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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73149643 No.73149643 [Reply] [Original]

I got recommended with this clip and it made me feel bad for the Holoslavs

Like we could have had a Holo collab in Russia like those Korean cafe collabs, we could have had Russian fans attending HoloExpo and Russian SSRBs screaming for Botan. The fact that Botan included Russian lyric to her OG song meant that Russians did have a presence in the community

Now thanks to their leader, they are banned from enjoying Hololive normally, which just sucks man. Like the Chinese at least can enjoy Hololive in silent without triggering the pro-CCPs, but Russians can't even do that due to bunch of sanctions

>> No.73150317

And they are probably fucking dead.

>> No.73154173 [DELETED] 

Death to orcs.

>> No.73154616

Remember when they wanted to send her a real AK-47 as a gift?

>> No.73155298

>there is a non-zero chance drafted Russian SSRBs are lying dead in a ditch in Ukraine

>> No.73155340

Now that foreign concerts are a thing with the announced LA live, they could have a concert in Turkey, which would let them pick up both Russian and middle-eastern fans.

>> No.73155612

Imagine cheering for war because you hate the Russian leader. I know subhuman is thrown around a lot but this lack of empathy is *actually* subhuman and you should be locked up with other psycho subhumans like yourself

>> No.73156295

The scariest thing to me was how quickly people dehumanized a whole country of people. Social media has turned people into the most hateful bigots who just can’t empathize anymore. It took less than a year for open cause of genocide and casual enjoyment watching them, murdered by the hundreds and thousands.

There was a weird earnestness when people used to do that on 4chan, now there is this self perpetuating filled justification that just keeps going on and on and on.

It just took a couple of years to make a whole generation into the most hateful monstrous bigots. but also at the same time convinced them that they are completely justified. Nothing will ever change because they will never ever ever taken any information outside of the echo chamber.

I live in a small college town in Canada where there has never been a police brutality incident. There has never been 1 reported case. There were so few homicides, so few violent crimes, all kids did was drink and smoke weed.

But I just watch a community I used to be in with tens of thousands of people suddenly just turn into “Cops are evil and will kill you” and it’s so scary because it’s literally never ever happened in this area. But because they look at their phones, they can’t even judge people as people anymore. They just see monsters and enemies. And it’s so scary people listen to them and the mayor and everyone who’s writing the laws are just acting like it’s true. There was a town meeting where a group of women openly called for the death of all police and were cheered. Saying lies about a small town police force of less than 100. in Canada. And half of them are women and half of them are people of colour. But people just can’t see outside their screen and just openly will say and joyfully say that it’s just a bunch of white men who attack minorities and they should all die.

People have posted all their personal information on posters and pasted them all across the city. Their home address their emails. You know what to do written underneath. there’s never been reported incident. But the incident of crimes against the police have risen exponentially and they never shot anyone or defended themselves. Multiple female cops were stabbed and killed. It’s so fucking scary.

Because there’s no way to even talk to these people anymore because they just see everyone is a monster and an enemy

>> No.73157009

If russians wanted sympathy they have a simple solution to the problem, stopping the war, remove their insane leadership and reform their corrupt fucking system. But they wont, since there is no population in the world more cucked, not even chinks cling to serfdom as much as russians do.

>> No.73157341

I get your point about the cop situation. Like I know that american cops are pretty bad, but its crazy how everytime anyone talks about police they have to add "I hate cops".

But russians have always been scum. Ask anyone who shares a border with russia, there is a reason why nobody likes them.

>> No.73157858

Idi nahui, Ukrainskiy pidoras

>> No.73158046

The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats

>> No.73158079

And there it is. Just to complete lack of empathy for their situation. “just take down the dictator, even though everyone who’s tried is killed and all their family is killed.” But who cares because looking through your phone it’s so easy to judge. You are the Fucking monster. They are human beings you fucking asshole. They are the exact same as you and me put in a shitty situation.

Ignorant cunt, and people like you continue to feel justified judging them for death, monster

>> No.73158130

Putin mobilized a lot of them (to be sent to the Ukrainian meatgrinder)

>> No.73158171

>there is no population in the world more cucked
Americans. A bunch of boomers walked around their capitol, the media portrayed it as an insurrection and their population ate it up

>> No.73158196 [DELETED] 

This thread was made by a worthless russian piece of shit scum human being. I hope you join the 400k orcs lying in the chornozem.

>> No.73158376

Yob tvoyu mat, suka

>> No.73158505

>just have sympathy for them accepting their fate being used as cannon fodder while invading another sovereign country causing irreversible harm to another people
Removing their dictator and reforming would not be without pain, but it's their only way forward to become a half decent society. They would rather drink themselves half to death and accept being droned to death in a foreign country. If anything the choice they made was to reject their own humanity.

>> No.73158582

I never understood why it's only Botan to get russian fans so vocal. Is it the FPS streams of the World of Warship streams?

>> No.73158686 [DELETED] 

Russia is a terrorist state, every single one of them is guilty, they deserve to be exterminated, I wake up everyday and drink tea watching guro photos of chmobiks being torn apart, I love it, I would watch every russian man, woman and child being tortured to death after what they have done to my country, my city, my friends.

>> No.73158754

I never want to hear Holofans ever try and say another group's fan base is subhuman after this.

>> No.73158774

That's kind of how it works, yeah.
I'm American. I have not met a single one of my countrymen who thought the wars in the middle east were justified, and yet the rest of the world blames us for the lives lost in those conflicts. It's not right to blame the citizenry for all the shit their govt does but people do it anyway because they're dumb.

>> No.73158912

look at her Adidas design

>> No.73159031

>rus holofans
they are probably busy avoiding drafts lmao

>> No.73159044

Russians really like Noraneko for some reason

>> No.73159052

>A bunch of boomers walked around their capitol
with the intention of forcibly stopping the election from being certified by introducing a new slate of electors.

>> No.73159276

durr hurr hurr hurr must consoom moar news slop!!!

>> No.73159291

The security guards were walking right behind them the entire time, it was an impromptu tour

>> No.73159724

>their population ate it up
Who is "their population?" Twitter?

>> No.73159771

Nah, I don’t feel bad for a bully who got their ass beat, they had it coming

>> No.73159997

Nah he's right, Russians are hard coded cuck slaves for over 150 years now. Probably closer to 200.

>> No.73160396

america deserves 4 more years of biden

>> No.73160599

you must be over 18 to post here
furthermore, ukrainians are ethnically russian, they just larp as being their own thing

>> No.73160724
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The Russian pekoraschizo is doing great, he got a new laptop

>> No.73161495

He has an approval rating of +80%. Russian intercepted calls were cheering on torture and murder. Fuck them

>> No.73161541

lol no. Ukrainians are much closer to poles than to russians

>> No.73161564

The fact that this war stopped the Russian SSRBs from watching their oshi made me loathe Putin way more than anything else. Free my niggas, they were some of the funniest and most dedicated fans out there.

