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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 328 KB, 1200x902, 176754576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72831172 No.72831172 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Some resources

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous: >>72792092

>> No.72831297

Ban men
Ban non-wasps
Be loli
Be racist

>> No.72831313
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>> No.72831367

So the person spamming this is the pitty anti then?

>> No.72831379

Bro love!

>> No.72831429

Im not in the discord wtf! Unless i just need to do my reps.

>> No.72831564

I hope that the cute girl debuts soon

>> No.72831840

The crabbing seems bad but it is good for the girls to get it out of their system here where it is harmless instead of letting it boil up inside until it explodes. Criticism can be good too.

>> No.72831902

The new meta apparently is blaming any other poster of being either an anti, mel, and/or spammer.

>> No.72832000

she blamed her hairy legs on the account for being winter

>> No.72832277

this crabbing existed before /wasp

the same schizos just moved over and put digital lipstick on and then said look this is how women are

>> No.72832294

People want to post nonwasps and so they anti real wasps to try making room

>> No.72832400


>> No.72832535


>> No.72832588


>> No.72832600

The only real wasp that actually gets crabbed is Pittie, and that's more because she has an insufferable personality and no one actually likes her rather than some grand conspiracy to boost other girls.

>> No.72832692

hairy like havent shaved once in her life hairy or like 2 weeks of not shaving hairy? Also are the pits here or do i have to join the groomcord to see them.

>> No.72832771

She also is an over controlling attention whore that wants us all to just use the discord as a clique while she tries to post about herself in the thread then tells us not to use it when it doesn’t work for her

>> No.72832838

We know who Mel is, though.

>> No.72832856

There's actually something the schizos get wrong all the time when they shit on people and its funny to see them post about it because it's clear that they're male and arent talking with the girls.

>> No.72832873

My chuuba gf!

>> No.72832954

Girls are gross sex focused creatures. I would rather have some fun with the bros than hear of a girls gross fetish or sex activity of the day

>> No.72832972

Says the Male schizo

>> No.72833253

Stop trying it make the thread about you pitti

>> No.72833310


>> No.72833813

Bonni is under 25 viewers now
She is really paying the price for what she did yesterday

>> No.72834193

>Bonni forgets to hate men
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!

Avoid all vtubers that aren’t women!

>> No.72834488

Lol my shmup bro has more viewers than her

>> No.72834574

Kill yourself male this is all your fault for leading her astray.

>> No.72834681
File: 298 KB, 1080x798, Screenshot_20240402_145436_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I infiltrated /wasp/cord...

>> No.72834743

Schizo aspfag man stop trying to ruin wasp

>> No.72834781

I don't even watch her. The only girls i watch are cute and non slutty ones and there aren't many of those anywhere in the vtuber world

>> No.72834792


>> No.72834854

She wouldn’t be slutty if you fags weren’t constantly trying to attack her like this.
/wasp/ had her so good and now it is in danger. We were saving her.

>> No.72834937

99% chance that is just one of the girls

>> No.72835114

It isn’t crabbing

>> No.72835221
File: 8 KB, 240x129, 240px-MrFresh_new_sideye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm..... totally not watching her NOW
that's not heckin zased

>> No.72835244
File: 212 KB, 861x1354, IMG_0628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can’t believe waspcord would do this baka.

>> No.72835347

its laine leaking this

>> No.72835358

just like me fr

>> No.72835401

Wow what a bitch leech attention whore. We must crab her until she dies. She’s so insufferable. This must be behavior taught by her boyfriend.

>> No.72835462

>trying to ruin
It's already ruined, fuck this place. legitimately posting in asp when I debut

>> No.72835489

Those aren’t /wasp/ies so stop posting them

>> No.72835504
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>> No.72835530
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Thank you, PekoMama!

>> No.72835533

kys schizofag

>> No.72835549

/wasp/ is better and more pure than ever. That is why people like you keep trying to ruin it.

>> No.72835613

Rope pcgfag schizo

>> No.72835657

tie me up in them daddyschizochama

>> No.72835666
File: 127 KB, 318x285, Freshest_glare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not sure whether i should get my 7th abortion or not? its another male and my viewers would get jealous of it...

>> No.72835680

So the girls really are the ones attacking each other

>> No.72835711

they are women....
do you not know what women are like?

>> No.72835722

Yeah. Can’t believe anyone would watch her. Boyfriend having fat whore.

