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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73038517 No.73038517 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vt/ like her now?

>> No.73038572

she's less cringe

>> No.73038645

Hating her stopped being a valid personality

>> No.73038977

It became the contrarian position

>> No.73039008

>not a default mori thread
i wont support you this time deadbeat

>> No.73039094

She became more *checks script* feminine

>> No.73039203

Another mori bait thread. The ndf are fighting a war and riku isn't even supplying them with ammo, sending his ndf soldiers out to the Frontlines with a high-schooler salary. 5 dollars an hour to shitpost here about hololive talents is not worth it.

>> No.73039261

Universal JP paying for astroturfing

>> No.73039318
File: 628 KB, 2614x4096, 1677772127017336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I add her to the GFE pastebin?

>> No.73039520

Actually learned from her mistakes as opposed to certain genmate

>> No.73039556

Pink woman good.
Simple as

>> No.73040458

Her voice still filters me. Tee hee!

>> No.73040612

I thought she was okay before. I think she's okay now.
She works harder than me, that's for sure, so I can't throw stones in that house.

The main change I perceive is that from her debut in late 2020, through mid 2022, I don't think she had accepted that vtubing as Calliope Mori was integral to her success. I got the sense she was treating Hololive as a short stepping stone in her career, rather than long full arc of its own. With that approach came (I observed) less appreciation, and more resistance to, some parts of vtubing and especially agency vtubing.
Since 2023 she seems more accepting of, and comfortable with, most aspects of what she does.
I'm sure many (most?) will disagree, happen that perception of mine hasn't changed the amount I watch her or not. She's not my favorite but I still think she's okay.

>> No.73040722

Typo correction:
>I'm sure many (most?) will disagree, happen that perception of mine...
I'm sure many (most?) will disagree, however that perception of mine...

>> No.73040822
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>> No.73040892

She has a good personality
She outputs good music

>> No.73041331

I always liked her

>> No.73041438

one of these two is horribly wrong

>> No.73041498

She bent the knee to unicorns and came back crawling after Advent's debut

>> No.73041502

Both of these are correct.

>> No.73041544

feminized mori is my most watched now

>> No.73041579

She’s very feminized now

>> No.73041678

>Mind broken

>> No.73041682
File: 27 KB, 1024x538, 1709480639121551m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time i tuned in she was slurring around at every sentence, i can't stand people who can't control their speech, you're not relatable, you're rude.

>> No.73041709

no >we don't

>> No.73041724

It's double the minimum wage in pagpagland, it's worth it to them.

>> No.73041763

Both of these are wrong.

>> No.73042530

Probably because a lot of people who disliked her either left, gotten over it, perhaps changed their opinion entirely, or moved onto much newer and juicier drama. or something

>> No.73042676

She's very feminine now, so she's good

>> No.73043045

She was officially confirmed autistic and /vt/ loves mentally ill woman

>> No.73043093
File: 32 KB, 720x405, Luna the rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like her now?

>> No.73043116

Deadbeat astroturfers, people hear that we don’t like her here so they come here to shill her

>> No.73043165

>/vt/ loves mentally ill woman
We sure love Elira, Enna and Mike alright...

>> No.73043217


>> No.73043332

The former Mori antis are either shitting on dokibird or simultaneously astroturfing as diehard unicorn ruffians and spreading the rrat of fwmc selling them out for the japs
Basically, Mori beat the antis so utterly they had to run away and change tactics since every time they tried they got laughed out the room.

>> No.73043512

buy an ad cuckbeat

>> No.73043811

I don't like her? I just became apathetic towards her. Not like anyone's going to forget the stuff she did in the past, but that's pretty far in the rearview mirror at this point, and she hasn't done anything worthy of complaining about as of late, so there isn't really any reason to bring her up over and over again and continue to beat a dead(beat) horse. I'm sure that as soon as she does something objectionable everyone will go right back to hating her.

>> No.73043869

Yes considering the amount of threads about them sure.

