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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 199 KB, 424x424, eliraderanged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72741177 No.72741177 [Reply] [Original]

Ok Mint it's time to save Elira.

>> No.72743496

fuck this bitch.

>> No.72744248

Aint no one saving that slimy bitch

>> No.72744286

Shitlira doesn't want to be saved, Kurosanji is right where she wants to be

>> No.72747373

No reason to save her, she is basically a manager and can do what she wants to her subjects. Made her piss-stained bed, will be dying in it.

>> No.72747966

You do realize that Matara has never had a collab with Ethyria despite meeting them in person? Also being a bit nudge-nudge about the whole thing? Mint is never going to collaborate with a Niji ever again.

>> No.72748133

People want so badly a gigantic civil war, especially the sis, because that will hopefully bring down someone else while Niji is the only one falling down of their own actions.
Mint is redebuting as indie on 4/4 and that's all that is an actual news, the podcast is literally called "Summer Podcast" and we are in April, it will take at least 2 months to get there.

>> No.72748246

Elira can only be saved by anal correction

>> No.72748450

No Last Famelira, there's no saving her.

>> No.72748599

Shouldn't have made pomu pay for your half of the antarctica trip if you wanted her to save you.

>> No.72748885

> elira graduates and reincarnates as an indie
> collabs with everyone including doki
> they mention that their bad on screen chemistry in the past was due to management imposing creative decisions about their respective stream styles and personas which didn’t mesh well
> zero cracks in the wall of privacy over whatever behind the scenes conflicts went on, or new leads about who the real guilty party is
> dramaniggers hang themselves

>> No.72748958

Cool fanfic

>> No.72748981

I really wish the court documents would leak so we'd have the full real story so this drama could be finalized one and for all its frustrating not knowing who to hate

>> No.72749093

>Delulu Famelira making up cope fanfiction.
Hurts doesn't it, having your oshi in stream limbo?

>> No.72749198

Maybe just hate the company that has repeatedly proved to be shit, or what it actually came out in receipts?
Doki wanted to move over and everytime the sis open their mouth saying she has a problem, it's proven wrong in a week. Even Niji clearly wants just to move on but they keep yabbing once a week because they are in a downward spiral and Riku only knows "accellerate" as a verb.
The sis can't cope that all this is the company's fault and try to blame everyone and everything but the management. That should be telling you.

>> No.72749924

...and then the famelira woke up.

>> No.72750216

Thats what the broadcast is for.
Mint and Matara gonna throw Doki under the bus for Elira.

>> No.72750737

And risk getting kicked out of Vshojo?
I keep saying this, but even if she’s among the bullies in the clique, Matara is no doubt smart enough to know that standing up for them or, more importantly, attempting to slander Doki won't end well for her

>> No.72751613

Hate the company obviously, hate everyone who's doing it for free in defending them.
Hint: That means Hanamori shitters

>> No.72751907

What do you think this podcast for? It's Pomu being a doormat and helping her "friends" regain their credibility.

They're not dumb enough to go after Doki, not yet at least. Instead they'll just support each other and do everything they can to get each others' numbers up. They're looking to regain credibility and views and money right now; once they have regained some influence and are all out of Nijisanji, then they'll start looking at taking revenge.

>> No.72752870

Yes lets make Vshojo into hanamori 3, what could go wrong

>> No.72752947

Why would she do that

>> No.72753524

>once they have regained some influence and are all out of Nijisanji, then they'll start looking at taking revenge.
What type of fucking Chinese mindset is this?, zero chance in hell they will try this, if it fails, it would kill 3 careers and 2 companies.
They will just leaved Doki be and if they ever meet again by coincidence they will just keep formalities and chit-chat to a minimum and move on and repeat if it happens again unless they start to collab with Doki which might not happen and I understand why.

