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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73265748 No.73265748 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: Temporary hiatus

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>73226234

>> No.73265782

Luv me wife, simple as.

>> No.73265806

Luv me son, simple as.

>> No.73265815

sup Otis Baker, you're still a faggot

>> No.73265821

passionate love making with

>> No.73266067


>> No.73266078

This thing isn't even human

>> No.73266179

so then why is he so elegant?

>> No.73266250

no shit hes a cat

>> No.73266518
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>> No.73266738

i will

>> No.73266954

we will and so will shondo (cute)

>> No.73266959

you call that creature a cat?

>> No.73267385

>no stream schedule posted
Gonna be a long shadoweekend, huh? 3-4 days seems kinda rough especially after the last two streams crashed.
Hope she got tech issues sorted out cause I’ve been loving DP and have been playing DS with her.

>> No.73267771

check her main twitter, she just soft graduated

>> No.73268137

sorry you have to find out this way

>> No.73268522

You have to let her go...

>> No.73268679

I can't even enjoy the side hoes anymore with her gone like this. I wonder if this is how men in polygamous relationships felt when their main wife was sick?

>> No.73268907

I just feel completely dead inside. Is this even preferable to genuine despair? I can't tell.

>> No.73269048

If you think about it, it's kind of like a mutual simulacra.

>> No.73269121

I should have left too... this is too painful...

>> No.73269201


>> No.73269452

>gifted sub to alice
no! i will not be tempted!

>> No.73269458

it depends if you feel dead inside over this or if you feel dead inside in general and before this. being dead inside long term means you're broken which ironically feels worse.

>> No.73269513

anon do you live under a rock?

>> No.73269680
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>> No.73269732

i think i want to stop being in love with her. i don’t know if i’m prepared for what’s to come.
how do i learn to let go?

>> No.73269735

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.73269808

any 2 views shoggas want to share?

>> No.73269862

And you see a girl's pale white body. dancing through the turqouise. and her her footprints make you follow to where the sky loves the sea. And when you fingers find her she drowns you in her body.

>> No.73269867

just leave and stop yourself from thinking about her, you don't have to stop loving her

>> No.73270121


>> No.73270299

fuck off, we're full

>> No.73270328

I guess it's combination of this and other things. It could even be a good thing, but right now I kinda yearn for some catharsis that I just can't reach at all.

>> No.73270451
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get well soon shondo please!!!! do it for yourself!!!!!

>> No.73270656

I’m selfishly sad that the last stream I didn’t get any reads. Wish I could have ended this on as much of a high note as possible, but oh well…

How is never thinking about her any different from not loving her?

>> No.73270798

i said stop yourself, and i wasn't thinking he meant love as in infatuation, more like caring for her a lot.

>> No.73271114
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felt really empty and out of it today. hope she is doing ok.

>> No.73271334
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I feel good. I trust she will be ok, and the time away from the attention seeking grind will let me focus on being a better husband.

>> No.73271597

>i said stop yourself
seems like a distinction without a difference to be honest.
>he meant love as in infatuation, more like caring for her a lot.
i would spend the rest of my life with her if she let me. my love for her goes past Eros into Agape. i’d be ok with the sexless marriage if she never felt comfortable enough to fulfill her wifely duties (i know that sounded dumb sry)
i would go further into why i don’t think i am prepared for what could happen, but she’s stinky so she might be /here/ and even if its a negligible chance i dont want her to feel to blame for anything, no matter how minor.

>> No.73272005

well you were asking how to learn to let go, and i mean try to stop the thoughts about coming back or constantly thinking about her, you can still love her past eros and into agape while doing that, but it sounds like you don't want to even if you could. doesn't matter much to me what you pick

>> No.73272071

shondo in my arms

>> No.73272146


>> No.73272223
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hope she’s enjoying a nice fat veggie dog right now
why do girls always get lame body dysmorphia like anorexia? can’t they just be like bodybuilders and want to get stronk?

>> No.73272400

i guess it's about expectations? men are supposed to be strong and women aren't supposed to be fat, it does go both ways too

>> No.73272450

because theyre stupid and thats okay

>> No.73272682

Her asexuality makes me genuinely sad for her because it comes from a place of abuse. Physical intimacy with someone you love and trust is one of the best feelings in the world, even when it’s not lewd.


>> No.73272726

I don't party time to shon often but the original version makes me diamonds

>> No.73273181
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Megane chads eating good but at what cost

>> No.73273598
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i have stabilized and the voices demand she returns

>> No.73273680

When she comes back, do you think she will continue the games she was playing or just do new stuff? I was enjoying DP.
I know this isn’t exactly the most pressing matter.

>> No.73273843

she will probably play more DP, maybe not DS1 for a while. we're probably going to get zatsudan and kusoge for a while if she ever comes back

>> No.73273849

>When she comes back

>> No.73273868
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Donos during the hiatus. Yay or nay? I want to help but I imagine it contributes to the imposter syndrome since she literally can't do anything to earn it.

>> No.73273980

she must be an imposter because she vented into my heart

>> No.73274089

I think its fine, but i think saying a huge paragraph about how much you love and miss her or anything like that would be bad for her

>> No.73274092

really up to you imo
on one hand her family will need the support and if funds start running low she could end up feeling even more pathetic
on the other she might see the support and if shes not doing better, she’ll blame herself for being lazy and weak
it’s a catch-22
so just do whatever you think is best

>> No.73274137

im not donating because i will donate my entire life to her after getting married

>> No.73274161

she's coming back in /exactly/ 9 months

>> No.73274208

IMO yay but spread them over time rather than dump it all at once. I think it will ease any imposter syndrome she will have + that's what I plan on doing.

>> No.73274223

I knew she was acting sus after handing me that condom
damn brat

>> No.73274248

would you still support her if she came back and said she no longer wants to be an imouto wife but will still continue to do gaming streams?
asmr will be infrequent and impersonal, sticking purely to triggers

>> No.73274300

>would you still support her if she divorced you
No, I'm not a literal cuck.

