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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 16 KB, 933x566, 1711065653617663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73323865 No.73323865 [Reply] [Original]

the disappearance of wife edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1776686894996205666

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>73297741

>> No.73323947
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Verification not required.

>> No.73323952

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.73323973

First for shondo loves her transfem girl husbands

>> No.73324014

give me your pinky

>> No.73324029
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever is forever is forever
i love you forever shondo

>> No.73324122

Mods, lock the offline chat if we're going to push the muzzie shit. No one is doing this unironically.

>> No.73324170
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>> No.73324196

expected it to blow

>> No.73324244 [DELETED] 

tuffy sandnigger

>> No.73324246

i only do it long enough to heat up her pussy a little

>> No.73324293

stop being racist against him ok

>> No.73324305

whys it okay to bring up things she didnt finish yet over and over but not okay to make a little takbir, a little alhamdulillah, a little inshallah? when shondo also makes those jokes?

>> No.73324376

t-kun isnt arab hes from south america

>> No.73324395

i don't even know what those words mean

>> No.73324448

do your islamic reps for when you take your wife to birmingham for vExpo

>> No.73324500


>> No.73324501 [DELETED] 

>islamic reps
gtfo sandnigger

>> No.73324552

Shondo does it as a meme, which is obvious when she doesn't know anything beyond "inshallah". Beyond that is just spam and you could replace it with any other meme, which is why I'm pointing out the ironic intentions.
The other stuff is irrelevant to my post and has nothing to do with spamming muzzie shit in the chat.

>> No.73324592


>> No.73324597

My favourite hadith? it's a classic
The strong believer a fortified city
The weak a withered tree

>> No.73324615

your wife wouldnt like you being islamicphobic

>> No.73324638
File: 17 KB, 262x230, 1699217506980055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smelly shontoes

>> No.73324655


>> No.73324691
File: 252 KB, 461x360, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is spam. No one does that unironically and if they would they are not the type of "people" that would be in her community.

>> No.73324712

shondo would love the hadith sahih al bukhari 5686

>> No.73324725

i just can't get him out of my head, he says one little thing and my mind goes numb, but you're right, i should stop having double standards it's not nise and more infighting

>> No.73324753

she has lots of spammers in her community. see neosky for example.

>> No.73324757

Has anyone tried saying you love her? Maybe that will fix things?

>> No.73324807

lots of people say that but then they also hurt her maliciously before and afterwards so im not sure that they really mean it

>> No.73324840

Can't believe of all people it's gpt in this thread complaining about islam

>> No.73324871
File: 12 KB, 242x34, MayNAXi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even in wraeclast i cant escape the antis, wormfarmers and groomers

>> No.73324892
File: 352 KB, 2048x1905, F4-cQYTW8AAqpr9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take Neosky's 2k messages per stream instead of brown desert apes interacting with my wife. I pray to my Christian God that he is not one of them.

>> No.73324918

trying this hard is honestly cringe

>> No.73324947

>desert apes
why are you belittling her family

>> No.73324965

he is a SEA Monkey

>> No.73324983

Guys you need to be more tolerant toward muslims. Be nise.

>> No.73325011

sorry shondo

>> No.73325017

Islamophobia doesn't exist.

>> No.73325029

Are you guys okay?

>> No.73325056

Her country is Muslims stopo doing her aracism chuddies

>> No.73325098

send a "Christ is King" right now in offline chat if you're actually serious

>> No.73325119

goat fucking sand niggers

>> No.73325130

i've never heard anyone say that other than blacks

>> No.73325135

I am proof of islamophobias existence

>> No.73325159

fake Christian

>> No.73325237

I only read religious texts for fun
so you're correct
i would like to believe though

>> No.73325242

I'm still trying to win the lottery but my opinion of you guys got worse

>> No.73325293

That's a good sign

>> No.73325301

Does brattys goat know hes cheating on it with shondo?

>> No.73325343


>> No.73325345

Run anon, before our autism spreads

>> No.73325372


>> No.73325373

listening to powerwolf with shondo in an islamic area

>> No.73325407

not sure if this thread is worse than the last one or not

>> No.73325478

cause she’s a sheltered british girl who’s never interacted with a black person in her life. let her spend a night in memphis, chicago, detroit, or atlanta and see how she feels afterwards

>> No.73325484

only thing we're missing itt is some 'emmy jaks right bros

>> No.73325546

lets just skip to posting her oinker already

>> No.73325577

>tuff is muslim
>thought it was okay to call shondo a bitch 50 million times
things are starting to add up

>> No.73325585

why are you so gay?