>> No.72754072

It would be nice

>> No.72754384
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>> No.72754412

NijiEN’s bad management is roughly 2/3rds of the problem. The last remaining third goes to the fact that said management made some awful hiring decisions that started with Ethyria, though in fairness there’s been quite a few decent exceptions then like Ike, Fulgur/Alban, Maria/Ren/Scarle/Aia, Doppio, Vanta, and the two girls of TTT.
Yeah, NijiEN has a lot of problems that can’t be helped, but some of the problem talents could at least try not to make their bad situation worse. The Secret GC stream showed that they knew what some people thought about them, some like Enna just thought they were above it all.

>> No.72754484 [DELETED] 

>What type of fucking Chinese mindset is this?

>> No.72755081

Anon do you know how dumb that is? Not only is Doki publicly infallible (barring some major Yab.) VShojo would absolutely not let that fly, they saw what happened in Nijisanji. Besides, does Matara and Mint have a reason to even go after Doki? Even if they're friends with the clique still, there's nothing suggesting Doki wronged them, or that she did anything to them.

>> No.72755170

Please Mint... Just one tweet to Elira wishing her well... Kiara already destroyed most of the dramafags with her tweet, we just need one more to eradicate this clique rrat

>> No.72755320 [SPOILER] 
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I still stand with her titties

>> No.72755479

She can save herself by posting sex ASMR as a return stream

>> No.72757081

only death can save her soul

>> No.72757142

Kiara didn't destroy shit. All she did was rack up more schizo antis

>> No.72757182

Lol no, this bitch needs to stay gone.

>> No.72757244
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, june.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi never had the makings of a top level entertainer.

>> No.72757325

Nigger if anything Kiara has shown her true colors by interacting with her more than anything.

>> No.72757657
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>Kiara already destroyed most of the dramafags with her tweet
Least delulu Famelira

>> No.72757795

Fuck off you anti, you want to sabotage Mint's triumphant return.

>> No.72758168
File: 148 KB, 711x720, my_take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... She was never good.
Only reason she was relevant (to a minimal degree) was because she's practically NIJI EN version of Sora.
She was the Front runner of Lazulight and legitimately had a bossy air around her despite being a dork of now known colossal proportions. That also explains why she always got merch.
Had she debuted later, she would have likely been a 2-3 view in risk of decline post-debut.
And if any of the rrats are true, she takes more than she can handle very often.

>> No.72758346
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save me

>> No.72758500


>> No.72759035

Selen mentioned at least once that management failing to get perms for games/not giving the okay for stream ideas during the early days of EN made their plans to play up the dragon sisters kayfabe fail.

>> No.72759140
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>still worried about her
Don't worry bro, she's good.

>> No.72759539

I'm talking about the clique as a whole. I doubt Mint would actually help them do some dumb gay op, but she is clearly trying to help her former colleagues get back on their feet. When the clique inevitably leaves or is terminated she and Matara will both be collabing with them and promoting them.

Which is why I found the whole thing so disappointing to begin with. Mint needs to be trying to extricate herself from this mess, not doubling down on it.

>> No.72759573

One big difference is that Sora has real idol skills and idol experiences. that makes her a valuable asset for everyone else.
Elira has uhm... nothing.
Enna even at her most toxic form has more value than Elira with her singing experience.
Pomu's talent was entirely wasted as an idol LARPer. Maybe if she had more time in mocap dancing she could have contributed a lot more... But Niji had to be Niji.

>> No.72759655

>>still worried about her
>Don't worry bro, she's dead.

>> No.72759718

Only Elira can save herself, but she doesn't have the balls to do what must be done.

>> No.72759750

Elira's a pretty good singer

>> No.72759768 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.87 MB, 1286x1080, 0401174803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry ''the clique'' always stood together through centuries

>> No.72759859

>throwing your friends in times of trouble
I'm glad she's a better person than you want her to be.

>> No.72759862

there's some smut of futa elira lovingly pounding somebodies (mine) prostate and its the best thing ever.

>> No.72759867

>Elira has uhm... nothing
>"Anon... She was never good"
You got my point.