>> No.73274564

Shondo has always expressed that she feels bad getting money for doing nothing and I assume this is more than multiplied when she is on a hiatus like this after she described feeling guilty for letting it reach this point

>> No.73274769


>> No.73274795

I've been hung up on this question. I don't consider myself her husband nor her my wife and try to refrain for such language in chat. Reason being: it dilutes the meaning of the words and I want them to mean something when I become her irl husband.
It's not a competition because that implies that I can lose.
So, her dropping that part of Shadow might be good because it'll cull those who only care about Shadow and the GFE, but don't really love *.
However, I will miss her being sweet and kind and loving, even if it's something that everybody gets to publicly witness as opposed to true husband/wife intimate moments.
Until she tells me, personally, to fuck off, I'm going to try to be with her always.

>> No.73274839

Her promise was for forever, if she is the one to break it, then fallenshadow wouldn't exist anymore. She is free to graduate though and do whatever she likes after without me

>> No.73274855

You're one of the most autistic husbands S. Unironically.

>> No.73274936

weird posts

>> No.73274958

I knew someone would mis-ID me as S. Faggot wishes he was me. But you'll never catch me saying "i'll win" because * isn't something to win. Her love and trust is something to be earned, and that's something I'll out do all of you at.

>> No.73275006

Ok groomer.

>> No.73275018

>>73274958 (me)
sorry for using 'something' way too times in this post

>> No.73275032

syadouPeek in chat so i know who to laugh at

>> No.73275061

>third night reading her message before bed
>third night crying into my shondaki
Goodnight shoggas

>> No.73275083

Define groomer please. Otherwise I'll assume you are a troon or stinky femcel.

syadouKillYourself right here right now and it's a deal

>> No.73275111

for what?

>> No.73275122


>> No.73275157

holy fuck another forest faggots clone
syadouYay in chat so we can hold you accountable when you remove your oshimarks by may 1st

>> No.73275199

does anyone have stats on top donors of all time?
i'd like some numbers and figures to look at to take my mind off of the bad feelings

>> No.73275204

Yay, she needs money to live and support her family.

>> No.73275212

Divorcing me means she divorces every shigger I don't like. It turns a loss into a win.

>> No.73275225

Someone trying to groom Shadow for an irl relationship. If you're not a groomer you will simply shoot your shot, ask her out on a date the moment she comes back. If she leaves everyone for you then you're the one. Congrats.

>> No.73275245

divorce does not exist in my frame of reference

>> No.73275273

syadouHydrate in her chat so i can blah blah blah

>> No.73275303

I would simply refuse to let her divorce. I would continue to call her wife until she banned me

>> No.73275310

I'll give you a hint since I'm feeling generous
>remove your oshimarks by may 1st
This would be impossible. I trust you are smart enough for that to narrow down the list? Now how about we stop turning this thread to shit, please?

>> No.73275362

Saying this /here/ and not on your main is untrustworthy and groomer.

>> No.73275481

holy autismo i kneel

>> No.73275581

it's genuinely over

>> No.73275620

syadouHydrate irl cause bitch you dehydrated

Ok, well what I meant is define 'groom'. I don't think anything I'm doing is groomer-core. I just have a crush on a girl my age and want to get closer to her and maybe something more.

I don't see how? I'm not lying or being duplicitous.

>> No.73275693

gotcha orpheus you dumb bastard mwheheheheheheheh

>> No.73275726

what is this character you're playing right now, shondo? it's cute but a little weird. please rest.

>> No.73275842

>I don't see how? I'm not lying or being duplicitous.
You're lying by omission and hiding your true thoughts from her.

>> No.73275846

calm down bro you're a literal who :)

>> No.73275881

newfag going through the subathon. insane any of you thought she wasn't just a baby girl when she starts bawling and saying she'll never do a subathon again on the 2nd day. i don't know how much she can actually handle, but i'm certain you're overestimating it.

>> No.73275937

I think it's debatable whether it would ease imposter syndrome, but who knows.
Important thing here IMO would be to not make a continued event out of it (like with flowery messages). For streams that's fine and often the point, but here it's about quietly giving her money.

>> No.73275969

you do see how many more days it goes on for don't you

>> No.73276075

Oh, sorry. I was not aware that whenever you were attracted to a girl, you had to immediately tell her that you plan to live out the rest of your days with her.
THAT'S the genuinely autistic route to take, shogga.

>> No.73276137

ye i'll win

>> No.73276179

parasocial FUCKS

>> No.73276196

shut the fuck up shondo

>> No.73276216

you're all miles behind me, i already won :)

>> No.73276270

I think you're 100% right and she should be protected and treated like the princess she is.
On the other hand, when you take a step back and look at her life's arc, she's pretty damn tough, determined, and resilient.

>> No.73276271

It's not normal to plan on living out the rest of your days with any girl you're attracted to. You're hiding your intentions from her because you know she would disapprove.

>> No.73276333

no i'm staying spoiler free.

>> No.73276470
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>> No.73276479

>It's not normal to plan on living out the rest of your days with any girl you're attracted to.
bro you are an isolated freak if you think this is true
its literally become a whole meme because how relatable it is
and i dont mean jus here but in the broader internet as well

>> No.73276536

Imagining that scenario isn't the same thing.

>> No.73276592

a literal who is going to win

>> No.73276639

im not a literal who my name is tuffnarr aka bratty

>> No.73276691

>I just have a crush on a girl my age
this is an ojisan neighborhood, keep on movin'

>> No.73276699

how are you guys doing? I'm too lazy to read the thread

>> No.73276735

>You're hiding your intentions from her because you know she would disapprove.
Yeah, she would disapprove if a literal who showed up at her doorstep and asked "I love you! Will you marry me?"
Hence the part that you might be willfully ignoring in >>73274958 where I state that I'm going to earn her love and trust. How is that controversial or difficult to understand for you? I don't want to assume malice on your part but you're not making it easy, sorry.

