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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 200 KB, 1124x1124, 2245160509169073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72886348 No.72886348 [Reply] [Original]

Even if I don't stream as much, you woen't forget about me RIGHT RAFFIANS?

>> No.72886413

I'll never forget you, silly Fuwawa.

>> No.72886501

Why don't they stream anymore?

>> No.72886574

they are living out of the back of a van in a nipponese parking lot

>> No.72886671

It's the typical holoEN behavior, they are now big enough to follow thd gura route

>> No.72886736

Is that Mogo John?

>> No.72886950

>whaere we're going we won't need eyes to see, Raffian!

>> No.72887057

If you don't stream 24/7 I will inmediately turn against you. Whore.

>> No.72887708

Trying to find a japanese husband who is willing to marry BOTH of them at the same time.

>> No.72887803

They milked HoloEN fans for all they're worth and now they're getting kicked to the curb. FWMC never cared about the EN side of Hololive. It was just a stepping stone for them to get closer to HoloJP. This was the plan from the very beginning.

>> No.72888034

Cause they're dumb and underestimated just how long it would take to move, and it caused them to have close to a mental breakdown in their freechat the other day about how they're trying so hard and miss streaming/the Ruffians.
They got a temporary shithole apartment where they aren't allowed to sing or make noise, and their setup is too complicated for Covers studio(and for some reason, none of them are altering the setup for FuwaMoco)

>> No.72888594
File: 390 KB, 537x501, 1629796930141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good summary of the current situation. Sadly anti faggots will still time loop this non-stop in any and all Fuwamoco related threads.

>> No.72888803

dyrbi kek

>> No.72888905

Well what's your hypothesis then?

>> No.72889087
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x3843, 1666855248855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have learned from IRyS and Kiara. No matter how hard you try, you will NEVER be Japanese.

>> No.72889189

I don't think their goal is to be ethnically Japanese. They wanna be idols living in Japan.

>> No.72889245

>don't even have 1mil

>> No.72889389

I won't Fuwawa.

>> No.72889469

Poor irys, i mean she was born and raised in Japan unlike Kiara or the twins.

>> No.72889533

Pretty much >>72887803 with a little of >>72888034. Other ENs in Japan easily managed to stream. These two are rich as fuck these days, there's no excuse for them to be streaming so infrequently and there's no way they can't do it from the studio considering the JPs constantly off collab there with all of them captured. Why can't fuwamoco just have one of them being captured or png streams sharing a fucking mic? It just feels like the got what they've always wanted way sooner than they expected, now they don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.72889596

>>72889533 meant for >>72888905

>> No.72889806

forgetting is the only way to soothe the pain...

>> No.72889832

How hard is it to get an apartment in Japan? And if Cover doesn't want to help them in apartment hunting, there's any number of JP girls that will help. Hell, even Calli would drop everything to help them.

>> No.72889930

Everytime I ask for the source of this pic, no one posts it. Is it just an edit?

>> No.72890076

shes not fuwawa I think but I cant remember who she streams with that chihuahua I think

>> No.72890098 [DELETED] 

Kys pajeet

>> No.72890139

HAHAHA you are so funny

>> No.72890252

She literally thought IRyS is cool

>> No.72890303

Redbull me on the breakdown, this two are always in character which is rare even for JP. So how did they breakdown?

>> No.72890379

Hard if you're a foreigners. And there's huge reasons for that. A lot of older Japanese citizen are xenophobic against foreigners but this isn't the reason as to why foreigners can't find an apartment the big reason is, that in the pass foreigners broke stuff in the house or apartment and skipped the bill on what they damaged or they just skipped the rent on their last month and didn't paid the landlord last month rent. The trust is broken already because this is a usual occurrence. And then there's the whole foreigners disrespecting their culture for clout. Japanese don't want foreigners there period. And it doesn't matter if you're a hafu either you're not pure Japanese well? You'll be bullied and ridicule not just by kids but also adults. And nobody is going to give a shit.

>> No.72890446

How come Bae got back to her regular schedule one week after her move?

