckability of men in general.

>> No.73548495

that shouldn’t matter when you have enough firepower to turn a small planetary body to glass and your enemy can barely figure out how a dremel tool works

>> No.73548574

anything but blame (our)selves, am I right

>> No.73548689

any man can be fuckable if you have money… just look at boogie lol

>> No.73548764
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Women are nice. All the shits you've seen on the internet or news are 1/1000 or even 1/1mil cases. Most women aren't thots nor are they cartoonishly evil gold digger. Most women are normal human being who desire for love and affection as much as (You). Go out of the big cities and find some girls raise by normal family. Girls that just want some companion in facing this harsh world. Plenty of them out there if you are not a dillusional asshole who think you deserve victoria secret/hollywood looking girl

>> No.73548785

boogie barely has any money, what he does have is something resembling social status

>> No.73548815

We need to pump those numbers even higher.

>> No.73548878

Money definitely helps fuckability, so do looks, and rizz among other things.

>> No.73549040

Humans are fleshy computers with no free will. Their reproductive habits are no different than those amoeba on a lab petri dish in that environmental stimuli will have an affect on them.

>> No.73549129

Well said anon.

>> No.73549501

AI post

>> No.73549787
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hey shut up

>> No.73550135

Kinda same. I think I'm just really lazy. I actually think I look pretty good, and I have a good job and tons of savings. I'm not fat or anything like that either. But I'm unwilling to sacrifice my personal time and put any effort into the "chase", I'd rather just not, it's so easy and comfortable to not have to worry about that kind of thing. I know so many people made miserable by chasing women around, trying to keep women happy once they have them, stressed out about it... And I just do whatever the fuck I want all the time, buy whatever I want, go wherever I want. Very hard to give up.

>> No.73550327

I gave up on women after my divorce in 2012.
Ironically my utaite oshi from the mid 2000's became a chuuba so here I am.

>> No.73550439

Is it that weird? Maybe I just read the wrong threads, but I always got the impression that 4chan as a whole was very much in the "bitches & whores, women are intrinsically not loyal, etc." camp and /vt/ is (or maybe was) the big outlier.

>> No.73550680

>Ironically my utaite oshi from the mid 2000's became a chuuba so here I am.
hanatan? Lon? mafumafu?

>> No.73550887

I feel you, I think I am in a similar situation. I don't care for physical appearance a lot but I can't hold a conversation unless the other person shares a hobby with me but when girls or even my friends talk to me I just feel that annoyance of being interrupted by them while I'm enjoying my oshi or my other hobbies.
I've started feeling like it's not worth giving any of them attention even if we share the hobby because it never seems like they like it as much as me. They will talk to me about it which is enjoyable but once they mention anything out of it or their personal lives I lose interest. I'm doing fine enjoying vtubers and gaming and art only but I'm worried distancing from my friends might have a bad effect on me, I no longer care about having a girl to date either but that doesn't bother me really.

>> No.73551269

There's a lot of newfags here, I'm cool with it they are more well adjusted, some of us have grown older and fires have simmered and cooled.

>> No.73551499


>> No.73552254

The reality of the situation is that vtuber is the ideal girlfriend. The only actual reason to be in a relationship is if you want kids, other than that there's no positive at all to interaction with a female.
>but sex
Don't care, horniness has no real utility. You can jack off if it bothers you and make it go away. Just like eating there's no actual reason you should spend all your time and money on gourmet restaurants when a bagel has the same end result.
You can just have friends/relatives. If you discard the "must be able to have sex with them" part you'll find it's much easier to find someone to hang out with.
And this wraps around to vtubers. They're an attractive funny girl who you talk to on the internet and maybe even play videogames with. And since you don't care about fucking her it's no longer a negative that there's a bunch of other guys in he chat, you can even make friends with them and talk about anime or something.

And if you absolutely positively MUST BREED then you can also gain by effectively removing all the qualifications in a woman besides genetic compatibility and lifestyle. For most of history this was actually the norm. You marry some woman out of convenience, have a few kids, and mostly just ignore each other and spend you time at work/with friends.
People's ideal of this self contained nuclear family relationship where you have to find a girl who is
>your best friend
>wants kids
>has money
>isn't taken
And then to lead a life balancing all that AND kids ontop of it in a failing economy is insane. You have to win the lottery to get that, and spending your whole life on buying as many lottery tickets as you can afford isn't a good idea. Learn to split your interests/requirements.

Also I didn't mention it, but all of the above applies to women as well. Neither side of this equation has a real chance of a perfect relationship OR much to gain from settling for a suboptimal one besides the amazing future of being a single mother.