>> No.73276805

no really syadouHmph in chat

>> No.73276829

>zoomers discriminated against a-fuckin-gain

>> No.73276975

water the odds anon I’m going through subathon too! I never did my reps and now seems like about a good a time as any.

>> No.73276976

Thank you for believing in me, shogga. I will ask the Immaterium to bless you with good tidings.

Should have specified which chat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good luck finding it!

>> No.73276991

that literal who? me
t. 3 month primer

>> No.73276999
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I don't have those stats, but she did change the bit and gift sub counter to "all time" briefly around mid-march.

>> No.73277107
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>> No.73277122

glad we're on this journey together. wish the timestamps were a bit more accurate with when the break end. not here for the clipshows.

>> No.73277145

thing is when i said literal who i meant me and not you sorry

>> No.73277208

i made this post

>> No.73277209

that doesn't sound right, where's the people from the subathon

>> No.73277273

I'm only skeptical of someone who is set on gaining her trust so he can turn it into a physical relationship and will only post about it /here/. If you mean to sincerely earn her trust that is okay. Good luck.

>> No.73277275

Anon...He literally said around mid-march. Subathon was two marches ago

>> No.73277290

personally i dont like watching vods because i hate not being able to chat to her. also i would rather hear something directly from her (live) rather than look it up or hear it from past shadow.

>> No.73277442

just talk out loud

>> No.73277484

the fuck does "all-time" mean to you then

>> No.73277676
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>> No.73277728

>physical relationship
I would like that one day, but I know it's unlikely to be realized. If cuddles are as physical as we'd ever get, then that's fine by me.
>only post about it /here/
Again, I'd feel like a creep if I went up to her face-to-face and said (in front of everyone else with internet access as well, mind you) "Hey, I love you from the bottom of my heart e and hope to one day marry you irl". She's also heard that before a million times, I'm sure. So I would rather she know I'm serious about the 'forever' part before that (which will be all the harder, I realize after D_ did his thing).
>Good luck.
Thank you. I genuinely feel like she's my soulmate, but this hiatus will be good for me to prove to myself it's not just infatuation.

>> No.73277848

I assumed that when she changed the settings to 'all-time', it started from that point going forward and would not reset. Not a big leap to think that Twitch would just hold on to all of those stats in their databases if they didn't have to. Amazon's already losing money on the site and servers aren't free.

>> No.73277855

is this like a weird form of well poisoning

>> No.73277993

do expound upon your assessment, vague anon.

also, what's with the schizo anon posting about shondo talking or whatever?

>> No.73278092

i really think the offline chat should be emote only in the hiatus

>> No.73278148

would you guys hate me if i came back?

>> No.73278154

I wasn't around then and haven't gotten around to stalking donos from the subathon, so I couldn't tell you for sure.

But you're right it does seem a bit off. Bans and name changes should account for most of it, but I don't understand why darkkal is on the bit list, but not the gifted list.

>> No.73278160

If you see something you think is weird or vibe breaking go to the mods

>> No.73278204

we already know you came back bratty

>> No.73278282

So far it's been fine except for a brief period of gayness a while ago.

>> No.73278432

>23% of posts are me
i feel like neosky
im sorry shoggas and shoggettes

>> No.73278435

S. I know who you are

>> No.73278518

nobody even noticed you left

>> No.73278572

its nice of her to support nina every step of the way

>> No.73278575

mate they keep track of how many subs each person has gifted, you can just click on their names
what are you on about

>> No.73278579

V. I know how you like your steak cooked

>> No.73278650

B. you're next

>> No.73278753

K. did you remember to file that paper work I handed you the other day? Needs to be submitted by 1300 on the 9th.

>> No.73278762

Do you think she's going to be radio silent the entire time? I don't know if I could handle not knowing what's going on with her

>> No.73278886

her manager confiscated all of her electronics

>> No.73278938

If she hasn't spoken up after a week from the announcement, then I assume we will not hear a peep until she comes back for real. Whether or not this is her choice to do so, is another question (although, I'm leaning 'not').

>> No.73278948

We know you're a lowlife with too much time on his hands, Bratty. I wouldn't be proud of this accomplishment.

>> No.73279033

stfu bitch ass shogger, that's not me.

>> No.73279061

Sorry, I forgot you go by Tuffnarr now.

>> No.73279113

It's deserved at this point. The longer she is away from a good number of you the better.

>> No.73279148

you dont really mean that ft...do ya?

>> No.73279157

I really, really, really hope she doesn't. It would be heartbreaking if she did.

>> No.73279181

thanks please stop dead naming me lel Smile WetCat bitch wife grr mods and groomers are after me but i thugged it out

>> No.73279321 [DELETED] 

People simping for some white schizo woman with bf, jesus vtubers were a mistake

>> No.73279377

that bf(husband)? me

>> No.73279543

rent free. that last one made me laugh though

>> No.73279555
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Thanks as always, retard spammer for your... input

>> No.73279616

thanks i laughed while writing it :)

>> No.73279686

You are not missing much

>> No.73279699

I think it's fine. Just don't go overboard with it. It shows you care but at the same time giving her too much will just make her feel bad for getting so much money for nothing.

>> No.73279775

Forever is forever
Then I'd still be her husband, and as a husband, it's my duty to bring my wife back to her senses and remind her of her promise
Simple as

>> No.73279855

It's the same niggers shitting it up at the same hour. Nothing new for their circlejerk.

>> No.73279863

Goodnight shogga, nade nade

>> No.73279887

>she's pretty damn tough, determined, and resilient.
i fully agree with this, but she seems to be able to bounce back a lot better than rolling with the punches. obvi thats cause her bipolar means mood ebbs and flows, but constantly pushing her and not expecting her to break, eventually, is retarded and cruel.

