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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 195 KB, 546x549, 1712285119006526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73020044 No.73020044 [Reply] [Original]

menhera like you edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>72985756

>> No.73020087

Name a game on PC and I will stream it.

>> No.73020094

Path of Exile.

>> No.73020226

Shut up Jake, stop asking the same thing every day

>> No.73020423
File: 98 KB, 640x640, cat-5746875_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! Back again to give feedback if you like (not just for BFE but anything really). I also have a Twitter if you would like to ask questions there: https://twitter.com/Cassplex

>> No.73020446

Haven't played the game in years.
Ok then. I will stop asking.

>> No.73020514
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1000, 1701446979210083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got everything ready for my Timesplitters 4 stream tomorrow and I'm excited and ready to go!

>> No.73020710

Your screen is frozen on you sitting in Sarn with your settings menu open.

>> No.73021073


> Go to check out the account
> Already following me

HOEH!? I'll deffo be asking for advice on my debut stream Cass, thanks!

>> No.73021209

It was nice knowing everyone on here. Best of luck out there. You deserve to succeed more than me.

>> No.73021412

Ace P Caswell retweeted you, he was the only other one I was following. I really enjoyed Ace's April Fool's stream, or what I could catch of it
Good luck with the debut!

>> No.73021427

Hey, thank you, but I'm concerned about how you phrased that. Do you need someone to talk to?

>> No.73023298

gay sex with homomo?

>> No.73023382


>> No.73023654

why did gumpai stream nothing for 5 hours

>> No.73023690

She did the thing shindigs asked for some months ago, believing that nobody was gonna notice.

>> No.73023723

To show that not only is the woman buff real but all you need is a female model to stare at the camera and you will get more views then every male here

>> No.73023838

You are so based gumpai, let me marry you...

>> No.73024773

Get out of my head I beg you

>> No.73024959

to offset my numbers also >>73023723

>> No.73025043

You need to move on. Reduce your contact with them. Let them go.

>> No.73025249

I already did everything I could, left discord, don't watch their streams anymore, stopped using twitter but I can't stop thinking about him

>> No.73025531

ok lets kill this guy, lets kill him with hammers

>> No.73025689
File: 22 KB, 573x403, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going entirely off a single upload last night:
Shorts might be dead but Youtube will push a 1:20 long non-vertical video even without doing the mobile formatting cringe dance.

>> No.73026288

a gun should solve your problem

>> No.73026487

gonna be 100 with you, this vagueposting shit got old 5 threads ago

>> No.73026824

And if that don't work, use more gun.

>> No.73026841

maybe for you, I'm loving it

>> No.73027808

I feel like I'm back in highschool trying to make sense of the gossips I hear around

>> No.73028142

I love it because I know who many of these vagueposters are, I hate it because I know they are not talking about me

>> No.73029420

Tell us which chuubas or viewers are behind them, these mfs got annoying pretty fast

>> No.73029473

that's just like, your opinion, man. this thread is dogshit anyway, go do some faggot erp on discord if you need it so bad

>> No.73029558

Better yet stream it so I can talk about it in the thread

>> No.73029657


>> No.73029729

if they are vagueposting its because they dont want to be named, some are too obvious though

>> No.73029832

If they are shitting up the thread instead of really getting closer to their new obsession they deserve to get exposed, VAGUEPOSTERS GET THE ROPE

>> No.73029953

if they are so obvious then just say who they are.
if you fail at guessing it will be all meaningless anyways, and their vagueposting is shielded by plaussible deniability

>> No.73030053


Stop reviving this one

>> No.73030061

When she came back her numbers dropped

>> No.73030094

JuSt TeLL mE AnOn I WoNt TeLL!!! It CaN Be OUR sEcReT!!!!

>> No.73030245

Stop sexpesting mai lil frendo Basil!!!

>> No.73030470

man, some of them are friends I care about and they are obviously embarrassed of what they think otherwise they wouldn't vague post

>> No.73030486

i wish i was cherry

>> No.73030594

why it was baked before this one. tradition for the thread is we use the one baked first. remember the layla camui peanut butter op thread? it was used even with such a schizo op image

>> No.73030689

Some people really are the worst, i don't see a point behind vagueposting when you will never take ANY form of action, you just damage everyone who might get mislead by your posts, and there is literally no feasibly good outcome from doing that. Therefore i conclude that, in it's most natural form, Vagueposting leads to no benefit for nobody, and it all just destroys the mood as well as ruining the vibes going on any thread (of /asp/ and /wasp/, because anywhere else it might be just another form of bumping and giving something to the thread itself) so it should be erradicated, reported, and publicly shamed as it does NOT helpin any way whatsoever.
i pray for the day when IDs get finally implemented, the state of this board, therefore also this thread, is abhorrent.

>> No.73030886

if you cared so much, you would help them by shunning them out of their idiotic ways. be a good /asp/ie and tell everybody who these vagueposters are, if you can provide solid proof it will be such an irrefutable evidence that they shall stop doing such embarassing posting in behalf of not digging an even bigger hole for their already shattered reputation.

>> No.73031013

Why does an anon letting their feelings off their chest bother you so much? You probably think this is an advice thread. Not anymore. I wish the vagueposters well. Their messages are so sweet

>> No.73031114

> when you will never take ANY form of action
That's what you think

>> No.73031278

This one's for the vagueposters!