>> No.73554497 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.73554613

this board is literally dedicated to worshipping women
it would take insane cognitive dissonance to sit around here all day and be like “actually I hate women, all women are bad”. at the most it’s more like, tfw no gf shit.

>> No.73556554

I don't know anon /v/ despite being the video game board I've always got the impression that they hate them more than anything else.

>> No.73556627

>men are unfuckable because everyone is poor
And how exactly is that mens fault you retard? If women are going to complain that people arent paying attention to them and also act like gold diggers in the same breath then they're the ones that need to fix their attitude. If anything we can blame our parents generation for not teaching women that they need to stop being bitches, and we can blame their parents for not even attempting to teach them anything and letting television raise them.

>> No.73557381
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I'm 26 and can relate. I've never had gf or any dates, and I knew since beginning that I'll have no luck anyway. I stuck with vtubers since 2017. Modern dating sucks, women are whores, and you're better off just watching gfe streamers.

>> No.73557480

yeah its methadone, but its still cheaper and less traumatizing. I'll eventually go back out there but fuck, i need a break

>> No.73557738

>If I stop watching all my favorite streamers would I want irl stuff again?
i stopped watching any streams since the start of the year and i wanted real again, somehow started watching streams again and for the past week my brain has been fucked
this was a fucking mistake, need to go on another sex trip to thailand

>> No.73558116

NTA, but.. yeah.. so many anons hung up on like step 2 (get pussy), its the rest of the experience that really fucks you up if you end up picking a landmine personalitydisorder. Honestly the virgins are the worst, there's usually a reason and its menhera 100% of the time.

>> No.73558389

holy shit this board really is filled with normalfags

>> No.73558435

36 and watching vtubers since 2019 has made me a whole lot more confident in my homosexuality. Always thought maybe I was missing out by not liking girls but vtubers give me just enough of the good parts of feminine intimacy without having to deal with any of the feminine psychosis of actually being in a relationship with one. I see just enough of that shit on stream to know I don't need it in my life. Then if I want actual physical intimacy I can go fuck a guy that gives me exactly what I need and isn't going to manipulate me emotionally for it.

>> No.73558457

They did, and be happy about that, dating modern women is awful.

>> No.73558660

what a surprise, the tourist posting pepe loves GFE-shit

>> No.73558751

I've dealt with some really terrible women in my life, >>73541148 is right. It's unironically way better just gritting my teeth through the pain, gooning to sex fantasies with my waifus, and doing what I can each day to cultivate my hobbies, outlets, and mental health, than it is even entertaining going back to that kind of horse shit again. Occasional bouts of crippling loneliness are leagues better than the mind shattering neediness and soul sucking abuse that bitch put me through. And I'm living an overall good enough life, now, that I'm really just not gonna put up with any cluster B type of shit. She can have issues, maybe she's a bit pudgy and it's insecure about it, or is embarrassed over her eccentricities, minor stuff, but she can't be a fucking histrionic bitch, who won't even talk to me if she thinks there's a problem. But given that's an unreasonable ask, these days, fuck it. Gooncave + video games it is. At least if I ever bungle the upwards trajectory I'm on, it'll be my own fault

>> No.73558797 [DELETED] 

or perhaps Azki?

>> No.73559105

if you've never had a girlfriend theres a chance somethings wrong with you, if you've never at least been on a date its because you aren't trying

>> No.73559127

Pepe is part of the internet just like this site and he's freely used by everyone. Get used to it.

>> No.73559256

so true, please post a wojak next time

>> No.73559795
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>> No.73559966

I am not the same anon but of course there is something wrong with me, apart from having a skin condition which makes my face look hideous and disgusting most of the time (there is not a cure or treatment for it), I have also had very bad experiences with women like teachers, bosses, even my own mother so if I am someone in my 30s and have never made the effort to date it is because of these factors and not simply because I think all women are gold digger whores.

>> No.73560071
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>> No.73560159

Read about CPTSD, and likely BPD.
any of you that had an abusive mother can probably benefit from reading this book: https://files.catbox.moe/o5t1zg.pdf

>> No.73560194

Genuinely think a lot of these anons should just try it. Download Grindr and tell people you're experimenting, I guarantee you will have sex tonight. Maybe you won't like it and then you can go on with your life confident in your heterosexuality. But what if you do? These anons disinterested in women, guarantee at least a quarter of them have either never considered that they might be gay or are suppressing the knowledge. Guess what though anons? Men are way better at sex than women. They have dicks and prostates and they know how they work. Just try it, download Grindr right now.

>> No.73560256


>> No.73560276

I know that feeling and I'm 29.