>> No.72759981

captain goes down with the ship

>> No.72760019

She made her bed, she can save herself by making more acrylic standees and charms of herself.

>> No.72760146
File: 74 KB, 850x850, __tokino_sora_tokino_sora_and_ankimo_hololive_drawn_by_felutiahime__sample-970b6ed6cb8145abda7f9d3496f5575c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira for the senpai character
>Enna with the singing
>Pomu with the mocap and dancing
Niji actually needs a whole three members to poorly emulate a Holo.

>> No.72760190

Still my oshi, and eagerly awaiting her return.

>> No.72760236

I hope you kill yourself along with her <3

>> No.72760262

>she takes more than she can handle very often.
yeah, my cum

>> No.72760312


>> No.72761331

Hating the whole company will only help the real assholes in it, because they can hide behind other people backs.

>> No.72761929

That black screen will haunt you forever, you evil fucking bully

>> No.72762273

black screen, black company, black soul.

>> No.72762446
File: 175 KB, 839x505, notowned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should graduate and then redebut (as you know who) with a Black Hole design and a weird black screen as a background.
She can't escape it so she might as well embrace it, I forgot how the guys at /pw/ call it.

>> No.72762567

>a Black Hole design
I don't think she will be allowed anywhere with a model shaped after her cunt

>> No.72763204
File: 25 KB, 633x633, anime girl with bizarre eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard for (you) to accept that a woman could be evil?

>> No.72764270

I mean, I’m sure that considering “management” took an opportunity of the lifetime away from Pomu and the rrat that Elira *is* EN management, I doubt Pomu wants to help her out of this shit. Friends or not.

>> No.72764466

It's this guy >>/vt/thread/68033404
Even in the most extreme version of the Gurrat Elira doesn't have the power to tell Konami (a Jap company directly working with JP HQ) or an idol group (same as Konami) to fuck off.

>> No.72764580

Wasn't her PL design themed after a star? Turning into a black hole would honestly be quite fitting

>> No.72764719

Also might be a good idea to rebrand because there's another mid-tier known chuuba already using a star theme in the western sphere (Lumi from Phase).

>> No.72764796

>if it fails, it would kill 3 careers and 2 companies.
that's why they need the money and reputation, so it DOESN'T fail

>> No.72765079

>that's why they need the money and reputation, so it DOESN'T fail
That's not a guarantee.
They won't try that.
Unless NotPomu is beyond retarded. She won't try this.

>> No.72765187
File: 143 KB, 1200x600, nebulae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could also go for a white dwarf or a nebulae, although she could focus more on novas, rather than stars in a redesign.

>> No.72765334

True, sounds better.

>> No.72765822

That's taken too.

>> No.72766092

But Doki is evil though so I don't see why I'd think that . Unless you're saying she doe

>> No.72766358

Ultimately it's not like it has to be unique, there are a boatloads of vtubers who share a theme.

>> No.72766380
File: 111 KB, 291x299, 1708816613306441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable. Delusions can be hard to break. Might I recommend a some Lumateperone?

>> No.72766524

man, sure is hard having a vtwitter for oshi

>> No.72766916

>"Delusions can be hard to break_
>Creates multiple rrats. Thinks Riku Tazumi is only successful because he made a deal with the devil

Whatever you say, DokiDrone

>> No.72766940
File: 190 KB, 1080x680, Screenshot_20240401_174752_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robin Williams is my hero
>reduces the Robin Williams of Vtubing to trying to kill herself twice

>> No.72767111

You talking about the voices in your head again?

>> No.72767302

Are these the voices telling you Elira bullied Doki despite literally nobody worthwhile saying this?

