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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7277945 No.7277945 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point on /yah/ existing anymore?

>> No.7278001

Unless it's during streaming hours probably not.

>> No.7278023

Yeah, for containment.

>> No.7278037

Not at this hour since the stream isn't for another 7.

>> No.7278080

You fags leak onto too many threads, please stay contained here

>> No.7278136

Yes, but we never needed 24/7 threads.
No, if all you do is metapost.

>> No.7278169
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>> No.7278226

no because the stream isn't for another 7 hours. make one then.

>> No.7278304
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There were never a point to have threads outside of either stream hours ( a bit before and after) or some other event going on like related to twitter.
Since it happened constantly, most threads had a point.

Now she streams only 3 times a week and barely use twitter, which make most off hour threads irrelevant unless you want to fill them with forced drama and off topic.
I see nothing wrong with that, and will keep using /yah/ in the hours it's relevant.

>> No.7278406

>There were never a point to have threads outside of either stream hours ( a bit before and after) or some other event going on like related to twitter.
There was during a time, it was the reason why we have so many OC

>> No.7278662

Imagine feeling hurt about Beatani trying to escape from the schizos

>> No.7278723

Youre damaged goods

>> No.7278759

I get the feeling some of the people having autistic meltdowns about her doing things like using twitter or discord are just one axe away from starring in the next Misery adaptation

>> No.7278959

I personally like discord, but the meltdown was due to the server appearing out of nowhere

>> No.7279016

>but the meltdown was due to the server appearing out of nowhere
thought she announced it days in advance?

>> No.7279018

Literally who?

>> No.7279079

She announced it as a server exclusively to talk about minecraft and help the teams to organize projects, then she gave the link to join to everyone and made multiple offtopic channels

>> No.7279357

And posts there a lot. Haven't seen bear paws in here since.

>> No.7279413

It's only been a day and yesterday she was busy having fun with everyone

>> No.7279610

In Discord, which is where she's going to be namefagging from now on.

>> No.7279754

how many of those bear paws were fake in the first place, seems a bit early to start the abandonment doomposting when she just did a lot of community support and it hasn't even been a week

>> No.7279879

All the work was done by her mods, she has been busy working on L2D projects

>> No.7280070

oh yeah, didn't she do a member stream to teach anons how2rig because she doesn't care?

>> No.7280097

It's next week

>> No.7280130

Who do you think is doing it?

>> No.7281273

These definitely don't feel the same anymore and the discord server has the same kinds of conversations as every other public discord server I have been in i.e annoying and unfunny.
Watch her streams and ignore all the dads devoting so much of their life to a girl online who will forget all about them the moment she stops being a v-tuber (as it should be)

>> No.7282516

Is this the first non-redundant /yah/ that will die on it's own?
Truly, the /yah/ is dead, just like the nukumority

>> No.7283940

yah it's just the same offtopic garbage that normies shit out an every single discord; there's no value-add of having this but with dads. I really only want to interact with dads as a group when it's about Bea. If another dad wants to be friends with me, he can DM me or off pako.

>> No.7284751

??? Why did the jannies delete the other thread not this one?

>> No.7284804

My guess is the OP admitted to messing up the links to troll but who knows.

>> No.7284828

Well the links are clearly messed up on purpose but that was still the thread that had discussion in it.

>> No.7284902

troll OP

>> No.7284974

All I saw is crying that beatani is talking to other people disguised as complaints, that thread wasn't worth keeping

>> No.7285025

I don't like getting lied to

>> No.7285335

Go back to your faggot Discord Clique.

>> No.7285420
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>> No.7285454

~the inner circle~

>> No.7285665

Strange. A couple of changes to her YT About page. She added the discord link, bit she also removed her audience statistics.
inb4 everybody in the inner circle was notified already through discord

>> No.7285678


>> No.7285680

>the discord server has the same kinds of conversations as every other public discord server I have been in i.e annoying and unfunny.
This. Holy fuck at least when everyone was anonymous I could pretend some of you weren't retarded. Now every time she has a stream and I see the names in chat I'm going to be thinking oh that guy's a fucking retard. People feel like they can shut off their filters on Discord like they do on 4chan, but it also has forced namefagging like Twitter. It's the worst of both worlds. Now I understand why Discord has such a bad rep.