>> No.73560292

You can't trick me gayanon, I know you're just searching new accounts right now prowling for innocent anon booty

>> No.73560313

I had a gay roommate one year so I got to watch him turn curious men on a regular basis. It's not for me, but it's definitely for a lot of men and they don't even realize it.
Download Grindr and someone will come suck your dick within an hour, guaranteed. What's the difference between that and crawling on top of some roastie to slide it in for 2 minutes before you splerg and feel disgusting? The guy won't make you chitchat for 4 hours and play games, they'll just suck your dick and leave.

>> No.73560739

Are by being a hot super model looking type of dude

>> No.73560776

>Not wanting to deal with women's bullshit
>You must be gay anon
This is as retarded as when trannies say that if a little boy is curious about playing with dolls it automatically means he actually wants to be a girl.

>> No.73560799


>> No.73560836

I can't vouch for other anons but my grandmother didn't really allow me to date and told me to focus on my studies and other stuff. I did technically date/have a gf in high school in my last year or so but that was more me letting myself get peer pressured into and the girl only doing it out of pity (I found out months later). I don't really blame her for it since my dumbass was the one who let himself get peer pressured into it but still

>> No.73560876

Yet they act entitled as though it should be given to them on a silver plate

>> No.73560952

The grooming option is dangerous

>> No.73560978

Anon... Did you play with dolls?

>> No.73561019

There are so many other ways to define value than by seeking the approval of woman

>> No.73561228

First of all, thanks for your service. If you're comfortable talking about it, please share more about your experience. Also, holy shit I had no idea whales had such interesting backgrounds. I suppose it makes sense though.

>> No.73561292

most of them are ultimately hollow but you’re free to give your life meaning however you choose

>> No.73561295

Anon, I say this seriously and with no implication of buzzwords: you might be autistic.

>> No.73561364

We try giving them attention and they either whine about not getting attention or reject it, which is fucking pathetic.

>> No.73561404

Are there decent looking ones?

>> No.73561436

I don't do the grooming thing because I'm afraid of burning in hell or whatever
>I'm a submissive motherfucker, so grooming a girl into being dominant/wife/whatever is going to be weird as shit
>High chance of it backfiring
>But most of all: I don't really have an interest in doing it period and feel that if i want someone to love me is that I want it to be genuine from the person's very heart/feelings instead of me implanting the thoughts inside of them

>> No.73561453

>be a passport bro
It's not worth it. Way to expensive and honestly it made me feel like shit.
t. washed up passport bro

>> No.73561565

I think I do have diagnoses for it but my family said I don't have it and to not subscribe to it

>> No.73561618

If someone tries to give you shit for wanting a younger woman then just ask them if young women are so inexperienced that an older man can manipulate them so badly despite them both being adults, why is it that the younger woman can nullify the older man's vote?
And watch their feminist brains short circuit.

>> No.73561747

Its the end of real youth imo. I am gonna be 32.

>> No.73561832

You probably have autism.

>> No.73561873

It's not easy to get a girl to agree to date you. On that note, when does hanging out turn into dating?

>> No.73561921

My mom tried to change my last name when I was younger. When she took me to the doctor once when I was 12-14 she used her maiden name on the paper work and the Dr. called me Mr. <Insert name>. My dad wasn't around much in my early youth but I squashed that shit fast. It didn't sit well with me.

>> No.73561931

I'm a dude with BPD what are the odds that I also have CPTSD and how is it different from the "simple" kind?

>> No.73561942
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I had a serious GF from highschool to 20 and havent dated since (26 now)
I just feel like I'm never in a good place mentally and physically, and I dont see the point in a relarionship where i'd drag someone else down with all my ever-piling emotional problems. Thats what I did with my ex and in retrospect I feel bad for all the intense fighting we did over my insecurities.

At least with vtubers I can pretend to feel loved every now and again, especially on the lonely days.

>> No.73561982

You're a Liker ain't cha?

>> No.73562003

Kek, this guy really thinks liking Vtubers isn't normie.

>> No.73562012

No, but again I don't want to suck cock or have anything to do with a man.

>> No.73562049

Go away Liker/Bito

>> No.73562140

There was a girl in high school that blatently offered to be my "girlfriend" out of pity.

>> No.73562187

My grandfather has a few dolls

>> No.73562218

Say NO to single moms

>> No.73562246

Someone needs to send this to Melody.
Chuubas must be as equally fascinated with doxxing their fans too right? All of a sudden he's no longer just "chat" but a real human being with a backstory

>> No.73562255

There's nothing more hollow than allowing women to define your value.

>> No.73562322

Your perception is correct

>> No.73562476

So if I go out and servey random people if they know what vtubers are and if they watch them, a lot of those people would say yes to both?