>> No.72890508

The papers to get a permanent residence in Japan gatekeep foreigners, plus the second they see white girls walking in the officials will do everything in the world to prevent them from getting a place to live, the fact that it's not online and must be done in person lets them make sure they're letting only real Japanese people move into neighborhoods

>> No.72890651

Any day now fuwamoco morning will return, r-right?

>> No.72890708

I thought the japa liked white women

>> No.72890737

two more weeks

>> No.72890759

Bae is Asian. Plus she also took quite sometime looking for a perfect place. As well. And what that probably means is she was in the same situation as fuwamoco. Meaning she had to keep searching until there was a place that allows her to do her job without neighbors complaining about her being too noisy.

>> No.72890783
File: 142 KB, 850x968, 1000004005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How hard is it to get an apartment in Japan?
JP girls were rejected just for being STREAMERS. Now imagine two GAIJIN streamers trying to find a place? This is ignoring all the requirements needed to actually get a place
They started talking in their freechat late at night and basically said, "we doing our best!" 5 times in a row and stayed up for hours and hours reading ruffians say nice things and reassure them in chat(I know this cause they instantly hearted every single superchat that came in)
Yes. The only reason not to believe them is if you either hate them or have never watched a second of their content.
FuwaMoco are not the smartest when it comes to things like this. They're BIG on professionalism and hate when there's issues with one of their models, and their brand is streaming together. Anytime there's issues, they seem genuienly upset. The only real exception was when they were with Nerissa, and that's cause she was right there with them.
FuwaMoco also explicitly said, "streaming from the studio isn't as simple as just going there and streaming."

>> No.72890809

i will never forget Not Chihuahua and Not Fuwawa

>> No.72890898

Because Bae spent a long time planning her move

>> No.72890915

Because Bae planned shit out ahead of time, and FuwaMoco didn't. They explicitly said they jumped right at this with 0 planning at all, and now it's biting them HARD, unfortunately.
FuwaMoco were also warned that they'd get kicked out if they make too much noise, which would screw them out of getting an apartment.
I already addressed the cover studio's thing in this post a little bit >>72890783

>> No.72890921

EN clip is gone, here's a JP one https://youtu.be/lyYd9Ag2H3M

>> No.72891018
File: 176 KB, 1570x485, hmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a mental breakdown in their freechat the other day
I would not agree with your characterisation of this event.

>> No.72891050

Wrong messages. Look for the day they said "we're trying our best..." around 5 times.

>> No.72891143
File: 159 KB, 1062x481, 1000003938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found it for you. They were stalking the chat for around 5 hours after this

>> No.72891153

Thank you. At least I get the context now

>> No.72891263

Japanese are pieces of shit human beings if we're being absolutely honest. They didn't took the mental health of their own citizens seriously until about 5 years ago. Most women are assaulted in trains and everyone see it happening and does absolutely nothing. They lack empathy. Them and China have a lot of in common the difference is every other foreigner enjoys Japan media so they don't take under consideration that in Japan you are harassed at least 5 times a day by the police for not being japanese.

>> No.72891291

you abandoned me for japan

>> No.72891480

That's the women's curse ironically. They always abandon someone or something who treat them good over something or somebody that treats them like shit.

>> No.72891492

>They explicitly said they jumped right at this with 0 planning at all
That's it those girls need a man to help straighten them out. I'm heading to Japan, wish me luck.

>> No.72891535

Meanwhile they live in the safest country on the planet with clean streets while the rest of the shitholes in the world care oh so much about "mental health" or some other made up non-existent issue.

>> No.72891608

I like these girls, but I also respect the Japanese for their open hatred of foreigners.

>> No.72891642

It's not uncommon for a large company to accept some responsibility for the rental when moving foreigners to Japan for work. This makes it easier to find a nice place, but thats a lot to ask from Cover when they chose to move.
They don't have to just live stream. Shorts are a thing. More than one girl has done a travel lot and released it, so something like that is possible. Are they doing twitter spaces? On one of Kiara's visits she was in a hotel and did a lot of offcollabs to stay active. They have options they aren't using. They're burning goodwill with their fans. They set the bar so high and now they're falling way short.

