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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72463954 No.72463954 [Reply] [Original]

surprise visit edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1772779492844433592

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>72452312

>> No.72464048

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.72464050


>> No.72464123

She looks the type that would never stalk someone at a distance closer than 10 yards

>> No.72464144
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!

>> No.72464193

bye tuffnarr :)

>> No.72464252

i didnt notice, fucking retard bratty. make another alt

>> No.72464254
File: 3 KB, 293x83, 1683778738975040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol irl
can't say he wasn't warned

>> No.72464307

Kek what did he do

>> No.72464309

About time mods catched up on it

>> No.72464343

read the fucking image, idiot

>> No.72464353

>XX:07:58PM tuffnarr: grrrr bratty bitch

>> No.72464362

lets not be rude here as well tuffnarr

>> No.72464388

i told you what would happen if you were to call her a bitch again bratty

>> No.72464419

people call her a brat all the time how is this any different?

>> No.72464438

jannies don't like me so they use the vague rules to get what they want. power tripping.
you should look into getting medication, i'm not fucking him dummy

>> No.72464443

stop running damage control bratty

>> No.72464486

he just privated his twitter again kek

>> No.72464494

oh sorry i thought you were someone else carry on

>> No.72464530

>get timed out for 7d
>learn nothing
give up bratty, move on to the next alt

>> No.72464549

Obsviously, you can't fuck yourself

>> No.72464622

Big oofie. You should have been a nise simp like usual, Tuffnerd

>> No.72464660


>> No.72464707

is he trying to emulate the forest faggot/somnium strat of being banned

>> No.72464718

i think to truly teach him a lesson we shouldn't talk about him anymore after this thread, it'll be like he never existed for 7 days
and then we don't mention it when he comes back because he clearly started thinking he was bigger than he really was

>> No.72464753

Don't call my beautiful bitch wife a bitch ever again you bitchass bastard

>> No.72464777

shoggers not gossiping challenge level impossible. also he can just post about himself (wouldnt surprise me if he already was)

>> No.72464797

>people call her a brat all the time
yeah its about that part

>> No.72464811

Did Shondo even mention him getting nuked? lmao it's so over

>> No.72464854

is this just the incidences of him saying the word or everyone?

>> No.72464934

weren't they unbanned as soon as she found out?
pretty sure they didn't even ask her what she thought

>> No.72465003

they didn't have to
she unbanned them because GPT bitched to her when she liked and replied to them on twitter, he told her they were banned

>> No.72465052


>> No.72465065

I like these nicknames we give shoggas, it's really funny

>> No.72465084

>faggot who deserves to be banned more than most winds up getting other people unbanned

>> No.72465110

you love to see it lmao

>> No.72465122

Most of the people clowning on him just want to stick the knife because he's been by far the largest Shondo white knight and tried throwing all the other retards under the bus every chance he got. He'll still probably come crawling back and claim is wife(sic) is infallible.

>> No.72465129

as you can see he is the only one in chat calling her a bitch

>> No.72465134

holy shit he thinks he's jesse pinkman

>> No.72465201

hes basically the only person saying it with her as the subject, what a prick

>> No.72465230

I rhythmically exhaled some air through my nose upon reading this

>> No.72465236

>tuffnarr: do i look like that much of a bitch? syadouOmegaLUL i've got tough in the name and everything
he's an actual child, perhaps younger and more autistic than the hitman

>> No.72465274
File: 2.16 MB, 1750x1185, ILoveMyBitchWife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smiling wickedly

>> No.72465293

lets move on from bratty and focus on the wife and stream from here on out

>> No.72465357

sure I can do that
i'll keep it up if you do

>> No.72465409



>> No.72465411

fuck jannies my nigga tuffnar did nothing wrong

>> No.72465495

Ah his only friend, Ranffut!

>> No.72465506

Long overdue

>> No.72465635

imagine being banned in TWO accounts lmao

>> No.72465644

I'm his friend but it's one sided he doesn't know I'm his friend yet.
I think the ban reason was very stupid, what is the reason to punish obvious mesugaki rp jokes?

>> No.72465679

im a newfag and have hated him the sec i saw him in offline. this is good 4 me

>> No.72465752

i'm not sure, apparently shondo said it was worth banning me over but they won't even summarize the conversation much less screenshot so who knows
xdd we'll see

>> No.72465760

"i don't want to diiiiiie"
t. T

>> No.72465790

did you get a warning before? I'm not sure why calling her a bitch jokingly would get so many people upset

>> No.72465813

Its shondos word of the week that used to be based and now it's cringe because she said so. Like uoh and schizo posters

>> No.72465860

if it was megusaki RP he should call her a brat and not a bitch
stop blogging about your (second) ban in here you dumb nigger

>> No.72465902

it's not over me lovingly calling her a bitch, they hate me for other reasons and this is the excuse they made up

>> No.72465920

"bratty bitch" is pretty tame and in character for mesugaki moments

>> No.72465924

I hope someone is sending the mods these posts

>> No.72465935


>> No.72465938

don't worry I am ;)

>> No.72465949


>> No.72465954

grow the fuck up bratty holy shit
>ummm they only banned me because they hate me uuuuuuuuuuu i didnt do anything wrong uuuuuuu
one of the least self aware shoggers of recent times

>> No.72465965

I'm gonna dm the mods to stop taking seething faggots from /shon/ seriously when issuing a ban

>> No.72465970

no need, i told this to their face

>> No.72466010

its fine shondo will read the thread later, see everyone shitting on tuffnar and then she will unban him just to spite the thread.
everything old is new.

