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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 381 KB, 3000x2000, gem girl ascended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72709788 No.72709788 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4FgQ-G4PZM
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC8EqXFcqWk
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.72709817
File: 316 KB, 2000x2000, gem girl painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schejewel TBC.

>> No.72709894

She'll stop at Zote 5... Thanks god

>> No.72709916
File: 1003 KB, 1280x720, Gotta Rock In 0-12 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72709922
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>> No.72709921

she's a COWARD!

>> No.72709980

I told you zote would get his revenge.

>> No.72709991


>> No.72710020

for now yeah

>> No.72710085

Not worth doing the rest till you have all upgrades

>> No.72710225

the last upgrade will take this fight from ~90 hits to ~70

>> No.72710248


>> No.72710299

I really wanted to see her beat him up but I gotta go to sleep. Good luck beebster, I know you can do it.

>> No.72710459
File: 31 KB, 368x432, 1614032896613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't done the collector yet has she?

>> No.72710505
File: 117 KB, 363x358, get booped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right back at you.

>> No.72710538

She has not. Which is why she doesn't have pure nail.

>> No.72710542

Does she have fury equipped?

>> No.72710571

She's losing it

>> No.72710651

No. She said she's not equipping it cause its only good for zote 5 and not for zote 6 through 10.

>> No.72710826


>> No.72710863

I don't know if gamer stance will be enough.

>> No.72711055

So Biboo goes missing right? Is it cause she's taking a grippy sock vacation?

>> No.72711107
File: 98 KB, 251x260, crazybiboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72711172

inb4 biboo streams for 6 hours and somehow gets abducted at 12:00 her time

>> No.72711234

biboo's laugh sounds like the curse pots from dark souls 2

>> No.72711405

just listen

>> No.72711515


>> No.72711637

huh, it actually does

>> No.72711671

this is the run

>> No.72711778

god i fucking hate these clipwatching tourists talking about the pacifier buff.

>> No.72711884

I can't believe Koseki Bijou is fucking dead

>> No.72711930

Who is Koseki Bijou and why is Advent looking for her?

>> No.72711937

I think biboo should change out her skills so she just produces flies from her spirit, it's not like she has time to heal and she also isn't casting very often.

>> No.72712079

Nice, I had a good feeling about that run.

>> No.72712083

Once I saw her doing the wall jump I knew she had the fight down.

>> No.72712092

It's incredible the difference on her gameplay when she really focus on the games

>> No.72712108

pure masochism

>> No.72712156

That fucking laugh.

>> No.72712159

>it just does more damage now
oh that's kinda boring

>> No.72712207

Whenever I try that strategy the flies are just too distracting desu.

Also it leads to situations where you want to dd for iframes but you have no spirit.

>> No.72712223

Even though I think the name Biboo is cute I'm mad that it got so popular because I think Bijou is an awesome name and I like it a lot more than Biboo

>> No.72712292

I want a soundpost of that clear, she had some awesome dodging including wall jumping

>> No.72712308
File: 501 KB, 1114x1600, houseki no kuni got weird huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gem girl ascended
As long as she doesn't ascend to godhood I think Kosexy Bijuicy will be okay.

>> No.72712490

fast twavel

>> No.72712506

why is she like this?

>> No.72712662


>> No.72712715

pretty sure she already knows about the bank

>> No.72712737

She knows it gets me harder than a rock

>> No.72712749

iit's pretty memorable so I'd believe it

>> No.72712824

Knowing the way Biboo plays I wouldn't be surprised if she never used the bank when she first played

>> No.72712846

but I'm not ready for Quirrel to die :(

>> No.72713089

lmao this woman

>> No.72713091


>> No.72713105

I knew she would do this lol

>> No.72713109

I believe in Biboo

>> No.72713135

Grub counter is a legend now.

>> No.72713138

based autism pebble keeping track

>> No.72713333

doesn't zote scale with your weapon upgrade

>> No.72713425

even better

>> No.72713577

Since when did Biboo have a sword? Is it made of her particles?