>> No.73161652

>more than 1000 people were arrested over an impromptu tour of the capitol building
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read in a long while.

>> No.73161760

>>more than 1000 people were arrested over an impromptu tour of the capitol building
Yes, and no amount of retarded gaslighting will ever convince anybody with an IQ over 80 otherwise.

>> No.73161795

We can watch them fine outside of members, but there's zero chance that any vtuber will ever respond to it. Not only common Russians are literally unable to buy anything the oligarchy predictably doesn't give a shit about sanctions, only the poors are hurt by them, from supas to merch, but even bringing the country up is probably going to trip the "don't mention anything political" rules any big chuuba has in place.

>> No.73161835

> End the Ukraine war because it's a fucking massive waste of everyone's time and resources?
Nope. We are going to end it so our HoloSlav brothers can watch Botan again!

>> No.73161897
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One day this shit will hopefully stop.

>> No.73162127

Based autistic poster. I understand what you are getting at and that is people's vulnerability to information manipulation when it clearly doesn't apply to them. But don't go on tangents at thesis length. Russia has a generation that got manipulated into service by old timers and the sooner these old fossils croak the faster this tragedy with Ukraine can finish and Ukrainians room to rise up and eat Russia alive cause they are very pissed.

>> No.73162128


>> No.73162196

I dont feel bad for murders. Bad people should not have joy in life and im glad its been taken away from them.

>> No.73162219

This entire thread got pure unadulterated /pol/ fast and I’m not even surprised.

>> No.73162993

It's okay when %WEST_COUNTRY% does it

>> No.73163085

Also, security allowed the people taking said "impromptu tour" to enter the halls of Congress and trash the place. Not because they felt threatened but just for shits and giggles.

>> No.73163243

Yevgeny Prigozhin was literally leading his troops to the capital and had Putin cowering in a bunker and then bitched out at the last minute and got killed for it. Russians deserve what they get.

>> No.73163289

staged several revolutions, sabotaged and broke up the USSR (together with free-spirited ukrainians), avoided lockdowns and vaccinations, are avoiding drafts, sabotaging the current regime and watching YT without ads.
hard coded c*** s****? ok, c*** fetishist

>> No.73163357
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What do you mean "enjoy normally" ? Even before war and sanctions we don't usually have any collabs here. If you're talking about merch and stuff we can still get it no problem. As for animosity towards russians, I don't give a fuck, hate me if you want, I'm not going anywhere soon and I'll keep shitposting in your threads, cheers.

>> No.73163635

>listing examples of people just being holed up in their caves
cuck. slaves.

>> No.73163977

Ukies about as close to poles as poles are to germans.

>> No.73164051

Uh huh, and what are your thoughts on Gaza?

>> No.73164467
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I moved to Japan.

>> No.73165075

Tiktok and twitter are exceptional propaganda tools, it just took a while for the powers that be to learn how to use them. If someone is trying to get you to view a war through a moral lens, they probably want you to fight it for them in some way too. Maybe not directly in a trench, maybe fighting the information war for them instead.

>> No.73165231

>banned from enjoying Hololive normally
Youtube is not blocked in Russia.

>> No.73165334

Nobody wants syka blyatt branch but /pol/ go back there and don't come

>> No.73165337

I can't even post on 4chan without a VPN nowadays.
Shit sucks..

>> No.73165433
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If you really love Botan, you should superchart her the southern kurils

>> No.73165485

i guess that explains why there are so many trannies in her chat
completely unwatchable because of them

>> No.73165536

russians still coexist there so no problem. its something that never happens in the west especially in niji en

>> No.73165559

This behaviour predates social media by thousands of years, it was stupid to think the internet would turn everyone into friends and stop people from being retarded.

>> No.73165732
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I'd care but russians are always criminals

>> No.73165850

for me goodbyedpi works well, it's blocked by provider

>> No.73165905
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There are SSRBs on both sides of the war. Remember, the Russian language is still commonly used in Ukraine (not only in Donetsk and Luhansk, like /pol/fags claim) as well as other former Soviet Republics. It's essentially a lingua franca for those countries. Just because someone speaks Russian doesn't mean he's also ethnically Russian. Otherwise we all here would be considered Englishmen.

>> No.73166784

What I found creepy was the hypocrisy. 4chan regularly has goreshit, many degens even jack off to it. But they don't act like they're saints. Meanwhile westerners all act like they're literally Jesus because they gave a homeless guy a dollar once and scream their heads off about trannies in the street and kiss the feet of black people. Then, the media says le Russia bad and suddenly they are the same filth in those gore threads jerking off at the thought of millions of young men dying brutally for no reason, sometimes getting tortured and mutilated. Then they turn around and act like they're a paragon of justice. It's foul. I'd much rather be surrounded by honest wolves than two-faced snakes like them. Acting innocent and empathetic only until it's acceptable or convenient to call for genocide; all because their media overlords have allowed them to.

>> No.73166865

Youtube actually banned russians from donating, thats why you don't really see them donating anymore, also most russians are clipwatchers. A lot of them went to MataraKan instead because they are ESLs and at least they can understand her(and she speaks russian sometimes). t.Russian

>> No.73167186
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>I'm not going anywhere soon
>*gets mobilized*

>> No.73167449

Seeing what people across the ocean post about us sometimes do really make me wonder what fucking acid is getting poured in their brains 24/7
I would even say that internet helped to lift all this shit on everyone's sight and amplify herd instinct. Before people were restricted and isolated in their own bubble (town, village or whatever) and what other people thought on same subject might have been very vague and sparse, but nowadays any retard can post his own opinion for everyone to see.
All people are the same. It doesn't really matter if they're right-wing preaching about God, God's right, fucking niggers or left-wing preaching about individualism, lgbt and "for all good, against everything bad" shit. Everyone has shit inside and if they have legitimate opportunity to start throwing it out of their organism - they'll do it in a second. Who's trying to mask it more - will run to use this opportunity faster then anyone else (I'm referring those westerners you're talking about)

>> No.73168056

Your belief that no westerner's opinion can be original is in itself a by-product of what's being poured into your own head.