>> No.72466024

And what's so bad about the word "bitch". I see no reason to get upset and she likely doesn't either

>> No.72466026

are you honestly surprised
he's clearly got a decent amount wrong with his mind

>> No.72466034

history is repeating itself last time he blogged on twitter about his ban

>> No.72466039

>haha bitch
>grr bitch
>no response ever
>just a bit of banter mate you should've said something before

>> No.72466080

he's not abcs so she doesn't have a reason to read his messages

>> No.72466115

dont worry he can come back with another new account "learningmy123s" and try for a third time

>> No.72466139

>preemptively coping
or maybe she'll agree the ban reason was selectively enforced and once she actually hears about it she'll put her groomer jannies back in their place
i'm gambling, we'll see :)

>> No.72466157

that would be pretty funny

>> No.72466155

>i'm autistic and can't read the room

>> No.72466165

i would consider this based
bitch do this

>> No.72466188

What does "bitched" mean and when is he using it

>> No.72466205

>assuming things she hasn't addressed before

>> No.72466231

i'm not coping about anything you stupid faggot i don't care if you get unbanned or not, it's simply an observation of what has happened multiple times in the past which you are well aware of since you're a reincarnated faggot

>> No.72466234

how new?
make it funny

>> No.72466241

thanks for confirming what i just said

>> No.72466324

Which mod are you so paranoid is singling you out?

>> No.72466428

>Reads about the previous Kings who used the thread as a boogeyman to try and get closer to her
>"Hmmm... interesting."
>Shitposts himself into becoming the latest boogeyman and gets himself banned
Will it work again?

>> No.72466451

Groomer squad feel so threatened by King T they manipulate mods to take them seriously when she doesn't even care about it.

>> No.72466489

name the groomers in the room with us right now

>> No.72466496

>he ban reason was selectively enforced
please show me other people doing it

>> No.72466500

they should all be banned

>> No.72466507

dewd/mouz/pixel always the same ones

>> No.72466510

what if my alt gets found out....Scared

>> No.72466571

the ghost of digi possessing the mods

>> No.72466584

Hey, Bratty. You should try out Neppie next time, she will actually interact with you more than Shondo as well.

>> No.72466630
File: 3.39 MB, 1919x1439, 1699550649261294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah tuff is dead but idk.. I took some more screenshots..
I think she's cute

>> No.72466721

my cute wife...

>> No.72466758

i don't wanna name names yet or here
but when one of them accuses me of being bratty and says it's "his" chat it makes me question his motives :)
stop poisoning the well, you know that's not true.
the reason was "vibe breaking" so many shoggas vibe break and say out of pocket stuff all the time, i've only seen shondo enforce that once or speaking directly to them, jannies never did this to a regular as far as i've seen

>> No.72466761

i love her so much today was amazing

>> No.72466873

whoever sobbed at that is getting divorced

>> No.72466880

you know that your account is flagged if you are ban evading right?

>> No.72466883

>shondo raids
>nina starts flirting with chat
what is she trying to say

>> No.72466902

>but when one of them accuses me of being bratty and says it's "his" chat it makes me question his motives
If it's true you should let her know about it. That's fucked up.

>> No.72466916
File: 17 KB, 1071x1024, 1709177584682417 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi thread reading shondo, i love you more than anything else in the world

>> No.72466925

It wasn't the bitchy rabbit that's sick, right?

>> No.72466958

i made this post

>> No.72467078

Shadow, I loved spending today with you. I nodded off during the zatsu, sorry.

>> No.72467186

Blur out names and leak it

>> No.72467273

if you're a janny dm me about it.

>> No.72467304

So mods really are /here/ after all and they take the shitposting seriously too, that's pretty funny

>> No.72467311


>> No.72467374

nina said something about a birthday suit reveal and shoggas syadousobbed at it

>> No.72467384

>so many shoggas vibe break
the only time I consider it vibe breaking is when shondo pays attention to it
so people talking about how sad they are or having dead parents basically, no one cares about that shit and you're just posting for attention
the bitch shit was getting stale though and if you're too autistic to understand that then maybe a timeout is necessary

>> No.72467428

shondo and i will ogle nina together (respectfully)

>> No.72467577


>> No.72467642

I just done with therapy is VOD good today. She seemed silly happy Shondo mood today

>> No.72467674

It wasn't intentional, he is just highly autistic and thought he could 'jokingly' call her a bitch for hours on end, when if anyone else here did it he would instead try to argue with them for hours on end and accuse them of disparaging her. syadouClueless

>> No.72467689

I was only there for zatsu and the last hour of the game but I enjoyed it

>> No.72467702
File: 2.00 MB, 498x454, fallenshadow-shadow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv wife

simple as

>> No.72467711

you can't use "it's not enforced enough" as reason you should be let off, I hope the rest get banned too

>> No.72467739

king T… say it aint so…

>> No.72467751

>top 475
I cannot be stopped!!!