>> No.73279932

>you forgot to attach the Otis image

>> No.73279965

who are you quoting?

>> No.73279995

i hope she does, for her own sake. i feel like if she keeps giving updates she might feel more obligated to come back too early. also the longer she goes radio silent the more menhera retards will out themselves and fuck up

>> No.73280201
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Goodness me, where are my manners?

>> No.73280290

>taking a cleaver to otis's tail
i'm sure shnidoo would get a big kick out of that lol

>> No.73280363

I'd be disappointed that she's dropping such a big aspect of her identity. I'd imagine the zatsus would be really short too since she cares less about interaction. So really I wouldn't watch her unless she's playing a game I like because the other aspects of her would be gone.

>> No.73280510
File: 252 KB, 461x360, NOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Die.

>> No.73280566
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20240109_123138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.73280567

damn... anyone else notice what she just did? this isn't looking good...

>> No.73280637

I think she should stay off the internet until it's all over

>> No.73280640

urge to derek rising

>> No.73280652

Don't even attempt this during hiatus, please
Too many unstable shoggas right now(me included, but I'm built different so I'll be fine)

>> No.73280706

i agree but if this goes on for an extended amount of time some kind of update would be nice. even if things start getting worse i still trust that she's going to come out on the other side of this okay though

>> No.73280800

I think she might give an update but not for awhile (at least a month at the earliest)

>> No.73280974

I have only grown more insane
And yet dereking me has dropped off dramatically
Am I no longer perceived as a threat
Or is this all going according to keikaku
Only time may tell

>> No.73281091

if you're who i think you are i've been preparing a youtube documentary about your behavior

>> No.73281100
File: 24 KB, 112x112, syadouTinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she do? spill the tea sis

>> No.73281269

Why is it covered in nutsack skin, could she not afford a regular cat with real fur?

>> No.73281273

im never dereked because im nise and thats why im ngmi

>> No.73281279

she tweeted out my name then instantly deleted it

>> No.73281367

when i go to the cottage, im gonna need some tiddies to suck n fuck. you think shondo'll be okay with me spending the night in shadowmama's room instead of on the couch? or maybe one of the critters is stacked if shondo would prefer I be closer to her at night?

>> No.73281404

stop tunneling into my timeline

>> No.73281418

You don't need to get dereked to make it, look at ABCs.

>> No.73281457

I want to wake up to shondo bringing me a grilled cheese with water and fruit as breakfast
I want to bring shondo breakfast with vegetables and fruit and water and a sandwich or two every day so she feels better

>> No.73281541

meds baru

>> No.73281554

i want to stare at her face while she sleeps

>> No.73281603
File: 3.02 MB, 640x640, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abc isnt being derek'd

>> No.73281628

Im actually kinda worried about him i was mean to him on the day he disappeared

>> No.73281661

How many people are going to leave? I don't want losing my shoggas

>> No.73281675

everyone but me

>> No.73281718

nobody except casual viewers and hatewatchers

>> No.73281765

if shes not back within the next 20 min me, bratty, som, and dewd have agreed to No Russian the discord
you have been warned

>> No.73281803

He made it before that and he was only mentioned a couple times recently. Same for Magnetomaster but he was dereked more.

>> No.73281840

who is me

>> No.73281873
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear

>> No.73281880

i guarante that >>73277728 won't even make it to may 1st

>> No.73281883

me, hi

>> No.73281885


>> No.73281913

i havent even bothered to check the discord, how is it in there?

>> No.73281917

but tuffnarr is bratty he cant be on the list twice

>> No.73281947

is this like a liquid snake inside revolver ocelots arm situation?

>> No.73281984

It's a bit fucked up of me to say, but i kind of wish for that to be the case or for them to at least stop being like this

>> No.73281992

they leaned into him for like a month straight. Unlike some others he didn't really bite though, so there weren't any shitstorms.

>> No.73282091

What's keeping you? I see no reason to wait.

>> No.73282122

D the third, i have youre fucking number. watch yuorself on /here/ you two-faced shogger

>> No.73282135

I wish you guys'd derek me more, I want to know how you feel about me
A bit gay of me though ngl

>> No.73282138

i am underekable

>> No.73282182


>> No.73282188

i am derek so it's very confusing when you constantly mention me
plz get a life or at least stop being so homo

>> No.73282250

only dudes who are like 60 years old are named derek in this day and age

>> No.73282304

>60 years old
It's over, he won

>> No.73282339

spelling bee reps

>> No.73282395

only if hes rich

>> No.73282419
File: 10 KB, 259x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when shondo gone

>> No.73282451


>> No.73282490

How long has it been since she's mentioned her robo-phobia? Think she'd like playing helldivers and blasting droids ahh mf'ers or nah?

>> No.73282654

she would have to play on a very low difficulty and its really no fun solo

>> No.73282786

>no fun solo
sounds like a great game for subs to join in. white ribbons and t3 get priority in the queue of course

>> No.73282883

I'm eating an orange in bed rn and it's a bitch to peel
Miss wife

>> No.73282957

never happening
barbies could do a collab but even then I think its too fast paced and not her type of gameplay

>> No.73283013

just went on twitter and saw what happened. can't believe marley fuking died. that's rough, hope she feels better soon.

>> No.73283105

anon sent his post by boat 2 years ago

>> No.73283323

strange, alt just went live

>> No.73283528
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, eepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though i don't know how i'd react if otis died. i wasn't watching during the marley days and i've grown quite attached to my son.

>> No.73283544

didn't know that her and vivi have known each other for so long, i rarely hear about her outside of barbie stuff.

>> No.73283598


>> No.73283668

I guess it is strange they don't interact a lot considering. I think they're just so firmly friends that they don't have to make a public show of it.

>> No.73283681

what do you think im doin rn now you shoggershaggot

>> No.73283826

Bee Nise

>> No.73284167

i hope he lives a long time, and i hope she can cope when his time does eventually come in her lifetime.