>> No.73325659

erm it was the first thought that popped into my head for christian music other than crusade stuff
i'm so sorry anon

>> No.73325674

its very cute

>> No.73325727

We say it all the time, we just never mean it Smile

>> No.73325740

Why powerwolf when Sabaton exists?

>> No.73325760

nice cuckpost

>> No.73325822

I HATE HER!!!!!!1111

>> No.73325837

because they're not religious as far as I know
they've done songs about it but I didn't think they themselves were Christian

>> No.73325965

oh we're trying reverse manifestation now?
shondo DONT love me DONT spend time with me DONT speak to me DONT be happy DONT live a life of comfort and leisure DONT be cute DONT be wonderful DONT be the best DONT be the most precious woman in the world

>> No.73326001

sex with e on our wedding night in her bedroom with the other critters trying to sleep two feet over listening to the hard plapping sounds

>> No.73326004

Don’t take your meds

>> No.73326071

anon... sabaton is war themed and they also suck

>> No.73326080

i've thought about this way more than I care to admit in company of other shoggas

>> No.73326101

weird post

>> No.73326216

She says she’s a vegetarian because she cares about the aminal welfare and she wouldn’t mind eating meat if aminals were treated well.
But she also says she only buys meat from high welfare sources.
So why does she not eat the meat she buys from places she trusts?

>> No.73326272

i got my keychain today now i can carry a bit of her with me at all times (other than in my heart of course)

>> No.73326313

>critter sleepwalks over to your side of the bed and shits on the floor aggressively while staring directly into your eyes

>> No.73326336

>the inconsistent mentally ill girl with ED has inconsistent eating habits
it is a mystery

>> No.73326384

i'll be spending my wedding night consoling her in the lounge on the settee because she still cries sometimes when she isn't at home and we will drift off to sleep together there

>> No.73326405

Real subtle

>> No.73326491

>have sex with her too

>> No.73326529


>> No.73326608

not cheating if it stays in the family
at least thats the excuse she gives us for when she “disassociates” in ft’s bedroom

>> No.73326642

Yeah, my whore

>> No.73326705
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, otis over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73326734

Why does this dude look like a scrotum?

>> No.73326758
File: 33 KB, 737x616, IMG_5546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73326778

I refuse to believe there are people that seriously feel threatened by shondos brother

>> No.73326815

threatened? no
envious? yes

>> No.73326860

same thing

>> No.73326894

She’s literally fucking her brother, it should’ve been me!

>> No.73326945


>> No.73326969


>> No.73327002

thinking about it
why is he not live right now, there's no timeline where he's not playing this very second

>> No.73327041

hes a working man now

>> No.73327044

he probably got upset when most of the people who usually show up didnt bother because drumchama wasnt there

>> No.73327082

lmao tuffy reported my post calling him a muzzie

>> No.73327124

disassociation time would genuinely be when she wants you to fuck her.
i wonder if shes still active like (can’t believe i’m referencing this of all things) Adam Sandler in Click but kind of an npc, or if she freezes up like she’s having a seizure.
either way the creampies will be made with vigour

>> No.73327131

>no show bc she wasn’t there
I wasn’t logged into my alt and didn’t get notification

>> No.73327191

you are extremely dumb

>> No.73327218

ft you ass, you know why I wasn't there and you know why the chat went quiet when you asked how our day was going

>> No.73327231

ye wat about it?
dont see u with any better ideas

>> No.73327398

god i really hope shes okay

>> No.73327504

So not only do you not hang out with him for him and help him through these trying time but you also save all the chat just to see if Drum-chama said anything. Weird

>> No.73327535

she was playing ba yesterday
she's still alive and has access to internet and her phone/pc

>> No.73327569

it’s a fucking joke
it’s a sick joke
and they just keep fucking with me

>> No.73327587

sorry anon but you tried this on me already today

>> No.73327685

I forgot that the truth doesn't work, my bad

>> No.73327697

Why are you only doing modern amerifat memes? Listen to gregorian chants niggerdomas.