>> No.7285780

Her biggest mistake was making this place think that she was their friend

>> No.7285882

I know bea claimed not to be a numberfag, but it really feels like all these moves are pandering to normies as an attempt to stop the decline. Just constantly knocking down small things that might potentially filter normies, but also removing the charm built up her appeal.

>> No.7285949

Yeah but the problem is that she still acts just as her normal yab self in the streams so it's for nothing. I think her original more seiso but fake personality she had in the beginning was more normie friendly.

>> No.7285951

Yeah but those Goslingbucks sure are nice. You can get some nice equipment for when you start the vtuber career you actually wanted.

>> No.7285981

I will be very happy if the threads go back to only appearing during streams
24/7 threads just lead them to running out of topics to discuss and quickly devolving into meta shitposting

>> No.7285992

Your daughter is growing up. Now she's a teenager embarrassed of her dad and wants to make a go of it on her own.

>> No.7285994
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Same feeling

>> No.7286019

where would you draw the line between working to grow her career and numberfagging, or is anything more than exclusively /yah/ too much?

>> No.7286027

But i thought this was the Discord channel? Weren't people posting their transition reps and how they cum on biscuits and dieting reps over the past couple weeks?

>> No.7286074

Beatani is mediocre chuuba, whose most of the identity was being /here/. Ironically, she is trying to grow by appealing to normalfags.
She will inevitably decline

>> No.7286078

Yeah I think she's still going to filter mostly the same people based on stream content, but she's also going to recline on her existing viewerbase.

There's nothing really wrong with her numberfagging, I just don't like the changes that she's chosen to make.

>> No.7286079

>tfw bea has less sex than chris
is bea more retarded than chris?

>> No.7286099

You fags got what you deserve.

>> No.7286108

>or is anything more than exclusively /yah/ too much?
I think the main problem here is her lack of transparency about everything she does
>She wants to do a discord for minecraft
>Claims that it's ONLY for minecraft
>lol what if I add offtopic channels and let everyone join and name the server /yah/ and let everyone shit on the thread
Thanks bear

>> No.7286120

It's that it seems so cold and calculated. If she would at least tell us why she has gone on a rampage over the past month it would go a long way. Instead it's "Just trust me bro." Sorry, you've broken it too many times.

>> No.7286183

That's why it's pretty funny when she talks about being "too honest"

>> No.7286212

A big part of why I was such a Beatani fan was because it felt like you were hanging out and talking with a friend, not because her content was so amazing. She's talented but I can get a lot of the same material but better elsewhere. At the end of the day she has to do whatever makes her happy, and I will watch whoever makes me happy. If we have to part ways that's just the way it is. No hard feelings, and I truly thank her for the good memories.

>> No.7286228

So we got pink cated again...I see..

>> No.7286334

You say this every thread but who is actually in the inner circle? inb4 "me"

>> No.7286362

not even close

>> No.7286379

This is the best take so far

No hard feelings, I understand why Beatani is doing this, but I just wish were a little more honest with us after being there with her since the beginning

>> No.7286484

>with us
Everyone she cared for moved already to the discord server

>> No.7286585

Every Discord is destined to turn into an sjw hugbox or an internet hate machine. You think normies want to wade through that? Or anyone sane for that matter?

>> No.7286631

She's just trying to have some fun with her favorites before her career crashes and burns.

>> No.7286679

I didn't know she had 100 favorites.

>> No.7286708

Out of 4600 that's not too bad

>> No.7286787

>Chris Chan has sex with his mom
>Bea-chama will have sex with one of the dads

>> No.7286812
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It's already a hugbox as per the official rules. See rule 1 which makes it illegal to say anything bad about a dad.