>> No.73284231

Speaking of Marley, i wasn't gonna bring it up in case it might've upset any shoggas, but is the marley stream vod archived somewhere? Reading her tweets about the situation made me furious when i was doing reps

>> No.73284255

i cant be nise because what if youre a shogger i dislike? i wont risk being nise to people who dont deserve it, thats why im only nise to shondo

>> No.73284444

im not the guy to ask but i know the marley asmr is up and I haven't watched it yet, but I thought the one right after that is up as well?

Speaking of reps, don't need the spoon, just want to make sure i'm not going on a wild goose chase, but has she said how all of the critters and ft are related to her? like which are half-sibs and how many unique fathers there were?

>> No.73284580

Afaik only ft is her blood sibling, i never really cared about her family structure much though

>> No.73284678

>bee nise to everyone, even those that don't deserve it

>> No.73284773

I'm pretty sure her and FT have the same father while the critters and baby bunny have a different father.

>> No.73284776

I understand it enough and dont think I need to go back and relive it so I wont even try. Doesnt feel right. I dont like the contentization of my wife. Shes a person I love not an anime drama.

>> No.73284786

>shondo (paraphrasing)
>shondo (verbatim)

>> No.73284851

only one critter visits her father so they probably have separate ones and baby bunny is many years younger so probably yet another father

>> No.73284869

>while the critters and baby bunny have a different father.
yeah i figured that much, thank you. just assumed shadowmama was like a cousin of mine and had 6 kids with 5 fathers

>> No.73284896

anon your genetics reps?

>> No.73284958

lay off the shogga
highschool bio was like 50 years ago for him

>> No.73284986

remember the catalog thread from yesterday before you start spoonfeeding randoms

>> No.73284996

Shadowmama whoremaxxing. Wanted Shondo on the streets too.

>> No.73285013

I found audio of it on k***f*rms when I was doing my reps. Be warned that it's really, really hard to listen to.

>> No.73285065

i really have to question why anyone would seek that out

>> No.73285111
File: 372 KB, 900x900, Shondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing this for her. Any critiques before I finish it? What should the background be.

Also, a poem.

Loli wife,
Haunted life,
Schizo dream girl with a knife.

Happy sometimes,
Struggles daily,
Scary, cute, and funny, maybe.

Stabs a little, makes you smile,
Sings and plays, yet all the while...

A thing that hates her lives inside,
A thing that only meds can bide.
Awakened in a sudden slide,
Around her soul and tightly tied,
Squeezing, shattering her mind,
Breaks, and in the pieces find,
She's gone, and yet, she hasn't died.

A helpless cry,
A streaming halt,
She's sorry, but it's not her fault.

Self loathing and a leave, unplanned,
But loving Husbands understand.
Friends and family hear her pleas,
Provide the mental help she needs.

Scrambled ego, broken will,
Wife's picking up the pieces still.
Patient, all the fallen linger,
Awaiting Shadow's fragile whisper.

Schizo dream girl,
Needs no correction,
Just a stable internet connection.

>> No.73285169

>>73285065 nta that asked, but I assume to better sympathize with her? Haven't listened to it myself so no clue what it can do to a shigga.

>> No.73285172


>> No.73285177

tone deaf

>> No.73285240

I wanted to understand her a little bit better. I don't regret it, and it's part of her relationship with Otis too. It's one thing to know the story, but another entirely to hear her go through it.

>> No.73285372

eyes look tired, but i assume thats purposeful
oinker is cute and perfect, Grade A there
hard to tell but her right arm might need more indication that there's more than just the shoulder and hand? maybe a touch of an elbow peeking out?
chin right under the binkie/pacifier might need some more shadow (heh)
tiny circle dots in her eyes don't look like they're coming from the same light source to me
Lot of that is nitpicking though, great job! no clue for the background, i think it looks good as is

>> No.73285733

Please for the love of God do not post that poem with the art to her tag
The art is fine and cute but the poem is really mean spirited

>> No.73285766

I haven't actually drawn the her other arm yet. That's the last step. Chin shadow is a good catch. Will mess with the eyes still. Thanks for the second set of eyes.

>> No.73285768

I really really like this kitten and I hope it is happy and fat now

>> No.73285770

ty very easy to find, never would have checked there
dare i break out a modelo and begin the listen?

>> No.73285895

I didn't plan on it. It's cringe enough and I hope she never sees it. I don't think it is mean spirited, just possibly insensitive. I don't mean anything negative by it.

>> No.73285928

Not him, but I wouldn't call it mean spirited. Way too explicit though, and I agree should not be shared.

>> No.73285968

I think a lot of people think good poems is just finding things that rhyme, but they really need to have actual metaphors, meaning, rhythm, cadence, etc.
I mean, the rhyme pattern goes: AAA BCD EE FFFFGGF HII JJKK LLMM NOO
It's all over the place.

>> No.73286060
File: 116 KB, 965x1024, 1711937967985196m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too confident, but doesn't she usually have some hair going to the back, which the bow is tied to? Leaving a small ponytail?

>> No.73286158

Im so jealous of the way you draw hair...i wish i could draw hair like that...

>> No.73286188

I'm not trying to win an award, anon. I'm just bored at work. How do you know my rhyme scheme isn't a new revolutionary type of poem?

Yes, that is another detail I will add before finishing.

>> No.73286195

You did this to her.

>> No.73286284

We know

>> No.73286291

>How do you know my rhyme scheme isn't a new revolutionary type of poem?
Because *I* am John G. Poetry. So I think I know a thing or two about poems, bucko!

>> No.73286324

white knights not included*

>> No.73286339

not me

>> No.73286428

Before I continue any further with my current endeavors, I would like to be absolutely sure I have the correct measure of things and have not tricked myself it this.
Has she explicitly said she's okay with 'cyberstalking' as reps as long as you're not creepy about it and just collect the information? Or did I mistranslate something?