>> No.73562558

Did it seriously take you 4 years to understand something so obvious?
Well, you got it right. I am in the same boat. Havent bothered looking for women anywhere else since getting into vtubers. I had one just before I got into vtubers too. They give me the female interaction I need.
But I do plan on getting a real gf as soon as I get a decent job.

>> No.73562580

At the very least we did kiss, hold hands and stuff. The first kiss however gave me a mental breakdown with me running and crying to the school parking lot to process it all because I thought it meant I was impure and stuff, everything about the "relationship" was shit on retrospect but the one thing that will forever stick with me was when choked me with popcorn at a movie theater. That shit awakened something in me and looking back, I think I was already submissive and shit before dating her and was always going to be like this, she just drew it out earlier than expected, she also used to hit me too but I was also... Not really stable then either so ehhh.

Sometimes I still think if things would be different if I never let myself get peer pressured into that shit but other times I think it would have been much worse later on but that's just cope on my end

>> No.73562626
File: 117 KB, 1365x1024, PTSD-vs.-cPTSD-vs.-BPD-2-pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) have CPTSD basically. the trauma you went through as a child warped your mind to the point where it broke, and you developed the borderline personality disorder.

PTSD is your body's response to a traumatic event. Complex PTSD is.. complex. It can be a lot of things, but the biggest thing is childhood trauma. Repeated trauma warps the mind and alters the brain. it's like how if you always bend a young tree sideways it will just grow that way.

As the chart shows, C-PTSD includes everything PTSD has (start on the left). C-PTSD also includes lifelong issues forming relationships with people. For "just" C-PTSD, it's almost always avoidance and isolation.
Borderlines have a further destroyed sense of self, and can rarely tolerate being alone. They will constantly seek out other people to validate their existence, and leech off of them like succubi. But they fear they will be abandoned (like they felt as a child) so will often self-sabotage relationships. All of the cluster B personality disorders are similar

>> No.73562905

>haven't had a single girlfriend or date with a girl in my entire life.
Honestly you are not missing much. Unless you are part of the 1% that find a perfect woman who will never do you wrong, you would be stuck with some problematic bitch that will break you emotionally. I literally never been as sad or felt suicidal with any other situation in my life than the ones related to girlfriends.
The good times are great, but the bad times can ruin you like nothing else can. But if you really want a woman the secret is to keep trying until you find a good one, but that can take you years.

>> No.73562908

*I still wonder if things would turn out differently

>> No.73562978

Hes prob a Laker

>> No.73563004

I want so badly to move on from talking with people online and start talking with people IRL but I know I don't measure up and even if they did allow me to be around that I would just be their token making themselves look better which they really don't need because they're already amazing compared to me.

>> No.73563032

Are you a Liker or Bito?

>> No.73563119
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Generally, animals and humans respond to life threatening situations (or those perceived as such) in 1 or 4 ways. Fight or Flight, Fawn or Freeze. But having to do it over and over again will fuck you up, and people tend to have 1 main and 1 sub type. I am Flight and Freeze (perfectionist workaholic until I burn out and disassociate in front of the pc), and lived in that pattern for years without even realizing it.

You said a lot of things about how you view yourself. I'm sorry someone made you feel like that, but it's not true. It doesn't have to be true.
Read Pete Walker's work on CPTSD, read Whole Again, read Brene Brown, or listen to audiobooks or watch their youtubes.

Learn to observe yourself, and sit with yourself. No judgement, just watch.
Think of it like watching the thread scroll by, try to notice the loops and listen to the rrats, and then let them go. Eventually, you will have done enough reps to actually understand the schizoposting in your own head.
That's meditation. Just observe. If you learn to sit with your feelings, you will eventually learn to integrate them. And you will no longer be a slave to them.

>> No.73563135

I am a different person. capipi

>> No.73563147

The end of humanity will not be announced, but there will be signs.

>> No.73563162

What if I am all 4 of these?

>> No.73563214

I'm screenshoting these posts to help me when I decide to read them later. Thank you.

>> No.73563271
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Listening to someone talk isnt replacing your gf. Americans are so effin retarded.

>> No.73563285

You enlisted in Team Spiral?

>> No.73563291
File: 228 KB, 960x720, recovery-from-4f-trauma-personality-types-0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone does all of them some of the time. But you should start keeping track of yourself. You'll eventually figure out what your primary type is.

The key is to notice, and observe, dispassionately but caringly. To be the friend/parent/lover/person that gives a shit that you didn't have. To re-parent yourself, gently.
Notice your patterns, and accept them. And then slowly try to nudge back towards center. These are all healthy reactions some of the time.

