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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 963 KB, 956x698, Holo Whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72897792 No.72897792 [Reply] [Original]

Pebble chads stay winning

>> No.72897843

What was gura's schedule like first 6 months of her debut
The signs were likely already there

>> No.72897861

The power of Asian genetics

>> No.72897917

Gotta grind to win. Wtf you gonna do when your 40 and your tuber money runs out.

>> No.72897962

Fuwamoco would never

>> No.72897971
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Quality before Quantity
1 Gura stream is worth 100 Bijou streams

>> No.72898013
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Holo vs Holo

>> No.72898015

Didn't Gura basically stream every day for almost her 1st year though? We'll see how long Advent holds up after their 1st year is up

>> No.72898097

>Quality in question is either a forced sponsor stream, or Gura doing game flavor of the month
Seriously, she only returned to stream Palworld and the update for Poppy because they are number buff games. She doesn't give a fuck

>> No.72898141

Still better than anything Bijou has ever put out

>> No.72898163

Catalog was bragging like this for FWMO. Council was begging Gura to "go to sleep" during her seven hour stream. Biboo is already becoming more and more like Gura to the point of starving herself and losing sleep. Give it 1.5 to 2 years. Guaranteed hospital scare in a year.

>> No.72898165


>> No.72898172


>> No.72898245

>And other lies chumbuds tell themselves
That quality line is such an old cope

>> No.72898311

>My oshi burned out so yours will too
Delusionbud, gura is just uniquely lazy

>> No.72898344

you're trying way too hard, falseflag-kun. tone it back a little

>> No.72898361
File: 338 KB, 200x189, 1690113888841823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo vs holo
I like all hololive idols, seethe

>> No.72898407

>Liking Mori
Opinion discarded.

>> No.72898451

>holo v holo
jeez can you nijifags not go a week without having another yab to deflect from

>> No.72898466

It's easy to stream everyday when you just play 100 hour-long JRPGs and barely commentate. Might as well be a react streamer.

>> No.72898468

But Gura is funny.

>> No.72898472

You now remember how Gura was during her first year at Hololive.
Wait no you don't because you're a retarded newfag who doesn't watch either of them.

>> No.72898490

It is impossible to be a DD anyone, there are way too many people in the company. Sure back when 3rd or even 4th gen was the latest that was possible, but to say you love everyone is fake love

>> No.72898503

>my Gura seethe is bigger than all idol history
Just saying your motive first thing next time so I don't have to waste facts on you. This shit is very common.

>> No.72898535

Tell that to Shiori

>> No.72898548

>Clip nigger
Also funny you mention react streamers cause that's exactly what Gura wanted to become lol

>> No.72898585
File: 523 KB, 695x646, 1711712595042303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori is amazing. Watch streams retard

>> No.72898674

She is a boring whore who thinks being le quirky makes an enjoyable stream, there's a reason why she's the runt of Advent despite having the most hype pre-debut

>> No.72898731
File: 333 KB, 900x900, 1710534175954227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe lmao

>> No.72898755

Half of Biboo's fanbase are also Gura's, so there is no beef. Try another bait sister.

>> No.72898757

Crazy how this shitposting brat rock ended up being the most consistent one in all of Advent. Not even the dogs could keep up, and they're two people operating a single channel.

>> No.72898796 [DELETED] 

Tumet told her about the Pekora laugh
"hey babe you should get a discount version of it for yourself"

pebblecucks no...

>> No.72898891

I do. I'm commenting on how little she streams compared to the rock

>> No.72899010

Total number of streams over the 229 day period from August 18, 2023 to April 2, 2024:
FuwaMoco 276
Bijou 227
Mori 179
Bae 165
Nerissa 164
Shiori 150
Kiara 138
Fauna 104
Ina 98
Irys 83
Kronii 77
Mumei 75
Ame 58
Gura 15
Why mention Shiori specifically dipshit instead of Mumei or Ame

>> No.72899231

Compare each of the gens' first 6 months before I take your shitpost seriously

>> No.72899236

>Gura 15
Jesus, can she even still be considered in Hololive at this point lmao. Even Ame who also goes on long hiatuses at least has a somewhat fair amount. Gura basically has not even put in 1 month of work in nearly a year

>> No.72899257

holy shit

>> No.72899298

>Moving the goalposts

>> No.72899394

she has Kaela looking after her

>> No.72899403

and who are you to decide? some nijinig? or an Adventcuck who is coping with his 1/5 gen? pffff don't make me laugh

>> No.72899422

>She is a boring whore who thinks being le quirky makes an enjoyable stream
but enough about gura

>> No.72899545

every talent under 95 streams should be fired

>> No.72899570

>Oooooh big Luigi man!

