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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73080395 No.73080395 [Reply] [Original]

Retro Enthusiast Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to unite and talk in-depth about behind-the-scenes Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.

>Useful Links

>Songs Playlist

>Divegrass (Football) Team

Previous Thread: >>72639094

>> No.73080611

Hello, it's the usual breadbaker! I changed the OP text a little bit to accommodate the new things that VRchama and his team made, so if you're curious go check them out!
I also added a playlist consisting of original and cover playlist that's (hopefully) always up-to-date, so if you want to listen to them, you can always check them out here!

>> No.73081109
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Awanama, I'm thinking of starting pelatnas /warkop/ for this tourney but who do you think should we send there? Maybe a strongman? Master of swords? Or mayhaps something else?

>> No.73081215
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First graduation from AKA, she's also stopping from the scene entirely, supposedly.

bye, Velary

>> No.73081401

Is this the first graduation under AKA management?

>> No.73081663

At the very least, this should be the first ID grad for AKA, not sure if their non-IDs had grad before this

>> No.73082106

A swordman is good, and you can do it from different bases (Sophitia/Cassandra, Talim, Xianghua, Amy, etc.), but the problem is, there's not much local chuuba who has an edged weapon, is it?

>> No.73082461

If they don't have it, we can craft them one, two I think who had fitting designs are Noemi and Komandan but what do you think wan?

>> No.73083105

Ngapbers, what do you think about the 1 hour loop content video?

>> No.73083805
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>Tono Sholawatan
what happen?

>> No.73085031

>jewbook niggers are in flames over kobo being invited as an anisong guest by AFAID
Is having at least one anime song under your belt an actual written rule in the AFA handbook for anisong guests? From what I remember the segment has always been about singers singing on jap anime songs first before everything else.

>> No.73085122

Is this about kobo's song loop? She seems pretty hellbent on promoting her new song even with its remarkable viewcount growth (it's even faster and higher than her UMJ backed song)

>> No.73085184

Are the people complaining even actual attendees?

>> No.73085239

??? That song was also backed by UMJ

>> No.73085288

Nah, it's just that there are Nijifags among them that's heartbroken because their organs aren't invited to AFA/CSF anymore

>> No.73085736

Zoey New Outfit Reveal Part 1 (Saturday)
Zoey New Outfit Reveal Part 2 (Sunday)

>> No.73085827

>no tiktok buff
u sure about that?

>> No.73086279
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I mean, what do they expect really
their organs that's usually invited to afa stuff is fucking dead

>> No.73086482

anon, the reason why people can't use the track on tiktok is because it IS backed by UMG

>> No.73086483

Because no more Japanese artists who sing anisong want to come to Indonesia (?) Because our country looks ugly & poor to them (?) So, only Kobo the last choice to fill the slot (?)

>> No.73086704

Yeah seems like it's a flesh vs gepeng debacle there, somewhat similar to back when wotas tried to get used with jkt48v

>> No.73086879

>>73086483 (me)
But maybe Yagoo accidentally looking to the a comment section that filled with hate comments from netizens, then savagely countering the hate speech by bringing Kobo to an anime producter committee, then having Kobo a chance sing an anime song thanks to Yago's connections? Isn't this the best alternative future option?

>> No.73086889

No, Case in point: BabyMetal

>> No.73087412

I just want to know who comes up with that idea, since she already confirmed it's not hers. Poor girl getting bullied by something not her owns fault, kobokek was a massive mistake sometimes.

>> No.73087457

Weebs are just mad that a non Japanese person was invited, because of course "Japanese uber alles" in the eyes of them.

>> No.73087488


>> No.73087503

Akemi is trully become V-logger coy! And morever he is really gacor, got many endorsement/promotion offers not only from a famous brand, but also from many locals business.

>> No.73087550

explain the other guests

>> No.73087598

Indonesia isn't Africa lil nigger

>> No.73087599


>> No.73087630

fix your english first or go back to kikebook

>> No.73087711


>> No.73087962

Beato LoL
Alenka Memecheck
HBD Naze!
Pukari-Chia Potion Craft

>> No.73089352

Stupid idea. At least we know it's not from UM side because they're more aware about marketing stuff in the music industry. There is no way UM side would make that kind of stupid decision. In this case... we know that Kobo Tokopedia commercial with 1 hour loop video in Tokped channel is a huge success, so I assume probably some of ID staff think it's also will be works for Help! song too, then suggest her to make that.

>> No.73090886

Seems like a nice hotel

>> No.73091607

The difference between the Tokopedia ad and her MV is the Tokopedia ad only got 1 video for every platform, the one uploaded on her channel is going to directly clash with her own channel algo. I wouldn't call the 1 hour version successful either, it only got 1M views while the one on TikTok have 12M

>> No.73092068

I'm agree that it will be hit her recent algo tho, but the most important I think is the audience perceive about how Kobo's music content in her channel will doesn't
looks well organize, that will make the listeners think that is very weird/leave low impression toward her personal branding as an music artist.

>> No.73092751

What are your expectations, anonchama?

>> No.73093271

Most Indonesian music artist doesn't care about organizing shit, you're just too used to Japanese autism

>> No.73093402

The biggest takeway from this drama is Kobokerz is massive numberfag kek, the amount of backlash because people afraidnit will ruin the views was insane, a lot of it wasn't a nice word either

>> No.73093763

Well, this is actually start because ID fans often gloryfying about HoloID marketing HoloID marketing kek. Marketing shit. Kobo success at the past sure because her own effort & talent, but to call it as a systematic strategic marketing plan is just exagerrated.

