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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73450904 No.73450904 [Reply] [Original]

YMF Edition
Previous Thread >>73442096

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream
>Free Chat

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.73450958
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>> No.73450993
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>> No.73450992

Rabu rabu

>> No.73451124
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i love my wives

>> No.73451130

fuck you guys, nicely.

>> No.73451157


>> No.73451350

>they claim to love us
>one of the first videos back is for JP
>new intro is for JP
It's so fucking over isn't it
All you fags saying they wouldn't change are liars

>> No.73451381

are you just larping or are you actually in love with fwmc

>> No.73451490
File: 211 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_4708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them

>> No.73451516

They hate me.

>> No.73451522
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i am actually in love with them

>> No.73451561

Also milestone stream, they clearly favoring jp

>> No.73451649
File: 249 KB, 1080x1440, 1707161218583939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm genuinely romantically in love with both of them

>> No.73451751

Love is mutual, this affection is one sided. They love Ruffians as a concept not as individuals.

>> No.73451799

They told me I am their most loved Ruffian
t. It came to me in a dream

>> No.73451827

fucking hell purityschizo

>> No.73451833

I used to but then they betrayed us

>> No.73452075
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>> No.73452084

>They love Ruffians as a concept not as individuals.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? That's literally what I would want and I love them.
I don't want them to love fans individually. They are idols.

>> No.73452124
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I really am.

>> No.73452148

The issue is they claim the first then behave like the second. I trust them to continue to improve in that regard, probably not by choice as they get to busy and popular to even subconsciously play favorites

>> No.73452154

I want them to love me and only me. Romantically. But everyone is answering they are in love romantically with them which is impossible because romantic love has to be mutual otherwise it's just lust/one sided affection. They love the Ruffians, but not romantically.

>> No.73452169
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sadly for you i am the single entity that makes up the collective that is the ruffians

>> No.73452197

My username on all platforms is ruffian. Sorry bud

>> No.73452214

They do but as a whole. We're all one big homogenous blob as a fan base. Which is what they are in love with. Sexually too.

>> No.73452250 [DELETED] 
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collab when

>> No.73452285
File: 620 KB, 464x600, This loop again[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzdyxbx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why complain about no streams if you're just gonna talk about the same garbage anyway when we do get them? No need for new content to do timeloops.

>> No.73452297

look at those visible gray hairs, holy hag

>> No.73452325
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Never ever.

>> No.73452361

>that background
clever dogs

>> No.73452398

Which twin is the one on the right? I really like her a lot

>> No.73452408

my dick is sore from fapping to them 3 times this morning

>> No.73452423

I would say there was a very cute English collab stream last night that people could watch if they are bored right now but then people will accuse me of advertising other holos
And I'm not talking about wolfquest

>> No.73452439


>> No.73452445

And that was before all of the stress of having to deal with hundreds of menhera schizo ruffians and moving across the world abandoning their parents and family

>> No.73452483

Sore after 3 times? Let the experienced gorillas take over from here, you're not cut out for this industry

>> No.73452552

So they just gave up on this thread huh

>> No.73452578

Haachama? I saw they went for 4 hours

>> No.73452610
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>> No.73452663
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I meant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX6mmJi_Xpk
It was very funny

>> No.73452679
File: 718 KB, 2910x2006, Ina_FWMC_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi ruffians, really glad to see that these two cutes are apparently back and have finally found a dog house! Did they mention anything about returning to doing FWMC Morning any time soon? I really miss being able to watch them after work, since their regular streams don't really fit into my schedule (late timezone + occasional overlap with my oshi).

>> No.73452701

Sisters lurk for other threads all the time prolly they are in numbers now

>> No.73452727

nta, but probably ririka and the gook.

>> No.73452756

I didn't mean sisters

>> No.73452761

Give it time...

>> No.73452790

aint watchin regloss

>> No.73452814


>> No.73452849

Nothing about FWMC morning yet. Might get something tomorrow or saturday, if not then it might be another week or 2.

>> No.73452868
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>> No.73452890

Eventually but no one knows yet. It might be a while because they waste more time than needed autistically preparing for the morning show. It will probably be cut back eventually after it returns

>> No.73452950
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>> No.73453141

/baubau/ pls tell there is new music next week

>> No.73453183

They don't even love us i.e. EN ruffians, they love JP, we were just a stepping stone...

>> No.73453245

God I love Fuwawa stepping on me with her feet

>> No.73453258
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>> No.73453269

I'm not a cuck poster but it felt bad when they went on a five minute JP tangent from a throwaway tourist JP message in chat. They'd hardly ever do that for an EN one. I'm starting to feel cloudy too for the first time.

>> No.73453278

Please step on me Mococo

>> No.73453357

>muh cloudy muh paying attention to how much time is spent on en or jp here and there
remove yourself, you're already one of them

>> No.73453372

do you still love me even if I can't wink properly anymore?

>> No.73453392

if it makes you feel any better, that was me on my alt

>> No.73453422

Of course I Pay attention I'm watching the stream. When it gets to be minutes long periods I understand nothing how do you not notice that?

>> No.73453448

So they pretty much chose to go to Japan rather than hitting 1 million subs in a year, right? The month not streaming completely killed their growth.
They could have just waited a couple more months to move and marathoned subs, now they're never going to get it.

>> No.73453454

There a shitposter that always end with ....

Kys faggot....

>> No.73453472
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you had 8 fucking months you EOP filth

>> No.73453487
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1064, watch streams BAU BAU [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcugflu.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73453489

>you have to type in JP to get noticed by FWMC now
It's so fucking over

>> No.73453511

Maybe their 3d is coming before august anon so in the end is the same

>> No.73453529

>I understand nothing
You had enough time

>> No.73453577

I shouldn't have to work hard to follow them, their job is to entertain and for me to be there to consume. If they make it hard then don't be shocked when people leave. I want to relax not a second job

>> No.73453592

I'm never learning the language of those slanty fucks, they are our puppets they should be learning OUR language. There's 0 reason why an English speaker should learn another language to watch an EN VTUBER.
These whores tried to get into JP but failed so they decided to use us a stepping stone.

>> No.73453625

What did you say? What did they say?

>> No.73453629

>They'd hardly ever do that for an EN one
You are retarded. A gray asked them whether they read chat and they literally went on a 5 minute tangent talking about UI for vertical streams.

>> No.73453640

Wrong. Their job is to become idols. Your job is to do all you can to support them on their path.
That includes picking up basic JP, which should be a given anyway if you watch them at all or any hololive whatsoever.

If you still understand nothing you just have brain damage.

>> No.73453653

2 hints of new song coming up, but I won't bet on it until next 2 months (can grudge post this) unless it's a senpai collab

>> No.73453701

>raid time

>> No.73453720

>I'm never learning the language of those slanty fucks,
too fucking bad for you then
continue to feel the FOMO
continue to feel excluded

>> No.73453804

Are you retarded? I'm not working for free, I'm paying them with time and money. Don't require me to do something this is an entertainment career and they chose it. No wonder they failed before if this is the attitude they have

>> No.73453846

Ya I'll just drop these JP cocksleeves who lied to us

>> No.73453864
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>> No.73453869

And you have the option to not watch because it is entertainment and you seem to not be entertained.

>> No.73453880

I'll tell them too. We'll see if they even care about fans or just want numbers with a sea of dead subs after they abandon their fans

>> No.73453883

Too bad, you're being left behind by them and real fans who will support them from now on as well.
Pack your bags and leave.
Oh wait you never will, you'll continue to anti them until the end of time instead because your """time"""" is worth so much you'd rather sit in baubau all day crying about someone you already hate.