>> No.72713589

Does leaving him alive get you anything

>> No.72713609

if you spare him, he ends up shacking up with the warrior who turned painter and they live happily as old gay bugs

>> No.72713610

He moves in with the painter bro and they become a couple.

>> No.72713636

>a couple
a couple of painter bros

>> No.72713647

That's just a metroid

>> No.72713650


>> No.72713671

pebblebros, i have all of dd2 and hk left on my vod list, which series should i watch first, or should i vod them in parallel, did she also say anything about next weeks schedule (besides the fact that she teased the kyufuu all back cover during her collab) at the beginning yet? wouldn't really make sense tho since she's supposed to be missing tomorrow

>> No.72713728

Personally I'd say DD2, but only because Biboo messing around in that game has had some of the best Beebs gaming moments so far.

>> No.72713757

Ascended bijou, her emotions have been cracked and now flow out unconsciously, swaying the hearts of even the gods. The details are unclear, but her left wing is corrupted in this process leaving behind a shining gem katana sword. lovingly dubbed "The Gyattmato"

>> No.72713774

Why is Quirrel so much cooler than John Hollowknight

>> No.72713806

I've missed some streams, has Biboo found the bug with the paper bag mask around?

>> No.72713809

Losing to this boss with pure nail? She must be sleepy...

>> No.72713851

pls rember shes taking double dmg go easy in gem girl she's a little rarted

>> No.72713853

Quirrel vs Rusty
who wins?

>> No.72713905

colosseum and zote 5 sapped a lot of her juice

>> No.72713919

Cloth? yeah next encounter is her helping with traitor lord

>> No.72713980

go easy on*

>> No.72714119

yeah I was wondering if she'd hit all of cloth's things for that reason

>> No.72714144

DD2 so you can hop into the next one

>> No.72714394

With enough idol voice training she'll sing like an angel one day...

>> No.72714662

She already sings like an angel

>> No.72714693

Time for some of the best OSTs in this game

>> No.72714796

If you haven't played / watched this game yet, get ready for some kino

>> No.72714845

you can literally pogo this guy to death

>> No.72714852

>title drop
kino... pvre kino...

>> No.72714857

It's John!

>> No.72714860

THE HOLLOW KNIGHT is whooping your ass Biboo

>> No.72714899

Then who the fuck has Biboo been this whole time??

>> No.72714924

"No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering..."

>> No.72714942

random bug that may or may not work out, ask the king

>> No.72714951

Is this the "Final Boss"?

>> No.72714965

For a couple of the endings yeah

>> No.72714976


>> No.72714980

Do you want the actual lore? It's pretty cool

>> No.72715003

I'm just shitposting, I adore this game and its lore.

>> No.72715018


>> No.72715041

You don't fight radiance in this ending?

>> No.72715045

NTA but yes

>> No.72715077

no, you have to upgrade the dream nail in order to get inside HK's head

>> No.72715081

If you get the three Watchers but not the Void Heart, you don't fight Radiance.

>> No.72715102

NTA but no, if you post it with spoilers I won't be able to control myself and I will read all of it. Then I will lash out and blame you for spoiling the game for me.

>> No.72715189

coliseum and zote took a lot out of her

>> No.72715258

Tbf if you want to know the lore of this game just watch some youtuber like Mossbag, this game is almost worst than Dark Souls in explaining everything about the lore and Biboo will probably lose a lot of context in her gameplay

>> No.72715334

Hollow Knight love

>> No.72715364

Basically, the Hollow Knight is a vessel containing Void that is supposed to imprison a vengeful god of light called The Radiance. It, like our little hero, was created deep beneath the kingdom. The Hollow Knight was a success, supposedly, so the rest of the Vessels were left behind and forgotten. But the Hollow Knight was supposed to be pure and untainted so the Radiance wouldn't be able to control it, but there was an "idea instilled" ((some believe love for its father) and over the years, the Radiance has been breaking free from the prison. So our little knight came back to take on its true purpose and become a new, untainted vessel.