>> No.72467783

nice work shiggie, keep it up

>> No.72467828

you're been real chatty recently, i've noticed

>> No.72467844

I can't believe you were a fucking commie all this time, mr otter

>> No.72467869

lol, you're a fucking idiot.
I hope you post more violent RP to twitter and get banned there too.

>> No.72467944

>miss 75% of the stream and still get in the top 50 no emotes
what are you people talking about with the fast moving chat

>> No.72468011

>spam a bunch of shit no one read
>gee guys it's so easy

>> No.72468038

I had a 20% read rate at least

>> No.72468064

hi abcs

>> No.72468107

i said 20% not 100

>> No.72468141

I thought we had moved on to magneto now? Having a hard time keeping up.

>> No.72468201

you didnt

>> No.72468252

Shondo what are you doing here so soon

>> No.72468280

its weird seeing my messages sent go up but i feel like i didnt even type more than usual. also my reads went off a cliff after the zatsudan but i got what i needed the most during it so im very happy with today

>> No.72468287

>I had a 20% read rate at least
Top 50 no emotes is means you made at least 89 comments. Are you saying Shondo read 18 or more of them? LMAO

>> No.72468369

congrats on your reads today
is it really so difficult to be nise

>> No.72468499

>Tuffnar banned
All of the good stuff happens when I can’t watch stream. Fag steals bad jokes from thread and puts them in chat.
Alright this is funny bc some of this is how I talk to my IRL sister lmao. “Whaaadup bitch” jokingly, is fine for in person with someone you love, but tone absolutely does not translate in a twitch stream.

>> No.72468538

that's not fine and she doesn't like it

>> No.72468572

I will continue to bait her here until she admits it

>> No.72468583

it never being enforced quite literally is a reason when we're talking about janny rules. they have no precedent to ban a regular over something like this, right now it's just targeted harassment.
if other regulars start getting timed out (i don't really want that) or shondo says it upset her then i'll take the L with pleasure
it does translate a bit better when you tell her how much you love her every day though. it's not like it was a first time message

>> No.72468642

if its nina you know shoggers get a pass to syadousob

>> No.72468735

if he stays timed out the whole week i will start ryonaposting again

>> No.72468736

Your reading comprehension reps my shogger

>> No.72468751

I'm not stupid enough to waste my time spamming her chat, let alone spam her chat and then believe that she read anymore than a small percentage of the comments and that she is capable of remembering who said what or that her streams don't instantly leave her mind once they're over. syadouDelusional

>> No.72468795

>that she is capable of remembering who said what
did you even watch todays stream lmao

>> No.72468824

You guys ought to stop throwing around the word banned
Somnium and forest fag got banned permanently(lasted 9 days)
Flawed intellect got timed out for 7 days
Tuffnarr got timed out for 7 days

>> No.72468860

ban this [xdd cat with middle finger emoji]

>> No.72468865

>“Whaaadup bitch” jokingly, is fine for in person with someone you love
>that's not fine and she doesn't like it
>Your reading comprehension reps my shogger
dumbass kike

>> No.72468867

>no precedence to enforce rules on regulars

>> No.72468957

>bro she quoted someone that isn't me once! wow it's like she has perfect recall and cares about all of the thousand shitposts I send her each day
Reminder to take your meds.

>> No.72468982

INSANECAT wtf I just now am getting to catching up with what I've missed from the anniversary stream and she literally said party time!! Actually /here/
SyadouClueless surely she didn't see it in chat at some point and internalised it then

>> No.72469020

actual wetard. he’s your (you). Run along

>> No.72469027

tuff this shit is boring bro
can you stop

>> No.72469049

>Uhhh she doesn't remember who said what, her streams just vanish from her mind instantly
>Ummm.. that counterexample doesn't count!!!!

>> No.72469116

party time with shondo in the bathroom at the local

>> No.72469133

I-I'm not tuffnarr though? Erm

>> No.72469159

why are you guys being so mean today

>> No.72469193

turdnarr is shitting himself in the thread today

>> No.72469259

Don't mind the bullies tuff-chan I think you're cool.

>> No.72469332

i hope he deletes his whole twitch account so I can have the top spot in ft's stream

>> No.72469373

who will be winning the FTbowl now?

>> No.72469382

If I can remember stuff people in chat say Im pretty sure so can she

>> No.72469447
File: 87 KB, 758x748, 1690951895943367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's a vegan and grew up poor with little nutrition
no wonder she is small enough to fit in a suitcase and has no womanly features. she's malnourished.

>> No.72469485

Reps doko?

>> No.72469543

been here all thread?

>> No.72469599
File: 138 KB, 660x495, 1650506173772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarian, my mistake. She said that on stream today and she has said she was poor in the past so what reps do I need to do. She said all this on stream and I've seen the photo of her child sized body she posted on her alt Xitter.

I just got home from work

>> No.72469654

Your shitty counterexample doesn't disprove the claim that she couldn't possibly keep all of that in her head, retard.
Okay, quote me 10 things any one regular said last stream, without going through the chat logs.

