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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73033642 No.73033642 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many Western Vtubers fail to understand how parasocialism works?

>> No.73033684

Making it again huh

>> No.73033690

If there were "so many" why have you been posting the same example for years

>> No.73033730

I'd much rather they do that than lie to us just to pay for dates and condom money, instead of shaming her you should applaud her.

>> No.73033760
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>sharing your girlfriend with thousands of other men
Sounds pretty cucked ngl

>> No.73033767

Being open about it is based, having a boyfriend and pretending you don’t is cringe

>> No.73033784

Why is every other western indie a Veibae clone?

>> No.73033810

>Being open about it is based
Explain your reasoning please

>> No.73033864

I’d rather pay a woman to fake affection for me, than pay a woman for playing a game I have zero interest in, making jokes I don’t find funny, all while seeming like she doesn’t even want to be there.

>> No.73033926

Bro just pay for a fucking prostitute

>> No.73033959

>I’d rather pay a woman to fake affection for me
God that’s fucking grim, I’m sorry to hear that

>> No.73033969

The same reason western vtubing fans think that as long as a chuuba doesn't talk about her boyfriend on stream it means they're not cucks.

>> No.73034068

Only women care about "emotional cheating", no donors will bang her.

>> No.73034095

Nigger, where do you think the term “GFE” originated?

>> No.73034097

Phasebros not like this...

>> No.73034161

I wouldn't know. I'm not a loser.

>> No.73034168

i dont mind that grifters are open about what they do

>> No.73034178

>being bitter instead of using it as inspiration for finding your own girl
fucking sad

>> No.73034201

How about finding a vtuber who plays games you're interested in?

>> No.73034207

b-but dizzy said no males, must mean that none of them are dating!

>> No.73034288

"make content" what content you stream thats all they do that isnt content. This is just her coping and frankly all streamers when they fuck up and double down its their go to word.

>> No.73034291
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Every damn time...

>> No.73034330

I learned the word BFE from Fallout New Vegas. Wasn’t too hard to guess what GFE meant after that.

>> No.73034414

Western women are overly prideful and narcissistic. Simple as.

>> No.73034433 [DELETED] 

phasebrowns situation is probably worse than the bf thing, you can easily tell at least 2-3 of their whores are on the cock carousel
that's one of them

>> No.73034556 [DELETED] 

bro 2-3 nah dude more like all of them if you do your reps. Its a reason the term phasecucks exist here.

>> No.73034585

>caring about a woman having a boyfriend isn't a vtuber thing, its a human male thing
too hard for womans to understand that

>> No.73034611

All female vtubing is inherently GFE. It is impossible for it not to be.

>> No.73034628

GFE is the ultimate state of 21st century's males: paying for an image on the screen that pretends to be your girlfriend. Even JOI from Blade Runner 2049 was more real than them.

>> No.73034631

Will never stick idoltard.

>> No.73034651

Parasocialism as a first stage of transition to paracommunism.

>> No.73034708

Nta but I'd prefer if the girl told me right from the jump so I don't get invested in her. I might still possibly watch a stream or two but I'd never donate if I knew she already had a man supporting her. If she pretends not to have one and I support her monetarily only to find out later, then I won't just quietly leave. I will become an anti and try to fuck up her career. Just be fucking honest.

>> No.73034717

im not deluding myself into thinking that i can worm my way into a vtuber's life by interacting with their content but at the same time i have zero interest in giving attention to a female that touts she has a boyfriend while still attempting to run her grift. simple as.

>> No.73034758

Why can't you watch a female stream like you watch a male stream? Most of the audience of the big male streamers are male too.

>> No.73034775

Most sane Holobrony.

>> No.73034802

Because of millions of years of evolution? Are you stupid?

>> No.73034883
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So you have no female friends?

>> No.73034896

Well, honestly it's because women are not really entertaining without the "woman" part. Take away the sex appeal and the more or less subtle teasing and flirting with the audience, and what you have is basically a worse male.

>> No.73034939

Not mutually exclusive at all lad

>> No.73034946
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It's not that I disagree with your point, it's that I think you shouldn't seethe that hard about random 2views

>> No.73034973

sorry anon i dont watch idol they are whores and hate their fans
they know anon they just cope when they get caught.
females are not entertaining honestly

>> No.73034982

ITT doxx in the form of "reps"

>> No.73034989

Ok, I'll agree with you on one condition.
If you're open about having a boyfriend as a vtuber you don't get to complain when unicorns stop following and paypigging you.

That twitter post is pointless and impotent seething.

>> No.73035002

NTA, but most women pander to lonely horny men consciously or subconsciously. Then it's impossible to watch them seriously unless you are a lonely horny man desperate for any form of woman's attention. Male streamers don't do that.

>> No.73035030

just checked this nobody 2 view tuber account.
she is a cunt who is always bitching about something in a tweet.
it's surprising that she even has 2 view.