>> No.72715374


>> No.72715399

>In the end, I truly was the Hollow Knight

>> No.72715443

Simply kill god

>> No.72715517

>you just become gwyn

>> No.72715518

So you take the hollow knights place without the benefit of the watchers spell? Doomed to fail?

>> No.72715526

It leaked because John Hollowknight began to feel

>> No.72715590

I don't think so. The Watchers didn't do anything but hold back the Radiance slightly when it was leaking out of the HK. And even then, not that well, since mothmommy was mindfucking all the bugs who got too close regardless. Little Ghost will do better because it's actually a true pure vessel.

>> No.72715595

In this ending.... yeah. If our Vessel is not pure enough to hold the infection forever there's nothing to hold it of getting free

>> No.72715609

Arguable. If the little ghost isn't corrupted like the Hollow Knight was, the spell might hold. But it's definitely the "bad end", there are better endings

>> No.72715615

>So you take the hollow knights place without the benefit of the watchers spell?
In this ending at least...

>> No.72715623

How many more hollow knight sessions does she have?

>> No.72715643

2-3 at worst.

>> No.72715666

If she actually commits to doing the pantheons, it's going to be weeks

>> No.72715670

I'm going to lash out.

>> No.72715674

Smells like doubtnigger in here.

>> No.72715704

She's gonna do them not overcharmed, so it's gonna be less terrible.

>> No.72715725

oh thank christ, I can't imagine trying to do them overcharmed

>> No.72715741

It depends on how focused she'll be on doing the rest of the content. She has 2 entire DLCs to do, some areas, a lot of bosses and some side quests.

>> No.72715742

3-4 weeks imo

>> No.72715824

She's never done it before, it's only fair she does it normally instead of hardmode.

>> No.72715868

so any hollowknight loremaster here wanna tell me what the messages in jellyfish palace mean

>> No.72715923

>ARS aka

>> No.72715946

Biboo's butt will get bigger if she doesn't start working out again

>> No.72715969

>less than 5 dollars

>> No.72716012

Path of pain isn't even that hard.

>> No.72716035

Yeah it's a dumb cheat and anyone that uses it should suicide.

>> No.72716081

If she actually goes for Celeste chapter 9 it'll make path of pain look like a joke.

>> No.72716088
File: 12 KB, 84x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's trivial in my opinion.

>> No.72716107

Based Hivecheater

>> No.72716152

with overcharmed it's a little more complicated than that but you can just use grubsong and grubfly elegy to generate infinite soul

>> No.72716154

I cheated even harder... I used kingsoul.

>> No.72716216

Please imagine a most condescending Costanza in my image field right now.

>> No.72716314

It just makes it so you can retry the platforming sooner desu.

>> No.72716362

Biboo doesn’t know what factorio is
I don’t know what factorio is

>> No.72716379

She could always ask Okayu.

>> No.72716416
File: 218 KB, 846x332, Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 03-04-59 Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping for Biboo Factorio one day, should be nice

>> No.72716446

It would be a good topic of discussion during their inevitable pillow talk, I think. The fatto catto WILL fuck the gem.

>> No.72716456

It's really not her type of game but pebbles are autistic.

>> No.72716481

She would not enjoy it. Maybe if she collab with Kaela.

>> No.72716507

kek she fell for the ars akasupa

>> No.72716522

This is just a /vt/ thing, actually. Every single fucking general has autistic retards going OH I THINK (chuuba with clearly defined interests that we all understand) SHOULD PLAY (autismcore faggot shit that aligns with exactly zero of those interests)

>> No.72716544

biboo wouldn't enjoy it
kaela didn't enjoy it

>> No.72716551

peak tourism
it's bound to happen during a hollow knight stream

>> No.72716576

If kaela enjoyed it she wouldn't have quit after the tutorial. If anything if Okayu finishes it it's a testament to her being special in the head compared to that other holos.

>> No.72716624

Biboo is a L O N D O N poster

>> No.72716643

female vtubers would literally drag their dick and balls through a mile of broken glass to meet 1 female fan at a meet and greet

>> No.72716700

You need to be a hag to enjoy that game.
It filtered even Kaela

>> No.72716771

Kaela likes working harder not smarter. Factorio rewards smarter not harder.