>> No.73327722

deus vult

>> No.73327733

I think /pol/ would be a more fitting board for this thread

>> No.73327760


>> No.73327764

I will NOT rape the shondo
I will NOT rape the shondo
I will NOT rape the shondo...!

>> No.73327808

I put that under crusade music in my mind
there is some in my playlist

>> No.73327844

She eats? Besides my dick and semen of course

>> No.73327854

I think this thread belongs in hell

>> No.73327900

must be weird because I don't find anything wrong with this thread so far

>> No.73327915


>> No.73327933

Anon, she shouldn’t be eating your dick thats cannibalism.

>> No.73327958

only brown people would think this

>> No.73327965

its fine my foreskin regenerates

>> No.73328012

>t. Satan

>> No.73328034

anonchama cats come from the middle east

>> No.73328089

I communicated with the shadow niggers in my sleep paralysis and told them to bully syadou and call her fat and boring lol

>> No.73328106
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1711193924233590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to back read threads anymore, i would usually spend my time getting up to date and only then start posting, but whenever I do so nowadays it's just dogshit after dogshit
I love my funny and cute imouto wife and I wish for her fast recovery
Good night shoggas
It's funny because I just know in the morning I'll go back to catching up with the threads, haha, hehe

>> No.73328113

She's fine and it's all going to be okay. It's not like something could happen in the time that she's away that would make it a thousand times worse, like FE getting extremely ill or Otis passing away.
Nothing like that could possibly happen. So don't worry about it.

>> No.73328133

You mean catshit

>> No.73328200

this but unironically because i will make sure that won't happen

>> No.73328215

shes not coming back and thats a good thing (for her)
maybe in a few years i might see her somewhere and recognise her

>> No.73328255


>> No.73328306

I take it back
Thread is horrible

>> No.73328323

:syadouClueless: yeah she'll totally magically get better after almost a decade of being a shut-in and go about living a normal life.

That's MY joke! Donut Steel!!!!

>> No.73328339

my only brainworm is she pulls a yuko

>> No.73328345
File: 575 KB, 1080x2400, Mytightcunnyuoh~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK guys this proposition might sound odd but bare with me
Imagine putting your penis in here

>> No.73328369

I really didn't mean for anything like this to happen by making that post asking about the vod, again, my fault

>> No.73328373


>> No.73328413

like, we become boobros?

don't have to imagine. doing so rn

>> No.73328435

Was imagining it before you posted

>> No.73328441

I already have cum to the thought a few times thanks, really nice child thighs btw

>> No.73328445

Uncensor NOW

>> No.73328471

This is, perchance, erotic
And my penis is, perchance, erect

>> No.73328497

>backing out of her whole thing
I mean we've seen career suicides before but thats just brutal. y*ko still called her fans boobros, not husbands

>> No.73328537

I take it back again
thread redeemed
thanks shoggas

>> No.73328554
File: 359 KB, 1036x1587, 1685055990573406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coward faggot

>> No.73328559

Post the full video at least, fag.

>> No.73328592

You are not me but at the same time you are

>> No.73328599

i choose to believe that she will get better instead of worse

>> No.73328602


>> No.73328620

Not to sexpest or anything, but holy guacamole

>> No.73328644


>> No.73328687

I'd stick my penis in her vagina (if you know what I mean syadouWink)

>> No.73328706

uhhhhhh huba huba

>> No.73328707

Party time has started

>> No.73328729

Post the proper thing then big boy, I'll provide it for you

>> No.73328733

Sorry but my wife is sexier than what those shoddy 3D models could ever emulate.

>> No.73328756


>> No.73328814

I noticed as soon as I posted. But hey, 2 links dont hurt

>> No.73328820

I hope you're happy and got what you wanted. This is why we gatekeep and force newfags to do reps. If she reads this thread, she is fucked and you are partially to blame.

>> No.73328849

I want to GRAPE her so badly
Goodness gracious

>> No.73328857

Given what they're linking
I agree

>> No.73328893

aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 links are biting my dick off aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh it hurts so bad aaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.73328894

so imagine sex, right? now imagine it with fallenshadow. Thoughts?