>> No.73044734

Apparently she revealed she's started finding women attractive, and given her current Fauna obession, its safe to say she's got a massive Fauna crush.

>> No.73044879

what mellowing out and doing cool stuff does to a mf

>> No.73046558

/vt/ groomed Mori out of her wigger behavior

>> No.73046835

why are cuckbeats so obsessed with /vt/'s opinion of mori to the point of spamming threads blatantly lying like this

>> No.73048835

Glad someone else posted it so I don't have to

>> No.73049521

We don't, Cuckbeat. Stop lying.

>> No.73049615 [DELETED] 


>> No.73049678


>> No.73049717

We've always liked her, but just shit posted her

>> No.73049724

They shill her like this everywhere ever since her numbers nosedived after advent debuted. It's not just here. Always telling people that she's "improved".

>> No.73049741

Not sure if you're lying, just stupid or both.

>> No.73049840

They think that somehow if everyone is forced to love Mori, we will also be forced to love her fans too. Deadbeats are so unloveable that this is the only way they can imagine themselves being popular.

>> No.73050042

esl-kun you might want to do some reps on what slurring means

>> No.73050073

NTA but he's right and you're wrong.

>> No.73050148

they always did, its has just long been a staple of /vt/'s board culture to pretend that they don't

>> No.73050283

No, that's another Cuckbeat lie. Why do you people eat and breathe falsehood?

>> No.73050305
File: 666 KB, 2048x2048, 1695876708878031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that it matters, those lost viewers are not coming back. They are happily watching someone else who put in the daily grind

>> No.73050423

>It's not just here
Where else?

>> No.73050474

>eat and breathe falsehood?
like oshi like fanbase lmao

>> No.73050619

Oh but you WILL watch Mori, whether you like it or not she has Advent on a leash

>> No.73050652

I still hate her and hope she trips and breaks her neck

>> No.73050656

>trying to convince the loudest 1%
yeah, that's gonna work out great...

>> No.73050728

dude, the size of the chip on your shoulder about this is the funniest shit

>> No.73050800

sorry I actually went out of my way to block all social media accounts (including youtube) that tried to shill her sneaky breaky song because the spam was getting annoying

I would have to do manual labor to find a link to her streams, that's not gonna happen

>> No.73050882
File: 247 KB, 982x556, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her numbers nosedived after advent debuted
Advent is literally the only reason she doesn't have the lowest CCV in EN right now

>> No.73050929

So you blocked advent too?

>> No.73051173

This is a bait thread, but she actually does stuff.
When people are actually mad that she has cool shit to announce, you know how far the others have fallen, because they never do.

>> No.73051186

lol good point

>> No.73051240

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.73051278

yeah cool shit like sneaky neaky and the song for suicide flop

>> No.73051302

That's only because the only announcment people want to hear about is her suicide stream.

>> No.73051335
File: 127 KB, 360x360, 1697795426144749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah cool shit like sneaky neaky
I liked it too!

>> No.73051338

it's true that it's funny as fuck

>> No.73051395

that's the beautiful part, I only see advent POV links(if there are any) because retweet original posts are blocked too

>> No.73051736

You know, as loathe as you are to admit it, that my words are utter truth. I see through you and yours as if you were uncoloured glass. My words reveal you, your fellows and your oshi as the snivelling dung worms that you all are. It's not too late, Anon. You can still take that final plung and be forever free of your miserable existance.

>> No.73051847


>> No.73052034

If that's tldr then you REALLY need your ADHD meds upgraded.

>> No.73052060

>OP's been at it since 2020

It's been 4 years, You could've:
>Honed your vtubing craft more, so that you get accepted in a corpo
>Tried another hobby like plamo, tcg's or anything
>Tried looking for other holos to be a fan of

This is just pitiful.

>> No.73052174

Yeah, Deadbeats really need to do more with their lives, huh?

