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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73394054 No.73394054 [Reply] [Original]

>Chat is disabled
Bau bau?

>> No.73394202

Yes they leave chat disabled until 1 hour before stream this isn't anything new, if you wanna chat goto the freechat they have open.

>> No.73394238

just like OP

>> No.73394307

this bait again? get new material. you made this thread yesterday

>> No.73394321

you made this yesterday and you got BTFO like this : >>73394202 yesterday, stfu nijisister, kys.

>> No.73394479


>> No.73395603

oh no no no.. raffKEK smile status?

>> No.73395691
File: 532 KB, 566x752, FairyShark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisisters still upset by Luca' birthday underperformance? Maybe you should have donated more and watched it instead of wasting you time shitting up the board.

>> No.73395814

Preserved, because we're not stupid. If you had any sense of civility you would know people would shit up waiting rooms and it's even in the rules to not chat in the pre stream. But some people like you are too dumb to read the rules so might as well disable chat.

>> No.73395948

>same dogs
yeah we'll see about that kek

I just don't understand why they keep saying things they might not live up to. It's unnecessarily setting your fans up for potential disappointment. Literal pick-me behavior.

>> No.73396029

Phase cucks are so blinded by their jealousy that they forgot they already made this bait thread yesterday

>> No.73396279


>> No.73396303

Hijacking this bait thread to ask holo watchers, why the fuck are there so many bait threads of these dogs? What the fuck did they do?

>> No.73396379

actual jealousy.
they dindu nuffin

>> No.73396422

It has a lot to do with the sisters hating them for not acknowledging the homos (specially going silent in the promo video)

>> No.73396459

Abandoned their English fanbase

>> No.73396478

seething sisters, not even kidding. They tried to make the sisters moving to Japan seem like it was as bad as homicide or something

>> No.73396544

actual nijiniggers seething at their success.

>> No.73396626

Botted viewers. Hololive is trying to make the dogs the new mascot of EN because the pedobait shark quit streaming, but they don't get enough viewers so they have to bot the dog streams and maybe even fake some supas

>> No.73396697

wow an absolutely seething delusional nijinigger kek.

>> No.73396739

Indeed, this is how the handle prechat since their first stream

>> No.73396893

Women have a problem with object permanence. When they're not on stream they must not be doing anything. Ie just sitting in their chairs not pressing the record button. But in actuality they moved to a whole other country across the world and are just enjoying their little time off and settling in before getting back to it. But in the seething sister's mind, they're just sitting, at their chairs, not going live.

>> No.73397000

But enough about Vox

>> No.73397071

So true, sister.
Just a few more post like this and you'll get your gift card!!

>> No.73397180
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NIJISISTER, you got your answer yesterday.

>> No.73397335
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>> No.73397463

>What the fuck did they do?
create the most annoying vtuber fanbase. also bot a lot.

>> No.73397540

so true sis, now what other delusions you have for us nijikek?

>> No.73397578

Ruffians are the most annoying fanbase in vtubing though. /vt/ would be better if they all died

>> No.73397644

When I woke up I realized I became a tank in HSR, so that means I am of the Path of Preservation.

>> No.73397700

All the sisters should die first

>> No.73397707

But enough about the Kindred.

>> No.73397734

Yasss, sister. You tell 'em

>> No.73397749

You need therapy.

>> No.73397815

They are whores. That sucks cocks of Japan ojisans.

>> No.73397855

They're the most popular of the latest EN gen and streamed the most and have the fairly unique gimmick of being real identical twins. It's no wonder they've attracted the most attention, both good and bad.

>> No.73397924

So Elira and Kotoka? Got it.

>> No.73397987

No one brought up Elira, though?

>> No.73398068

Least obvious holobrony samefagger

>> No.73398087

No, you need to die first. Anyone with a college degree would know that's common sense

>> No.73398095


>> No.73398163

Ok but why suck cocks like whores. Is their job so difficult. I have a job and never suck a cock.

>> No.73398219

I still think it's hilarious that "people" actually watch nijisanji

>> No.73398220

So you admit to samefagging... yikes

>> No.73398253

you're so fucking retarded with this one. they always have disabled chat until 1 hour before stream.

>> No.73398283

Their audience are all women who peaked in high school and the twitter trannies, so it makes sense.

>> No.73398315 [SPOILER] 
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The same with hololive.

>> No.73398366

Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. What's that Shinji? You're going on a date with MARI-SAMA, and not act like a nervous wreck! Making me envious that Mari gets your confident attention which I wanted for so long from you, and secretly wished that I was in Mari's place?! Then afterwards you two will take a romantic stroll at the park while I watch in the distance as you two connect emotionally?! Something that I wish I could do to you, and other people! Making me doubt myself as a person, and thinking I'll end up all alone without any connections?! Then you're going to kiss Mari and not act like a wimp! Something that I really wished you did that to me when I kissed you back then!? AND THEN MARI IS GOING TO ALLOW ME TO WATCH YOU TWO HAVE PASSIONATE SEX! All while you barely pay any attention to me as you sensually please Mari while I watch in the corner with years in my eyes! Then you're gunna unload directly into Mari, ensuring that she'll get pregnant?! All the while I watch as you two cuddle, and say I love you to each other?! Making me self-insert as Mari while you two cuddle into sleep as my coping mechanism not to fall more into deep depression?! WELL DON'T MIND IF I YABBA DABBA DO!

>> No.73398452


>> No.73398497

Actually Nijisanji views dropped so much that Niji pays for 4chan posts against FWMC, since directly attacking FWMC's Twitter or Youtube channel is a federal crime under the 2022 Internet Privacy and Safety Act, in the 3nd section that talks about corporate liability and responsibility for actions of its employed persons.
If they participated in such things their yacht could get arrested and sent to the yakuza 8.

>> No.73398619

You are making shit up. Faggots are really retards. Even monkeys have more IQ than holobots.

>> No.73398647

This dude thinks he's a lawyer because he watched a youtube video kek

>> No.73398675

>You are making shit up
NTA, but just like OP?

>> No.73398731

And yet it's a lot more creative than whatever slop OP shat out.

>> No.73398795

So you're claiming the stream chat isn't disabled right now?

>> No.73398970


>> No.73399005

Oh so you're just retarded

>> No.73399087


>> No.73399101

All people here are retards. With prolapsed anus.>>73398366
Yes I repeat things like a parrot.

>> No.73399104

You’re making mountains out of molehills, as is typical of all anti-FWMC sentiment.

>> No.73399170

>live in 2 days
>why chat disabled?

>> No.73399187

FuwaMoco are cute and sweet, which appeals to men. Women hate this because they can't comprehend the fact that decent women exist

>> No.73399201

Because they finally were able to do one of their dreams and it's to live in Japan. But they ran into issues and it took them a month or so to get it fixed and now they are finally coming back and still on the same schedule they are doing before.

Nijisisters were trying to bait people into hating the twins by saying that the twins have failed their fanbase etc. etc.

>> No.73399206

Some people actually value free speech.

>> No.73399246

>FuwaMoco Anti
Every single time KEK
God you pagpags are hilarious

>> No.73399260

It is impressive that they got their issues fixed in a month. Pewdiepie took years to be able to move.

>> No.73399341

Say that to the Nijisisters they wanted people to hate them so much for some reason.

Meanwhile their milord is hiding in B2 trying to garner support.

>> No.73399385

Pretty standard practice when expecting pre-chat drama.

>> No.73399415

>free speech
You’re free to talk when it opens, faggotchama. Go tell NijiEN to stop using longtime sub restrictions on their chats, though.

>> No.73399433

Because they're vtubers and not streamers with an anime avatar