>> No.73031348


>> No.73031516

I agree, I think the post you're replying to is under the misapprehension that expressing feelings is not a form of productive action for some people. I agree that this board desperately needs IDs, though. Too many women and pathetic men to not have some form of accountability built into the system.

>> No.73032223

>this board desperately needs IDs
It really does though. All these "whats the appeal of x, why do people watch him" and all the totally-not-astroturf posters would disappear overnight.

>> No.73032516

I am doing something about it, I'm working on something I can show him that can express how much he means to me, I will do it publicly too and then leave this place because I already know the outcome

>> No.73033399


>> No.73034191

You will know who I am in a few days, probably less than a week

>> No.73034656

Vagueposting is just trolling.

>> No.73036275

How so? Because you don't like it?

>> No.73038619

>not following me
does that mean I can no longer improve because I am peak or I can no longer improve because I am absolutely horrendous to watch?

>> No.73040694


>> No.73043631

I really like Gumpai as a dog

>> No.73045745

This is my bump!

>> No.73046340

Jorts status: gumped

>> No.73048592
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>> No.73050472

Just had an annual checkup today anons... my job is killing me. I can't find another one, and doc says I'm probably going to die before 30 at this rate.

I never made it. I want to hold out hope, but it gets harder as the shell I call a body slowly erodes away. I have another shift tonight...and the erosion continues. I know no one gives a shit, but I have no other friends or anyone to talk to. I could die tomorrow morning and no one would notice.

>> No.73050722

You got a genetical problem? what is yur job like?

>> No.73050897

I hope you can find a less stressful job

>> No.73050907

Imagine being in a room with Ineda, but he sounds like Camui. And every time you tell him to shut up, Kankuro tells you're exaggerating - for 12hrs.

Also, not necessarily genetic. Just diabeetus and depression. My body says that the sugar is bad, my brain says 'Good, the more sugar we eat, the faster the suffering will emd.'

>> No.73051137

How much money do you have saved up? If you have enough to last a few months with some water and maybe some canned foods, you're better off quitting and finding something else. Hell see if there's a temp agency you can sign up for.

>> No.73051221

Sugar is adictive, is a problem I'd recomend you to avoid coke and eat fruists instead of any sodas, daily walks can help you to get rid of some of the fat gained by sugar sources.

I hope you dont live in a big city and you can find a better job in the country side with far less stress if you are in a small town I hope you can get a less stressful job, hold tehre and dont give up, reading this kind of stuff is hearthbreaking.

>> No.73051288

I have...$7.00 in savings. I could probably swing a week or two if I leeched off family till we found something for me.

>> No.73051390

Better to leech and find something else than be found dead at a shit job.

>> No.73051494

rather leech for a bit than die desu.

>> No.73051822
File: 1.74 MB, 2894x4093, Ruadh28Gaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Practicing some more ASMR tonight! I hope I can help you relax!

>> No.73052793

I want to walk daily but I'm stuck in the job for 12hrs and my body just wants to sleep - not doing anything. And when I'm at work I have to caffinate to avoid passing out from dread, boredom, and or blood sugar.... I need to find another job but I just can't find anything. I changed my resume 5 times, and have applied to every position besides janitorial jobs or fast food. I might have to just apply there and see what happens at this point. I need something that's less than 42hrs/wk. They're pushing on me to do even more hours, and last time I did that I worked 70hrs in one week...and had a mental breakdown.

I have no social life outside of chuubing. I go to work with the sun down, and go home with the sun down. I haven't celebrated Christmas or any other holiday in 5 years... If there wasn't an eclipse, I wouldn't even remember it's already April.

>> No.73054216

Take this with a grain of salt, and hopefully it'll resonate with you. If you can't change your job, change other aspects of it. Go on a keto/carnivore diet, slowly tapering off the sugar by substituting it with fruits for the time being. Make a workout out of what you already do at work. Do lunges, squats, stand up and stretch your legs. Put the phone away and sleep earlier.
Grow a backbone and say "no" to working more hours. Do your minimum and focus on your wellbeing.

>> No.73054830

Are you a particula vchuba in the community?

>> No.73055169


>I regularly whinge about this subtly.

>I usually leave out the "Omfg, I'm gonna die soon" part

Chuubing is the only thing that .ames .e want to stay alive a little bit longer...

>> No.73055312

Are you a femboy by any chance?

>> No.73055470

sex art ugly model sorry

>> No.73055597

Chaos, your biggest problem is that you got shat on so much at work that i feel you began to believe you are not worth anything and that job is all you got. pls just quit and try to get better mentally again so you can enjoy live again

>> No.73055700

Femboy? Maybe. Trans? Maybe. Male? Absolutely.

>> No.73055808

>I go to work with the sun down
If im correct reach out bro
fellow rura enjoyer?

>> No.73055862

I'm trying, anon. T-T But like...I can't quit unless I get another mast- I mean, boss lined up for another job. Also, yeah...I'll be honest I really don't like life in general.

>> No.73056009

You're better off leaving. Better to die comfortably at home than on the cold hard ground doing bullshit work for a shitty boss.

>> No.73056112
File: 3.62 MB, 900x720, ssstwitter.com_1712252761164 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp chuuba for this feel?

>> No.73056812

Maybe we should apply for Niji... they'd have better working conditions.

>> No.73057447

Only if I can take it over from the inside and purge the clique.

>> No.73057934
File: 176 KB, 1416x2233, 1698544732231211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haru's explaining and then gonna play the leaked Timesplitters 4 build!