>> No.73168149

you are not immune to propaganda either dipshit

>> No.73168344

Any belief is product of propaganda and it can't be completely original, especially nowadays. My views are affected by russian propaganda, their/your views - by american/west one. It's just a little bit funny to me how there's a dozens of people saying stuff like "THERE'RE MILLION OF MOBILIZED RUSSIANS, THEY'RE ALL LYING SOMEWHERE ON THE GROUND IN EASTERN UKRAINE, THEIR COUNTRY IS IN SHAMBLES AND WILL COLLAPSE ON ITSELF IT ANY GIVEN MOMENT", meanwhile, I live in Russia just fine

>> No.73168668

Botan has Russian approved aesthetic and personality.

>> No.73169000

Russians were always the niggers of Europe they were just tolerated until they chimped out so hard no one wants to deal with them anymore

>> No.73169276

>I'm not going anywhere soon
I hear ukraine is a popular destination for russians for whatever reason.

>> No.73169534

God I remember her debut threads in Russian imageboards
Can anyone pull up the screencap with translations?

>> No.73170486

Can I shill Russian chuubas here btw? Or is it a bad idea overall?

>> No.73170859

Damn, this reminded me of that Russian SSRB SC few months into the war.
The guy apologized and explained that watching the streams & donating might be difficult for them as some of they might need to join the war themselves. Said how sometimes there are things people don't want to do but simply are unavoidable. Promised her that they would come back, but even if they wouldn't, there would be new SSRB and wished her the best.
Don't know if that guy is still alive & around, but that was a rather sad SC.

>> No.73171607

He's probably fine, there has been no widespread mobilization in Russia and the army is mostly volunteers and mercenaries.

>> No.73171613

I've seen enough comrades getting mulched to understand that you're merely sheltered, which is kind of the idea the government is going for. If you live in a city, if you matter, they don't want you dying or knowing that people are dying. If you're rural, you're slated for the next mobilisation wave.

>> No.73171816

Well yeah, people say they eat healthy but are fat. It's just the way 1st world countries are anon.

>> No.73171837

I'm just gonna say - most of those "apologisers" and "my vtuber oshi, I'm gonna go to the war, wait for me" are probably just drama queens who were trying to get attention or getting pressured by hate to the russians which the saw on the internet during start of the war. I'm not saying that all vtuber watchers are weak losers, but chance of such people going to actual fight is very fucking small. They're not that kind of people who go to the army (due to draft), let alone sign a military contract or go voluntarily afterwards and most of those who were mobilised during late 2022 were people who already had some army experience (were drafted previously), so those are probably 30/35+ years old

>> No.73171928

This is 4chan (anonymous) tracked you will put a nice target on your head doing that but if you are a nobody no sweat.

>> No.73172122

>just end the war and change.the goverment
yeah because that's so easy to do, maybe you should tell that to the Venezuelans anon, they need your great knowledge
ah yes because somehow you can stop that by walking around a goverment building that is being guarded by armed police
oh yeah, there were also that guy that was trying to make people storm into the building that was rightfully so called out as a fed, and when he got "arrested" got the best deal that would make any lawyer cream his pants
you have the police opening up themselves the door of the building and guiding people in, and all of it recorded on video but somehow a side of the media doesn't show it and does their best to ignore it
I hope you're just trolling and aren't that brainwashed
.t argie pissed of by media manipulation of all sides

>> No.73172143

I mean
> making my oshi more popular
> making my russian-speaking (english-understanding) oshi more popular (by attracting the crowd of basketweavers with varying degrees of being medicated)

>> No.73172251
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>> No.73172287
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>> No.73172294

everyone in the world fights for their own freedom except for you niggers who feel like the rest of the world owes them.
get fucked.

>> No.73172326

Shut up you Ukrainian cunt. Leave Canada and go to fight for your country.

>> No.73172348
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>> No.73172383
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>> No.73172402

You can pretty much say everyone is suffering because of their leaders.

>> No.73172468

We do, but it's about as effective and televised as the rest of the world.

>> No.73172474

Yeah, yeah, I'm vatnik who don't see anything further then my own nose, meanwhile very smart anon from other side of the world who knows everything from very unbiased medias can predict my fate in a second. So what should I do, my friend: maybe send money to ukrainian military or throw a Molotov cocktail into military registration office? Please, enlighten me
Unlike some of you, morons, I understand that everything isn't so simple. I know that people are dying and I know that I'm not safe if mass mobilization happens. And why exactly I have to listen media outlets and people they influence who wish fall of my country. Trust me - if mobilization happens - I'll just go kill your ukies and your mercs as everyone else. What you're gonna do? Sit in you basement and post on 4ch? Maybe you should join those so-called "volunteers". I've seen one pic recently of what remained of those "strikeball enjoyers" who thought they can fly here and kill few russians
P.S. I wonder why this thread wasn't deleted already. Usually similar threads with nothing but politics gets prooned quite fast

>> No.73172556

>What you're gonna do?
i'm going to donate a flying toy with your name on it

>> No.73172570

This makes me feel a little bit bad. They chose their side for the money / patriotism / family or honor but get used up by the political agendas of old men to butcher their neighbors. I always wonder if you spend so much money on arms do you feel compelled to use it to keep that economy alive.

>> No.73172598

To be fair, despite the current happenings, it was very unlikely that Cover would have any form of official presence in Russia.
Japanese companies are notorious for taking their sweet time when expanding their business. For example, Nintendo got a semblance of Russian branch around 2012. Well, and it's not only Japanese. Even before 2022 a great deal of services were refusing to work with Russia. And almost nobody shipped there. Like, you wanna get a figurine or something, open shipping details, and they send everywhere, to Modlova, to Mongolia, to Mozambique, to Rwanda, but not to Russia. It was excruciating. Not that it matters now.
There are other factors. Russia is extremely monolingual (unless you count minority languages) even among young people. Sure, vtuber fans mostly weebs who have rudimentary anime Japanese, but that's generally the extent of it. Russia has a population almost twice as smaller as, say, Indonesia, and it spans across 11 time zones. I don't think it's feasible to expect regular and decent engagement in these conditions.

>> No.73172608

>maybe you should tell that to the Venezuelans anon
Africans make AK-47s on stone age workshops, the Viet Cong made AK-47s and rocket grenades in underground workshops, all you need for a molotov cocktail is a glass bottle, a piece of cloth and sawdust. Romanians just threw a shitfit so massive everything came crashing down for their dictator. If venecas wanted they could seize control of key infrastructure and deny the army of their logistics for long enough to flip them to their side or get shanked.

>> No.73172650


>> No.73172760

that's because people are told that hate is inherently evil so people repress those feelings to not be rude or racist. All that pent-up hate ends up released when the state allows people to hate a country or specific undesirable

>> No.73172784

Oh, hey, that's quite wholesome, although you don't know my name. I almost feel bad for my angry rant I just dumped here. Wait... why it flies so fast in my direction... OH FUCK! It's... (explosion sound)

>> No.73172889

That's hilarious. Man I wish our rusbros didn't have to deal with this shit because the UN kept poking the bear so they could devastate Russia and Ukraine at the same time.