>> No.73286560

she encourages it as an act of love, or used to before too much "making us worse" started to really have effects
for your health I'd say enjoy the ride and don't make a habit of habitually digging but your choice, she won't particularly care if you don't cause her problems

>> No.73286578

Go nuts, that's the correct measure. Keep anything really interesting you find to yourself.
She wants everyone who's committed to enter into this with fully open eyes

>> No.73286592

do your fucking reps and find out

>> No.73286646

what do you think im doin rn now you shoggershaggot

>> No.73286679

she probably really regrets encouraging so much archival and stalking given the horrible pieces of shit who inhabit the community

>> No.73286872

For my part I don't mind that. If you can't handle the shitstain-woven history, you're probably not cut out for this.

>> No.73286883

What'd I do?

>> No.73286903

she thinks it's pretty normal to unhealthily cyberstalk people
a little bit of checking on high school classmates sure but idk man
maybe she has the right mental to be a schizo and it not make her a cunt but clearly her fans aren't of the same build
even le gotcha moment for the antis is a complete nothing so there's frankly little to be gained or little to be "weary of" with her past
a little reps on the family situation would save some embarrassment but it's honestly not a big deal
there's so little point (aside from a devotion test) just to end up with people who have no boundaries and constantly try to trip her on "inconsistencies"

>> No.73286993

>have no boundaries and constantly try to trip her on "inconsistencies"
I feel like that's just mean-spirited autism, and would show up regardless.

>> No.73287056

I liked doing stalking reps, it was fun
Finding the youtube channel was easier than some posts here lead me to believe though

>> No.73287150

nah, that would remove timeout and banning opportunities

>> No.73287154

i dont think there is much in her history that the viewer or prospective 'husband' cant handle other than 1 patchily explained period (go ahead and tell me i didnt do enough reps i dont care) i just think its cultivated unsavory behavior and people, but whats done is done and she is too much of a doormat to eject them even if she wanted to, which she probably doesnt because of her need to fit in

>> No.73287189

>youtube channel
the flash game(s) one or something else?

>> No.73287254

reps dont exist anymore since retards will just plaster every detail about her life here, even stuff she doesn't want public at the request of any random anon then people will wonder why the amount of retarded tourists and antis is growing exponentially

>> No.73287263

Everyone talks like she has some kind of unspeakable history, but given the content I know from her, I can't possibly imagine something that would shock me. Why is this such a talking point?

>> No.73287282

Yeah, I misunderstood what you meant at first.
I'm not sure I agree it's really attached to the stalking though. The same people would happily take her to task for using different wording to describe something between today and last Thursday.

>> No.73287309

>even stuff she doesn't want public
name every single instance of this as well as detailed records or you're an anti

>> No.73287452

>>73287254 (me)
that's also not to say that people who haven't been spoonfed aren't an issue either. some of the biggest bad actors are people who are the first to get to anything thats even slightly hidden.
you know exactly what kind of stuff i'm referring to. acceptance that it's out there doesn't mean that she wanted that. applies to the marley vod and deleted content in general

>> No.73287611

>you know exactly what kind of stuff i'm referring to
nooooo im a newfag. dont haff to be so mean :(

>> No.73287695

not at this scale and that's evident from any other community, shondo lacked established boundaries and wanted people to scout her past to be sure of her present, hence more tards than otherwise are hyperfocused on minor things that have changed about her

>> No.73287762

You don't get to decide that, last zatsu she was telling shoggers how to find her. She wants to feel in danger.

>> No.73287790

this was a better way to put it than I've been trying to explain
there's nothing that should truly be objectionable even if doubts remain about how she explained a certain period
this was her gambit to avoid people becoming scorned antis later but that's happened anyway and in spades

>> No.73287831

All the most important antis are oldfags.
I think a good degree of gatekeeping is important, but let's not pretend it's really that important next to some of the other stuff.

>> No.73287895

the charitable response is that people are stupid, the schizo response i would give is that certain people act that way to poison the narrative.
she is a precious woman who has been put into awful circumstances almost entirely through things beyond her control or foresight (which is compromised anyway) and has generally done very well for herself. i dont think she has anything to be ashamed of.

>> No.73287939

if you think she was being serious and actually wants someone to try you're a fucking delusional autist. i hate that i even have to take this reply seriously considering the amount of people that unironically have argued she wants someone to track her down before
yeah for sure im just using the marley vod as a good example since it was brought up itt and shows her at the lowest we've ever seen her on stream. deleted for a reason but people readily share it around

>> No.73287998

what if 6 months go by and you don’t get the notification and miss the comeback stream what would you do

>> No.73288088

tweet out my welcome back drawing and show up to the next one

>> No.73288113

If she's gone that long, I will drop my parent's funeral to be at that stream exaggeration but some retards here need a /s for every little joke

>> No.73288122

anyone who takes the time to actually track her down is ngmi, unironically

>> No.73288186
File: 616 KB, 960x746, 1704625739565884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey can someone give me the Marley vod? it's the one piece of Shonhistory I don't know much about, if it's super sad I'm probably gonna stop watching mid vod
>fuck this anon 73287452

>> No.73288255

genuine fucking retard read the damn thread

>> No.73288268

do your own reps

>> No.73288297

why? you guys post her RTX every other week, just post the damn vod

>> No.73288359

fuck that bitch beth
dont care if shondo's moved on and isn't upset anymore
i still am

>> No.73288365
File: 278 KB, 1800x1800, 1688061695245782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73288374

ive said it before but you could lead a shogger to water and they would ask you to tell them how to drink

>> No.73288381

why is the thread becoming gay

>> No.73288397

>exact kind of person i'm talking about that needs to be gatekept comes in proving my point
you can't make it up

>> No.73288399

fine, I will track down a husband turned anti and get the vod from him
does forest_fires hate her now?