>> No.72835793

Kill yourself schizo real women will never type like that

>> No.72835805

they said it wasn’t them when I asked :(

>> No.72835822

What did she do?

>> No.72835865

Raided into a male aspie and then tweeted about it

>> No.72835959

Ban all male vtubers
Do not retweet males
Do not follow males
but let male viewers DM you, you can trust them. They want to protect you from the males.

>> No.72835996

Always rememer:
Laine? not wasp. Associates with Pittie, leech.
Miu? Associates with Pittie, leech.
Rinna? Not my wife. Associates with Pittie, leech.
Pittie? Associates with herself. Leech.
Fwofie? FAKE waspie. Associates with Pittie, leech.
Denpa? Not real waspie. Leech. Associates with Pittie, leech.

>> No.72836108

>but what about pitti
kys attention whore not everything is about you

>> No.72836112
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>> No.72836169

Pittie associates with all the /waspies/. Who are we gonna post about now?

>> No.72836269

it’s ok bbg… of course… join waspcord and our nightly orgies. (i am her and i am a groomer.)
No one. We have to bropost.

>> No.72836282

remember to remove all swords and wrenched
you dont need them they need you
twitch moderators are very often the worst parasocials of them all
they will scare viewers and donors alike

>> No.72836286

That is because she is a leech and only something slight to hold against the others for getting leeched by her.
Most of the ones she leeches aren’t even /wasp/. She might be the one insisting they are so she can better leech off them with the wasp boost

>> No.72836325

Lets make this thread about male vtubers, at least they wont betray us like the women will.

>> No.72836326

seethe chat shitter

>> No.72836337

Go back to /lig/ you obsessed faggot

>> No.72836364


>> No.72836401

Males can’t be vtubers because being a vtuber requires being a girl by definition. All the males should just get banned for being off topic.

>> No.72836444

This. Also let male viewers DM you they are better than vtubers and moderators.

>> No.72836460

Are you ESL or just dumb
Hopefully dumb because you esls never have any money

>> No.72836475


>> No.72836549


>> No.72836564
File: 103 KB, 1080x263, Screenshot_20240402_153012_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always knew she was a fucking bitch

>> No.72836567

because all vtubers are whores that look at males. If they dont follow and ban all males we would give them millions.

>> No.72836603

>Ban men
>Ban non-wasps
>Be loli
>Be racist
The the most important advice in this thread.

>> No.72836629

Pittie couldn't make it by herself so she made a space where she could have power

>> No.72836667
File: 2.14 MB, 1080x1920, pittiegroom[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh4wo5j.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72836680

Everyone knows and hates her for it

>> No.72836696

Thanks /wasp/ I finally stopped talking to my father. Cutting out the dead weight males in my life

>> No.72836763

Wow, can’t believe she admitted to it what a whore. Irony doesn’t exist, remember.

>> No.72836804

You okay /asp/ies? I've seen you faggots spamming all over the board.

>> No.72836823


>> No.72836922

Asp thinks they are winning because of what happened yesterday but the wasps and nonwasps are already being punished which just proves wasp right

>> No.72836967

god damn this crab is cute

>> No.72837133

This bitch is a Vtweeter

>> No.72837148

>mentally ill
>0 social skills
>no bf and willing to do gfe
i was born for this, what i have to do?

>> No.72837176

She's a cute bitch

>> No.72837244

Not be m*l so you already failed

>> No.72837265

hello wasp, https://vocaroo.com/1nofvIv70Puy do I sound like a huge nerd? or someone zooted? help me out and let me know if I should voice train more

>> No.72837314

We know from her fleshposting that she is an ugly person on the outside and from her other posting that she is ugly inside

>> No.72837393

Sounds like gumpai

>> No.72837433

You sound familiar... but I cant think of a voice archetype you fit into. A normal woman? Not a loli, not a hag, just like a normal woman desu.

>> No.72837500

Get a model or PNG made and start streaming. That's about it really. If you need help you should DM pittie on discord or something.

>> No.72837517

you sound retarded (positive)
use your normal voice though

>> No.72837610

I got groomed by a viewer and fell in love with him? Should I stop streaming and elope?

>> No.72837646

The meta right now is racist loli. Idk ifbbeing racist is required, but the new debuts that were racists made alot in donations. Idk if the blue loli that recently debuted is racist, but she still got a decent following anyway depsite just debuting.

>> No.72837648

I don't know. This tomfoolery always happens when a thread cord gets threatened by a new cord.