>> No.72891699

Eh at least the country is safer than mine. The reason Japan doesn't like to rent out to Gaijins is because there's a long history of Americans being loud as fuck and abandoning the country without paying rent.
I'm pretty sure you need references and stuff too.

>> No.72891836

Meanwhile you will never be Japanese so you can start by removing Fumio Kishida dick outta your mouth. Imagine taking xenophobic Japan side over girls who done nothing wrong and just want to live there to pursue their idol dreams. And the reason they're the "safest country" in the world is not because of Japanese cops. It has to do with the fact you could legitimately go to prison for the dumbest shit even spitting on the sidewalls because Japan has a ridiculous laws and ridiculous 99% conviction rates.

>> No.72891866

>A lot of older Japanese citizen are xenophobic against foreigners
Based traditionalists

>> No.72892038

I love them forever

>> No.72892080

I never said anything about cops. It's safe because of the mentality of the people there. Going to prison for spitting on the sidewalks sounds great, I wish it was like that in my shithole country. Get all that fucking filth off the streets real quick.

>> No.72892090

>Are they doing twitter spaces?
They've done one, but they're busy early in the day. The only time they're free is after 5pm JST, which is when most of their fans are asleep. They want their usual audience to be there live for them.
Despite all the shitposts, they're dedicated to doing live content at their usual time of 6pm PT(which would be 11am JST)
>They're burning goodwill with their fans.
They really aren't. One or two shitposters/falseflaggers on /vt/ means nothing.
The benefit of them embracing gachikoi and shpwering them with love, means they have easily ended up with the most supportive audience in all of EN.

>> No.72892239

>muh clean streets
>muh safety
The things that can be find in almost any first world country + xenophobia and small paper thin houses. Thanks god there's maid cafes so it's all worth it I guess.

>> No.72892308


>> No.72892320

I would still not agree with his characterisation of this event.

>> No.72892394

why doesn't yagoo just make a holohouse

>> No.72892415

>The benefit of them embracing gachikoi and shpwering them with love, means they have easily ended up with the most supportive audience in all of EN
Ah yes that's never backfired right?

>> No.72892499

you are doing the same thing...

>> No.72892626

So you would love living in China too right? Because both Japan and China have similar laws similar conviction rates and same "safe streets" you can walk on during the nights. Only in Japan you could be falsely incarcerated for not being Japanese because "you're suspected of something" even if you're just sitting on bench at the park admiring their monuments minding your own business, and people who sold their heritage on this site to larp as Japanese will absolutely defend this. While the average drunk Japanese is acting disorderly on the streets or beating his wife at home and cops rather focus on the gaijin doing nothing that warrant their attention.

>> No.72892690

>go to prison for the dumbest shit even spitting on the sidewalls
based, spitters should have their salivary glands and lungs removed

>> No.72892774

Am I supposed to believe they'd have trouble with that?

>> No.72892775

>Ah yes that's never backfired right?
Sure, sometimes. It backfires when the vtuber in question is a zoomer who isn't fully aware of what they're doing. Usually, it's because the girl in question either doesn't feel that type of affection for her fans and is just going along with things without thinking.
This isn't the case for these two since they have a loooong history of being affectionate towards their fans, which has only increased as they've entered lonely hagdom.

>> No.72892826

China has dirty streets which reflects the mindset of the people. It's not the same at all.

>> No.72892862

>They want their usual audience to be there live for them
man those girls are gold, I have to chase around my oshi because I never know what time she is gonna do shit, maybe I should leave...

>> No.72892900

He's making a Holocity right as we speak. It just takes time to build one, he isn't trying to make a chinese ghost town.

>> No.72892973

Sure thing, pink Fuwawa

>> No.72893127

They still have nightclubs in Shibuya to party at with their boyfriends I'm them both

>> No.72893133

I feel like the instant you get more than 4 women together cliques start forming, female rivalry begins, petty bickering will lead to problems on stream, and that's not to mention that every week someone is going to be on their period.

>> No.72893240

Why would you move to Japan without any planning? I thought they're hags not zoomers.