>> No.72716773

Yeah but I want to see what's going to be the shape of her spaghetti factories. What will go through her mind as she tries to optimize production. Her reaction to bugs ruining everything.
If she ends up enjoying it, then it just turns into a zatsu game anyway.

>> No.72716811
File: 8 KB, 457x67, 1686981079745780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72716839

Holy autism.

>> No.72716871

It's became a joke at this point.

>> No.72716897

I cant explain how to roll your tongue to Biboo

>> No.72716933

>I like a game, so of course my oshi will like it too :D


>> No.72716939

I’m hungry and it’s 1 am

>> No.72716945
File: 57 KB, 575x577, i'm dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother in christ you are AUTISTIC and not in the funny sense of the word. Good for you.

>> No.72717017

kill yourself

>> No.72717045

imagine gargling water
now do it without water in your mouth.
that's how i do it (well that's how i sound like chewbaca but you get the idea)

>> No.72717081

>happy april fools
why is this suddenly getting treated like a holiday?

>> No.72717111

biboo would probably enjoy hades

>> No.72717112

That's not rolling your tongue tho, that's your pallete

>> No.72717122

She played and beat Hades, she just didn't get the true ending

>> No.72717128

But you roll your r’s with the tip of your tounge not the back.

>> No.72717151

Help help get some help.

>> No.72717162

If you were a gamer you would understand

>> No.72717161

Bijou doko?

>> No.72717170

>that's how i do it
you are not doing it

>> No.72717172

oh that's what it is.
my bad then

>> No.72717176

Control your autism, good lord

>> No.72717189

take off your name, retard

>> No.72717219

Clearly you aren't playing the 4chan April fools event this year

>> No.72717225

Imagine gargling deez nuts!

>> No.72717288

>shitty soulless bitcoin crap
I hate 4chan
everywhere else is worse

>> No.72717305

I can tell you aren't going to watch more than one stream by the way you type

>> No.72717330

He doesn't even watch streams at all.

>> No.72717344

There's a reason I've been here for 18 years...

>> No.72717369

inb4 the april fools event is a leadup to whatever biboo has planned for her bday

>> No.72717440

Well she did say she has an announcement of an announcement but maybe its just her leaked cover

>> No.72717538

Where in the World is Koseki Bijou

>> No.72717608

That's a gazillion roguelites she could play. Dead cells. Loop hero. Skul. There's way more but I can't be assed to name them.

I could tolerate her playing that type of game but if she wants to grind through every one to completion I'm done.

I'm not saying she should play autism games but you need some standards. There needs to be some skill expression other than just grinding runs until you power to enough.

There's tons and tons of retro games and could play before she plays brainrot like Skul.

>> No.72717760

hades has a huge skill ceiling but it does get repetitive

>> No.72717947

Darkest dungeon? I don’t know I don’t really play roguelikes.

>> No.72718007

honestly I'd Aka every stream if she played Pre-World Monster Hunter.

>> No.72718190

I'd outbid you for her to stay away from that outdated autismtrash.

>> No.72718192

I'm not a fan. Sure you can argue that heat runs are super skillful but there's way too much gross rng in doing that.

Darker Dungeon was actually ruined by the devs desu.

>> No.72718193
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 1696912125272090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be a balance of "Game that is fun for her", "Game that is fun for pebble" and "Game that won't destroy her channel"
She clearly doesn't care about going for numbers given her long playthroughs, but she also can't play any autism simulator you guys want her to enjoy if she wants to get to 1M

>> No.72718198

She would have to play either 1, 2, or tri on a wii, as the rest were on DS

>> No.72718266

well said, I think biboo understands that too, she tries to balance it well with a few FOTMs every month

>> No.72718305

>way too much gross rng in doing that.
I think that's the point. Not everyone enjoys it, but it's the whole point of the game, putting together a build out of nothing. You can mitigate some of it with the gifts.

>> No.72718355

She does. It's why she would rather do 40 hours of Hollow Knight but not 40 hours of FF7R, one is a channel killer.