>> No.72469699


>> No.72469710

obsessed :)

>> No.72469778

She also said she used to be a fat kid, she hasn't been skinny her entire life

>> No.72469790

Hiroto said Hi 9 times and copy and pasted a link to hentai once

>> No.72469859

king T called her a bitch 10 times

>> No.72469934


>> No.72469952

She deserves way more desu, I hope he makes it 20 next time

>> No.72470000

do i believe a mentally ill girl would get fat and then decide the best way to not be fat is to overcorrect and become an anorexic? yeah

>> No.72470029

I like watching nina streams with shondo because she acts like me on an off day (occasional lame jokes and random reacts)

>> No.72470117

>king tranny called her a bitch 10 times
It was only six times today, get debunked.

>> No.72470205


>> No.72470265

I just want my wife back man

>> No.72470352

Move on to the lagomorph imposter.

>> No.72470374

what an autistic retard. calling someone a bitch is not part of the brat larp lol

>> No.72471018

ryonachads don't claim that person

>> No.72471825
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like my wife's feet and no other feet, well, maybe one other set of feet...

>> No.72471977
File: 8 KB, 376x543, 1687827607897947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual worst thread in a while. dark souls stream please save us

>> No.72472441

i will never forget the one time she went out of her way to say she loved abc's in particular

>> No.72472656

Unironically when did that happen exactly? I don't remember that because I'm not homosexual, but at this point I'm "curious" syadouHehe

>> No.72472791

I think it was an alt stream when she used to do them regularly

>> No.72472834

There are much more relevant things you should be thinking about

>> No.72472853

give me your worst brainworms I dare you

>> No.72473343

I'm generally worried about her being scared of interacting with us and I feel like she has been behaving weirdly recently. I think she has brainworms about something.

>> No.72473445
File: 675 KB, 960x1234, 171283569245792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true :)

>> No.72473681

i hope shondo gets to know jets, probably wont happen tho cause she is a robot tomboy :(

>> No.72473730

brainworms from stalking here

>> No.72473875 [DELETED] 

I just want my wife blacked man
watched a game with her for big black guy. shit was so cash

>> No.72474108

I might be projecting too much, but I think it's actually be the procrastination thing she's mentioned. I do the same thing where I don't handle a bunch of obligations and cope poorly by withdrawing from everything.
There was a big shift in attitude as soon as she mentioned finishing one thing.

>> No.72474256

I wonder if the last 2 serious talk we had on twitter changed anything. She's still stuck on not knowing what to do. Her audience is much bigger than before and she interacts way less. Feels like the wife thing is not real anymore.

>> No.72474425

if she sees interacting with people as an obligation then its already over before it begins

>> No.72474514

learn to read

>> No.72474593


>> No.72474966

The whole
>doesn't feel like the wife thing is really anymore
Is obviously brainworms and not reality because i still love my wife very much and unconditionally and she loves us
I hate brainworms, they are a horrible plague that bring harm to my shoggas, i hate the stupid brainworms, they're disgusting, i hate them

>> No.72475182

She is just worried about making the house of cards fall down since she has to shoulder the weight of her entire family.

>> No.72475205

she says she does but in action
its lacking

>> No.72475307

She has been really careful with jokes recently. It makes me sad

>> No.72475380

Nuh uh

>> No.72475877

I believe you say that while being here for longer than me. I joined a bit after when ririko died and it was the time she started interacting less from what I've seen doing my reps. I can't get her attention to save my life now and can only manage to do so in the "obligatory" interactions such as art and sub messages. I always reply to her tweets but she has only replied back 3 times. Now we're in complete drought of interactions and I'm afraid I won't ever have my chance to make it feel like she cares about my existence. I don't think she would even notice I'm gone even though I'm just as active as some regulars she has shown to care about in the past.

>> No.72476019

Oh lmao tuffnar is banned for 7 days? Are we saved?

>> No.72476098


>> No.72476110

nah he will be back to being a faggot as soon as he is unbanned
are you really expecting bratty to learn anything from his?

>> No.72476222

most people aren't equipped to live a delusion for years on end, so most drop off after two
what's not helping is that very real limitations that make even playing along kind of difficult for her

>> No.72476232

sorry this is the first time visiting the thread since stream started

>> No.72476237

still thinking about her accidentally implying she's unhappy now
I totally get it, and my breaking point would have been earlier, but it's sad
I am never leaving though so I'm certain I'll see another golden age like the one I joined during.

>> No.72476314

She has this idea that everybody will constantly leave so she is afraid of caring about single people. It's so retarded.

>> No.72476368

im here to stay despite being gone by the end of january

>> No.72476410

you will be gone by may

>> No.72476427

she forgor about the otis baby pictures

>> No.72476546

and june and july im sure

>> No.72476584

of course I could be wrong and Oli will have trained her to weaponize her femininity well enough to actually act when she starts to really feel her egg count slipping.
I keep trying to tell myself that her getting regular periods now is a good thing, that she wants to and deserves to feel physically as feminine as she is emotionally
But this road leads to NTR unless I can somehow break the part of me that sees her as wife while keeping the imouto partition intact
Love is difficult, wanting someone physically unobtainable and wanting that person to happymax and not wanting to be hurt all at once is difficult
Will it eventually be a mistake to have let her show me how to feel again

>> No.72476614


>> No.72476653

>she is afraid of caring about single people
Yet she does show she cares about some specific shoggas individually multiple times since she first mentioned changing to a more hive mind relationship. And usually the same ones too. It's the "everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others" situation.

