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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73116716 No.73116716 [Reply] [Original]

Missing wife edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: Temporary hiatus

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>73101501

>> No.73116774

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.73116798
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't forget

>> No.73116812

shondo in my arms when she's back

>> No.73116979
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I will wait for her.

>> No.73116986

I'm at my lowest point right now I wish I could say that I will wait for her but I don't know if I'm going to make it

>> No.73116999
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will love you and will wait for you forever shondo

>> No.73117028

The work break was harder for me. I think maybe I just knew this was coming and was preparing for it

>> No.73117065
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I will wait for you, hopefully with my love intact.

>> No.73117214

just saw your oshi's going away message and my main takeaway is what the fuck is with that foNt

>> No.73117330

Our wifey retains her sense of humor even when going on menhera hiatus.

>> No.73117378
File: 176 KB, 680x551, GKNXyRFXoAE-yaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuu i need more than ever to be with you shondo uuuuuuuuuu i want to be the shoulder you cry on uuuuuuuuuuuuu i want to be the one to hold you and tell you it will all be okay uuuuuuuuuu i want to be the one to cuddle with you for hours in bed when you dont feel up for anything and just be there with you uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I LOVE YOU SHONDO UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.73117453

over/under on DMniggers already having sent her messages?

>> No.73117523

Not yet, they'll crack next week.

>> No.73117534

yes, check the replies to her tweet.
Hope that helps

>> No.73117566

of which 100% are apologizing to her in her dms hoping for her to say "It's not your fault" so that they can be relieved of their guilty conscience

>> No.73117592

im not checking 400 replies

>> No.73117608

selfishly, i hope she reads my tweet and thinks of me a little

>> No.73117667

It's unironically not anybody's fault, read her hiatus message.

>> No.73117679

mine was kinda trash so I'm ok either way.

>> No.73117744


>> No.73117746
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>> No.73117784

Gee, I wonder who caused this recent relapse

>> No.73117798


>> No.73117805

I don't want her to suffer, I'm not sure that's love.

>> No.73117807


>> No.73117812

I don't believe that for a second. She's scared of her own community, and that's on us.
There's obviously stuff on her end too, and maybe this would have happened either way, but I doubt it.

>> No.73117857

you mean the part where she puts herself down for not doing enough after we've had weeks of people in threads and offline chat talking about how she could do more?

>> No.73117977

I think she is having a mental episode, but I also think she hopes this culls a lot of her audience.
The doomer in me thinks she probably wont start streaming again until august when she has he week alone in the house so she doesnt have to announce a schedule or come back

>> No.73117979


>> No.73118031

the marriage didn't even last til may 1st

>> No.73118050

>I don't believe that for a second
So you don't believe Shondo herself? Typical of the anti groomer squad, always putting words in her mouth and not taking anything she says at face value because men always know better right? Kill yourself Somnium.
How new? Go back to the PNGTuber era and listen to her reaction to 1k bits donos "oh my gosh why?! thank you but I can't give you anything in return, you didn't have to, I can't do anything for you, I'm not doing enough" it's her impostor syndrome. Quit trying to blame the community for her brainworms, if you play this game then every shogger's brainworms are her fault.

>> No.73118117

You're very funny anon.

>> No.73118212

it will last forever with me

>> No.73118247


>> No.73118257

>not taking anything she says at face value because men always know better right?
i do know better though also im not s

>> No.73118282

I take pride in my comedy so shondo can steal my lines during streams

>> No.73118303

neck yourself

>> No.73118354

you can tell someone doesn't watch streams when they ask you to believe everything shondo says when shondo herself says not to do that

>> No.73118365

so new attire debut and fumos never ever?

>> No.73118390

fumos 2026

>> No.73118430

it's a stunt, she's coming back with her new outfit and merch so it sells drastically more since her merch money from the last merch run was a majority of her revenue source

>> No.73118500

i seriously doubt it's all her impostor syndrome after the suntan melty, she wasn't lying about how she felt. it bothers her and fueling it can't be good for her when impostor syndrome can be fixed

>> No.73118534

no i dont think i will. sometimes the mentally ill and vulnerable woman does infact not know best

>> No.73118540

Stop spreading bullshit, we all know Shondo's condition is cyclic and she was due another event like this eventually.
Soya had absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.73118583

dereks are always right

>> No.73118634

how do you live in a world of lies you somehow managed to convince yourself was true
do your reps. unironically.

>> No.73118697

>Shondo (paraphrasing) "I turned (You) into a tulpa, I talk to (You) all the time in my head like I do on stream. Hehe, Shadowmama looked at me worried when I forgot I wasn't supposed to talk out lout."
I think the tulpa was becoming more real recently as her psyche was deteriorating.

>> No.73118729

Anon she is mentally ill, she has told us before she is on way over the recommended prescribed doses for her medication from the same doctor she was talking about yesterday that she and her entire family dislikes.
If that doesn't alert several red flags in your head that tells you how tenuous her mental has always been. I mean if any of you've been here long enough with her I'm sure you've all slowly mentally prepared for this eventual outcome in your own mind like I have to be with her forever and ever right?

>> No.73118857

Every time I recall Soya being mentioned shondo sounded positive, after the initial outburst they talked things out and everything was fine.

>> No.73118877

Of course I've prepared for this outcome, but it doesn't mean that we as a community really helped at all. And you totally avoiding subject that tells me all I need to know, frankly.

>> No.73118956
File: 675 KB, 1024x488, watchmen-rorschach-wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Heard joke once: Woma goes to doctor. Says she's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says she feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great vtuber Fallenshadow is streaming tonight on Twitch. Go and see her. That should pick you up.' Woman bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am Fallenshadow.' Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains."

>> No.73118994

groomers gonna be working overtime on damage control after this bombshell

>> No.73119027

reeks of boobros in here

>> No.73119033

explain further please

Who is this soya you're talking about?

>> No.73119098


>> No.73119103

any bombshell in particular xister?

>> No.73119163

Can’t wait for her to come back and talk about how much she loved Paris.