>> No.72767465

She did it on stream

>> No.72767605

honest thinking, anons, if the contract clause about how talents essentially agree to a decision by management by simply being publically active on their accounts is true, then Elira might be simply trying to avoid getting fucked by nippon law

>> No.72767627

When did the words "I bullied Selen" leave her mouth? If you're not schizophrenic, you'll show me

>> No.72768259


>> No.72768407

Take me to your alternate reality where the black stream never happened. I bet you have flying cars over there. The fact that you can't recognize the black stream as a textbook case of harassment is telling a whole fucking lot.

>> No.72768543

>Wakes up

>> No.72768908

Explain how making a video talking about false allegations is harassment. Were they supposed to say nothing and kneel instead? Vtuber dramafags are worse than the typical Zoomers. Only here can a response to allegations be seen as harassment instead of self defense

>> No.72769393

It's harassment if the allegations are true.

>> No.72769635

Why are you bothering with him? He's not going to be convinced by anything, maybe he'll give Elira some slack if she apologize, but he's made his mind already.

>> No.72769729

What false allegations? That Selen was being harassed by other livers? Nijisanji was the first to make that claim. All grievances Selen mentioned were with management. And management decided to throw the livers under the bus, and retards /here/ ate the bait hook line and sinker. Allusions to places of residence? Management lied to Elira and co claiming that Selen planned to dox them, while the reality is you cannot place legal grievances on "Elira Pendora", you place them on the person behind the avatar. And don't even get me started on the complete bullshit spewed by Vox

>> No.72769744

Even if they were true, it wouldn't be. In no world is someone saying something is not true harassment.

>> No.72770095

lmao she totally did some bullying and you fucks all know it. Just burn the whole damn company; any liver caught in the crossfire kinda deserves it for being motherfuckers or plain ignorant of the writing on the wall.

>> No.72771170


>> No.72772238

>self defense
>literally SELF REPORT themself with that black video that they are the bully by victim blaming,slandering,manipulating ppl
how retarded you can be sister?

>> No.72775474

with sex

>> No.72775822

You have to understand, the vermin left in Niji's corner are not the brightest and have the collective memory of a goldfish.

>> No.72776018

This, everyone with a brain and any empathy has been thoroughly filtered. All that's left is bug women who lack a soul.

>> No.72776909

nobody in their right mind would even consider saving a fucking leaf

>> No.72779706

I would fuck her dragon tits

>> No.72781404

>your friends actively get in the way of your dreams and mean girl you

>> No.72781660


>> No.72782339

>Everyone is against you and you need someone in your corner to help you get back up again. Sure what you did before wasn't the greatest thing, but there's much worse actions a person can take. Let's learn from it and have a fresh start with taking a good step forward
Yeah, good on Mint.

>> No.72782504

See >>72764466

>> No.72782734

>Why would Pomu want to make a wave song AND go to Antarctica with all of Lazulight then if that were the case? It simply doesn't make sense.

>> No.72784244

I don't see your point. Elira being an EN gatekeeper isn't predicated on her being directly responsible for Pomu missing out on an MGS collab.

>> No.72785640

Many reasons. She could have just been like Rosemi and stayed in her lane while Selen got fucked.
The whole trip was planned and paid for before things got really bad.
I believe that more than the rrat the Pomu groomed Selen over months to make her lower her guard so Elira and the clique's attacks could cut more deeply.
Cause Selen and Pomu having their matching outfits and Selen spending thousands on her own to get a promotional game for them done is way stronger of an indicator that they were on very good terms.

>> No.72786178

The only way to save that whore is to slit it's throat. Prove me wrong.

>> No.72786431

Nah this bitch had plenty of time to do the right thing and she hasn't so she can burn with kurosanji

>> No.72786560

it's too late to fix her

>> No.72786609

>luca yab right as their faggy mario kart thing happens
they literally can't catch a break, every single event of theirs will be preceded and followed by a yab or drama of some sort
also, elira chose kurosanji, everyone still there did. no one is worth saving.

>> No.72786663
File: 59 KB, 1066x677, GEgkDDYXQAA-fXN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Elira was truly a meanie she would have trouble making friends. I don't think it was the case.
She's entertained to me, she saved my life in my toughest time. That is more than enough.