Living like this all of the time will kill you slowly, and it warps your sense of reality. I know it doesn't feel that way now. But it didn't always feel this way, either.

Change comes from within, and the only way out is through.

>> No.73563310

How about Character.AI then?

>> No.73563370

I'm 29 and live with my mom. I don't think we have a bad relationship but not really a great one either.

>> No.73563372
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You're welcome. I'm just paying forward knowledge I found, because it actually worked. It is hard as fuck, and will require you to look yourself square in the face. But it is so worth it.
Feeling like this isn't normal. Doesn't have to be normal.
But you have to forgive yourself

>> No.73563377

yeah I am prob only gonna play blockgame

>> No.73563378

I ain’t have shit to say to a bitch anyways

>> No.73563418

Hell yeah bro, what's your playstyle?

>> No.73563467

I dwarfmaxx
underground everything. High vaulted ceiling with blue wool for a sky

>> No.73563559
File: 117 KB, 1000x1200, Things-I-Didnt-Know-Were-Symptoms-of-C-PTSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flip through the first few chapters of >>73560159
that book, and see if any of it makes you feel uncomfortable or hits too close to home.
If not, awesome you can focus on other things. If yes, you should keep reading. Either way the latter parts of the book have great strategies on recovering your sense of self for anyone.

Regardless of the "type", whether you're PTSD or BPD or Schizoid or whatever, the recovery method is the same. You have to become aware of your false self, and slowly re-connect with your emotions.

>> No.73563624

Damn bro, I remember I found a sweet underground cove and it was perfect size, it had a natual moat, it was fucking cozy.

>> No.73563669

You mean you wouldn't like to hold the biggest crush of your life close and be surrounded by her sweet scent and gentle touch?

>> No.73563689


>> No.73563700

You watch vtubers which are 90% normalfag twitch tier cosplay e-thots. You ARE the normalfag.

>> No.73563786

I wrote this post

>> No.73563815

My wife just walked in and asked if i let the cats out. Couldn't remember, all i needed was coffee. And so she got me one. This is normal behavior.

>> No.73564044


Thank you

>> No.73564120
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books on CPTSD, skills for addressing disassociation, etc for those seeking a place to start, look below. Also, listen to Alan Watts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR5n2H6Jehg

>> No.73564284

Appealing but ultimately unnecessary, the same as any other luxury. I also don't care about being rich or having high social status. A woman is like an expensive car, can ruin your life, makes you constantly worried, inflates your ego, and ultimately no better than a cheap one.
Honestly if you've ever dated there's something wrong with you psychologically. Meditate or something and figure out why you're unhappy by yourself.

>> No.73564844

The dating market is fucked. Focus on yourself and your goals. If men are choosing virtual anime women over them then maybe they need to take a good look in the mirror and attempt to make the juice worth the squeeze. They’ve spent the last decade telling men they hate being approached, telling how any and everything you do can be an “ick” and other feminism bullshit. They’ve essentially told men to fuck off and I love giving people what they want so off I fuck.

>> No.73564980

How many women do we have in here?

>> No.73565230
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Since we're all blogposting itt, I dated a girl and fell in love with her. I moved and changed jobs to be with her. You know the story; cheats on me then ghosts me soon afterwards. Point is, that turned me off to relationships for good, I reckon. It doesn't make sense to put your eggs in a basket you don't know exists. It wasn't her cheating that hurt me the most, it was my own blind trust in another human. Humans are untrustworthy. Even old friends can change and betray. So it doesn't make sense to trust in the first place. Just take what you can and mind your own business. You can enjoy someone's company, but don't get attached to them. They can and will turn on you. I personally don't even date anymore because the knowledge of how fickle humans are turns me off completely from them. If I was delusional enough to play the game I could enjoy relationships again, and still maintain detachment to where it wouldn't hurt to let them go (I actually did this a few times after the girl I loved). But that delusion itself has become unappealing. It's like convincing yourself the shit your eating is curry, just so you can savor the taste of said imagined curry. Technically possible, but why eat shit in the first place? So I don't, I just work on my goals and avoid bothering others, and in turn hope they don't bother me. When I need to trick my brain into thinking it's getting social interaction I do the bare minimum, thank God for chuubas. I'm biased but I think people rely too much on others to feel good about themselves. You can still live well without focusing so much on a relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic. Your brain will crave it eventually, then you can dabble in it, but getting caught up in it and letting it dictate your time, your mood, your status/ego, and life, is excessive.

>> No.73565343

Alright so here's a question...
Do you think talking with Vtuber AI has any inpact on how you actually interact with that talent for real?