>> No.73058022

I thought a lot of people would get upset about her giving up the angel but the dog suits her more.

>> No.73058272

Real previous thread

>> No.73058448

Custom toggles you'd like to see on models?

>> No.73058611

cock toggle

>> No.73058656


I wanna go super saiyan really bad as a chuuni joke.

>> No.73058668

I need a pngtuber model, 2 images (open and closed mouth)
recommend me some artists

>> No.73058770

Me I will do it for free

>> No.73058858


>> No.73058869

Super form would be sick

>> No.73058871


"Widdle Guy" commission on Etsy by Clouddropart got my PNG alts done in like a day for $12 USD would recommend

>> No.73058918
File: 59 KB, 950x885, GDGDUdHWYAALyw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaaay the citadel~!!!!

>> No.73058930

Explain the strong bipolar anger tier

>> No.73059070

Nothing to explain I made that one as a joke. The one above it is the real list

>> No.73059114

are you good?

>> No.73059137

You deserve to be above any of the other tiers for trying to psyop your tierlist over the other guys tierlist all day

>> No.73059266

Kuku spent years pretending to be a hag vtuber
and was caught schizo posting about males in /trash/ and still self posts to this day how is he not at the top

>> No.73059320

I made both tierlist and yes I put myself in the top tier already

>> No.73059452

Both are incorrect

>> No.73059457

No but you will have soul :)

>> No.73059913
File: 1.00 MB, 1719x1609, ss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want and someone might draw it in the thread, it's happened before.

>> No.73060025

Vita the vagueposter.

>> No.73060054

Streaming Helldivers 2

>> No.73060457 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 482x629, im_a_joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but doctor i'm pagliacci

>> No.73060689

wasting my drug trip losing my shit over krimbo krimpinion discourse

>> No.73060890

What drugs are you on?

>> No.73061020

i did that once with keitaro
i should add toggles to my model but im lazy

>> No.73061292

Cody is just Ineda with a better computer

>> No.73061735

I don't want to rain on your pity party here Chaos, but I will nonetheless.
At times like these it's important to look through all of your general misfortunes and zoom out. You may be an untreated diabetic in a go-nowhere job, but you're also an apex predator born in a first world country, one who was born at the human height of industrial farming and all the non-human misery that goes along with it, and, by the grace of every god to have ever existed, spared the inhuman and irreparable killshot that is being born Indian—and above even this, you were gifted with the means, initiative and inspiration to pursue your artistic dreams.
If the world remembers you, it won't remember you for the petty pains you find yourself in now; it will remember you as an artist. Eat your pain, shit it out, file it to a point and use it as a chisel to carve your story.

>> No.73061777

Ineda is unhinged no matter where he is. Cody is reserved with his real him, and might allow it to show once in a while. while keeping the facade of good cute boy the rest of the time saying tame shit and inane recycled ideas.

>> No.73062094

so now that the dust has settled, what do you think of wasp crabbing?

>> No.73062243

5g shrooms

>> No.73062246

I think the leak showing they were crabbing themselves and raiding threads to make it worse has been getting talked about in a dozen or more other threads at this point.

>> No.73062319

I can't believe scissors has a gf that is a big vtuber. Based on what that anon said last thread it all makes sense

>> No.73062481
File: 43 KB, 587x501, Ohio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all going according to plan. I made the thread split. I convinced the girls to make a new diacord. Everything has been thanks to my guiding hand and you will soon see the fruits to my masterful plan

>> No.73062488

Nothing happened and the vtuber at the center of it got the most ccv increase from people trying to defend her. It's pretty much a lesson that thread dramas do not matter at all as a vtuber and every drama from these threads never hurt a vtuber.

>> No.73062607

Rinna quit vtubing over it.

>> No.73062638


>> No.73062665

I love the crabs that are there now, will probably remain, and how they all fucked themselves by trying to prove such a thing. Sad to see unrelated supportive females like fwofie or ria get shitted on so much that they really believe somebody is trying to get them.

>> No.73062827
File: 108 KB, 790x663, 8568752479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to the lodge with you, shadow shania

>> No.73062862

>not ohio
also fake

>> No.73062902

Rinna got a 2nd job so she went on hiatus. She's still around.

>> No.73062995
File: 124 KB, 380x390, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73063092

>Sad to see unrelated supportive females like fwofie or ria get shitted on so much that they really believe somebody is trying to get them.
is that just your opinion or did Ria actually say anything about feeling that way?

>> No.73063127

She also sucks my dick after work but we won't be showing that on stream until the pomf stream for 2025

>> No.73063129

>Both accounts privated

>> No.73063405
File: 1.18 MB, 1464x1849, p97syy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark souls mage run and if I die I eat hot chip https://www.twitch.tv/regulusoal

>> No.73063444

>mage run
fucking easy mode bruh

>> No.73064094

It makes sense and there is honestly no point for her to return after all this. She wasted all this time and money as Rinna only to throw it away because she needed to repeatidly "own the haters". Even if she ever got a corpo to get interested in her and look further, the moment they see all that shit they will nope out on her because she has shown to be a liability as a hire since no corpo wants that kind of behavior.
If she really wants her dream of going corpo then she pretty much has to start all over again after laying low for a long while and not ever returning to /asp/ ever again to not get found out and linked to her Rinna persona.