>> No.72837661

interesting post waspies should check

>> No.72837747

They get all the advice they need here

>> No.72837763

if you are in a relationship you should stop trying to be a vtuber
congrats larper kun

>> No.72837807

>right now
being a racist loli has always been the meta , pippa made a career out of it

>> No.72837831


>> No.72837874

If youre willing to give up sitting on your ass all day and getting paid for it then yea go for it. But also dont just drop everything all at once, make sure you have another source of income before you ditch your main source of income

>> No.72837883

What are some hot games to stream right now?

>> No.72837889

>Normal woman
shit am i ngmi?
>use your normal voice
It shifts to high during stream because I get excited to see people watching and chatting my streams but I'll try to keep it calm, thanks anon! and for sounding retarded, does that mean I should say more silly statements or keep the yapping to a minimum?

>> No.72837902


>> No.72837903

kys schizo
Quit trying to ruin new wasps

>> No.72837945

…is this a man?

>> No.72837961

No you're fine really, a normal woman voice is fine because most vtubers sound like normal women

>> No.72838023

Then why is no one doing it? Where are the racist lolis? I want to hear someone call me a nigger while talking in a high pitch annoying voice

>> No.72838135

It would explain all the crabbing

>> No.72838149


Serious answer: STALKER

>> No.72838264

Post tits to prove you are a woman

>> No.72838301

I'm AMAB, not gumpai

>> No.72838314
File: 212 KB, 1500x2000, 1711023870380082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.72838360


>> No.72838372

New model is a huge ugly downgrade

>> No.72838417

god she is so sex

>> No.72838424

ur a huge ugly downgrade to your family after you were born

>> No.72838447


>> No.72838508


>> No.72838512

Your voice's fine. I like the quirkiness at the end part. How's your yapping game?

>> No.72838556

i think i am never going to keep followers, this is making me paranoid

>> No.72838659

Just do what wasp tells you

>> No.72838702

Why don't you fake pander to your viewers? When you get partner numbers you can finally show your true colors

>> No.72838722
File: 151 KB, 694x884, Screenshot 2024-04-02 161140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but i echo the milf sentiment

>> No.72838743

Lying makes streaming easy

>> No.72838775

Will you play the role or just have the avatar

>> No.72838781

Hello mommy Laine. Ms Laine. Ma'am. Big sister. Onee-san.

>> No.72838813

>nonwasps attentionwhoring
Pittie is bad enough

>> No.72838820


>> No.72838888

>Mentions allah
Inshallah I should try watching her more.

>> No.72838919

I mean what does it take to play the role, I probably have the voice for it, and if not, it's not too far from my voice, I would 100% be a hag chuuba if not literally just for my age because I like playing that archetype

>> No.72838949


>> No.72839003

most girls are ex tumblrs

>> No.72839016

Hag is like being a loli idiot you can just lie. There are plenty of false hags using the tag successfully

>> No.72839051

>keep the yapping to a minimum?
complete opposite
retardmaxxing is based and the only way to become a good vtuber, if you are able to yap and yap and yap about whatever you like, you will probably find an audience

>> No.72839064

If it werks it werks.

>> No.72839076

Already a dead end

>> No.72839120

I think I literally have too much of zoomer personality and zoomerspeak to be able to roleplay a hag though, people would find me out instantly

>> No.72839156

Don’t associate with men

>> No.72839245
File: 10 KB, 524x111, Screenshot 2024-04-02 162154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally a software engineer that is unironically what I get paid to do I'm sorry man

>> No.72839303

Even zoomers are cakes now people don’t know what they are talking about
You can just play it off as trying to be hip with the youth, the cringe will reinforce you being a hag
Boys WANT to be lied to. It is why gfe is so effective.

>> No.72839462

>real life
Diversity hire I see. Your real life doesn’t matter because you can just lie about it. Don’t stop lying.

>> No.72839483


>> No.72839591

Hags are a debuff compared to lolis

>> No.72839805
File: 138 KB, 863x1117, GKHJHi_WwAAemDy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72840252

Model debuffs are if your voice and personality mismatches the model in an unauthentic way, or if the model is bad in a not cute way. But it's very different people that likes the different types of model, so you're choosing what segments to target based on your model.

>> No.72840406

Can you elaborate more?
I'm interested

>> No.72840530

Yeah that is the meme and it is better than not being either, but pedos pay the big bucks for an indie while hagfags don’t.