>> No.72476728

People who complain about this are lazy. The roads to higher interaction are clear, you should put more effort into any of them or just be content with what you get.

>> No.72476772

but she doesnt ovulate at all (except when she sees edward)

>> No.72476790

You have to win her trust. That's how it works in real life too

>> No.72476848

nta but unfortunately she can never trust me again

>> No.72476988

>longwinded resub message without a dono
Who gives a fuck retard

>> No.72476997

no one is getting anything, brother. Abcs is taking all the reads from us and she doesn't interact off stream anymore

>> No.72477182

she reads me jimmy

>> No.72477186

You can't win her trust when there is nothing she does that would require her to trust you in the first place. Demotion to chat is ongoing. Follow the Rabbit instead.

>> No.72477196

He's not taking anything from anyone else, he dual spec'd the be nise and be funny talent trees. You can do it and earn more interaction too.

>> No.72477229


>> No.72477234

It's obvious you dont pay attention to chat. considering how many long messages he writes abcs barely gets read.

>> No.72477256

Shes too worried to filter people or make people mad/sad.
And honestly, she should just embrace it and tell people to fuck off if they dont like it, ban them if need be. If youre not into ryona, shondo isnt for you. And thats okay. If youre not into being made fun of for being a manlet then shondo isnt for you. And thats okay! British humour, her being silly and a stubborn retard in so topics. And so on and so on. She should be herself, fully, because by the end she will be happier and able to be who she wants to be and the people who are there will love her for who she is and not for someone who restricts herself and is 'walking on eggshells'. She can even announce the change and give everybody a free divorce card so no one feels bad for leaving.
She might even achieve her dream of being a 3 viewer with a less active chat.
She wants ways to bring new people in with shorts/tiktoks? she should really be working on building a foundation for people to stay in the first place. That way you wouldnt even need a way to replace the people who leave when you inevitably change to accommodate the new retards who join the community
We are repeating the same mistake we did with the old youtube community and we all know how she feels about them

>> No.72477273


>> No.72477337

He was getting read back to back today

>> No.72477354


>> No.72477358

Except she cant because she has to support her fambly

>> No.72477384
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>> No.72477405

i hope one day she realizes it is impossible to make everyone happy and that trying to do so will lead her down a path to ruin and unhappiness

>> No.72477447

the only person shes trying to make unhappy is me and its working

>> No.72477453

she's had that realization multiple times before but she needs to get hit by 3 more cars for it to sink in

>> No.72477468

you heard the coping she's convinced you can still conceive without complication until menopause, and easily

>> No.72477538

i bet she found out who made that one birthday kudoboard

>> No.72477582

>She might even achieve her dream of being a 3 viewer with a less active chat.

>> No.72477595


>> No.72477607

it wasn't a secret, and it shouldn't be. the creator is based, I'm eternally grateful that he reached out and invited me to be a part despite barely interacting with the community back then

>> No.72477613

I don't think she wants kids since she knows they'll suffer just as much as her

>> No.72477691

nvm maybe i should think for 2 seconds before posting

>> No.72477927

>she should really be working on building a foundation for people to stay in the first place. That way you wouldnt even need a way to replace the people who leave when you inevitably change to accommodate the new retards who join the community
hilarious analysis shiggie, must be the retarded newcomers who are ruining everything and making her change. we need 2022 shondo back!!!!! considering its the white ribbons and older who blew everything up in the first place with their outbursts, selfishness, stupidity and nastiness. your vitriol is misplaced, but you knew that already
>noooooo she wont trust us anymore uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>she should just tell people to leave and ban them uuuuuuuuuu
she (rightfully) doesnt trust huge swathes of you because you betrayed her trust in severe ways and took advantage of her vulnerabilities. if she actually did step up and start banning people and telling them to leave, instead of worrying about how it would affect her bottom line and the rest of the community, who do you think is going to be the first to go? the new people who did nothing wrong, or the oldfags who have hurt her time and again?
shit yourself

>> No.72478067

ignoring that she can't be off her meds in order to be pregnant I wouldn't want to be passing my genes on either in her case

>> No.72478081

I think the most recent wave of white ribbons (last 4 months) are all cool and not groomerish

>> No.72478197

She is invulnerable, stringing thousands of grown men along with the power of her mind with the spell on their penises. The sooner you stop infantantalussy her the better

>> No.72478344
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she WILL take the over the counter fertility drugs
she WILL partake in fertility homeopathy
she WILL consume a normal diet
she WILL be healthy
she WILL bear my children
this is non negotiable

>> No.72478352

>If youre not into ryona, shondo isnt for you
this isn't remotely true and she doesn't believe this
now if you can't handle a little "hehe ojisan don't you wanna punish me" you should leave but that's a whole nother stage of mental retardation
and if you weirdge her over her proclivities you should leave also
I wouldn't call this an overarching problem at all, most of the non ryonafags are fine with her being one

>> No.72478546

Yeah I'm a nonryonafag and at first I thought it was a hilariously sad and blatant result of her trauma but I'm sure she's aware and laughs at it herself so now I love it as another cute aspect of my cute wife and sometimes I fantasize about us harming each other because we know the other would appreciate it a lot

>> No.72478644

this desu, i think she should drop orange and go out with ABCs hes a better fit

>> No.72478676

Please dont pretend your headcanon is fact. Nobody fully knows what exactly happened.