>> No.73035041

This only really applies to girls that pretend and say "Oh how come I don't have a boyfriend? Will I be single forever!? I'm such a loner! I just want to find a guy!" To make people think they have a chance. If she actually does have a boyfriend while saying shit like that then no forgiveness will be given when the truth comes out.

>> No.73035060
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How so? Male flesh streamers are doing the fake friend thing, can't girls do it too?

>> No.73035165

everyone has their price...no exceptions

>> No.73035209

The psychologist who does a study on the damage done to holobrony minds in 10 years is going to win a pulitzer

>> No.73035214

I'm wildly exaggerating for dramatic effect of course, but you sound kinda like a serial killer who says "But you don't understand, I only target BAD, WICKED, DECEITFUL women! They had it coming!"

>> No.73035240

both men and women are fake friends, but fake friends in different ways, offering different things. they are ontologically distinct categories

>> No.73035295

1. Not all parasocial relationships are romantic; if you tried to claim friend simulators like RLM aren't a form of parasocialism you're legitimately retarded (cue the incel argument of "doesn't apply because men and women can't just be friends")
2. Not everyone watches streamers for a parasocial relationship, for many it's just entertainment in the same way people watch TV shows or movies.

>> No.73035314

But he doesn't propose to kill anybody. If a woman lies, she suffers the consequences of her actions by people leaving her, that's it.

>> No.73035381

I wrote a long post about it on one of the /gfe/ threads. Ill try to summarize it. Essentially its this:
In the west there is no concept of business intimacy, there is business sex, as in escorts and things but intimacy like that doesn't exist in the west. The west never had the concept of geishas for example. When a men wants to be around a women and pay for it, its only options are strip clubs, escorts and maybe stuff like hooters. In Japan you can have stuff like ear cleaning or maid cafes.

What does this hage to do with OP? Western vtubers dont understand the nature of vtubing (a kind of virtual geishas) and think its just regular streaming with an anime mask.

>> No.73035411

Yes, that's why it's a dramatic exaggeration. "I will fuck up her career" is a bit more than just leaving.

>> No.73035418
File: 303 KB, 1049x1496, InstantAdoringBoyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was way ahead of his time.

>> No.73035422
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Ok, but what about the ones that talk to their boyfriend on steam?

>> No.73035442
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>I'd rather 'PAY' a woman to 'FAKE' affection for me
That's like cuckoldry squared lmao. You know that all those posts with gigachads/Goslings acting like being a sad asocial loner is le hekkin basedino are all ironic, right? You're not actually supposed to be this pathetic.

>> No.73035473
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absolute state

>> No.73035476
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not that anon, but i would say they are both are bad. However most male streamers tend to do stupid shit and people follow them for stupid shit. Females streamer in general make themselves the center of attention which causes the problem in the first place.

>> No.73035531

>all those posts with gigachads/Goslings acting like being a sad asocial loner is le hekkin basedino are all ironic, right?
I wish i had your optimism

>> No.73035532

That depends on what the fucking up entails. If it's genuinely malicious actions, then I agree it's too much.

>> No.73035559

Cuck Connect is the single biggest mistake vtubing has ever created

>> No.73035646

Well I think we all know what it entails, we had a few of these on /vt/. Henry, etc.

>> No.73035681

NTA, but don't you think that it's better to be fully aware of the fakeness of it all and be at peace with it than genuinely hope for true feelings only to be betrayed?

>> No.73035702

>says this on a thread about some entitled cuck being mad that a girl doesn't want unicorniggers to latch on to her
>Women are so narcissistic and prideful!! Don't they know their only purpose is to pander to ME ME ME

>> No.73035710

I think that's not the dilemma offered in the post he was replying to though?

>> No.73035724

bro the entire vtubing industry is a grift, ive yet to find a vtuber who honestly produces content for their own entertainment or for others and who isnt looking to sell overprice merch

ethoslab and his consequences have been a disaster for my taste in entertainment

>> No.73035812

She's unironically right, the fuck her having a boyfriend has to do with vtubing she's some indie random and not a fucking idol vtuber. And even then do you people really think these girls would deprave themselves out of a healthy social life and relationship? Do you really believe this? If you want idols watch hololive and stop bringing your idol unicorn delusion in places where your unicorn opinions don't matter.

>> No.73035861

Hololive caused all of this. Without them, parasocialism wouldn't be as this bad.

>> No.73035884

Biboo says hello. Streams even in days she's supposed to be resting despite not getting as much superchat as the other advent girls.

>> No.73035895

First, she is obviously right. Most vtubers either had boyfriends, have one currently, or will have one in the future (not you). Everyone knows this, just like everyone knows movies aren't real.

Second, she made this post to raise her self-esteem and her social status. "Look, I have a boyfriend!", "Look, everyone wants me so badly, haha, too bad, you can't have me!" There is literally no practical reason to make that post, it's for this kind of attention, and you are giving it to her.

>> No.73035917

That dilemma is retarded, I specifically addressed the poster I answered to.

>> No.73035931
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Notto jissu shitto agen.