>> No.72893252

if anything i feel like roomates would be less inclined to interact with eachother online if they have to deal with eachother offline all the time

>> No.72893264

To fuck them yes, not to live in the country with 98.4% of japanese. And the rest is subasian doing chores.

>> No.72893269

Okay /pol/ . But remember this you'll never be Japanese no amount of larp and dick sucking you do for Japan will grant you Japanese citizenship,and even of by some miracle you manage to obtain residence and citizenship just know you'll always be an wanted bug to them, you're basically the annoying fly buzzing at the BBQ that nobody wants to deal with. Be sure to renounce your us citizenship too stop speaking in English and learn Japanese.

>> No.72893289

how can you look at apartments and see the area that it is in remotely? its just easier to do these things in person

>> No.72893558

Nah, stick with your oshi. It's a different way of doing things, is all. It's sweet of them
Because their lease in Cucknada was ending and they'd already made plans to GO to Japan for FES(fuwawa is dumb and accidently leaked this back in Nov when talking to Bae).
Cover probably also secured a visa(or whatever) for them.
Their choices were basically this
>get a new apartment and stay stuck in Canada for another year
>immediately fly to Japan, the place they'd dreamt about moving to since they were young, and deal with things as they come
These girls are too old and have missed WAAY too many opportunities in their lives. At this point, they'd prefer to make dumb decisions rather than wait any longer.
They know it's dumb, but they don't want to fail or let life pass them by any longer.

>> No.72893605

>China have similar laws similar conviction rates and same "safe streets" you can walk on during the nights
clearly you've never been to China

>> No.72893647

>its just easier to do these things in person
Not just "easier," it's required. Ou can't get or secure ANYTHING without physically being in Japan. There's also a host of other things like how you need a Japanese phone, but it's hard to get a JP phone if you don't already have one. There's also banking shit to deal with, too.

>> No.72893761

Never trust women that moves too often. Especially ones that moved to Canada and then to Japan.

>> No.72893769

yeah japan has always struct me as a country filled with red tape and bureaucracy

>> No.72893861

i was a good decicion, canada is going to shit in a hand basket with our insane indian immigration going on causing our entire economy to blow up

>> No.72893876

>doesn't feel that type of affection for her fans
This is every one of them, no exceptions. Believing anything else is delusional beyond belief.

>> No.72893881


>> No.72893911

Skill issue

>> No.72893980

>Especially ones that moved to Canada and then to Japan.
Are you retarded?
They lived in Canada their whole lives then moved to Japan.

>> No.72894037

>Never trust women that moves too often.
They were in the same shithole in Canada for quite a few years.

If you have nothing to add other than your own trauma, the fuck off.

It's a good decision, but holy shit the Japanese autism is really starting to mindbreak them a bit. In the end, it'll be the best decision in the world.

>> No.72894066

Wtf you can be born in Canada? Never mind then.

>> No.72894095

Can confirm, 2025 can't happen soon enough unfortunately.
The east better not fuck us again.

>> No.72894171

>Wtf you can be born in Canada?
Lmao yea that's hard to believe right, but yep I am living testament to being born here.

>> No.72894176

the election doesn't matter, they're all pushing for the same shit, this country is doomed to become a third world shithole by 2030 after the ponzi scheme finally ends, vtubers go literally anywhere else while you can

>> No.72894185

>Wtf you can be born in Canada?
'fraid so.

>> No.72894249

Alright I almost have just enough time to exit to SEA with just enough maple paso's to live comfortably.

>> No.72894481

good thinking, if you're going to live in SEA you might as well get some of the benefits and not just all the downsides

>> No.72894601

>your own trauma
This is basic human psychology, don't project your delusions or laughable ideas of "betrayal" and consequent "trauma" on me

>> No.72894736

But does it always backfire?

>> No.72894860

You're clearly dealing with trauma over female vtubers, which is sad, especially since you're on a board dedicated to them.

>> No.72894965

It only backfires when the girl rejects the gachikoi she built. There are many examples of this, but no examples of it backfiring against a woman who embraces them and gives the live right back.
FuwaMoco actually DO feel some sort of love and/or attachment to the Ruffians, so it won't ever happen.