>> No.73173077

>No no, I'm actually the one who understands everything
You really aren't. Being unable to resist clicking on clickbait videos is evidence of that.

>> No.73173111

ah, yes... those 4ch users-basement dwelers living somewhere in Nebraska giving advices on how to overthrow government and saying how easy it is to do. Literally honey to my ears(eyes?)

>> No.73173242

Yeah-yeah, whatever you say

>> No.73173318

There are only like 5 Russian names, I will just donate for 2 dozen drones. maybe one extra with my oshis name on it.

>> No.73173511

>with my oshis name on it
I really will be looking forward to this one. Will be monitoring situation with binoculars 24/7

>> No.73173574

it's not impossible, a group losing control of the government isn't the end of the country. democrats like you will perish to political realignment, not bullets. we already have most bigotry associated with you, most if not all administrative misbehavior is you, it's only a matter of time before you lose the people entirely. your only hope is killer robots, and I mean ones with legs, drones require intel and are just cheaper bombers. like literally your only hope is a technological wall that prevents normal change and you're already using several crumbling walls just to be in this situation.

>the typical white male
find one under age 50? you can't. you can only boomer or not boomer and they'll die eventually. when they die so will the left. literally hanging on by a women-over-60 thread. literally just my mom being alive still is all you fucking have.

>> No.73173577 [DELETED] 

Take this /pol/ you fucking retards

>> No.73173610
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>maybe one extra with my oshis name on it.

>> No.73173698
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>/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

>> No.73173786

We call most people NPCs for a reason, their ideologies, morals, and reality are completely programmable.

>> No.73173896

>how quickly people dehumanized a whole country of people
To be fair, it was not an instantaneous process. Name a one good and smart Russian character from a Holllywood movie. I can't recall a single one. They're all either evil or simpletons/children.

>> No.73173911
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>Putin unrolls the vatnik silmarillion to explain his invasion after he claimed it was for muh nazis and then for muh NATO

>> No.73173912

>Meanwhile westerners all act like they're literally Jesus because they gave a homeless guy a dollar once and scream their heads off about trannies in the street and kiss the feet of black people.
You have been drunk in the right wing media too much my guy. Nobody acts like that where I am) (midwest America). People generally want to be left alone to go about their business. Somebody's uncle will bring politics at the holiday table or you see Fox News/CNN playing on someone's tv but that's it. The "west" is a lot more complex, bigger and is as divided as Ukraine and Russia or US and China. Example: east Europe and west Europe, Californa and Texas, the EU and NA on global trade and regulation. And this is not unique; Southeast Asia is really complex, South America is complex and if you lump them all together and say simplify them as "all Mexicans" or Asians are "just all simple country people". They will surprise you after they tear you limb from limb for that.

>> No.73173932

how about:
>Name a one good and smart Russian

>> No.73173980

You're a scoundrel. Bladder stones upon you.

>> No.73174088

Zelensky and Putin are both jesuit trained actors slaughtering their population and impoverishing europe while pretending to be at war with each other, same thing goes for every other leaders save for some african leaders who regularly get assassinated by "heart attack" when they refuse to comply with jesuit orders. Both Trump and Biden are also jesuits and liars, they're all at war against us.

>> No.73174154

Russians only "like" Botan for the Adidas memes. You don't want Russians anywhere near your community, they really are just awful people.

>> No.73174202

No, they genuinely do act like that on the coasts.

>> No.73174240

>Russians only "like" Botan for the Adidas memes
Not really. FPS affinity as well. And, as far as I know, she went along.

>> No.73174241

nta, but I think anon by "westerner" meant left-leaning crowd, because, saying this as an outsider, they seem to be more easily-noticeable and the loudest (or maybe social media promote them way more, i don't really know). Obviously no country can't be monolithic in political views

>> No.73174316


>> No.73174365

Europe is impoverishing itself without any help from Agent Z or P needed.

>> No.73174525
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>wow russian elections are so rigged why not do 114% votes ahahaha
>well actually the approval rating is true and factual and all russians should die because they all support him

>> No.73174543

The guy who created Etherium.

>> No.73174547

t. Cheeki breeki comrade

>> No.73174744

They flooded to her stream because she was the oshi of one of the first popular holo clippers in Russia, and because she was so welcoming and played along with them instead of being a bitch about it, they stayed. It's the exact same with Tamaki, who has a lot of russians in her chat nowadays. Hell, even Moona still gets russian messages once in a while, all because she collabed with a russian vtuber.
Did the adidas help? Yes. Did the FPS help? Yes. Was it the main reason? No. The main reason is acknowledgement, just like when Haachama or Towa started trying to communicate with EN viewers. Nice try, though.

>> No.73174810

Nijisanji provoked the invasion of Ukraine so that Botan would lose viewers

>> No.73174876

It's funny because in putler's horrible dictatorship, journalists from countries' whose retarded president make open threats (France) are allowed to interview random people in the streets, meanwhile in amazing democracies (still France) russian media are all banned. (RT, Sputnik)

>> No.73174988
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>> No.73175004

There's a general for european chuubas with the Russian ones as well. Go there.

>> No.73175007

america has the same shit since 2020

>> No.73175024

East coast here, no we don't.
Can someone from the west coast chime in next?

>> No.73175054

>There's a general for european chuubas
Isn't that general just another failed attempt at containing KFP from global?

>> No.73175183

Devious peacock.

>> No.73175223

do you realize ukraine had a literal neo-nazi political party in their senate? they had like 1/3 of the seats. Ukraine has reasons to hate russia but that doesn't mean their nazism should be allowed to exist. Read Fire punch manga to understand more

>> No.73175279

>ukraine had a literal neo-nazi political party in their senate
absolutely fucking based.

>> No.73175379

do you think your oshi would approve that statement bro?

>> No.73175438

Erdogan would announce he has become an atheist before something like that would happen lmao

>> No.73175442

>there has been no widespread mobilization in Russia and the army is mostly volunteers and mercenaries.
Russia's losses are north of 200k people killed or MIA. On that note Pippa had a sizable Russian fanbase and they all vanished within the first two weeks of the war and never returned.