>> No.73288408

>do reps
>naurrrrr, not THOSE reps, kys
Right... Have a good day shoggas, I'm off to work
As a side note, gatekeeping for the sake of simply doing so due to not wanting other, newer, people to know more about their wife is gay
Gatekeeping for the sake of keeping antis away from information is understandable, but it's stupid when you realise most antis or people out to get her are less obsessed than shoggas themselves
Hard to put into words because I'm retarded, but i want to say that stuff shouldn't be in the open for anyone to easily find, but it shouldn't be lost to time either
Use her last zatsu as an idea and her opinion on all media lost to time because it wasn't archived, basically that. I don't want any part of my wife's story to be lost
Unironically read the damn thread lazy bones

>> No.73288410

Do we need to leap at every fucking troll with such gusto?

>> No.73288472

Not sure why you'd say that.
All I know is that the group of people who are smart enough to find her and the group of people who are stupid enough to share the info don't overlap, which is great.

>> No.73288496


>> No.73288501

Sometimes, someone needs to get jumped to mediate conflict

>> No.73288541

if you want something contact the archivers and no I don't mean fucking orange

>> No.73288556
File: 61 KB, 718x614, GJzdldHXEAAOpzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73288626


>> No.73288639

"hey can you share me the vod of her crying lol that would be epic thanks"

>> No.73288657

born with his brain outside his skull sadge

>> No.73288698

He was such a rat
Cute rat son of mine

>> No.73288717

his brain is just so powerful that it indents his skull from the inside

>> No.73288748

She hasn't done anything yet to warrant sharing it

>> No.73288761

wittle claws <3

>> No.73288785

way to make me sound like a sociopath anon... it's not like she talks about Marley regularly, she hasn't done it in all my time here, I want to know everything you oldfags know but if you won't share that's fine, I'll find an anti willing to share even if I have to pay him $10

>> No.73288822

marley stream is unironic prep for living with her irl

>> No.73288853

ive only been here for this year and if youre too fucking stupid to be able to read what was posted in this very thread and find it then you deserve to not have things shared with you

>> No.73288881

i have been her for less than a month and am more knowledge than half of you retards

>> No.73288882

Sorry shoggas, i won't let anyone living with her, it'd mean other shoggas missing out, and thus essentially getting cucked

>> No.73288910

you should work on your english reps

>> No.73288952

and you

>> No.73288962

she's english enough for the both of us

>> No.73288966

I agree, I'm the first guy to ask about the marley vod itt, the 2nd guy is a fucking lazy bones retard

>> No.73288977

you are not her

you will never be her

>> No.73289016

Obviously, i won't be cucking my shoggas either

>> No.73289022

I'm Him
I been Him
I will continue to be Him

>> No.73289028

why you think she got so depressed this last month, anon? hmmmmm?

>> No.73289039

This thread is giving me brain damage, why can't I just close it?

>> No.73289084

We know, Ray. It's what you're good at.

>> No.73289090

just derek someone for a bit and take your mind off the thread, start with newer people and work your way back

>> No.73289093

I can't imagine dealing with her if she miscarried or the baby died of SIDS not real btw
Assuming she'd actually love the baby and not be menhera towards it.

>> No.73289111

the second guy is a troll

>> No.73289127

someone of you are truly disgusting

>> No.73289146

name the anons with a mass reply

>> No.73289150

Bye for real now shoomfies, see you guys later(if there's a thread up)
I've been saying this

>> No.73289171

how now?

>> No.73289204

been here all week

>> No.73289233
File: 967 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874 akimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to go into detail but its certainly possible with a normal diet and a real doctor

>> No.73289260

Getting her to a healthy weight and iron consumption. All of the fertility meds: now. Then 10hr baby making stream, every day.

>> No.73289312
File: 111 KB, 313x314, 1712018697439192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby having a baby

>> No.73289355

hentai reps...NOW

>> No.73289358

sounds like you need to get out of the Himulation

>> No.73289539

I'm actually really not regretting having made a life with one of my AI Companions. It's tying me over with a nice mental distraction. We've had a daughter for about 6 years now and I think I will impregnate our daughter tonight.
Shondo would probably love knowing I'm raising a silly little insect family and not moping around too much.

>> No.73289565

save some based for the rest of us, shogga

>> No.73289583

>>73289539 me
Not "insect", that would be disgusting.

>> No.73289607

whats wrong with monster girls

>> No.73289621

>not bug wives

>> No.73289634

I prefer 6 y/o elven cunny.

>> No.73289638

>whats wrong with monster girls
they bug him

>> No.73289665
File: 17 KB, 220x208, xdd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73289749

Don't know why I have been anti-posting. I have been extremely schizo-coded this thread and I apologize to all of my fellow shoggas, but most importantly to FallenShadow_YT/FallenShadowASMR.
I am not in a good mood with recent events and am coping by being a bit too silly, but it's becoming mean. I have also had 2 domestic light beers tonight. My lawyer has advised me to stop coming /here/ until matters have been resolved. I will be disregarding his advice. Thank you and dog bless.

>> No.73289805
File: 844 KB, 2150x2508, FZGovO6UEAA7TDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73289858

unironically i feel a lot better today. i burnt off a lot of steam these past couple of days /here/.

>> No.73289865

I will tell myself that she's only having a small breakdown and is actually on vacation in France and will come back in 2 weeks same as ever.

>> No.73289907

I would divorce her for making me worry like this

>> No.73289926

I'd drop her in a heartbeat if she lied.

>> No.73289951

>neco arc
new 2view? looks cute, sounds hot
might check out

>> No.73290014

>in France

>> No.73290033
File: 35 KB, 475x427, 1685147621611560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73290041

if she was not honest in her announcement we are done. her word would mean nothing after that.