>> No.72895336

Do elaborate, how does one get traumatized by vacuous ricenigger/honorary ricenigger streamers?

>> No.72895506
File: 895 KB, 1124x1124, sad dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a funny draw your own face thread but nobody posted images and everyone's arguing instead...

>> No.72896216

> start by removing Fumio Kishida dick outta your mouth.
Kishida is a fucking bitch who hates Japanese people

>> No.72896508

>roomates would be less inclined to interact with each other online if they have to deal with each other offline all the time
oh shit pekomikobros we won

>> No.72896741

Is it really that hard to find an apartment considering they probably have an unlimited budget? Every other JP holo seems to be doing fine with noise.

>> No.72896884

>it was my face all along mogojan

>> No.72897109

belieb in Yagoo and Jap

>> No.72897497

If you're not a Japanese citizen? Yes. Also other JP girls got REJECTED for just being. I can't remember exactly which girls talked about it, but it's a common thing.
They need to find a place that's cool with Gaijin, has good internet, and is okay with them screaming and singing as loudly as they want. These three things alone make it extremely difficult.

>> No.72897559
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>> No.72897597

Some holofans would probably let them live at their place rent free

>> No.72897738
File: 226 KB, 1124x1124, 1712155898793197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72897995

This sums it up. Japan is a beautiful land with an amazing rich culture. Sadly the boomer generation of Japan holds the reins in almost everything involving real state and housing. You could literally be a gaijin that saved a bunch of children and cats from a fire and their stance against gaijin won't change. Even jp girls have issues finding a place that give them those three things most landlords in Japan are old people who run their properties like a boot camp. Can't do this can't do that have to be at your residence shortly after work. Any other plan you need to consult with property owner first and gain not only permission from then but also you need to ask your neighbors as well because others also come home tired from work and don't want to deal with noises or women yelling and dancing.

>> No.72898058

Nobody is going to stay at a fans place putting themselves at risk. Quit being retarded

>> No.72898294

If you do your reps you would know it would not be the first time though...

>> No.72898846

Reps or not it doesn't matter. Not every fan is sane anon. Yes there's some good hearted people out there in the world that would absolutely do this with no issues or hidden agenda at all I'm not disputing this, what I'm saying to you is, you never know how the situation would unfold because there is also insane people that would put them at risk. There's been cases of lunatics under a nice guy's mask. That's what the point I'm trying to convey to you.

>> No.72898878

Why didn't they set up their place before moving then?

>> No.72899139

Women don't plan or think about these things in advance

>> No.72899172

Bae did. Is Bae a boy?

>> No.72899177

see >>72893647
You need to physically be IN Japan to get a permanent residence(i.e. an apartment)

>> No.72899207

>he doesn't know

>> No.72899336

I would assume Bae got a manager or real estate agent to do most of the paperwork for her.

>> No.72899420

Because they're women who idolized Japan since they were kids. They didn't planned this through because they love the country so much they went there. And that's not the only reason they can't find a place the reality these girls too popular yes you heard me. Japanese people are very considerate to it each other which mean their fame would attract stalkers and their paparazzi to the area which neighbors and property owner don't want to deal with. Pew die pie who's 100x more famous than these girls and with a 1000x their wealth had issues finding housing.

>> No.72899603


I wish they had a HoloHouse like the one by Coco for ENs who want to move in Japan, but sadly they are also publicly known that it will be a danger to other members who care for their own privacy.

>> No.72899617

Bae obviously had her mom and dad help her out plus she worked for cover longer than fwmc chances are she planned this for a while before she announced she was moving so that gave her time to scout areas she liked and what not.

>> No.72899630

no she wasn't IRyS has talked plenty about growing up in America
where you guys even get these head canons

>> No.72899694

The coco holohouse didn't even last a year before suisei fucked off and stopped acknowledging it ever happened.

>> No.72899748

Would love to see a clip of that. It seems in /vt/ the consensus is that IRyS is a half-japanese half-something who lived her whole life in Japan, at least for school.