>> No.72786717

>She is basically a manager
>Source: my local crack dealer

>> No.72786849

It's ok bro, I understand. We still get fandead telling everyone to apologize /here/.
I fully expect you'll be doing the same two years from now long after your oshi disappeared from vtubing.
I hope you get help at some point.

>> No.72786942
File: 103 KB, 480x480, 1708910336514006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, dumbass. People keep asking me to move on and leave the past behind, but what about me?! No one asks if I'm okay! No one thinks about how I'm doing and feeling! I still feel depressed and insecure, but I have to act like I'm okay because otherwise, I'll be mocked and criticized for being overly emotional and immature.

>> No.72786954


>> No.72787086

>No one asks if I'm okay
it's self-explanatory that you aren't; you're an elirafag.

>> No.72787129

>she saved my life in my toughest time. That is more than enough
That's a good thing and all anon but be careful. Don't go creating Gods, try to estabilize your emotions to make the right choice. Don't make one thing your reason to be, make it the reason you stood up and kept going once but nothing more than that or you'll end up like those girls that cut themselves for Vox

>> No.72787190

hey there you are, insulting me again. are you trying to start something, or what?

>> No.72787352

cause you're a big guy

>> No.72787426

>collabs with everyone including doki
Stopped reading there. Doki has integrity, and so does Elira for better or worse.

>> No.72787607


>> No.72787734

No one has respect for you or treats you kindly because you're on 4chan. We don't do that here. Find another website or hide in her discord server.
You'd only stay here if you're a masochist or have convinced yourself that getting insults constantly thrown at you on a mongolian basket weaving forum will somehow save your oshi.

>> No.72787855

I want to sex Elira

>> No.72787994
File: 21 KB, 267x223, 1697738972869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-well, you know what... y-y-you're right... i am a masochist, i admit it. b-b-being the focus of a hate campaign actually pleases me, t-t-turn it into a mob mentality, dogpile me as much as y-y-you want... i... i... aaaaahhhh

>> No.72788109

shut up mococo, fuwawa will sniff your butt after stream<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.72788160

oh, fuwawa, i-i-i'm such a worthless loser, i-i-i'm sorry i exist! s-s-s-sniff me please!

>> No.72788422

She confirmed it herself with the blackscreen stream, lol

>> No.72788486
File: 29 KB, 1081x588, NI JI SAN JI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did this, Elira. Are you happy?
Now Nijisanji JP will suffer too

>> No.72788499

>Even if it's true, itr's not true

>> No.72788575

This was meant to >>72769744

>> No.72789376

Are you implying that everything isn't already part of her masterplan

>> No.72789554

She sells crack too

>> No.72789594

Credit where its due, Elira still feels oddly comfortable being in Japan. With this scandal though she probably should be more concerned, because her and her friends undeniably cost Anycolor a lot of money. There's no way they'd have the same freedom they once had after February.

>> No.72789814

God I can't wait until she gets terminated and redebuts as a hot evil bitch. I hope she does ASMR where she whispers insults while simulating slapping you around with a KU100.

>> No.72789856
File: 855 KB, 220x124, elira-elira-pendora-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>higher up managements and Riku didn't invest in the branches
>this is somehow Elira's fault
I would accept that she took a small part in making it is what it is. But it's the higher ups being cheap and refused anything that would cause them to spend the money they ripped from livers.

>> No.72793721

Nigger she'll be a broke ass bitch streaming from a laptop with two walmart $10 headset microphones rigged to emulate a stereo setup.

>> No.72793918

>Kiara already destroyed most of the dramafags
An attempt was made to rope kiara into this.
An attempt... kek.

>> No.72795998

>If Elira was truly a meanie she would have trouble making friends.
I hate to tell you this but some of the best people at making friends are the ones that manipulate and abuse people. It actually makes it easier to be abusive if you're charismatic.

>> No.72796399

anon...she has rich parents