>> No.73453915


>> No.73453921
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>> No.73453929

>JP cocksleeves
did you not know who they were before jumping onboard this train retardkun? LOL
their hearts are for japan first and foremost, best you can do is either do your reps or as you said hop off before you are driven to suicide

>> No.73453936

>Get home from work
>Turn on VoD
>See Pero 3-d wiggling
>Instant smile
Ahhh, it's like magic.

>> No.73453941

It's cute that you think you and your buttbuddy make up even 1% of their fans. You are nothing and mean nothing, everyone else is happy about them living the dream.

>> No.73453985

>I'll tell them too
if only you actually would but we both know you won't kek
you never do...

>> No.73454014
File: 32 KB, 669x303, Screenshot 2024-04-11 154252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is crashing and burning, why would I spend a thousand hours learning that useless language?

>> No.73454030

Baubau tell there a guy fighting the baiter or the baiter is fighting himself??????

>> No.73454045

They told us from debut they were abandoning EN and joining JP as soon as they could. I know doing any research is hard with the wages you're paid but at least pick something not debunked at debut. If you don't know basic JP by now just fuck off and give up it's only going to get worse for you.

>> No.73454082

I really do love them man. How else does it make sense that i think of them all the time!

>> No.73454104

They got into HOLOLIVE EN not JP. They fucking lied to us.

>> No.73454107

It's that one retarded nigger who announces it every time he shitposts. He doesn't realize he's the biggest faggot of them all.

>> No.73454114

I don't get JP cuckposting. I think learning Japanese is a waste of time but you don't see me complaining, there are live AI translations for streams and chat messages. I've participated in all of their JP streams and even gotten my deepl message read. Literal skill issue.

>> No.73454138

>They got into HOLOLIVE EN
only as a last resort
their hearts are and always have been jp i'm afraid for you my eop friend...

>> No.73454160

2 more weeks. I want them to get settled then bring the storm clouds in a members stream where they can be honest with us.

>> No.73454161

I fought him but I'll stop now.
I just wish he'd fucking end himself already.

>> No.73454168

>They told us from debut they were abandoning EN and joining JP as soon as they could
Except that never happened, but thank you for clarifying to all EN fans here. If you are an EN fan you have no reason to watch these JP cocksleeves and should drop them.

>> No.73454194

kekus maximus

>> No.73454238

If there truly is some retard who's scared, they did the stupid vertical stream because it attracts the Japs watching on their phones during work, commute, and home (because their homes are tiny and they don't have computers) and the JP in the stream was to play into that. They want to hit their goals and pandering consistently to the same crowd in the EN world won't get them their 1M. Add in that they did a batsu game which gets more people to watch.
This stream is purely bait to get more subs so they can push into their benchmarks, a pure numberfag stream.

>> No.73454264

Are you retarded? Debut stream. They want to move to Japan. And look they moved to Japan. In the Japanese Q&A they reconfirmed this. If you missed all of that and still thought they would remain English streamers you're intentionally retardimus

>> No.73454302
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You wish, I love them more than ever and knowing they're in Japan now and will have easy access to the studio for events and to JP senpai for offcollabs makes me super happy.
It's the best scenario and the times to come will be amazing, they'll really connect with hololive more than ever.

>> No.73454315

And they want 1M by August. So more japanese vertical streams are on the menu this spring and summer

>> No.73454322

Every time that there is samefagging i check catalog, i found one thread with a guy saying some jp cuck stuff. I think one is the anti from the catalog and the guy fighting him is the shitposter

>> No.73454361

You are coping, see above. All the diehard FWMC fans have apparently known from the beginning that FWMC were going to dump EN and were fine with that.
Here we suckers were thinking EN vtubers would actually be EN. I guess it's time to find new oshi.

>> No.73454362

Yeah they'll connect with hololive more and ruffians less and less. Only so much time and energy in the day. I hate that we were led on and then dumped once they made it.

>> No.73454379
File: 9 KB, 454x60, Screenshot 2024-04-11 155051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This stream is purely bait to get more subs so they can push into their benchmarks, a pure numberfag stream.
i wonder what gave it away beyond the fact that it was a vertical stream of a game nips love during nip hours with a bait thumbnail to pull in anyone thinking they would do coomer batsu

>> No.73454412

Great. Them offcollabing with JPs will make me really happy, no need to read chat, most people are idiots anyway, I'd rather them focus on their streams.

>> No.73454418

And? I don't give a fuck because it won't be the main content. I can handle a little bit of playing the algo and reaching out of their bubble to try and grab some extra subs. It doesn't matter because as soon as they hit 1M, they will get their wish, which you would know if you pay any attention to Hololive at all. Whatever they want to accomplish is going to be helped greatly by that 1m goal.

>> No.73454421

Yes I knew and yes I'm fine. I've been doing reps for four years going on five. What's your excuse? If you never liked Japanese or Japan you shouldn't even be a fan of theirs in the first place. Subscribe and watch EN TL clips of them and stop bitching

>> No.73454457

Look at the other guy replying to me you retard:
Your two views are contradictory. You can't both be fine with FWMC jumping on JP cock AND asserting they'll stay EN. One of those is right and the other is wrong.

>> No.73454459
File: 24 KB, 921x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they should know better than to pander to japs since westerner gachikoi are their true wallets

>> No.73454465
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>> No.73454483
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Everyday I wake up, check here and on twitter and thank G-d that I wasn't born with what ever brain demons you guys here and there were born with. It honestly seems exhahsting to live like that. I just watch fuwamoco and love fuwamoco, it's pretty easy.

>> No.73454516

EN is just a label. I don't mind them speaking JP more often, nor do I mind JP collabs or streams in JP time slots which work better for me anyway.

I couldn't be happier now that they got a house and things will be great with them really skyrocketing their holo careers.

>> No.73454525

They won't have as much time to stream with offline projects. It won't be infrequent. Every time they can stream they'll be inclined to numberfag. VNs are probably DOA until winter per mane chan and cover if they want the 1M goal. Chilla slop, vertical karaoke, mahjong, jp collab spam and content warning are what you'll get.

>> No.73454534

These are sister larping as ruffians i just checked catalog

>> No.73454542

wow it's almost as though hololive is BUSINESS and this is a JOB for them and they're willing to do what it takes to RECEIVE money from this BUSINESS whether that's pandering to gachikoi delusions or nips who can't be arsed to use their PCs to watch streams
are you really disrespecting their grind???

>> No.73454554

They didn't think it would take a month they thought it would be like 3 weeks

>> No.73454587

can we do the paypig timeloop now?

>> No.73454594

Great fanfiction there.

>> No.73454597

They have a home in Japan paid off and are set for life by being in hololive from the money they already got. They can coast and retire comfortably in a few years even with fully abandoning EN because most paypigs are cucks that'll pay forever. Look at them buying every merch with fuwamoco on it even when they have to take out loans.

>> No.73454604

>ya it's fine if my girl is getting dicked down by someone else
>as long as she is happy I'm happy
Truly the cuck mindset, you people have no self respect.

>> No.73454614

Can we do the gorilla timeloop now?

>> No.73454648

Holo girls don't have dicks, sorry
But they are welcome to lick fuwamoco's pussies

>> No.73454651

Which part do you disagree with, I'm curious? Seeing as you've seen the future.

>> No.73454655

>They have a home in Japan paid off and are set for life by being in hololive from the money they already got.
no one is opposed to wanting to earn even more money unless you're an actual brainlet

>> No.73454684

If it wasn't for the fact that I want to cute-post tomorrow night while watching live here, I would post that nice x-ray pic Anon gave me yesterday.