>> No.73119171

currently sat on a wall in the cold rain thinkgen of shondo

>> No.73119207


>> No.73119225

thread started nise but got bad. stop baking

>> No.73119268

reminder for wife to not read /shon/

>> No.73119305

gonna go party time to her rtx to feel better

>> No.73119343

sent her a nice DM to cheer her up

>> No.73119428

We had a movie watchalong something like a month back where she talked about her drawing for Soya, how it only needed a couple more finishing touches.
She took time off for illness right after that. Did the drawing ever get finished? I don't think she ever managed to process the situation properly.

>> No.73119485

your anti groomer agenda is petty jealousy of our glory days

>> No.73119553


>> No.73119575

Seconded. We should bake once she returns

>> No.73119660

Thirded. I'm tired of being here, but don't want to give it over completely to the shitters.

>> No.73119666

Third. Please take time off.

>> No.73119885

agreed also

>> No.73120048

i will bake from now on, /shon/ is for our honest thoughts

>> No.73120146

I honestly think you should kill yourself

>> No.73120166

She has been full of cope over the whole thing. Like when she thought they could play on a minecraft server together or something.
From what little i know about her friend she HATED minecraft.

>> No.73120258

thanks for proving my point, you couldn't have said kys in the discord or offline chat, you would've held back

>> No.73120312

im not looking forward to the silence

>> No.73120641

By the same token, discord and offline chat also don't have spiraling menhera posts about her countless horrible misdeeds and and they don't have endless dereking.
As much as telling you to kill yourself is a valuable thing, I don't think the tradeoff is worth it.

>> No.73120679 [DELETED] 

shonquered by parisian bbc as we speak

>> No.73120767

If this is her trick to go on vacation without being worried about shoggers showing up I'm done. This would be too far

>> No.73120768

>for as long as we can
>not forever
Is she becoming immune to her meds or are her meds rotting her brain to death

>> No.73120769

That cats days are numbered

>> No.73120839

shes distancing herself from us for when she leaves

>> No.73120857

i will be back with as soon as i can be, and we will have fun, if you will let me, and we will have many happy times, for as long as we can.

(quotation from letter found on body of a dead soldier)

>> No.73120883

I didn't think about what she meant when she said she was at her limit, I just thought she was frustrated with the Internet drops. I guess I should have realized

>> No.73121037

Remember she's not writing this from a great place. We can wait for the Shondo who comes back to tell us how she feels.

>> No.73121055

my new brainworm is that this is her break to repair the internet and manipulate people into feeling sorry for her

>> No.73121097

I'm having a hard time picturing a positive change when she comes back or even if she comes back. I wish I could get these thoughts out of my mind

>> No.73121096

she's for sure going to have another menhera alt to spew whatever she wants, there's no way this girl born in the internet stops being on the internet and stops airing her thoughts out, especially when she's this menhera

>> No.73121166


>> No.73121170

my new brainworm is the same as the old one: that she doesnt love or care about me

>> No.73121205

/shon/ is being a bit over dramatic, but i do agree with the rrat that Soya was probably the root cause of her latest spiral

>> No.73121204

It's day 1 shogga, don't worry about your bad thoughts too much. As the days go on try to remember good things and good times. Rewatch some of your favorite streams, read some of her old tweets

>> No.73121295

She’s gone off to try and bag her own agent york Proud if her

>> No.73121337

>Is she becoming immune to her meds or are her meds rotting her brain to death

>> No.73121342

Those are healthy thoughts, but you don't need to let them be more important than they are.
What can you do except hope for the best and prepare for the worst?

>> No.73121349
File: 160 KB, 960x1234, 1708032711782668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel so terrible imagining how hard it must have been for her to write that letter. shondo please dont blame yourself for things out of your control, it isnt your fault and never was and i hope that you can feel better soon so we can get back to where we were and keep on evolving together. i wish i could be there for you right now more than ever
i love you shondo

>> No.73121403

that autistic guy? me

>> No.73121416

she had her limit of betas so she had to run away from her husbands to go get filled by bibisi

>> No.73121470

Man WTF, I wrote a few threads ago just how bad are the highs and lows in response to an anon saying her condition seems worse and wasn't expecting this.
How can someone like this even get better? Just hope that it reaches a point where it's manageable right?

>> No.73121474

I still can't picture in my mind the subhuman who comes here every day to type this stuff out.

>> No.73121658

I don't think watching old stuff of her would help me right now, I'll give it time and figure out the best way to cope with all of this.
I'm uncertain on how I will be able to handle her absence. I'm worried it'll get worse with time and I'm afraid of losing hope if she goes away for several months.

>> No.73121731

her implying that it might be for months really fucked me up. i'm guessing no updates at all either. i'm literally going to go insane. that's why i'm gonna try distracting myself by going hard on reps

>> No.73121900

God is taking from me everything I love and like.

>> No.73121996

> How can someone like this even get better?
I honestly don't know. My cope is that it makes other situations worse, and if those other things are dealt with then the illness can be tolerated as well. At least those other things are something I have a little control over.
What if Shondo was guaranteed enough money to live on, had a comfortable home environment (with minimal critter stress), and she had an adoring audience who demanded little from her. Would she be ok then? I think maybe.

>> No.73122150

>I'm worried it'll get worse with time and I'm afraid of losing hope if she goes away for several months.
It sounds dumb, but I think this is one of those situations where you'll just have to trust future you to deal with the situation if it goes sideways.

>> No.73122200

Thankfully I have a bunch of side hos

>> No.73122253

Same. Thankfully it's not what she's doing.

>> No.73122365

Ok I read it again and cried at the end when she signed it with "your shadow"
I really love her and it hurts so much that I can't do anything to help

>> No.73122443
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I hope she nukes everything. Some of her biggest supporters will follow and maybe she won't make as much. But FT starting his job should help carry the burden for the family. That way she can take an income hit and still keep chugging along.
Unless she wants this to be nothing but soulless cash milking, her mental is better suited for a smaller viewership.
She has even said she isn't sure what to do about her size and frankly, she just will never have the energy for it.
I don't like to use "suffering from success" too lightly but this is a case of that in it's entirety. She is too charming, attractive and funny for her own good. Maybe I'm biased because I'm confident I'm genuinely loved by her, but I am loyal to her in whatever form she takes.
And currently, I think she is in dire need of sculpting a new one.