>> No.73035936

Yes, yes, she's pure and not like the other girls, you are doing great anon.

>> No.73035948
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you faggots better not ruin it by pushing retarded 'idol' standards

>> No.73035969

Is it not evil to maliciously lie to desperately lonely men and part them of their money? I feel like women, for all their talk about feelings, don't understand how they fuck up men's lives when they lie to them so brazenly like this. They probably justify it with "of they're just losers, who cares?" Well then she's just a bitch so who cares?

>> No.73036077 [DELETED] 

phase this and phase that but niji has actually been confirmed to have actual relationships between the organs themselves, an organ being the source of this knowledge
are nijiniggers seriously trying to compete with phase LMFAO

>> No.73036086

They didn’t create it, that goes back to fleshstreamers(or even celebrities but its a bit different), I don’t think people were meant to be exposed to anyones lives as much as we are now

>> No.73036158

She's seething about people unfollowing her which they are well within their rights to do for any reason whatsoever. Nobody is asking her to stay single. Fucking women.

>> No.73036182

at this point all my dudes here need to watch anime and shit on each other waifu like in the past. Instead of caring about "oshi" who are just twitch steamer in anime avatars. Times then were much more simple and anon bros were much happier. Come back to the lights anons come back to /a/.

>> No.73036229

It has nothing to do with idol standards she loves streaming and loves her audience. It comes to the point that in members streams she always make something for everyone even things that are supposed to be for members only. She shares it. There's two type of girls working hololive those like biboo who appreciates the opportunity she was given and then some who are taking the opportunity given to them for granted like Sana for example.

>> No.73036278
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At the end of the day, she's sucking his cock

>> No.73036319

You're just delusional and trying to feel like you're winning the argument against someone who doesn't know you exist lol, it isn't a please don't leave post it's actively chasing off any remaining shitters

>> No.73036325

based, but i meant viewers pushing stupid shit onto her. dont set high expectations then get mad when theyarent met

>> No.73036328

I mean, if this sort of thing hurts you so much, then you have problems.

>> No.73036380

Unicorns everyone. The biggest cucks on the internet

>> No.73036394

They're unfollowing her because they expect someone who will submit to their demands. Not because she did anything wrong. This is their issue. Tell me what her crime is? Has she ever advertised herself as GFE? Because if she did I would agree that she's in the wrong but if she's some random normie vtuber then who the fuck cares if she has a boyfriend. This is something that isn't her problem

>> No.73036415

They know, and they know they're reliant on it to gain views and make money. They're just resentful that they have to do it to be successful.

It's especially bad in the West because the culture, the media, and the political ideology all tells them that women should be "strong" and "independent" and that catering to men, especially nerds and other low status men, is the most disgusting, shameful, and horrible thing a woman can do. Inevitably you're going to have these kinds of outbursts when they're dealing with these kinds of mental contradictions.

>> No.73036429

She is not "seething", she is trying to show off how desireable she is. "Ah, all those men want me so badly, I'm so tired of them." It's Women 101.

>> No.73036434

nta but it means she isn't fucking lying, which is more than you can say about others. An open and honest whore will always be better than a hidden one.
I'll still never watch a whoretuber. My oshi is a pure virgin, as confirmed by the catholic church.

>> No.73036463

It's the brainrot of modern western culture
Women especially feel entitled to the benefits of emotional manipulation without requiring any commitment of their own

>> No.73036554

>I keep having girls walk off the instant they see me in person - SO HI YES I'M 159CM.
>Do you really think that someone being taller makes them a better partner?
>Most of us are here to build meaningful relationships not to shade you from the sun.

That's what this sounds like
Yes, it seems like it shouldn't matter but turns out it does

>> No.73036561

Isn't this a really old tweet? Why do I feel like I've seen this entire thread before? Might as well seethe over a old reddit thread
Also lol at saying this is limited to Western vtubers.

>> No.73036567
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All women who date men other than ME are whores.
Every single female on Earth should stay single so I can feel she's available to me, if she dates men who are not me then she's a slut.

>> No.73036639

That's not really an excuse though?

>> No.73036652

based take, honestly

>> No.73036669
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>> No.73036674

Why do parasocial fucks treat parasocialism as something that, even if it comes with the territory, should be embraced and/or encouraged by every single vtuber?

>> No.73036694
File: 49 KB, 454x565, 1697142164238637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catalog bugs constantly seethe about literal who 2views when they do this and for some reason completely ignore the large, successful vtubers who have been openly in relationships for years, including vtuber couples

Off the top of my head:
Nyanners and Lord Aethelstan
Buffpup and ShiaBun
Vexoria the Sun Eater and Zolon
Boo the Rat and Basil

If they "fail to understand," why are they succeeding?

Could it be that vtubing is an entertainment medium capable of more than pandering to lonely men desperate for the attention of a woman? Is it possible that people can enjoy vtubers for other reasons?
Nah, that's crazy...

>> No.73036720

why did you post a ryan gosling image along with this shitpost? is this what retarded women think goslings believe?