>> No.73175536

>leaders are jews

>> No.73175540

Brother, I'm one of the vatniks in this thread. Don't create easy ammo for those guys. That party had not 1/3 of seats, but probably 3 seats in total lol. Doesn't change the fact about nazi battalions (also, to be fair there are some neo-nazi in russian army as well) and clear anti-russian nature of Maidan with all repressions of russian language it amplified

>> No.73175542

NTA but WW2 is only the foundational myth of western countries, not Japan

>> No.73175553

tl;dr this topic should belong on /pol/

As much as you can pity poor Russian fans, you actually have no idea what their position is on contemporary world events. They may be nice and wholesome in a chat, but between streams they'll repost offensive memes and discuss how Russia should just steamroll Europe. Politics ruin everything, but from my experience Russians are super-political and like to have strong opinions on almost every subject. So I'd say they had it coming with this war and the international reaction. Not all of them, obviously, but most.

>> No.73175605

big time

>> No.73175647

>they all vanished
How did you measure that, I wonder?

>> No.73175675
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is this political?

>> No.73175746

We don't even get the most basic weeb shit event that are Miku concerts here, there is no way in hell that would happen.

>> No.73175782

They disappeared from her chat and it was noticed by everyone.

>> No.73175869

What kind of third world hell hole do you live in where you can just change the leadership like that

>> No.73175923

maybe they are shy

>> No.73175987

Weird. Like people disappeared, or there were no more Russian messages or superchats?

>> No.73176299
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>/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

>> No.73176760
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>> No.73177265

Anime has a big cult here but Vtubing not really for some reason.

>> No.73177340


>> No.73177448
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>> No.73177576

East coast here, yes you do, faggot.

>> No.73177596

Botan was a perfect storm of practically ticking off every box.
>White hair
>3 Stripes
>FPS gamer

>> No.73177609

The less russians the better

>> No.73177945

i go to vt to get distracted from this feeling of knowing damn well our country's suffering is fully deserved and see this fucking pity thread
this is unneeded, most russians either support the war or want it to end just because of sanctions, not taking any actual lost lives from either sides into account
op genuinely fuck you

>> No.73178140

Chances are they'd be smart enough and know how to use the internet to surrender as soon as possible.
Unless they're die hard red nationalists, I guess.

>> No.73178159
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Sometimes I really wish more people shared the sentiment >>73156295 said. Its scary how fast people can turn on others, especially for shit out of their hands. You want to feel actual horror, watch this.

9/07/2011. a damn dark day in history. ;_;7. rest in peace Demitra.

>> No.73178193

>for some reason
>5% know english
>0.02% know japanese
>even less watch any vtuber content

>> No.73178270

There are Russian vtubers. And yet they're less popular than a CS2 streamer.

>> No.73178465

Most Americans are not any better, nor Euros, nor Chinese, nor Africans, etc. The proportions might be different, perhaps there are more nasty Russians than in similarly pale nations (though Isreal is clearly much worse), but I'd still say the majority of people are amoral and only act good as a matter of convenience. You are not uniquely evil, put the pity party ego in the bin where it belongs.

>> No.73178475

>Russian intercepted calls were cheering on torture and murder
>he actually fell for propaganda piece that was debunked on russian 4chan
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.73178677

Because all them are shit. And because of that nobody cares about vtubers.

>> No.73178745

Can't vouch for them, that's for sure.

>> No.73178906

You know, at some point i left my basement and actually started studying what the fuck is happening outside and why this whole thing even started. Holy fucking shit, the amount of layers of propaganda from all sides was vomit inducing. At some point i've realised that all the tech, smart people, methods researched since WWII were ALL used to bullshit regular people into believing the right thing. I honestly don't know who is right and wrong, im not smart enough to know the truth. I think i will just return to my cave, fighting against the smartest propaganda teams isn't possible, they won.

>> No.73179248

something something metal gear solid 2

>> No.73180530

The best thing you can do is not care about anything. None of us are immune to propaganda and genuinely not caring is the best solution for me.

>> No.73180839

the destruction of the middle east had overwhelming citizen support from the US population at the time it's so fucking funny to see y'all try to walk that back and try to claim it wasn't your fault. And calling them "wars" lmao. and then your military is NOT drafted so your people chose to be there slaughtering people.

>> No.73181836


They don't get to have any pity after this.

>> No.73182165

only a matter of time before ruble crashes and service providers can't pay for the bandwidth

>> No.73182291

Wasnt there a russian streamer who killed the mother of his kids because a superchat told him to lock her outside in the freezing cold as a joke.

>> No.73182445

My man. Unlike Freedomland, Internet communications in Russia are publicly owned and unlimited download/upload costs less than $10 a month.

>> No.73182575

Yeah, I remember that there was something like this few years ago. Don't remember moron's name though. Russian streamer scene isn't really different from english-speaking one from my observation: a lot of retards

>> No.73182726

There is no point in trying to educate first worlders brother. They will always just look through their own lens of comfort and prosperity, they will never understand.

>> No.73182983

>service providers
border crossing traffic, while cheap yes, is but not free

and when currency loses value -> there is no money to be made -> big corpo will pull the plug on any live service to minimize losses

and remember, Twitch just pulled out of Korea because the bandwidth got bit too expensive...

>> No.73183200

+adding to >>73182983
remember that Microsoft and Amazon(AWS) already pulled out, Google will eventually do it too

>> No.73183213

twitch pulled out of korea because it costs way too fucking much because korea charges a stupid amount for bandwidth. and korea only does that because they feel like it. even their own streaming companies use a P2P system since bandwidth is too expensive for them

>> No.73183724

>charges a stupid amount for bandwidth
yea and what do you think happens to the cost when the currency value crashes?

>> No.73184119

the currency value is for international trade. what international trade are they doing for local bandwidth usage.

>> No.73184169

and FURTHER that is KOREAN ISP companies charging TWITCH. if the rouble crashed that doesn't mean they're going to start charging twitch more money like what lmao

>> No.73184236

remember when a bunch of boomers actually marched on the capital, shot down planes, and the leadership took the first plane out of there? man russia is crazy.

>> No.73184578

Russians are safe to hate because they're basically white people, whereas if you were to openly show the same kind of vitriol about Africans or Indians you'd have the authorities knocking at your door in some countries. Maybe Euros are justified in hating them, though, but I've never actually met a Russian person in my life other than one weirdo tranny.

>> No.73185307
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I dunno, international data?

well we can conclude the OPs question here; no need, poor bastards don't even realize how deep in the shit they are.

panem et circenses, for now...

>> No.73186323

Why the fuck are there so many queers in this thread?
Russia is based, total Jewkraine death.