>> No.73454690

They created enough gachis and extracted enough money to retire. They don't need to keep pandering to the English audience and can do what they really want now

>> No.73454703
File: 230 KB, 1011x1272, Screenshot_20240411_155550_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, there a big sister raid at the moment againts fuwamoco here, in catalog, numbers, etc.

>> No.73454718

I don't care if they're fucked every day of the week and have a family. It's none of our business. We are just here to watch streams and appreciate how cute they are. Don't get aspirations beyond that you schizo

>> No.73454722

see >>73454655

>> No.73454734

>Every time they'll stream, it'll be these things that aren't their favorite
>I know because i have a crystal ball!

>> No.73454772

They can do nothing and have enough for life. They buy clearance items and bargain bin 'food' in certain they have already made more to last the rest of their life with how low their yearly budget is.

>> No.73454838

>They can do nothing
they can continue to milk gachikoi, you fucking dumbass which is exactly what they've been doing
again, no one is opposed to receiving more money and these girls are not exception lol

>> No.73454850
File: 51 KB, 1080x254, Screenshot_20240411_155838_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More, report and hide guys is a big raid

>> No.73454860

They got into EN, I was expecting EN vtubers. Guess that was a fucking lie, just like the pledge. We EN fans were just a means to getting into JP.
Why were people in these threads telling me nothing will change and they'll stay EN? Some guys here still living with that delusion. Not me, I don't give a shit about their streams anymore. I might still watch them if there's nothing else going on but the spark is gone, I know they don't give a shit about us.

>> No.73454861

I'm watching the VoD, and I swear Fuwawa says
>I have copes

>> No.73454864

They want numbers over happiness because they've made a promise and don't want to break it. That's how they've always operated, sacrificing themselves to chase arbitrary goals to make others happy. I'm sure cover is leaning on then and they aren't saying no because they're new and scared and their continues residence depends on this job

>> No.73454875
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The more JP antis cry and squirm over them moving there and them spending more time with JPs and streaming more during JP hours the happier I become.

>> No.73454908

Their dreams are more important than earning even more money. Why do you think they moved to Japan in the first place?

>> No.73454926

>Fanfiction continues.

>> No.73454933

Are you truly retarded? That's what in arguing. They could stream once a week reading superchats and the gachikoi would still shower them in money forever. They don't need to be creative anymore or try. They're set. They won.

>> No.73454978
File: 364 KB, 606x584, 1699079920190163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you do something better with your time then?
You value your time, right? Otherwise you'd learn Japanese for their sake.
So why not go do something with your precious time? Instead you sit here 10 hours a day and antipost on cooldown. Can you explain that? You could be doing so many things with your time.

>> No.73454995

>Why do you think they moved to Japan in the first place
they're weebs, no one is disputing this?
doesn't mean they aren't against receiving even more money. you have a legion of gachi at your disposal, why not continue to milk them dry for what they got while you're having fun?

>> No.73455000

These are no fucking jps antis these are sister, not our menheras or shitposter

>> No.73455016

Speaking of fanfiction I just read one where biboo was cursed with a massive cock and Fuwawa locked her in their house during the advent 3D trip forcing her to breed them over and over to make diamond dog puppies. Kinda hot

>> No.73455018

I miss the gorillas

>> No.73455046

>You're required to know JP to watch FuwaMoco
You're just as much a fucking shitposter as the other guy.

>> No.73455062
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>> No.73455064

>Otherwise you'd learn Japanese for their sake.
Nta but they didn't even stay in the NA for my sake

>> No.73455093

Vtubers are entertainment, I'm not learning another language to watch a fucking vtuber.
These whores GOT INTO EN, I EXPECTED EN VTUBERS. Every self respecting EN fan should drop these lying whores, let them fully enjoy life in JP.

>> No.73455094

They are realizing they can be 100x more efficient in milking after this break. They don't even have to regularly stream and they are showered in money and subs. They still blow advent out of the water even though they've had like 5 'made it to Japan ' bait celebration streams. Tomorrow will be another record breaker despite being nothing new.

>> No.73455111
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>> No.73455154

Not for long, to truly enjoy them you need a basic level. Once they have a house it'll be a weekly JP stream or collab. Can you really enjoy them as much when you can't understand their comment and have to wait for TL clips of an EN streamer?

>> No.73455155

It makes sense why to look up to Gura so much now. She disappears for the better part of a year and comes back to announce a physical-only collab in Japan but still gets record numbers in merch. That's the kind of fans they want the Ruffians to be: always supporting them no matter what

>> No.73455161

papa puppy disowned them

>> No.73455160


>> No.73455180

Why would they? Every single holo ever would benefit from living in Japan regardless of what language they speak.
Close to the other holos but more importantly close to Cover and events and concerts and everything, really.
Moving there is the logical choice, it's nothing but benefits.
You're not answering the question. Why are you still here all day? You made your point, you made it for many weeks, every single day. Yet you sit here all day instead of doing literally anything else with your time.
You're wasting your time and life instead of doing something you enjoy. Nothing is more pathetic than that.

>> No.73455204

And they are well on the way. They have some huge money permanently enslaved. The move was a test to see if anyone left but they didn't. Now they know they can take random months off with no risk to income.

>> No.73455215

Papa puppy wants them to play MGS3 their first week back

>> No.73455260

Except I never said that. But this guy is literally mad because he hates anything JP. And he sits here all day crying about it. If he had invested 50% of the time he put into shitposting in /baubau/ in the past months into learning Japanese he would already understand them.

Once again, he has no reason to still be here given how much he hates them now and how he's "done with them" and you know that.

>> No.73455278

Papa Puppy doesn't claim any daughters anymore after what happened. Poor bastard I feel bad. I hope I'm being mislead by that situation and they're still on friendly terms

>> No.73455291

Ya that's definitely not me. I'm not just a wallet I expect reciprocity.

>> No.73455296

>It makes sense why to look up to Gura so much now.
>we're doing what we can, when we can.

>> No.73455300

>Two fags hang out
>Both hate FuwaMoco
>Try everything they can to piss others off
>People learn to ignore their rantings
>Idea pops in one's head
>One of them plays the "I love their JP! They should go full JP forever! Learn the language for them or you can't be a fan!"
>The other plays "They're EN! They need to cut the JP crap out!"
>The two of them spend thread after thread arguing with each other, hoping to cause disarray between actual fans, hopes of causing actual fans to worry and start to schizo out too

>> No.73455339
File: 97 KB, 1210x698, supportive gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73455356

Cope, these guys apparently knew FWMC were going to jump on to JP cock and were fine with that, we were the suckers who actually expected an EN vtuber

>> No.73455362

> compared them to gura hiatus
> baubau tell me what is the prime shitpost that sister use to shit on holo
>yeah gura hiatus

>> No.73455385

A third, the mastermind acts as the enlightened middle observer.
If you have nothing to say, don't say it.

I want my JP reps to pay off. They speak at grade school level. You could reach general understanding in a month if you try at all

>> No.73455392
File: 927 KB, 610x600, Fuwawa Please do your best learning English[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4ox6m4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73455393
File: 28 KB, 301x386, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no, I literally love them and I love holoJP, I'm unironically happy about them moving there and just thinking about the future and the possibilities makes me excited.
You can stop trying your ridiculous "if you're happy about their move to Japan you're a falseflagger" garbage now, go neck yourself.

