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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72894881 No.72894881 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Some resources

Remember to love and support all the girls and to ignore any posts that attacks or hurts them!

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

>> No.72894903


>> No.72895016

remember to ban everyone from your chats and block them on social media

>> No.72895061

>previous thread not even at bump limit
So should people report this schizo thread?

>> No.72895064 [DELETED] 

>included everyone but Pittie
Can you be any more vindictive? She hasn't done anything, there's no reason to even think she's bad. All she's done is support other girls and joke around a bit

>> No.72895125 [DELETED] 

Damn you women are so jealous. That just makes me more motivated to support my favorite male vtubers

>> No.72895128

Literally the first line

>> No.72895145

preventative measure against the guy making the troll threads.

>> No.72895187

This is a troll thread.

>> No.72895186

kek retard.
ok bye fag

>> No.72895221

i kneel

>> No.72895242

>a thread supporting women?????? must be trolling!!!!!!
kys fag

>> No.72895244 [DELETED] 

You can spam reports but you can't save this mess. Women will just ruin it again even if you get something to change for few days

>> No.72895304

How did this not get auto pruned for baking before bump limit

>> No.72895331

Meds schizo it is obvious that you are doing this to make more drama

>> No.72895332

>Lies of Pittie

>> No.72895355

Reminder not to respond to crybaby male vtubers trying desperately to climb out of 1view

>> No.72895382

The schizo gets away with his drama threads we know that

>> No.72895437

Quit removing me from the tierlist you schizo crab

>> No.72895465

I can literally see your schizo through the screen, no wonder you don't go outside, you'd get put down

>> No.72895495

Lol no, it was you just collecting anything that resembles a female to your thread so you could go like "look how cute our girls are, please bump us!!" It was you guys spamming mond on every single board constantly and using Rura as am OP the entire time. You can suddenly turn around and say none of the aspie girls were actually wanted

>> No.72895503

It was probably made by pitty

>> No.72895546

The only ones causing trouble are the aspies and m*l

>> No.72895642

You are a sick control freak that just wants to leech off the other girls and keep them under your thumb.

>> No.72895655

Reminder that this thread's purpose is to share advice for aspiring vtubers (female). This thread isn't for discussing the clique of a few bitter girls, or any other vtubers

>> No.72895692

>Pittie is behind the schizoing on the thread
>But it's actually aspies fault
Actually goon-brained

>> No.72895715

Advice: those bitter aspies should stop trying to destroy the thread and other girls

>> No.72895766
File: 842 KB, 1259x788, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rinna is the best

>> No.72895767

…you know pitty started in /asp/ right?

She isn’t a true /wasp/ie

>> No.72895844

my future wife is on there

>> No.72895875

If you're not up there right now you're either a fag, or tranny. All the girls in the tierlist are up there.

>> No.72895876

Summary of the events
>wasp is made
>people drop in and out asking for advice and it was slow
>new generation of female vtubers are made and they are successful
>schizos notice it and get mad because people are happy
>spam nonstop about the most random shit turning a slow thread to the fastest thread on this board and turning the thread unusable
>girls make a discord to talk to themselves and help each other out for girls only
>someone infiltrates it and said they were trans later on because they only accept real women
>thread goes into overdrive blaming the girls for all sorts of things like child porn, how they have logs of them that they would never show
>now people say it was the girls fault for talking to each other and being friends outside of this thread and how they should have lived with the schizos

>> No.72895899

you're actually retarded. The only time she posted in asp was to tell us she likes there so people wouldn't just call her a leech and go >>/wasp/ whenever her link was posted. Pitie, mutton and bonni were the first original waspies

>> No.72895928

How does the local camping aspie schizo manage to catch every single aspie tour9st with bait
why do ourists from other threads never bite his bait?
I almost never see anybody but a temporary cheerleader and people biting bait replying, and at least a third of the time it's some tourist from asp falling for the tactics of what presumably one of their native schizos prior

>> No.72896023

Ma'am please. I beg of you... just a crumb of a collab. PLEASE

>> No.72896099 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 227x227, Screenshot_20240403_124436_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72896154

nope, you just keep meeting with male viewers though and it's a little too gay for here so go ahead and run on back to asp

>> No.72896167

Why lie like this? We saw from pittie’s screenshots that they were spamming and crabbing in the thread.