>> No.73186498

>Euros are justified in hating them
Western euros reasons are more or less geopolitical (fight for influence, f.e. in Africa (France), oil dependency (Germany), Britain being bitchy hag who lost all possible political will etc).
With eastern euros it's... I won't say personal, but it has similar to "hate toward my ex/hate towards boss who has been demoted" kind of feel. Since perestroika in 80s nationalism, which was either neglected or supported, really rode idea of russians being colonisers/imperialists (there's obviously an argument to be made that they were like that, just like any other european country) and now when we told them to fuck off we can live freely and happily (by being c-tier or d-tier country in american sphere of influence). So I think that one is very close to what you're referring as "hate towards white people in the West" where everything sum up as:
>"Yeah, we are for everything good, against everything bad, treating everyone equally, but you guys were ordering us for last few centuries and there're might be few ugly moments in history between us so we consciously or unconsciously still hold a grudge about it, not to mention that there are more of you, so we're still kinda a minority, so we think we're morally allowed to shit on you at any opportunity, meanwhile any similar stuff towards us we will take as an biggest insult and gonna cry and scream about that as loud as we can"

>> No.73186692

nigger since they've been mongrelized from finns and khazars they've done nothing but tried to invade eastern europe over and over again. if that's how you see your exes you must have a hilarious love life.

>> No.73186769
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>> No.73187401

you know draft means obligatory, not voluntary, right?

>> No.73187425

Real sad indeed. I can imagine young men forced to fight, resting in dug hole dreaming about their oshis from the last stream they watched before getting deployed. And the possibility that they wont have chance to watch them anymore.

This happens not only to Russian soldiers, although its worse for russian since they forced to fight and the most of the world wont feel sad for them.

No matter what kind of degenerate vtuber contents they watched, I hope it can give at least a little consolation and hope for our fellow fans that are forced to fight in any conflict.

>> No.73187471
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>but it has similar to "hate toward my ex/hate towards boss who has been demoted" kind of feel
>and now when we told them to fuck off we can live freely and happily (by being c-tier or d-tier country in american sphere of influence)
>and there're might be few ugly moments in history between us so we consciously or unconsciously still hold a grudge about it
wew fucking lad

This whole post is certified zigger cope.

>> No.73187695
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Russian anon here. Recently returned from HoloFes.
We're fine, just can't superchat in our currency. You better take care of yourself.

>> No.73188043

Russia mobilized 300K people once, more than a year ago, and since then there was no mobilization. Only ex-military were mobilized.

>> No.73188060

And you know that shit ton of people evading it, right? Trying to find medical diagnoses and stuff. Also even if you're drafted - chance of you being sent on actual battlefield is small. Those who actually fight are military contractors, mercs, volunteers and maybe those who were mobilized (since they have prior army experience). If you're gonna get drafted - you will be probably sent to some shithole (or at worst somewhere in the rear, close to frontline), since all experienced soldiers are in Ukraine rn.

>> No.73188156

Draft and mobilization are different things.

>> No.73188324

Not getting into /pol/, but just want to tell you to stay safe, anon. Going to assume life is still going on well there if you could afford to go to HoloFes

>> No.73188472

I know, what part of my post made you think that I think draft and mobilization is the same thing?

>> No.73188601

I misclicked, basically I wanted to reply to the same people you were replying to.

>> No.73188639


>> No.73188784

Imagine rotting a ditch somewhere next random drone parts because your schizo leader wanted to play EU4 and rebuild some meme empire.

Are cons even allowed in those schizo muzzie countries. Only muzzies in SEA seem to allow that, only because the asians culture pushing back agaisnt islam.

>> No.73188874

I'm not going to feel sorry for the Russians because this is their usual way of doing things. They start wars and then play the victim. Fuck them, let them die. If there was any worth in those worthless people they would've shot their officers and rushed towards Moscow, dragged Putin out of the Kremlin and hung him in the square.

They will not do that of course, because the Russian is a natural slave. It doesn't matter if it's the Mongols, the tzar, the Politburo, Stalin or Putin. They will kill as they are told, and they will die. They are a bovine species running entirely on aggression, male anal rape and war crimes. They are just a problem to be solved. I'm not going to pretend that I respect them or see Russia as somehow a legitimate or respectable state. Russia is on par with North Korea or Zimbabwe, just a failed dictatorship that's everyone's problem.

Want to stop the war? Want to stop the killings? It's very easy to do if you're Russia - just stop attacking and return to your borders. It's that easy. Russia is to blame for all of this. Nobody else.

>> No.73189002

Its worse for Russians cause its a really pointless fucking war, guy just invaded cause he wantes more territory. The most you can say is he wanted a NATO buffer zone.

>> No.73189006

I don't mean to offend, but are you Polish?

>> No.73189012

That's what people get told: then they get sent to the frontlines because they didn't pay a bribe, or someone needs to replace the guy who got shredded by a drone while driving a truck, or maybe there are just mines that need to be dug up, because corruption has claimed everything that could do that job except the bayonets.

In other words, "you won't be in combat" is just the carrot that leads to getting inevitably bludgeoned by the stick.

>> No.73189104

Regular conscripts don't get sent into combat, period. Mobilized people do, but mobilization stopped more than a year ago.

>> No.73189107

>dragged Putin out of the Kremlin and hung him in the square.
pontless, the very next day they'd pick the next putin. russians live like that because it's in accordance with their racial nature.

>> No.73189125

No, Croat.

>> No.73189190

Well, Croatia is basically South Poland.

>> No.73189195

To be fair its the government. Its not like random worker that gets drunk and dances to techno is making this decisions. The average russian dude is probably not thinking "damn im so excited to go live in a ditch while drones buzz above me, so Putin can play general secretary/tsar wannabe"

>> No.73189258

>Only ex-military were mobilized
military service is compulsory in russia you fucking retard

>> No.73189269
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It's kind of crazy how many Russians I see in her chat, even though she hardly advertises the fact she can speak Russian at all.

>> No.73189354

>Regular conscripts don't get sent into combat, period.

>> No.73189471

Compulsory military service doesn't mean everyone actually serves. Currently around 60% of Russian men have served, and this includes Soviet boomers, in whose time serving was much more common. Among younger people it's less than half.

>> No.73189515

I understand your perspective, but at the same time, there's a reason every country that shares a land border with Russia trusts Russia about as far as it can throw it, and being the world's largest country that's quite difficult to throw. What's surprising is how people with no history of dealing with Russia is taking this mindset too.

>> No.73189572

If you bothered to read the article you'd find out it's about the mobilization, not regular conscription which happened twice a year.

>> No.73189580

I know. This is why only a decisive battlefield victory is the only way to have them back off. And Europe should've been there since day one.