>> No.73328901

Ive already been given a vacation twice before posting in this thread, one of them for 2 pixels of a nipple

>> No.73328904


>> No.73328920


>> No.73328923

I just wish I had realized sooner something was wrong. I'm not used to her hiding it this much

>> No.73328947


>> No.73328964

I didn't realise I was so pent up

>> No.73328971

shit urself (nisely)

>> No.73328976

Gross, dont post anything of that sort

>> No.73329032

how dont you guys get bored of doing this all day

>> No.73329036

Shondo you don't get it, these videos will save our marriage

>> No.73329049

Man her head looks like she has downs. Nice pretty little cunny though. Wish it was more red flushed showing how bad she wants (my) dick and tongue in it.

>> No.73329055

Would be crazy if you posted one with sho haha
You better not, haha, that'd be silly

>> No.73329061

I wish I was horngy rn but I already busted a fat nut to the thought of e begrudgingly letting me have sex with her so i'll have to wait a few minutes
thanks for the links, tho

>> No.73329079
File: 115 KB, 744x1024, 1712521435465884m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drop by and hornypost, its a simple life

>> No.73329085 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73329114

Ummm.. bros? I just coomed why's there can outside my house now???

>> No.73329133

my pov btw

>> No.73329145

Lol anon that'd be gay, though, right haha
But it would be funny as a joke to get so Sho lewds...lol jk teehee

>> No.73329172

I like to imagine it's one of the barbies sex posting for us because they understand what we need more than shondo does

>> No.73329190 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 4800x3600, jnoqhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73329197


>> No.73329215

Blasted inside and her skin is still somehow lighter than the cum that dribbles out

>> No.73329293

How did you get our private homemade collection and why did you upload it without my permission?

>> No.73329299
File: 111 KB, 313x314, 1712018697439192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was I put on vacation last time I posted a risky shondo but you fucks can spam cunny all day
Not salty enough to snitch, but wtf shoggers

>> No.73329332


>> No.73329334

Do you think shondo would be into this

>> No.73329344

Sorry FT, just trying to give something to the masses. We playin' later?

>> No.73329365 [DELETED] 
File: 3.59 MB, 2508x3541, n4rjkq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry moar

>> No.73329382
File: 749 KB, 800x1440, 1689265974859504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they do it for free *cums all over the thread*

>> No.73329389

Idk who those two are but I appreciate the helping hands

>> No.73329393

Someone probably snitched in you last time and they're not here now

>> No.73329401

I need this irl NOW
somebody start making phone calls

>> No.73329437


>> No.73329445

Not one of you guys but just wanted to pop in to wish Shondo the best. She's a great girl and I hope she's doing well.

>> No.73329459

doesn't know the barbies
reps + streams + L + ratio + fag

>> No.73329474

In case you haven't realised by now the meidos are highly selective in what they go after and/or I'm pretty sure there are long periods in which there aren't any online. There was a thread with the OP image being Gura nude and with her legs spread wide that was up until about 150 replies.

>> No.73329489


>> No.73329492

Of course

>> No.73329579
File: 292 KB, 984x841, 1710791351474218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will gut you

>> No.73329585

Fallen Shadow is the opposite of Risen Light. She wants to marry that man.

>> No.73329634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.73329718 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 750x650, chainChomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73329717

After all
Why shouldn't I
Why shouldn't I party time

>> No.73329730
File: 3.20 MB, 1536x2048, 1310528-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have anything sho related :(

>> No.73329745

that's a good one anon

>> No.73329769

Thread ruined

>> No.73329783

shondo would want us to spank our monkey and think happy thoughts about her

>> No.73329823
File: 1.33 MB, 500x281, masterxehanort1_by_dimension_dino-dcd5518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must ackshually be referring to Risen Refraction, since the opposite of light is darkness, not shadoo

>> No.73329873

I prefer to crank my hog, thanks

>> No.73329886


>> No.73329888

punching my dick like a retard because I dont know any better

>> No.73329901

This but unironically
She wouldn't want us moping about all doom and gloom. Maybe to show our support, film a tribute to shondo and post it on the art tag

>> No.73329934

thank god

>> No.73330011
File: 316 KB, 497x482, 1701370155807288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character development

>> No.73330063

Thinking about doing this but sending it via email instead, anyone else? She's bound to see it

>> No.73330064

meds anon

>> No.73330089

when is smellovision gonna be real so I can smell shondo while she streams

>> No.73330111

I don't have a plushie to coomtribute ;/

>> No.73330162

her email and dms are probably already full of shit from her 'loyal' husbands falling over one another to apologize so she wont get to see your tribute

>> No.73330171
File: 109 KB, 850x1293, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sayonara
i gotta go back to work

>> No.73330185

Just ruined this moment for myself and now I'm sad

>> No.73330237

how shogga?
id nadenade but your male and not sho

>> No.73330287

This sounds better, we don't know if she'd browse the tag right now
Just play a vod and bust over your monitor screen.