>> No.72899788

Polygamy is still legal in Japan desu

>> No.72899967

Irys has literally outright said that she grew up in fucking hawaii but her mother's side if the family is Japanese, retard.

>> No.72900010

Bae would be a great person to talk to because she just moved to Japan and would know what the hurdles would be of moving and getting a good place to live. Also I hope the girls don't get Paris Syndrome and get depressed with Japan.

>> No.72900045
File: 68 KB, 927x223, image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are getting your days mixed up. It was a downward spiral over the span of several days
THIS is the day they nearly broke down. They sent one message then deleted it in 2 seconds and proceeded to stay in the chat not saying anything for hours just reading the messages and superchats come in
Also it was like 2 hours not 5.

>> No.72900473


>> No.72900508

They went to bed after a few hours after my post here >>72891143
When they woke up, they went back to stalking freechat and then posted(and deleted) the message in your image. This also led to them making that sad membership post the other day.

>> No.72901540
File: 74 KB, 572x498, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but my point is they didn't stay in free chat for 5 hours after the messages you linked. That's not even possible to verify because they didn't get that many SC after that set so there's nothing to indicate they were there for 5 hours.

It's AFTER the deleted message where they sat in free chat for 2 hours and we can verify this because they had a stream of SC come in for the entire duration.

>> No.72901668
File: 196 KB, 1344x514, 82828373882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My issue is you trying to argue that they sat there for 5 hours doing nothing when nothing about the SC would indicate. They only got 1 of them in that 4 hour span so you can't say they were there for 5 hours

>> No.72901695

Its pl stuff so I can't post it but its easy to find its not secret hidden dox info she openly states she is Japanese American and was born and raised in Hawaii and moved to Tokyo in 2019 to make a career in animu music singing.

>> No.72901755

There's no way you fell for that.
They could easily rent an airbnb temporarily and stream from there, but they prefer being tourists.

>> No.72901843
File: 215 KB, 1124x1124, mococo face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. .

>> No.72902031

I didn't "fall" for anything because they aren't tricking anyone. These girls are honest and sweet to a fault.
They thought the move would be quick, so they grabbed the first place they could that was cheap and had internet(they have terminal poorfag brain).

>> No.72902207

Why did the other thread get deleted?

>> No.72902273

Cause it's retarded catalog spam from seething women who don't watch streams

>> No.72902349
File: 118 KB, 512x512, GGYRY7yHLpCH_9EPn-KkkAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope everything works out for you ruffians.
Sucks to be deprived of your oshi.

>> No.72902574
File: 432 KB, 2048x1419, 1000004079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! They still regularly communicate and try to keep us as in the loop as they can. It's honestly harder on them because this move basically ended one of their biggest goals they were working really hard at (one million subs in one year). Plus it ruined their plans for April Fools day and made it so they couldn't take part in the Meet n Greet during Anime Boston(which was another one of their goals they've been rambling about for months and months).

>> No.72903126

If it's any consolation, as someone who finds fwmc mildly annoying, every time I've seen these threads my immediate thought was either ruffians are being unreasonable, or its antis making shit up. It has always been extremely obvious even as an outsider that they weren't actually doing anything wrong.

>> No.72903836

I'm sure all of that was worth it right? They couldn't do their job of being internet streams outside Japan.

>> No.72904522

How much money do FWMC have?
The reason I ask is this, is because another streamer/vtuber foreigner I watch moved to Japan and got a fancy as fuck apartment and seems to be doing fine.
Maybe its all in who you know, Ive seen videos of some foreigner realtor showing off apartments

>> No.72905008

Gura Syndrome

>> No.72905564
File: 193 KB, 500x267, 1691335676002271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she being sarcastic here, I can't tell

>> No.72905593

They have enough to drop everything and move to fucking Japan, instantly. They've got enough to fix this mess they're in. Just hire a fucking love hotel room for a few hours and stream and scream from there. They're probably making excuses to find time to setup the other shit they're wanting to do over there. Hololive apparently isn't enough for these two greedy bitches.

>> No.72905600

I could never forget my puppy princess

>> No.72905619

Money does no good if you suck at planning things out.