>> No.73036726

So they should just keep following her despite no longer being interested in watching her? Why is this board so anti-consumer? Viewers are, ultimately, consumers, and they have the right to choose NOT to consume a product if they don't want to.

>> No.73036759

>Everyone knows this, just like everyone knows movies aren't real.
vtubing is an idol hobby, and that's something that everyone actually knows, not whatever this SEA tier opinion is

>> No.73036767

Don't forget Kaela. Hell, Doki admitted on her comeback stream that she was addicted to streaming and was so desperate to get back to it that she hosted Discord chats with her friends so they could comment on her playing video games. There aren't a lot of streamers who stream primarily because they love it, but they are out there. You just have to keep looking until you weed out the phonies.

They're unfollowing her because when it comes to being a vTuber, the streamer is the product. If they don't like her, they're not going to follow her, watch her, or buy superchats and merch. She isn't entitled to either their money or their views. If you are too thin-skinned to understand the basics of customer service, you might consider getting out of your parents basement and working a real job for a few months.

>> No.73036804

>he says while posting korone who's very openly with okayu

>> No.73036817

Because they think only losers in life like most of them are, are the only people who watch vtubers. Despite the fact vtubing is like anime now. First it was an obscure thing that only weeb watched now is popular enough that even military officials are watching them.

>> No.73036837

I only recognize one name on this list and one of the few things I know about her is that she lost viewers after she announced her having a boyfriend
very funny moment

>> No.73036874

>vtubing is an idol hobby
What you are experiencing is commonly known as "cognitive dissonance", look it up.

>> No.73036881
File: 867 KB, 2738x4096, 1673917308296965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber says she has a boyfriend
>but ONLY on her Twitter, never on her Twitch or YT accounts
>actively tells people who ask her about it that she doesn't want to ruin the fantasy for her viewers, and keeps it on a strict "don't ask, don't tell" basis
Would you consider this a fair compromise? Pic unrelated, btw

>> No.73036912

I don't care about this shitpost thread but it's ironic that you posted Nyanners who tanked her successful career because her solo content output dried up and Aethel ended up being funnier than her so people would rather watch him instead

>> No.73036945

>Most of us are purely here to make content not to find a partner
She's right. This isn't a dating app. They trying to entertain you, not seduce you.

>> No.73036946



>> No.73036954

legit whos?
posting Vei one of the biggest whores and that acts like a whore in streams. I assume only broke young teens watch her to jack off thats about it.

>> No.73036959

They can unsubscribe if they want and simply stop watching with their dignity intact. The problem comes when people try to interject parasocialism in places where it don't belong then cry like a little bitch about it. Instead of just fucking off quietly like a sane person would. The real world does not operate the same way it does in your 4chan echo chamber.

>> No.73036970

>follow random 2 view
>she talks about her BF on stream/has him on stream
>nah not into that
>"they want her to SUBMIT to their DEMANDS"
ogey retard, nobody is entitled to followers/fans and unfollowing is an act of disengagement nothing more. If they sent her an angry message telling her to stop mentioning her BF you would have a point.

>> No.73036985

>Did you really thin-
Yes. Absolutely. And you would have let me inside you if only I had more internet clout.

>> No.73036993

>thinly veiled doxx gets to stay up

>> No.73037008

Literally nothing you said matters. If a viewer doesn't feel like watching her any more, no matter what she said or did, who the fuck are you or her to try and shame them for it?

>> No.73037010
File: 820 KB, 2121x3000, 1667323947499580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retard, parasocialism isn't something you "choose", it just "is".
You defending these kinds of chuubas is, in a way, a parasocial relationship, because you feel the need to protect them from criticism despite them not knowing you exist as an individual.

>> No.73037031

This but unironically.

>> No.73037043

Deja vu

>> No.73037059

who the fuck likes video games or streams? after anime stopped being interesting years ago vtubers have ended up being the only emotionally compelling source of content left on this blighted earth

>> No.73037072


>> No.73037074

>no donors will bang her
whos gonna tell him?

>> No.73037085

People misunderstand parasociality as being exclusively romantic feelings when in truth everyone who follows an online personality is, to some degree, engaging in parasocial behavior, including the personality themselves.

>> No.73037095

anyone who cares enough to want to buy into that fantasy is going to keep up with her public socials so no it's probably not going to work for anyone apart from the most casual viewers who don't give a shit either way

>> No.73037097

Let me guess, you watch teletubbies with tits.

>> No.73037111

gfeturds conflating all parasocialism with gfe is worse desu

>> No.73037118

Am I obligated to go to a restaurant and pay for its food when they do something retarded? I will just go to a restaurant that caters to my taste fucking retard

>> No.73037152
File: 85 KB, 344x390, 1629821517653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post the actual chuuba I was referring to, but maybe I shouldn't spread that kind of truth any further than necessary, even if she is transparent about it.