>> No.72478743

ABCs would not NTR, center your fetish on someone else.

>> No.72478757


>> No.72478794

until i see evidence to the contrary i will go with the most obvious and basic reading which is that you should shit yourself

>> No.72478846

Somebody 'leaked' the public account and it blew up right after the neuro collab when a bunch of newfags joined

>> No.72478894

how convenient

>> No.72478921

>tfw you wonder where a new /shon/ phrase came from and the archives lead you back to your own drunk shitposting and now you're worried that you may have pulled a hiroto and dropped it in chat

>> No.72478982

i should dial back the drinking a bit

>> No.72479031

That's the timeline of events without any biased headcanon to create a convenient le oldfag scapegoat

>> No.72479142

which is coincidentally very convenient for the oldfags

>> No.72479160

Even if what people theorize isn't true, it's still a fact that people back then broke her trust and damaged our relationship forever. Newfags aren't a problem. I don't understand why you guys derek somnium and tuffnar so much when she doesn't even give them any attention.

>> No.72479275

the motive isn't a mystery
the agenda is to sow brainworms
Guy the One will maintain it at all costs.

>> No.72479287

Weird that when a bunch of people that some people dislike wind up hanging out in streams because of a collab something happens to try and make new people go away and also take other established community members down a peg.
One is dereked because he calls a spade a spade, the other because they're an annoying faggot, reincarnated or not. It isn't deep.

>> No.72479320
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Everything started going downhill in January of 2023 (when I found her).
>Find Shondo
>really like her
>find out she has a dedicated thread
>start posting frequently
>ask to be spoonfed
>everyone says “kys newfag”
>”why are these threads shit all of a sudden

>> No.72479400

why did you do this

>> No.72479410

everything started to go uphill when i started to watch her stream regularly
>watch streams
>like her
>do reps
>fall in love
just love my wife even if she doesnt love me yet, simple as.

>> No.72479417

Im not even an oldfag. I just disagree with the stupid scapegoat and think it's unfair to blame a group of people because one person 'leaked' a public account which shouldn't have existed in the first place. There is no timeline in which it would have stayed a secret

>> No.72479518

what the fuck this whole time I thought that account predated me being married by at least half a year. I can't believe how repless I used to be holy shit

>> No.72479565

march 2023

>> No.72479564

its less that the 'one' person 'leaked' the account and more that they should have put their foot down and told her to stop oversharing at the time and not participated any further. enabling what she was doing and encouraging it while taking advantage and then complaining about newfags now is why they should shit themselves

>> No.72479643

It wasn't public at the time it leaked. I agree that it shouldn't have existed, but the impact was done and she perceives us differently now. There's nothing we can do and she'll continue to punish everyone for what happened that day.

>> No.72479697

because they're not literal who's and won't put up with the grooming. they're a threat to them, now take a guess why the groomer jannies are obsessed too

>> No.72479725


>> No.72479801

>not literal whos
lol, lmao. shut the fuck up tuffnar youve never done shit other than be an annoying bitch, dont start crying about groomers now you got timed out for being a retard

>> No.72479922

I feel like I'm wasting brain space by asking but what was T timed out for?

>> No.72480077

he called the bitch a bitch

>> No.72480254

deserved, carrying on jokes after she's said she's over them is autistic (derogatory)

>> No.72480311

T im not going to lie i cannot decipher your latest twitter ramblings

>> No.72480336

Why doesn't the ip counter work anymore?

>> No.72480363
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please dont bake again until before stream tomorrow
they removed it

>> No.72480370

moot turned it off

>> No.72480473

funny how the jannies line up so well with groomer interests
this but clearly not meant seriously. 7 days time out with a perma next. for that.
when did she say she was over that

>> No.72480542

please stop being retarded. "just type more bro" doesn't work when you have literal spammers typing nonsense every 3rd second for hours on end. that's not normal interaction nor anything anyone should strive for.

>> No.72480553

monitored user for a long time. I think mods were just in chat today for once

>> No.72480579

ESLchama learn to read then shit yourself

>> No.72480608

>when did she say she was over that
She didn't. Whiteknights love to make things up in their heads.

>> No.72480613

jesse what the fuck are you talking about
how does timing you out for being an annoying faggot for weeks align with groomer interests? do you even know why the 2 people you brought up in your tweets were banned? how is it in any way related to the way you act?

>> No.72480620

>just chat more bro ez
What if I don’t have a lot to say

>> No.72480649

I don't trust people who overuse words like groomer

>> No.72480669

I don't trust groomers

>> No.72480680

T just donate £10 and say you're sorry and you will be unbanned by Shondo when she takes a look at her feed.