>> No.73094557

Nothing wrong with having a numberfag fanbase as long as they're not being obnoxious to other talent or fanbase, unfortunately, that's not the case most of the time.

>> No.73095288

Gui Gartic Phone
Pirrou roulette
Verin Discord meme react

>> No.73095514

Lethe has assassin lore and a knife fwiw

>> No.73095551

Tomio Tekken8
Njess Ngapex
Pirrou Wheely Wheely Wheely
Kats-Yuzu FFXIV
Ethel Menkrep
GuiDachi Gartic Phone
Yuko27 Ngapex
Aimi Ngapex

>> No.73096691
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Give me your best rrat

>> No.73097018

I believe this two (+ Reine) have a common enemy in HoloID circle. It could be another talent, a staff under management, or even M-chan herself.

>> No.73097062
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New project teaser

>> No.73097094
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Merch announcement

>> No.73097159

well, in case of kobokerz they're being obnoxious to Kobo herself

>> No.73097277

didn't know they have an alt, but i guess i shouldn't be surprised from the two most menhera in holoID

>> No.73097292
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New costume for ID1

>> No.73097371

Zoey Reveals New Model Part 1

>> No.73097439
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2nd orisong for ID1

>> No.73097443

Chia Content Warning
Tiffany Wild Rift
Daisy Debut React
Kuma ML

>> No.73097507
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Schedule for ID1 anniversary week

>> No.73097745

Reru Palo
Raveanne Sings

>> No.73097824
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Looks familiar.

>> No.73097970
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Long hair + yandere eyes

>> No.73098194
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Full body

>> No.73098446

Naia Night Talk
Cae Spilling Secrets of Indie vs Corpo Vtubing

>> No.73100114

So that's where he puts it, interesting

>> No.73100686 [DELETED] 

No way this is real alt kek. At most it's just some rando larping

>> No.73102975


>> No.73104134

Seems nice, like it more than the first model which I really didn't like cz it look weird maap Zoey
Also is the mama still the previous one or she changed it?

>> No.73104505

>sing out mv
why so late you dumb treerrat

>> No.73107091

I think it is the same mama who did her prev model.

>> No.73107389

milf Oceane

>> No.73108845 [DELETED] 

WIVE is back.

>> No.73109156

naaaah, menarik neeeh
lets sort out the "who"
> talent
idk, gen 1 seems solid to me, gen 2 rarely collabs together, gen 3 do their separate things and colllabs once in a while
so... my suspect is either kobo or anya, kobo could be easily painted as the villain because she's big and infleuntial

>> No.73109180

WIFE is back.

>> No.73111252

ronda anon is missing

>> No.73111975

While Ollie & Iofi themself actually are also quite problematic based on their RM account activity/tweets. So, I think it's just average-daily-usual girl drama. The girls just being girl

>> No.73113990

last bump from me

>> No.73114097

Louise Sahur
Aneki-Awenka-Pirrou-Ymel Sandar
Tiona Sahur

>> No.73114751

so... nothing burger???

>> No.73116281

Can we kick both of them out to NijiID instead? Their crab mentality is more fitting there, we need to protect ID4 before they ruined it again.

>> No.73116556

Idk anon, notollie's tweets are tame from what I've seen. notmoona is actually a lot worse. Also the only problematic tweets that i've seen from from notiofi was indomie using AI for commercial ads drama

>> No.73116887

You haven't seen notOllie depressive tweets on whether or not she should graduate, huh?

>> No.73117124

I don't think i did. But I've seen the one where she's wondering if she will leave a legacy once she graduates. If it what you referred then it's actually tame desu

>> No.73117364

For you, maybe. I just think that kind of tweets is just cringe and not really worth it to post about, even in a rm account

>> No.73117428

>she's wondering if she will leave a legacy
Yes she will, a bunch of bad legacy

>> No.73117569

Why do you think the person is in holoid circle? Are you guys just pulling shit out of your ass? It could be from Indie ID chuubas circle since they both+risu often collab with them in their rm account

>> No.73117627

all this talk, yet still no NotKobo tweets?!?!
i want to know wether she really loves ojisans or not :(

>> No.73117768

but the op want us to give our best rrat
then i deliver
ok maybe not my best rrat

>> No.73117850

Rini Land of Dawn
Souta Mudik Talk
Kawi Dicksword Meme
Lilian Sahur

>> No.73118071
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Because I was mentioning Reine rm there, and as diligent as she was by often not tweeting menhera stuffs around work, I caught her doing a similar things around the same time that notIofi was tweeting this

>> No.73118990

Subuh bump, and the last one from me!

>> No.73120820

pick your rrat bois
>notYopi & notOllie vs notReine
>notYopi & notOllie & notReine vs [someone]

>> No.73121850

Ollie collabed with Reine few days ago definitely not Ollie vs Reine

>> No.73123961

She can be a good alternative ngl, others would be more familiar with her as well so that could be a plus

>> No.73126162

Hair and body looking good but her face tho..

>> No.73128414

damn, i think this mama really have a face issue. Cari mama baru when?

>> No.73128418

Any guesses who's working on this song?

>> No.73128453

Looks kind of like a divorced single mother.

>> No.73131871


>> No.73136286

reminds me of that day when someone called her a widow lol

>> No.73136598

I don't think HoloID members have beef with each other. Yeah, it's easy to paint Kobo as the black sheep because, for obvious reasons, she's big and sometimes the gimmick is not easy to handle, but I believe Kobo really respects her ID senpais behind the scane. I pull this up based on how respectful Kobo is toward Risu and Moona in their collabs.
Iofi and Ollie are probably talking about some Indies leech or commission artists, while Reine is probably talking about a particular slacking HoloID officer.