>> No.72896185

Sorry, I thought that was the latest tierlist since it had the newer waspies in it, didnt realize that you were removed.

>> No.72896221

I slept to your ASMR, Denpa! It was good!

>> No.72896254

>p-please use asp!
I know that is what you want because you are a male vtuber but no one will ever do that.
We won’t let anyone kill this thread. Not you male vtubers and not the non-wasps either.

>> No.72896283

Your ASMR made me lose my no-nut streak

>> No.72896312

Because it is a schizo thread in disguise

>> No.72896359

What the hell which of you niggers removed wiplash from the list again

>> No.72896383

Pittie is probably just replying to her own schizo posts again

>> No.72896394

The list is for women only

>> No.72896423

Wiplash is a woman

>> No.72896440

Wiplash is a woman

>> No.72896450

Aleda is on it

>> No.72896493

>looping back to the trannies are women too spam

>> No.72896503

Who the fuck is aleda

>> No.72896529

Why do we keep talking about Pittie then?

>> No.72896535


>> No.72896557
File: 1.98 MB, 1702x1483, waspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when was the last time you were added? i dont recall ever seeing you

>> No.72896586

Because she is constantly in the thread talking about herself. Didn’t you see the leak?
Even when she was crabbing other girls she made the post about her.

>> No.72896620

tweet about it, rightfag

>> No.72896631

I don't think you were ever added on that tierlist Denpa when it was first created. I have tierlists I've made before and you're not in it.

>> No.72896663

my daughter

>> No.72896691

male viewers are the ones freaking out and ruining the last two threads just because they can’t handle the truth
if i could vtube without them i would.

>> No.72896704

sadly this was easy to predict since it has happened every single time before
the real timeloop was inside us all along

>> No.72896744

…it is easy to predict something that didnt happen?

>> No.72896821

I know Ria was crabbing Bonni and Lava, is she crabbing Pittie too? I didn’t see her in the /wasp/cord.

>> No.72896826
File: 681 KB, 1140x929, Tierlist (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh I removed Denpa because she didn't seem to be here at all, when I first made the tierlist before the current one. It's at least a month ago when I did that.

>> No.72896840

what makes this person a tranny exactly?

>> No.72896854

the part where the discord gets made bwcause thread gets spammed by schizos and then someone leaks it literally has happened with every single cord since bayescord

>> No.72896867

Thinking up a lie fast now grab?

>> No.72896901

How is it a lie, please tell me.

>> No.72896918

The discord was made long before.

>> No.72896959

Ria isn’t the crab it is probably just Pittie crabbing herself again

>> No.72896993

>a month
oh that explains it, I've been on and off around for a few weeks so I must've missed that era. when I started drawing wasp the list i took didn't have denpa or whoever wip is

>> No.72897056

>sometimes I make stupid decisions to boost viewership by pulling stupid stunts

>maybe i could eat ass
>who knows, maybe if i eat the right ass
rimma noe

>> No.72897079

>drawing wasp
Most aren’t wasp is the problem

>> No.72897168

Because you are just using the tier list to cause fights like everyone predicted?
It is /asp/shit that you are trying to force into /wasp/ just like you try to force males.

>> No.72897210

Only Pittie and girls not in the clique get crabbed the hardest. It's not hard to connect the dots.

>> No.72897246

people keep saying that but it just seems like a bunch of babies crying about one streamer or another because they don't reply to their comments on stream anymore
I recall them complaining about people like nova 'not being wasp' a day after she posted herself before her stream.

>> No.72897248

She is the one behind every leak too

>> No.72897274

Any virgins?

>> No.72897309

Only girls that started with /wasp/ are the real /wasp/ how is that so hard to understand?

>> No.72897374

She already showed she crabs herself

>> No.72897424

other than our viewers lol?
jk no

>> No.72897488

Because you aren’t /wasp/?

>> No.72897500

Pittie crabbing Zenya right after she raided her is great

Got 'em

>> No.72897522

the solution is simply to make a /here/ split , that way people dont have to answer who is a wasp and who isnt and this can just be an advice thread

>> No.72897561

you have a weird definition of great
she seems really mentally ill

>> No.72897591

add shania to the tierlist

>> No.72897689

all this drama makes me want to cry why cant we just be friends

i thought I could trust people not to talk about me behind my back but now I dont know

>> No.72897695 [DELETED] 

new leak

>> No.72897721

*leaks in your mouth*

>> No.72897833

So now the schizos are starting the gay erp?

