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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73140669 No.73140669 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Spain when?

>> No.73141822

Hola chicos cómo estais sabías que hay más 2 generos y que viva el PSOE

Con los progres que son los Españoles en menos de un mes ya estará hablando de política o de alguna cosa cringe como decirle a Gohan songohanda pero al mismo tiempo sería un éxito al menos los euros valen algo

Lets hope and see how idol Es goes first

>> No.73143960

>disgusting elRubius type streamers that think screaming=funny
yeah nah miss me with that shit

>> No.73145164

No te creas, hay chavalas turboweebs en España que no van dando discursitos de gilipolleces o directamente saben no meterse en nada de política en stream, véase Nisha. Lo malo es que una audiencia lo suficientemente grande para hacer eso factible no la veo la verdad.

>> No.73145250

If Brazilians can manage to be vtubers decently enough then Spaniards also can

>> No.73145718

You will get EU, one of them will speak Andalusian and you will like it.

>> No.73145731

I literally forget Spain is a country.

This is fucking European country, with a history that is not insignificant, and I pay no attention to it.

Utterly irrelevant. There is no possible vtuber that could ever interesting from that nation.

>> No.73147335

Pronto hermanos y hermanas del viejo mundo.

>> No.73147541

Considering all the absolute kurosanji level shit that's been going on with spanish vtubers corpos I'd be curious if there's anything even salvageable with the scene.

Spain founded america

>> No.73147760

quiero volver a hacer una pregunta que hice en otro post pero ya estaba casi eliminado
Los Españoles/Latinos son tan raros y parasociales como los demas fans? me refiero a que se piensan que los streamers son novio/a, se enojarian e insultarian a una streamer por jugar con un hombre? solo pregunto no quiero ofendera nadie pero me parece raro como alguien puede pensar asi

>> No.73147995

You're just American.

>> No.73148161

If Spaniards weren't in that ship Mexico right now would have been a French country.

>> No.73148270

Yo por lo menos sí, y sé de bastante gente que también, tanto españoles como latinos. Claro, depende de quién sea tu oshi, el tipo de contenido que haga y de la comunidad en la que estés, eso siempre. Y también está la mayoría de normies que no saben mucho realmente de la industria y no son nada parasociales, pero yo diría que se distribuyen igual que en la comunidad angloparlante.

>> No.73148307
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>> No.73148711
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It ain't gonna work kek, at least not with a 'Spain' spanish speaking girl. I remember that, like 2 years ago, there was a spanish wactor girl who forsake her own spanish accent to get more viewers.

>> No.73148873
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>> No.73148876

Not even to get more viewers, just to make latinxs stop harassing her and laughing at her for her accent in every fucking stream.

>> No.73149200

>Idol Corp is debuting ES branch.
Judios basados, retiro todo le que e dicho en /pol/ durante los ultimos 8 años.
En realidad si son nuestros mas grandes aliados.

>> No.73150121
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I'm being dead serious:
Chuubas for a Mister Jagger feel? Because that's the best streamer Spain has been able to produce.

>> No.73150753

I wish there was one

>> No.73151246

All Spanish girls are absolute cunts.

>> No.73151960
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>> No.73153061

Para mi el mejor es Knekro, Illojuan tambien es bueno

>> No.73153516

why is there even holoID? isn't indonesian a small lang?

>> No.73154898
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After Cover USA

>> No.73159994


>> No.73160113

thank you Spain

>> No.73162786

Ser un oldfag español es duro porque España tiene un nivel de inglés abismal y todo lo interesante de la escena otaku en los 00's, incluido 4chan, 2chan etc ocurrió o en inglés o en japonés. Ademas de que tardamos en tener buenas conexiones de internet.

Asi que la mayoria de los otaku aqui o son Mazinger Z boomers, o son SAO/Hero Academia nivel shonen superficial.
Casi nadie vivió aquí los buenos años de internet....

>> No.73166143

no way

>> No.73166399

Hopefully never
T. Spaniard

>> No.73168002


>> No.73168179

Como lo había comentado en el otro thread:
>Hay de todo en la viña del Señor.

Y si, pueden ser igual de parasociales.

>> No.73169811

Name 5 holo material ES indies.