>> No.73455406

can you guys finally send your complaint supa to them so we can have actual entertainment

>> No.73455435

No I didn't, I haven't been in this thread for many days you schizo. I woke up, went to work, and coming back now saw FWMC whoring themselves out to JP in the morning.

>> No.73455453


>> No.73455454

It was foreshadowing...

>> No.73455503

Good one. Every single person can tell it's you, you type the exact same way every fucking day.
Glad you gave up though, I knew you wouldn't have a reply to that. You're a pathetic person and nothing will ever change that, that's the end of it. Just pathetic.

>> No.73455528

Bro literally take your meds

>> No.73455541

no one here is as macho as lockwhite was...

>> No.73455558

Let's be real. Imagine if you had two hag twin daughters who'd been 'locked in the cell' for so long, to the point that they're ruining their future, wasting their time, and not advancing their life while living in squaller trying to 'escape the cell'. Honestly, how would you feel about your daughters?

>> No.73455575


>> No.73455603

>send whining superchat
>block everyone
>run away

>> No.73455607

I can't afford to superchat , they are free entertainment on YouTube and said themselves money doesn't mean support. My voice matters. If someone wealthy wants to amplify it so be it, I thought even gray name messages were read but I guess it was a lie . I am scared I lost the purpose of my life to fuckin japan. I work two jobs i don't have time to learn a dead end language that won't advance my life

>> No.73455626

I know you, you are baiting here for like 1 week about this. I will send a supa but to another vtuber this friday

>> No.73455632

Why pay for more when I can use the same money for SCs or merch?

>> No.73455636

kojima did it again!

>> No.73455641

i honestly wouldn't be surprised if papa puppy was the one who told them to focus on getting real jobs and without actually naming him they threw him under the bus as this person who tried go out of his way to crush their hopes and dreams when instead what he wanted as the best for his daughters by having them get a grip on reality

>> No.73455650

Took you this long to think of THIS reply? Damn, you're dumb.

>> No.73455665

Kek, seething at Same-chan now?

>> No.73455667

And then the second it miraculously pays off they immediately move away from you permanently. That's the part that kills me after someone else said it here. I hope they mention him soon in a positive light. Maybe tomorrow if they read this

>> No.73455689

No I haven't been watching FWMC whoring themselves out to JP, keep schizoposting

>> No.73455690

but guess what retard, he sent the supa
you won't ever go that far because you're a weak bitch

>> No.73455747

The problem is they don't have any members streams to send it in. If they'd stop being lazy and give any content to the doggy pack I'd have a place to send it. That type of concern shouldn't be aired in a public stream

>> No.73455757

>... the purpose of my life ...
You don't even believe that yourself. That's the most pathetic part of your whole pathetic existence. Stop LARPing as someone who truly cares about them.

>> No.73455779

I mean if he truly did this >>73455641 and made them feel bad about it, even as sweet as they are, I could see how it may take them a little while to get past the 'I told you so' phase of getting out of the cell.

>> No.73455784

see? weak bitch excuse

>> No.73455792

No, you wont. You will come up with some other bullshit to shitpost.

>> No.73455803

Love every ruffian! BAU BAU! They said I'm a ruffian so stop dismissing me please.

>> No.73455812 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 2264x2968, reindeermoco2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73455854

Posting bait in /#/ too. Kek.

>> No.73455860

idol is not some transaction
(You) don't think of money and gain before your idols
(You) are to support their every endeavor
merch is already included
if you can't pay for it get some loans

>> No.73455875

When we needed them most the gorillas are on vacation from yesterday. Unsung heroes gone

>> No.73455912

Once again, why should I give them more money through memberships when I could give them the same money through merch where they get a better cut?

>> No.73455954

I'm sorta sad the whole moving arc is coming to an end purely for the reason I liked them being really needy menheras and coming to us for support and attention. I am glad we're finally going back to normal though, it's just a ting of sadness that we won't get it back untill their next big project.

>> No.73455991 [DELETED] 
File: 1021 KB, 1173x1500, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73456005

They are always needy and a bit menhera anyway so no need to worry.

>> No.73456032

idol is not some transaction
(You) don't think of money and gain before your idols
(You) are to support their every endeavor
merch is already included
if you can't pay for it get some loans
we are going to stay here saying the same shit to each other on loop?
go ahead and add another dick pic to /baubau/

>> No.73456048

It's all a manipulative act. If you like those posts they aren't going to stop. They're all in on the menhera GFE, that's a big part of it. I wouldn't worry. It'll just get worse when they realize no one in Japan outside maybe Mori wants to spend multiple days with them once the novelty wears off. And she's busy as fuck. Japan residents won't acknowledge them, sadly.

>> No.73456054

Then still made $30k in March while moving and that's not even including merch. Easy millionaires every year

>> No.73456056

I like needyness, but the kind they had was just too vague for me. No real talk of their emotions, no real talk of their situation or their endeavors. There's very little to saviourfag over when it's so nebulous. It won't ever change the fact that I will still support them during those times with headpats and encouragement, it's just that I find their normal far, far better even if I love me some needyness.

>> No.73456093 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 574x812, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73456104

There is zero logical reason to spend any amount of money you have on higher membership tiers instead of more merch / voice packs.
My oshi is FuwaMoco, not Neal. My goal is not to the highest % possible to him, but to them.

>> No.73456105

>no one in Japan outside maybe Mori
Thats already a huge step up over NWP.

>> No.73456148

Source for the 30k? Is that including Free Cat?

>> No.73456150

I do hope their personal motivation and hunger stays after the financial pressure is gone. They had to always fight because it was life or death. Let's hope they stay pushing now that the fire pit under them is gone

>> No.73456171

I really hate how anti-travel the NA crew is. I get not wanting to do constant collabs all the time, but fuck man, just go hang out for a week somewhere for a bunch of off-collabs a few times a year.

>> No.73456207

I guess fuck their family completely?

>> No.73456217

It's extremely obvious this is what's happening.

>> No.73456225 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 690x1000, DnhGV_0U8AEw-jT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should play 2hu again

>> No.73456255

People move out of their homes at some point, it's normal. You can always fly back to visit them twice a year for the holidays.
Once you're an actual grown up you'll understand this.

>> No.73456282

Holy fuck, I watch the VOD am happy come here and the schizo is back in his cuck loop for hours. Man could have been N4 at least if they put this time and energy into reps since debut

>> No.73456289

Career > Family.

>> No.73456309

>This user is underage

>> No.73456316

the jp time loop has come to halt
thank you for serving your purpose
now fuck off, I don't really care

>> No.73456334

They will still be needy anon, they've posted needy shit in members almost every month since debut

>> No.73456335

They won't fly back, they want to stream on holidays for ruffians

>> No.73456340

Don't worry he's gonna invest another few thousands of hours into shitposting in /baubau/ on cooldown instead of doing something productive.

>> No.73456374

>somewhere for a bunch of off-collabs a few times a year.
If they are meeting up only for a few times, might as well meet up in Japan so the non-NA crew(kiara, Mori, IRyS, Bae) can be included.

>> No.73456400

How about they give us actual members content and not needy GFE vagueposts

>> No.73456426
File: 73 KB, 1099x87, Screenshot 2024-04-11 133014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73456431

It's wild. I could understand spending like an hour fucking around doing it every couple of days for a kick or whatever, but fuck if these guys aren't truly insane.
Ok, good. Yes, coordinate and make it work because people love that shit, me included.

>> No.73456437

I would be the same way. Being a social butterfly is not a requirement for being a Holo and if anything most of the hardcore fans seem to not even like when their oshi does tons of collabs

>> No.73456444

I hope Bae or IRyS or someone will be friends with them. It's grim if it's only kari-chan.