>> No.73064122

I cant provide you with the exact clip, but the stream before last one she talked about general bad vibes and how she feels kinda not liked for a bit. It all can be tied with the "haha ria tranny nigger asp gtfo of our thread B)" plus the shit flinging at her that came afterward where they shifted the blame towards her and a "discord defense force of hers"?

>> No.73064340

I wonder when was the point she gave up on going corpo and just throw all goodwill away

>> No.73064343

Getting hired in a corpo isn't about who you are or how good you are what's more important is who you know and what connections you have

>> No.73064610

Kaneko Lumi has been in the center of multiple board dramas worse than this and she's the largest vtuber today. You are crazy if you think any corpo reads the boards.

>> No.73064623

As a kaela and biboo enjoyer, I agree with these, they were so plugged in...

>> No.73064657

>when was the point she gave up on going corpo
The moment she posted here for the first time

>> No.73065053

Not all corpo hires are nepotism hires. Plenty of corpos also will try to give fresh blood a shot in the hopes of finding a diamond in the rough.
>and she's the largest vtuber today
lol, lmao even, she isn't even the biggest in her own corpo, and none of the drama was made BY her but anons posting about her, different situation entirely.
But besides that, she got into phase on connections and size. she actually had some weight to throw around to get into Phase back then, and that was when Phase was still way more lenient on yab stuff. They since gotten way stricter and won't just let you fuck around like if you were Pippa.

>> No.73065059
File: 1.43 MB, 1340x752, brave_2024-04-06_03-50-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to everyone who showed up! The stream turned out way longer than I intended, but I'm super happy how it turned out!
Hopefully all of you will fall in love with Tenra the same way I have!

>> No.73065077

Thank you anon... I will live for at least 24 more hours.

>> No.73065328

>and none of the drama was made BY her but anons posting about her, different situation entirely

So the exact situation happening here too?

>> No.73065595

Anon... Rinna admitted herself that she took part in the crabbing stuff and everyone saw how she and Pitty did the whole fake drama thing to make fun of threads. It's all in the archives for everyone to look that search up her name.

>> No.73065673

So the same thing kaneko Lumi did then. Argument done.

>> No.73065923

>Unironically promoting males in /wasp/ got encouraged

>> No.73065946

You know what anon, yes, you are fully right, it is exactly the same. You won the argument, congratulations, you may go to your local internet office and pick up your trophy.

>> No.73066027


>> No.73066249

Who the fuck cares about trolling on 4chan? That's all this place is about stop pretending to be concerned with bullshit.

>> No.73066767

now this is a chuuba worth supporting

>> No.73066839

Wrong thread

>> No.73066928

at this point /wasp/ is done for and they will soon be merging back in here due to the discord drama, good news for all the new guys who couldn't get anywhere because of a split

>> No.73067099

Sorry I don't watch guys pretending to be a girl

>> No.73067142

no we don't want those posters

>> No.73067152

tranny voice.....

>> No.73067231

iz okay
The art is very nice. Artists are cool.

>> No.73067373

pittie stop deflecting and go back to your thread.

>> No.73067532

This is my thread now. I am on the tierlist

>> No.73067556

WAIT what mobile formatting stuff are you talking about? What formatting would you need to do for non-vertical videos?

>> No.73068297

I will now remove you from the tierlist

>> No.73068469


>> No.73068678

Vertical formatting is what I mean. The video is short and reasonably "shorts" worthy, but it doesn't fit into a vertical frame without looking like shit.

>> No.73068777

No I like the idea of keeping the schizos and unicorns over there. Female vtubers are welcome to post here but leave the insanity in /wasp/

>> No.73069019

I will just bring the schizos here. My last gift to you ungrateful males

>> No.73069225

Bring them? You're already here

>> No.73069574

Renata, I need COCK

>> No.73069773


>> No.73069797 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 567x567, 1707456806755950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open wide

>> No.73069911

I swear you guys must live in perpetual fear since you seem to think a normal female voice is actually a man

>> No.73070021
File: 56 KB, 500x500, IMG_9964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for posting that i didnt have the image anymore

>> No.73070036

Over half the thread is already gay and most will never have sex anyway so I don't know what they would even have to be afraid of in the first place.

>> No.73070139

why isn't renata a /wasp/?

>> No.73070245

>began in /asp/
>isn't a streamer
>loves men

>> No.73070411

I want to DATE Renata.

>> No.73070486

I'm sorry Anon, to the $1.99 stores with you...also gas stations exist...

>> No.73070555
File: 2.63 MB, 498x277, bh187-spongebob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73070578

>loves men loving men

>> No.73070657

Same. Or just get a headpat. Either Renata or Gumpers.

>> No.73070678

>$1.99 stores
>more the what I make in a month
It's so fucking over for me

>> No.73070802

Renata i need ART

>> No.73071131

I ask once again for grace VoD where she sang riptide, I didn't realize she doesn't save them...

>> No.73071150

I have masturbated to fwofie

>> No.73071163
File: 337 KB, 500x500, zenainbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what this >>73070411 said. i don't go on there and i do not think people that frequent that thread want to be blasted by a gorillion rtwts of men with their fat tits out, so its a big conflict of interest. also because i dont stream ive considered phone streams before, decided against it. im considering doing something like a donation jar for a new pc and advertise it as "FORCE THE FUJO TO START STREAMING" but im unsure how that'd play out
you would not want that
working on it! i hope to get something posted soon, been feeling very bad about not posting art very often, so i took to posting messy quick doodles of my OCs inbetween comms. orz orz orz

>> No.73071269

im retarded and i meant to link to >>73070245 it's actually so fujover for me

>> No.73071293
File: 684 KB, 751x929, image-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send those big tit men pics to me instead

>> No.73071521
File: 105 KB, 879x879, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain me what the hell is going on in this demo!?!?