>> No.73330316

Emailing shondo a Timelapse of my detached foreskin growing into a human being

>> No.73330314

She would just draw a smiley on your dick, send it back to you, and think you were gay.

>> No.73330357

Lol this though tbqh

>> No.73330415
File: 9 KB, 576x98, 1710736266682144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73330419

The thought of this drives me feral and now I'm considering doing it

>> No.73330439


>> No.73330463

i rarely like vtuber porn but this is peak
even though it's explicit the hot part is what it doesn't show, the vaginal rape and throat rape are both suggested but left to the imagination. wonderful stuff

>> No.73330464

this is what I meant when I made that post last thread

>> No.73330510

Context to that?

>> No.73330567

Well yes drawing as little of the male as possible is ideal, not rocket science
Nvm kys zoomzoom

>> No.73330571

the context is that you should do your fucking reps, tourist faggot

>> No.73330606

That was 5 minutes ago in response to this thread

>> No.73330644

I'd unironically believe this is her posting it again to remind //shon/ of why she hates you. Yes, hates. In the definition that she explained when she means it.

>> No.73330651
File: 174 KB, 515x405, 1712005611664452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont remember every single fucking thing alright

>> No.73330671

zoomers didn't invent that word self-hating zoomie

>> No.73330677

stop it you/re going to make me sad again

>> No.73330697

I don't care unless she tells me specifically

>> No.73330698

Cringe retard

>> No.73330725

where faggot

>> No.73330763

SEETHING paypiggy detected

>> No.73330786

if you cant remember pivotal moments in shoncieties history when people revealed who and what they are then idk what to tell you
do your reps

>> No.73330791

>doesnt know about the new alt

>> No.73330837

You're like a child demanding something but not knowing how to behave in order to get it
Do you think calling me a faggot will get you what you want
Be nise in the future, retard

>> No.73330860

where im replying to

>> No.73330864


>> No.73330911

You talk like you were ever willing on spoonfeeding him to begin with
/shon/ is obsessively against any newcomers to the point its comical

>> No.73330917

Anon learns how to read

>> No.73330976

>abuse her trust
>talk trash about her behind her back because 'hurr durr she's not /here/'
>post dox or things she wants deleted
Hmmmm, I wonder why she has trust issues and wants to drop the husband larp?

>> No.73330977
File: 567 KB, 752x877, 1704983320681928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has made peace over that with select shoggers and I guarantee you, the majority /here/ did not fall into that category.
Also let me know how my finger smells please, because I am waggling it in your face.

>> No.73331009

in zoomerspeak peak actually means "bad"

>> No.73331014

there is no need to spoonfeed anyone when if they literally just doomscroll through previous threads they will easily find almost everything they could ever have any cause to know
people already spoonfed the directions to the oasis i dont need to tell you how to move your legs to get there

>> No.73331020

that faggot thinks i havent been on this site since 2004l8 kek poor summer child im at work give me a lil while

>> No.73331040

Spoken like a newfag that never got spoonfed
Gatekeeping is good for everyone

>> No.73331093

>time traveler from 200,418 outs himself
it's over for you future-shogga. Tell my lolibaba wife I love her when you get out of time jail.

>> No.73331096

Because she's already literally married to me were gonna have our honey moon soon

>> No.73331097

certain shoggers need to be gatekept from oxygen

>> No.73331122

>I'm an old loser cunt
Wow I'm impressed

>> No.73331166

this is an ojisan neighborhood, keep on moving, zoomer

>> No.73331197

Everyone /here/ yes

>> No.73331199

>im a cuck who thinks an account is out ofan oldfags reach

>> No.73331234

>otis is a spinx
>spinx is in edgypt
>edgypt has desserts
>desserts have oasis
>oasis has wonder wall
Thanks shogga, found the new alt in no time with that one. Maybe try to be a little more subtler next time, though? <3

>> No.73331256

Can't wait till the next one of you drops off after suffering from a heart attack

>> No.73331270

bit of a cliche, but chat reflects the streamer etc. people don't trust her either, and there are reasons for that

>> No.73331314

/shon/ is as bipolar as shon herself

>> No.73331324


>> No.73331334


>> No.73331364

go back to cunny posting plz
t. shnidoo (REAL)

>> No.73331383

Otis is a spinks

>> No.73331398

im nise and thats why i wont make it

>> No.73331437

I like to think of Shondo out on the prowl looking for people to devour to restore her strength, but she goes about it in a weird discriminate way. She'd only kill people who have done something egregious in the past, must have no living relatives or children.