>> No.73456484

Off-collabs are different than collabs and tons isn't the word I would use for 3-4 off-collabs in a single week twice a year or whatever.

>> No.73456504

I'm sure they'll be friends with a bunch of holos there, they're very easy to like.

>> No.73456527

How long until they realize they're still holoEN and won't have as many JP senpai as true friends like they dreamed? It breaks my heart but everyone already has set friend groups or is socially inept at best. I hope they can charm some of them early on if they haven't already. It will only get harder once the newness of the move and debut wears off

>> No.73456533
File: 828 KB, 1080x978, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are post from just 3 days he loves the word macho for some reason

>> No.73456575


>> No.73456576

when did you first realize you did not truly matter to fuwamoco?

>> No.73456594

>guy men doggies
What the hell did I do to catch a stray like this?

>> No.73456621

What is the purpose of this kind of post? What is the intended goal? Confusion? If so it's working. Otherwise I can't even imagine what you think you're gonna achieve with it. It's too schizophrenic.

>> No.73456622

I have no intention or desire to learn a dying language

>> No.73456634

Debut when they didn't read my chat message

>> No.73456636

>won't have as many JP senpai as true friends like they dreamed
I think this partly why they went menhera during the move. They saw that some JPs don't really care for them genuinely.

>> No.73456640

When I watched my first ever streamed decades ago because I'm not a retarded mongrel who thinks I matter to any streamer as an individual fan

>> No.73456649

What an ugly bitch, and she's the prettier one

>> No.73456677

during their monetization

>> No.73456684

I'm sure they'll make plenty of friends with the JP and EN girls to hang out and spend time with them in Japan. I think the biggest hurdle will be what they've experienced with their entire lives, and that's the twin debuff. I hope the other EN and JP girls understand that just because they're together all the time doesn't mean they're not lonely.

>> No.73456685

All languages outside English are useless and dying. It'll be the single unified language even more in a couple years once AI is baked into everything. YouTube is already adding auto translations to chat messages and piloting liveTL of stream and video content.

>> No.73456687 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 900x945, EZb2RF2XsAAjb8O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking gay

>> No.73456725

I thought FWMC were still EN? You're admitting that they're JP now?
Listen up EN bros, FWMC have abandoned us so we should dump them.

>> No.73456728

At least you have the desire to spend half of your days in /baubau/ to whine and shitpost on cooldown, that's good. You're leading a good life.

>> No.73456765

The twin debuff, the language barrier, the coworker friend weirdness, both parties being autistic streamer shut ins. The odds are stacked against them having many friends, but that's true for a ton of people worldwide

>> No.73456797

They are too shy. Bae gets a bunch of off-collabs with JP just because she asks. Koyori and Migu literally told them they wana go on dates. They just have to reach out to them.

>> No.73456799 [DELETED] 
File: 830 KB, 1704x1200, i7tl6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies actually gave up on this board, impressive.

>> No.73456805 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 750x1000, DixwuECV4AAUaVP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to give fuwawa a facial

>> No.73456829

I like reading his posts after the fact. It reminds me no matter how menhera I may feel I'm perfectly healthy with nothing to worry about compared to whatever is wrong with him

>> No.73456832

What's it like for antis when all the schizo drivel does absolutely nothing to affect their popularity

>> No.73456837

Try posting phasekek doxx. Those will get deleted instantly kek.

>> No.73456846 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 960x1197, DFNCJx5V0AAFYL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janny is asleep

>> No.73456845

A million filters and she's still fat and ugly

>> No.73456867

Has anyone asked them what their spa treatment is like? Facials?

>> No.73456886


>> No.73456902 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 864x648, D-JAGZ7UcAE6w4v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might as well just admit you suck cocks and gargle on semen

>> No.73456905
File: 1.48 MB, 1871x1173, flips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do nothing but pray for a new gen.

>> No.73456910

Isn't being an anti illegal here or am I misunderstanding what this is

>> No.73456938

She's trying to hide her giant chin and forehead

>> No.73456961

wtf Sweden?

>> No.73456977

So there's a high chance the resident JPschizo and FWMC anti is a flip?

>> No.73456982

The ironic shitposter lol XD revolves to doxx posting without fail when people don't bite. Sad but predictable always

>> No.73456986

Fetal alcohol syndrome twins

>> No.73456989 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 645x1000, DlIHWpuV4AIeboA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah from me

>> No.73457035 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 900x1265, ECfDu9kW4AAubT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73457046

kinda wish they did a Shiori at debut so we wouldn't have this much attention on us and could have a okay thread like gem

>> No.73457060

b...bau bau??

>> No.73457063 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 2447x2761, 117655625_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of faggot who learns about this place from tourist twitter screencaps. He'll get bored eventually.

>> No.73457068

Personally I would like to do these things to Mococo


>> No.73457070

Are you retarded? Who the fuck cares about /baubau/?

>> No.73457086 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1108x1458, Cs6LBnzUsAAn2vW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my autistic wife on the right

>> No.73457091

God bless FWMC. Making fags seethe for almost a year.

>> No.73457114

Porn, dox, samefagging, sister, whats next?

>> No.73457129 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 750x1000, EBfgF8BVAAARwEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73457130

When's the next project after the house one? I drew mine last weekend and it's full of sovl

>> No.73457165

Wait you're suprised the mentally ill anti's and sisters are SEA? Of course they, 99% of the time they are.

>> No.73457178

Hopefully no more projects I'm done with that forever. Meme and clip spam for ruffians is the meta.

>> No.73457192 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 648x864, D7zgf9xUwAEFXzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really fuwawa makes my dick hard
live2d and her 3dpd

>> No.73457194

Imagine trying to be idols when you're so ugly, no wonder they failed at that

>> No.73457216

This is the fuwamoco thread.

>> No.73457225

post hand

>> No.73457230

I still need to draw mine, but I keep putting it off. I'll probably rush it tomorrow and have a shitty piece.

>> No.73457234 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 960x1280, DFuejMDXYAALclO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“female” hands typed this post

>> No.73457262

How come the JP whining stopped just as the doxx posts came in

>> No.73457281 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 648x864, EIZ6UeUXkAAvZzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco is being posted tho

>> No.73457289

I think it's meant to be shotty or I pray. Mine may stand out if I misunderstood.

>> No.73457304
File: 234 KB, 800x842, 15677-fetal-alcohol-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAS twins

>> No.73457310

they think we will anti them if we see how cute they are IRL

>> No.73457318

JP cuckposting stops. Doxx and shitpost about how ugly they are.

>> No.73457331 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 648x878, EEKlT_nU4AAq94P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this small chested hag bouncing her nonexistent big tits around during the ny outfit stream

>> No.73457336

They realized any ruffian that cared about English only left ages ago when fuwamoco told us they would be doing more jp content and moving to Japan

>> No.73457383 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 600x800, BLUQFGgCYAEo9A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73457388

I don't know if I should be rock hard right now but I am. Is it OK to finish?

>> No.73457403
File: 241 KB, 691x649, 1693409970531995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a picture of your average asian child though.

>> No.73457433 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 599x803, BeiYJkBCcAAob8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it is not okay

>> No.73457458 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 622x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab with kekson. You rike?

>> No.73457459 [DELETED] 

>these are the ugly bitches people are pining for

>> No.73457541

No one believe me when i told you guys about the raid

>> No.73457545

So, sisters got tired of larping and had a mental breakdown?