>> No.72480713

>Grooming is when I don't like you

>> No.72480718

lol you're such a fucking dumbass.
Keep dumping on twitter though, it sure bolsters your case of not being community cancer

>> No.72480761
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i dont trust anyone, except shondo who i trust absolutely despite her constant fibbing over small things which is very cute and endearing

>> No.72480762

If he donates for special treatment I'll bring up how he likened her to a stripper.

>> No.72480810

>vibe break for 3 months straight
>containment breaking the entire time
>fighting with other chatters and husbands
>finally go over the line when mods are in chat
It has to be the groomers doing it!

>> No.72480816

Does Shondon like KanekoLumi? I feel like they’ve got different temperaments but similar senses of humor.

>> No.72480855

shondo always greets her warmly when she comes in chat

>> No.72480862

>>fighting with other chatters and husbands
i dont remember this happening desu

>> No.72480932

Yes. They raid each other regularly, and there was supposed to be a big Civ collab months ago, but I am kinda glad that it didn't happen. There would've been troons in it for sure.

>> No.72480967

If you niggers cant shut up about him then it will almost certainly result in him being unsuspended before his detention is over.

>> No.72480989

jannies postured about how that was against the rules, ignored me when i questioned if they had the authority to get offended on her behalf, they refused to ask her, then ignored me.
come today i get a 7 day and a "woops forgot to mention she told us like you asked, teehee. should have let me control you XD"
something tells me they didn't give her the full story either, if they did ask
i was specifically banned for the bitch thing and ryona posting in offline chat. that's the reason.
because he's probably one of the people who's shit i'll challenge and now he comes here to control the narrative

>> No.72481070

>because he's probably one of the people who's shit i'll challenge
You've never done this and never will

>> No.72481094

alright my bad, king, i got you confused with someone else

>> No.72481113

can't you people let her enjoy her mother and her lover's shared birthday weekend without having to deal with highschool level drama
shame on you t and shame on you mods, shit yourselves.

>> No.72481123

They do have the authority to because shondo assigned them to do the job?

>> No.72481142

>i was specifically banned for the bitch thing and ryona posting in offline chat. that's the reason.
so you got banned for doing what everyone told you repeatedly was a bad idea (calling her a bitch, containment breaking, posting shit where it shouldn't be posted) ok i understand now

>> No.72481176

You need either more meds or less meds.
Clearly delusional

>> No.72481192

question is will you learn from this? i suspect not based on your post and tweets :)

>> No.72481206

>Why do you need a car that can go that fast?
Do girls not like to go fast is that a guy thing? It’s exhilarating to go fast enough where if you fuck up youtr dead.

>> No.72481209

>her lover

>> No.72481304

Guy thing. Except for the odd messed up tomboy type.

>> No.72481332

now tell me the times they've used this authority on regulars
no just the bitch thing, and anonymous posters (who some were disagreeing btw) aren't everyone
what's there to learn? jannies can perma you if they think shondo has a problem with you but never says it? it depends on how long this ban lasts, i already knew i was shit testing.

>> No.72481356

if you're a real MC like FE then you would get a car for free from the government that would be an economical one but then you would (safely) speed anyway.
she is just yapping when she talks about cars, its fine. i just tune out and nod along like a good husband and don't try to argue with her about how just because a car is expensive doesn't mean the glass should be magical

>> No.72481441

>on regulars
they have been slacking recently but there is precedent including "favourites"

>> No.72481492

>what's there to learn?
stop calling her a bitch and stop posting your fantasies in offline chat where they shouldn't be. you may now tell me that you disagree with me and that these are both fine, but this is the intended lesson

>> No.72481544

sometimes i wonder if you guys even like her, let alone love her

>> No.72481586

>tell me the times they've used this authority on regulars
Not nearly enough, but thankfully you were stupid enough to repeatedly do obvious shit.

>> No.72481639
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I love her. Not sure about about the other shoggers though.

>> No.72481652
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>> No.72481655

I love her a lot, like way too much. I just don't post in shitty thread like this because the only replies i will get will be some cuck/bbc shit even if its just shit like "i love shondo!!!"

>> No.72481658

I love her but i don’t like her

>> No.72481675
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what are you hiding

>> No.72481685

She told us about more of her family checking out her content, why the fuck do you think we'd leave stuff like that around for them to stumble upon?
If you thought for a moment this whole situation would become a lot less mysterious.

>> No.72481686

learn to communicate your retarded thoughts better

>> No.72481848

I know what you mean

>> No.72481873
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she gives me a lot of butterflys in the stomach and heart going dokidoki moments, i love her as much as i think i can love someone that i havent truly met, but maybe i love her more than that and i just dont understand yet. but what i do know is that she doesnt love me and that makes me really sad.

>> No.72481915


>> No.72481941

>stop calling her a bitch
if i knew she didn't like it i would have. and i will now cause i assume she said that
>posting your fantasies
i was never warned about this except for oldfags (2 from the groom squad btw) minimodding. and they were pretty tame, someone else was posting about her breasts too btw :)
wrong account

>> No.72482003

i want to meet up with shadowmama and read her some posts i've made /here/ and she can tell me embarrassing things that shondo has done in her childhood and we can have a good laugh together, while shondo tries to take my ipad away from me and keeps hitting me on the chest with the bottom of her fists saying "stooop stoooppp!!!!!!" but it just hurts her more than it does me

>> No.72482106

i never warned you other than in this thread because i dont want to associate myself with /here/ any more than needed and it should be fairly self evident that you shouldnt be posting things like that publicly.