>> No.73331469

no I'm waiting for a lead on the new-new alt

>> No.73331487

So homeless people

>> No.73331505

You the most and first though obviously

>> No.73331523


>> No.73331535

What'd I do?

>> No.73331536

we know hiroto
just be careful with what you copy/paste

>> No.73331562

Shut up shnigger

>> No.73331566

Yes I will gladly join if it means everyone here gets roped and shondo's wellbeing improves as a direct result

>> No.73331612

Try not to cum during that'd be embarrassing

>> No.73331639

Can you guys talk about me instead

>> No.73331650

This is just basically her lore.

>> No.73331665
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>drop the husband larp
That wasn't the direction she was going. There was a reason she was letting people be autistic and not take her seriously. She was pivoting in a direction to only listening to anyone who took the marriage seriously. Once she comes back stronger, it'll be another golden age for husbands.
One major reason for her break is to get out of the habit of coming /here/ on top of everything else. This is why she has removed means of contacting her anonymously or the temptation of reading anything anonymous.
Anti's have lost and they don't realize it yet because they aren't someone she openly listens to currently.

>> No.73331723


>> No.73331742
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, MEDS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73331747

None of what you just typed out is based off real facts or things that have happened

>> No.73331814

>he needs "facts" and "real things" instead of what his wife has psychically sent him through the aether

>> No.73331826

I for a split second read "I love Anal"

>> No.73331835

I will not apologize for incorporating her lore into the hiatus it helps me cope

>> No.73331851

she used to look so cute.

>> No.73331873

That connection has been closed and sealed off since she left

>> No.73331941

4 u maybe
don't tell me you don't love her enough to brute force through her barriers?

>> No.73331982

im getting nothing but silence
my alt doesnt work either

>> No.73332050

You've inspired me to give it another try
She will return to me and I to her

>> No.73332118

id brute force through her barriers if you get what i mean

>> No.73332188

may 1st, shondo returns with an announcement
it will be more doom and gloom

>> No.73332238

Shondo telling (you) to do this would kill thousands

>> No.73332298

may 1st, shondo announces star wars watchalong will be may 4th
it will only be disney produced content

>> No.73332312

If she happens to return May 1st exactly and somethings off I will go insane

>> No.73332316

I'm expecting nothing for at least 2 to maybe 3 months

>> No.73332436
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Yes, because one of her only more active anti's knows this himself and it's why he has resurrected as a shogger and is larping as a newfag husband to try and score brownie points. Same "husband" that is also so keen on interacting with her brother to look good, same "husband" that has not changed his behavior since the previous ban, same "husband" who is openly terrified of her mods now. And she will even allude to this knowledge by mocking you on her alt in a tweet about your ban evasion.
You are not clever and you are a fucking joke at this point when you can't even maintain a new persona. And you are one of the pieces of shit she is attempting to get away from as of this break. Your days are numbered and I am onto you.
>meds meds meds
Go right ahead and respond like you will. All you have left is worthless responses and Dereks know what you are.

>> No.73332469

Are you talking about me

>> No.73332473

>probably no chance of birthday stream due to hiatus

>> No.73332494

she will be back before july

>> No.73332523

ummmmmm im not him, please stop it youre scaring me

>> No.73332532


>> No.73332536

bratty needs to fuck off already

>> No.73332586

lmao theyre really going to try and pawn all of this off on him
actually sad

>> No.73332624

literally haven't done anything this whole thread + you don't know which account I am
but please keep being deluded and going on your witch hunts.

>> No.73332627

Lots of people seem fairly convinced I'm an alt, sorry to disappoint but I'm genuinely not.
No idea how I would go about showing this though.

>> No.73332674

They're really flailing around now, kinda funny

>> No.73332691

Sorry that you don’t know my third alt, maybe try looking harder?