>> No.73170096

If anything the population is extremely polarized, its either a party animal or a shut-in, no inbetween, so at most you're gaining the bit of the audience that would've been neutral
But that also means that the women here are WAY more likely to be brainless, unapologetic cocksleeves, which already used to be bad, but it somehow got worse with the blatant, imported murrican propaganda. Or as we say, T*D*S P*T*S
The male audience would be either all in or not touching this with a pole until the media realizes how much money this makes and the bandwagoners try to shove themselves in, justl ike one of my coworkers recently wanted a serious talk with me explaining him how onlyfans works and how to make money with it, but dont keep any hope for any ESP girl o be redeemable, it'd be healthier that way

>> No.73171982


>> No.73172344
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Jewman, hire the cutest spanish girls available, and my life is yours!

>> No.73172562

I wish never, I saw what happened to Wactor's fanbase and the average Spanish vtuber is shit. The only ok ones aren't native Spanish or are halfblood that grow up in multicultural homes.

>> No.73172620
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I think of Portugal more than I do Spain because I have seen two Portuguese chuubas, but not a Spainiard.

>> No.73172630

The only thing that spaniards didn't fucked up

>> No.73172661

idol has them

>> No.73172737

UK, one of two and half relevant countries in Europe and 100% of new Hololive Europe hires

>> No.73172772

Look how america turned up, though

>> No.73173970

El yankee más letrado:

>> No.73174021

Teniendo en cuenta que latinoamérica es bastante conservadora socialmente, serían bastante peor que los viewers de EN.

>> No.73174301

Vuelve a tu país decadente, nadie pidió tu opinión simio yakuviano. Esperanza de vida bajando, pobreza subiendo, servicios públicos sangrando… os doy 10 años para ser Argentina. Vuestra comida es un insulto para los sentidos, vuestra cultura britoide se basa en follar entre hermanos y arrodillaros ante un rey demente que ni siquiera es capaz de sostener un lápiz. Los romanos os deberían haber genocidado correctamente, a lo mejor entonces habría sido posible la aparición de civilización en vuestro vertedero flotante llamado Inglaterra.
Como Blas de Lezo dijo en su momento: “Todo buen Español debería mear siempre mirando a Inglaterra”. Pérfida Albión, brindaré el dia que os balcanizéis cual Yugoslavia.
>Verification not required

>> No.73175623

Por favor no

>> No.73175875

Most vtubers fans are single men, the country doesn't matter. Maybe they won't harass the vtuber but they won't be happy eighter

>> No.73176606

Ya tenemos a Meica!! <3

>> No.73177742

Los españoles puede ser, pero los latinos yo apostaria a que no. Nuestra cultura es super permisiva en cuanto al contacto/espacio personal/trato interpersonal. Para la mayoría nosotros (a diferencia de los gringos, los japos o los yuros) cosas como un abrazo, un beso en la mejilla o un "te quiero" son mas muestras de compasión/aceptación que de cercanía o implicancia romántica... lo que no quita que pueda haber algun que otro gordo desesperado que responda a la situacion con melties.

despite anything most english speakers could say, our cultures work far too different to expect the same reaction from both communities.

>> No.73179937

buy an ad

>> No.73180485

Latino thinking latinos are superior to Spaniards, Gringos, Japanese and Koreans, you love to see it, kek
t. latino
t. latino

>> No.73182000

that without the S

>> No.73183404

Escribe en español y deja de hacerte el gringo, mexichango.

>> No.73184563

I'll never forgive Napoleon

>> No.73185731

>Teniendo en cuenta que latinoamérica es bastante conservadora socialmente
No? Unless you are from Paraguay.

>> No.73185872

>¡Hola manolo, hoy vamos a jugar al FF7 que lo jugaba con mi primo Jorge, este juego me lo regalo el novio de mi esposa!

>> No.73186084

I look forward to seeing how long it takes until the cartels steal idolES talents right from their homes and force them onto cam sites to make them money instead.

Trying to get anything nice in spanish speaking countries only gets yourself targeted.

>> No.73187897

Never, if Hololive has two braincells. Irrelevant community, no money, all the drama. It's worse than SEA if that's even possible.

Just look at Idol and see how that crashes a couple of months after debut. Keep this cancer out of holo.

>> No.73189436


>> No.73193619

>Just look at Idol and see how that crashes a couple of months after debut. Keep this cancer out of holo.

>> No.73194103

Never. White Mexicans don't need recognition. All they'll do is bring the same crowd who likes Tele novelas and try hard edgy kids.

>> No.73195492
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Tal vez no estoy lo suficientemente lejos pero como ÑSL cada vtuber latina que he visto ha sido una enorme drama puta. Ademas, los latinos que he conocido son tan parasociales como nosotros los gringos.

