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73186916 No.73186916 [Reply] [Original]

People keep asking about what happened between PekoMiko, meanwhile I'm here wondering what the fuck happened between Suisei and Kanata. They were extremely close years ago, and then they avoided each other for no apparent reason.

>> No.73187226
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People keep asking about PekoMiko because those two stopped interacting cold turkey with 0 tangible explanation, so pkmkfags are left with no closure. HnK may have stopped being a thing but their fans can at least have peace of mind that, despite interacting very little nowadays, they don't actually hate each other, they just drifted apart.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXANeJbf-WE (granted, they didn't do that supposed cover)

No matter how you slice it, HnK is in a WAY better state than PekoMiko

>> No.73187324

>(granted, they didn't do that supposed cover)
And this is supposed to prove that they are still close and don't each other's guts? They're just hiding it better than PekoMiko

>> No.73187359

I literally never said that they're still close you illiterate disingenuous nigger. Learn to read.

>> No.73187394

>those two stopped interacting cold turkey with 0 tangible explanation, so pkmkfags are left with no closure.
must have been one hell of a grudge to hold if it went down this bad, for this long.

>> No.73187564

>with 0 tangible explanation
Watch streams, Miko already explained it

>> No.73187601

>hey suisei i hate your guts but i'm gonna message you on discord asking you to call me too for your reverse totsu when i could've just completely ignored it
>hey kanata i hate your guts but i'm gonna invite you to my rust team even though i could've just joined another guild or invite literally anyone else
>hey suisei i hate your guts but i'm gonna post hnk fanart of us i hope you don't mind
>hey kanata i hate your guts but i'm gonna reply to your fanart even though i have literally 0 reason to do so if i hated you
>hey suisei i'm gonna cover two of your songs for my youtube shorts despite me having a huge fucking pool of popular songs i could also choose from, one of which came out half a year ago
it's one thing to say "they don't hate each other at all, they just drifted apart" and a completely different thing to say "T-THEY'RE STILL CLOSE THEY JUST DON'T SHOW IT". and arguing that they secretly hate each other's guts is just as delusional as thinking they're still secretly lovers when the evidence points to the complete opposite.

>> No.73187606

Most people don't take too well to being raped

>> No.73187718

>Watch streams, Miko already explained it
Oh right, she did kind of talk about it I forgot. But it was kind of a non-answer since that never really explained exactly why that meant they actively avoid each other when they could just be like Suisei and Kanata currently are with each other. Still, you're right.

>> No.73187902

Where's that cover then?

>> No.73187993

>they didn't make that cover
>ergo they HATE each other
You have the mental capacity of a 14 year old girl. Go do your homework.

>> No.73188134

Hnk got a proper ending
Pekomiko didn't get anything except a half-assed explanation from Miko
Pekora still acts like Miko doesn't exist

>> No.73188342

>said they would make a cover
>never made the cover
>instead suisei made a regloss song cover with bunch of other holos
>meanwhile kanata made a cover with a niji whose mod is a suisei-anti
>"t-they totally don't hate each other!"

>> No.73188502

pkmkfag i know your ship is dead in the worst possible way but you don't need to have that crab mentality about other dead ships.

>> No.73188862

not even a pekomikofag, i just want to call out people who cope with "a-at least hnk got proper closure!" when in reality it's clear as day that they still absolutely want nothing to do with each other

>> No.73189557

Kanata literally just made a cover of Suisei's song why do you compare it to an absolute dead ship like PekoMiko?

>> No.73189832

wow i guess pekomiko is still alive too because they got a deco song last year!

>> No.73192477

>a-at least hnk got proper closure!
I never said that in my original post, once again learn to read you underage nigger.

>> No.73192606

Miko even avoided saying Usada Casino in Holobreak and just said casino

>> No.73192772
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Kanata did that on her own, twice. The Deco*27 thing was forced (for lack of a better word) because Deco himself decided on which pairings to make. People are not convinced they even performed at the same stage during their stage in holofes4. Did any of them even talk about the song ever? Stop being disingenuous, they're nowhere near comparable.

>> No.73192897

Okay but what happened to MatsuLuna

>> No.73193658

You know damn well what happened to it because Matsuri is completely incapable of handling anything quietly or with any subtlety.

>> No.73194330

>All these HnKfags coping
When was even the last time they interacted on stream?

>> No.73194598

nobody's coping, people are explaining why hnkfags are not losing their minds like pekomikofags are, and that's because they're objectively on better terms than pekora and miko are. coping would be saying that they're secretly still super good friends.

>> No.73196665

We aren't the ones that keep trying to shit on their new friend groups by spamming "HnK is better" or something like that.

>> No.73199079