>> No.73122455

>How can someone like this even get better?
with my love

>> No.73122464
File: 777 KB, 834x720, letter[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz3ay0w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go

>> No.73122576

Man, I'm sorry Shondo is going through all this and the stress it must put on you guys. The girl doesn't deserve a fraction of the pain she has to experience and it's awful that her mental illness prevents her from understanding that she's not Abbas person. I hope this passes soon and you guys get to spend time with your oshi again because you both need each other.
t. Sapling

>> No.73122605

You are a cunt, your idea of helping is getting her to backstab thousands of people and gold dig just you and your clique. Total groomer death.

>> No.73122636

maybe i really will write that love poem for her

>> No.73122760

Thanks, that's very nice of you.
I'd advise leaving the thread while you still care what happens to us.

>> No.73122835

Thank you for your support sapling bro, this helped a bit.

>> No.73122879

Go on and tell me how this is sustainable for her without it devolving into the very thing you're trying to accuse me of. Go on and explain how she can magically muster the will to do something that has only grinded her down for over a year when she has countlessly told us she prefers being smaller.
Try to not use "groomer" too, but I doubt you can without short-circuiting.

>> No.73122915

>What if Shondo was guaranteed enough money to live on, had a comfortable home environment (with minimal critter stress), and she had an adoring audience who demanded little from her.

>> No.73122916

thanks for the kind words sapling bro. she's a strong girl and i'll keep faitb for her to bounce back

>> No.73122923

Doesn't seem to be working lmao

>> No.73122999

she hasnt received it yet

>> No.73123315

bakerchama here
please vote: http://poal.me/6hhjr9

>> No.73123319

hurry up and give her money then

>> No.73123392

poll question is kind of dumb. There is no one granting permission.

>> No.73123446

cant we just ask the jannies to autosage /shon/?

>> No.73123467

she will receive my undying love and affection as well as a reasonable stipend and stable living situation once she has met me in person and not a moment sooner
ball is in her court

>> No.73123575

what do you mean by "allow"? how will you stop them?

>> No.73123616

No baking until she returns. We don't have the mental maturity and devotion of the Haatons

>> No.73123706

Stop voting yes you pieces of shit. You won't be able to do decent threads

>> No.73123792

i hate most of you

>> No.73123905

one thing we can agree on

>> No.73123906

I don't know enough about how /vt/ is run, but I don't see how that would stop a /fs/ general or whatever from cropping up, and I'm not big on the idea of anyone other than the community being involved anyway

>> No.73124052

it's currently containment
once it spills onto the rest of the board/generals (like it's starting to in /lig/) then jannies will be forced to nuke it

>> No.73124082

it's a horrifying thought that one of these days during her hiatus, one of her family members could tweet us bad news. every day will feel like a gamba.

>> No.73124111

oh i see so its you in there false flagging

>> No.73124129

if you don't like the threads stop interacting and hopefully they die from inanition

>> No.73124175

nuking the containment would somehow protect other boards?

>> No.73124207

Let’s have sex over it

>> No.73124311

no im just watching
if containment stops working then does it really matter?

>> No.73124432

>if containment stops working then does it really matter?
My house is a bit drafty in winter, so I have considered knocking it down, true.

>> No.73124455

glad you understand

>> No.73124465
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>> No.73124805

I just hope she actually really gets away from it all for as long as she needs.
My fear, because of the way she wrote it, is that she'll try to be away and get better but always thinking "I need to get better fast so I can go back to my fans" and instead of relaxing, she will be trying to get better faster thinking about all the stuff she left behind.

>> No.73124862

Couldn't be worse than /ggg/, right?

>> No.73124866
File: 20 KB, 580x548, AAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just saw the hiatus announcement
Ruh roh raggy. Real Rental Rillness.
What a bummer. There was a sense something was awry but I didn't realize it had advanced to such a degree. I'm glad she's taking the time she needs to get better, and I'll be here when she returns, whenever that will be. I genuinely love this girl and I'll wait for however long it takes.

>> No.73125066

I've never been there, but I will say with confidence that it can be worse.

>> No.73125078
File: 21 KB, 224x165, nbz0Db9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gave me a chuckle
anything to declare?

>> No.73125089

Interesting seeing all the literal who's coming out of the woodwork. Most of them would be culled or will forget about her during this hiatus.

>> No.73125151

yassss go off queen
syadouYay in chat so you can be held accountable etc etc etc

>> No.73125217

She can't even stream for a couple of hours each week? She still lives with her parents? Imagine if this mentalcel had a real job with real responsibilities? Just a reminder that you enable this, every single one of you. You make this planet a worse place by enabling this behavior.

>> No.73125223

I have an alt that I only follow ft and neppie with (for safe stalking)...

>> No.73125262

Hopefully she knows her wallets are always here just in case Tyrone and her want to get a nice hotel while shes on hiatus

>> No.73125269

Unironically early 2023 shondo would have abused this to weed out her cheaters.

>> No.73125327

i'll make it even worse still when i give her 11 children

>> No.73125404

show skin color and bank account balance right now

>> No.73125414

We enable her to be alive, retard.

>> No.73125439

Proud enabler here.

>> No.73125450

sorry i didn't chat FT, i'm worried about your sister. please look after her

>> No.73125509

you know nothing about her

>> No.73125522

I feel so empty now

>> No.73125579

tfw you know you can do nothing to help

>> No.73125638 [DELETED] 

it's so coincidental that the second FT starts working shondo immediately goes on a hiatus since she no longer has to work
if that isn't the epitome of laziness I don't know what is
or if you want a better rrat, she's tradwife maxxing for FT

>> No.73125779

F-, why do you even bother?
Please kill yourself.