>> No.72718485
File: 57 KB, 498x457, a sad pebble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... she doesn't even need to do more than one stream... I just want to see what she would be like playing Factorio after someone talked about it on a supa...
I don't really expect anything but if future Biboo feels like playing it, then it could lead to a fun stream... I'm sorry...

>> No.72718610

I think Biboo should play Europa Universalis IV and try to get 100% Steam achievements.

>> No.72718613

There's an issue of when you play as many hours as she does you start to literally run out of games. See Okayu's channel and Kaela's channels for exhibit A.

She's played all the modern fromsoft type games on steam. It's heavily implied she's played many of the classic ones pre debut.

There's another issue of permissions autism. See no holos playing helldivers despite it being fotm.

I don't think she'll play factorio. But you fucker who keeps asking for Rabi-Ribi might actually get your way.

>> No.72718649

Payday 2 too as well

>> No.72718708

Rabi ribi is actually fun.

>> No.72718731

Nah thats an issue for people that drop a lot of games, not for her
Biboo is willing to try all game genres, and even if she streams a lot she finishes 90% of what she starts.
Its a big issue for a bunch of ENs that one do one/two shots of games

>> No.72718751

in a few years biboo will just play random games from the last page of steam like kaela does

>> No.72719194

I think high level roguelike runs can be fun to watch but it has to be on someone with a ton of hours in the game who knows it inside and out, so they can both move quickly and you can root for them believable salvaging dogshit RNG situations. Kinda like those streamer one-tricks who've reached the point where they just do randomizers, increasingly handicapped runs or both.
Biboo swaps tracks way too often to really reach that level for any game though, she's pretty dedicated to the jack of all trades or challenge runs but master of none thing she has going right now.

>> No.72719227

Seeing a skilled vtuber play Rabi-Ribi on stream would be great, especially on a challenge run or higher difficulty, but I doubt I'll ever get to see it happen.

>> No.72719456

Pebbles are so autistic.

I wonder if biboo is too or if she'd be spamming Balatro and Helldivers non stop if it weren't for permissions Autism.

>> No.72719516

Balatro is available for them, both Ina and Fauna played it
I don't think Biboo is into card games though.
She'd definitely try helldivers I think at least once

>> No.72719518

holoEN does have the baltaro perms but biboo hasn't played it at all

>> No.72719531

I think it's not as bad a fit for her as some anons say. Despite her rock brain action game gorilla reputation, she's meshed well with exploring and optimizing games with many options when she does the rare offscreen practice, and she can tolerate stuff like the Kaelautism games or shiny hunting for hours.
If she's concerned about viewer experience with long JRPGs or too much open world exploration or plot onstream though, she'll probably have similar concerns with Factorio.
Get her to fall for it like DMC and you might see one a year after the initial stream.

>> No.72719695
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 1711185834383099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its a tourist when it types with reddit spacing

>> No.72719752

coop progression systems are always a bit unfortunate in streaming
payday 2 or other /coopg/ content like that one anon who keeps mentioning vermintide would mesh with her brat tendencies really well and let her fight way more than stuff like LC if she wants to try to get good, but hours of barrier to entry before the game starts opening up (and needing to get similar investment from collab partners) is a huge blocker
DRG is likely in a similar boat, as much as people want to see it from her

>> No.72719777

Why isn't biboo playing le funny number go up XD poker game then?

The answer is because she loves me.

>> No.72719881

I mean, Rabi-Ribi is a metroidvania with a kinda deep combat system and a billion bosses, the only catch is the massive focus on bullet hell. I'm not sure if that aspect would drive her away but it's a great skill-based game nonetheless.

>> No.72720404

Do they even have permissions?

>> No.72720796

>the only catch is the massive focus on bullet hell. I'm not sure if that aspect would drive her away
She's expressed interest in evolving from the common "I consume 2hu things that aren't the games" level to the apparently much less common "I can actually play 2hu" level, so bullet hell reps may well be a feature and not a bug for her

>> No.72721375

oh nice new pfp https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

>> No.72721531
File: 310 KB, 640x400, biboo molotov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as foretold by the prophets

>> No.72721625

She changed her twitter name to "Biboo" too
What if this april 1st stuff is all in preparation for a rebranding as Biboo?