>> No.72482171

please understand, t is autistic, this is his personality

>> No.72482251

and what about the other lusting that goes on during the actual stream? what about the other shogga talking about the same thing?

i'm not saying the reasoning is irrational, i'm saying the enforcement is.

>> No.72482277
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>> No.72482326

so true

>> No.72482328

hi raknov

>> No.72482330

good post Raknov Smile

>> No.72482367

Even autists would understand that calling a streamer a bitch in chat is stupid, especially when there are plenty of people telling them exactly that.

>> No.72482425

i ask that you please do not larp as me, especially in threads like these
thank you

>> No.72482505

i dont know if you're even you but you are my favorite newfag raknov. keep up the good work

>> No.72482536

he just hasn't figured out a good way to decipher authority in social situations yet
"Shondo didn't explicitly explain this very obvious thing so it's clearly completely fine and no one has the right to tell me otherwise" - T, probably

>> No.72482686

im not raknov

>> No.72482732

hypothetically if one were to participate in an anime watchalong in Oli’s discord would that be considered cheating

>> No.72482791

I think we should be allowed to call her a bitch when she's being a bitch

>> No.72482823

how can you stand being there Oli is so terrifying. She seems like a good person but also reminds me of the giga Stacies I attended university with

>> No.72482875

if shondo is live? yes
if shondo isn't live? no (but also yes)

>> No.72482887

no, but don't say you love her and if shondo fires up a watchalong you better not skip

>> No.72482972

it's more autistic (non derogatory) to not realize context matters. you find shit you should never say in a normal streamers chat that most regulars say every stream.
it's not obvious when she treats me the exact same and yeah i'm here for shondo, respectfully, i don't care what anyone else thinks of what i say to her for the most part, and as long as i've been here it was clear the jannies never had this authority so i unironically couldn't have known. they ignored me on this and didn't tell me until after the fact.

>> No.72483064

do whatever you want, shondo doesnt give a fuck

>> No.72483125

>i don't care what anyone else thinks
Then stop yapping here and in offline chat you retard. It's painfully obvious how much you care

>> No.72483150

>I’d rather an honest whore than a lying one
Based wife. Good take Shondo. Good VOD so far!

>> No.72483298

she should strive to be that then

>> No.72483362

>it's not obvious when she treats me the exact same and yeah i'm here for shondo, respectfully, i don't care what anyone else thinks of what i say to her for the most part,

There's nothing wrong with this in itself (although I wonder why you're even justifying yourself here), but let me paint a clear picture of why it's dumb to hold this as a rigid rule with an exaggerated version of your situation
"Why did the mods time me out for repeatedly sexualizing her sister??? She never told me explicitly that this wasn't okay, who gave them the right to decide this???"
Learn to read the vibe before you have to be instructed on it via punishment

>> No.72483443

Yeah, seems you're correct, with a dash of "Shond o has a special relationship with me and no one should get in the way of her treating me specially"

>> No.72483462

sorry what i meant was i'm not going to let other people change me just for the sake of peer pressure, for the most part
i definitely care lel as you can tell, and you should too. or maybe not if you don't care about staying under their thumb
yeah but in those cases she times them out herself and usually always speaks out. and when i've fucked up she's ignored me before kek. never did it as long as i've said bitch.

>> No.72483596

>she usually always speaks out
scratch that i'm retarded, the rest stands

>> No.72483635

that sounds pretty based to me

>> No.72483673

thanks for remembering shondo

>> No.72483727

I love Otis so much

>> No.72483730

i love my cute little sons baby pictures
thankyou shondo even if you had to read the thread to be reminded

>> No.72483825

she's not here, I know she's not because if she were I'd tickle her until long after she started crying.

>> No.72483937


>> No.72483999

clicked on an otis pic and it stuck to my screen and messed up xitter, hes so powerful…

>> No.72484038

Look I’m gonna be honest Otis is ugly. But cute too. It’s a bizarre looking animal.

>> No.72484068

imagine how happy she will be when she holds our first child, she might explode from happiness even

>> No.72484091

I love my retarded bitch wife

>> No.72484168

Banned for 7 days

>> No.72484220


>> No.72484439

that ain't me lil bro i'm reformed

>> No.72484503

i love the little shumo sticker thanks giru

>> No.72484543

Damn you actually are autistic. Kinda feel bad now

>> No.72484615

this is why i say be nise... nade nade don't feel bad

>> No.72484684
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>She sure is pretty
>that smile could turn any man to butter
So true Francis York Morgan

>> No.72485011

dumb ugly cat how does she not get disgusted by that wrinkly oily creature?

>> No.72485047

too far tuffnarr...

>> No.72485065

Shondo I know you're testing me, I will not crack. I will be nise.

>> No.72485106


>> No.72485309

messed up

>> No.72485380

you exhaust me sometimes