>> No.7286814

gotta be honest with you, I didn't think she had the balls to open a yah discord out of nowhere
I think it's a pretty dumb and that her community is going to crush and burn but at least she is not afraid of doing whatever she wants

>> No.7286823

You can crash and burn her career herself if you hate her that much. Just copy a fraction of what the zhangs did to Coco since bea is just a mentally fragile OL. They won in the end, didn't they?

>> No.7286824

I literally don't understand what the complaints are about, why is everyone so mad about her all of a sudden

>> No.7286846

She is constantly lying and backpedaling

>> No.7286874

The first one is the only possibility, because the d***** admins will nuke it if it goes the other way. And trying to filter newfags is impossible because any effective filtering content will also get you banned. The only way to have a good d***** is to keep it to a whitelisted set of people.

>> No.7286877

Alright OP care to elaborate further?

>> No.7286910

Pumping out more youtube accounts to ban evade gets expensive pretty fast. Anyways the Coco situation was likely caused by Cover cucking to the zhangs. For an indie there's no corpo department to force a retirement.

>> No.7286917

I promise you it was not even planned. She never thinks things through and just does things on a whim. I don't think she ever lied, she just changed her mind multiple times in rapid succession due to the current circumstances.
>ah a minecraft server would be nice because many dads request it
>ah a discord server for private discussion between the teams seems necessary
>ah there is problem with off topic, let's create an offtopic channel
>ah this is kinda fun. let's create some more channels

>> No.7286978

>I don't think she ever lied, she just changed her mind multiple times in rapid succession due to the current circumstances.
I agree, but at this point I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm tired of thinking of excuses for her
You can't ask people to trust you and then do shit like this

>> No.7286984

It's honestly exhausting to get into at this point. It was a single instance, it's been a series of things setting various people off. Giving the fan mascot to her biggest paypig and creating a discord server (that she said she'd never do) are just the 2 latest incidents in a long string of them

>> No.7287106

Like the other anon said I'm disappointed that she made a discord only for minecraft discussion but then in a single day made it into a general purpose one. But it is not really this that is the big problem. The big problem for me is that I now feel very left alone because it seems she wants to push away the thread and instead focus on the discord. The discord has very quickly become the main hub for the community in the span of a single day. The discord is now the place where she posts the most and where nearly all fan interaction outside of the stream is taking place, the community is truly now more discord focused than thread focused which means I'm no longer anywhere near the center of the community because I refuse discord.

And despite disliking twitter I actually made one just for her and liked interacting with her there, but she nuked that possibility as well. We are just discord now.

>> No.7287122

you retards are so sensitive

>> No.7287125

It's not that she just created it, she seems to have plenty of time to fuck around on there and Minecraft but complained she was too busy for streams and Twitter.

>> No.7287153

Yeah I would not mind a discord but I refuse to be part of a community totally centered around one

>> No.7287169

That's not fair, she doesn't play minecraft that much, and she was only active in discord yesterday because it was new and exciting

>> No.7287183

reposting because the other thread got nuked
Cloverclubchama here. Now that we have a war coming, I want to have a practice war to learn the new pvp items and stuff. Suggestion is to follow the same rules as the /yah/craft war.

when: during /yah/craft maintenance
where: mc.clover.club

1. Server maintenance for the war
We will stop the server to add the function for the war.
Date: JST 7/31 11:00-13:00, PDT 7/30 19:00-21:00, EDT 7/30 22:00-24:00, CEST 7/31 3:00-5:00

>> No.7287201

And you're such a suckup

>> No.7287213

I was active in the unofficial discord and it was unironically nicer than the official one because in the official one I can't talk trash other people and I don't dare say bad things about Beatani. I'm kinda sad that the cumrag discord is gone.

>> No.7287228

Where was the war announced? Discord?

>> No.7287231

>why do people complain when they are back stabbed constantly?