>> No.72722369

Through the fire and flame. BIBOO

>> No.72723327

if baker sees this, let's rename this to koseki biboo general until biboo changes it back

>> No.72725021
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>> No.72725048
File: 2.94 MB, 524x510, chuuni misses their mommy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbot129.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72725231
File: 400 KB, 736x799, 1703459071225016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72725270
File: 2.33 MB, 1256x1888, 1695674404867312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72725331
File: 1.98 MB, 1256x1888, Where's Biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72725408
File: 506 KB, 1440x900, Where is she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72725447

Man I love Koseki Biboo

>> No.72726569

Biboo needs glasses

>> No.72728025

Looks funny, let's do it.

>> No.72728440

Biboo is ihou

>> No.72728638

Any bets on what type of merch she'll have for her birthday? Its in less than 2 weeks

>> No.72729247

Probably pebble plush more than likely. Who knows what else will be with it though

>> No.72729287

Fuck, I spent all my savings in gacha... I'll have to take a loan at this point

>> No.72730205

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.72730572

I regret to inform you that she is missing, presumed cute.

>> No.72730841

Just woke up. Rock st--

>> No.72730986

We don't know. I have our top pebbles on the case, but there's just not that much evidence yet.

>> No.72732412



>> No.72733389
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>> No.72733951


>> No.72734883

Oh fuck that's cool as shit
Congrats dude.

>> No.72735682

Proud of that retard. He did great work for Biboo; the recognition is deserved.

>> No.72736031
File: 39 KB, 778x660, crackrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know where Koseki Bijou is.

>> No.72736093

do not smoke biboos, that's how you get kidney biboos

>> No.72736211

Ive already Jotem

>> No.72737624

Can't wait for tonight's stream. I will find Biboo.

>> No.72739114

Biboo love

>> No.72739384

gj ludokino

>> No.72739995

You can(not) find Biboo

>> No.72741243
File: 381 KB, 4092x2893, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72742267

This was so cute

>> No.72742861
File: 178 KB, 900x900, 20240228_103327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72744729
File: 2.28 MB, 914x728, Biboo's Great Adventure[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmkc21p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her go!

>> No.72746125
File: 1.89 MB, 1500x3916, comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some angst

>> No.72747019

kiss biboo
headpat biboo
tell biboo she did a good job

>> No.72747334

Guys where the FUCK is Biboo?

>> No.72747410
File: 318 KB, 2893x4092, 2e93e2c8a1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm keeping her safe in my room. Don't worry, I gave her strawberry milk and videogames, she's fine.

>> No.72748523

So what's in the coming week

>> No.72748676

Me coming in Biboo, of course

>> No.72748682

don't know, biboo's missing, but probably off day to upgrade her tech, hk, climbing game, dd2, kyufuu all back cover (hopefully a karaoke to go along with that), lotr again

>> No.72748744

no one knows but at least this:
LOTR Watchalong, Hollow Knight, Dragon's Dogma 2, Climbing Ojisan, Advent collab, maybe a day off

>> No.72750077
File: 91 KB, 850x638, koseki_bijou_and_kaela_kovalskia_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one grindstone with a random game

>> No.72750292
File: 833 KB, 4096x2703, biboobs too bigboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all is right with the world.

>> No.72752114
File: 477 KB, 2893x4092, 1711990591502996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Since her Debut, this is the first time Biboo changed her Twitter profile picture.

