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72678515 No.72678515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't let the the NDF deflect from the fact that Luca is still in Nijisanji and has been confirmed to be harassing other livers from the inside.

>Mizuchi: I went back in the chatlogs to get context about the pregnant women thing
>False: Yeah what was that about?
>Mizuchi: HE SAID THAT OUT OF THE BLUE! He just said the pregnant women thing out of the blue! I don't know why!
>False: WHAT? ...he's very open with you huh

>False: At the end of the day what would you like to see (happen) for Luca?
>Mizuchi: I still have a heart for him, I think he's a good kid ...
>Mizuchi: I DON'T HATE HIM, I'm left with a lot of trauma from him at this point which really sucks and it did take me a lot of time to realize that but I do recognize where he came from and I want to see him become the best version of who he is ...

>False: A lot of people here are honed in the nijisanji dating each other piece.
>Mizuchi: I don't know if I feel comfortable to like "expose" these relationships? Just because I don't have the logs
>False: Yeah it was more like Luca was coming to you about it and talking about how much of a problem it was ...
>Mizuchi: Yeah
>False: I know people here wanted names, we are not giving you names. sorry boys

>False: Did you enjoy your time with him when he was in Nijisanji at all?
>Mizuchi: Yeah! We still hung out from time to time, but to be honest we pretty much stopped playing games altogether ...

>False: "For some reason or another, this Nijisanji Liver also wanted to know if it was true about the merchandise autographs."

>> No.72678547 [DELETED] 
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Raziel Warmonic, alias Mizuchi, one of NijiEN liver Luca Kaneshiro's old mods, recently released a statement on Twitter about Luca (it is 72 pages long). Here is a summary of the allegations against Luca:
*Raziel knew Luca before he joined Niji; at that time, his name was Java.
*While playing VRChat in 2019, Java masturbated to Raziel's voice in her presence, after an extended period of non-sexual, non-romantic relationship between them; Java's mom then walked in on him.
*This continued into 2020, with Java engaging in "obsessive and possessive" behavior towards Raziel, primarily to prevent Raziel from interacting with other men on VRChat.
*Java also has a history of transphobic and homophobic comments. He admitted to Raziel that he misgendered a trans coworker, and is generally uncomfortable around gay men, feeling insulted when people would insinuate that he was gay.
**The main screenshots for this behavior date to 2019 (as Java), but this continued as Luca; he said "trans people make me uncomfortable" in 2023.
*He repeatedly lied to Raziel and a mutual friend, TrouserGravy, about his life and his activities as a streamer.
*When auditioning for NijiEN, he made two alt Twitter accounts to lie about the audition process.
*He got banned from a GTA V role-playing server for sexual harassment.
*In pre-debut preparations, Java (soon-to-be Luca) took advantage of Raziel, making her do most of the work and blaming her for not doing better.
**Raziel also reveals some of the things NijiEN livers are supposed to do on their own:
***Luca was provided with his model, but was expected to come up with a name.
***Luca came up with the lion mascot.
***Luca made his own introductory presentation, but asked Raziel to clean it up.
***Luca had Raziel commission (on his behalf) Luca's opening and closing animations.
***Luca didn't like the overlay he commissioned.
*During an early stream of Ring Fit Adventure, people in Luca's chat were making sexual comments. Raziel and Luca's other moderator encouraged them to stop and timed out certain people. A SuperChat made at the end of the stream asked why the moderators were banning people, and Luca said he would look into it. After Raziel assured Luca that no one was banned, Luca posted as much on Twitter. Despite this, Raziel and Luca were attacked, doxed, &c. Raziel wanted to speak with Luca and Luca's manager, but both refused to talk, and Luca told Raziel to simply not speak in the chat.
*Despite earlier statements to the contrary, Luca shifted to more "fujo-bait" and BFE content. This was because Luca was comparing himself (and his numbers) to the other Luxiem livers. Luca became more emotionally fragile at this point and repeatedly attacked Raziel for saying anything negative about his new content or focus, even as a joke.
*He used 4chan, allegedly because of Selen's influence. He would also ego-search, mainly on Twitter.
*He would often directly message fans and fan-artists on Twitter; he also lied about this to Raziel on numerous occasions.
*Luca frequently used a password-protected VRChat model of himself; while doing so, he revealed that he was actually Luca many times.
*Raziel said that Luca "has a habit of asking for forgiveness later instead of asking for permission."
*Luca often got into disagreements with other livers. He frequently spatted with Ike, arguing about timelines for mixing covers.
*Luca asked in the general Discord chat for ideas for Luxiem's first anniversary. When only Shu replied, he grew to resent the other Luxiem livers.
*After the ARLive event was canceled, the other Luxiem members wanted to bring issues to management. Luca was the only one who did not want to do so. Raziel states that Luca "expressed how he and Elira would discuss the other livers['] behaviors during this time." This lends credence to the GURRAT of liver-managers.
*Raziel was paid inconsistently by Luca. He had to be pestered to pay her. When Raziel offered to write up a simple contract, Luca vehemently refused; Luca also refused to receive invoices from Raziel.
*Luca's chat was moderated without rules for an extended period of time. This would often force Raziel and the other moderator to explain their actions to Luca after the fact. Luca was very inconsistent and unclear with what his personal expectations for chat behavior were. When the moderators finally wrote up chat rules, Luca rejected them and wrote his own. However, Luca's rules were incoherent and used slang in unclear ways, meaning that the rules were not useful to the moderators.
*Luca never tested any games before playing them. When this led to technical issues, he would turn to Raziel, who would try to help him; but Luca was often unreceptive to Raziel's comments and was very rude.
*Raziel was one of the principal actors involved in creating Luca's Luxiem-themed VRChat room. Luca was often unresponsive and prevented Raziel from speaking with other Luxiem livers.