>> No.73457546

I want to be crushed by fuwawa's fat thighs

>> No.73457580

we good now?

>> No.73457589

With how often we get targeted by antis and sisters, I wish we had some kind of personal janny

>> No.73457596

I wonder how many ppl got banned

>> No.73457640

Well go for it next hiring wave

>> No.73457671

But I don't want to work for free...

>> No.73457699

It sucks how much they get anti'd and targetting, because they're really amazing demon guard dogs with nothing but goodness in their hearts. Sadly, success breeds jealousy and mentally ill people tend to have cute aggression.

>> No.73457700

You already do as a fan of fuwamoco. In fact you probably pay to work to keep up with them, according to others here.

>> No.73457707

only the doxxposter, none of the shitposts are gone so it's just someone else too

>> No.73457751

I'm gonna eat pizza tonight. Wait for me, Fuwawa.

>> No.73457761

>get into EN
>use it as a stepping stone to get to JP
Yeah nah they're cold hearted cunts

>> No.73457763

As a janny, you'd occasionally have to clean up other places too

>> No.73457782

What toppings you getting? You better be getting stuffed crust for Fuwawa, gotta optomize the calorie intake

>> No.73457827

if you already spend your time here for free, the ability to clean things up is a bonus
>clean up other places too
ideally yes, but if that were really the case we wouldn't have these situations

>> No.73457829

just let me know making a ritual post every thread and I will happily end every single loop with retroactive bans

>> No.73457840

12 Lil Caesars crazy bites

>> No.73457846

NTA, but stuffed crust is a scam
you pay more to get more crust and less toppings

>> No.73457868
File: 84 KB, 1080x282, Screenshot_20240411_170256_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sister are triying to remove baubau of the board like they did with /ope/

>> No.73457889

Shouldn't you be out scavenging some ingredients for the this morning's bowl of pagpag? Early bird gets the worm filled food, after all.

>> No.73457900

is /ope/ gone?

>> No.73457939

well, I don't know what the exact duties and obligations of a janny is, but I guess I can find out if I successfully apply

>> No.73457946

my local dominos has a 3 pan pizzas for $10 each sometimes
i get that for dinner every night when it's up since it's cheap

>> No.73457975

I feel embarrassed for these brown sisters.

>> No.73457981

serious question, was there ever an explanation why they went completely quiet when the holostars showed up during their holofes watchalong? it was so weird

>> No.73457988

a tip. Mococo is always short hair. I don't expect that to ever change no matter what their appearance is.

>> No.73458006

Fair trade. Nerissa steals our stream chat, she loses her board

>> No.73458013


>> No.73458056

They're idols and they are pure and hate all men except for me, their husband.

>> No.73458059

holy shit that would be actually funny

>> No.73458071
File: 47 KB, 604x453, Kids-in-a-flooded-internet-Cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwamoco anti nest

>> No.73458107

t. Read 5 times per stream on the right

>> No.73458139


>> No.73458153

They hate flips one was there

>> No.73458161

me on the right

>> No.73458190
File: 263 KB, 316x393, 256613654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Genesis Moonwalker next week

>> No.73458209


>> No.73458235

>I guess it's time to find new oshi.
I've moved on to Biboo, who's much more genuine.

>> No.73458240

how many streams do you think will be on next week's schedule?

>> No.73458241
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters natural habitat

>> No.73458254

They probably fucked up and couldn't think of anything.
They go quiet a lot in larger collabs too when they're nervous.
I hope they don't beat themselves up over it too much. No matter how you feel about them, unicorn or not, that's probably the only unprofessional moment of their entire career so far.

>> No.73458296

Not dark enough

>> No.73458299

dunno if they'll even have one next week. Depends how fast they set up their streaming schedule, and if soundproofing is necessary.

>> No.73458305


>> No.73458325

Professionalism is her middle name.

>> No.73458369

fuwawa sucking my cock
mococo sucking my balls
pero eating my ass

>> No.73458378

Why do fuwamoco want to learn Indonesian

>> No.73458394

Holy fuck just let go of it already beggar
They only go quiet when someone says some awkward cringey shit, like that one EN/ID collab where the first thing Moona did was advertise some stars song, that was far more unprofessional than some simple silence sister

>> No.73458408

Cover fail. They did another stream about the fest on jp, guess what, there was never a time when the homos were the only thing on the screen

>> No.73458422

would they label it as 復活 if they don't have a schedule? that part confused me because they just described it as moved in in english but fukkatsu has a stronger connotation

>> No.73458424

bro they went retard when nerissa asked them what kind of dakimakura they own

>> No.73458441

They want to protect EVERYONE'S smile, so they're starting with all of hololive's audience.
Honestly though I hope they don't stretch themselves out too far. It's great that they're in japan and will be able to participate in all of the studio projects, especially 3D, but I hope they don't get so overworked with recordings that they get frustrated over lack of time for streaming.

>> No.73458499

Anon I'm a ruffian. Saying they had only one fuckup since debut isn't being mean. It's praiseworthy from this industry, especially when the mistake was THAT small.
It's not like they went "eww, holostars!" or something. Chill.

>> No.73458500

I think they'll gladly abandon streams to do the rest of that. Ruffians have shown they don't care even if we get one stream a week. If it's what they want, go for it while they can. Streams can happen in their 'retirement' years

>> No.73458530
File: 32 KB, 600x448, Ah0j8UVCAAAD1ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is one of the ones they own

>> No.73458536

Anon... when jps said that is because they dont want to stream is not about time. Miko and pekora always stream.

>> No.73458561

I'm EOP so fuck if I know. I'm just keeping my expectations low so the high at them squeezing in like 18 streams in a week to "make up for lost time" feels even better.

>> No.73458619

Do y'all ever send a supa chat in the moment and then after the fact, start menheraing worrying it will get taken wrongly, and they'll end up hating you?

>> No.73458632

They are never going to be able to do that again. They moved to Japan to do non stream activities stop setting yourself up with impossible expectations

>> No.73458643

Yeah, but it's difficult still to do several long streams in a day AND prepare morning show content while also participating regularly in whatever nonsense they'll have going in JP, especially if they plan to do 10 AM streams so that they can keep their EN schedule.
If nothing else though, they'll likely have the studio available to them at hours nobody else would want, so that'd be cute if we get a lot more 3D stuff from them.

>> No.73458667

They did nothing wrong sister. You gotta move on.

>> No.73458682

I still think about them sometimes. Mostly because it did get taken the wrong way.

>> No.73458732


>> No.73458744

no because i only send the same thing over and over

>> No.73458770
File: 3 KB, 304x64, firefox_isQK2EfQ0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, kindly fuck off. I know this thread gets raided a lot but you need to calm down.
What, do you want me to recite random member posts for you to get off my case?

>> No.73458871
File: 521 KB, 1107x1600, GKpPuPuXsAAUio-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not backseating I'm FUWAWA!
>you can't just say that and get away with it
>I can
blessed VOD already

>> No.73458874
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, 1708425089338266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is membership somehow proof you aren't a sister shitstirrer now or something?
numbersisters literally spend thousands on viewbots a day to shitpost in holo threads, membering to holomems is not even 1% of what they spend daily on that, and would be among the least petty shit they do to try and "validate" their shitposting

>> No.73458917

membership this dick up your ass

>> No.73458940


>> No.73458990
File: 359 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20240405_233746_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing a sister got caught stealing one

>> No.73459003
File: 318 KB, 1911x1200, FuwaMoco Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73459015

I love both of you so much

>> No.73459063 [SPOILER] 

I've got enough to deal with right now to not worry about ruffians getting so worked up that they start eating each other.
Here's some rare fuwamoco futa porn (seraziel set). If this doesn't convince you, then just seethe endlessly, I guess.