>> No.73052270

no amount of meds will make someone read through schizo drivel

>> No.73052295

Why are you writing like an edgy highschooler?

>> No.73052347

Ah, I see. I overestimated your ability to read.

>> No.73052409

7 deadbeats spamming feminisation threads every 2 days does not speak for the rest of the board

>> No.73052425

deadbeats are illiterate, why do you think they love mori's special ed teacher voice

>> No.73052456

Funny how you zoomzooms equate education with edginess. Covid did a real number on your schooling, didn't it?

>> No.73052547

Good point, Anon. I have a bad habit of expecting them to rise to my level.

>> No.73052572

You're not coming off as very educated when you don't know how to spell the word "existence".

>> No.73052658

Paki chan, please marry me. When were together you wont have to make shitposts on /vt/ for steam gift cards so you can resell them for money to feed your family.

>> No.73052664

the IP count removal is like a party for some people now that others can't see it's two dudes sucking eachother off about "deadbeats bad" for 30 posts

>> No.73052716

And you, my dear boy, are coming off as increasingly desperate. Kneel before me and I shall leave you alone this one time.

>> No.73052908

Gentlemen, behold. Deadbeats are so fractious and solipsitic that the idea of people actually agreeing with each other is so threatening to them that they must equate it to oral sex.

>> No.73053005

she followed ames words and improved herself

>> No.73053024

>Goes on using BIG, power words ,to appear educated.
Really sense the projection in this.

>> No.73053124

except people who hate mori are the majority

>> No.73053148

There, there, Juanito. Mama''s here, the big words can't hurt you...

>> No.73053180


>> No.73053217

Okay well, filibuster

>> No.73053224

Considering the depths of her mistakes I still do not trust her and probably never will, but I will give her kudos in that she finally matured a bit and realized she is supposed to rep the company she works for not rebel against it. If she was working for McDonald's or something where it was a hard job with low pay and 0 respect sure I would see treating the whole situation very cynically, but when Hololive got far more money and clout than she ever imagined possible solo that looked like spoiled brat behavior to be an edgy shitter despite all that.

>> No.73053255

sorry, but knowing all your rightheous rage comes from people not holding Yung Lean in higher regard makes it impossible to treat anything you type seriously
the premise is just too fucking comical

>> No.73053295

thanks chatGPT

>> No.73053344

No that other anon was correct

>> No.73053394

she now hates homos and is redpilled

>> No.73053416

Perhaps I can get you lads some camfrey cream for your sore anuses.

>> No.73053575

he has Lean in his fucking name dude, you chose the most wack hill to die on and it will give me a hearty chuckle regardless of how many paragraphs you drop

>> No.73053677

Women become more appealing the closer they are to cake and hag status

>> No.73053786


>> No.73053918

I guess all those people that stopped watching her after advent debuted were also just one guy with a botnet.
Nobody would ever get sick of Mori.

>> No.73054122

Is that why whenever threads like these get deleted, posts from the "holo v holo" schizo also get deleted in global?

>> No.73054226

Perish the thought. She's so wonderfull and charismatic that it must be Just One Guy and his robot army.

>> No.73054302 [DELETED] 

And yet, threads like these tend to get deleted when Deadbeats get btfo and call in their pocket jannie. Hmmmmm!

>> No.73054422

>And yet, threads like these tend to get deleted when Deadbeats get btfo and call in their pocket jannie.

>Literally confirms he's the same person making these threads by referencing the "pocket jannie"
Not a great plan.

>> No.73054495

he's not very smart

>> No.73054620

Hmmm... are you lying or just stupid?

>> No.73054980

No one was talking about a janny except you, like you were talking to just one person, because you sincerely believe that NO ONE could like Mori. Like no one is allowed to lol.

>> No.73055091

Ah yes, because all of her critics are all just one guy and I'm the only one who's noticed your pet jannie. Sure, bubsy, sure.

>> No.73055167

She's been feminized.