>> No.73037190 [DELETED] 

Wonder how many people will drop Mumei once they find out

>> No.73037193

>The problem comes when people try to interject parasocialism in places where it don't belong then cry like a little bitch about it.
That's not what OP's viewers were doing though? She was complaining about the mere fact that people were unfollowing her, not because of any specific chats or DMs she got.

>> No.73037206

Go away fushi poster I know it's you
Stop posting reaction images of vtubers you don't watch, I've seen you use every Holo and phase vtuber

>> No.73037213

Holobronies aren't really people.

>> No.73037215

Isn't specifically killing bad people quite literally the plot of Dexter as well as countless anime, half of which have the protagonist doing it?

>> No.73037223
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These fake faggots who don't understand the motivation that a man can get from his oshi will never achieve true happiness.

>> No.73037268

It is. And the plot of Breaking Bad is cooking meth. You aren't supposed to do either.

>> No.73037289

Honestly when someone does that type of content and I find out they have a partner it makes me feel like I'm part someone else's cheating and I don't like it.

>> No.73037309

My guy they aren't unfollowing her because her content is trash they're unfollowing for the petty reason of her having a boyfriend. That's it that's the only fucking reason. How the fuck is that even reasonable? This is just them being huge babies crying about stupid shit. Like I said if she was gfe chuuba then yes everyone should unsubscribe but if she's not and she has never given the anybody the impression of being gfe then what the fuck is their problem? Like I said if they want idols watch hololive is really not hard at all. This is just all feels like groomers being angry some 2 view they like won't fall for the grooming tactic and that itself is fucking retarded. Do you also get mad at women in movies who are married to men do you go and try to boycott their movies too because the actress is dating or married to a man? If so get over yourself. You're pathetic and you're doing nothing but radiating beta stench all over the damned thread.

>> No.73037336

Motivation to remain a shut-in NEET?

>> No.73037344

I've just looked her up and she's a mid three view at best. Did she hurt you anon? Because nobody else knows who the fuck she is.

>> No.73037384

Hoomans like to remain willfully ignorant.

>> No.73037408

Shondo’s take here was always kind of a deflection desu. Shes using a different definition of parasocial than everyone else is, sure you can argue that other people are using the word wrong, but ultimately Shondo and the anti-parasocials are talking about 2 different things and Shondo doesn’t really respond to the actual complaints.

>> No.73037461

Shondo is too based to give a fuck about complaints

>> No.73037477

When did I get so hopeless and broken I became attached to fictional characters.

>> No.73037517

I unironically got motivated to do my life reps and restart working out ever since I found my oshi. It's not pressure like when you try to get liked by some chick, it's just hopium (does help that my oshi also managed to stop being a depressed mess and grew personally though).

>> No.73037526 [DELETED] 

She's in pretty much the same category as almost all of Hololive, almost all of NijiEN, almost all of Phase, most indies etc...
There's a reason why the /gfe/ thread died, there was literally no one who fit the bill
If even Fuwamoco and Biboo are the same, then who the fuck is clean?

>> No.73037588
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>There's a reason why the /gfe/ thread died, there was literally no one who fit the bill
More like the bill is actively rigged against the girls who fit it perfectly

>> No.73037628

The difference is that breaking bad goes to great lengths to show the viewer that his choice and him being the kind of person who made the choice to cook meth was itself the source of his problems and eventual death
most situations where the protagonist does this do not do that
some do, like Death Note, but even that one literally has him do it for like a single episode as a plot device to give L a reason to arrive and the rest of the show just forgets about how he started it off(whereas Walter White spent basically the entirety of the show cooking meth)

>> No.73037648

There are a lot of schizo's against /GFE/ I think it's jealous women. It's why the female Nijisanji thread could never survive two years ago.

>> No.73037666

Then she shouldn’t have said anything about it, but instead she made an argument against something that nobody is actually talking about.

>> No.73037769

No, there are plenty of girls who fit the bill, people are just retarded and believe every single shitpost
some girls aren't whores like fushi

>> No.73037834

>No, there are plenty of girls who fit the bill
Give me examples

>> No.73037871

the real answer is no but you know what fuck you
bau bau nigger

>> No.73037874

>So I'm going to exploit the people that clearly have problems.
Fucking evil. This is like selling drugs to an addict. Yes we're fucked up but you're indulging us to line your pockets with cash. Ever watch the video where some dude murdered his whole family to keep paying to talk to some Onlyfans whore? Even when he was donating 50k just to talk to her did she tell him to fucking stop and get help? Hell no, she kept gobbling that money right up. Fuck these grifting whores.

>> No.73037893

wait like from the actual game or a mod?

>> No.73037910

get a job

>> No.73037931
File: 584 KB, 1825x2580, 1674710530944658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene Amano
Miori Celesta
Zoey Utada

>> No.73037930

If you can't name even one yourself, you are one of the shitposters on this board that I am referring to

>> No.73037978

Fuck you stupid cunt.