To elaborate as an older Croat - this Russian horseshit you see is exactly the way Serbia acted and acts, because Serbia emulates and worships Russia. The world is just seeing on a macro scale what we have seen the Serbs do and what they act like and it's all all too familiar to me. There is no logic or reason here that will dawn on Russia, no argument that will dissuade them or convince them to stop. Only defeat makes them stop. Both countries suffer from a form of hubris, a deep victim complex and inability to introspect. This thread where Russians and their sympathizers whine about "poor Russia" is an example of that, the desire to equate the aggressor with the victim in a meaningless worship of suffering, which is a cover for their desire for naked dominance and imperialism. And not even high class imperialism at that, but a highly exploitative and crude imperialism that is fully Ottoman, or mongol, or tzarist, or Soviet. Just straight up plunder, boot on your face kind of deal. It's all very exhausting from an emotional and intellectual standpoint, because none of those things apply to the situation. The only response worth a damn is brute force, a force stronger than theirs. That's the only argument they understand.

>> No.73189587

compulsory means compulsory you stupid fucking drone, just because some people managed to dodge the draft doesn't change that

"ex-military" means it could be fucking anyone whether they like it or not

>> No.73189594

>then your military is NOT drafted so your people chose to be there slaughtering people.
That's not how it works, retard. There isn't a single military in the world that asks you whether you want to be deployed or not. You signed up for benefits in the middle of peace time and your government decides to start shit somewhere? Tough luck, your ass is getting deployed whether you agree with them or not.

>> No.73189700

>Are cons even allowed in those schizo muzzie countries
Turkey is probably the least muslim muslim country thanks to decades of trying to secularize the system. Yes, it's more religious than a lot of Europe, but Arabs consistently go to Istanbul and get pissed off at Turks doing things that you could never get away with in an Arab country and having an attitude of "yeah my religion is important to me, but it's not the only thing going on in my life dude".

>> No.73189712

I honestly don't understand your point. No, ex-military means someone who served and has a military speciality. Specifically these people were called, because they already went through the initial training.

>> No.73189842

ex-military means anyone who had previously served as part of the COMPULSORY DRAFT unless they dodged it you lying fucker

>> No.73189871

Listen, this might be happening, either on rare occasion or regular basis. I'm not gonna argue about that, since most of those arguments are in assumption territory all proofs are coming from biased pro-ukrainian western media outlets (as you actually shown posting a link of guardian to reply of other anon). I choose to believe that drafted are not participating in combat because they clearly are least effective units Russia has. If there was people shortage on frontline - this could happen, but in current state - nope

>> No.73189910

What exactly are you arguing against? It's exactly what I said: people who previously served.

>> No.73189951

everybody "previously served" because it's a legal requirement to serve once you reach the age of 18 you fucking imbecile

>> No.73189987

Ah yes, the ironically rather racist notion of "you pathetic white people, your first world comforts means you can never truly understand that these people can't help but be savage because they don't have the priveledge that you do"

>> No.73190088

No? Previously served means actually served. People who didn't go through the mandatory service don't have a military speciality, obviously.

>> No.73190170

>still trying to lie and weasel his way out of it
typical rustard

>> No.73190192

You are making zero sense.

>> No.73190273

Thanks, bro. I don't want to get into any arguments, but really, all this /pol/ bullshit has little to do with reality.

>> No.73190337

>high class imperialism (assume western) - fine
>highly exploitative and crude imperialism (Russia) - bad
Drink a lot of water, brother. Your organism will have to produce a lot of spit due to sucking this high class imperialistic european fallos

>> No.73190558

Fuck that, Russian people are 100% person in favor of the war, fuck them.

>> No.73190578

My notion was that they can't even be efficiently imperialist. They are simply a horde of locusts.

>> No.73190626

Russia is the biggest empire still in existence though.

>> No.73190738

he knows that, he's just ashamed to admit they're civilizationaly sub-par so he's changing the subject.

>> No.73190808

empire of what? what of any value is there even in russia that you're not desperate to sell?

>> No.73190809

>When will HoloRU happen?
RIP to that Russian bros dream

>> No.73190848

At the end of the day, if a country doesn't want to be part of another anymore when it was part of it in the past, and the other one disagrees, the other one is just an imperialist power trying to reclaim its empire. Everything else is secondary to this point. We kinda decided back when WW2 ended that those who don't respect the sovereignty of their neighbors are the ones in the wrong. People in mind country are still butthurt over Karelia, but if we tried to take it back in this day and age, we would be in the wrong, not Russia, because we're advancing on another nation's sovereignty for imperialist ends.

>> No.73190867

I don't understand your question.

>> No.73190939

Yes. Isn't it tragic and comical? It's the largest country on Earth with every conceivable resource at its fingertips and yet it has known nothing but misery, poverty and totalitarianism. Not only that but they seek to export it to other countries, and are mad at them for not joining them in their wallowing misery.

I know, it's their usual method.

>> No.73191006

I don't know anon, seems pretty nice to me. I've been in many countries, and haven't found any of them to be on the same level of comfort.

>> No.73191045

And my notion was that you clearly divide exploitation by acceptable by one group and unacceptable by the other group, trying to portray one as more civilized and other as barbaric. Meanwhile it's still a fucking exploitation with same methods and same goals no matter how much shine and glitter is put on western one. Don't you find it funny that in decent chunk of those ex-soviet republics life got only worse since USSR collapse. But what about horde of russian locusts who were exploiting them to death...

>> No.73191097

really? i read that more than half of your countrymen live on less than $500 a month (apparently according to rostat). which countries have you been to?

>> No.73191125

>With eastern euros it's... I won't say personal
It's definitely personal for the Poles, it's the whole reason that country is so ridiculously Catholic, as a backlash to first the Russians trying to forcibly convert them to Russian Orthodox a couple centuries ago, then trying to forcibly convert them to State Atheism under Soviet rule.

>> No.73191164
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lol nice whataboutism
classic ruzzian deflection
what's next? are you gonna tell us that they lynch negroes in america?

>> No.73191174

poland was catholic before russia was even created

>> No.73191234

I nean, if theyvare gonna die anyway, the least they could try is to overthrow their shitty leader. It their responsibility, and the only way to avoid international conflicts

>> No.73191272

>You better take care of yourself.
I can’t tell if this is a threat or a genuine wish for wellbeing

>> No.73191358

First of all, Russian income statistics are extremely unreliable, because companies routinely declare only a small part of the actual salary. It was the case for me in my 2 last workplaces. Second, while overall salaries are naturally lower, prices are generally also lower, so you need to take all that into account.
>which countries have you been to?
Mostly in Europe. Austria was probably the nicest, but Vienna was overrun by Arabs and such, and got my things stolen, for the first time in my entire life. Madrid smelled like cat piss (literally) and prostitutes approached me in the middle of the day on the street in the citry center. Paris, I don't even want to comment.