>> No.72678598

*Raziel did much more than just moderation work; except for a credit in Luca's debut and for the VRChat world, Raziel's other work was uncredited. This includes much work she did on the Minecraft server; she was given his account information so as to use his Minecraft account to build it in Creative Mode, and give him the materials to build the remainder in Survival Mode.
*She also made several schedules for him, in addition to contacting artists about using their fan-works for the schedule.
*She wrote the story for Luca's 2nd outfit stream, and the script for his 2023 spring and birthday voice-packs.
*She wrote the hand-written message for Luca's birthday in 2023, and traced over the "Love" design in that image (which had been made by someone else).
*She also wrote the messages (in Japanese and in English) posted on Nijisanji's Twitter account to celebrate Luca's having one million subscribers.
*Luca never received any public-relations training from Nijisanji, and very little management presence was felt. Luca told Raziel that NijiEN management expected him to lead Luxiem (in a managerial sense).
*Luca shared some details of internal management with Raziel. One of these involved Luca's and Luxiem's negotiations with Japanese ANYCOLOR staff about the 2022 Nijifes and the "postponed" ARLive. Only three members of Luxiem were going to be in the 2022 Nijifes, and the song was produced by someone associated with NFTs. When they were confronted about this, the Japanese management was shocked that anyone spoke back to them, and one of them started crying. Luca was then taken out for a very expensive dinner with ANYCOLOR's top brass.
*Some time after this, Raziel broke off most connection with Luca. They talked on occasion after this, but their relationship deteriorated. During this period Luca was very emotionally abusive.
*He took pictures of other livers during IRL excursions, possibly without them knowing.
*Raziel and Luca continued with an extensive, toxic, codependent relationship.
*They finally stopped talking to each other in Spring-Summer 2023.
*Luca knew about Aster harassing female livers, but management didn't do anything and Luca also chose not to do anything after discussing the matter over with Elira and Raziel.
*Luca has also harassed other NijiEN livers; Raziel does not reveal names.
*Raziel knew (threw Luca) of at least two pairs of livers dating. They are described as follows:
**"One pair would date for a while, even meeting up IRL several times, and to my understanding ended things amicably."
**"The other pair I knew of would end up dating for a short amount of time due to one side becoming increasingly demanding and vicious towards the other."

Thank you /news/ for summarizing as best as you could.

>> No.72678718
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god damn dude.

>> No.72678741

Based, thank you for keeping this story alive. We desperately need to get down to the bottom of WHO THE FUCK IS THE LEAKER

>> No.72678869
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Doxsisters, nijisisters, NDF, whatever name you prefer are now confirmed to be trying to silence Raziel by reporting her social media accounts. They have so far succeeded in taking down the original document Raziel posted by mass reporting it for bullying and harassment.

>> No.72679323
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Reddit but an interesting perspective from a former Lucub. Including this since I've seen a few ask about what Luca's fans genuinely think, and we all know we are not going to get it here.