>> No.73037992

>some girls aren't whores like fushi
>lists these girls

>> No.73037998

literally this but unironically

>> No.73038001
File: 690 KB, 1280x1810, WNjE6FI.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another embarrassed sex worker nukes her career

Many such cases. dxds

>> No.73038009

In case you haven't already figured it out this literally the meme "buy an add"

This Vtuber regularly posts the shame shit here hoping she will lure some idiot to her onlyfans/streams

>> No.73038017

why do people say "get a job" to people who are generally defined by spending exorbitant amounts of money on women, something you need to have a job or be born rich to do

>> No.73038050

the girls in HoloEN dont have to be GFE

>> No.73038082

NTA but none of those have a hard proven boyfriend(unlike Fushi) so what did you mean by this post?

>> No.73038138

Just delete the entire thread, the fushiposter is here.
Wouldn't be surprised if he made this thread actually

>> No.73038243

If my oshi started talking about her boyfriend on stream I would drop her and move on with my life. Does that make you upset? You seem like you would be more upset about my reaction than I would be over her. Get over yourself, people can stop watching a streamer for literally any reason they feel like.

>> No.73038312

why do people treat a single discord acreenshot containing information exclusively sourced from over a decade ago as "hard proof" of anything, much less something relevant to right now?
I want this explained to me
Everybody knows what picture you're referring to
Explain to me how you justify using it as a source for a decision
It's a man on discord talking about a screenshot involving vague, unspecified details and making guesses
I assume people just shitpost to work people up so I never respond to this but I wanted to give specifically (You) a chance to try and claim to be something other than a catalog shitposter

>> No.73038417
File: 425 KB, 1280x1180, Fy9F2LuaIAM2nmU.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bring her up and shill her every chance I get. My love for her simply cannot be contained.

>> No.73038429

They're not your personal concubines is time you accept this

>> No.73038528

And I'm not a free ATM.

>> No.73038710

I'm sure they're devastated that a rabid misogynist isn't watching them

>> No.73038712

Death Note's ending changes between the anime and the manga do a lot to paint Light dying in a totally different light though
In the anime it's treated like this tragic tale of a good boy who just went the wrong way somewhere on the path and there might still be some spark of good in him
In the manga you're being shown "lol look at this pathetic worm screaming and writhing in a puddle of his own blood and piss, in the end he's just a terrified human like every one of his victims, not the god he was pretending to be"

>> No.73038737
File: 74 KB, 397x424, 1704809997437110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a sad asocial loner is the same thing as being a simp

All simps may be sad asocial loners, but not all sad asocial loners are simps, anon.
Never confused desperate teenage boys with grown men.

>> No.73038750

Don't engage faggots like him.
The truth that this board will never accept is that most of the "dox" that gets posted on this board is irrelevant because it's outdated or mixed with rrats. At the same time a girl could get a bf offscreen and literally no one would know unless she's like the OP or has a recent leak.
Following all this stuff is literally tabloid tier shit and most people will never have the full picture.

>> No.73038796

Nobody is telling you to pay for anything you do that because YOU WANT TO. When are you people going to learn and hold yourselves accountable for your own actions. Do you stick your dick in a hornet nest then complain they stung the living shit out of your dick?

>> No.73038809

Well, they're complaining about it, so...

>> No.73038819

anon sisters uses fake and every shit to attack Hololive

>> No.73038820


>> No.73038860

Rosedoodle is only successful because she’s Mew2King’s sister.

>> No.73038955

They're complaining that you're threatening to publicly lynch them

>> No.73039059

What's the line between IRL discussion and vtubing content discussion?

>> No.73039084


>> No.73039093

That's not what they're doing tho? They're just silently unfollowing, and she's seething at the mere sight of one of her numbers dropping 2 or 3 points.

>> No.73039255

>women grift money from lonely losers on youtube = it's great and you should get a job if you have a problem with it
>dudes grift money from lonely losers on tinder = immediately a crime

Also as a note for anyone of you who is saying shit like "I'm not gonna spend my money on some whore who is gonna spend it on condoms", why are you spending any money on any of these people in the first place? Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.73039377

>why are you spending any money on any of these people in the first place? Are you actually fucking retarded?
because these "people" don't know how to talk to girls irl so they need to send money to their oshis for that tiny bit of gratification they can't get outside

>> No.73039435

>why are you spending any money on any of these people in the first place?
If you’re spending money on a chuuba, it should be because you think they’re worth supporting and nothing more, you shouldn’t need any other reason

>> No.73039462

To me it seems like she made this post for the obvious reason: to filter people seething about it like op

>> No.73039561

I have literally unfollowed vtubers because I woke up one day and didn’t like the sound of their voice anymore. Who the fuck is this bitch thinking she can tell people why they can or can’t unfollow a vtuber? Are you that desperate for viewers? Have you tried being entertaining? There’s multiple big vtubers with bfs who don’t have this issue.

>> No.73039608

Everyday until I.... wat? op why you keep spamming this 2views? buy an ad? She's not gonna make it in the industry, not because she got a boyfriend or stupid shit like that, she keeps yabbing about single digits fluctuation in her stats, she don't have the mental capacity for this.

