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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73399539 No.73399539 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 5 (five) reasons on why i should watch vtubers outside of hololive.
I'll wait.

>> No.73399604

Talent freedom

>> No.73400178


Inexperienced Staff
More Innovative
Higher Quality Character Models
Genders are integrated
No Restrictions on Content
Your money goes to them directly
They Own their work

>> No.73400514
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>Genders are integrated
what did he mean by this

>> No.73400600

>Inexperienced Staff
>More Innovative
>Higher Quality Character Models
only if you're making big bucks
>Genders are integrated
>No Restrictions on Content
not true
>Your money goes to them directly
lmao even
>They Own their work

>> No.73400823

you shouldnt, stay away from my wife

>> No.73400856

I will give you only one:
Not checking out Leona or Hachi at least once is depriving yourself of something beautiful anon.


>> No.73401071

i know ppl who watch random small vtubers just to be noticed

>> No.73401557

One look at that thumbnail tells me everything I need to know about how horrible that video is

>> No.73402933

I was watching Lara since her endurance stream, seeing Fubuki, with a single mention, give her more subs than the goal of that endurance stream was heartwarming.

>> No.73403431

Better rigging and they're more likely to read your comments.
Past that, I'm sick of all the drama and I'm focusing on my favorite indies and holo from now on.

>> No.73407892

Well why do you only watch Holo?

>> No.73407993

Who? what happened?

>> No.73408365

Marine is just like the typical twitch whore except worse.

>> No.73408529

>Genders are integrated

He said give him five reasons why he should, not why he shouldn't

>> No.73408545

>Your money goes to them directly
>They Own their work
fucking commies

>> No.73408898

Like half of this person's "content" is seething about corpos existing

>> No.73409351

They actually stream

>> No.73409397

The girl? from that video will probably abandon her channel in 1 year or is not gonna be able to live out of vtubing ever in her life, like most vtubers or streamers in general. Corpos gave the "chosen ones" the ability to make a living from streaming, they can literally skip or decrease that 90% of luck that you need to make streaming your life, you can be part of that 0.00000000000001% of people. Being an indie is better? Yes, if you are successful. How many successful people are there really? very few

>> No.73410111

because you like them
because you hate them
because youre indifferent on them
because youre aware of them
because they exist
stupid bastard

>> No.73411497

There's no need. Stay in the quarantine until the gas valves open.

>> No.73411851

Why are holofags always so insecure? I feel like I constantly see threads that are circlejerks about how they'll only watch holo or dismiss anyone non-holo.

>> No.73412291

mostly because it's a very safe thing to oshi. Up til now it's been pretty clearly seen as a relatively healthy work environment compared to their peers, and the visible staff and talents regularly show not through words, but through their many projects and concerts how the girls (and even the boys to some extent) are absolutely achieving their dreams of spreading happiness.
Also because their major competitor up until 2024 has been embroiled in TMZ level drama for so fucking long that it got tiring.

>> No.73412836

Don't. Keep your obnoxious ass contained in your Japanese corpo brainrot containment field. We'll all be happier that way.

>> No.73412961

It's called a "superiority complex".

>> No.73413557

thats level of fucking sad i will never let myself reach

>> No.73413607

this panel and its consequences have been a disaster for this website.

>> No.73414111

Holofags suffer from this distinctive delusion where they think they are collectively responsible for all the success of the company and that the talents are nothing without their support. It is basically a compensation for whatever inadequacy they have in life which they suppress by attaching their self-meaning to a successful outside entity greater than themselves.

>> No.73414347

game perms

>> No.73414431
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That... That's literally how it works.
The talents are absolutely nothing without the fan's support. It's an entertainment industry. The company doesn't matter and just exist to promote the talents, who entice the fans to give them their money.
There's countless examples of rapid decline due to pissing off the fanbases. Just look at NijiEN for example. For an even more extreme example, just look at Finana who was one of the daisenpai with an extremely bright future and came out of the gate with fantastic numbers... But she missed out on going to antarctica with lazulight and cries about how people no longer draw or support her after she treated them like shit.

>> No.73414857

reasons 1-5, Henya.

>> No.73415112

Tomoshika's better.

>> No.73415564

>it's delusion to say that people selling a product would be nothing without their consumers
most intelligent nijinigster

>> No.73418361

Corpo perms tisms, but that's the only one i can think of, won't be able to see certain games or mods unless cover bothers to get perms

>> No.73420334

i like not having to pay money to actually speak to the chuuba.

>> No.73424306


>> No.73425153
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This is what communism do to an individual.
Thank God, communism is illegal in my country.

>> No.73426085

your gay
you like twitch culture
you like smaller communities

>> No.73428528

better rigging

>> No.73428911

Hiyori Lara, relatively small indie, huge Hololive nerd. Sings hololive songs, has a goal of singing all of them - her oshi is Aqua.
Fubuki tweeted about her singing hololive songs (and her song) and was watching the stream. I think in the end she tweeted about her like 6-7 times during the stream, also telling everyone to stop mentioning her in the chat and subscribe to her.
i dont like linking clippers/translators, but Yura also has a video that pretty much covers the entire thing: youtu.be/UYy-M1viOu4
This is a literal bot.