>> No.73191380

I won't deny that it was whataboutism on my part. I just noticed that anon is hypocrite and probably a eastern european cuck who's trying to suck western cock so much so they'll let him into their club. That's all

>> No.73191424

>in decent chunk of those ex-soviet republics life got only worse since USSR collapse.
Oh really? Then why is the whole of Eastern Europe blossoming economically and culturally? The only places that have it "worse" were those Central Asian republics that were under Russia's thumb, and which will also become wealthy and successful as Russia's power and influence diminish over them. Kazahstan will probably be among the wealthiest countries on the planet once they shake off the Russians.

And I already stated what I in fact stated - your argument is just the usual detraction that has no bearing on the subject and longer.

>seems pretty nice to me
Maybe, if you're from Haiti. Russia is the third world. The only reason you posted that was because you yourself are probably Russian and have never traveled or seen how the world actually looks like.

>> No.73191480

nta but he's clearly trying to say that at least when the French colonized someone, they bothered building infrastructure and making the country work on French laws, because they were also cultural imperialists. They didn't just suck the resources out of a country and leave.

Now, the French were actually MASSIVE hypcrites in this regard, but they at least tried, which is why they had such a hard time letting Algeria go, it was seen as important as Paris itself to them.

>> No.73191556

Yes but they weren't so vehemently catholic until someone tried to take it away from them.

>> No.73191639

wait, Canadians use colour instead of color?

>> No.73191705

Yes, they use British spelling. Both them and Australia are still technically part of the Commonwealth.

>> No.73191708

Yes because for whatever reason despite seemingly hating the french way of doing things to the point of driving on the other side of the road, anglos use the french spelling of color.

>> No.73191802

But color in French is couleur

>> No.73191870

Yes but you're missing the point, adding u's to everything is an aspect of the French language, not English.

>> No.73191981

France played their cards immensely well though. Their abandonment of Sahel to its own devices and finding new friends in Armenia, Moldova, India, Mongolia and so forth was an excellent move. The Russians probably tried to sucker them in a meaningless proxy war over nothing, but they just made France's position stronger internationally and more stable on top of that. But that's a whole other subject.

Canada has no future whatsoever and if you can you should emigrate as fast as possible. To fix Canada you'd have to expel two or three million people, and that won't happen.

>> No.73192026

>hating the french
but they speak French, don't they?

>> No.73192064

im imagining fellow SSRBs killing each other because of globalhomo... thats depressing...

>> No.73192070

Only the Quebecois, and even then I always hear people from France say that that shit aint REAL French.

>> No.73192200

>you yourself are probably Russian and have never traveled
I have counted and I've been in 7 foreign countries so far, ex-USSR excluded. I've also lived abroad for more than a year. I can confidently say that Moscow is superior to every European capital I've seen, and honestly even my own city is superior as a place to live in overall.

>> No.73192360

Ogey. Let me guess - son of an aparatčik?

>> No.73192414

Bro, it's not 1980. We have jeans and bubble gum now too.

>> No.73192532

The second. We're fine, no need to feel bad for us like OP did.
It's not like the Russian community had any prospects even before the war. Aside from some attention from Botan.

>> No.73192622

Yet you are still slaves to a regime - nothing has changed. Doesn't matter if it's Putin or Staljin, there are always aparatčiks.

>> No.73192823

Well, N-na literally did russian speaking streams at some point so it's not a big surprise

>> No.73192855

If you're curious, my father is a programmer, like myself.
Not sure what being a slave implies in this case.

>> No.73192942

And you trying to say that Russians/Soviets did opposite? That they just pump and dump all those countries around them? There're a shit ton investments and built infrastructure. By fucking russians. In some of those countries, like in Middle Asia that only thing that left there, there's absolutely nothing being built there in 30 years. Fuck, those powerplants which being targeted now in Ukraine by russian missiles are build by fucking soviet engineers. Meanwhile, where this praised french african infrastructure you're talking about?
Look, I don't wanna say like we, russians, are God's gift to earth, but hearing reproaches from people of other western countries or people who are clearly sympathetic (that's soft word I chose) towards them... Get some self-reflection,will ya

>> No.73193347

Oh okay. The “you better” was the part that raised an eyebrow really. In my experience it’s mostly used in a threatening or intimidating way.

>> No.73193501

How the fuck this /pol/ infected thread hasn't been deleted

>> No.73193570

Mods are compromised by Russia.

>> No.73193752

fuck you for making me think i missed a second LA concert announcement

>> No.73195955

> That's not how it works, retard. There isn't a single military in the world that asks you whether you want to be deployed or not. You signed up for benefits in the middle of peace time and your government decides to start shit somewhere?

"I can't believe I had to kill people when I was in the united states military"

peace time does not exist for this crumbling empire and it will only get worse.

>> No.73196771

also in a warning way. Russia has a stable government, a stable economy, and is cruising easily to a total defeat of its coalition of its rabid, self-harming adversaries. An American who is worrying about Russia would be a lot better served by focusing on how he's going to survive the consequences of +1T debt every month, how he's going to dodge the multiple election year civil disruptions or the inevitable shitfest on election day when only polling places in swing states will experience phantom burst pipes and suddenly feel a need to cover up their windows and kick out poll watchers, or the inevitable post-election shitfest when (Trump victory:) the permanent state will rebel against the election and start sabotaging their own work, or (Biden victory:) the permanent state will re-declare the opposition party to be literal terrorists and start rounding up a fresh set of political prisoners to make examples of.
A guy who is clearly negligently dying of the plague is worried about your health, when you're fine? "You better worry about your own health."

>> No.73197516

Those who voted for Putin during the elections last month will definitely reap what they sow lol.

I'm looking forward to them being sent to the grinder

>> No.73198151

Why is Britain the bitchy hag. Also I will have you know putin has personally raised my gas prices, this is very personal.

>> No.73200387

>enter /vt/
>looks inside

>> No.73201132

>Russia has a stable government, a stable economy, and is cruising easily to a total defeat of its coalition of its rabid, self-harming adversaries.

>> No.73201282

so you think israel is wrong too?

>> No.73201936

"stable economy"

With the way Putin is draining the National Wealth Fund, it won't be that way starting next year.

The oil refineries are getting attack by drones......which means that Putin has to resort to do the oil refinement from Belarus lol

>> No.73205146

no one cares

>> No.73205500
File: 2.53 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20240129_064734924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan which is Russian for nerd
>white hair for the snow sexual Russians
>Adidas stripe
>Hag with big jugs
>Plays fps games like majority of Russian men under 30
idk comrade its a mystery, posted from Berlin Oblast

>> No.73205990
File: 39 KB, 640x403, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the specific hag appeal?

>> No.73207217

who doesn't like older hags ? just a general appeal

>> No.73208023

>I feel bad for the Russian Holofans
they'll be fine

>> No.73211867


>> No.73211880