>> No.73071932


>> No.73072003


>> No.73072201 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 405x720, Johann_kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pregnant Ria

>> No.73072241


>> No.73072383

so you are not that racist, huh...

>> No.73072799
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new version of veadotube for those who care, it's the program used by lava, scissors and others

>> No.73072919


>> No.73072989
File: 2 KB, 128x128, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-capitalist, anti-bigotry software

>> No.73073047

>support for cops and/or the military
>any blockchain-related technology, including but not limited to cryptocurrencies
despite the flag they DO say no pedo shit however

>> No.73073089

What are they gonna do if I don't comply? Sue me with their non-existent profits?

>> No.73073149
File: 67 KB, 500x500, IMG_9628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pregnant (You)

>> No.73073319

character assassination with their reputation as the default quick way to start vtubing, the moralfags who will bandwagon against you will ensure your downfall, maybe you can try pulling a papi move after being cancelled lol

>> No.73073390

Renata dont make me write and essay and then walk away

>> No.73073436

Enjoy your forced vacation meat

>> No.73073467

why do you like pouffy nipples

>> No.73073503

Go for it johann! You can make your dreams come true!

>> No.73073574

>oh no a bunch of people who would have never watched me anyway, won't watch me

>> No.73073633

its just a really bad habit whenever i draw them because i used to draw women alot, and id make their nips puffy and i just never unlearned it (until now im going to draw nipples of normal variety)
ok sorry ill get back to art now

>> No.73073645

What are you niggers talking about?

>> No.73073706

No i meant you made me write an essay and then left me...


>> No.73073712

Can we trust Grace?

>> No.73073740


>> No.73073748


>> No.73073794

So what did Lava actually do?
I don't really care if anyone clipped it, I'm sure it was pretty mundane and someone just got assmad and reported her immediately.

>> No.73073801

Anon, Grace is the only one I do trust

>> No.73073810

dm me again then there is a very high chance i genuinely forgot, gomen vagueposter

>> No.73073818

They're tourists who think Vegeta's kneel is a george floyd reference

>> No.73073836

From what I heard, she joked that she was going to kill herself.

>> No.73073843

She said she hates faggots

>> No.73073846

IF i were to stream a watchalong of a columbine shooting youtube documentary amongst other school/mass shooting videos on 4/20, would i get banned on twitch? specifically this one

>> No.73073940

Yes. Stream on po.f or kick they only ban you if you are extra retarded like pafu

>> No.73074599
File: 164 KB, 350x304, GKc8e-kbUAAK4Z1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont really know pafu well enough to make a joke a their expense
>decide to do so here instead

Something is not okay with this woman, she is not alright. shes all left instead[/spoiler

>> No.73074961
File: 359 KB, 548x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice game!

>> No.73075090

what are the chances that pafu was going to do a school shooting themed stream too wtf

>> No.73075148

now all we need is someone to stream the columbine DOOM MOD

>> No.73076368

I don't trust you

>> No.73076399

I hate you too

>> No.73076804

not true, I barely ever threaten to rape anyone
this is mostly true. I hide my power level quite a bit sometimes. I'm still figuring out what I can and can't get away with on stream, and how best to cause trouble without making people feel actually uncomfortable. most of my craziness is just a joke (including my Twitter spat earlier)

I also have respect for other content creators who give me a chance, so I keep the edgier stuff for my own streams where the consequences fall soley on me if I take something too far into canceleable territory.

I'll never hold it against anyone who doesn't want to fuck with me because I'm a lil maniac, but I won't change that one bit. being cute and sweet all the time was boring.

>> No.73077079

>pafu streaming the school shooter JRPG maker game
ultra based

>> No.73077466


>> No.73077574

The irony contained in this post could choke an elephant. You're using a post about drama stirring faggots being drama stirring faggots to stir drama. Rope.

>> No.73077816

Based Pafu.

>> No.73078374

only reason i left asp for wasp was because i never wanted to see shania's retarded face ever again

>> No.73078415

he still posts there though

>> No.73078579

Viewership on a game I feel very knowledgeable about and feel very ontop of my game on has been lower than games where I generally get destroyed, obviously I have a bias but I feel pretty equally funny in both.

A. Overthinking it, and not giving enough credit to random fluctuations in viewers
B. Somehow acquired myself a sadist audience that likes to see me suffer
C. My viewers just dont fuck with the game like I do and I should stick to my usual

>> No.73078776

You're overthinking it. You need to spend some time thinking about the nature of your audience. Are they there for the game you're playing or are they there for you? I imagine you're just assuming at this point. Many people streaming make that assumption because they see their numbers fluctuate when they stream different games on different days and think "oh it must be the game" and ignore all other possible factors.
If you're not corralling your viewers into a community that shows up to see you, you'll continue to see sharp changes in your viewership as people blow in and out from the catalog.

>> No.73078793

If it's happened more than twice, then yes it's B and C

>> No.73078977

but I post there too and when I dont someone skinwalks as me talking about me being the split puppetmaster lol

>> No.73079115

Something either about the n word or joking about suicide. Given the length if the ban, there were likely other reports building up to it.