>> No.72897934

*i put on my robe and wizard hat*

>> No.72897988


>> No.72898005

*angel dust from hazbin hotel voice*
"ooooh, kinky "

>> No.72898038


>> No.72898059

So were all the aspies banned? No one is trying to push fags this thread.
Or was it true that it was just the girls schizoposting again?

>> No.72898175

why are you still misspelling my name?

>> No.72898218

the learned their place and shut their mouths like good low-T males should

>> No.72898231

Rinna just opened this thread, say hi everyone

>> No.72898281

I wish my chat would do that they are unfunny and annoying. I try to send a message by ignoring them but they just spam harder.

>> No.72898323

Time them out, dogs only listen if you hit them. If that doesn't work, easy ban.

>> No.72898325

Oh that means people can report her stream because showing 4chan on stream is against tos

>> No.72898360

that will just summon she who shall not be named and her followers

>> No.72898394

M*l is already in the thread

>> No.72898425

i doubt she'd show the screen itself, that just takes up too much space where her ugly bobbleheaded model should be

>> No.72898486

It was too easy to tell Rinna

>> No.72898485

Who does the /wasp/ tierlist?

>> No.72898515


>> No.72898557

an actual answer please

>> No.72898573

She isn’t a /wasp/ie so why care?

>> No.72898799

>will never selfpost again
I'll miss you and your brown cunt

>> No.72898800

I have a hard time believing that rinna

>> No.72898848

You shouldn’t she is a liar

>> No.72898882

Read my post about missing you you coward

>> No.72898961

>i do not crab
i believe you rinna

>> No.72899040

Thank you Rinna. I will keep mentioning you in the threads everyday.

>> No.72899054

Im still going to post about you. Just not in this thread

>> No.72899121

disgusting fucking woman stop burping on my dick

>> No.72899764

Can you remove doomdez from the list?
she doesn’t want to associate here

>> No.72899968

i didnt make the tier list sorry

>> No.72900332

Already lying

>> No.72900899

The thread in it's natural state without one person spamming. Pretty much slow with no movement.

>> No.72900907

>Isn't in waspcord/pittiecord/elfincord
>barely gets mentioned at all


>> No.72900946

I mean, Mel is literally already posting here, she was in the discord before getting caught, we found out she's this chubba https://twitter.com/MarilouUrufu

>> No.72901099

She will be back

>> No.72901187

Are you still trying to destroy the thread?

>> No.72901239

>thread slows down
>schizo tries to create paranoia

>> No.72901310

You weren't removed, just never added. You're in now.
Whoever has a spare google or twitter account to use to sign up for tiermaker. For the last month or so that's been me.

>> No.72901449

Hi, on behalf of her I will say she requested the removal of herself. That was a skinwalker.

>> No.72901661

People want to force in as many as possible to make the thread look better even if they don’t want to be included

>> No.72901716

She picks easy targets

>> No.72901863

>rinna busy streaming
>spamming and crabbing slow down

>> No.72901898

somebody is actually named pity?


>> No.72901919

>On Monday mond was chatting with a male vtuber by name
You mean when she thanked that faggot Haru for raiding her? It's called manners. Should she stop responding to her male chatters too?

>> No.72902016

rebake /euro/?

>> No.72902021

She literally chats in cheen stream often and she even does it when she isn't raiding him
>inb4 its because cheen makes art if her
she also watches and chats with her slave boy poly

>> No.72902063
File: 49 KB, 720x1089, 2587986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never allow males into your community! Most men deserve nothing more than death in a war and that includes the majority of males vtubers! Use the few with numbers to further your career (like Lava is doing with uwu) and throw them aside when they stop being useful! Banning males ensures a sexpest free chat! Banning males ensures a safe space for oil barons! No one will insult you for this as males are not taken seriously here! You will succeed! You will become partner! You will thrive where all males fail and become "bros" who deserve to be beaten down!

>> No.72902151

meant to reply to this >>72891068
It's pathetic how much you need to bend the truth to attack mond. But I get it, a girl that genuinely loves her viewers is difficult to compete with. Even though she struggles she is trying her best and she always puts her viewers first. You could learn a lesson or two from her. It's easy to tell who actually likes their viewers and who doesn't.