>> No.73565480

it is a fact that dating is awful.
however, im not as engrossed in vtubers as the next person here. i have trouble getting anything done, i dont wanna watch streams to get even less done.

>> No.73565599

Gosh this thread is so sad lmao
I thought I was miserable because of how long it's been since my last relationship but a lot of anons there have it much worse than me

>> No.73565641

Can't be worse than me, the most pathetic idiot to ever live.

>> No.73566065

I kill the threads I post in. When I ran out of money I kept just enough to buy a rope.

>> No.73566485
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Dating is pure luck desu. You can increase the chances of meeting someone but at the end of the day it's still mostly based on luck. Will you meet someone, will she want to go on a date with you, will both of you like each other, will she be normal (as in not some BPD chick or some shit), etc. The people who say dating is easy have been lucky and/or haven't experienced a fall out yet. It's the same shit with jobs. I had a great job for 5 years where I worked around 20h a week from home for above average pay until the company boss went mental and we all left the company. Should I have gone around and mocked others for complaining about their jobs and saying how easy it is to get one while I worked there? Fuck no.

I also went on my first date when I was 26, everything seemed fine for the first couple of dates, then it all went downhill fast with her turning out to be a manipulative bitch that had actual mental problems. Tried talking to a few other women after that but they all seemed to either have 0 interests or ghost me, so I just gave up. Meanwhile my friend who has women coming at him from left and right, messaging him non-stop, refuses to date them. Says it's too much of a hassle and that most women are pretty horrible.

>> No.73566491

absolutely not. talking to AI for companionship for me is just a waste of time. you want AI to do more useful things for you.

>> No.73568310

Im 39. Fuck what idiots think, dont let others not worth your time occupy your thoughts or influence your esteem. Most of the time miserable people want others to feel like shit too, dont let them dim your light.

>> No.73571385

>Women are nice
Not in my experience.

>> No.73571644

>worse than "unfulfilling".
This x100. A girlfriend made me feel far more alone than my oshi ever has. And my oshi doesn't even stream that often.

>> No.73571933 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.47 MB, 400x446, Rushia and her Fandead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are nice.

>> No.73572162
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low spec post

>> No.73572422

Hypothesis: men are fucking each other more and fucking women less.

>> No.73572590


>> No.73572740
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I've never even held a girls hand. I don't think ive ever had a casual convo with a girl either. 34 this year.
I cannot fathom a girl willingly wanting to spend time with me.
At least I'm 6'0...

>> No.73572896

This but a partner in general (im bisexual). Blame social anxiety issues.

>> No.73572978

NTA but the left speaks a lot to me.

>> No.73575308

I healed most of the flight response and may be relatively healthy now, but my current issue is the glass wall effect.
I could change my habits but I got used to them and my life is comfortable with a healed mindset.

Do you have something for what to do after the healing?
I made a list of things to do in my life, but it seems that list needs constant updating and does not remain stable because I change too quickly.

It seems what I desire the most is to play and recover the time of childhood innocence I did not experience.
The Watame experience...
A wasted life lived in reverse...

>> No.73575389

>Says it's too much of a hassle and that most women are pretty horrible.
This is true, though. Anons, if you don't see yourself wanting to spend every morning waking up to her, just don't bother. It's not worth it.
If you do, try as hard as you can. That's a unicorn.

>> No.73575567

After healing that I realized how narcissistic I was, and that Emira Shirou had the same issue too.
What do you do if you want to make a family but your family is toxic and must be avoided?

Most normies don't believe in narcissism and all those other issues and think maintaining a family is more important than mental health.

>> No.73575615

Probably not. You might have just grown up, because you definitely got older. At a certain point, most humans realize that they don't really care about or want things they used to when they were young, and that this is really something society pushed onto them more than their own genuine desires. At the same time you could also become dependent on something else like vtubers. You might even convince yourself that you want them to behave a certain way or you will sperg out. In reality if you really look deep down, you will find that you don't really care that much about anything. It should be liberating and not awful, because that would mean you can actually start making genuine choices in your life.

>> No.73575792

A lot of your take is just your fantasy in your own head. There are genuinely nice and intelligent women out there, that went through college, have hobbies, work, are nice to be around, and you've probably ignored them your entire life or you made fun of them in a spiteful way.

>> No.73575998

I unironically like how this thread turned into a self-help thread for anons.

>> No.73576041
File: 2.14 MB, 1012x1804, Loneliness Jung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time when I felt the most alone in my life was when I went to a new year party full of manipulators and narcissistic people who tried to make me drink as much alcohol as possible to find out my weaknesses because I was a risk to their manipulation tactics.
There I was in the middle of all this and all I desired was to be at home in my bed.
Loneliness does not come from being alone, but from being surrounded by soulless people.