>> No.72905950

It's dedicated antis, our regular thread is filled with shitposts from them most of the time unless the janny is being aggressive and goes on a deletion spree.

>> No.72906151

EGADS Koh the facestealer must have gotten her!

>> No.72908605

This post was written by a woman.

>> No.72908647

Fucking warned you, wuffians

>> No.72908785

Warned us about what Fuwawa?

>> No.72909244

This was way faster than Gura
I'm honestly impressed

>> No.72909462

Can't they fucking rent an office and stream from there or is that not a thing in Japan?
I used to rent a small office when I was a freelancer so I didn't have to work from my house

>> No.72909624

>FuwaMoco became stray dogs in Japan
They're very dedicated to the kayfabe

>> No.72909904

>and that's not to mention that every week someone is going to be on their period.
I thought if they live together long enough their periods sync up and condense into a massive woman moment

>> No.72910054

Renting a hotel for a month in greater Tokyo is like 3k.
But I'm sure there's another excuse ready.

>> No.72912759

I have to imagine they explored that possibility and couldn't for whatever reason. After all the ruffians keep saying they are so professional.

>> No.72915766

Even if they streamed at a monetary loss that's still better then not streaming

>> No.72916301

It absolutely is a thing, they just don't care because they know their fans believe their excuses.

>> No.72917074

if you guys did your PL reps you would have known they are retarded as fuck, almost 100% sure they are autistic too. Don't expect anything just enjoy the bau bau

>> No.72917363

how do you export chat like that?

>> No.72918017

3k > fans
Sorry, 3k is way more worth it than them ruffians

>> No.72918168
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I imagine they explored that option and couldn't do it for whatever reason. Their setup is complicated, and they probably also assumed they would move in to a new place quickly.
They're also have poorfag brain.
No. This hiatus completely kills their growth and fucks/fucked over MANY of their plans. Even if you believe they "don't care about their fans," which would make you a retarded tourist and/or seething woman, which basically explains all FuwaMoco antis it wouldn't explain why they would take a 2 month break and get a temporary apartment that doesn't allow singing, when their BIG goals were as follows,
>one million in one year, which is NOT happening anymore
>Music. covers, orisongs, karaoke's, and an eventual album, which are all effectively on halt due to their dumb decision
>streaming and interacting with their senpai, which they haven't done at all outside of talking to Mori

>> No.72918530

>People falling for the rrat but ignoring the actual answer >>72890783 <-also nice fuwawa pits

>> No.72918628
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Literally not a single anti in this thread has watched one second of their streams, let along their PL.
The seething women who use this board, probably former /cgl/ whores, can't comprehend that these girls are kind, sweet, genuine, and also fucking RETARDED. They assume malice because they themselves are filled with malice.
They project their own disgusting personalities onto FuwaMoco because they're jealous of the love they receive and the success they've built.
There is no debate here because the absolute WORST antis are all literally women. Every single time without fail. No one can brutalize another woman the way a woman can.

>> No.72918655

Yeah, thinking they don't care is retarded, but so were they letting their weeb brains get the best of them and moving in a pinch, most people would've gotten a place before even getting on a plane.

>> No.72918776

>most people would've gotten a place before even getting on a plane.
Which you cannot do, because you need to meet the JP landlord face to face.

>> No.72918938

>most people would've gotten a place before even getting on a plane.
If you haven't left your parents' house then you shouldn't comment on these things.

>> No.72921463


>> No.72921590
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How could I forget this?

>> No.72921654

Fuwamoco will get back to streaming regularly. Gura will not. Cope and sneed.

>> No.72921694


So thats why i love them since day one

>> No.72921760

Both those posts are actually unironically mine, though.

>> No.72925841


>> No.72928262

Maybe they should have planned this before they YABBA DABBA DOO'd to Japan and it wouldn't have turned out this way. Shit priorities.

>> No.72933212

a grim reminder

>> No.72934795

This is what we in the west call "entertainment".

>> No.72938946

Right, and what was stopping them from going there and scoping things out first before moving over there? That's obviously what Bae did.

>> No.72940936

They're kinda dumb and overly optimistic about Japan. We've been over this 50 million times in this thread already.