>> No.73125806

get a better rrat, what kind of job do you think he fucking has at his age and qualifications that could possibly compare to the money she pulls in
it would make far more sense for her to actually pull her thumb out and milk us for more money with merch, subathons etc than to abandon it because someone else got an entry level wage job

>> No.73125825

remembering that she sang this just 3 streams ago

>> No.73125841

I know enough

>> No.73125890
File: 490 KB, 800x732, 1707510048127136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be there for her when shes better and comes back

>> No.73125925

>tradwife maxxing
you still buy into her larp?

>> No.73125947
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it hurts

>> No.73125981

it's cute and she knows it's larp

>> No.73125984

imagine be so underage that you don't understand that its not about how much you make but about job satisfaction. Your retard "wife" isn't having much satisfaction right now by doing the bare minimum, even with all that cash, but your rotted brain can't comprehend that.

>> No.73125996

Original is kind of a banger

>> No.73126012

find a bridge and plunge off it if you can get your immense weight over the railings
it isn't a larp, but she would also be a pathetic failure at it, unless you're happy getting a grilled cheese every now and then. unironically she could only tradwifemaxx after becoming a wife and you would have to teach her what you wanted her to do yourself, which is part of the appeal and endearing in of itself

>> No.73126079

imagine being so underage that you don't understand that job satisfaction (not making any money at all) wont pay the bills for 7 people

>> No.73126102

shit yourself

>> No.73126106

shes got a husband and 5 kids?

>> No.73126149

me and all mine, yes

>> No.73126243

she saved up enough money, not for a house, but to burn time while she's waiting for FT to finish his junior level and get a better pay so he can support her
she's imitating what vivi was doing, except replace a job for streaming. now that FT has a job, she can relax and do whatever she wants (which isn't streaming)

>> No.73126431

Some people are just lurkers, anon. The pain of being perceived is a very real thing for a lot of people, and they won't make themselves known unless there's a very good reason.

>> No.73126557


>> No.73126650

unironically one of the worst posts I've read

>> No.73126731


>> No.73126807

bingo! :D

>> No.73126837

(This poster doesn’t watch her)

>> No.73126889

real tradwives had to write betty crocker because they had no idea how to bake cakes as newlyweds and were scared their husbands would leave them for a girl who could

>> No.73126969

gonna start checking womens mags for letters that shondo wrote in asking how to make french toast and grilled cheeses, and how to make pancakes and bake

>> No.73127047

I do and I'll miss her more than you but stop excusing this sort of behaviour faggot

>> No.73127171


>> No.73127248

>i'll miss her more than you
>calls her a retard and thinks it would be reasonable for her to quit streaming because her brother who cant even drive got a dead end dogshit minimum wage job somewhere

>> No.73127368
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>> No.73127405

her tradwife thing isnt larp because shondo would cheat on you every opportunity she could get, like any other (trad)wife

>> No.73127460

you cant just keep calling every criticism bait

>> No.73127534

she wouldnt get any opportunities

>> No.73127537
File: 235 KB, 2445x1197, FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73127568

you got it wrong. it isn't "tradwife" it's "tardwife"

>> No.73127605

unconstructive criticism is bait, reply to the constructive criticism

>> No.73127655

Remember last year around this time when she was in her work break and threads were good? I wonder what happened between now and then

>> No.73127726

The meltdown

>> No.73127739

>threads were good
Funniest post ITT

>> No.73127865

they were really good, yeah, that's why we had anons saying to stop baking when she's offline in multiple threads

>> No.73127872

anon you need to hospitalize yourself

>> No.73127891

They unironically were. Go back and look. Shoggas were encouraging each other and being supportive and talking about how much they loved her.
Every other post in these threads is bait or some hateful shit towards her now

>> No.73127945


>> No.73128020

i love my trad tard wife

>> No.73128068

you're basically just saying that she isn't cut out for streaming, you realize that right?

>> No.73128084

maybe threads would be better now if her break wasnt the result of shoggers own behaviour

>> No.73128260

Shondo just needs a goal to motivate her to stream again. Like fundraising to open her own klub

>> No.73128300

shes going to come back and will have been encouraged by her family, the barbies and a therapist to drop the husband larp. it will be over.

>> No.73128362

unironically i dont see it ever being the same again

>> No.73128413
File: 627 KB, 613x409, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me wife and I’m positive nothing good will come of having threads up during hiatus. I’ll be looking forward to her return.

>> No.73128416

Then just let her have it, she has every right to cope and vent however she likes. No retard should be allowed to take that from her because mah secret club retardation
Just block it and look another way

>> No.73128595

she promised

>> No.73128628

shes also a liar

>> No.73128637

I didn't say she has to quit streaming you illiterate tard.

>> No.73128681


>> No.73128859

shondo i hate that you put yourself down like that please dont do that, i love you

>> No.73128919

shes going to do it either way it doesnt really matter
>inb4 something something control of wife
she isnt your wife and shes going to stop the husband larp soon

>> No.73128991

She isnt gonna read what you post, retard. Not here, not on Discord, not on Xitter, not in her email or DMs.

>> No.73129048

I believe this

>> No.73129115

not him, but this was a remarkably poor response.

>> No.73129130

me and her communicate telepathically anyway

>> No.73129131

You're calling it a larp so your opinion is worthless trash but the least you could do is realize that what you're even saying wouldn't fix the issues she's having. You fucking peanut brain, get better material.

>> No.73129170

>she’s gonna do the opposite of what she always says bros
>she’s a liar bros
>she’s not your wife
>it’s so over
Boooooo get new content

>> No.73129239

this is all my fault I'm sorry guys

>> No.73129405

I hope other chuubas reach out and offer their support :)

>> No.73129417

This is why I'm against baking during the hiatus

>> No.73129427

stop living in early 2022, its 2024 now. it is a larp and it will be over, for her own good.

>> No.73129505

they are no longer working

>> No.73129579

Anyone defending this are literally acting like horny Indians, please do the needful sirs.