>> No.73039663
File: 153 KB, 500x375, 34267234765287556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73039670


To be honest, if you're spending money on a streamer, let alone a fucking corpo vtuber, you're already a lost cause beyond saving at that point.

From what I can think of, it is the single most meaningless thing to spend money on in this world. You are essentially paying money for an ad.

>> No.73039708

You’d think this would be a good thing, shes telling the unicorns directly that they won’t like her content and should look elsewhere, I don’t really see the problem.

>> No.73039804

Unicorns are retarded do not engage. This whole thread is them justifying their creepy clingy unwanted behavior. Then blaming everyone else for them being creeps.

>> No.73039835

>Instead of just fucking off quietly like a sane person would.
That's exactly what they did though. She just decided to throw a hissy fit when she noticed people were unfollowing her.

>> No.73039942

I thought OkaKoro had died, good to know that the ship baiting is still alive and well.

>> No.73039944

Holy based! I am honored to be in your presence.

>> No.73039991

I’ve thrown money at smaller streamers because that money might actual make a significant difference. Smaller streamers are basically just hobbyists doing it for fun in between their actual job, but with bigger streamers they have all their oil barons lined up already so I don’t really feel like they benefit much from my support.

>> No.73040039

I've been on the "female" side of this before so I can tell you, a lot of guys make it way too easy and often you don't even need to directly flirt with or speak to them for them to form weird attachments to you. Just existing near them and being pretty attracts whales shockingly often
t. scammed more than 3,000 WoW gold from my harem of e-boyfriends in my teens because I played a female blood elf

>> No.73040042

She's been posted here every other day, OP probably hoping more people would go harass her, quietly my ass.

>> No.73040216

Sounds based unironically
You seem pretty upset at people you dont like or respect leaving. Get off your high horse, the chuubas arent entitled to an audience either. People can, and should, leave for any reason whatsoever and not have to explain themselves to anyone.

If this kills the chuuba's career, though luck. It's literally cause and effect, regardless of how it makes you feel.

>> No.73040334

She still has regular threads and a high number of views, so clearly there's an audience. She understands internet men perfectly.

>> No.73040351

That's not what they did if she's pointing out the reason they're unfollowing her. One of a few retard obviously let her know the reasoning. Now the only thing I can say about her is she is as equally retarded as the people unfollowing over a boyfriend. Because she's fucking seething about it and is trying to shame men by painting them as incels. I don't watch her so I don't know what her content is typically like. But if she's bringing her boyfriend up in every stream then the bitch should do some reps about the profession she is in. She's fucking up the bag big time. Because in the end vtuber exist to make lonely people feel wanted somewhere. Nobody goes to a burger King to order hotdogs. She needs to stop bringing her boyfriend because I'm not a unicorn but if all she does is talk about her man the I'd unsubscribed too because that would be annoying. But if it was a one time thing and she stopped doing it then wtf is the problem?

>> No.73040424

If you are a man who scammed a bunch of losers by using a female elf main then based.

>> No.73040465

the only sane post
Are you like, 14? Vtubing didnt start as a GFE or "virtual geishas".
The stretches some spergs pull to reach these weird ass conclusions surprise me everyday. Just because that's how YOU got into it and you're delusional enough to think that is the reason it's 'popular', it doesn't mean it's true.

You're not wrong on the idea that GFE is popular in Japan, due to the fact that it is more normalized compared to it's Western counterparts, the 'loneliness epidemic' is also why more and more people fall into the 'parasociality' trap, both friendship and romantic, but that is not why vtubing started, or why it continues to be a decently popular niche.

>> No.73040499

Wasnt she complaining about like, 20 Twitter unfollows or something?

>> No.73040505

two wrongs don’t make a right. no need to stoop to her level, you’re better than that. it’ll just add more fuel to do “evil incels harass poor girl just for having a boyfriend” narrative. watch multiple people if you need to but don’t ever let one internet woman you’ve never even met hold enough power to hurt you that much

>> No.73040647

OP is trying to make waves out of a few droplets of water.

>> No.73040665

Its dumb but people can leave for any reason, ultimately if you don’t like something you stop watching it.

>> No.73040693

I don’t believe she needs to stop talking about her bf every stream of that’s what she’s into. There clearly is an audience for that type of content (see Aloucucks). What she most certainly shouldn’t be doing is crying about people leaving. That’s the bad look here. Anyone is free to leave at any time for any reason. That’s how the entertainment business works. Nothing good comes from complaining about people leaving. She’s lucky 4chan isn’t what it used to be because she’d have been the victim of several raids by now who inflate her numbers just to mass unfollow a couple days later because she’s shown it makes her seethe.

>> No.73040793

>it just add fuel to her narrative.
Honestly this. People don't understand how normie society works. She has a vagina so most people who are ignorant about the concept of vtubing will see her as just another victim.

>> No.73041052

>Why do women fail to understand that their availability is the only quality that matters to men?