>> No.72899632

meant for >>72899236

>> No.72899644

You're trying too hard with your holo vs holo sister

>> No.72899656

If you scrolled up and saw what I was replying to you'd see, you fucking retard.
>OP praises Biboo for streaming a lot
>The person I initially replied to says "The power of Asian genetics"
>Shiori is also Asian
Are you stupid on purpose? Serious question

>> No.72899696

So why not Kronii retard, admit you have a grudge sis, it's okay.

>> No.72899787
File: 375 KB, 916x1000, 1711936088145699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PEBBLE CHADS can't stop winning
i love my wife

>> No.72899792

A what? You're so fucking pathetic letting fake boogeymen control your life. Kill yourself

>> No.72899825 [DELETED] 

Lmao keep PMSing sis

>> No.72899876

Gura makes more money than all the ENwhores combined

>> No.72899924

Congrats on getting your money stolen by a grifter, you must be so proud.

>> No.72899997

still lazy bums should be fired alas they are contractors not workers

>> No.72900044

this but Nijinigs concert and Fuwamocos birthday party

>> No.72900294

Copebuds always use this excuse like it matters at all lol, like wow congratulations your oshi is just there to make money off her gullible fans but can't even be bothered to stream more than once a month. Nice job having a literal figurehead as an oshi I guess

>> No.72900403

Not to be a Gura apologist, but Palworld is the coolest game to come out in years. And she's been waiting for Poppy perms for 2 years.

>> No.72900422

I love you too, anon :)

>> No.72900589

Ok? So does that excuse her doing 5 streams between those 2 games and going back to her usual ghosting after the hype ran out? Hell the new Holo indie game came out recently, and she can't even be bothered to stream that right now

>> No.72900745

she has our baby sharks to tend to, are you mad?

>> No.72900843

can't dance, sing, or do idol bits. playing vidya That's the only thig she can do

>> No.72900918
File: 37 KB, 89x100, smol dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using my daughter for bait threads, you massive, cocksucking faggot.

>> No.72900920

is it possible for you retards to not speak in /vpol/ buzzwords

>> No.72900966

There are plentt of hololive members that were same, some had no experience at all at anything you listed even in gaming

>> No.72900979
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>> No.72901031

>a video game streamer plays video games
Holy shit. It's so over for Biboo. Pebbles, I'm sorry.

>> No.72901043

It's funny when pebbles get mad because they essentially have no retort
the only thing bijou does is play video games and spout lazy memes that other people created

>> No.72901094

subaru did not even have that when she started

>> No.72901222

Being serious for a moment, I do hope that Gura is okay. I don't know what's going on in her life or how bad her burnout is, but I have a hard time believing she isn't a sweet and kind girl deep down. Best wishes chumbuds, being separated from your oshi always sucks.

>> No.72901346
File: 1.57 MB, 1152x720, it's bijouver animation[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj05xgj.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72901377

Are you monkeys really just recycling Ame posts?

>> No.72901564

men are easy

>> No.72901618

>Holo vs Holo
Kill yourself

>> No.72901913

Biboo is for kids and retards
Gura is for someone who is looking for a soulmate

>> No.72902047

chumtards are so funny kek

>> No.72902436

Remind me why Ame doesn't graduate?

>> No.72902465


>> No.72902528

Why specifically 229 days?

>> No.72902937

That's the amount of time between August 18th and April 2nd retard.

>> No.72903312

OP >>72902937 is starting specially AFTER Gura did a bunch of shit ending with the Splashparty last summer. She went of break in the autumn just after Magi and Vesper got terminated but still popped up in a lot of events: ex Mumei and Fauna's 3d showcase.

>> No.72903373
File: 375 KB, 998x637, 1700032382257830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that make these thread are falseflagging biboo antis
They do it to make rabid chumbuds shit on her
Posting clip shit is the easiest form of falseflagging

>> No.72903551

>Your 229 day sample is too specific!

>> No.72903809

She gets lots of money by doing almost nothing. How is this a question?

>> No.72903996

Niggah I may not be able to watch everyone but I appreciate all of their contributations. I was sad for losing Mel ive watched Iofi streams I still check on Matsuri when I get the chance and I still watch Kaela and she streams like 5 times a day for 12 hours at a time in defiance of the laws of time and space

>> No.72904064

>can't dance
you dont even try sister ...

>> No.72904141
File: 2.41 MB, 300x400, 1701699825670609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get taxed

>> No.72904269

I can't wait for Biboo's 3D, I know she will not stop moving one she had it.