>> No.73129617

I hope it wasn't a surprise to a couple of them, and she's not distancing from everyone.

>> No.73129733
File: 174 KB, 515x405, 1712005611664452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I feel unironically since I only started watching her a few months ago. I'm sorry.

>> No.73129817

wiggly in offline chat so we know who to lynch

>> No.73129943

hopefully that rat guy posts more self insert art of shondo having sex with zer on the tag, it would cheer shondi up

>> No.73130016

i think she likes me a little bit actually and that crumb of affection gives me hope that she might like me more in the future

>> No.73130177

>When I gave her money she said something to me so I think she is in love with me

>> No.73130268


>> No.73130294
File: 39 KB, 712x679, 0FC2F016-0526-4CC0-8A9C-4FB48E7C9B17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest well, wife.

>> No.73130424

updoot for you zir

>> No.73130438

Thats generally how relationships work, yeah.

>> No.73131560

It's crazy how no one saw this coming when she mentions FT getting a job but hardly talked about it. She was planning this hiatus for at least a week.

>> No.73131590

God curses the cutest girls with the strongest schizo

>> No.73131789

still cant believe she took a hiatus just because people stopped ryonaposting. this is your fault bratty

>> No.73131806

Is Shondo kill?

>> No.73132165

what are these mental gymnastics? what does FT getting a job have to do with her hiatus? that he can support the family now? what a load of bullshit
its not like everyone is gonna unsub if she's gone for a bit, its the opposite even, one dude dropped a big dono already and others are probably going to follow suit
fuck off with this doomposting already, it helps no one

>> No.73132282
File: 203 KB, 640x512, happyshon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will return when she's ready and be stronger than ever

just got to believe

>> No.73132503
File: 19 KB, 84x99, 1704372072187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with your wife, anons. I don't watch her outside of the occasional ASMR myself, but I saw the hiatus message on Twitter. Stay strong. The fact that she put together such an honest and clear announcement despite struggling so much is really sweet. Hope she can ride out this rough patch as smoothly as possible.

>> No.73132519
File: 919 KB, 960x1097, 203_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i miss you shondo uuuuuuuuuuu i want to hold you tight and never let go uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu everything will be alright

>> No.73132792


>> No.73132939

Thanks, appreciate the well wishes. She's a strong girl and she'll make it through this.

>> No.73133000

Shondo, since I know you're still snooping here, heed my advice.
Post some art once you can and get GGS nuked.
Then make a new account after sometime and drop the link to it either in the Discord Movie channel chat or in Shadowchama offline chat.
Trust me. You want to see who is loyal to you? You'll find out very quickly.

>> No.73133225

Not only did my trips declare this to be surefire, but I forgot to mention to go hiatus for 1 month minimum. Focus on you and stabilize for now.

>> No.73133282

you've put a wicked smile on my face with this post

>> No.73133328

I don't know if stalking prowess is the best test of loyalty, but I'll agree that she could use a more intimate communication channel and maybe it's better than nothing.
(nice digits)

>> No.73133369

dont do that shondo, you promised

>> No.73133404

anyone remember the weird scheduleschizo that compared shondo's schedules to picky's? some 2view nobody had ever heard of? well giru just tweeted art of her lmao. is the scheduleschizo giru?

>> No.73133492

I don't think that would count as a secret alt, do you really?

>> No.73133565

no more alts

>> No.73133698

The "no more alts" was due to the circumstances surrounding her at the time.
Those circumstances have now changed. There will not be a "new alt" it will be regarded as a "replacement alt".

>> No.73133712

I'm not the original suggester but I think it would be totally acceptable to replace goodgirl if it got killed.

>> No.73133850

if you constantly find loopholes to get around your own principles then they're not actually your principles

>> No.73133866


>> No.73133996

I miss my schizo punching bag...

>> No.73134083

>says it increased her mental illness in the worst way possible
>fans begging for it to come back
you people are fucking disgusting lol

>> No.73134220

all these retards not realizing it's part of the ARG

>> No.73134256

It is not a loophole to evolve with the circumstances. She wanted to prevent FOMOniggers from feeling bad, so she made that rule. Currently there is nothing to miss out on and updates should come from Main if they need to during the hiatus.
Because there is nothing to miss out on, GGS is up for being replaced to when shondo returns and has new circumstances surrounding her need for an alt.

>> No.73134260

>then they're not actually your principles
Well yeah, exactly. Roughly speaking, the principle was to not have any more not-shadow menhera dump alts, not whatever you're imagining it to be.
I don't think she should have that either, just a comfy channel where she can talk with her husbands (as Shadow) without 10 thousand bystanders.

>> No.73134441

the circumstances around the relationship between shondo and husbands have changed, therefore it is okay for her to stop it since the circumstances have evolved

>> No.73134459

>just a comfy channel where she can talk with her husbands (as Shadow) without 10 thousand bystanders.
sorry to break it to you, but she has 137k husbands

>> No.73134609

Please explain why it did when you make these posts. That is a crucial detail you faggots love to leave out. It made her worse because her trust was constantly betrayed by people she was confiding in. It was entirely on the people abusing the privilege that made not work.

>> No.73134626

you don't get it...

>> No.73134677

Thank you for your helpful (not useless at all) input

>> No.73134727

>browse wsg
>see this >>>/wsg/5502990

>> No.73134758

what’s wrong with ggs, specifically? just too many normie eyes on it?

>> No.73134771

seems worth pointing out considering you seem to think a "comfy twitter account dedicated to her husbands" would only have 100 followers or something. you talk like a groomer

>> No.73134814

if she wanted to talk to her husbands without 10 thousand bystanders she could just dm you and add you to a private discord like every single other GFEtuber (you can go ahead and cope in response that shondo isn't GFE all you want) but she wont do that.
what youre asking for is a secret klub in all but name (which realistically, the other alts were also) just because.... you're mad that there are more people around than you want there to be?
nta but you dont need to provide that detail because it is implicit in talking about how awful the other alts wound up being. if people dont understand this they either didnt do their reps, are ignorant or are complicit

>> No.73134846

there's nothing wrong with it lol. groomers are just mad they can't interact with her. same story as always.