>> No.72902221

>Mond is not a /wasp/
>Mond is discussed here in length every day
This is her general. If you don't like it, stop posting about her.

>> No.72902246

It is disgusting behavior not manners. She should ignore him or better yet ban him to send a message instead of flirting with male vtubers live on stream

>> No.72902278

>lying to make Mond look bad
Kek you're desperate

>> No.72902307

You can have my spot lets trade

>> No.72902310

Pippa gets discussed here too but she also isn’t wasp

>> No.72902360

>male vtuber trying to excuse cuckoldry
You aren’t fooling anyone

>> No.72902365

Pippa lurks here for 2views to groom.

>> No.72902428

I bet you thought yuko loved you too right
If you don’t want more yukos you need ti be firm

>> No.72902505

Never associate with male vtubers
Why is that so hard?

>> No.72902520

all of phase looks here for headhunting, be on your best behaviour

>> No.72902545

You dont see male vtubers cause drama. Befriend all male vtubers and all the drama stops. It's easy as that.

>> No.72902590

>Mond genuinely loves her viewers
>male vtubers are her viewers
Even when he tries to defend her he just makes her look worse

>> No.72902692

mond doesn't profit of streaming. you can't donate to her or buy her things. she turned down gifts, games and membership on multiple occasions. she just wants to play games and talk to people. pretty sure that's about as genuine as a vtuber can be.

>> No.72902829

Why is she trying to steal viewers from lower ccvs, buying ads, and constantly shilling their channel if they don’t care about numbers then?

>> No.72902974

just got back from the grocery store, /wasp/
im gonna be good and eat better so that I have energy to stream!

>> No.72903109

Hope you eat well! Girls' tend to forget to do that!

>> No.72903270

Kill yourself male

>> No.72903572

you first, bud

>> No.72903715

Mond has openly said that she depends on her viewers to cope with her shitty home life. I don't want to play therapist for a broken girl. I want to be entertained. Remember: nothing in life comes free. Mond blatantly takes advantage of your time for her own selfish needs.

>> No.72903812

And that she is a vampire too

>> No.72903838

Why would you be on the tierlist? You don't belong here.

>> No.72903892

2view male got no bitches

>> No.72903898

This is what turned me off her

>> No.72903966

She acts this way too. If that's what you want be my guest. I would rather watch someone who doesn't ruin my mood.

>> No.72904007

>Pretending to be in a shitty situation/mentally ill for views
thats even worse I’ll be sure to block her

>> No.72904006

I want to be entertained too, and this comment isn't entertaining me. You should get the rope, anon

>> No.72904036

Then why is he blogging here?

>> No.72904037
File: 112 KB, 1081x679, old-monk-pixabay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to ban all males from your chat! Do you want to end up a 2view failure like Mond? Do not follow in her footsteps.

>> No.72904052

then dont watch her then while most people do.

>> No.72904079

>i want to be entertained
>i want to purchase an anime loli gf with subs because if i spend enough money she HAS to overlook my tiny misshaped cock

>> No.72904089

His life is so pathetic and empty he schizos in a thread meant for women's empowerment only.

>> No.72904138

Block her. She is actual scum.

>> No.72904196

settle down, pittie. i know you think it's funny to crab everyone who posts but just because i'm not giving you or your nigger friend attention by talking about something else for two seconds doesn't mean i'm male

>> No.72904219

she sounds insufferable

>> No.72904233

That is pathetic. Imagine being a loser 0view that you type shit like

>> No.72904312

Can we go back to talking about supporting male vtubers because they dont cause drama? Look at /asp/ it's just people talking about streams.

>> No.72904325

>using the n word
I will cancel you for this you failmale.

>> No.72904327

No one gives a shit about male vtubers, fuck off loser

>> No.72904361

All the women here are tainted. Male vtubers are pure.

>> No.72904391

Male vtubers are the only schizos. Women cannot be schizos. Name one male who is not a schizo and I will prove you wrong. Kill yourself broschizo!

>> No.72904399

quaking in my boots, rinnigger. id tell you to go back to /choc/ but they don't even want you kek

>> No.72904473

Name one pure male. All are chronic masturbators.

>> No.72904501


>> No.72904586

Sorry I was on the wrong side before sisters I was afraid

>> No.72904634

>all the women here
There are no women here. They only post in the discord and this is where their fans come to gossip about them.