Had a huge discussion about this last thread. No one could connect any solid dots. We'll never know unless the leaker themselves comes out.

>> No.72679358

Fuck Niji but I highly doubt anything is gonna happen after this

>> No.72679361

TL;DR another nothingburger that will be forgotten in a week

>> No.72679574

Not on my watch

>> No.72679847

This ledditor is kind of obviously a false flagger

>> No.72679895
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>> No.72679971

It’s nothing. 99% of it is about her schizo relationship with this flip fuck, the 1% that are serious allegations don’t have names or receipts. I mean consider that faggot Aster got caught with screenshots harrassing a colleague and nothing happened so a vague claim about Luca in a google doc isn’t going to stick.

>> No.72680006
File: 28 KB, 972x271, sistersvszaion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but one unfinished SA joke towards a fictional character was enough to get this reaction.
She's STILL getting hate for it but Luca's getting off scott free actually harassing real, living, breathing people?

>> No.72680008

>I've seen a few ask about what Luca's fans genuinely think
From the nemen thread it sounds like they're just old hags who are pretty shitty people themselves

>> No.72680142

I feel like people don't talk about him leaking internal stuff to her enough.

>> No.72680272

>We desperately need to get down to the bottom of WHO THE FUCK IS THE LEAKER
We don't. It's better if they stay safe until they peacefully graduate.

>> No.72680292

>There are women on this board who actually think a pithy and overused quote about love is somehow poignant enough to frame on their wall
No wonder women are the primary purchasers of households. They'll buy anything.

>> No.72680312

It's just the third part of an interview. It's only three parts, which isn't bad. It isn't bad.

>> No.72680338

>TL;DR another nothingburger that will be forgotten in a week
sound familiar,just like what happen with doki but turn out its not negligible

>> No.72680484

like nigga really? What a retarded schizo cunt

>> No.72680587

and nothing will be done about this because rules for some and not for others

>> No.72680683

>completely ignoring that the question was asked in context to his time at nijisanji
They haven't had contact in over a year, retard.

>> No.72680685

Thanks, reasonable post. It must have taken a lot from her two write out that post.

>> No.72680726

I know but breaking contracts looks really bad to JP fans but not like they care about Luca to begin with

>> No.72680732

I think it’s the same LK person eho lurked here. My bet is still on Reimu, if the doc is true she has a vendetta against Luxiem and she’s terminally /here/.
Not that it matters, if Selen and Luca are also /here/, at this point I strongly doubt most of Niji isn’t. Say hi.

>> No.72680837

because it's not as spicy to say that she has promotional material and rough drafts for collaborations that she absolutely should not have instead of her having the company fucking e-mail and access to luxiem's locations while luca's off using his position to sexually harass the girls and openly discriminate against lgbtbbq that his fans are supposed to actually care about.

>> No.72680931

Honestly I will concede Razielbis on a warpath and this is a vendetta, but that doesn’t deny the receipts. This is actually clearly malicious and if not true Niji could bring it up in USA court and make a case of it.
Their silence on it is kinda self-incriminating at this point, not gonna lie. The only reason to not hit this is inability to prove it’s not true.

>> No.72681035

Nah, it's pretty much impossible to win a defamation case anywhere outside of Japan

>> No.72681171

no one here is denying she's toxic, not even herself as she's self reported in screenshots and stories she has decided to share
luca is just more toxic

>> No.72681258

It's possible for two people to be shitty at the same time

>> No.72681280

Yeah as much as I like speculating on who ratted who, I think it's best we just stick to speculation rather than looking for proof. We know that the talents are /here/ and it's clear that Raziel didn't say who to protect them from harassment from Aster and Luca. Though if they do get caught I hope they make reveal themselves, it'll be harder for them to harass them if they make it public.

>> No.72681299

Luca lives in Australia. Raziel is in the US. The only charges he could press her for is libel, in the US. However, she has proof and receipts with False even going as far, in his words, betting his entire channel on the authenticity of everything.

>> No.72681327


>> No.72681356

With False editing her entire doc before it got posted, you kinda have to ask how much he's paying her for the content

>> No.72681472

his video isn't monetized

>> No.72681513

What if Selenposter was Selen all along?

>> No.72681705

His twitch stream

>> No.72681759

No matter how much or little money is involved, there is proof and stories about how horrible management really is. Including but not limited to a Nijisanji liver saying that Luca is harassing others. iirc from the stream, False was weary about doing the story until he interrogated Raziel for more information.