>> No.73135003

how long until the first public melty and from who will it come?

>> No.73135026

It's sitting at over 11k followers and gets far too much traffic from people that do not actually care about her. Accounts like hers serve no purpose to grow but husbands just naturally boost it and the BA arcs gave it massive traction.
Especially the situation she is in where she needs some clarity and reassessment on this marriage, cleaning out the alt gutter is a great place to start.

>> No.73135036

shondo had to go on hiatus because she wants to go hard on broSF HC necropolis with me on a private league, sorry guys

>> No.73135139

>She has 137k husbands

>> No.73135256

> she could just dm you and add you to a private discord like every single other GFEtuber
sounds like insanely cucked groomer bait, watch better gfetubers

>> No.73135267

You are making up bullshit and speaking literal word vomit. I told you her trust was betrayed and that played a major role in why it did not work out for her. That is my opinion because that is what happened. I don't give a fuck about the rest of your GFE nonsense.

>> No.73135268


>> No.73135290

dewd is talking in offline chat about how he's crying, so maybe him?

>> No.73135394

necropolis sucks ass
not gonna run through campaign for the 1000th time just to micromanage some bullshit every map

>> No.73135510

Shadow herself has conflicting wants, and this is a compromise solution.
She wants to interact with her community without stress and obligation, but would be strongly opposed to any further actual gating (like tier 3 chat or or invite-only stuff).

>> No.73135544

>move yellow thing up
but yes the league kinda sucks outside of printing mirror tier items. the patch is great though

>> No.73135559

maybe she should grow up and realize you can't have the cake and eat it too

>> No.73135644

>sounds like insanely cucked groomer bait
Enough about Shondo

>> No.73135748

Is your goal to make her hate streaming?

>> No.73135776

The solution is going to be that you're going to be demoted to 'Chat', if she even comes back to streaming at all. Prepare yourself for this.

>> No.73135805

My oshi and Shondo have had the slimmest of barely an interaction one time, but she said some nice words all the same. Sorry for her and all you guys during this time.

>> No.73135860

Thank you

>> No.73135864

thanks, check back in 2 or 3 weeks for some real menhera posting

>> No.73135901

nah shiggas, i'm good. this shit just makes me sad, i don't hold in tears well.

>> No.73135996

king t, khaal, orange, abcs. the g-squad aren't going to melt down over this, theyre rubbing their hands in glee

>> No.73136170

Im on standby for her to confide in me beyond what was publicly posted but nothing yet.

>> No.73136268

make sure to spill the tea when she does, dmsama

>> No.73136474

no? she (and her community) could just be honest about it instead of lying and being sneaky? i love how acting like a normal person is just too much to ask from someone like you. she could simply, like most other vtubers, say that she needs a small account for the sake of her mental illness. she could even handpick trusted husbands if she wanted to. she can do anything she wants to. just be honest about it. why is this such an alien fucking concept?

>> No.73136677

at that point I'll be wondering if shes in the hospital or Paris

>> No.73136825

yes she can do all that the same way that she could eat a real diet and she could go see another doctor and she could try to make more real life friends and she could try to get fit and so on, but she wont do any of this for multitudes of reasons just like she wont be making a private alt for an inner circle or t3 husbands or discord for that or anything else for multiple extremely obvious reasons such as: it would completely break her character which would make a lot of people leave, it would go back on what she said, it would affect her income massively, it would blow up in her face (it would be impossible to stop things leaking from it) etc etc

>> No.73136875
File: 7 KB, 517x388, 1684718144047586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she trending

>> No.73137020

>Brain rot
The brain rot is slower and will max out in her 30s, if we somehow still have her streaming in the 2030s then she's 100% gone by the time she's 35 judging by the rate of her deterioration.

It varies per person but Shondo is pretty unlucky. With her meds already starting to become ineffective at 22. From here it's down to to episode rng, if her brain plays nice she's fine, otherwise expect more hiatuses as the years go by.

>> No.73137040

The only people who have a problem with this are the ones that latched onto the "Shadow is for everyone" nipple and they nurse from that misunderstanding like their life depends on it.
Shadow is for "everyone" but not "everyone" is for Shadow.
If she had her way and the spine to do it, she would be booting the trannies and un-ironic faggotry out of her community.

>> No.73137162

>at one of her lowest points since starting streaming
>niggers immediately begging for a new alt and using this to justify it
we all see what you're trying. you're not subtle

>> No.73137358

>at one of her lowest points since starting streaming
>many of her own husbands had no idea she was feeling this close to the brink because she may as well not have an alt to tell us stuff with
Who is the real groomer here trying to isolate her away from her husbands?

>> No.73137412

>we all see what you're trying
baby steps towards a sustainable future? God forbid that happening.

>> No.73137462

If she made a private account, linked it in the discord, and accepted every regular she recognized nobody would leave and she wouldn't lose income because all the people that care and donate a lot would be part of it.

>> No.73137632

None of your reasoning holds any meaning here if she was still using GGS as an alt to keep us updated and that has not been the case in months.
And it's current may as well be obsolete because her mentions are immediately clogged with randoms.

>> No.73137642

That's not a bad idea, but I doubt she would be up for it.

>> No.73137648

I just want her to have a happy ending. Whatever that ending might be.

>> No.73138167
File: 1.72 MB, 498x373, wife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me wife

simple as

>> No.73138216

nice projection. why do you want her to break her promise and isolate herself on another secret alt when she's in a bad mindset? almost like you want to take advantage of that with as few people around as possible :^)
>baby steps towards a sustainable future
you mean like taking this break to take care of herself so she isn't institutionalised rather than making another alt in the middle of a schizo episode?
the fact this is where your priorities lie regarding this situation is telling enough

>> No.73138403

okay, i don't know what you want then. you're having a fit over literally every possibility here

>> No.73138426

thats doubly sad considering how bright she was when she was younger

>> No.73138632

>making another alt in the middle of a schizo episode
No one is suggesting this, dumbass (and if they IDC because I'm not). She should take all the time she needs, and I'll continue to think about how to make sure this doesn't need to happen again.