>> No.72904637
File: 203 KB, 802x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wasps are NGMI? Like how /asp/ has scissors and a few others.

>> No.72904699

Any that aren’t real wasps

>> No.72904743

this. All the male vtubers are far better than any girls here.
Watch and support male vtubers!

>> No.72904792

Name some

>> No.72904830

/choc/ doesn’t like anyone threatening to take views from their circlejerk of the top 3 big black bitches

>> No.72904847

>tries too hard ngmi
Pittie, Lava, pafu, aleda
>doesn't try enough ngmi, but could turn it around
chrii, chibii, laine, any other waspie that hardly streams

>> No.72904885 [DELETED] 

Hope he gets killed by a Pakistani migrant! He is so boring.
I will traumadump in their chats and make their one viewer leave!

>> No.72904888


>> No.72904897

and they shouldn't, the others are vastly superior

>> No.72904977

I'd rather watch sukadrii than that guy.

>> No.72904989


Here you go

>> No.72905046

ineda fuck off

>> No.72905072

kill yourself, you arent even a good chatter let alone a good vtuber

>> No.72905100


>> No.72905158

Who are the “others” to (you)?

>> No.72905768

None are wasp so it doesn’t matter
We have no /choc/ wasps now

>> No.72905814

This. Watch and support males choc instead.

>> No.72905841

This isn’t nijien fag
Quit schizoing
Quit crabbing /wasp/ies
Quit insulting viewers

>> No.72905895

Those aren’t wasp either so they aren’t relevant

>> No.72905956

report them for being off topic then. Or shut up.

>> No.72906155

Good white is right

>> No.72906511

No I will defend this thread and its girls forever even if it means defending them against themself

>> No.72906643

>25 viewers
>6 viewers

>> No.72906829

25 viewers is how many bonni was getting after her stint with raiding a boy
Avoid male vtubers or get male vtuber numbers is the lesson here. She betrayed her viewers and is punished for it.

>> No.72906887

>She betrayed her viewers and is punished for it.
losing mentally ill viewers is a win, i dont know what your smoking

>> No.72906919

Those are the kind that spend money and watch streams

>> No.72907025
File: 223 KB, 482x573, 1677803345874495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you friday

>> No.72907032

if you can only attract mentally ill people, your content is either fucked up or trash

>> No.72907159

That is all vtubing
It is gfe to get bucks from simps
They are your money makers and even if you hate them personally you still must pander to them
No chuuba should ever associate with male streamers other then to scorn them

>> No.72907214

>It is gfe to get bucks from simps
you do realize not all female vtubers do GFE right?

>> No.72907253

huh weird, the idol fans that spent big money are still supporting pittie and elfin. Meanwhile schizos in the thread have no money and are just crabbing nonstop.

>> No.72907257
File: 930 B, 141x37, 1692759500220579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her

>> No.72907335

what is the easiest way to gain new viewers besides posting here?

>> No.72907388

follow them home and leave letters in their mailbox asking them to watch you, or else

>> No.72907413

duolingo owl...

>> No.72907441

>you do realize not all female vtubers do GFE right?
It is all GFE. It doesn’t mean what you think it means

>> No.72907463

There is no real anwser to this, this is the entire bottleneck to streaming. Its all luck. Maybe a big streamer will raid you, maybe viewers will bring their friends.

>> No.72907495

>schizos in the thread have no money and are just crabbing nonstop.
That is a paradox because pittie is the schizo crabbing nonstop

>> No.72907517

Ok so you dont know what GFE is.

>> No.72907605

post your name and i will watch you the next time i get a chance

>> No.72907803

if you have talents like drawing, orbit another vtuber and draw art of them, eventually a curious fan will check out your socials

>> No.72907926

Honestly posting your name here is the easiest action you can take to getting viewers with the least amount of work. The other ways of gaining new viewers is networking, advertising, making shorts, making clips, going viral on twitter and etc etcc which requires more effort and luck to gain an audience over posting yourself here.

Just do it all and you'll grow over time slowly though for sure.

>> No.72908000

Did anyone have anymore questions? For the sake of the investigation I will not be talking about the cheese pizza. Also Pit, you removed the wrong girls since I'm still in there.