>> No.7287236

>People feel like they can shut off their filters on Discord like they do on 4chan, but it also has forced namefagging like Twitter.
I don't know the specifics of what it's like inside of a Discord, but you reminded me of how Beatani herself would spout memes and call people retards, then wonder if people hated her. I would say she corrected her course now, which would be nice, but I don't know if her calling the euro audience "disgusting emos" because they often simply commented on their timezones being hell for them was her idea of harmless *channel banter or a quip you'd say while talking with your friends. I hope she was just doing banter and that euros unfortunately took it personally.

>> No.7287256

Discord zatzudan channel. She is such a baka bear that she did not even post it to the annouchments channel

>> No.7287270

Of course she wants the community discussions in a place she can control. She can only block you on Twitter but can't ban you, she can do nothing here, but has total power over the Discord

>> No.7287277

you forget japs can be very crude with their "humour" towards other people

>> No.7287281

well i'm not going to deny that it might get expensive, but it can be done. bea already finds streaming kind of mendokusai, imagine what happens if you make it as unpleasant as possible for her by spamming chat with your bot army. do it enough times and you'll either force her to do member only streams permanently or she'll stop streaming. in either case, it should stifle her growth. anyway that's just an example and do you really hate her that much to the point of launching a coordinated campaign to destroy her career?

>> No.7287292

you're allowed to trash talk beatani just not other chubas because it would reflect poorly on her. just learn how to read

>> No.7287293

It seems like it's true Bea hasn't posted there since, but it still opened pandora's box because now a big chunk of dads spend their time trying to show off by acting like retards and offtopic garbageposting. Even if Bea never goes there again those dads are never coming back.

>> No.7287308

Or Twitter. Or the community tab. This happened way faster than I ever dreamed. Discord reps are basically a requirement at this point.

>> No.7287317

>calling the euro audience "disgusting emos"
Did this happen? t. I'm euro who probably missed the stream this happened

>> No.7287318

While I think the other retards are hyperbolic at least with you I understand where you're coming from even if I don't really agree with it. I still don't think this is worth making a big deal about but I'll just sit on the side to see how it ends up

>> No.7287330

I'm not arguing that, the discord was a dumb idea and it's going to hurt the community a lot, but I don't think Beatani is fooling around that much

>> No.7287340

She can't be there 24/7. Who controls it when she's not there?

>> No.7287347

There are mods.

>> No.7287351

Yep. If you're not reading everything on discord you will miss important shit. This is where we are at right now. It's been what? A day and a half?

>> No.7287352

t. not you

>> No.7287370

Bea was talking about how in those threads its always emo doomposting during eurohours and that she thinks that always angry burgers are less cringe
the other anon is rratposting

>> No.7287376

an unofficial discord was always a better idea. you can't pin all the blame on beatani that way.
yah is just too stupid to realise it

>> No.7287446

gyro and eurofox are both listed with mod roles

>> No.7287459 [DELETED] 

Which aren't named btw

>> No.7287470

Yeah, but who are they? I'm a Discord noob but I might have to join if /yah/ really does die

>> No.7287479

I don't know what makes you think discord admins can't be at either end of that spectrum. Besides if there's little to no moderation like we have on /yah/ discord then it depends on whichever side is the most vocal out of the gate. At this point it's looking like /yah/ discord is trending towards internet hate machine. Probably because you and others think it's necessary to post stuff to filter newfags. But we don't have any newfags, so all you're going to do is filter out the sane people who won't bother wading through all that garbage. And that's the point where it becomes an echo chamber. At best the sane people will stick to the minecraft channels. At worst all the sane people will leave and Beatani will be left with a server full of retards posting the same jokes, memes, and catchphrases ad nauseum.

>> No.7287489


>> No.7287506

She posted multiple times yesterday at different times hours apart which means she came back for multiple discord sessions. I think she will definitely return.

>> No.7287525

furry janny, canna for some reason, gyro

>> No.7287535

Yah it's fucking unpleasant to have to wade through a mountain of d***** shitposts just to get actual information on future streams and activities. Dads who don't want to put up with this shit and start missing out are gonna get filtered.