>> No.73055296

Anon, there's bringing up something unnaturally, and there's actually thinking about what to reply. Deletions happen to every thread, and you thinking it's some kind of "attack on free speech" isn't really bright of you.

>> No.73055369

she is feminized and improved

>> No.73055508

Anon, you're not fooling anyone by pretending these posts are by deadbeats.

>> No.73055582

Retard, we have a little thing called pattern recognition. When something happens again and again and again we can tell. You blubbering that it's not happening like Biden's press monkey doesn't magically make it dissapear.

>> No.73055622

to be honest, I could absolutely see them making the exact same post just to make fun of the obsessed schizo

>> No.73055697

yeah, pattern recognition really makes your goofy ass easy to identify, lmao

>> No.73055802

Very clever, my complments to your mother for writing it for you. Tell her to wear the purple crotchless g-string for me tonight.

>> No.73055807

she became a real gamer girl

>> No.73055818

What are you talking about? /vt/ still hates her. She still gets shitpost threads to this day. As a side note, /vt/ is mostly retarded and I often find it's retardation driving me in the opposite direction. I don't really watch Mori, but because of the cumrags /here/ bitch about her endlessly for flimsy reasons, I find myself kind of wanting to support her.

>> No.73055933

calm down, you're fatfingering, fucks with the faux composed style you're aiming for

>> No.73056108

Now, now. Your mother is perhaps what the kiddies call "THICC", but there's no need to call her fat.

>> No.73056320

>y-your mom
the facade of composure and superiority flaking away like old paint, kek

>> No.73056479

It's literally the same boring talking points. Don't be surprised he'll pull out the word that always dates his arguments just like he always does. Even though Mori herself hasn't mentioned it ever since.

>> No.73056497

>I-I'm not crying! Y-you're crying!!!
I can do that too, lad - LMAO I see you boys got butthurt and called in your totally not on call jannie friend.

>> No.73056609

Kek you're literally going mask off.

>> No.73056894

>I'm not that guy
>but you argue like that guy
>nuh uh, I bet you called someone who's that guy's boggeyman, I'm definitely not that guy though!

Is this how stupid you are?

>> No.73056950

bro, I'll be entirely serious for a moment - you're really funny, not sure if intentionally or not, but vomiting all these schizo paragraphs over and over, week after week, just makes you a prime lolcow and the small handful of people that entertain you one way or the other just add to the comedy of it all
I'm sure I'll see you doing this shit years down the line and the thought alone amuses me because it's kind of like having a dog you can leave for a very long time but they'll always wait, bark happily when you show up and then piss the rug again

>> No.73057162

I skip every stream she's in.

>> No.73057334

Is she still "more feminine now"?

>> No.73057849

No amount of falseflagging will bring Gura back, chumbud.

>> No.73058025

You should seek therapy, buddy

>> No.73058057 [DELETED] 

Mori proved that Twitch is just a cancer at the expense of her 2 careers as a Vtuber and rm.
I give her credit for preventing Vtubing from being contaminated by the worst web service culture.

>> No.73058287

that credit is owned to the fans, if it wasn't for their sperging hololive would be following nijisanji down the drain

>> No.73058307

stupid pebble

>> No.73059756

t. Falseflagging deadbeat

>> No.73059925

i used to hate her but now she's my most watched

>> No.73060133

The world would be a better place without this spoiled hippo

>> No.73060545

this pattern is too obvious anon, it'll not hide youre necroposting.

>> No.73060836

Mori threads tend to bring out the faux-intellectuals don't they?

>> No.73063229


>> No.73063601

She has not caused yabs for a long time and have managed to become less annoying in collabs
On top of that the NijiEN meltdown have made us old antis realize how much worse things could have been.

I no longer mind Mori, she tries to be a good sempai. I won't watch her but I don't have the mori muter anymore

>> No.73063807

I was a day 1 member but her being retarded over people obviously trying to troll made me cancel my membership for a few months. She seemed to grow when I came back, she even said she didn't want her fans to be attacked for being her fans which is something a lot of chuubas like the niji clique genuinely don't understand.