>> No.73138768

She isn't breaking her promise, we've been over this in the thread already. Replace GGS is not the same as making a new alt.
Also if you think complete randoms should have access to your own wife's personal thoughts that she wants to share with as few people as possible, you're unironically just trolling at this point.
Pushing for her to not be "isolated" is still groomer behavior. :^)

>> No.73138912

The Barbies will never convince her to drop the larp, her family and therapist might try, but the Barbies are pretty much all as bad if not worse then her. Also if I'm being totally honest I don't really think she could if she tried at this ooint

>> No.73139101

If she wasn't light as a feather and had a real doctor her meds situation would be a lot better. And she wouldn't be permanently exhausted and have no energy for anything, and so much more. EAT A BURGER SHONDO.

>> No.73139230

It's not a larp you fucking nigger. KYS

>> No.73139259

>If she had her way and the spine to do it, she would be booting the trannies and un-ironic faggotry out of her community.
she isnt based and never will be
>make a 'private' alt
>its just p2p and favoritism
yeah, im sure she really wants to drive fomoniggery through the roof and drive a huge wedge into her community. even regulars who would be invited would leave if she did that, idiot

>> No.73139384

YOU are a random. Literally every single 'Husband' is a random. The quicker you realize this the better it will be for you when she comes back to stream in 3 months and you're demoted to 'Chat' because "I've been doing a lot of thinking, and this is going to be for the best moving forward."

>> No.73139484

There would be no fomo or favoritism. All it would take is to click a link and not be a literal ghost lmao

>> No.73139540

She knows me by fullname, your argument is invalid. Stop projecting now you pitiful manlet.

>> No.73139577

the fact is that the only people that should have access to shondos personal thoughts are her friends and family, and not colorful names on a computer screen who give her money and make her life stressful at every opportunity

>> No.73139606

>I'll continue to think about how to make sure this doesn't need to happen again
good luck curing bipolar and schizophrenia then i guess
why would replacing the current alt matter if it wasn't intended to be secret? it would just grow in size again and everyone would know about it regardless.
>Also if you think complete randoms should have access to your own wife's personal thoughts that she wants to share with as few people as possible, you're unironically just trolling at this point.
good thing nobody has been constantly sharing everything she's said when this has been tried before right? :^)

>> No.73139622

>even regulars who would be invited would leave if she did that, idiot
Name them.

>> No.73139672

>It's not a larp you fucking nigger. KYS
Banned within 2 streams once she comes back. You have been warned.

>> No.73139701

stinky femcel

>> No.73139736

You sound like someone who doesn't view themselves as her husband, so I'm going to go ahead and discredit everything you're vomiting onto this thread. Kill yourself. :)

>> No.73139767

shondo I'm sorry for overanalyzing things I took it at your word that you don't look /here/ and otherwise I acknowledge you're pulled a lot of different ways even internally so I'd never press you about it all

>> No.73139839

I was lashing out here because I was having a bad day yesterday. Im really sorry I hope you dont hate me for it

>> No.73139853

that was my first post and no, internet roleplay is not a marriage

>> No.73139877

You've warned me that you wont kill yourself. Reconsider that, nigger.

>> No.73139926

it would be best if you just stopped talking for a little while

>> No.73139940

some of you guys clearly don't have the ability to be empathise with others, if you did you'd understand why she needs time to herself. Stop being retards, she's a real person.

>> No.73140022

Luckily it's not roleplay

>> No.73140066

it was my first post since yesterday but i think youre right

>> No.73140103


>> No.73140126

It's not a roleplay so why are you commenting on it like it is one? Are you retarded?

>> No.73140139

>good luck curing bipolar and schizophrenia then i guess
I'll take that as you conceding the original argument then

>it would just grow in size again and everyone would know about it regardless.
Sure, and then the cycle would repeat

>> No.73140180

>inb4 Shondo tries to chase people away to get to a lower ccv she enjoys, so she starts screaming nigger and redebuts on BitChute
>100K CCV

>> No.73140283

so was she lying about her productivity? was it too much to keep the illusion up while having to gaslight herself into not being severely depressed?
she really didn't need to do that, it's only expectations that she put on herself

>> No.73140303

Actually you guys are right, it isn't even a marriage roleplay, since you don't even do what married people do.

>> No.73140436

It's really funny when anti's or shitposters just run out of material so you just act retarded for the rest of the thread. It's pretty cute ngl

>> No.73140559

the only reason it isn't is because whiny bastards will say it's too forced if she panders
they wanted it to be real so badly that what they got was a real dead marriage
they could've just let her cook and enjoyed wife experience
well, she could've also just allowed herself to "act the role" more too with less concern for the "reality" of it

>> No.73140646

Face reality instead of spewing racial profanity

>> No.73140758
File: 3.83 MB, 552x452, 1704598988613421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face this, nigger.

>> No.73140796

Shes not coming back, FT will post the sad news on main in 3 weeks

>> No.73140806

I think it's kinda funny wyatt still orbits her to be the weakest anti possible

>> No.73141021

>look at tweets about her
>newfags actually think the schizo shit is jokes
you know what, as twitter-esque as it may be maybe she really does need to warn about her mental disability in her twitch info

>> No.73141065

>it's only expectations that she put on herself
and the people like mouz and dewd who are constantly in offline chat talking about the things she hasn't done and were using every opportunity to tell her to work harder
and the people constantly bringing it up in the threads
and qwerty but i don't know if he's just clueless

>> No.73141142

No they need to be banned on sight. If your first reaction to mental illness is "HAHA SCHIZO xD" you need to be unironically euthanized.