>> No.72904648
File: 966 KB, 1860x955, 1712176214591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an extremely cherry picked timeframe. Either give us last 12 months, 2023 only, or 2024 only. Here, have March 2024 only.
Also does this confirm it's a Novelite spamming this tally? Stop raiding /ggg/ you dumbfuck.

>> No.72905127

>Over 200 days
>Cherrypicked timeframe
fucking triple the number of streams from that list, she's still last retard. Kys

>> No.72905293

>March 2024
>Gura isn't even on the list

>> No.72905314

Why that number of days then? Use 365 days, it's even more days!
It's cherry picked because there's no reason to start at that date. Why not use the Advent debut dates since that actually makes sense as a starting point?

>> No.72905339

Quality >>>>> Quantity

>> No.72905377

>Why use your arbitrary starting point? Use MY arbitrary starting point!!1!1!
Lmao, imagine the only defense of your issue being statistics tricks

>> No.72905460

There's nothing arbitrary about using Advent's debut date because it lets you compare all the talents fairly since Advent didn't exist before that.
Notice that I never defended Gura anywhere and I even posted a chart where Gura has 0 streaming hours. I just want you retards to stop being disingenuous.

>> No.72905477


>> No.72905505

>Oshi has streamed 15 times in the last 9 months
>Less than twice a month
>"your timeframe is cherrypicked"

>> No.72905540

Don't use cherrypicked timeframes if you don't want to be called out for it

>> No.72905608

>Wanted a timeframe to demonstrate the depth of gura's ghosting
>Starts it right after her last period of consistent content
I dunno seems like a rational place to start to me

>> No.72905623

Meant for
Why do you spend so much time seething anyway? You clearly don't watch or care about Gura.

>> No.72905715

>this thread is a falseflag
>by the way all these shitposts are totally legit fanbases
you aren't very smart

>> No.72906041
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x3804, check the titles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That image title
>People actually fell for an unironic sister bait thread
This board is absolutely doomed, you are all retards

>> No.72906085

when the quantity is 0 the quality is too.

>> No.72906086

You guys are going to feel like shit when it turns out Gura was doing chemo or something the whole time.

>> No.72906557

>1 month
put atleast 6 months

>> No.72906620

Nah shes just sitting at home playing Vidya, eating doordash, and struggling with depression.

>> No.72906712

nah i fucked her cunny and she was too pooped to stream

>> No.72906735

chumKEKS cope is helarious
you think she doesn't stream because she has cancer ahahahahahahahah

>> No.72906949

She caught an advanced cause of ligma

>> No.72907035

most of advent are already streaming less than 4 days a week

>> No.72907365

Nit a single member of advent is streaming less than 4 days this week except fuwamoco, and they're moving to Japan retard.

>> No.72907523

I don't know what people like about bidou but good for them. I enjoy gura way more

>> No.72907662

If biboo is so good then why does she have antis?

>> No.72909014

Still waiting for your soulmate to return with the milk, eh?

>> No.72909336

>Half of Biboo's fanbase are also Gura's, so there is no beef.
with biboo at 573k subs and goob at 4.45 million, half of all pebbles being chumbies means that about 94% of chumkeks are gem-refusers, which explains why the anti-ing is almost all from rock-hating chumpedos

>> No.72909570

For the past year it seems like she's wantrmed to,but the free salary+merch/ad and dono income are probably the only reason she stays.

>> No.72909602

Ok but when will she drop the fake voice and laugh

>> No.72909671


>> No.72909775

And has she had a genuinely funny moment in any of those streams?

>> No.72909941

Join membership to find out

>> No.72910557

>in the last 9 months
That wasn't 9 months, are you Gura? Cause that was some really bad math.

>> No.72910933

Is Gura back to not being back?

>> No.72911622


>> No.72911828

based Ina enjoyer

>> No.72911896


>> No.72911986

>chumcopers trying to pretend gura was streaming 24/7 the first year when her activity was on a constant downward recline from day 1 and only went up when she faced competition from bae, mumei and kronii (note that she only started paying attention to fauna when fauna started mogging the other ones simply by not doing retarded shit)

>> No.72912083

why anti Biboo she has literaly 0 drama and just want to play video games

>> No.72912339

is that what biboo has

>> No.72912418

What else are jealous Chumbuds going to do during Gura's current 40+ day ghosting arc

>> No.72912431

Why should I care about hypotheticals from 2020 or 2021 and not what the current reality is when I open Youtube and see who is or is not streaming today?

>> No.72912615

retard, no one gave a shit about Poppy Playtime UNTIL Gura streamed it. She's the reason it became fotm.

>> No.72913018

man I hate pebblecucks

>> No.72913302

kek, the fucking irony of the chumbuds calling pebbles 'cucks'