>> No.73079945

Doesn't this imply he ISN'T batshit crazy?

>> No.73080061

>crossposting a schizo tierlist made by a schizo into current thread

>> No.73080185

I want to scream every time I launch it and there's a mandatory tranny flag slapped over my png

>> No.73080308

what if i simply dont respond to tweets i disagree with

>> No.73080342

You can do that?

>> No.73080350

Anon somebody might be wrong on the Internet and not know you disagree.

>> No.73080409

you will disagree with millions of people, its better to make your own inflammatory tweet that vaguely calls out the person you dont like instead of doing it in their replies

>> No.73080414

I'm a gazo tuber man, myself... though I don't think gazo
s been updated properly in fucking AGES. Might just grab PNGtuber+ just to have something more robust, but I'm lazy.

>> No.73080499

what a stupid and insignificant thing to care about.

>> No.73080648

it was stupid and insignificant trannies wouldn't be slapping it on anything possible

>> No.73080759

it's better to just focus on things you enjoy and agree with rather than making a statement about things you don't agree with.
Regardless of how much pushback you put out there the thing you don't like will likely continue to exist well after your death.

Nobody goes to a funeral and goes
>Anon passed away, but he was a good man
>A good man that just hated trannies and niggers
>He also really hated that underwater level in that TMNT NES game
>And wasn't very fond of skyrim
>Let us remember him for all the things he didn't like

People want to have positive things to say about you after you're gone, don't be the reason they can't think of anything.

>> No.73080812

>A good man that just hated trannies and niggers
you know damn well certain types would absolutely go to a funeral to disrupt it with that kind of shit

>> No.73080922

I don't give a fuck what people think of me after I'm gone. They can not think of me at all

>> No.73080933
File: 188 KB, 483x465, image_2024-04-06_005654845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a chuuba, lemme doodle and watch me do it at https://www.twitch.tv/shattered_violet

>> No.73080941

This retort implies it's important to you.
How does it impact you directly what others celebrate?
Are you telling me just the image of a flag is enough to boil your piss?

>> No.73081010

Its lame to put that stuff out there and I don't need to be a furious homophobic transphobe to think that. I think the the whole "just shutup" thing goes both ways.

>> No.73081033


>> No.73081061

Maybe in make believe la-la 4chan land but that's not how things play out in the real world.

Then why do you care what others do while you're alive? doesn't really make a lot of sense.

>> No.73081129

link just in case

>> No.73081160

>Then why do you care what others do while you're alive? doesn't really make a lot of sense.
I don't understand when I said this.

>> No.73081214


she's my oshi, I'd come hang out but I just got home and I've got a bad case of tummy hort.

she's really really big tho so if you wanna prioritize smaller vtubers probably don't do her!

>> No.73081335

there are people who don't think it's lame though, what makes your opinion more rightous than theirs?

Personally I don't really mind it.
It doesn't take away from my daily life or what I enjoy doing.
Even if it was plastered over every single game in the next 10 years as long as it wasn't the primary focus of those games it wouldn't change my enjoyment of them at all.

Like I'll accept it's a problem when all my games are about transitioning and I have to press F not to pay respects but rather take my estrogen pills before going on a mission.

>> No.73081412

>I didn't say that which means the conversation didn't involve me at all but I still jumped into it anyways and now I'll deflect anything you say by claiming you're putting words in my mouth

I wish you'd just kindly stay silent then.

>> No.73081422

>try it out for shits and gigs
>it takes the same amount of CPU as Vtube Studio
>Only open and closed mouth + blinking, no different mouth shapes unlike HONK
>while HONK uses 1/4th or less of the CPU
What the fuck.
Haven't checked PNGtuber+ yet but I think there's no need at this point.

>> No.73081509
File: 128 KB, 584x479, image_2024-04-06_011122907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73081547

Honk dev...

>> No.73081577


>> No.73081654

Try checking out landitube it uses the least amount of CPU out of all the pngtuber stuff I've used

>> No.73081671

nice, thank you!

>> No.73081689

Its all so tiresome.

>> No.73081802

odd looking beryl art

>> No.73081916
File: 203 KB, 800x1180, 9bbbd493-4048-4220-b15b-32b05145e18d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can be more odd

>> No.73082268

Wait, there's actually some pretty cool stuff in there. Thanks, I'll look into this.

>> No.73082340
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, __persica_girls_frontline_drawn_by_junsuina_fujunbutsu__8b86322ee423f9a9687bfd9e54c3132e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject external software, embrace the reactive image plugin for obs.

>> No.73082389

Hoobi is such a gremlin I love him

>> No.73082426

Hoobi used to be much cuter when he was thicc as hell, god his thighs were heavenly...
Why are all the femboys downgrading their models?

>> No.73083249
File: 55 KB, 744x509, image_2024-04-06_015652506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you want a beryl doodle?

>> No.73083339

If you're still taking recommendations and I don't want to name myself, can you draw kongouvt? I NEED kongou art!

>> No.73083654
File: 175 KB, 499x624, image_2024-04-06_020731502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73083697


>> No.73083822

Good night gurun!

>> No.73083846

so how does Audacity work?

>> No.73083920

Do you guys stop telling the women to go to /wasp/ yet? I'm bored of schizos.

>> No.73083958

What are you trying to do?