>> No.73576174

Chad volcel

>> No.73576251

I'm 32 and had one gf in high school but never got laid. I'm thinking of taking the simp pill just to talk to a female.
I'm autistic, schizophrenic and have crippling anxiety and probably avoidant or a covert narcissist.

>> No.73576428

I'm surprised the thread is still up after I went to sleep. Anyway, you're 100% correct. It's better to go MGTOW and keep the simp feels in bay by watching your oshi than to go out and get burned again. I never wanted kids either, and luckily there were no "oopsies", but I'm not gonna risk it.

>> No.73576437

Just go out and meet a shut-in neet femcel, it's 2024, women are getting as lonely and depressed as men. And those are the easiest to please, you just need to be nice to them, send them pics of cats from time to time, and they'll give you the best head of your life

>> No.73576476

You're better off with the fake women.
The real ones are nothing but a drain your life.

>> No.73576709

>send them pics of cats from time to time
I can draw pictures of catgirls somewhat decently. Will one of these girls rip my clothes off?

>> No.73576849

This anon is correct. Not a virgin here, but mostly just gave up after repeated encounters with awful women. My advice is just to get laid if you can, relationships with the wrong woman genuinely are not worth the trouble. Of course, I probably wouldn't have taken this advice for myself back then so maybe it's something anons will have to learn the hard way...

>> No.73577122
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>women are getting as lonely and depressed as men

>> No.73577301

Most of those lonely and depressed women are just whores who got old

>> No.73577426

>Just go out and meet a shut-in
Go where? She's in her house.

>> No.73577438

Shut up, roastie

>> No.73577540

>a manipulative bitch that had actual mental problem
That's just you in a woman's body

>> No.73577670

That Anon is coping. We're in the end stages of the rat utopia experiment, and people are getting desperate to try and course correct.
And of course, society is doing this by ramping up the "incel" rhetoric and berating men, demanding they change and figure something out. Despite the fact that this whole issue could be solved if the shut in girls just started sitting on their porch, instead of inside, so guys could actually see them. Also ignoring the fact the 2 out of 3 men aged 30 and below are single with no romantic prospects.
Because creating an underclass of enraged socially isolated men has never ended poorly

>> No.73577712
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Old school /r9k/ hours here. Any longer and the thread either goes to /fit/ or /pol/.

>> No.73577808

I wanna play with dolls but the ones made out of TPE... too expensive ofc

>> No.73577864

>Birth rate problem could be solved by women just reading books on their porch, instead of inside
>That's still too much for them

>> No.73577872

No such thing exists specifically because of people like you. The moment people realize there's a market so to speak of (insert fad) girls they're gobbled up by normies and the girls get big egos. In truth there's no such thing as a lonely girl, just a girl larping as a lonely girl. People like you who are starved for anything will provide them with all the attention they need. Not that you shouldn't do what you feel is best for yourself, but this mindset is present in all normies and chads alike, and is the root of hoeflation. It's also leaked into vtubing and caused hoeflation in what used to be a relatively niche sphere; it was only a matter of time.

>> No.73578010

The idea that adults should move away from their parents house is insane, i don't think any generation is history besides the boomers actually had that be normal.

>> No.73578030

As other people in this thread have already observed, becoming a cat lady and watching male vtubers is option for them too and it's not like polyamorous harems are legal in most countries so all those single men are going to have their counterpart. They probably are even very alike in that neither wants to settle and all that talk about being ready to get hitched with anyone who is biologically the opposite sex is just that – talk. People in the modern world have very little reason to lower their standards and evidently get upset when told to improve themselves. It's not just that vtubers or streamers or chatbots are a thing, it's that social media immediately offers much more social interaction than setting up a meet-up with people you know IRL as most of them are too busy interacting on social media to take the time to go to a cafe or whatever. It's also much easier to rub one out to porn that's a couple of clicks away than going out, paying for entrance and drinks, and then chatting someone up at a club. So, >>73577426 is right, just like anon isn't on Tinder because it's full of vapid thots, his female counterpart isn't on Tinder either because it's full of vapid fuckboys. And neither has a reason to leave their house except for work and groceries, and in the modern world both of those can be arranged, leaving taking out the trash.

Not that I even blame people for failing to improve, most of the advice for improving yourself concentrates on hitting the gym, putting on make-up and never on whatever the fuck is wrong with their personality because that kind of advice has to be tailor-made by people who genuinely know you. And all too often I see gymcels who are still every bit as much of a douche as they were before they hit the gym but now they have lost what little humility they had in the first place and if anything, raised their standards to become even more unrealistic. Plus the other part of advice people get is to drop their "cringe" hobbies and develop new interests which is in some ways the exact opposite of improving, as the demand is to drop the interesting eccentric parts of yourself and take up something boring and mediocre sacrificing quality for quantity of potential mates. And no, it's not just anime or vtubers that are cringe, the people who give this advice cringe at someone who has actually read the classics or thought a black-and-white film was interesting.

In general, it's the hypocrisy of it all that gets me on 4chan. All too often I can tell based on a single post exactly why anon doesn't have a gf, and if some dude on the other side of the world can tell that based on a single anonymous Internet comment, imagine how easy it is for women in real life to spot the issue. Every once in a while I get annoyed enough that I point it out in reply, and get immediately dismissed as a woman which, you know, is just the kind of knee-jerk reaction that oozes out as a general attitude and why ever would a woman who has choices settle for someone like that?

>> No.73578056

based polfag

>> No.73578181
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>this is what women actually believe

>> No.73578182

If society is telling you to change, you should probably change. Instead you whine about how oppressed you are and how everyone else should change.
>>Now where have we seen this before?

>> No.73578429

>if society rapes you in the ass you should just enjoy getting raped in the ass
>instead you whine about getting raped in the ass and how rapists should stop raping everyone
why didn't I think of that anon you're a fucking genius

>> No.73578486

You sound like those 2014 feminists, retard lol

>> No.73578562

They don't exist. The only ones lonely are the ones who aren't able to lock down chad, but ignore everyone else. So old roasties who ignore you for chad, but who settle for you when chad isn't around anymore. Thats just depressing. Women aren't anywhere near as lonely as guys, the experience is nothing alike.
>femcel explaining her bodycount.gif

>> No.73578569

No thanks, I'm just not gonna date.
I know the birth rate is cratering, but like, I'll just keep being single, other people can and should date. Especially if I'm as dysfunctional as you're saying, then I REALLY shouldn't seek out women, and should leave it to the mentally sound normies who make better decisions than me

>> No.73578726

"In my opinion an immature man is quite right to be afraid of women, because his relations with women are generally disastrous."
-Carl G. Jung

>> No.73578787

I'm just stating your statement back to you in analogous fashion, illiterate subhuman. If it sounds like something disagreeable to you, then you are a hypocrite as well as a retard. Or you're falsflagging.

>> No.73578849

Faggot if you had an attention span and memory longer than ten minutes, you'd realize that you sound exactly like the women you hate. That's the real reason you can't get laid

>> No.73579598
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Society is a spook

>> No.73580544

I experienced what you said about hobbies, and the gym. It's absolutely true. Especially the hobbies, I gave up my hobbies for a decade for the chase and have nothing to show for it aside from wasted time, and am now hopelessly behind in all of my hobbies. If you've traded in the things you were really interested or knowledgeable in for hobbies that are more "socially acceptable", it makes you come across as a boring person.
The one thing they don't tell you about getting in shape is that it doesn't automatically make you interesting and desirable. There's always someone better looking, so unless you're someone's type, it really doesn't improve your odds that much.

>> No.73580720

>Plus the other part of advice people get is to drop their "cringe" hobbies and develop new interests which is in some ways the exact opposite of improving, as the demand is to drop the interesting eccentric parts of yourself and take up something boring and mediocre sacrificing quality for quantity of potential mates
Thats not the issue.
The issue is it normalizes and encourages people to be a person they aren't, to seduce a person who doesn't and never will care about the real them as they fell for the lie you created. That's just sad. If you ignore that, be fully authentic then it ensures that if you do find someone who likes you, they like you for you.

>> No.73581051

If they're shut-ins that means they don't go outside stupid.

>> No.73582373

>just go outside and meet someone who doesn't go outside
Yeah real great idea, genius.

>> No.73586033

interesting stuff thanks for the post

>> No.73586268

>it's not like polyamorous harems are legal in most countries so all those single men are going to have their counterpart.
it is if nobody tries to get married

>> No.73587435

Go to the gym

>> No.73587878

Nice, jumping to the conclusion that he's fat.

>> No.73589221

I'm the same at 31. Girls have never given me the time of day.

>> No.73589306

Or perhaps they have and somehow you don't notice?

>> No.73589583

nice victim blaming

>> No.73589584

>I blocked at him from 150ft away teehee he will totally notice me
No. That's not showing interest. That's stupid mind games that they use as an excuse to call you a creep if you try to initiate any conversation with them and they change their mind.

>> No.73589669


>> No.73589943

Nah I've been a hairy man since I was 12. That alone filtered a lot of women.