>> No.73459111

Yeah that's why that shit's even retarded to bring up IMO, and doing so after dredging up an entire non-issue from a few months back is only more damning.

>> No.73459112

>towa baby

>> No.73459127

>instead of Tyrone now you have to worry about Tanaka-san
at least (You) (proud white man) will feel a bit less insecure about it...right?

>> No.73459154

>malware zip
Be less obvious next time sister

>> No.73459364

>No matter how you feel about them, unicorn or not, that's probably the only unprofessional moment of their entire career so far.
It made me realize that they actually care about their fans and are committed to not collabing with males, so I fail to see how it wasn't professional. They sold their brand very well by doing what they did.

>> No.73459380

>malware posted
>thread goes dead
You can't tell me some ruffians are actually that stupid are they

>> No.73459390

good morning

>> No.73459397
File: 210 KB, 286x333, ApplicationFrameHost_5Rxkeng2ZJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be less obvious next time sister
Seethe then, I guess. I'll go back to blending in with how much I love fuwamoco.

>> No.73459406

>seraziel set
Was there another one other than this?

>> No.73459442

Actually, is there a better image hosting service for randomly uploading porn than catbox? There's gotta be something quick.

>> No.73459463

curious, how do you know for certain that they stole the image? would all members have the same date if they membered on their debut?

>> No.73459481

>guys I'm totally just a normal poster
>I just think that unicorns are unreasonable and they were unprofessional towards my boiz
>please believe me I'm a real person I swear

>> No.73459561
File: 186 KB, 848x1199, 1710804425836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my beautiful princesses

>> No.73459623

>curious, how do you know for certain that they stole the image? would all members have the same date if they membered on their debut?
Even if they had the same date, the internal data and resolution would likely be different.

>> No.73459641
File: 3 KB, 255x34, 54654654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone wants to use my mem sub date to shit post be my guess

>> No.73459660

mococo hates me

>> No.73459697

is the same image, the sister change the name and posted it like 20 min later in anither thread.

>> No.73459754


>> No.73459831

Sisters raid and bait in 2 threads most of the time, numbers and hololive general from there you can notice if they moved to a general like baubau

>> No.73459868

That's ok Fuwawa probably hates me.
You get used to it after a while.

>> No.73459901

yeah. I have the futa on futa set too, but it's not my tastes so I didn't include it.
Here's the futa x fem ones uploaded individually for the scared ruffians.

>> No.73460016

I guess that works too, but please remember to actually support the artist as well if you want to encourage them to make more fuwamoco porn. I got a lot of shit that I had to buy, though.Still losing my mind trying to find that kananote/mujinbensin set

>> No.73460065

Do you have the one included in this pack?

>> No.73460117

Do we really have fucking name tag users now? I was kidding about the inf shit in the past you can stop ironically pushing us nearer to that hell now. Thanks.

>> No.73460135
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 1702782851574873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from my vacation for gorillaposting. I see the sisters have gone back to the usually shitposting playbook with the wives streaming again.

>> No.73460243

you actually WAIT out your bans?

>> No.73460249
File: 212 KB, 1335x1329, 1711287587569263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73460343

Ok seasister no matter how much wanna larp as a white skin it wouldn't change magically change your race

>> No.73460364
File: 110 KB, 272x238, ApplicationFrameHost_Vn6zQ4TDPd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn't even know that pack existed. I have myth1carts and several uncensored sets from a few others though. I think I'm the only one automatically updating some people like fuyumi02 on kemono right now, too, since I'm pretty sure it hadn't been updated in months before I resubbed to them. It's funny how some JP artists get around censorship by releasing original PSD/clip files and then never releasing the actual individual images so they're technically not breaking laws.

>> No.73460400

So many FWMC anti threads on the board at the same time… we are so back

>> No.73460428
File: 167 KB, 1002x1458, 1681686978067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't she perfect

>> No.73460436


>> No.73460452

When not numberfagging or doing gimmick streams, they struggle to keep up with Fauna and only edge above Bijou, two members that appreciate those around them and make friends. Fauna and Mumei are now close with Advent. It's going to be lonely as fuck for Fuwamoco if they continue isolating themselves.

Even someone as extreme as Suisei won't bite the hand that feeds her. She knows Hololive is everything to her and she's close with everyone and still collabs with very old vtuber friends she knew years back. She's grounded. Could you ever see Fuwamoco doing anything of the sort? It's all MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME PRAISE US PRAISE US PRAISE US PRAISE US AAAAAAAAAA WAFFIANS *teletubby noise* MEMEMEMEMEME WE DID IT WAFFIANS! PRAISE US PRAISE US

>> No.73460461


>> No.73460535
File: 118 KB, 240x247, ApplicationFrameHost_SFRDjdbAWY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey if people want to call me a fake, I might as well embrace it.
This'll be the last time I use this though. Don't wanna drag this joke out too long.

>> No.73460554
File: 339 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_20240411_180904_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister at least make another bait post

>> No.73460676
File: 3.01 MB, 1280x720, FuwaMoco Pain Suika[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0fw8sf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73460707

Is he wrong though?

>> No.73460736

are all the ugly faces zoomer humor?

>> No.73460739
File: 511 KB, 1280x720, fuwawa mococo ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73460745

Good. I want them dependent on us. The less time they spend with holomembets the more they spend with us. If every stream we're just fuwamoco and me I'd be happy. They're perfect on their own, together.

>> No.73460774
File: 159 KB, 1328x1160, GK4AwxDagAAEDP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love 90's cartoons here

>> No.73460778
File: 345 KB, 512x512, emote_mococo_shrug.png-5d09688a38c0e165e03449b39ffe1095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73460793

>AAAAAAAAAA WAFFIANS *teletubby noise*
That's the best part

>> No.73460811

Anyone who wants to monopolize fuwamoco instead of encouraging them to branch out and make friends within hololive so they don't end up isolated is not a true fan.
There, I said it.

>> No.73460835


>> No.73460893

Happy dogs are productive dogs.

>> No.73460995

I don't give a fuck. I'm not in hololive. They love us. We supported them. If we are to be by their side forever they have to also by ours forever.

>> No.73461028
File: 857 KB, 2808x4008, GKKiRtjakAAaVzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73461052

Milky Queenbros, we're Holo now!

>> No.73461128

im brown

>> No.73461143
File: 1.49 MB, 1561x2603, 1706849928755682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides gorillaposting I don't post all that much, so I'm fine with the vacation.

>> No.73461145
File: 286 KB, 451x358, sex abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mococo punishment
>distant fuwawa kills my sides

>> No.73461171

She's actually gonna be a nepo hire at this rate

>> No.73461241

When Fuwawa gets her swimsuit model, I hope she bounces a lot for SCs. I want to shower her in money and cum (respectfully)

>> No.73461322
File: 326 KB, 505x517, 1706881998256602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's one sweet thing you can't eat?
>the ruffians
yep, gonna be an amazing VOD

>> No.73461363
File: 1006 KB, 2894x4093, 1702954085850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see Mococo in a swimsuit. I trust icomochi mama, the problem lies in cover/youtube

>> No.73461430

>when people talk about mococo's good points they talk about a lot of different things
>when people talk about fuwawa's good points they talk about her breasts
I don't get it

>> No.73461458

Bros what's the news anything interesting

>> No.73461466
File: 945 KB, 733x693, 1710817873818604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God if that happens Fuwawa will take my superchat virginity

>> No.73461473

>*cums in your eye*

>> No.73461490

mococo has more qualities to her that tug at my gachikoi heart than fuwawa

>> No.73461525
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1681925490485903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 247: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.