>> No.72840603

Hag isn’t about model is it irl shittery though a matching model helps (but you can just lie about it like other things when vtubing)

>> No.72840779

What point would like elaborated?

>> No.72840803

Loli hags are in high demand
keep this in mind
that being said only be a loli hag if you have small boobies irl because if you dont you will never truly be able to relate to why they are in high demand, you need an intricate understanding of the world to truly respect lolibaba

>> No.72840949

What you said about personality/voice and model mismatch.
Also what you mean about "model is bad in a not cute way" There is a cute way of it being bad?
>you're choosing what segments to target based on your model
How do I know what I am targeting? I sincerely when I was trying to make my model, I just try to make a character I would like to represent myself but maybe I did everything wrong...

Maybe I'm overthinking about everything but I want your points of view in everything I mentioned as it is not late for me to try to fix my stuff.

>> No.72840993

I wish they didnt ban porn so everyone that used that site stayed there in there cesspool

>> No.72841037

I think often hags give off the impression that they got their lives together and in a cynical way, guys are less likely to saviorfag for hags, except as in save them before the eggs run dry. Although why hagfags donate less, but still donate is a mystery to me personally.

>> No.72841112
File: 563 KB, 680x383, 1682306335169875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting interview

>> No.72841179

How can I rely less on chat? How do I become funnier?

>> No.72841279

So you just want to be a stand-up comedian? Some stand-ups even interact with their audience.

>> No.72841851

You can't.
Just let them carry you and be gfe.

>> No.72842106

Men don't watch women because she is funny.

>> No.72842135
File: 36 KB, 286x461, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /wasp/, is there a vtuber for me here?

>> No.72842195

The fat bitch fleshposter is light on the fat and heavy on the bitch.

>> No.72842494

the hanafunda mama is literally for you

>> No.72842498

Just an off hand comment before I planned on going to bed, so it's hard to come with examples just like that. (also without throwing anyone under the bus)
>"model is bad in a not cute way" There is a cute way of it being bad?
Personally (this place is giving me brainrot) I think for example that pippa's model (the original one) is really ugly, but her voice and personality really just matches it perfectly and makes it cute and adorable. But her model is not something I would click on if I didn't know who pippa was.
The Luna guy from /asp/'s model is really cute, I think I would have liked it even if it's not a well drawn model, but I'm not really into that many male vtubers.
>model mismatch
Your model send signals to people about what kind of person you are and if your voice and personality doesn't match the expectation it might make people click off at first encounter. Another example; Aleda's model gave me some good impression just with her model, but I thought she was someone else that had posted their voice in here so I was hesitant to commit too much, but still support until I saw the debut and I found that the voice fit very well to the model and what I would like in a vtuber.
>How do I know what I am targeting?
Depends, just think of the average anime character tropes and that's pretty much the same way I would say guys differs in taste with vtuber models and personalities. If you had those in mind when making the model it would be that those guys into that would be more likely to find your model interesting.
>fix my stuff.
Nothing to fix everyone has their market you just have to find a way to connect to them so that they can discover and watch you.

>> No.72842570

>Nothing to fix everyone has their market you just have to find a way to connect to them so that they can discover and watch you.
Terrible fucking advice.

>> No.72842723

Bare in mind I'm just one retard on the internet.

>> No.72842839

Name a single funny female vtuber besides Gura

>> No.72842845

You're saying they should only make models based on what they think are what people want? You also have to fucking enjoy looking at your own model and like it. Can't just do like some corpo and say: No matter what you like it's these model, or you're dead in the water.

>> No.72842952


>> No.72842987

british people arent funny

>> No.72842991

Good joke

>> No.72843035

>You're saying they should only make models based on what they think are what people want
Yes if you want to actually succeed. You aren't doing this for you outside of the fact that the benefits of succeeding will benefit you.

>> No.72843054

please tell her to drop that model

>> No.72843066

post a single funny clip of hers

>> No.72843096

People don't watch her because she's funny (she isn't)
They watch her because they want to fuck the hagdog.

>> No.72843106

You think so? What do you recommend?

>>72842498 >>72842845
I don't know guys, I tried to make my model something I would "enjoy lookint at" as this anon said but now I'm starting to think I fucked it up and I should have asked around here what has a good match with myself

I'm kinda worried now people will click off my stream and all my hard work going to waste

I don't know, I want people to watch me and be sucessful but not that much I guess? if that makes sense. Just have a decent sized community so I can go buy groceries without fearing I'm getting stalked but still get money from this

>> No.72843414

So why are Elf and Pit okay with Marilou being in the server when its clearly you know who?