>> No.7287538

>/yah/ gets nuked
>this thread is slided
whelp looks like the mods have answered your question for you OP

>> No.7287597

OP of that thread was intentionally shitposting, I think it'd be fine if it was a normal thread

>> No.7287600

Discord admins (employees) not discord users. They will come in and slap the banhammer if they get wind of any criticism of t******* happening.

>trending towards internet hate machine.
Are you a fucking retard it's just a mountain of harmless but also usuless shitposts.

>> No.7287612

>canna for some reason
He's a Minecraft mod. It made sense when it was a Minecraft Discord.

>> No.7287636

>/yah/craft chat
Come on, it's not THAT many places to monitor. Surely you love your daughter enough to at least try, right?

>> No.7287641

yeah well why is this thread autosaged then?

>> No.7287643

Ok this is kinda bad I gotta say. I know she says this because americans in the thread loves to shit on euros and she must have gotten it from their rrats but hearing her say it herself and adding "to be honest" several times to the end of the sentences is much worse then any american in the thread has ever been. She does not seem to be joking here. t. euro

>> No.7287649

I'm still a little mad about this, she was joking but you can tell she was also giving her honest opinion
The funniest thing is that she is just repeating the same rrats that some burgers love to tell about the euros

>> No.7287688

Yeah, I felt pretty bad about it when she said it

>> No.7287707

I felt bad for you yuros

>> No.7287759

Who knows

>> No.7287764

Great, now the Eurodads are timelooping. Can we just focus on the discord yab for now? Andrew and Eurokeks are old news

>> No.7287788

It is? Good, it's a shit thread and it's an early thread.
If there was a direct channel of communication to mods and jannies on here, I'd honestly put in a request to have these threads bannable outside of streams because all they ever fucking do is devolve in to garbage metashit and off-topic crap. (just like the shit channel on that very Discord, funnily enough)

>> No.7287795

shit like this is why I fantasize about choking her to death (in minecraft). what a bitch

>> No.7287834

If there's no thread it's just going to be her piggies sucking her asshole on Discord.

>> No.7287859

That will be for her to deal with. She created that bed to lie in when she made the off-topic channels.

>> No.7287922

>direct channel of communication to mods and jannies
Post a vacation pic and the jannies will see your mesage.

>> No.7287941

It's what she wants

>> No.7288017

Usually it's because there are a lot of user reports.

>> No.7288030

>Are you a fucking retard it's just a mountain of harmless but also usuless shitposts.
That's no excuse. Wouldn't you be bothered if some retard started posting a bunch of blm, sjw, lgbt, and ponies shit and generally acting like a fag on Beatani's discord? Two sides of the same coin.

>> No.7288062

I watched the vod originally and skipped right to the actual minecraft part so this is the first time hearing about it sorry.

>> No.7288191

I still don't like getting lumped together with other euros and us being categorized like some homogeneous mass. Can't we all just be dads like in olden times? I don't like getting stereotyped just because just because of my timezone. Like what does it matter?

>> No.7288245

You'd have more luck with this before /yah/craft started. Members have been fully factionalized and must war with each other

>> No.7288257

It doesn't help that she made the minecraft server factions region based

>> No.7288556

It's been a lot of things lately

>> No.7288575

Would you say it's making you emotional?

>> No.7288618
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You're the retard who claimed there's hate in there. I don't see any posts of that sort. If you think so why don't post them?

>> No.7288714

Lots of casual racism and a few jokes about trannies killing themselves. It's not difficult to find.

>> No.7288826

You could have picked a better example other than people cracking jokes.

>> No.7288834

No problem, man. Completely understandable. It's been a rough few days even by /yah/ standards.

>> No.7288891

Shit more liable to get the Discord banned if anything.