>No accents lululul
I learned your language solely to read Historic sources on Incas, I neither respect nor care about it enough to write it properly. Latinx.

>> No.73195682
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>> No.73195907

Mándame nudes Meica *chu*

>> No.73196027

Isn't vtubing in ES full of drama right now?

>> No.73196979

yes, that's why shitposters want this to happen

>> No.73198183

Isn't it implied that one of the IdolES members will be a former WACTOR member? I remember that she had her menhera moments before so I don't know how she'll handle a corpo again.

>> No.73200412

Pues buen punto la verdad. Sé que está Nimu o como se llame como vtuber de habla hispana en twitch, pero hay alguna otra así grande, con un CCV en las 4 cifras?

>> No.73203435

What kind of drama?

>> No.73204127

I'm Spanish and only watch HoloJP

>> No.73204830

Not him but this nation runs on cheap drama, it's what has dominated TV for more than 30 years and even now that TV is irrelevant it's one of the things that works the best, the other being football.

>> No.73205398

probably you mostly met "rich boys" (every country has their own term for this concept, so i englobe it like that) which are mostly contrarians as they think our traits or costumes are "cosa de negros", just like most retards ITT
Do not get confused tho, i call them "rich boys" but most of them had no real money, they spend their wages on things they can't afford just to show off and live like monkeys when no one can see them... that's whay they keep saying "Latinxs have no money!"

On the other hand, most working class dudes can afford a few nice things every now and then. And as a market we have the advantage of numbers: individually we spend less than others, but we are a shit ton of people. Believe it or not, we are one of the best markets for Value-Added businesses.

Realistically, investors will care more about that than your average schizo statement on a mongolian basket weaving forum...

El problema que hay en este sentido es que los inversores de la región están acostumbrados a buscar retornos casi inmediatos y este tipo de negocios requieren ciclos mas largos. Entonces se da el caso en que hay chuubas "locales" sin buenos números pero con comunidades fieles y solidas dispuestas a gastar. Y digo locales entre comillas, porque son extranjeras ex corpo o con contactos en corpos que de una manera u otra aprendieron a trabajar con poco presupuesto pero con marketing y SEO decentes. Como pueden ser Nisha (que supongo es la razón de la existencia de este thread) o Meica, ambas ex Wactor.

>> No.73207428 [DELETED] 
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Fuyo SEX

>> No.73211568


>> No.73215514

This seems like the same argument Niji used for opening their India branch, which went famously well if memory serves right. Anyway, the fact that most of Latinos I run into here and all the Spanish speakers I've bumped into have been what you'd describe as a 'Richboy' bodes poorly, and while Anime is popular in LatinoAmerica I don't think the average Blue-Collar-Juan is exactly the vtuber target audience.

Then again, my perspective is probably biased. I am probably the last person a Spanish-Speaking-Normie would choose to speak to.

>> No.73217951

Lamentablemente es así.
Es por eso, a punto personal y que a nadie le importa, cuando preguntan por una rama ES siempre estoy en contra, ya que salen con cada pendejada.
Suficiente es con la estúpida de Nimu y su marabunta de parasociales.

>Learned the language to read historic sources on Incas.

>> No.73223858

HoloES soon

>> No.73225413

Usually no, the only times you will see latinos chimp out is when it turns out, the vtuber wasn't a girl. Like that one fuck a few years back before OWOZU was a thing and before it imploded.

However, there's a sizeable similar "parasocial" audience, but usually they just go the regular otaku route and get a 2D waifu and just watch the vtubers for giggles because they know it is a lost cause, or get caught grooming some girl IRL with a cute voice or borderline dwarf size that has nothing to do with vtubers.

>> No.73225632

¿Qué sería peor, hololive España o hololive Argentina?

>> No.73227369

Holy fucking based.
Me estoy arrodillando ahora mismo.

>> No.73227599


IDはYagooの優れた判断がもたらしたものだ。そして成功した。英語で例えるなら"hiddeng gem"と言ったところだろうか




>> No.73227959
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who said this?

>> No.73228019


>> No.73228382
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>la flechipolla pero vtuber

>> No.73228543

Bae and Haachama already did that stream

>> No.73228594

yes that's correct but it would be live saying the UK and US are similar because they both speak English, regardless both Latinos and Spaniards don't want holoES and I don't think they'll do a Korean branch either, everything non-japanese and non-indonesian will be tossed into EN, just look at holostars EN, they already have a spanish speaking dude