>> No.72908007

GFE isn’t just dicksucking. That sort of thing is just standard whoring. GFE is a prostitution term that specified the emotional affection, kindness and acceptance. You know the saying
>Men are easy just be nice to them
That is also GFE. If you are nice to your viewers they WILL fall in love with you. Just look at how people make affectionate or sexual comments even to vtubers that don’t perform sexual acts. They still consider her to be someone they love like a girlfriend.
It is unavoidable. Accept it and use it to your advantage.

>> No.72908066

Post another image to prove you are telling the truth

>> No.72908172

Because of the changes Pit made to the server I can't do that at the moment because it would reveal who I am. I have about 500 images saved and 10 hours worth of audio recordings but those will also have to be posted later otherwise I would be unable to continue gathering stuff. I will take your response as an indication that no further questions are being asked at the moment. Hope you all have a great day.

>> No.72908236

Selfposting here isn’t worth it anymore, at least in this thread. It paints a target on your back and just dilutes a shrinking viewer pool. I wish I never had but I can’t change the past now

>> No.72908306

Wouldn’t images taken before the changes still be safe?
Also if it is real post the entire list of names in the discord, before and after the leak.

>> No.72908342

the target is painted on your back with or without you posting here, just look at Mond, the reality is that people are going to schizo out about you regardless of what you do, you should just acclimatize to it and learn to not care about it that much

>> No.72908371

What is the reasoning for this?

>> No.72908429

It's worth it as long as you're not mel nekomata.

>> No.72908441

Pit asked us yesterday if she should invite Zenya to the Discord. I am unsure if she messaged Zenya but Zenya was not in the Discord and still is not in the Discord.

>> No.72908508

Thank you for removing me c:
I still support my favs here
goodluck everyone, you’re gonna make it <3

>> No.72908535

who is the smelliest and lives in the most squalor on that server?

>> No.72908537


>> No.72908607

Denpa and Elf are the only two who posted their bedrooms and they were quite filthy. It looked hard to walk around Elf's room.

>> No.72908633

The reasoning is that it's a larp. That's why he won't do something as simple as posting the member's list.

>> No.72908767

Also, and I'm sorry if this breaks our promise anon, someone is underage and lying about it saying they're an adult and have been doing this for years. Be careful when you interact with certain people.

>> No.72908842

clearly that is elf, she sounds like she's 14

>> No.72908862

Nice larp but I used to be in there and there was literally nothing of the sort.
None of us VC'd collectively over 3 hours. Meds.

>> No.72908867

Me? Doom
I dont think I should have been here in the first place lol

>> No.72908880

What are some of your favorite female vtuber designs /wasp?

I personally love ina from hololive. Her casual wear is so nice, large oversized shirt and shorts.

>> No.72908886

I can confirm that it is not Elf. I cannot confirm who it is because the anon who gave me the info said they don't want to come out with it yet.

>> No.72908955

I don't mean the waspcord vc I mean the elfcord vc, Pit. I see you're trying to do damage control because if the truth about how you talk about Elf behind closed doors were shown you would lose your chance at getting her oilers.

>> No.72908967

Cunnimiya, right?

>> No.72909034

I can only confirm that it is not Elf but I cannot confirm or deny anyone else. An anon sent me the information and some proof to back up their claims but I was asked not to share it so I won't share it. I've encouraged them to post it though.

>> No.72909050

This place is very interesting

>> No.72909052

Yes we know pittie was the leaker because she stupidly didn’t realize how bad it looked

>> No.72909097

Why is Pittie trying to poach Elf's oilers?

>> No.72909123

I'm not her, I was kicked. I heard she added some girls back though.
Leak no balls. You can't and it's hilarious. Your story completely shows that you haven't been in the server long at all.

>> No.72909148

>women start a discord full of women
As was foretold in the ancient texts.

>> No.72909219

you piece of shit traitor
you will regret this when all your viewers desert you
everyone will know you as a leech for this you make me sick

>> No.72909240

Money. She often has to beg for a pity donation to get one of the oilers to do it out of pity just to shut her up. She does it in the middle of conversations and ruins the mood, it is incredibly awkward. An example would be oilers donating to Elf or buying her stuff off of Throne and Pit chimes in saying "I have items on my Throne too!" and I recoil with cringe so far into my body it isn't funny.