>> No.73141228

I don't think they're genuine but I also expect her to interpret it the worst way and not that they're retards who think they're helping
she shouldn't and claims not to read this thread
if she is, she shouldn't take the bitching and moaning here seriously

>> No.73141263

im now realizing she was getting more defensive about her schizo recently because it was acting up

>> No.73141328

the problem is she has a humor about it normally which makes people think it's not serious
there's no real blaming them and she hates to bring it up in serious terms because she thinks it's baiting pity

>> No.73141408

she does read these threads she just lied because it would break containment

>> No.73141433

actually go fuck yourself if you don't think i'm genuine. suck my tiny fucking dick. and my nuts too. penis breath. i've had enough of some of you.

>> No.73141437
File: 1.40 MB, 300x300, 1687830613915521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes not really schizo, its just a funny thing people say

>> No.73141472

probably not wrong, kinda like when you could sense her becoming unsettled with milk game when the character talked about her meds losing effectiveness
there wasn't a real moral statement, she was just being made to grip with her current reality

>> No.73141507

the fillian collab will have lasting consequences on shonciety that wont fully be realized for years

>> No.73141558

I mean genuine about grilling her on her productivity. I'm sure you're a genuine person anon. If that's not your gripe and you are grilling her then well choke on a dick yourself.

>> No.73141804

yes, i've been genuine about grilling her. and i'm genuine about you needing to go piss up a rope.

>> No.73141841

Please dont bake another /shon/. Let it die until she comes back. it hasnt even been 24 hours and the thread's been worse than it has been in a while.

>> No.73141994

if they weren't genuine they wouldn't bring it up in offline chat every other day and before streams and jumping on the opportunity when she brings it up

>> No.73142034

Then I'll chime in and request that you go piss on some exposed high voltage connections.

>> No.73142100
File: 122 KB, 491x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

votes are in
gonna go talk to the jannies and get them to autosage /shon/
see you in a few months

>> No.73142124

I think you underestimate autism and the incapacity for avid shondo fans to read her mood. This isn't a new development various shoggers for two years love to do shit they think is helpful that's just killing her slowly.

>> No.73142152


>> No.73142234

>tyranny of 6 anons
Truly, democracy is the worst of all political systems.

>> No.73142309

youre genuinely a disgusting person

>> No.73142319

on no you need to get a hobby now, how sad

>> No.73142354

all hail our new thread /shnid/

>> No.73142377

when you're bringing it up in offline chat to nag her about it every day i think the intention is clear. you can argue they think it's helping but they know what they're doing

>> No.73142386

actually I voted for threads to stop. I just like to make funni with the haha

>> No.73142394

would feel kind of appropriate for being the pseudo anti thread

>> No.73142515

sorry tempers are high in here right now and i feel like shit. i didnt mean to attack you. hope everyone here can do some thinking while shes gone

>> No.73142559

ok i dont know how to contact the mods so i will just ask you to not make any more threads
be nise

>> No.73142604

nadenade silly you didn't attack me <3

>> No.73142635

lol, newfag doesn't know the ritual

>> No.73142669

>>73142559 (me)
never mind figured it out
see you in a few months

>> No.73142744

if you weren't here for this are you really a husband

>> No.73142752

actually instructions unclear
got dick stuck in dewd
plz send halp

>> No.73142842

>the ty spam era
>now replaced with general spam
It never changes

>> No.73142858

shonnegans wake. .

>> No.73143342

Hey guys, just saw the announcement on Twitter and I'm real sorry your pretend girlfriend has actual severe mental issues. But I guess that's what your kink is, so you're used to this?
Hope she gets better, hopefully in the meantime you can be contained in some other menhera's channel and you don't spill over anywhere I'll have to see you.

>> No.73143402

stinky femcel

>> No.73143432

most of us only watch shondo. but thanks anyway for the back handed condolences

>> No.73143485

actually she is my pretend wife and just like a real wife she wont do anything with me and only pays attention to me when i give her money

>> No.73143650

everything old is new and she never loved anyone

>> No.73143817
File: 748 KB, 899x899, GFtfmuVXsAAjW_L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shondo a lot and want her to live a happy life

>> No.73143824

you can keep spouting bullshit all you want but it doesn't change that fact that i am her husband and will continue to be. i can't force some of you to get the fuck over yourselves and roll in the mud with me and just get along. but this is the last thing i'm going to tolerate. go fuck yourselves.

>> No.73144049

>i won't tolerate you for shining light on my sneaky attempts to manipulate shondo

>> No.73144259

>but this is the last thing i'm going to tolerate
What are you going to do, shit yourself?

>> No.73144411

i'm gonna shit your pants first and then mine. i don't give a fuck right now, bucko.

>> No.73144562

>me and my friends taking advantage of the person i claim to love
>people saying mean things on the internet about me

>> No.73144564
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Okay but those digits though

>> No.73144674

i tried sho hard

and got sho far

>> No.73144765

lol, noted -- I'll keep an eye out for the messes.

>> No.73144864

>you can keep spouting bullshit all you want but it doesn't change that fact that i am her husband and will continue to be.
Alright Chat, calm down.

>> No.73145219

okay i cooled off, carry on c:

>> No.73145349

it happens :D

>> No.73146359

i wasn't saying anything mean, it's the truth, they were repeatedly reminding her of how she fails to meet her goals, like she was just wasn't trying hard enough, and the worst part is she believes them
she tries so much harder than they acted like. they got what they were asking for, a shondo who thinks she is too weak when the reality is it's out of her control

>> No.73146505
File: 1.60 MB, 640x534, headpat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73146571

that's a weird way to spin pushing her to do better but go off, shiggie.

>> No.73146592

make :D great again

>> No.73146657

she wouldn't pull a yuko... right?

>> No.73146681

i love you shondo please come back

>> No.73146684


>> No.73146706

>pushing her to do better
nagging someone every day about their failure is not the way to do that, especially when it's her mental illness fighting against her, apparently you haven't learned your lesson

>> No.73146707

She doesn't need to be pushed towards whatever you feel is better. She pushes just fine on her own and always has.

>> No.73146738

neck yourself

>> No.73146843