>> No.73063890

was previously ambivalent but really started getting into her after seeing how well she treated Advent. She was very genuine and warm and seeing their collabs continue is the highlight of Hololive atm. I hope Calli and Shiori get into a collab series soon their interactions are great

>> No.73067071


>> No.73068910

ngl she became quite feminine recently and I always see myself watching her a bit more

>> No.73072025


>> No.73073275

Yesterday a bunch of deadbeats derailed a thread comparing notPomu's #s to Mori's into Kiara seethe for some reason, and whenever someone brought this exact image up, they kept deflecting. Always makes me laugh.

>> No.73073668

smart pebble

>> No.73075691

that seems pretty valid. She seems much more comfortable and happy just being Mori now, and not using hololive as a funneling operation

>> No.73076377
File: 440 KB, 680x680, watame mori not good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch is too persistent to hate.

The main criticism was "she doesn't actually like vtubing and is just trying to advertise her music career and then jump off and graduate" but she's still here 3,5 years later, streaming consistently and for long hours.
According to this https://www.reddit.com/r/HoloStatistics/comments/18zv9gg/2023_time_spent_streaming/
she streamed the most out of all Hololive EN talents last year and in 3rd place among English-speaking talents behind Kaela and Flayon (????why did he stream so much?)

>> No.73076405

It's difficult to like someone that tried to destroy something you love, but now suddenly wants all the benefits of it when it didn't work out. It doesn't help that she's a shit streamer as well

>> No.73076468

that's because her other career is completely dead, this is all she has and she's hanging by a thread, I would do my best to not fuck it up too

>> No.73079274

she streams when no one does. The more you stream the more the audience gets to know you, also the more you get to prevent rrats from festering.

>> No.73079429

Name anything anyone in EN has done that's bigger? Most Vtuber "announcements" are plastic standees.

>> No.73080199

taco bell?

>> No.73080277 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 870x1047, deadbeats are anti hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73080793

This just smacks of wanting things to be one-sided
If you're allowed to smear a chuuba every day on this board, people should be allowed to doggedly say they've improved every day as well

>> No.73080932

But only the first would be true.

>> No.73080988

It's just funposting bro, truth doesn't matter

>> No.73081387

The idea someone slapped this together in Paint amuses me immensely.

>> No.73081750

Typical deadbeat

>> No.73082255

Mori board

>> No.73082392

too bad gura did fuckall to sell it. imagine getting a taco bell sponsorship and phoning it in

>> No.73086517


>> No.73086621

>Mori post rap
>increase of people being angry
hmmmm, who could it be

>> No.73087889

We always liked her.

>> No.73090202

cool story bro

>> No.73092524

I've always liked her

>> No.73092542


>> No.73092550

If you openly dislike Calli you get banned that's why we all love her now!

>> No.73092862

There are only a few things I will respect about her, the biggest one is her not using anything she's done for this website as a way to grift and build her career like Nyanners did, she is essentially self-made in that aspect. She also streams a lot which also deserves respect given where most of HoloEN is these days on that front.
Everything else about her personality to approach on streaming and etc. took way too long for her to take a hint and change but she has been on a good streak since Advent debuted. But damage from that can take a long time to recover so yeah, good luck but I probably won't ever come back to watching her regularly if at all.

>> No.73093368

I get banned for not kissing her arse all the time but I refuse to kneel.

>> No.73093535

All I see in this picture is a bunch of randos killing a fan of a Hololive member.

>> No.73093558

a real hero of /vt/, lmao

>> No.73093582

nice bait, but she'll forever be hated.
the best her shit group can do is fuck off and don't be annoying to others but they can't help themselves thus reminding everyone why they are so hated.

>> No.73093595

sisters' fantasies always leak through their shitposts

>> No.73093626

Never fall for deadbeat propaganda.