>> No.72681795

No, the video. He tried editing it several times and YT simply wouldn't budge so he just let it go

>> No.72681947

vods on twitch don't make money, so linking them or clips after does nothing. sure maybe while he was streaming but skimming through the revenue was nearly non existent.

>> No.72682021

Every drama until the end of Q4 is a nothingburger for AnyColor

>> No.72682132

Tell that to Johnny Depp

>> No.72682178

Long time Lucubs are coming forth on Twitter and other sites that they are dropping Luca. He will be left with nothing but the Chinesefujo stans that are so volatile they will also be the first to put the dagger in his back at first chance.

>> No.72682207

What a shitshow, must be embarrassing to be associated with Nijisanji at this point

>> No.72682447

Yeah but channel growth is a lot more than the monetization on a single video. For instance, MVs are negative revenue but they're great for channel growth. It's the same concept with Legal Mindset. Any dramatuber's reputation and fame comes from the unique scoops that they have that the other dramatubers don't have.

>> No.72682599

We can argue about this all day but in the end it doesn't matter what the motive is now. Raziel is a piece of shit, but Luca is a bigger piece of shit and him and Aster are harassing other livers.

>> No.72682627

>Kiara: I don't see anything wrong with associating and even have hangout with them

>> No.72682790

Some people are stupid and care more about their friends than their careers

>> No.72682986

It just gets worse and worse. Torch the branch and clean up Riku, this is just gonna keep continuing until you purge the filth.

>> No.72683316

>Kiara: I know which is why I don't dig too deeply on what they do to other people, not my business they're assholes to others but not to me.

>> No.72683462

This is becoming as much a war on Nijisanji as it is on sisters at this point.

>> No.72683478

>False getting bot raided
They're getting desperate

>> No.72683557

false's rep comes from him covering shitloads of positive indie news for 80% of his video content. if you want to complain about him covering drama then that's fine but it doesn't undo his regular promotion of everybody else
I dislike LM because he's clearly capitalizing on drama and doesn't care about vtubers outside of that. false has been doing general coverage of the industry for years and the recent drama coverage is his bonus for the less bombastic content and revenge for niji pulling shit on him

>> No.72683678

They were multi-thread posting, trying to shit-stir earlier too. Do they not realize that they are only antagonizing viewers further, and prolonging the stink around their brand? Absolute stupidity.

>> No.72683744

I don't like this raziel person for her vendetta, but the info seems legit. Glad about the transparency.
>thread about Luca
>deliberately misinterpret a post just to change the topic to Kiara
The NDF isn't sending their best.

>> No.72683791

Raziel is the bravest person in the entire galaxy to speak against sisters with what they have done to her and knowing what they were going to do to her kek

>> No.72683902

Holy shit False is on a warpath against the sisters

It's so fucking over for them

>> No.72683928

I really wish we could get a containment board for Nijisanji and their filth. Their presence ruins Vtubing.

>> No.72684064

They shouldn't have fucked with them, besides the vast majority of them are SEA they're not threat to False or Raz unless they go announced into their territories, the most they can do is annoying internet shit like bot spam and false (heh) mass reports

>> No.72684080

unironically kinda yeah. it's not about them trying to tarnish her reputation, these are the kinds of people that get your address to mail you bleach soaked rats. it takes guts to put yourself in the line of fire like that

>> No.72684109

holy fuck, false is name dropping at this point, sisters are done.

>> No.72684186

Even 2ch and 5ch were smart enough to give niji their own separate boards, i'd be nice if vt just became /vg/ so there'd be no such thing as catalog spam as every thread would have to be its own general

>> No.72684209

Good, the entire company should die. It was a NijiJP liver who bullied Luna to the point of having to leave, while other livers did nothing. It was NijiJP fans who doxxed and harassed Aloe to the point of her jumping out of a fucking building to end her life. It was NijiJP fans who orchestrated the mass false copyright flagging of HoloJP vids meaning that huge amounts of content was lost forever. I don't know why so many /here/ are just treating NijiEN and its remaining fans as the problem considering the problem has existed since Nijisanji existed. The vtubing world will be a better place if it is entirely burned to the ground.

>> No.72684313

I can't watch his stream right now, would any anon mind doing a very quick summary of anything new besides OP? Or should I just watch the whole thing later

>> No.72684430

NijiEN fans in particular should not be allowed to live unless they all get lobotomized