>> No.72941035

They wanted to be Japanese so bad it blinded their judgement.

>> No.72941951

why did they move to japan without securing a place?

>> No.72941959

I just find it interesting they would rather immediately move the second it became possible where they didn’t even take time to properly plan and live as a homeless on the streets of Japan than continue streaming as they were before while getting shit properly sorted before making the move slowing them to continue streaming and then only have a week or two break.

>> No.72942281

Anon, they are true weebs, no scratch that, actual dai-otaku, they make most people here look like tourists with their power level (which they hide).
And also, they are a walking echo-chamber, if one head agrees, the other agrees too. Which means that the moment one made her mind on going to Japan, the other likely agreed immediately.

>> No.72942832

brain rot weebs. fwmc wanted to go back to japan, so the moment they could they drooped everything and just moved ,without any plan. and this the result

>> No.72943352

Probably the very thing they're doing...for a while and without luck

>> No.72943418

Daiz told them it will be easy to secure a place as foreigner+streamer.

>> No.72944635

who is daiz?

>> No.72944766

It's not that interesting. I explained their mindset earlier on. They've had 10+ years trying to make their dreams a reality and were in a cycle of success-failure-success-failure. Before Hololive, they were at their absolute lowest point where they considered giving up on everything, including their lifelong dream of moving to Japan. The moment they saw the opportunity(they have money now, their lease in canada was, and have a visa from Cover) they jumped at it because it's one of their dreams from childhood to live in Japan.
Their fans(me) are in full support cause we all knew how important this was to them. They were simply too optimistic about how long it'd take and just how shitty their situation would be.
They initially said they wanted to "speedrun" it, so my belief is that they unironically thought they'd completely move in by or before FES.
Read the thread. It's been answered 700 times already.

>> No.72945165

Knowing Japan these quests probably involve sending dozens of faxes and trying (and failing) to open a bank account.

>> No.72945229

There are firms that specifically help foreigners find apartments in Tokyo for an extra fee. If cover won't hook them up with something they should use those services. It's confusing that cover wouldn't just rent a place in the companies name and deduct from fwmc salary, as this is how most jp companies do it if you just ask, especially for foreign employees or new employees. Very confusing...

>> No.72945331

based nips

>> No.72945720

Because they are Gajin filth

>> No.72946845

>walking echo-chamber
Haven't thought of it like that before but it's perfect

>> No.72947973

Because they're taking their time to settle in Japan and meeting their oshis/friends. Do you ever go out retard?

>> No.72948086

Do they like to manipulate them?

>> No.72948226

Then based. Fuck en whores and embrace the superiority of JP chuubas

>> No.72948381

honestly all this time i thought they are japanese until i got the vids about them that predate gogo nippon

>> No.72949047
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>> No.72949196

Ok kek

>> No.72950276

>weeb moves to Japan
>finds out that being a racial minority in a country you don't belong in socks actually
>don't get treated the same as natives
>people stare everywhere you go
>lots of awkward conversation where the average person will assume you don't speak the language and talk to you like a four year old
>miserable work culture because it turns out life in Japan isn't just like my kawaii animes
>become disillusioned
Tale as old as time, shame they already burned the bridge on returning home instead of allowing themselves a test period to see if they like nip foreigner life

>> No.72950743

Usual reddit nigger meme. You only spew it like a bot. Go back.

>> No.72951027
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yeah me

>> No.72951197
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>> No.72951355

qrd. Is he the one that killed them or started them?

>> No.72952207


>> No.72953445

Do they even stream anymore? What happened to "protecting smiles"?

>> No.72953802

They're going to come back so hard faggots like you will look stupid for doubting them.

>> No.72954255

This, people think "unlimited" budget makes resources unlimited too

>> No.72954979

>Pew die pie
Why do you write it weird like this? There isn't any space in the name.

>> No.72956565

imagine the sex

>> No.72956647

Now that sounds like real bullshit, but I'm sure there is another reason

>> No.72957095

Just watch streams.

>> No.72958030

man they really proved to me that their retardation is profound and not an act