>> No.73428952

That's super cute and I love both of them now(well, I love fubuki even more now).

>> No.73428968

Anon there's several posts in this thread about how Marine is no different from twitch whores.

>> No.73428975
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She loves (You) and streams daily (often twice!)

>> No.73429360

small/mid sized indies
>more attention to each individual
>more niche interest and audience
>more tight knitted community
name me a hololive who would really be into old school text rpgs. or one who only plays tabletop. boomer shooters? with some of these indies you get a certain specific and only/mostly that.

big indies
>more variety
>more genuin with their audience
>more hardcore on the keyfab

But if you don't wanna watch anyone outside of hololive, why force yourself? if you are perfectly happy, you can just not you know?

>> No.73429547
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>who would really be into old school text rpgs. or one who only plays tabletop. boomer shooters?
I would like to watch vtubers who stream all of these things. Do you have some reccs? I might already know your suggestions but they're still welcome.

>> No.73429634

>cmd F
>2 results
I am not about to entertain the hallucination that Marine resembles twitch thots in any meaningful way.

>> No.73429705

Oh sorry I confused this thread for another thread
Anyways Marine is totally like a twitch thot. Just see the discussion following up from this post >>73402805

>> No.73429735

Yes, we do seem to have a Marineschizo currently on the loose

>> No.73429766

no ty. I do not entertain mental illness.

>> No.73429770

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.73429789

Then explain how Marine is not like a twitch thot.

>> No.73430807

uhhhhh ok

>> No.73431382

okay, wait.

>> No.73431444

You shouldn't, stay contained

>> No.73431477

I feel genuinely bad for this poor indie. she now has to deal with retarded holofags in her fanbase.

>> No.73432255

nene love

>> No.73432320

anon, she is a holofag.
I understand this is some sort of stab at people that like holo, on /vt/ of all places imagine that, but she is literally singing holosongs.
Id call you a sister, but you probably get off on watching some obscure indie faggot on bilibili.

>> No.73432340

Well she won't be a holofag for long after she gets harassed for collabing with her male vtuber friends.

>> No.73432451

the fuck is up with /vt/ right now
is it because its evening in jakarta?
It doesnt feel white.

>> No.73432458

it's nice to directly interact with some 2view. apart from this, just do what you like, anon. you don't need anyone's confirmation to watch x over y.

>> No.73432525

Sometimes they collab with vtubers inside hololive

>> No.73432559

You shouldn't.
I don't want that cancerous fanbase near my oshi.

>> No.73434372
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1.Pipkin Pippa
2.Kirsche Verstahl
3.Sleepy Proyect
5.Whiskey Proyect

>> No.73434459

>>No Restrictions on Content
>not true
NTA but are you really going to forget Permissions arc? Even now that we're out of it we still have them being forced to mute or block certain scenes in certain games. Now this isn't their fault of course, that's Japanese gam devs being old farts who don't understand modernity but they're not exactly free to do w/e.

>> No.73435264

Absolute filth

>> No.73435375

>he WANTS the jello rigging and thinks it's good

>> No.73436049

He probably meant it literally? Because you are still restricted by any platform you're using as there is no such thing as true freedom

>> No.73436343

Are there any countries like that? I guess you are from eastern europe, I fucking wish my country banned reds.

>> No.73436393

Perms autism still exists outside of Japan
Twitch LOVES to auto strike people for no reason and LOVES to auto strike people if there is a reason

>> No.73436412

Plappa plapkin.

>> No.73436416

One day your oshi will no longer be part of Hololive
When she is, you are going to stay loyal and follow her, right anon?

>> No.73436624

Uhh umm...I can't! There isn't any reason to.

>> No.73437558

Random fucks doing random shit and streaming it isn't an "industry". It's a trend at best, and even then it's just a sidegrade to using a fuckin webcam. Christ you people are pathetic.

>> No.73438170

>wanting holodrones anywhere near my oshi

>> No.73439264

She's cute.
Shame on me, I don't speak japanese.

>> No.73439374

1.Jackie Chan

>> No.73439716
File: 3.31 MB, 768x432, Big sis experience[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb0fjuf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might find a chuuba you like to watch

>> No.73439820
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the trend in question

>> No.73440187

>B-b-but... boo idol le bad it's not streaming boooooooooooooooooo

>> No.73440458

From the perspective of a small corpo and indie enjoyer.
>less game perm restrictions
>open to more collab choices and networking
>usable chat in the case of smaller streamers
>idol content is not an obligation, it’s just something a chuuba can do if they enjoy it
>just more variety in general, theres a billion non Holo chuubas, theres probably something for you out there.

>> No.73440697

There are none, please stay away in your containment company.

>> No.73440899

who are you quoting?

>> No.73441124

What do twitch indies have to do with this?