>> No.73093639

>All I see in this picture is a bunch of randos killing a fan of a Homobegger member.

>> No.73096324

kek i do wonder at times the bot replies are so standard.
it's like deadbeats aren't even human

>> No.73097170

I don’t really like watching Mori that much because of the whole teacher voice thing, but I have nothing against her. The people that hate her though seem mentally ill.

>> No.73097319

how new

>> No.73098021

Thank you, Anon!

>> No.73098100

>Not-a-Deadbeat here, the people who hate Deadbeats are baaaaaaaad

>> No.73099100

t. the mentally ill

>> No.73100147

In days of yore my sentiment towards her was inclined towards disfavor. However, in more recent times among chuubas her visage has entered my purview well-nigh the most often.

>> No.73100434
File: 20 KB, 820x269, 5ef1c39c1cfbc200047e7412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. projection device

>> No.73100505

Ho there, fellow. I see in these times ye hath become fond of the company of men.

>> No.73100988


>> No.73102001

That was nearly 4 years ago; one blink and you miss it cameo in the background of a Taco Bell ad. It's not like they were serving Gura meals or anything. Having your own music featured in two animes is far bigger.

>> No.73103382

Probation period has recently ended

>> No.73107144


>> No.73107403

>or simultaneously astroturfing as diehard unicorn ruffians and spreading the rrat of fwmc selling them out for the japs
I feel like this all comes from Gura's typical antis. I noticed that the daily Gura seethe threads have been pretty much replaced with daily FuwaMoco seethe threads.

>> No.73107524

turns out even numbskulls get bored eventually

>> No.73107612

I’m not gonna throw around the typical buzzwords around but she does really feel like a different streamer now compared to a year ago.
And I’m willing to acknowledge when someone improves themselves.

>> No.73108515

Anon, they're literally all the same. Sisters, mori antis, gura antis, all of them are the same. They literally don't care about anything they say, they just shitpost for shitpost's sake. The only time they'll switch gears is when their shitposts get thoroughly btfo either through action (like Mori) or complete silence (like Gura). These antis are now ragebaiting as doki haters and trying to sell the fwmc rrat. And like always, none of these are working.

>> No.73111291


>> No.73114050

Idol now.

>> No.73114056

>good music
Recently I've been re-listening to some of her RM songs and I've noticed a genuine improvement in her singing....
I still don't really like her songs (except some from the astronaut album), its more like that I listen to them ironically but there has been some perceptive improvement in those 4 years. Still, she's quite far from being a good singer in my honest and humble opinion.

>> No.73115552

Something happened to her after she announced her UMJ label, and she stopped being a bitch and started talking to her audience like school children. Basically, she stopped drumming up controversy and is finally comfortable as a cartoon character.

>> No.73118519

Nice rrat. The truth of the matter is Mori antis hate Mori and the others are a mix of homobeggars who hate all girls that wont collab with their homos and nijiniggers who hate Hololive itself. Simple as.

>> No.73118566

lol no. Not now, not ever. She's still tainted meat.

>> No.73118624

More like she got buckbroken by management and has been made sharply aware of what will happen if she ruins things for the other girls by pissing off UMJ.

>> No.73118741

She grew up and is now a feminized woman

>> No.73118911
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x1500, 1000004513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori was kind of a cunt early on, even her biggest fans know the tweet arc was judt her being spiteful to fans. Once she got the universal deal she got her act together and is pretty professional these days. There definetly worse holo talents out there.

>> No.73118983

Don't care how many astroturfing threads Deadbeats make, Mori will always be shit. Same with Kronii.

>> No.73119431


>> No.73119999

she stopped talking about adam sandler every two sentences

>> No.73120090

I'm the mayor of /vt/ and I hereby declare I still hate her

>> No.73120206

I still hate this cow of a woman. Mori curse is real. Music is okay at best, on average it's shit.

>> No.73121125

Except the latter, this encapsulates my feeling towards her very well