>> No.72909333

>shit that never happened

>> No.72909356

I'm one of the very first few people who got invited to the server. I'll be doing a huge livestream about all of it after I've finished collecting what I want to collect so set a reminder for early May.

>> No.72909393

This is how I know everything you say is a larp. I was in VC when Elf was getting the donoation and nothing like this ever happened.

>> No.72909401
File: 16 KB, 527x135, 1688215071964510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like
>women start a discord
>tranny seethes because he cant get in
>lies about being female
>tries to ruin it because he's a tranny
>shits up the thread because of it

I'd rather side with women and men than trannies and you should too.

>> No.72909413

Shut up pitty

>> No.72909455

Why don't you join Elf's discord and sell for yourself? Pit often has to bring up that she barely gets donations and has a Throne set up for people so that someone donates out of pity just to get her to be quiet.
No one was in vc when this happened, retard. You can scroll through the channels and see that Pit often begs for donations as well.

>> No.72909467

That is m*l
The leaker was pittie herself trying to “own the haters”

>> No.72909474

I was with you until this Idolfags arent that stupid larper.

>> No.72909537

Weird that AvgBirdEnjoyer, one of Elf's oilers, is on that list isn't it?

>> No.72909550

>Idolfags arent that stupid larper
Boobros don’t look

>> No.72909555

This is why mel needs to be banned. It's a dude pretending to be a girl.

>> No.72909565

Pittie doesn't beg for shit, she didn't even have her shit set up until the idolbros pestered her into adding stuff to throne so they could donate.

>> No.72909631

more viewers for the waspies
guess I’ll have to make it up to you by donating
>I really hate when women with hot voices bully me

>> No.72909646

No unfortunately she’s a girl meaning she will never go away

>> No.72909651
File: 25 KB, 381x254, sure jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72909702


>> No.72909727

woman coded post

>> No.72909773

It is probably pitty herself. She is completely delusional.

>> No.72909825

Are you only just now realizing this? I'm the one who leaked stuff from the waspcord and you have to be a woman and a vtuber to join that.

>> No.72909829

yea thats how you know im really from 4chan and not larping for views

>> No.72909923

Go away male

>> No.72910146

The leaker can't even be fucked to use a tripcode, and no substantial information or evidence has been posted since the one set of screenshots. It's all schizo larping. How do I know? I'm the leaker.

>> No.72910204


>> No.72910235

It's me, I'm the leaker.

>> No.72910241

Can we stop with the woman drama and watch vtubers that have absolute no drama at all?


>> No.72910303

Im the leaker too and that previous leaker is a schizo and a larper. There is nothing else since Pittie kicked me.

>> No.72910330

This is Mel Nekomata. She may look like a bull dyke but she ain't a tranny.

>> No.72910360

so if marilou really is mel then why are some girls still following her?

>> No.72910407


wake me up when the schizos goes back to sleep again, already tired of this time loop arc

i'm too old and can make my own judgments instead of digesting anyone's word vomit.

also if anyone has any words i can filter to make this thread readable during their active times, let me know

>> No.72910409

shes not, its just a troon

>> No.72910426

then why are the girls still following him?

>> No.72910437

They don't know any better, they need to learn their lessons. A few people unfollowed her and she actively removes any followers she recognizes from her previous reincarnations.

>> No.72910445

Mel Nekomata is a tranny and is thus not wasp related. We need to ban all mentions of him.

>> No.72910472

great question, they shouldnt, but calling them Mel is retarded

>> No.72910491

Pittie can you invite me back? I'm not the one leaking

>> No.72910515

mel nekomata

seem to be the easy ones

>> No.72910534

Some girls in the waspcord do the same thing. That Zed guy was following a few of us but when we read that he is a Mel follower we blocked him. If you know of any other Mel followers name them so we can block them as well, please.

>> No.72910611

do your reps there are plenty of pictures of mels tits asshole and pussy out there and even videos of her masturbating with a dildo she gave permission for her content buyers to leak it before she went into her TOTALLY REAL medically induced coma that she said would last anywhere from 6 months to a year that started in late december

>> No.72910639

Block pittie she was following mel

>> No.72910698

it is better if you dont come back

>> No.72910750

Aleda is too but we don’t ban her

>> No.72910767

we've been shit talking you all day, it's probably for the best that you don't see it sorry

>> No.72910778

Aleda isn't in the Discord.