>> No.72843547

In the end you have to live with the model regardless of how many watch you since you be looking at it at least twice as much as the viewers. Would be bad to feel that if you get fanart, or emotes that you would rather they looked different and you don't really enjoy the model.
With that said you are a female, and if you're still cute and likeable/loveable regardless of model you will get viewers. But if you're going for the big bux then it depends on what kind of entertainment you're willing and able to provide. A winning strat is cute and funny brat that loves her viewers and will do lewd(ish) stuff, but that's not for everyone and can be draining, just see gura for example.

>> No.72843579

thats the second time ive seen that name mentioned and i have no idea who is being talked about who is marilou qrd?

>> No.72843630

new waspie that they helped out and is debuting in a few weeks.

>> No.72843645

>you know who?
Voldemort? You wouldn't dare deny him access to anywhere he pleases, or he and his deatheaters would do horrible things to you.

>> No.72843736
File: 128 KB, 1241x513, wasp pipeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait people can get access to the /wasp/ie cord even before debut??? That's cheating! and not part of my brilliant pipeline plan.

>> No.72843770

Pittiee is evil, she was mean to me when I wanted to debut :(

>> No.72843823

She came into their discords when the thread was schizoing out and said she saw someone post about going into their discords for help and they helped her out with setting everything up.

>> No.72843877
File: 21 KB, 637x405, 1711746733132932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, why didn't you apply to VAllure?

>> No.72843885

who tf are you people?

>> No.72843910

kill yourself schizo man

>> No.72843912

will rebranding into a loli turn away existing viewers?

>> No.72843918

who are you????

>> No.72843923

I wish i was a woman and could post here, a lot of you seem like fun people and i a male like guys so i wouldnt sexpest you but i still know you dont want to talk to me just as friends

>> No.72843922

I don't want to do sexual content

>> No.72843940

Lack of experience.

>> No.72843954

only if you were a specific fetish but it worked as a buff for nina and her voice doesnt even fit

>> No.72843975

All your content is sexual anyway

>> No.72844003

Just come to aspcord, it's full of nice people of both genders.

>> No.72844009

can i apply? (i'm trans)

>> No.72844016

ex idol fan who heard marilou speak in vc the other night and is just confused as to why elf and pit are okay with her being there?

>> No.72844020

asp pretty good right now that the schizos are busy here to be honest go give it a try

>> No.72844064

Those viewers don't matter

>> No.72844073

Depends on how you word it. It has to be a plausible reason and not just "I want lolicon oilbaron money and I want it now!"
I don't think anyone dislikes loli models unless they are faggots that likes big tits and can't enjoy stream without bouncing booba.

>> No.72844083

I don't like a lot of people there sorry

>> No.72844119

Damn alright then.

>> No.72844164

who the fuck is marilou

>> No.72844189

Stay out of my general please and thanks. It was nice of you to drop by draw anon, but the rest of your friends are wild. I kept my schizos out of here please keep yours in this thread thanks.

>> No.72844190

Do you want to be a loli?

>> No.72844196

>you will get viewers
Not enough to matter if you don’t do it right. You may not be a 1view but if you aren’t partner you might as well be.

>> No.72844237

>ex idol fan
>in vc
why are you in the fucking wasp vc? No Idol fan I've seen, or meet are female.

>> No.72844243

What part of "Women Aspiring and Startup" did you not understand?

>> No.72844244

funny bait

>> No.72844251

elf discord vc retard

>> No.72844294

I would post her link but she hasnt set things up yet so you'll just have to wait.

>> No.72844297

>my general
Kill yourself pitty

>> No.72844312

Can't control what /asp/ schizos do, sorry.

>> No.72844331

I want to start streaming. I'm a girl. I lost my voice when I was a very young child and I can't speak. I know Corpse who streams and doesn't talk, should I try doing the same? I'm imagining a horror motif: a very long neck that coils around the "beams" of the streaming layout and a sewn shut mouth. Would it work?

>> No.72844345

i am also woman, faggot

>> No.72844362

you're the /asp/ schizo male

>> No.72844390

better question is why are you thread shitting with this garbage and why are you being such a faggot groomer 24/7 when every other one of the Idol bros is being chill?

>> No.72844395

So woman or faggot?

>> No.72844424


>> No.72844449

so youre okay with the braptuber gaining an audience and scamming money?

>> No.72844454

That doesn't matter at all idiot.

>> No.72844456

then specify it instead of talking like it's in wasp discord vc

>> No.72844517

die male

>> No.72844522

>can't read

>> No.72844577 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 300x168, 1701358543796912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my general
my board
my thread
Everything that happens here is for the glory of Hololive
The puppets dance forever in their tune

>> No.72844603

i really dont care if people are retarded enough to fall for it, you not gonna answer the question i asked?

>> No.72844673

braptuber is a woman and aspiring vtuber/vscammer so its on topic also im a poorfag who cant groom but im in elfs discord because she does a lot of community stuff like watchalongs in the vc with us

>> No.72844682

Yeah why not? There are multiple mute vtubers out there that just chat. As long as you have fun streaming and not expect massive numbers, you can do it. Just be warned that mute vtubers have a tougher time growing since the medium is heavily audio based.

>> No.72844692

auditions are already closed, wdym?

>> No.72844710

Trans women are women bigot

>> No.72844711

Who is your favorite /wasp/?
I don't care if someone thinks they may or may not be a /wasp/

>> No.72844733


>> No.72844747


>> No.72844759

i didn't know, i haven't heard of it before
could i have applied regardless if they were still open?

>> No.72844798

what does some gay ass discord drama from retarded menheras have to do with this place? I like Pittie but she really needs to stop trying to make this thread about her before she picks up actual schizos.

>> No.72844862

She is the one baking the thread just so it can be about her
But it fails because everyone hates her

>> No.72844890

My community knows I'm working on a redesign and little sister/brat falls underneath my current branding as well.

I wanted to be one from the very beginning but was afraid my voice wouldn't fit

>> No.72844914

She's the biggest schizo here
crabbing the girls and ruining the thread so that no one can use it while trying to recruit people into her own fiefdom

>> No.72845011

Ok pekora heres a voice audio just for you. https://files.catbox.moe/4b1sbq.webm

>> No.72845040
File: 317 KB, 640x583, 1709296518744591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome...
Well anyways, Kani is live if you want something to do while they schizo out again.
>Kani is live with Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising.

>> No.72845100

>I wanted to be one from the very beginning but was afraid my voice wouldn't fit
if its what you want to be who cares?
just lean in to the loli hag route if you think that fits better, the most important thing is that you are happy with your model and comfortable with who you are.
Also loli streamers are a buff because its incredibly rare for someone willing to be a lolicon and not be based
People overlook this a lot but it really is a big reason why people pick lolitubers, they hardly ever give a fuck about people being a bit weird

>> No.72845210

>little sister/brat falls underneath my current branding as well.
Then it shouldn't be too much trouble rebranding, since it's already something you'd like to do. Model and games is the eyecatchers, the voice and personality is what people really stay for, at least in the more gfe direction where the important thing about the game choice is that it's you playing it.

>> No.72845338

she is an actual woman right?

>> No.72845368

Sounds like a woman to me.

>> No.72845371

40/60 yeah

>> No.72845375

I think the only barrior of entry is if you have any experience with lewd audio and own an asmr system. They do open for guys too, so I think you can apply, just be certain that if they are a success and open auditions again you will have a harder time getting the job since so many are open for doing lewd audio for good money.

>> No.72845402

If she says she is that is all that matters

>> No.72845443


>> No.72846044

Which waspie has the WORST model you have seen?

>> No.72846065

One of the few real wasps no wonder she is doing well
She better never interact with boytubers

>> No.72846218

Mel, Lumi, Pippa, Gura (seriously, best holo girl and can't get a better rigged model?)

>> No.72846290

Ngl I'm a bit sad for Mamaubume, vroid models aren't the most appealing, but she's still doing well regardless.

>> No.72846296

which one she has 50

>> No.72846365

pafu and her pafus....-drool-

>> No.72846416

>(seriously, best holo girl and can't get a better rigged model?)
That lazy piece of shit wouldn't want a new model because she would have to stream to justify it. Best spend all her allocated money on a lewd video of her running around naked on the beach.

>> No.72846438

It's so ugly I can't watch her streams.
Which is just as well because she is a charisma black hole that streams boring stuff using a bad mic.

>> No.72846450

Not wasp

>> No.72846465
File: 1.27 MB, 5960x3500, untitledartwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. Perhaps scarier? I want more of a female face that looks unnatural/fake, like a doll face. It's a start.

