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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72641783 No.72641783 [Reply] [Original]

Come and confess, sinner and post your honest, extreme, or unpopular opinions regarding vtubers, companies and vtubing in general.

>> No.72641857 [DELETED] 
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Enna did nothing wrong.

>> No.72641895
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It's brain rot. For all parties involved. Don't pretend it isn't. Acceptance is the first step to recovery.

>> No.72641966

I don't like Ollie but her model makes me diamonds

>> No.72642214

>vtubing in general

i hope niji fucking dies just so people can stop whining about it holy shit

>> No.72642279

Mito ruined vtubing. Niggerzhangji and riku should be exterminated from existence.

>> No.72642302

I've debated wanting to post this in the Vsinger general for opinions but I feared shitting up the nice thing they have there for my curiosity so this will have to do.
After listening to https://app.suno.ai/song/0117827a-2a0a-42e7-b1b5-500747861b77/ and seeing the quality of singing produced, I am convinced that we're going to get a 100% virtual Vsinger in the near future probably from the indie space when there is a video AI model out there that can produce MVs. When you can produce Vocaloid tier singing without all the work that is needed to produce a song with text prompting, there's no way that this isn't going to lower the bar for people to try that and be the next Vedal doing this. And it's probably going to be the first step into actually getting something that will replace actual humans in the loop into actual 100% virtual chuubas that aren't terrible and need prodding and fixing like Neurosama.

>> No.72642446
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>find cute vtuber with content I enjoy on the regular
>company fucking dies
>ghosts and graduates
>ghosts and the company fucking dies
>changes streams to a different timezone and starts collabing with fleshbags on the regular
I'm tired, boss. There's about 8 vtubers I still watch, but once they eventually graduate, I'm moving on too.

>> No.72642478 [DELETED] 


>> No.72642507

I liked Ollie when I still watched Holo but that was few years ago. Unless she's toned down or something but creatively she feels like she'd fit better in a company like Phase Connect than Hololive even if Hololive is probably better for her financially.

>> No.72642574

i don't care if a vtuber collabs with a homo, but i refuse to ever watch it - not because of some schizo moral stance, but because japanese men have the most deeply repulsive personalities i've ever seen.

>> No.72642685
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I participate in threads that wouldn't do well on their own. Without me, those threads(generals) would die on their own. I pretend to know about the Vtuber/Vtubers they're talking about. Why do I do this? Well, it's nice knowing that those fans have a general they can go to and talk about their favorite Vtuber/Vtubers.

>> No.72642804

I don't care for karaoke. Sure I've been impressed by a few performances, but in general I don't really find it compelling. Much prefer video games and zatsu.

>> No.72642845

It does actually sound good. But the technicals...
>lyrics don't properly fit into bars
>song structure is wtf
>the AI can't into volume control and balance audio correctly
It's both better than expected and yet at the same time incapable. I think within the decade is feasible, but 1-2 years? No.

>> No.72643176

I hate the "usual" vtuber music. I.e. the cutesy idol stuff. Even when I like the vtubers themselves I just can't stand listening to most of the music they put out.

>> No.72644094

I honestly don't care for karaoke because most of the time they sing songs I don't like or give a shit about and because copyright shit means they have to acapella it a lot of the time. I also don't care about video games for much of the same reason in that they really don't play anything I have an interest in. Plus most video games aren't enjoyable to watch and what you're really wanting is the banter and stuff from the chuuba which.

I appreciate good yapping and creativity when it comes to chuubas.

>> No.72644818
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>Something really bad that irreparably broke my heart happened
>Find VTubers
>Spirals into this

I made an extremely long personal "Kaneko Lumi (Phase) x Anon" fanfic", it's a slow burn story, love and other stuff.
So far it's 347 pages long and complete, I am doing corrections.

I missed one of her streams recently, but when the clip of her declaring herself a rehabilitated tomboy came out and she said more about herself, I became diamonds and around 31 pages of another fanfic full of yet unedited content came out from my hand that night, didn't sleep at all but I managed to expel all of my desires into the document and I have yet to properly edit it so it fits well with the flow of this new story. I can't get enough of this woman. This new tomboy angle is making my heart go wild, the backstory of such a fic is going to make a very emotional slow burn.

I will write more. It's a good temporary solution to a likely larger bag of personal issues. Not to mention, cheaper than therapy. Something I can't afford right now.

I can't stop and I don't want to stop.

Lumi is the last thing holding my sanity together, I would have likely jumped off a bridge had I not found her, she's my last beacon of hope. Life got real. I hope that she stays sane and healthy.

No, I won't share my works, I would jump into a burning cactus if any of this became public, Gov can have it for usual glowie purposes but not the general public.

That is my confession. I trust her. With my life.

>> No.72645796

Most of it is shit. I say that as someone who likes idol music but a lot of what's produced for vtubers basically feels like basic anime OP/AKB48 style J-Pop. The underground idol scene has a lot of really good producers (Yoshinori Sato for nuance or Hiroaki Taniyama for AqbiRec's groups for insance) who I'm sure aren't super expensive and a lot of groups get surprisingly notable names to work wtih them. I just want more variety with chuuba music. I get that they want to be "idol" but they have, especially in the western and corpo sphere, a pretty narrow idea of what that is and sounds like.

I can't really think of a vtuber pulling out stuff like this (just as songs I've listened to in the past day). My thought is that if these nobody groups running on shoestring budgets can make interesting stuff, there's no reason that vtubers and vtuber companies with probably similar or bigger budgets can't.

>> No.72645895

I was personally responsible for a indie vtuber having a meltdown and deleting her discord
There were no regrets

>> No.72645981
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there is no practical difference between a vtuber and an ethot no matter how much idolfaggotry you mask it with

>> No.72646194

I wish I had the autismal drive. I can't even write more than a few pages of (non-vtuber, general fiction) stuff I genuinely want to and have been wanting to for literal years.

>> No.72648272

good taste anon. If these same songs were given to some popular holos I bet the songs will top some charts

>> No.72648389

I ask myself if the real problem with Vtuber fanbases/communities isn't a specific one but as a whole. We just love to hate and make others mad.

>> No.72648439

Tempus and nijisanji are two sides of the same coin and both along with non femboy male vtubers must be purged from the community

>> No.72648727

I think so much of it is just because this is 4chan, it's the last place on the internet where you can call someone a retarded faggot nigger, and that's why people come here, because they want that

>> No.72648956

All vtubers with a PL or RM account are unarguably pieces of fucking shit.
If you follow, sub, donate to these pieces of shit, you're a piece of shit by association and a sad person who probably looks around in a movie theater after the movie ends to gauge what others though of the movie and then join them in giving an applause.

I preferred it when "vtubers" were people who wanted to stream on the internet but weren't clout chasing sycophants or narcissists too ugly to fleshpost. That's my hard-boiled unpopular opinion.