>> No.72910795

I dont mind I just want to be a part of something please

>> No.72910801

Pittie is the schizo as proven by the leaks

>> No.72910851

You schizos called me a schizo when I told you that none of these girls feel comfortable with you unicorns shitting up /wasp/. You chose not to believe me and now you need to work overtime to undo the support you gave them.

>> No.72910864

But she is a /wasp/ie in this thread

>> No.72910891

who should i support

>> No.72910907

je suis mel

>> No.72910927

They love us and need us
It is those annoying male vtubers they hate

>> No.72910926

And? She isn't in the waspcord.

>> No.72911007

The lesson here is to not make any friends. Always be alone. Trust male unicorns. Ban all male vtubers.

>> No.72911035

Fwofie was warning us about this artist she worked with but I just woke up to see she made a callout post. https://twitter.com/fwofie/status/1775625108498882629

>> No.72911040


>> No.72911077

Hey that's the artist that fucked over Hexa!

>> No.72911121

Really? I'm looking at their posts now and they seem like a scummy loser. https://twitter.com/EduardaSweetie

>> No.72911159

They're in /asp/ shitting on fwofie, it's embarassing.

>> No.72911192

Not at all. Bonnie raiding into a male the other day was done directly to drive you people away and the discord laughed at your crying over it, specifically bringing up the images of you guys saying that Bonnie was getting 3x the views of Rinna because she stayed away from men. They're all laughing at you.

>> No.72911235

Don't hold your breath.

>> No.72911238

Great ANOTHER drama causing attention whore?

>> No.72911243

Brazilian moment

>> No.72911248

i really hate artists they dont deserve human rights to be honest

>> No.72911259

that bitch

>> No.72911300

Elfin and Pittie would never shit on their oilers, you schizophrenic crab.

>> No.72911323

how would you feel if you paid for something and were told it would only take 2 months and its been nearly 6 months? paypal only covers 6 months so fwofie will miss out on the ability to use paypal protection if she doesnt act now.

>> No.72911428

not true bonni was breaking down and crying after that stream when she realized what she did
we tried to console her but she was afraid she redebuted for nothing and wasted so much time and money. we knew she would suffer and we were right… I almost feel bad for her
its all gone after the leak and purges now

>> No.72911491

Back to crabbing on Bonni now Ria?

>> No.72911519

why does pittie hate ria

>> No.72911591

You mean like spending money on a good streamer only for her to reveal she is a bitch that can’t stay away from men?
She deserved this,

>> No.72911627

Stop being so dumb anon..
Obviously girls "love" any guy who throws money at them, but they don't love them. Unicorns as a whole are disgusting to women. They're only not disgusting when they're providing for their idol and that idol happens to be them. Even a girl being showered in 5 figures of donations thinks that 99.99999% of oilers are subhuman. It's not a group that can earn respect because it inherently pathetic.

>> No.72911636

That's the plan, seen many "artists" do this. Get paid, faff about for 6 months, then spend 1 week shitting out a half assed or incomplete product, and then ghost the client when they complain. Sometimes they'll even reuse works to send as updates to make the client shutup.

>> No.72911681

Bonnie link

>> No.72911721

kill yourself fag
artists are the lowest form of scum. there are so many artists who wont even work with you unless you have internet clout and i just hope those people suffer the most. imagine denying thousands of dollars simply because someone doesnt have clout. i unironically hope those types of fags starve to death and experience a painful death.

>> No.72911768

2 more weeks bro, just keep posting this and idolbros will definitely stop supporting pittie and elfin :3 i will laugh at you when avgbirdenjoyer drops another thousand on them

>> No.72911817

New wasp thread

>> No.72911819

Which femchuuba is posting this? You're mad that Pittie has oilers? Lmao

>> No.72911876

That isn’t what was said

>> No.72912335

please post more on fansly, im about to cancel my 50$ subscription

>> No.72912568

Just dont pay artits. Lol. Lmao.

>> No.72912661

I wonder how far I'd have to scroll down on her twitter to find her complaining about AI art.

>> No.72912740

you have to pay "artits" if you want a vtuber model eslchama

>> No.72913001

Callbyour bank and make them refund yiur money. Ez

>> No.72913262

that would be illegal retarded eslchama. you cant buy something and then chargeback that isnt how things work in first world countries.