>> No.73332920
File: 152 KB, 921x1500, 1709897183582119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking shondo on holiday to the places i went as a kid, feeding ducks together and taking boat rides and lakeside walks, going for picnics and just chilling and having a good time

>> No.73332945

When a married couple needs "time apart" or some "breathing room" , especially when initiated by the woman, you know exactly what's going on

>> No.73332966

Shondo's pale feet. high arches, soft soles.

>> No.73332968

she looks really pretty here

>> No.73332971

I won

>> No.73332982

I think about this kind of thing often, opening up the world for her, bit by bit.

>> No.73332986

yep...a surprise party

>> No.73333003

>inis goes live
>shitposting dies down

>> No.73333025

shotoes on my face yeah shontoes on my shaft

>> No.73333038

fuck you pinis stop shitting up the thread

>> No.73333042

I'd open up her world bit by bit if you know what I mean

>> No.73333111

Inis saying cunt is nise

>> No.73333132

Inis's cunt is nise

>> No.73333190

Huge digits coming up
What will the post be

>> No.73333225

digits for my eternal and undying love for shondo

>> No.73333228

yeah me

>> No.73333238

nothing positive

>> No.73333239
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>> No.73333252

why would Inis do that

>> No.73333263

my chest hurts, might start drinking and angrily beating my dick to shondo

>> No.73333281

oof too early

>> No.73333287
File: 232 KB, 1943x1080, GIdgTV6awAElBxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living a happy life with my wife

>> No.73333318

When was the last time shondo sent a 2+ minute long voice tweets that isn't just Otis purring

>> No.73333323
File: 748 KB, 899x899, GFtfmuVXsAAjW_L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.73333328

my huge digits are coming up soon if you know what im getting at

>> No.73333341


>> No.73333345

I love my wife and hope she gets better soon

>> No.73333346

Rape shondo

>> No.73333349


>> No.73333356

Is khaal dead

>> No.73333375


>> No.73333390

Retarded spammers fascinated by consecutive numbers

>> No.73333430

yes i am autistic how could you tell

>> No.73333461

because you are me

>> No.73333489

Fauna once again stealing something from shondo she will never get back

>> No.73333498

I hope so
Annoying ass

>> No.73333506

Why are you looping this subject now?

>> No.73333523

fauna took shondos virginity?

>> No.73333562

Oh, I just read his tweet.

>> No.73333570

Shondo wishes
That title belongs to her father

>> No.73333601

wormfarmer trying to get digits for max visibilty

>> No.73333665

Because someone just said that she loved me and to dream of her in a 2+ minute voice tweets, why else?

>> No.73333681

This is all my fault.
I was getting obsessively clingy to her last asmr vod, I was ritually listening to it every night since it was uploaded. I got too comfy and greedy, now I just feel sad listening to it. This is all to punish me

>> No.73333693

damn bro let his scheduled tweet go out

>> No.73333699

cause she did just that on the newest alt
k!llua related

>> No.73333759

stop larping as me

>> No.73333801

>clingy to a live ASMR

>> No.73333845

They dont make you feel comfy with her?

>> No.73333891

probably just oversleeping

>> No.73333901

He said oof anon
You're talking to a zoomer tourist

>> No.73333940

And so we have our first death due to the hiatus

>> No.73334006

He deleted it

>> No.73334009

didn't even make it through what would be the usual shadow weekend KEK

>> No.73334079

damn just as soon as i check his xitter
any shoggas or xisters wanna give the low down, ya hear?

>> No.73334081

u sure he's dead? he is still in the movie channel on discord

>> No.73334085

Oh it was a publicity stunt to guilt trip and to lovebomb her, clever

>> No.73334089

I'm getting into bed
What did he post

>> No.73334143

scheduled tweet in case he died

>> No.73334257

He stole my strat. I posted here about doing that over a year ago.

>> No.73334258

>open shondo tweet
>open any one of the accounts that reply
>basically twitter diaries writing to shondo
Why is khaal special here, I must've missed something ig

>> No.73334271

stay strong little shadow bros
-A pebble

>> No.73334294

Good to know suicide is on his mind

>> No.73334297

>hi if this message ever gets posted, that probably means something happened to me, I'm probably dead or in a hospital...