>> No.7288923

The thing about Beatani is
>She doesn't understand what the issue is with discord/AR/whatever makes you feel bad
>She doesn't care enough to try to understand it
>She just doesn't care about you
Pick one, one of these is true
Discussing and complaining about her behavior is useless, and /yah/ and the original nukumolity are pretty much dead thanks to the discord

>> No.7289038

>Discussing and complaining about her behavior is useless
That's the whole point of the board. Discussing and complaining about chuubas. Most of the ones talked about don't give a flying fuck what (You) or any other person here says.

>> No.7289144

It stops being a joke when you really mean it. And it's just an example of how the needle is destined to move one way or the other. People who find it agreeable will feel free to post more of it, and those who don't will avoid bringing it up because that will throw the discussion even further off the rails.

>> No.7289148

The difference is that there was a time when she gave a fuck, that's what hurts a little

>> No.7289154

>I'm no longer anywhere near the center of the community because I refuse discord.
It takes 2 seconds to join the discord. It's not that hard to use both sites.
>Where was the war announced? Discord?
No war has been announced. She only gave out a time slot for when wars will take place when there is one.

>> No.7289211

It takes longer to go through all the shit to find the critical information retardchama. It's not exactly the best way to convey it.

>> No.7289245
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I want to belieb.

>> No.7289289

The made a couple community posts about this

>> No.7289300

I'm mostly hoping they fall under the "pain in the ass" clause. Though seeing what the mods did (or rather, didn't do) when some people started name dropping and spreading rrats about some random chuuba gives me little hope.

>> No.7289302

The Nazis lost the war and Hitler was a pussy who ate lead to avoid facing the Russians.

>> No.7289306

Yeah, it stings she's not around but it's not a reason to nuke the whole thread. From the sound of it, venting frustration isn't welcomed in the discord

>> No.7289338

>At first, I intended using this for Minecraft mainly so these off topic channels are like a test run.
kek good luck, both sides are shitting on each other and there's no going back now

>> No.7289371

I only see one.

>> No.7289413

>In the case if you wouldn't like to talk about Minecraft but have a casual talking
maybe DON'T have a casual talking then? that's what DMs are for

>> No.7289428

One about war one about Discord

>> No.7289491

Ah, war one must be a member post. I'm no longer a paypig

>> No.7289518

Might be time to move on from here dads. Like sure, I realize people want to get used to the new reality for a few days at least. But I'd say let Bea leave this shithole with at least a little dignity. Don't force /yah/ to linger on anymore Show some mercy.

>> No.7289535

>/yah/ nuked
>stealth /yah/s get swept off
I-is this the end dads?.. I don't wanna move to discord, it will basically slowly lobotomize the community. Guess this is where it all ends...

>> No.7289550

>I'm no longer a paypig
Based. I'm thinking about dropping it myself when the next payment is due. I'll get to learn about live2d model making I guess.

>> No.7289581

Just unmenba now. Your green will stick until the payment is due.

>> No.7289582

>I-is this the end dads?
yes, there's not really any point of having a thread during the streams, you can use discord or the stream chat

>> No.7289642
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I told you this would happen.

>> No.7289757

I can't hornypost in discord, i can't falseflag on discord, i can't spread rrats, i can't be anonymous. She will eventually see that this is genuinely a bad a idea... right? Just getting rid of the off topic channels and making it a minecraft alone server would fix everything, i don't think /yah/ can survive if it goes on like this

>> No.7289766

>29 waiting
>no one is talking

>> No.7289806

That's normal

>> No.7289832

Well this is depressing to come back to. Took a couple months off from the internet and see that Bea has now shifted her focus to a community completely opposite of why I supported her in the first place.

>> No.7289857

It's why it's important to enjoy things you like before they are gone.

>> No.7289865

Here you go: [an announcement about /yah/craft]

1. Server maintenance for the war

We will stop the server to add the function for the war.
Date: JST 7/31 11:00-13:00, PDT 7/30 19:00-21:00, EDT 7/30 22:00-24:00, CEST 7/31 3:00-5:00
2. The time the War happens
The timing of the war will be fixed so that as many people as possible can participate.