>> No.72752527 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3840x2160, 【MV】Loveit? | Koseki Bijou (Cover) [NfhJK602XdE].webm_snapshot_02.10.906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: kimi wa warui ko na no

>> No.72752986

>no "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? because that would be weird" soundpost

>> No.72753129

Shut the fuck up YTC tourist

>> No.72753468

nobody thinks this is funny after the fact

>> No.72753655


>> No.72753817


>> No.72753997

Real Houseki no Kuni vibes

>> No.72756424 [DELETED] 

This is the same retard that spammed the "whore, me?" soundpost

>> No.72757341


>> No.72757690
File: 43 KB, 119x135, me irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moaiman dying of kidney stones
This is me btw

>> No.72757928

>bunch of rock ojisans who all stop fighting to try to grab some cunny the moment it steps in range
who took this group photo of /gem/

>> No.72759512
File: 99 KB, 1015x1093, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72759816

I just think its really funny

>> No.72759889

can someone edit her scream over this

>> No.72761841
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, electric wind gem fist[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frru57b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I could do with what was given me.

>> No.72761897


>> No.72761946
File: 359 KB, 1280x720, not gonna sugarcoat it [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2p9ne9.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked one that sounded funny

>> No.72762045

okay this one is more in line with what I was thinking, but you gotta time it with her getting hit

>> No.72762974
File: 3.13 MB, 1920x1080, fwmc biboo ryona[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcgu87q.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72763824

four hours..... no biboo.....

>> No.72764216

Silksong go an Xbox page today, Biboo might actually manifest it

>> No.72764959

oh it's april 2nd for team cherry too... did biboo manifest silksong?

>> No.72765031 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 895x895, Sobbi11 tapeworm bijou F3J8DRmXMAAOgcE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the missing Biboo...

>> No.72766803
File: 1.13 MB, 1100x1100, One must imagine the pebbles happy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhm01jw.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my rock

>> No.72768418

30 minutes to go from 1 to 10

>> No.72770715

Bijou really is gone, it's over bros

>> No.72770766
File: 1.94 MB, 960x960, bijouver bijouwari da dang it [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkpbeku.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the end?

>> No.72770815
File: 141 KB, 225x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /gem/ its the pebble who loves biboo even more because of Veyle FE Engage. I want to let you all know that Kaela is in the game too

>> No.72771740

I wish Veyle's evil dommy lolibaba side was real and not literally just her schizo edgy fanfiction form, she's not even a little bratty or Beeb-like in the end
Also if she's going to show up that late she should at least bring a chuuni evil dragon henshin as strong as the old games and not her beepin butter knife

>> No.72771980

It's actually super crazy though. Like, in every way possible besides being a brat, Veyle was primer for Biboo for me

>> No.72772432

I found bibo-

>> No.72772633
File: 15 KB, 1152x648, 1707986194587531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72773138

Uhhhhhhh bros????
I think biboo has manifested it.

>> No.72774043

Its +00:11 BST, where's the schedule Biboo?

>> No.72774098

uhhh hello? my wife has been missing for HOURS now and you're worried about the beeping schedule? WHERE IS MY WIFE?

>> No.72774359
File: 21 KB, 660x215, biboo please release silksong (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo is missing because she went to Team Cherry's office to force them to release Silksong
The prophecy has come true

>> No.72774469 [DELETED] 
File: 725 KB, 1490x1300, 1712012129128381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo needed ascended!Biboo's power to win over Team Cherry
Deepest lore

>> No.72774582
File: 725 KB, 1490x1300, 1712012129128381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo needed ascended!Biboo's power to win over Team Cherry, that's why it took so long for it to pop up
Deepest lore

>> No.72774783

Third time's the charm anon, try again.

>> No.72774884
File: 81 KB, 720x720, bonk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F03ath8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72775683

So biboo doko?

>> No.72775742

In my bed. If you can find the fucking thing, you'll probably find her, too. If only we knew where she stored them...

>> No.72776069

What did Advent do with MY WIFE

>> No.72776468

She's been pamper-raped... it's like rape, but a lot gentler and with lots of headpats and praise.

>> No.72776583


>> No.72777048

Watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk94p6023k4 to recharge my Biboonium after working long hours

>> No.72777286

Someone should make some soundposts out of these moments, just saying

>> No.72777351

I would but since you keep begging for it I won't.

>> No.72777417

release date after biboo beats pantheon 5

>> No.72777807

Wow it's coming next week!!

>> No.72779598

I'd blow raspberries on biboo's tummy

>> No.72780150

New bread:
