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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72509558 No.72509558 [Reply] [Original]

Do you forgive her now?

>> No.72509613

Dick sucking noises countdown asmr when?

>> No.72509619

No, she took my turkey sandwich when it was labeled with my name.

>> No.72509623

there is nothing to forgive, next

>> No.72509646

I will if she does some immersive 3D ASMR inside some unity environment that she handbuilt

>> No.72509666

Retard, there was never anything to forgive. My wenis belongs to her flagina

>> No.72509784

Forgive what? That she's shy about collabs and open about it?

>> No.72509826

If Fauna and Mumei like her, then she must be okay.

>> No.72509896

No. Because she has done nothing wrong and therefore has nothing to be forgiven for.

>> No.72510009
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I can never forgive her for stealing my heart

>> No.72510077

Trolls wanted us to assume the worst with "respect my collab choices", but it turned out that she was always on our side.

>> No.72510134

Was the LOTR watchalong that good?

>> No.72510214

yeah, she did a JOI countdown with Fauna

>> No.72510245

Lies. Clip?

>> No.72510389

Oh, I forgot that it was on discord just for me anon, I got it mixed up, sorry, the watchalong is today

>> No.72510448

It was for all tier six members retard

>> No.72510497

mine was with lubed up handcam, hate to break it for you

>> No.72511308

>LOTR watchalong
wtf that wench copied Shondo

>> No.72511383

For what, the blacked joke? I never cared, because I never found a reason to give her a chance to begin with. Still dont.

>> No.72511438


>> No.72511479

Did she say fuck niggers and troons live on stream? If not then no.

>> No.72511499

Shondo watched LotR? I was busy and didn't see any vods of it :<

>> No.72511514

>collabs with fucking Haachama before having a solo collab with anyone outside of Advent

>> No.72511522
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>making me post this the day of the Two Towers watchalong

>> No.72511576

and thats based

>> No.72511650

So we just making shit up or what?

>> No.72511802

>collabed with mori first

>> No.72511879

So did the rest of Advent (Except Nerissa).

>> No.72511895
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Feels even better being a black Novellite knowing my existence makes Shiorantis seethe this much

>> No.72511942

Yeah she watched all three films six days ago, you probably didn't see any VODs because it was on her alt

>> No.72511950

>mori is a grifting leech

>> No.72511972

And look who is having meltdowns on stream

>> No.72511985
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I wish I had chose her from the start instead of the dogs. After all this time she hasn't betrayed her fans, while the dogs turned their back on EN ruffians.

>> No.72511988

Nothing to forgive, maybe aside from ruining everyone's expectations for her voice. Novelcucks are very determined to steal the worst fandom award from cuckbeats/kfpiss though

>> No.72511997

I don't watch anything with Mori so I literally forgot about it. Even so, not having a collab with any of the Promise girls during the first fucking 6 months, when all her genmates had multiple, and still deciding to first collab with a JP she can't even talk to is not a good look. Like Fuwamoco she has more respect for the JPs than her own branch.

>> No.72512030

that's a good thing though

>> No.72512041

you mean the twin towers

>> No.72512053
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Never said that

>> No.72512087

The homobeggars will never forgive her for not collabing with their sexpests. Give up OP

>> No.72512086

the left can't meme all over again

>> No.72512097
File: 204 KB, 750x421, morileech_120431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a statement on Mori.

>> No.72512096

She never did anything in need of forgiveness. What is this?

>> No.72512105

There's nothing to forgive, she did nothing wrong.

>> No.72512181

She barely collabed period, wasn't disrespect to no one, she obviously wanted to build her own comunity before branching out, and if you watch streams you would know that now she has a bunch of things planned, especially with promise

>> No.72512235


>> No.72512252

stream link doko?

>> No.72512278

the classic "I act like a retard but don't call me a retard"

>> No.72512305

literally her debut stream.

>> No.72512355

Mori is good now.

>> No.72512368

>no link

>> No.72512373
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>> No.72512391

Pretending to be retarded just means you are retarded

>> No.72512490

so you can't provide evidence?

>> No.72512531

Oh yeah, she's so feminized now lmao

>> No.72512561

Why are you afraid of going to her channel? Will the CCP slaughter your whole family tree if they see you searching for hololive?

>> No.72512583

you should probably find a new bait if your defense will be "I don't know where to find her debut stream"

>> No.72512660


>> No.72512707

I can't believe I used to hate her. She's my most watched now.

>> No.72512893

Unironically liking/oshi:ing Mori is a seal of approval from me. If they like the only one in holoen that actually grinds and got a bit of a killer instinct then that is just positive

>> No.72512930

>I like mori cause she pretends now

>> No.72512976

did she pretend all of her orisongs into existence?
her sololive?
she streams and she works hard outside of streaming, those are freaking great qualities that everyone in holoen should look up to

>> No.72513047

Forgive her for what? She didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.72513062

>thread about shiori
>start seething about mori

>> No.72513120

What am I supposed to forgive again? You faggot ass cunts keep spamming this retarded shit like retarded faggot ass cunts you are but never tell me what I should forgive. So please, finally. Tell me.

>> No.72513134

didn't work with Shiori, what can they do

>> No.72513228

>male collabs

>> No.72513360

>Works just fine for Suisei
Next bait.

>> No.72513480

>respect my collab choices
>proceeds to collab with no one

>> No.72513542
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, 1676562941797960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only image to describe all Shiori seethe threads, Stop being jealous, Eilene.You had your chance, you fucked it up.

>> No.72513634
File: 212 KB, 828x726, IMG_9347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there is an active effort to shit only the girls, but generate hate and antagonize the fanbases against each other. Adventrix remain strong, brothers.

>> No.72513670

Eilene is not a woman anon...

>> No.72513705


>> No.72513709

If it seethes like a woman, it may as well be a woman.

>> No.72513845

You made so many troons happy, you have no idea

>> No.72513919

No, I ask for forgiveness instead. Nerissa was the rotten apple not Shiorin

>> No.72513967

That won't stop their suicides even if I assume that their seething meant they're women.

>> No.72513980

They've been trying to do that for half a year now

>> No.72514031

You yourself stopped it, and now you will have to sleep knowing that, the damage is done

>> No.72514099

If my word were that powerful I would have ended Nijisanji a long time ago.

>> No.72514121

for what? I like her and me is exited for the movie

>> No.72514187

Well man sure as shit doesn't act like he/she/it and all these troons and faggots who have been seething about Shiori in /vt/ for 8 months now. lol Literal subhumans.

>> No.72514307

One is a company backed by the shit laws of a country the other is a mentally ill person searching the internet for affirmation

>> No.72514363

had she stopped at
>but you will not really know unless I mention so
no doomposting would have happened, she would probably be bigger and this thread wouldn't exist

>> No.72514438

she is insecure and over explains everything

>> No.72515082

i'm currently getting a fiverr order from an indonesian guy and i can't stop thinking about this fucking board everytime i read his jakarta local time (it's about 9 13 pm currently)

>> No.72515144


>> No.72515300


>> No.72515397

I don't even remember her name

>> No.72515494

Not how she thinks
>She would be bigger
Schizophrenics don't make up the bulk of actual watchers or donors. You have to be functional enough to make money so all the people she filtered were broke anyway.

>> No.72515526

I wanna squeeze her boobs

>> No.72515724

I gotta admit, I can respect some of you haters playing the long game, but it is kinda embarrassing how weak the hating is.
There needs to be a steady stream of shit coming out. like how we make fun of Gura and Calli every thread.

But also separately I'd prefer if unicorns stopped posting. Fortunately their genes won't spread.

>> No.72515858

Gonna go have kids to spite you fag

>> No.72515895

Was never upset with her. Take your meds OP.

>> No.72516003
File: 165 KB, 375x289, 1705155063381334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calli instead of mori
i know what you are

>> No.72516266

Why do people dislike her? I gotta admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Shiorin, I put the fairy tales video on as background noise once and found her too autistic or like, she has ADHD.
But thru clips and collab appearances I began appreciating her more, thinking maybe I liked her in small doses. But then I watched her handcam cooking stream and had a blast.
I think having an immediate reaction and thinking her content isn't for you is understandable, but outright hate? Why?

>> No.72516409

Your sexpests will never be relevant

>> No.72516528

It's rather rude to call rissa and FWMC sex pests

>> No.72516572

Homobeggars pretending how they didn't bitch, cry and moan about Shiori not collabing with their sexpests for months now?

>> No.72516609

>Why do people dislike her?
Nobody beside mentally ill troons and faggots dislike her. Do you understand or are you gonna ask that stupid shit in every one of these threads?

>> No.72516651

They're quite pathetic aren't they?
They genuinely think people have the memory of a goldfish or that they are as retarded as them

>> No.72516670

Those were phasefags though

>> No.72516747

Why is this woman so mad?

>> No.72516764

started with seething jealous 2 views who were certain that they would do better in her spot, and that happened because she was the only well known to form an opinion about on debut

>> No.72516849

Why does Holostars live in your head so rent-free? Do you think about penis that often?

>> No.72516987

2view seethe went into overdrive when they went full retard in twitter and Shiori purged them from her life and called them out on stream. Must've hurt.

>> No.72517059

she's already alright to me once she showed how much she cares for the Diamond Dogs

>> No.72517118

She literally never said that

>> No.72517237

The novelites are annoying and a big reason why most don't like her, Shiori is pretty much fine and stays in her own lane so there isn't much to dislike.

>> No.72517429

yeah the strategy of making fanbases go against eachother really will work, this one is smart

>> No.72517529

>ACSHULLY Shiori is OK, it's her fans that are bad
God have mercy on the goalposts, they are moving so fast.

>> No.72517585

I will never forgive her for getting lower numbers than kiara

>> No.72517636

go look again

>> No.72517675

Kill yourself

>> No.72517733

Every time kiara doesn't stream a frog game she mogged shiori hard

>> No.72517760

For what? For being the greatest match of voice to model in vtuvbing history?

>> No.72517770

Oh, you're from leddit.

>> No.72517808

then you woke up

>> No.72517864

imagine using that bullshit here kek

>> No.72517872

Anon? Are you just living in your own reality now?

>> No.72517884

Mori is the only EN senpai who care about Advent

>> No.72517932

>t. the annoying novelkek

>> No.72517939

read this again

>> No.72517950
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No arguments. Concession accepted.

>> No.72518034
File: 174 KB, 624x571, 1697590792647177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no argument though retard? I accept your concession that you have nothing else to say, leddit user.

>> No.72518225

I can understand people not liking Shiori because of her 12 year old like crude humor, she's too autistic/ADHD for them, she doesn't know how to shut the fuck up, they don't like her voice, etc... but she quite literally hasn't done anything wrong so far. She still loves her fans, she strives to make better content, and she's making an effort to be friends with Advent and her senpai. Shiori has grown a lot since debut when you think about it.

>> No.72518366

The antis and sisters are in it for the long run.

>> No.72518400

one more Shiori anti thread. one more time Shiori antis get curbstomped.

>> No.72518431

What is this site and why do they have upvotes?

>> No.72518457

>muh ADHD
She doesn't have ADHD. Mumei maybe. Shiori's just an average zoomer distracted by stuffs that are intended to disrupt the attention. Like tiktok, facebook, twitter or youtube.

>> No.72518840

Is it really rent free when theres a whole catalogue of archives of proof. Not like they try to keep it subtle like on reddit. Even the mods there have had enough and are just straight up banning them now

>> No.72518958

She absolutely does. Excessive talking and jumping from topic to topic are signs of ADHD

>> No.72519428


>> No.72520100

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.72520169

keep telling yourself that sister, just look at your dear organs

>> No.72520936

Shiori fucking hates tiktok

>> No.72522344


>> No.72523007

Why? She hasn't done anything wrong.

>> No.72523099

She gave me a ruined make up fetish, I'll never forgive her for limiting my tastes in porn even further.

>> No.72523182
File: 263 KB, 1080x1050, f3abb4983c3d8fbe33e65a966a1583218bf5cac678da62d35bbd76cce2c9b4cc_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbf there are Twin Towers in LOTR.

>> No.72523198

That's just a zoomer thing, not necessarily ADHD symptoms. ADHD is far more than that.
>t. clinically diagnosed with ADHD

>> No.72523485

If that was a zoomer thing then Biboo would be a prime example of that type of thing... except that she isn't, because Shiori actually has ADHD
>t. zoomer clinically diagnosed with ADHD

>> No.72523558

I think you guys are both retarded and this conversation is a waste of time and data.
>t. not mentally disabled

>> No.72523574 [DELETED] 

It can be a sign of any of a number different neuropathologies.

>> No.72523604


>> No.72523657
File: 317 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20240329_125421_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be a sign of any of a number different neuropathologies

>> No.72523722

she's a schizo.... no....

>> No.72523733

>having bpd
eh... that might be a stretch
>having schizophrenia
i belieb

>> No.72523775

Says the retard playing armchair psychologist on a Transylvanian stakedriving forum.

>> No.72523911

BPD stands for borderline personality disorder, not bipolar.

>> No.72525821


>> No.72526404

Fauna... mumei...

>> No.72526548

????????? QRD on this? Sounds like a juicy yab.

>> No.72526710

She sang the Pon Pon Way song for an hour. That's probably the "meltdown" they're referring to, if anything. But anyone who knows Mumei knows she just does shit like that every so often.

>> No.72527513

You are both retarded

>> No.72527708

Kaela does

>> No.72528454

She did her Fellowship watchalong the day before shondo's. Retard

>> No.72528793

Kaela sucks off Biboo's cock
She doesn't care about anyone else

>> No.72528943


>All of Advent are there

Dogs don't count, they're JP.

>> No.72530369 [DELETED] 

>bbc whore
She belongs in phase not in Hololive

>> No.72531514 [DELETED] 


>> No.72533076

I'll never forgive her for stealing my heart!

>> No.72534595

i do miss her old ntr streams she was really good at them back in the day.

>> No.72534902

i only forgive her because she gave me so many blow jobs

>> No.72535283

Which retard keeps reposting the same shitty boring thread every single fucking day...kys

>> No.72536399

They'll be reposting it every day until milord returns to streaming
He is on 70 days of no streams by the way