JST 00:00
PDT 8:00
CEST 17:00
IST 20:30

It will occur guerrilla style, but I'll set up the stream schedule for it at least 12hours in advance.

3. Discord
Discussions about Minecraft are basically held here.
If you want to check out the team discussions in particular, please join in.

Important decisions will also be posted on my Youtube community post.

>> No.7289890

>She will eventually see that this is genuinely a bad a idea... right?
She will most likely get bored in a couple of weeks and let the mods run the place, undoing everything would take too much work and there's no easy way to fix the community

>> No.7289907


>> No.7289916


>> No.7289918

You're right. All too often I'm not present. Definitely a lesson learned.

>> No.7289950

You can still have all of that in the thread. There are plenty of vtubers who have both a discord and a thread here.

>> No.7290008

Their threads and discords are not in war with each other tho

>> No.7290129

I'm fine with this being the Beatani and Minecraft inner circle anti thread actually. Until she resolves the issue there should be civil war.

>> No.7290143

I'm going to try complaining about discord in the chat, see what happens

>> No.7290197

ours don't have to be either

>> No.7290228

I miss the old Bea...

>> No.7290261

it's the exact same people, the only thing that's changed is where the discussion happens

>> No.7290380

As bad as it is here, look at the quality of discussion over there. It's just a bunch of namefags blogposting continuously.

>> No.7290423

The board is destined to lose. Why would she want to keep coming here and read negative things when her mods keep it nice and happy on Discord?

>> No.7290476

Maybe people shouldn't be so doom and gloom here and stay positive.

>> No.7290485
File: 14 KB, 412x124, 1599202110865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a test of faith. Believe in her

>> No.7290507

>Believe in her
No, I'm tired

>> No.7290516

The losing team gets permabanned.

>> No.7290538

Winner gets to have discord sex with Bea in the secret channel.

>> No.7290548

No, trust is earned.

>> No.7290799

15 minutes to go and no proper /yah/ thread. What a disaster these past 2 days have been

>> No.7290800

Slippery slope

>> No.7290854

Ok I made one. This thread is gonna die in a matter of minutes anyways.

>> No.7290871

i dont think beatani will continue posting in the discord(she showed how she disabled twitter notifications and hasnt written in discord much past the first day) i enjoy talking to some of the people in the discord, although some are a bit annoying. if the threads are low quality, ill still try to post good stuff in them, but if they die eventually, i wont cry over it. ive participated in several generals over the years that started off great and became rotten after people started becoming more identifiable. i dont think there's a real problem with people becoming friends with each othe outside of the thread as long as they continue to make high quality posts, and i dont think a discord is automatically going to kill this thread either.. if people want to blame one thing or another for shitting up the thread and non stop complain, maybe they should try to contribute something actually funny/cool/interesting first. just my 2cents on the recent situations.

>> No.7290901
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Crashing this general with no survivors.

>> No.7290985


>> No.7291082

No op there is no point anymore, I think this is it for me. I don't enjoy her streams, fuck discord and fuck minecrraft. I will find another indie chuuba. I'm tired of dealing with a real japanese menhera. Holy fuck and I thought it was just a meme. Have fun with your retard, dads.
Bea if you are reading this I hope you get fired from your job and end up living on the streets like the real BITCH you are.

>> No.7291125

I know it's bait, but if you don't enjoy the streams then just leave. She's a streamer first and everything else comes after.

>> No.7291137

She'll keep posting there, but it'll be when she's not doing something else. It's very easy to just jump in and out of conversations with that many people.
Otherwise I agree with pretty much this entire post. I'll keep posting.
Take it easy out there.

>> No.7291168

>She's a streamer first
God I wish we could back when that was true

>> No.7291206

I want to beleib... If Bea keeps her paws off, then it's not significantly worse than the cumrag place. But on the other hand if she blogposts and grooms on there it's gonna lead to alot of strife.

>> No.7291561

If she could figure out how to not sound so ESL she could create a secret alt account and participate

>> No.7291723