>> No.73083969


>> No.73083992

I know its U.I is pretty fucking terrible but it has one of the best noise reduction tools in the game so its worth learning.

>> No.73084111

you don't get to be tired of things til you're my age.

>> No.73084255

>you guys
one schizo reply does not represent the entire thread

>> No.73084316

trying to figure out how it works and why people use it. i keep hearing about it
any good videos tutorials?

>> No.73084369

>How does it impact you directly what others celebrate?
>>You are only allowed to care about things when they materially impact your immediate daily life and you are not allowed to be concerned for the future and the society you inhabit

>> No.73084492

It's just an audio recording and editing software. It's free and it's been around for ages, so that's why people use it.

>> No.73084737
File: 49 KB, 300x300, fwofieHappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73084820 [DELETED] 

Papayas I'm gonna cream-pie your waspussy

>> No.73084838

need a viewer girlfriend who talks with me and helps and supports me behind the scenes

>> No.73084903
File: 683 KB, 1080x1864, Screenshot_20240406-093712~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the previous post, I'm still gonna cream-pie papaya's waspussy!

>> No.73084927


>> No.73084947

I love the fwofie. She's so pleasant to listen to and kind with interacting with others.

>> No.73085028

imma post link here from now on

>> No.73085222

Seems more like post nut clarity. He'll fall back into old habits in no time at all.

>> No.73085329

No you're not! Before you want to post your link, you have to get through me, John Sexpest, the sexpester! You will not taint my gay erp session with your dirty female stream

>> No.73085497
File: 573 KB, 459x750, image_2024-04-06_025738955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73085513

Debut when!?

>> No.73085519

you have a problem with it and you think that it's a societal issue but it's just a personal issue you have to blow out of proportion to feel justified in not liking it.
This mentality is unhealthy and occupies both sides of the argument.
You don't humor the idea that you might be wrong, because the thought of that makes you uncomfortable.

Back in my highschool days there was pushback against being gay/bisexual and as a result many of the people I knew adopted those sexualities as part of their identities.
As time passed and those things gradually became acceptable as normal, the number of people who were identifying as gay/bisexual did not grow substantially but rather silently faded, because there was now no longer any pushback to encourage people to join in some big rebellion against normalcy.

The same will happen with this current situation we face, and the same will happen with whatever comes after.
I know that the "success" of the movement for trans/nonbinary people will not lead to the downfall of civilization or society because I've been around long enough to see the end result of similar movements.
To claim otherwise without substantial proof or experience is just fear mongering.

If you really gave a shit about society you'd contribute to it instead of spending your free time arguing about a topic on an anonymous image board.

I apolgize to the aspies as I've posted a goddamn book in a post again, so I'll stop talking now.
I know the subject can be tiring, subscribe to my blog etc etc.

>> No.73085581

I think we can all agree being a male vtuber is harder than being black or trans

>> No.73085616

black male trans vtuber bros...

>> No.73085644

ngmi...the west has fallen....

>> No.73085799

>you have a problem with it and you think that it's a societal issue but it's just a personal issue you have to blow out of proportion to feel justified in not liking it.
You are not the arbiter of what is or is not a societal issue. Trannies made it a societal issue by attempting to forcing others to give them special treatment.
>This mentality is unhealthy and occupies both sides of the argument.
You are not the arbiter of what is or is not healthy.
>You don't humor the idea that you might be wrong, because the thought of that makes you uncomfortable.
Random baseless accusations attempting to assassinate my character rather than anything relevant to the topic.
>As time passed and those things gradually became acceptable as normal, the number of people who were identifying as gay/bisexual did not grow substantially but rather silently faded, because there was now no longer any pushback to encourage people to join in some big rebellion against normalcy.
Your argument is "just don't resist against things you dislike" which I'll just say to you, stop resisting my resistance, it only makes it worse. Stupid argument, right?
>I know that the "success" of the movement for trans/nonbinary people will not lead to the downfall of civilization or society because I've been around long enough to see the end result of similar movements.
I never made any such statements, you're literally now making shit up.
>To claim otherwise without substantial proof or experience is just fear mongering.
I never did claim that, again that is shit you just made up in your head.
>If you really gave a shit about society you'd contribute to it instead of spending your free time arguing about a topic on an anonymous image board.
Again, I use your own argument against you.

You never addressed my actual point which is that I and all people have the right to be concerned for proposed changes in their society and the symptoms of those proposed changes. You just went on a retarded ramble about shit nobody cares about.

>> No.73085803

There's no way there would be a black transmale vtuber in this thread, that is the least likely demographic to exist here.

>> No.73086052

statistically there are probably two on the entirety of 4chan and that means there's a non-zero chance that both of them are here

>> No.73086098

holy autism

>> No.73086210

They're both on /soc/ and I've seen both of their cocks
I'm not even being that untruthful despite the shocking value of the reply

>> No.73086301

>actually been to /soc/
worse than knowing that most female asps were probably /cgl/ posters

>> No.73086440

>You are not the arbiter of what is or is not a societal issue.
and you are?
>You are not the arbiter of what is or is not healthy.
you sure like that word, is that your go-to when you're at a loss of how to argue against a point?
>Random baseless accusations attempting to assassinate my character rather than anything relevant to the topic.
Assassinating your character would rely on me actually giving a shit about who you are as a person, we're on an anonymous image board, please think before you speak.
>Your argument is "just don't resist against things you dislike" which I'll just say to you, stop resisting my resistance, it only makes it worse. Stupid argument, right?
You're incorrect, I'm not arguing anything, I'm pointing out the flaws in your logic.
What you do with that information is of little concern to me because you seem stubborn and ignorant, you'll just do whatever you want regardless of what I say.
>I never made any such statements, you're literally now making shit up.
Not really sure what else "concerned for the future and the society you inhabit" would imply, would you care to explain then?
>I never did claim that, again that is shit you just made up in your head.
See the above point, elaborate then what you meant with your words.
>Again, I use your own argument against you.
I'm at work right now, and I pay taxes. \o/

>You never addressed my actual point which is that I and all people have the right to be concerned for proposed changes in their society and the symptoms of those proposed changes. You just went on a retarded ramble about shit nobody cares about.
People have the right to celebrate their identity as well, but you're self-rightous so you only believe there's validity in what you value.

Please refrain from replies like this in the future, this format is an eyesore.

>> No.73086498


>> No.73086578

Anyone know where I can get some decent jazzy piano BGMs?

>> No.73086709

>and you are?
No I'm not. Society is. Society has deemed it an issue.
>you sure like that word, is that your go-to when you're at a loss of how to argue against a point?
You don't have a point, your point is "I don't think you should do this".
>Assassinating your character would rely on me actually giving a shit about who you are as a person, we're on an anonymous image board, please think before you speak.
You obviously do think you know a lot about me when you say "You don't humor the idea that you might be wrong, because the thought of that makes you uncomfortable." Which is a character assassination.
>You're incorrect, I'm not arguing anything, I'm pointing out the flaws in your logic.
My logic is that I, as a person within society am allowed the right to display my thought and opinions on societal changes. What flaw exactly have you pointed out? You made the statement that resistance only stiffen opposition, which is a dumb statement because it can be used for both sides.
>What you do with that information is of little concern to me because you seem stubborn and ignorant, you'll just do whatever you want regardless of what I say.
And yet, here you are.
>Not really sure what else "concerned for the future and the society you inhabit" would imply, would you care to explain then?
I can't help you if you can't understand the basic concept of being concerned for the society you inhabit. I'm sorry, I cannot make that point any more clear than it already is.
>See the above point, elaborate then what you meant with your words.
See above.
>I'm at work right now, and I pay taxes. \o/
That literally detracts from your point. You're at work, shitposting on an imageboard rather than actually working, you're describing yourself as a leech.

>People have the right to celebrate their identity as well, but you're self-rightous so you only believe there's validity in what you value.
They are right to do whatever they please and celebrate however they like. When they begin to use the instruments of government to force people to also celebrate or at minimum be silenced on the topic of their identity, then that's an issue.

>Please refrain from replies like this in the future, this format is an eyesore.

>> No.73086749
File: 33 KB, 1083x425, Backpack Battles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your most popular stream so far?
For me it's Backpack Battles

>> No.73086758

Just split the audio track on twitch and use Spotify. Otherwise the site hololive uses for their bgms is good, just search on google

>> No.73087188

What's the best way to attract "This is literally me" group of people as a male vtuber?

>> No.73087266


>> No.73087271

Lmao dude just get off it already.
You can't even explain your point but remain with this air of arrogance as if you've said anything of import. It's really funny but unintersting to engage with.

>> No.73087284

You don't. But also do what Sonny Brisko did I guess. Go look at his early game list.

>> No.73087325

Thanks for the concession. I'll continue to care about things.

>> No.73087363

Just stop pushing your identity onto me. I don't need to see my face with a fucking gender flag slapped over it because you can't keep your egoshit out of anything

>> No.73087447

nah you did this yesterday with someone else too, acted like a pompous idiout then when the other person declined the interaction you insisted it was them conceeding.

Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.73087500

Throwing out insults because you have nothing else to say makes you look like you're having a tantrum. Thanks for the conession.

>> No.73087501

Nor do I need a political statement like the dev's furry OC holding a Palestine flag when I'm trying to do something as simple as use a vtubing software

>> No.73087533

>Stop shitting up the thread.
Nignog, you wrote up an essay to my single sentence and started this horseshit. Fucking pot calling the kettle a retard.

>> No.73087545

which asp chuuba should i stick my natural 12 inch cock inside

>> No.73087629

...as opposed to an unnatural 12 inch cock?

>> No.73087636


>> No.73087656

you really gotta get a hobby gael.

>> No.73087693

Sonny is a literal me streamer?
Also thank meow

>> No.73087920

you can in fact get penis extension surgery

>> No.73088028

It's risky and the results are usually underwhelming. Being a man is truly to suffer, if you're a girl, there's a surgery for everything to make you attractive.

Be a man:
>Bald? get fucked
>Short? get fucked
>Small dick? get fucked

>> No.73088100
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can overcome all three easily

>> No.73088130

It literally cost Pat his friendship and pride

>> No.73088147

>still friends with the best member of the group

>> No.73088308

I'm not saying Woolie is not the best, he is.
The channel died the day Liam first showed up

>> No.73088414

liam became the blueprint for a very specific kind of weeb that i dont like so i have to agree with you there

>> No.73088447
File: 8 KB, 329x62, chrii....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to use this as a reaction somewhere.

>> No.73088502
File: 8 KB, 329x62, 1712395999119708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73088542

/r/ing the Mond rope image

>> No.73088612