I respect anyone who self reports when they're taken because liars go straight to the trash but that doesn't mean I want to watch then either

>> No.73041530

That's why I said she's equally retarded anon. She can't have her cake and eat it too. If she's going to be in this line of work then she needs to unironically improve herself, look at her flaws and try to correct them. Crying because people stopped watching is not a good look either. Both sides are equally wrong. At one point she needs to understand the audiences are different some people are into the cuckoldry angle as you pointed out. Others just tune into them because they want to see a cute anime girl play games a d have fun. I think when it comes to vtubing trying to please various different type of audiences is recipe for failure. We have seen in this in video games too where devs cater to both the hard-core and casuals only for nothing but failure to come out of it because nobody is happy in the end.

>> No.73041738

>That's not what they did if she's pointing out the reason they're unfollowing her. One of a few retard obviously let her know the reasoning.
Do you have proof of this? Because so far this seems like her just being a woman. She's not a very big vtuber so she absolutely sits there terminally online and obsessed with her follower count and views because she wants to make it big. If she noticed people unfollowed her after she revealed what she did then that explains the hissy fit.

>> No.73041824

Unless they're openly harassing her or sending her a ton of DMs then yes, it's absolutely quietly.

>> No.73042141

I swear, these small vtubers will keep using that type of tweet to get attention.
I need to make an account just to call these bitches out.

>> No.73042455

>23 average viewers
I wonder how many she lost from that tweet

>> No.73042838

>Posting a literal 2 view trying to drama bait for clicks
>It back-fired and she was whining about losing viewers
For the record, I don't care if a vtuber has a boyfriend, or even if they talk about it, but if you do, you have no right to complain about losing viewers. It's part of cultivating the audience you want, deal with it

>> No.73043025

>what her crime is
Why you talk like she is entitled to random viewers support? They can leave for whatever reason they want.

>> No.73043098

This is an e-thot, not a vtuber.

>> No.73043164

Is there a difference?

>> No.73043173

Is there a difference? I know you guys think there is, but it's basically emotional prostitution

>> No.73043267

>she noticed the people who unfollowed her because shes so small
Thats kinda cute tbdesu

>> No.73043399

All 20. Only 3viewers left probably. I see why she's seething now. She's crying for help in hope some captain save a hoes Twitter crowd tune into her streams.

>> No.73043625

Most women aren't entertaining. I have friends who make couple traveling videos on YT and she gets butthurt that the viewers are vocal that they only watch it for him because he's funny and she's just basically a prop.

>> No.73043662

She wasn't just setting boundaries, but was pretty mean about it
>Did you really think
>magically give you a chance
Just sounds petty and vindictive, however true it is

>> No.73044307

Sorry but I biologically cannot bring myself to care about taken women talking. It is nothing personal

>> No.73044466

For me its simple. I just dont wanna support women that already have a man to do that in my place.
I watch multiple vtubers that have boyfriend. Now if they do GFE then they must be single, otherwise they are just being manipulative whores.

>> No.73044483

But the advantage of the vagina will blind the Twitter crowd from seeing the reverse psychology she tried to pull. How she managed to piss off the little bit of audience she had. HOW? it would've been best if she had said nothing at all.

>> No.73045429

men and women will never understand eachother part 1010190191981818551515

>> No.73045605

>Make r18 content
>Proudly proclaim you have a boyfriend
Are they retarded?
Does the boyfriend not feel cucked that her job is being a virtual whore all day for other men?
Life is strange.

>> No.73045749

At least she's honest about having a boyfriend I guess.
Better than doing GFE NSFW then slipping and leaking bf whilst cucking their viewers.
That shit is subhuman.

>> No.73045853

Women will NEVER understand this.
Basic male biology is that men are predisposed to NOT want to have anything to do with a woman if she's taken.
It feels like a waste of time even though you KNOW you will never get to truly be with the chuuba. That doesn't matter.
Finding out she has a bf? The switch turns off in the brain. Interest lost.

>> No.73045900

Parasocialism is a gateway to Paracommunism and I refuse to be associated with Paracommunists.

>> No.73046110

There's nothing wrong with an vtuber being in a relationship. I could never bring myself to wish the loneliness I've suffered my whole life on someone else. I'm glad she openly admits it compared to all the other vtubers who are unironically scamming lonely men.

But you don't get to then complain about those lonely men choosing not to watch you. This kind of behavior is childish. Women use this criminal tier logic that they can't have both the things they want without lying or stealing, so that's what they do - because they "have" to - and they don't seem to understand the problem with that.

>> No.73046488

Vtubers are just too spoiled and they all think they are entitled to viewers money and support, even if they have boyfriends.
I am just glad this is a literal who saying this. If it was a big vtuber it would make trannies go on a unicorn hunt again.

>> No.73046799

They wish to act in any way they see fit without it acting as a filter. Except when it's people they actually don't like (and don't give them money), then the filter should work.
Most insane "have your cake and eat it too" logic
