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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 192 KB, 608x587, mel nekomata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73490905 No.73490905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some people in /wasp/ were saying this account is Mel Nekomata's but I've never heard this voice before because she uses her god awful loli voice or AI voices. If this really is her then she's a huge fucking retard who can't even stick to her own story of how she was supposed to be in a medically induced coma for 6 months to a year. I noticed her usual orbiters aren't following her either so I wonder if they've finally realized how shit of a person this criminal is. Can't wait to call in more wellness checks on her and her pot smoking parents!

>> No.73490943

Isn’t Mel /wasp/‘s boogeyman?

>> No.73491072

not a chuuba this is offtopic retard

>> No.73491128

Yes. They claimed she has been like 5 people so far? Maybe more? People referred to as GoldenSunVTuber, Elfinpsyop, sheep burn victim, Marilou and I saw someone mention someone referred to as AI raccoon but I have no idea who they're referring to.

>> No.73491173

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.73491250

i do, i want to hear her braps

>> No.73491302

the answer is no one does. shes only known for scamming and brapping but shes never produced any entertaining content before. she usually plays trash games like neopets the darkest faerie or tales of the abyss or chulip or garage bad dream adventure because she is autistic and enjoys playing kusoge. her streams are filled with dead air or her brapping and she keeps unironically savescumming by scamming money from the less fortunate to buy a new model and then redebut under a new name. she says she keeps redebuting to get away from the people she doesnt like but thats just a complete lie.

>> No.73491336

I've heard she's dangerous and a scammer so keeping people informed is probably a good idea.

>> No.73491418

any evidence she has scammed people? a lot of people won't agree with me but I don't consider donations a scam personally. I checked the archives and someone linked a bunch of posts but none of them gave proof that she scammed and were all just "trust me bro" type stuff. also why is this post allowed to even exist? this isn't a vtuber and this is similar to posting someone's personal account, sure there isn't any personal information that I can see but it's still weird. it'd be like posting mori's other account.

>> No.73491438

hi mel

>> No.73491512

It's similar to my vague memory of what the grifter sounded like. Maybe if she brushes her teeth I'll match it.

>> No.73491613

I've never watched her so I don't get this joke anon.

>> No.73491622

hi mel

>> No.73491643

It would be weird if you watched yourself.

>> No.73491820

>trash games
Now hold on anon, you better be talking about games to stream or else imm have to rape you

>> No.73491880

no one fucking wants to watch anyone play jrpgs on stream anon come on. tales, final fantasy, souls, paper mario, evergrace, zelda none of these are fun to watch anyone play on stream and yet she enjoys playing these games more than anything. mel only enjoys shit games and that's why her streams are boring.

>> No.73491930

What was that one insane asylum game she played? She's boring but I did enjoy watching that game, it had a very interesting concept. There was another game that had some time travel mechanic that she played as well that I can't remember the name of...

>> No.73491943

>nobody has posted the brap compliation
im disappointed in you guys

>> No.73491946

play osrs to learn how to not get scammed

>> No.73491981

I did back when it was just RS2. Lost my rune boots. Never again.

>> No.73492011

You must be 18 to post on 4chan. Kids these days don't know anything about good games what the hell...

>> No.73492033

considering she lied about having cancer multiple times and asked for donations for her "surgeries" and "treatments" i'd say she scammed people. would you disagree then?

>> No.73492169

I would not disagree then, thank you for the information. any evidence to back this up if I may ask? also if this truly happened then why hasn't anyone reported her to the authorities? obtaining money under false pretenses is very much a crime and the consequences range from felony fraud charges, prison time if it was major fraud, fines of up to $250k, restitution, probation and a permanent criminal record which would make it difficult for her to get a job or house.

>> No.73492299

thats what i meant anon, if you're only talking about games as streaming material, then we'll BOTH stay khhv today for now

>> No.73492333

I unironically enjoyed her brief stint as Rei Kirihara and I got sad when her menhera got the better of her and she fucked off again

>> No.73492378

Why? Mel has always been boring so what could you have possibly enjoyed? As Rei Kirihara all she did was play Neopets The Darkest Faerie, Chulip and Radiata Stories, none of those are interesting to watch or play.

>> No.73492412

sex model
good banter with chat/thread
stole my heart
tugged on my gosling strings

>> No.73492460

lol, hi mel

>> No.73492482

Model was okay for a $20 model that anyone can use. She never had good banter with chat/thread, most of it was her going "woe is me" over and over again. Not sure how she stole your heart or tugged on your gosling strings, especially that last part because she openly lusts after Vinny Vinesauce.

>> No.73492528

Stop shitting up the thread when people ask questions you dumb niggers

>> No.73492557

let me quote mel herself:
>Next, I'm tired of people trying to defend me for whatever reason. I deserve all the negative remarks I get, so please do not try to white knight me, that shit annoys the hell out of me. I'm a 26 year old woman, I can stand up for myself. But I want to change so I'd rather people tell the truth without idiots trying to white knight me, thanks.

>> No.73492613

That has nothing to do with what I said, people replying to random anons and saying "hi mel" adds nothing to the questions.

>> No.73492667
File: 99 KB, 1170x262, 1688622777132742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, here's an answer to the questions

>> No.73492688

i tried to follow her just now but got blocked instead how fucking retarded is mel? how do you expect to get any followers or viewers or fans or money if you block everyone?

>> No.73492735

anon did you ever stop to think that maybe she isn't streaming or doesn't want to stream again and this is likely a personal account that she wants to use for whatever she wants to use? she "graduated" back in early october and hasn't been live since so it's been 7 months and she usually doesn't go this long without streaming, maybe 2 months at most before she resurfaces again.

>> No.73492788

Mel I'm 27 let's get married I'll fund your life forever

>> No.73492868

Don't think Mel wants to get married to anyone that isn't Vinny. She just turned 28 and is the biggest failure known to man. Has been single for 10 years now, doesn't want children, has a pet cat, has no job, lives off of her parents who are retired military veterans, is incredibly ugly, is fat, is brown, has a fart fetish I mean the list goes on for this girl. She should kill herself.