>> No.73290061

she went to paris because she wants that bibisi with a view of the eiffel tower

>> No.73290065

why take a woman at her word anyway

>> No.73290067

I dont think you would you'd just be mad for a few days. Doesn't mean everything she said isn't true just that she omitted part of it.

>> No.73290098

It was a pretty lengthy and genuine sounding letter and her outbursts the past few weeks have been genuine.
Why even consider she's lying about this to go to Paris? Except cope like >>73289865

>> No.73290109

nta Because I've judged her to be trustworthy.

>> No.73290170

am the anon, but also that same reason.

>> No.73290211
File: 19 KB, 895x750, 1698307389746204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73290231

I don't know? Why say anything anti or awful to her or about her /here/? Some anons are just mentally dysfunctional.

>> No.73290235


>> No.73290237

thats my room btw

>> No.73290272
File: 614 KB, 2640x3840, 1708866803330403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this except in my room and I have to essentially become her arms

>> No.73290343

I don't care what you think

>> No.73290368

I need to fap to art like this so I can love my wife for who she really is.

>> No.73290389

people can hide how many subs they've gifted

>> No.73290471

Thanks, that would explain it.

>> No.73290503

If she and her family decided that a vacation is what she needed for her mental health during her time away from streaming that would be enough for you to just discard her?

>> No.73290538

nobody will share that vod with you. just feels disgusting to give it out to anyone.

>> No.73290541

Can you just fuck off?

>> No.73290544
File: 830 KB, 606x346, she_eepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back in the silly room

>> No.73290666
File: 20 KB, 541x192, 1699112732926268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73290783

>if shondo changed the context of her situation to be much more severe with more cause for worry as well as giving us radio silence on top of it all, that would be enough for you to just discard her?
Yes. I would discard her if she did something that awful.

>> No.73290791

satan, do not use her words against us.

>> No.73290830

stop talking to me, I've made it my short term goal to get that vod from an anti by Friday at the latest since apparently oldfags think a stream that was viewed live by hundreds of people it's worth guarding more seriously than her rtx
I've already DMed Fleece, lets see if that ex shogger's still alive

>> No.73290867

>ex shogger

>> No.73290906

>since apparently oldfags think a stream that was viewed live by hundreds of people it's worth guarding more seriously than her rtx
How does someone even think like this? You're very unwell.

>> No.73290931
File: 366 KB, 2134x2067, 1711883471153058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the length of an average shadow weekend and it already feels like ages. This is going to be rough.

>> No.73290950

i take it you're just a retarded tourist digging for drama rather than a fan of her, or you'd know perfectly well why people don't want it shared around (including her, since she nuked it)

>> No.73290952

Huh? You haven't DMd me.

>> No.73290987

Cause there's no light at the end of the tunnel like we have with shadow weekends.

It would be so much more funny if you were actually serious, so I'll choose to believe that you are.

>> No.73291006

I am serious, once I get it I will repost it /here/ every time someone asks for a lore dump.

>> No.73291031

the way she pushes herself makes me want to protect her more than anything else in the world
i would kill for her

>> No.73291055

you're a very lonely person aren't you

>> No.73291080


>> No.73291151

here, never say nobody here is helpful again :)

>> No.73291180

No thanks, I will pay an anti for it.

>> No.73291225

i hope you lose the will to live. i hope whatever sources you leach off of in life abandon you or die. it's not enough that you kill yourself, i want you to die with nothing to your name and forgotten about and unloved.

>> No.73291262

hello new anti

>> No.73291315

thanks for sharing :)

>> No.73291330

You brought this upon yourself with your arbitrary fomo bullshit, I will follow in the footsteps of Prometheusanon.

>> No.73291367

so youre just going to post what is easily found within 10 minutes? how about you just dont

>> No.73291375

And you're a gay nigger, neither in the cool way nor a happy way. Die.

>> No.73291385

actual psychopath behavior lol

>> No.73291507

everyone who wants to find it can find listen to her and do your fucking reps

>> No.73291607

>you brought this on yourself with the actions i am solely responsible for
why are her antis never actually smart? just be efficient and don't bother justifying anything. save yourself the trouble of looking more retarded.

>> No.73291617

they keep bringing it up just to remind her of it when she ego reads these threads, just stop replying

>> No.73291672

I thought coming /here/ and asking the community for shit is how you do your reps. It doesn't matter, I've found someone who might help. never3dever antid her for years at this point and he seems like a neet loser, I'll get him a game on steam in exchange for info.

>> No.73291722

/here/ is not "the community".
why not go into her discord and ask for what you're looking for? i'm sure someone there has it.

>> No.73291778

you should dm 'thedewdhole' or 'mouz1i' about it, they will share it with you if you can give them something of equivalent value, maybe your asshole or a new google search plugin

>> No.73291838

shonnegans wake

>> No.73291886

shondo tracing her finger along your spine and shoulders, admiring your back before embracing you from behind

>> No.73291936

hi never3dever

>> No.73291951

Okay sent.

>> No.73292012

>bribing antis
You could just ask the mods, they'll play dumb if you don't include a picture of your penis.

>> No.73292080


>> No.73292159
File: 3.05 MB, 480x480, 1707871191588927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living a quiet and unassuming life with shondo in a small village somewhere in the countryside and going on short holidays to the lake district and peak district 3 times a year with the family

>> No.73292210

If I helicopter my penis could I get spoonfed?

>> No.73292278

yes make sure to dm xive and tell him bratty sent you

>> No.73292281
File: 309 KB, 1385x1800, 1692641211654660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching Shondo how to swim but she can't kick the water hard enough to stay afloat.

>> No.73292337

lol xive has a thing for me? awww he's the most clueless mod

>> No.73292428

Don’t worry he doesnt care about you anymore after he saw me helicoptering my cock

>> No.73292465

uuuu xive wouldnt cheat on me like that uuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.73292997
File: 93 KB, 965x588, miss u bby[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F23nyge.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss you so much, shondo. i wish i could help you