>> No.73334311

no, only recorded ones. live ASMR sucks because the recording quality is shit and she interacts with morons (you) in the chat

>> No.73334315

Shoggers are already killing themselves dear pebble

>> No.73334321

thanks lover of one of 2 rocks

>> No.73334379

Got it, you dont listen to her asmr

>> No.73334409 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 584x312, moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, retard

>> No.73334433

Khaal is far more unhinged, uses caps far too often, and comes across as genuinely violent. I've said it before but I fully expect him to be the subject of a true crime documentary at some point.

>> No.73334470

asmr chatter detected

>> No.73334507

This little slapstick episode has made him seem less unhinged, if anything.

>> No.73334553


>> No.73334588

If shondo learned about a husband who snapped like that, how badly would she blame herself?

>> No.73334596

He's right apart from the quality bullshit
She's got better at not focusing too much on the chat in asmr streams over the years but she still allows it to control a large portion of the stream which pretty much kills replayability. Her old live asmr streams used to just be 3 hours of thanking.

>> No.73334928

this you?
defending the guy complaining about her stewing in bed all day? like the same anons that were trying to convince her she's weak and pathetic and not doing enough? kinda strange how you were mad at me for being a white knight then and now accuse me of being an anti, sounds like what an anti would do if someone really gets under their skin ;)
are you omen or someone who talks to him and thinks the same? and there's no way she knows i'm bratty because i'm not, don't know how you can go through the shit i've said on twitter and think that, and i'm willing to prove it to her. if shondo wants me gone let her know she can tell me or leave me perma'd without a word and i'll fuck off and you won't see a clone of me show up. if i'm causing her that much grief and she doesn't care if i change then i'd rather leave, but i'm not and you're just insane probably
in short, meds, now

>> No.73334940

In my original post I referenced her most recent, and idk its just extremely replayable. She doesn't acknowledge chat many times, gets into the role and says a lot of comforting stuff. The triggers feel clean with little issues

>> No.73334996

i've written countless notes and set up precautions for my family and they have no idea i've made them.
it's actually a little therapeutic at time because i'll talk myself out of it by the time preparations and notes are written.

>> No.73335016

ive been doing it since digi died

>> No.73335060

Too much text scary
Tell shondo you love her instead, she's watching
Shondo I love you, please feel better soon

>> No.73335073

If you ever notice that I've not posted in the last hour I'm probably dead

>> No.73335109

i love you shondo Smile <3

>> No.73335119

Probably blame herself to the extreme - even though it obviously has nothing to do with her.

>> No.73335210

I wouldn't want shondo or shoggas to know I'm dead
It would ruin the vibe unironically

>> No.73335285

I love you shondo even though youre not here during your hiatus because that would completely invalidate it

>> No.73335306

I love fallenshadow/e more than abything in the world and i cant imagine having to go through ehat shes going through. but my baby girl is strong so i know shell make it through this.

>> No.73335321

Shondo if you're here I'll break your fingers

>> No.73335332

what if it takes her a while to feel better and then she feels really nervous and all worked up and doesn't want to stream because of pre-stream anxiety :(

>> No.73335405

that will happen, just like workbreak

>> No.73335451

Real “husbands” would be okay with her graduating and should even be encouraging it. Let the poor girl move on and try to live a normal life. Stop trying to selfishly keep her all for yourselves.

>> No.73335464

I imagine she will keep snooping during these early days after announcing hiatus, but will soon learn to knock it off as she recovers

>> No.73335498

im about to watch nhrvr-201

>> No.73335508

Lol irl

>> No.73335518

she's not here
unless you write something mean
then she's here
and you're to blame

>> No.73335530

butterbeer we're not gonna fuck you

>> No.73335538

Worst bait in a while

>> No.73335566

based femcel

>> No.73335617

so true! she's a strong independent woman who needs no man in her life!

>> No.73335646

(except me)

>> No.73335677

She needs a strong woman though, and we all know whom that would be

>> No.73335715

Gonna rewatch Blade Runner 2049 with her again. Thank you anon that posted it.

>> No.73335768

Shondo needs a man to basically own her and sort everything out for her each day. And a good pounding to Jeep the crazy at bay

>> No.73335846

That’s what Inis needs.

>> No.73335855
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chloe grace moretz...

>> No.73335873

unironically yes but im also selfish and in love with her so no

>> No.73335884
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