>> No.72846501

Do NOT do that

>> No.72846502

She has a good voice. I like just having her stream open and listen, which is very unlike me.

>> No.72846560

The bad mic ruins any good voice she has

>> No.72846692
File: 618 KB, 1280x1280, ba7d914fa7edbac6a73a8d6b0b4a358c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like a Rokurokubi? If you have some kind of visual appeal/allure, people might click just for that.

>> No.72846709

I was going to ask something but I forgot...
Would someone here be interested cheap 3d model commisions for vtubing?
I am still learning and I would need more practice, that's why the "cheap" part

>> No.72846741

Go scam somewhere else

>> No.72846751

Is it because it's not flattering? I don't wish to be sexualized. I want people to be afraid.

>> No.72846807

What's a type of content you would like to watch more girls do?

>> No.72846836

Yes, but less yokai and more monster. There was a moth VTuber who had a scary model, I would rather go that route.

>> No.72846916

I can try to do designs too if you hand me your reference sheets or give advice in general

>> No.72846938

There won't be people scared because no one will watch your stream

>> No.72846970

pffft just thought about it.... some kind of model with some animal base and then use a soundboard for reaction sounds and thing. Like if a dog barks, or something. something to show emotions and then for more complex things you can type it out and have some keyboard asmr (also to show that you're not just having mute mic, you're not talking at all)

>> No.72846977

Sloppy blowjob asmr
They might as well get it over with

>> No.72847039

sloppy blowjob asmr

>> No.72847068

sloppy blowjob asmr

>> No.72847091


>> No.72847094

Sounds good, got any examples of your work?

>> No.72847106

People aren't going to watch your stream for your voice in the background, so you have to have something that will help them keep to watching you and the game you play. You can't rely on people that just want something to play/talk in the background.

>> No.72847117

I know an aspie girl that does that and she gets like 20ccv years in.
Terrible idea.

>> No.72847142

sloppy blowjob asmr

>> No.72847171


>> No.72847177

I like to think some people would show up.
Yes, or just ambient minecraft scary cave sounds, or weird and alien clicking. I like scary things and scary games by proxy, so horror would be the main theme.

>> No.72847193

well I never said it was a good idea for growth

>> No.72847230

what's this?
tt? role playing games???

>> No.72847278
File: 216 KB, 538x538, GKMmEv7WQAEY3S8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pittie live

>> No.72847311

>I like to think some people would show up.
Less than even a male vtuber

>> No.72847319

Table top roleplaying games.

>> No.72847332

Loser shit

>> No.72847348
File: 35 KB, 354x252, 1707809849954779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too man... me too...

>> No.72847391

Kill yourself males

>> No.72847392

like d&d?
or more like monopoly?

>> No.72847447

actually, i would watch a 4 chuuba collab playing monopoly, someone here playing monopoly????

>> No.72847456

Imagine paying for a debuff

>> No.72847480

No that would be boring and frustrating to watch

>> No.72847518

There are dozens it not hundreds of better 4 person collabs

>> No.72847556

i fucking love monopoly i am going to make monopoly collabs when my model is done, anyone interested??

>> No.72847660 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 2564x3188, shes winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72847682

It is a boring game that most people hate

>> No.72847813

Discord is cancer.

>> No.72847856

Full of schizo

>> No.72847894

>melposting on discord

>> No.72847932

Discords are the one ruining the thread.

>> No.72847947

why all discord servers are cringe like this
i hate discord servers

i just asked one random of my friends and told me they love monopoly
i have never meet someone before who has told me they hate the game, are you guys kidding?

>> No.72848010

Monopoly sucks

>> No.72848013

Then play with your friend don't stream it

>> No.72848088

Explains a lot doesn’t it?

>> No.72848117

Just report it for being off topic

>> No.72848157

sorry guys but monopoly is the best and everyone should know it

>> No.72848178

totally real wasp who isnt gonna scam you all you should support her https://twitter.com/MarilouUrufu

>> No.72848205

>yandere gfe asmr in the asylum
now this is real podracing

>> No.72848236

Then don’t say it at all in this thread are you trying to sabotage?

>> No.72848325

new wasp thread here >>72848241

>> No.72850050

i told someone i was a hag today and they said they're a fan now... i don't understand the demand for hags but it makes me feel better about myself

>> No.72851103

Please… I’ll get a new model… one day I’ll have as many as iron mouse.