>> No.73461550

>>when people talk about fuwawa's good points they talk about her breasts
This must be your first day here. We've had walls of text talking about Fuwawa's beautiful qualities and we've had walls of text talking about brutally fuck Mococo's big butt.

>> No.73461571

Lies, she has adorable giggles and laughs. she always makes dumb fluffy brained jokes. some might find it annoying but it's cute how easily lost in stories she gets. She also gets really into stories if she likes them though. even though she doesn't usually
play, her backseating is fun and playful and she reacts as if she was the one playing. I'm sure there are more but that's just off my head super quick. She is a beautiful princess, sucks to be you if you can't see it

>> No.73461597

You clearly don't come here that often. Fuwawa was the first one to have actual gachikoi due to her solo stream.

>> No.73461635
File: 3.97 MB, 1424x1080, NoInTheGoodWay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6u6eab.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, where do I begin.
I love her tits, don't get me wrong, but they're the cherry on top for how fucking amazing of an entertainer she is in my eyes. The chest fat is just the cherry on top of an already amazing girl that makes me cum buckets

>> No.73461656
File: 368 KB, 563x691, 1708054335273726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her giggles, her silliness and her calling us wuffians.

>> No.73461672

this is a subtle “please post what you love about fuwawa” post isn’t it

>> No.73461688


>> No.73461691

read threads

>> No.73461704
File: 258 KB, 437x500, 1691111834332590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73461716

These are just repeating the same things over and over again.

>> No.73461761

>sister vs sister

>> No.73461788

fuwawa’s giggles are fucking annoying and they makes me want to beat her to death every single time i hear them

>> No.73461794
File: 2.52 MB, 2787x1950, 1686214746826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I got got

>> No.73461825

Is it really a competition when Mococo is better?

>> No.73461835

silly wuffian

>> No.73461840

I've been on a search for the one fuwawa copypasta. Part of it is something like wanting to sync with her in a jaeger mecha... but no luck in archive.

>> No.73461843

Yeah for their 3d debut. 3d wrestling

>> No.73461855

>I don't think.
- Fuwawa
I love her

>> No.73461868
File: 483 KB, 824x746, 1707964909882648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Fuwawa had been born during ancient times she would have been considered a Goddess, and she would've risen to rule her own nation. I feel the urge to bend my knee and give myself to her completely. Men would've burned nations to the ground to put even the faintest smile upon her face, and I would do the same today if she asked.

>> No.73461881

mogogo had the better ending batsu today

>> No.73461888
File: 1.23 MB, 1052x1488, 1704136691525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like good qualities
Don't know what to tell you, anon...
No because pitting them against each other like this makes them sad. I love them both equally, especially Fuwawa.

>> No.73461956

It’s the truth. All Fuwawa has going for her is sex appeal. Mococo has much more to offer in addition to making you want to fuck her royal pussy.

>> No.73461982

Fuwawa can make witty jokes on the spot (old lady on Shinkansen) yet can be really fluff brained at the same time (puddle isekai). She knows (they both do) that we think they’re sexy and plays into it. She’s also a blatant siscon and not afraid to hide her sibling love for her sister. She’s a hag who wants to be treated like a princess and I will oblige because it makes my dick hard.

>> No.73462030

See? You’re just repeating yourself. You can’t even think of anything to say about her on your own.

>> No.73462055
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 1704766305280975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fuwawa 1% more than Moco-chan. But in the end I love them both very much.

>> No.73462125
File: 1.01 MB, 1274x1080, 1704548735324821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree

>> No.73462144

Ask any other fan what they like about their oshi and they can list a hundred different things but for ruffians it's literally all the same shit just worded slightly differently. Is this because they've built such an ironclad wall with their characters that it's basically impossible to get a glimpse of their true selves?

>> No.73462166

>Mococo has much more to offer in addition to making you want to fuck her royal pussy.
I mean yeah, sure, if you don't actually watch them I can see how you'd feel this way kek

>> No.73462215

This is only true when it comes to Fuwawatards. They’re uncreative, disingenuous subhumans who try to make it seem as though Fuwawa has anything going for her that is lovable apart from her model.

>> No.73462224

When are they going to collab with the other HoloEN livers? Mococo is clearly the better one after all.

>> No.73462255

kek I'll give it up, that last one was funny

>> No.73462259

It's because the culture is to race to copy paste replies instantly to everything they have. There's a few that speak from the heart but most fans only say what everyone else is saying or keep it generic for the sake of speed because that's what everyone else does. Anyone that steps out of line is kicked out of the clique and not many want to risk that because being in it greatly amplifies your chance of being noticed by fuwamoco on twitter.

>> No.73462263

It happens whenever Raul starts feeling insecure. Ignore him

>> No.73462278

You can stop coping anytime, paypig. Maybe then Fuwawa would actually look your way.

>> No.73462283
File: 698 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_4721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters fear the puppies with 800k subs and they’re not sending their best

>> No.73462309

They already screwed the pooch there. Advent replaced them with lofi, fauna and mumei

>> No.73462318

This is like the weird antis who say how they'd each be worthless on their own.
The fact is that they DO work together, and no other large corporate vtubers have attempted to stream as a pair like they do right now with their hard focus on smile protection. It's a gimmick that absolutely works for them and it's a niche that nobody else can even come close to right now. Fuwawa plays off Mococo and gets reactions out of her that nobody else can with her antics, and their genuine appeal as a group makes them unique and entertaining enough for the ruffians to expand every single day, smiling the whole time.

>> No.73462323

Do you even come here? I've seen countless walls about both girls in these threads alone. It's to the point I'm sometimes shocked how some Ruffians don't get tired of pouring their hearts out.

>> No.73462329

ok list everything you like about your oshi sister

>> No.73462333

and the sister reveals it's self

>> No.73462340

ruffians are the worst advent fanbase for a reason anon

>> No.73462363

but you're a ruffian

>> No.73462388

That must be why we’re the worst

>> No.73462393
File: 133 KB, 379x462, mococo wuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its really working huh
good luck with your gift cards

>> No.73462410
File: 1.57 MB, 1024x1536, 1706566213578474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill all brown people
nuke brazil

>> No.73462416

As long as we have raul and purityschizo as proud members, yes we're not the best.

>> No.73462436
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, a fuzzy princess right before your eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone post that Mococo Vi Britannia, I didn't save it

>> No.73462452
File: 524 KB, 1078x546, 1000004146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did /baubau/ turn into an unironic anti thread? I feel like every single time I come here, it's just filled with mask-off antis not even hiding the fact that they're antis. Are any other generals like this?
What the fuck was the turning point?

>> No.73462455

sister, kemono exists for a reason, why would anyone need to get the "set" (malware) from you?
go be gay and retarded elsewhere

>> No.73462469
File: 312 KB, 2067x1811, _1710053351777327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. I'll sing the praises forever of the girls I enjoy.

>> No.73462476
File: 180 KB, 1340x1000, IMG_4722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73462477

There's at least one cool BRuffian isn't there?

>> No.73462481

i hate fuwamoco

>> No.73462493

streaming, unironically. our best threads were the ones with mostly anons missing them and sharing that pain.
I'll take unusable threads over that pain any day.

>> No.73462498
File: 99 KB, 756x772, 1700998894424758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futa on futa
It's shit.
